Issue 130, Volume 75

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1934 – 2009

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Issue 130, Volume 75

Government doubles Pell Grant funding Students who borrow can expect to cap payments at 10 percent by 2014 from 15 percent


By Michelle Villarreal The Daily Cougar The healthcare bill that President Barack Obama signed into law March 23 included a change to student loans that will eliminate fees paid to private banks, expand Pell Grants and make it easier for students to repay loans after graduation. “For a long time, our student loan system has worked for banks and financial institutions,” Obama said on the White House Web site. “Today, we’re finally making our student loan system work for students and all of our families.” The law will increase the maximum Pell Grant to $5,975 from $5,550 by 2017 and provide 820,000 more grants by 2020. “Altogether, we are more than doubling the amount of Pell Grant funding that was available when I took office,” Obama said. “It’s one of

the most significant investments in higher education since the GI Bill.” Obama said the legislation would free up $68 billion over 11 years to spend on student loans and Pell Grants. In addition, the new IncomeBased Repayment Plan will allow students who borrow money to cap payments at 10 percent of their discretionary income starting in July 2014, instead of 15 percent. “This would have been helpful when I was borrowing money,” UH alumnus Randy Sanchez said. “I graduated in December and am getting ready to pay off all my loans that I owe to four different banks.” If students keep up with their payments, they will be able to have any remaining debt forgiven after 20 years instead of 25. That window can be decreased to 10 years if they are in public service positions such

Travis Hensley The Daily Cougar

All the way from Sugar Land


tudents around the UC Satellite during lunchtime Tuesday were able to enjoy the music of Wings Burn Away. Since March, the Student Program Board has put together free concerts for students every Tuesday. Next concert will be April 20.

see LOAN, page 10

Dean looks back on tenure

Student senators tackle busy agendas Joachim Clarke The Daily Cougar

Morgan Creager The Daily Cougar As dean of the College of Technology, William Fitzgibbon has embraced the vision of UH, increased recognition of the college and is working toward making the technology program the best in the country. Fitzgibbon began as an interim dean of Technology in 2003 and officially assumed the permanent position soon after. Before that, he served as chair of the Department of Mathematics, was president of the Faculty Senate and was interim co-head of the Department of Computer Science. “These three positions made me somewhat visible and convinced the provost at the time that I could do different things,” Fitzgibbon said. During his time as technology dean, Fitzgibbon has worked with his faculty and staff to assist UH in reaching its long-term goals, which include making UH a top-

students.” Fitzgerald said he has made “wise hires” for the college and has “put into place an environment where people can succeed.” One accomplishment he is proud of is the growing recognition of the quality of the College of Technology, as in the case of its participation in the

The Student Government Association at-large senators have set their agendas and said they are ready to begin working for the UH students, whether by ensuring working equipment at study areas or achieving student empowerment. Sen. Julian Jimenez, who is serving his second term with the organization, said it is important to focus first on ensuring that certain basic student utilities are in working order. “I’m holding a committee meeting next Tuesday with my finance and administration members to see what their ideas are,” Jimenez said. “But personally, I’m going to start off small. I want working pencil sharpeners in all of the rooms. Since pencil sharpeners don’t cost that much money, I think I could get that done. That’s just a basic thing that classrooms could use. The way I see it, baby steps first.”

see DEAN, page 10

see SGA, page 10

steven oster The houstonian

College of Technology Dean William Fitzgibbon credits much of the college’s success to the faculty, staff and students, saying, “ a dean can only do so much.” ranked school, increasing its research endeavor and building a more respectable reputation. “We have lined ourselves up with the vision of the University,” Fitzgibbon said. “We’ve embraced the goals of president (Renu Khator).” He said his job as dean can be “trifurcated,” or broken up into three parts. Simply put, his duties include providing academic

l e a d e r s h i p, o p e ra t i o n a l l y managing the college and advancing it in development and marketing. Yet, Fitzgibbon describes his job as nothing less than a team effort. “A dean can only do so much,” he said. “A dean can articulate a vision (and) can make plans to communicate, but the work is done by faculty, staff and the

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