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Set up a blog on our new Web site to share your thoughts Thursday, April 15, 2010
Issue 131, Volume 75
Faculty forced to take furlough Provost says the one-day off program is expected to save the University $1 mil, more cuts to come
By Robert Garcia The Daily Cougar In an effort to reduce University spending by a projected $17 million over the next two years UH Administration will initiate a mandatory furlough program for all faculty and staff taking effect during the spring 2010 semester. Faculty, staff and student workers currently earning $30,000 or less are exempt from the program. The initiative calls for faculty and staff to take one day off without pay prior to the end of the semester. A voluntary furlough program is set to begin for the summer 2010 semester, allowing for up to three days off without pay. Provost John Antel said the oneday furlough program is projected to save the University roughly $1 million. “We will have to do a lot of other painful cost cutting to even make our cuts for this year,” Antel said. “The furlough program is hopefully only for this year. We do not like to do furloughs or reductions in force unless it is really necessary.” The furlough program is only one measure being taken and outlined in the University’s Cost Saving Plan memo issued earlier this semester, and it is the first time the University has been forced to do something like
this. Although employees required to take the day off understand the need to cut costs, some feel the furlough is unfair. “I am not sure I agree because I do not know what the alternative solutions are being offered,” a hotel and restaurant management professor said anonymously. A mathematics professor, who also wished to remain anonymous, said although the impact to his finances will be minimal, he feels the furlough g g Antel conflicts with the contract that outlines professor salaries. “I am a little conflicted on this point. On one hand, I understand the importance of the University applying cost saving measures to meet current statewide budget shortfalls. But the University also tells professors that they are hired at a certain 9 month salary, and the furlough cuts into this amount,” the professor said. In an e-mail to all UH employees, Executive Vice President of Administration and Finance Carl
Taking a look back
heatre Department students were given a sculptural project in which they created mannequins that represented different time periods in fashion. The students used unusual materials such as toilet paper and tinfoil to create their mannequins. The sculptures are on display in the Cynthia Michelle Pavilion.
see FURLOUGH, page 10
Professor improves power technology
Dean proud of college’s success By Aimee Buras The Daily Cougar For Professor and Dean of the Graduate College of Social Work Ira Colby, there wasn’t just one event, experience or person that influenced his career choice. Colby was born and raised in western Massachusetts and was surrounded by family members who were involved in community services. “There wasn’t one of those ‘aha’ moments,” Colby said. “It was a convergence of many things. I grew up with parents, aunts, uncles and
By Neal Dasgupta The Daily Cougar
STEVEN OSTER The Daily Cougar
Dean of Graduate College of Social Work Ira Colby talks about growing up and his career. others who believed in helping others.” Colby worked his first job at the YMCA and earned his undergraduate degree from Springfield College in his home state. He went on to earn his master’s degree from Virginia Commonwealth University and his doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania. After receiving his graduate degrees, Colby moved to Texas in 1983 and taught social work at the
University of Texas at Arlington. During his time there, he served as director of the criminal justice program and took an interest in homeless teens who had been forced to leave their homes. “I was asked to take this project on by Child Protective Services in Fort Worth as an outgrowth of my efforts with youth services,” Colby said. “The initial work leads to see DEAN, page 10
One of UH’s most successful researchers is providing the U.S. electric power industry with an advanced technology in superconductivity. Venkat Selvamanickam, a professor at the UH department of mechanical engineering, is developing high temperature super conducting wires that will change the way electric power is utilized. “I’ve been working to make high temperature superconductors into practically useful forms ever since my graduate student days here at UH, began in 1987,” Selvamanickam said. “The ability of a material to carry large amounts of electricity without resistance is an amazing
phenomenon, and once I was drawn into this field, it has been impossible to let go.” Selvamanickam is hoping that the wires will be used in a multitude of ways, ranging from medical imaging such as x-rays to power cables and replacing copper wires with cheaper superconducting wires. “Power cables made with HTS wires can transmit five to 10 times more power in the same volume occupied by conventional cables,” he said. “Hence, instead of trenching expensive metropolitan areas to add more conventional cables to bring more power in, a superconducting cable can be used in place of conventional cable and add more power without the significant see POWER, page 9