Issue 138, Volume 75

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1934 – 2009

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THE DAILY COUGAR Defense steals the show at Red & White game sports »

How would a UnitedContinental merger affect people? OPINION »


Labor issues with farmers in Florida leads to law implementation


By Michelle Villarreal The daily cougar UH food service provider Aramark buys 90 percent of its tomatoes from Florida, where a controversy of labor abuse has generated. On April 1, Aramark signed a nationwide contract to work with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, agreeing to abide by fair labor laws in the tomato fields and to increase pay by at least 1 cent to benefit farmers. “Most workers must pick two and half tons of tomatoes in a 12hour work day to make $50, which is impossible … they are making about $27 a day,” Fair Labor Action Committee co-founder Brendan Laws said. “So instead of getting 40 to 50 cents for a 32-pound bucket, the agreement ensures that they get almost double that. “This means at grocery stores the tomatoes may be 99 cents; well, the increase would be up to a dollar. Not a huge difference, but to the farm workers, it makes a huge difference because that almost doubles what they make.” The agreement also addresses the growing problem of labor abuse. “Modern day slavery is still a prevalent issue in Florida,” Laws said. “Since 1997, there have been seven convicted cases of slavery in Florida, and the latest was convicted in 2008 where men were chained inside a panel truck, brought out during the day to work and then chained again at night.” Laws said that some farmers take extreme measures to free themselves. “One man had to break a hole through the roof of a panel truck, escape, go get a ladder to help the others get out and then went to the coalition office to get help where they were able to protect the workers,” Laws said. The Florida Tomato Growers Exchange, a council of major landowners that grow tomatoes in Florida, has several companies that agreed to the pay increase. Some did not comply with the implementation because they felt uninvolved in the decision-making. “Big landowners in the past have see FARMERS, page 3


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Forecast, Page 2

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Issue 138, Volume 75

UH food provider signs contract



Professors dissect energy UH named the most ‘environmentally stable’ university gg

By Neal Dasgupta The daily cougar The 14th annual Scholarship and Community Conference was held Friday at the UH Hilton Hotel, where scholars discussed the future of energy. The scholars presented plans to meet the demand for energy in the future and discussed traditional energy sources, as well as possible alternative energy. Geology professor Janok Bhattacharya talked about his company, Deltaic Systems, and stated that new technology will not hinder the importance of energy sources. “Despite all the importance of new technologies that will be

required, they will never replace (energy sources),” Bhattacharya said. “They will simply augment our continued reliance on fossil fuels, coal and natural gas.” Chemical and biochemical engineering professor Michael Harold discussed ways to improve traditional energy sources by increasing utilization of diesel. “We’ve been working with the diesel center for about three years, and that spawned from a grant from the city of Houston and then a larger grant from the state of Texas,” Harold said. “Diesel fuel has not been an alternative energy source, but it’s a good energy source. It’s more efficient, and our role is to develop new technology to make it cleaner.” While most of the scholars agreed that the current energy sources are valuable, several scholars said they believe that alternative and more efficient energy sources could be

Neal dasgupta The Daily Cougar

The 14th Annual Scholarship and Community Conference was held Friday at the UH Hilton to discuss the future of energy in Houston. utilized. Allan Jacobson, the director of the Texas Center for Superconductivity and the Center for Materials

Chemistry, presented plans that will make superconductivity a focal see ENERGY, page 3

NASA plan to assist UH research By Sarah Raslan The daily cougar

the Kukulcan program, but have not been comfortable sending students to Monterrey, for instance.” The Kukulcan program is located in Cuernavaca, where the killing of the leader of the Beltran Leyva cartel has caused a power struggle. Sol Education Abroad is one of the companies affiliated with UH that offers study abroad programs. Sol Director Esteban Lardone

President Barack Obama’s recent proposal for the space program not only effects NASA, but also UH researchers. “The proposal that President Barack Obama has put on the table to emphasize developing deep space exploration technologies, with a goal of going to Mars, is right up our alley,” physics and electrical and computer engineering professor Edgar Bering said. “This is potentially a real benefit to our project.” Bering and the UH Space Physics Group are attempting to build the world’s first commercial highpowered deep space motor. Their goal is to create a deep space motor that uses a different scheme than chemical rockets. The motor would be used for shipping bulk cargo, such as steel and water, to outer space. “For space flight beyond low Earth orbit, particularly if you are going to the moon, chemical rockets are the way to get there fast,” Bering said. “If speed is not a problem, like for shipping cargo, then you really want to use a different scheme. For deep space beyond Earth orbit altogether, you will definitely need to use a different scheme.” NASA stopped funding this project in 2006 when NASA Administrator Mike Griffin cut off all funding for

see PROGRAMS, page 3

see NASA, page 3

Clayton prime The Daily Cougar

Dodging for a cause Tau Kappa Epsilon sponsored “Dodge Balls, Not Bullets,” a dodge ball tournament on Saturday at the Campus Recreation and Wellness Center to help the “Kelsey Buzzanco Memorial Scholarship Fund” that members set up to educate the UH community about suicide prevention and danger of guns. Their prospective goal is $10,000, which will allow an endowed scholarship of $500 per year to any Greek council fraternity or sorority.

Program halts trips to Mexico By Jared Luck The daily cougar Escalating gang violence in Mexico has some Texas universities canceling study-abroad programs and field trips to the country. Mexico is on pace to make 2010 it’s most lethal year since a military crackdown on drug cartels began. UH Assistant Vice Chancellor for International Studies and Programs Jerald Strickland said that while his

department will certainly discourage students from traveling to Northern Mexico, the school would not restrict study abroad programs farther south. “Until recently, and to the best of my knowledge, nothing has gone on at all down south of Mexico City,” Strickland said. “So we did not recall our student who was in Cuernavaca, but rather he returned at the end of the program on April 15. “Until now, we have been comfortable sending students to

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