Issue 140, Volume 75

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1934 – 2009

t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa pe r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4

THE DAILY COUGAR Cougars return home after tough outing at C-USA tournament sports »

David Sedaris visits Houston on current book tour LIFE & ARTS »


Student senators to focus on budget By Jose Aguilar The Daily Cougar The Student Government Association senators for the Honors College, the College of Technology and Graduate At Large are coming together to tackle the University budget, fees and to improve communication with students. Reyes Ramirez first decided to run for SGA because of his willingness to help others — something he felt his experience would help him with. “Because I was experienced in the workings of the University, I felt I was able to help the student body,” Ramirez said. “Being an SGA senator I felt gave me the ability to do so.” The Honors College is unique to the SGA because it comprises a mix of all colleges and includes faculty, which, Ramirez said, results in strong teamwork between students, faculty and staff. “The Honors College is a perfect example of how (we) can work together,” he said. Ramirez hopes this mentality will carry through to the SGA, the Faculty Senate and Staff Council while tackling the 5% budget reduction currently being mandated to all public universities by the state. He said this is the most pressing issue affecting UH at the moment because of the potential cuts in classes or programs. “While I am not assuming that the provost and deans will be slashing things left and right, I am pushing that student input be a prominent factor if the need arises,” Ramirez said. The notion of program cuts also relates to another of Ramirez’ goals— expanding the Student Bill of Rights. “I have too many cases where students are kicked out of programs or being treated unfairly; there exists protocol to deal with such things,” he said. “Many (students) do not know that there are guidelines in place for when they are relieved from a program, (or that) they may appeal and convene a committee to overturn the decision.” Post-baccalaureate technology student Bradley Bates is embarking on his first foray into student government. He decided to run for a seat in the Senate when he see SGA, page 7


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Forecast, Page 2

Looking for a good food blog? Check out Ho Yi Lau’s Hungry Tummy Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Issue 140, Volume 75




Rebellious poet focuses on basics By Sara Nichols The Daily Cougar Poet August Kleinzahler is notorious for harping his criticism of the current literary world: he publically scoffs the famous Garrison Keillor and scorns creative writing institutions at universities across America. The American poet Allen Ginsberg called Kleinzahler “a loner, a genius,” and a Los Angeles Times article labeled him the “bad boy of American poetry.” Kleinzahler’s poetry may be dark and seedy at times, but its honesty seeps through with his sophisticated handling of the language and rhythm. Kleinzahler visited the Honors College on April 20th to read from his latest collection of poetry, Sleeping it Off in Rapid City, and gave a lecture the next day entitled, “The Future of Poetry in the Digital Age.” English professor Sally Connolly

plucked Kleinzahler from his home in San Francisco to read at UH in honor of National Poetry Month. Despite his reputation, Kleinzahler read with enthusiasm and charm. Kleinzahler did not seem to mind his place as the rebel of contemporary poetry, and he said that he acquired it by speaking very critically about creative writing programs. “For any old Mr. Magoo to be called a bad boy is just great. I like that just fine,” Kleinzahler said. “I don’t think the institutional environment is conducive to the arts — I think the arts and the artists by nature are antiinstitutional.” However, Kleinzahler said he believes in the importance of teaching poetic structure, background and technique rather than work shopping the writing itself. “The most important thing to teach a student is to be a better

courtesy of David Liittschwager

The bad boy of American poetry, August Kleinzahler, visited the Honors College last week to read from his latest poetry collection, Sleeping It Off in Rapid City, and give a lecture entitled “The Future of Poetry in the Digital Age.” reader,” Kleinzahler said, “and you cannot write unless you can read intelligibly.” In addition to being well read, Kleinzahler said a poet must

learn to detach himself from his own work and look at it in a “disinterested and critical fashion.” see POET, page 10

Students debate celibacy By Safiya Ravat The Daily Cougar

I took his job. It’s unusual for it to happen that way, and it’s unusual for universities to hire their own. But in this case, it worked out well for me and well for the University.” In hiring Smith, the University highlighted his body of work in the field of optometry as well as his list of academic and professional awards, which has continued to grow. The

While the Catholic Church is being ravaged by numerous allegations of sexual abuse acts committed by Catholic clergy, students of different faiths discuss whether the underlying problem may be celibacy. Celibacy is a lifestyle assumed by some religious clergy in which one refrains from marriage and sexual relationships. Leaders of many faiths, including Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism, practice this religious tradition. “As far as celibacy in Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church has more of a culturally instituted precept that says priests and nuns cannot marry,” management information systems junior Ossy Ebadan said. “But from the Bible, from beginning to end, you will never see a scripture or a command that says that.” Though the Apostle Paul did encourage others to remain celibate, Ebadan said, it was not a practice mandated in the religion. “Celibacy is only within the Roman Catholic rights,” anthropology senior Franklin Romero said. “In the Roman Catholic Church around 1013, Pope Gregory mandated the concept of being celibate.” Romero, a practicing Catholic, said there were a few reasons why it

see DEAN, page 3

see CELIBACY, page 10

steven oster The houstonian

College of Optometry dean Earl Smith III said one of the things he enjoys the most about being dean is getting the opportunity to work with young faculty and students.


Looking at life with fresh eyes By Jared Luck The Daily Cougar Earl Smith III is proud and forthcoming about the developments and scientific breakthroughs happening at the College of Optometry under his stewardship as dean. He joked that if people knew just how rewarding the position is, there would be a mad dash for his desk.

“Dean is really a great job. Don’t let the secret out,” Smith said with a grin. Smith, who received his bachelors and doctorate from UH, joined the University faculty in 1978, and in 2003 was named dean of the college. He said his hiring had nothing to do with the University being loyal to him — it was just circumstantial. “It was a chance opportunity,” he said. “My Ph.D. advisor left, and

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