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THE DAILY COUGAR » Breaking news, blogs, discussion and more:



Issue 006, Volume 76

Monday ®

August 30, 2010



Last day to enroll in classes for Fall 2010

UH health begins new Ph.D.

Today marks the final day for students to add classes to their fall schedule.

Darlene Campos

Any students looking to add last-minute classes must log into their PeopleSoft accounts and do so before midnight.

UH’s newly established biomedical engineering doctoral program has admitted its first students and is on track to producing its first graduates. The program is expected to gradually expand over the next two semesters after being approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board this past summer. “This fall we have a few students who have already transferred into the program,” Associate Dean of Graduate Studies Suresh Khator said. “We will accept some more students in Spring 2011 and beginning Fall 2011, we will

Enrollment services will finalize all schedules in anticipation of next week's official reporting day. Official reporting is scheduled for next Wednesday, Sept. 8, which will be the last to day to drop a course or withdraw from school without receiving any grades. Any courses dropped by this date will not count towards student's official enrollment caps.

The daily cougar

be in full swing.” Suresh explains that the gradual expansion will allow administration to hire several new faculty members and prepare the lab space that will be needed for the program. UH already offers bachelor's and master's degrees in biomedical engineering, and the new doctoral program will allow students in those programs to pursue a Ph.D. and continue their studies at UH. Khator noted the proximity to the Texas Medical Center, one of the world’s largest medical centers, when explaining why UH decided to push for this new program. “Being only miles away from the medical center, it made perfect sense for us to start a Ph.D. in (biomedical engineering),” Khator

said. “Several of our faculty in the College of Engineering are already collaborating with researchers at Texas Medical Center, (and) last year the University of Houston became a full member of the (medical center).” Khator hopes the program will continue to promote close collaborations between medical centers and college institutions. According to a UH news release, there will be three main areas of research: neural, cognitive and rehabilitation engineering; biomedical imaging; and genomics and proteomics. An overall goal of students will be discovering the causes of diseases and ensuring proper health care. BIOMEDICAL continues on page 3


Law fraternity to host information session UH's law fraternity, Phi Alpha Delta, will be having a Pre-Law Basics & New Member Info Meeting tomorrow, Aug. 31 at 5:30 p.m. The information session will take place at the University Center Underground in the Rodeo Room. Any students interested in possibly attending law school are encouraged to attend and "find out what it means to be a Pre-Law student." The group will provide pizza for all attendees. Phi Alpha Deta Pre-Law has been helping UH students interested in law school since 1997. Visit for more information .

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by DragonArt



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Beyond the Wall - Poster and print sale The UC CreationStation will sponsor a poster sale, brought to you by Beyond the Wall. Check out the UC Arbor. They will be there almost all day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Freshman Night - Ultimate in the Dark Baptist Student Ministry will host their first freshman night. They will play Ultimate Frisbee and have glow in the dark frisbees, light-up bracelets and headbands. Visit the BSM building on the corner of Calhoun and University at 7 p.m. Find more campus and local events or add your own at


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Promethean's ActivClassroom in Motion parked itself outside UH's Farish Hall to provide College of Education students and faculty information on cutting edge technology in the world of interactive instruction.

A wheel education International company drives onto campus, brings interactive technology Katie Rowald The daily cougar

The ActivClassroom in Motion, an RV that has been transformed into a mobile classroom, rolled onto campus last Friday to introduce College of Education students and faculty to new educational technology.

Promethean, which is headquartered in London and has offices across the globe, is the company behind the travelling classroom. The company bills itself as a worldwide leader in interactive learning technology. “The College Of Education’s Promethean partnership will allow our faculty and students to become a part of the world’s largest whiteboard community and have access to over 21,000 lesson plans and professional development resources,” Sara McNeil, an associate professor of instructional technology, said. Students and faculty were introduced to

Promethean’s technology, including the ActivBoard, when they boarded the refurbished RV. The College of Education will be installing 24 of the boards in Farish Hall. For teachers familiar with Microsoft Power Point, Promethean’s representatives claim that using the board will come quickly. The board allows a user to take snapshots of nearly anything they find on the Internet and manipulate them in any number of ways. Promethean’s online network allows its RV CLASSROOM continues on page 3

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