Issue 12, Volume 76 (2)

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Stephen Hawking's intelligent design

Cougars plan revenge on Miners


t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4

THE DAILY COUGAR » Breaking news, blogs, discussion and more:

newsline Organization launched to increase school spirit CrankItUpCoogs, an organization dedicated to increasing the visible level of community support for UH and the awareness of the benefits that UH brings to the greater Houston region, recently kicked off its operations. “We are asking businesses with flag poles to fly UH flags on football game days,” the organization said on its website. The organization's mission statement encourages three things: 1) for high school students to attend UH or the college of their choice, 2) for alumni and the greater Houston community to show visible support for UH, 3) for alumni and the community to provide a positive image for businesses that participate in the program.


By Ashley Evans

THE DAILY COUGAR Some of Houston’s leading experts gathered Tuesday at UH to discuss sustainability issues. Urban Harvest, a group that helps to build and nurture community gardens in urban areas, sponsored the event. The panel included professors from UH and Rice University, environmental lawyers and many other experienced individuals. “Sustainability is important because we are in the process of bankrupting ourselves economically, socially, and environmentally,” former Urban Harvest executive director Bob Randall said. Randall said that it would take

approximately three and a half earths to support the level of consumption we are running on currently. “Everyday choices really do matter,” professor of earth and atmospheric sciences Barry Lefer said. He compares the current struggle with emissions of an elevator that is perpetually going up. “We can stop it (the elevator) where it is, but we can’t bring it down, just like the Co2 emissions,” Lefer said. Lefer said there are little things we can do to help. He suggests biking and carpooling when possible. Laura Spanjian, director of the office of sustainability for the mayor’s office, weighed in on what Houston is doing to be more eco-friendly. Houston is ranked

As part of the UH "you are the pride" efforts, President Renu Khator invites students, their family or guests to attend Friday's football game against the University of Texas-El Paso at Robertson Stadium. Faculty and staff will tailgate from 6- 8 p.m. No game ticket is required to attend the tailgate.


The game is schedule to kick off at 9:15 p.m. It will be televised Icons Set1 nationally on ESPN. by DragonArt

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ENERGY continues on page 8

By Ashley Anderson

Khator will tailgate in the President's Pavilion on the west side of the stadium.

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eighth in the country in number of green buildings, jumping up in the rankings only within the last two years. Another energy-saving initiative Spanjian’s team put into play was replacing all of the traffic lights with LED bulbs. In less than two years, the city of Houston saw savings of $3.6 million and 65 percent in energy. “With all the smart people in Houston, we should be able to draw startups and people who will focus on trying to get the solar technology to better and more cost effective,” Spanjian said. Houston also plans on having a farmers market at city hall to provide local and organic food to the business professionals

Students recognized for service

Faculty, staff to take part in tailgating

Thursday Concert Series: Los Skarnales & Karina Nistal Come enjoy an evening concert at Discovery Green tonight at 6:30 p.m. Old school funk band Los Skarnales will be performing along with electro-Latin singer Karina Nistal. Admission will be free!

September 9, 2010

College of pharmacy




Panel dissects energy matters

More information about this can be found on CrankItUpCoogs' website at

Green Commuter Fair This two day event will promote green commuting solutions including METRO bus and light rail services. Commuter or not, come by the PGH Breezeway or the UC Satellite to find out more between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.


Members will tailgate before every home football game in the Teal parking lot.


Issue 012, Volume 76

METRO card offers benefits


he METRO team is on campus at the University Center Satellite to help students sign up for the new METRO Q Fare Cards. They are now offering a 50-percent discount to full-time students, along with a list of other benefits, including card balance protection when you register. | Kendra Berglund/The Daily Cougar

Students from the UH College of Pharmacy recently celebrated a list of accomplishments at their annual awards ceremony. The chapter of the Student National Pharmaceutical Association was one of three finalists for the SNPhARite Aid Chauncey I. Cooper Award for their community service. Along with the achievement of the department, several pharmacy students earned individual title recognition. Angel Trieu was elected as Region IV facilitator — marking the second year a UH student earned the position — and won the National Pharmaceutical Association Auxiliary Scholarship. " I feel very fortunate to have been selected an award winner, and I am very thankful to the donor of the award," Trieu said. "I am happy to be given the chance to lead the SNPhA chapters in the South Central region of the United States. I hope I can make a difference and motivate the chapters to do their best." Trieu's position includes managing nine SNPhA chapters and encouraging members to serve communities through the profession of pharmacy. "I hope to benefit this position by encouraging more inter-university communication by implementing more technology such as video conferencing and online calendar of events," Trieu said. "I also hope to find new chapters to start within the south central region. I also hope to have all chapters hold a diverse array of events that will include all of SNPhA's patient care initiatives." International pharmacy student Odelia Bongmba was granted a scholarship that allows her travel to a conference in Anaheim, Calif. to present research she has done with assistant professor Maria V. TejadaSimon. She will present her findings at the conference for the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science. PHARMACY continues on page 8

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