Volleyball team hopes to keep wins coming
Sequels not to be made
t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4
THE DAILY COUGAR » Breaking news, blogs, discussion and more:
Author to discuss book about Jim Crow South, sign copies "The Eyes of Willie McGee: A Tragedy of Race, Sex, and Secrets in the Jim Crow South," will be the focus of a discussion lead by author Alex Heard at 7 p.m. today at the M.D. Anderson Library's Rockwell Pavilion. The book deals with the trial and public execution of Willie McGee, a young black man in Mississippi during the 1950s, accused of and sentenced to death for the rape of a white woman. The UH Graduate College of Social Work, Law Center, department of history and the African American Studies Program are co-sponsoring the lecture.
Sustainability training offered for employees, interested students Employees are invited to attend a training session that will cover ways on making UH a more sustainable campus. Employees can sign up for this voluntary training through P.A.S.S. Topics, such as practical steps to take to make offices green, what green initiatives are currently being pursued by the university and what programs and resources are available, will be covered. Though the session was designed for employees, intersted students can participate by sending an emai to The session will take place from 2-3 p.m. Wednesday in Farrish Hall's Kiva Room. Those interested can also contact Maria Honey at
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IT Training on Desktop Publishing A free class introducing students and faculty to Adobe InDesign will be held in the Social Work Building in room 110-L. You must register at ittraining beforehand. The class will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Alex Heard book signing Critically acclaimed author Alex Heard will be discussing his new book “The Eyes of Willie McGee” at the Rockwell Pavilion on the second floor of M.D. Anderson Library at 7 p.m. The book concerns racial prejudice and exposes the atrocities of America in the past and present. Find more campus and local events or add your own at
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Issue 016, Volume 76
Tuesday ®
September 14, 2010
Fair turns Coogs green Diane Sanchez
THE DAILY COUGAR The fourth annual Green UH Commuter Fair took place last week, offering students both “green” alternatives to commuting and instruction on ways to increase sustainability on campus. Discounted METRO Q cards and information on the Cougar Line Ride and Connect by Hertz program were offered to demonstrate the University’s commitment to its sustainability policy. "The commuter fair was started to provide a venue for students to be informed on commuting options," Maria Honey, marketing manager for university services, said.
Students are looking for ways to simplify their commute as much as possible, Honey said. At the fair, full-time students were able to sign up for Metro Q cards, which save students 50 percent on METRO bus and light rail fares. Around 400 students registered with the program this year. Besides the environmental benefits, officials hope the information provided would also help relieve some of the congestion affecting UH parking lots. "It is unfortunate because there are students who pay nearly $100 for parking passes,” political science junior Maritsa Rivadeneyra said. “And they can’t find any parking." Emily Messa, assistant vice president
for university services, offered one-on-one green commuter counseling. Messa starts off by identifying individual commuting needs through a series of questions, including what time and which day a student commutes. With this information, she is then able to give students a “green” alternative. "Anything is a big help to save our environment, so the fact that UH contributes to that makes me proud to be a student here," Rivadeneyra said. To further promote sustainability on campus, students who attended the fair were asked to sign a pledge that encourages "green” commuting such as bike riding, GREEN FAIR continues on page 5
Center, students react to survey Christi Guerra
THE DAILY COUGAR A company that offers test preparations for higher education programs released a survey last week that stated, “Aspiring lawyers need to be more careful about who they call as their own character witnesses for their law school recommendations.” Negative letters of recommendation, the Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions survey states, have passed through the hands of 87 percent of 145 law school admissions officers surveyed. UH Law Center Assistant Dean for Admissions Jamie Dillon said the survey overstates the situation. “Most law schools receive thousands of applications per year, so to say that (almost) 90 percent of admissions officers have seen a negative letter doesn’t actually say anything about what percentage of letters are negative,” Dillon said. “In my experience, it’s a very small portion.” The survey went on to give advice to students on how they can avoid negative letters of recommendation by choosing the right person to write the letter and not trying to talk to someone who seems ambivalent toward writing the letter. “Certainly applicants should be selective in deciding who they ask to SURVEY continues on page 5
A new masjid, or mosque, stands in Ross, Idaho, the small town where the first masjid in the U.S. was built by Muslim immigrants in 1929. | Courtesy of Bassam Tariq and Aman Ali
Fast journey, common roads Duo document America and Muslim life during Ramadan Anam Ghias
THE DAILY COUGAR Bassam Tariq and Aman Ali knew something bad had happened as they saw smoke rising from the front of their Chevy Cobalt. They were on a strict schedule, and delay was not an option. Adhering to their original plan would be impossible, so instead of driving 11 hours to Fargo, N.D., they altered their plans and ended up in Ross — a community of 48 people, according to the last U.S. Census. Disappointment soon turned into wonder and excitement as they discovered that Ross had once held the first mosque ever built in the United States. In 1929, immigrant Muslims had built a house of worship in a country they now called home.
Tariq and Ali drove to 30 different states during the 30 days of the Islamic month of Ramadan, which ended Thursday. Their goal was to visit different Mosques and diverse Muslim communities all across the country. “The idea was to share the stories of Americans and how they have found a way to be an American and a Muslim at the same time,” Tariq said. “When we tell the stories of American Muslims, we are telling the story of America.” Last year, in order to break out of their comfort zone and expose themselves to the greater Muslim community, Tariq and Ali visited 30 different mosques throughout New York City and blogged about their experiences. Their stories caused a buzz, drawing the attention of National Public Radio and generating encouragement and support from people around the world. JOURNEY continues on page 5