The Brick Squad will lay you flat
Losing your fake virginity is fun
t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4
THE DAILY COUGAR » Breaking news, blogs, discussion and more:
Art school honors long-time professor The UH School of Art will hold a memorial honoring Professor David Hickman, who passed away Aug. 23. The service is open to the public and will take place at 2 p.m. on Sept. 19 in the Dudley Recital Hall in the Fine Arts building. Professor Hickman came to UH in 1969 and taught in the painting and graphic communication programs. His colorful personality and love for teaching made him popular among UH art students. Friends, students and colleagues will be given an opportunity to speak about Professor Hickman at the memorial, and sentiments sent to the art office will be forwarded to his family. — Sara Nichols/The Daily Cougar
September 15, 2010
Directors launch website Board leaders start a faculty based page after long effort and input for the first time Jesus Acevedo
THE DAILY COUGAR The faculty board of directors have worked together to open the Center for Teaching Excellence over the summer, and now they have launched a comprehensive website.
The site developed for questions and resources related to the teaching mission of the University. “As new faculty, very often you’re not trained to teach at all… And the site provides a lot of information, like the policies the university has,” said Dan Wells, chair of the CTE faculty board of directors. “Even some members of the faculty who have been around a long time have picked up tips and new ideas and ways of doing things.” The center was developed to share customs of effective teaching within the University, and it offers services to incoming
Police said in a news release that they believe UH students could prove to be helpful in the investigation of the shooting death of 18-year-old Texas Southern University student Joshua McMackle.
Witnesses or people with information are urged to contact Crime Stoppers or HPD Homicide at 713-3083600. Crime Stoppers said they will "pay up to $5,000 for information leading to the arrest and charging of any suspect in the case." — Joshua Siegel/The Daily Cougar
Darlene Campos
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Arianna Huffington Founder of The Huffington Post Arianna Huffington will make a stop tonight at the Wortham Theater Center at 7:30 p.m. Huffington will showcase her new book “Third World America: How Our Politicians Are Abandoning the Middle Class and Betraying the American Dream.” Find more campus and local events or add your own at
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Officials launch campus program to encourage people to be aware of all fire exit strategies
The crime occurred after TSU’s annual Spring Fest event on April 17 in the 3700 block of Wheeler.
IT Training on Graphics A free class introducing students and faculty to Adobe Photoshop will be held in the Social Work Building in room 110-L. You must register at beforehand. The class will be held from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
graduate students as well as seasoned professors. The board worked on perfecting the development over the summer in order to officially run the website starting this fall semester. The idea was bred from discussions that were held during faculty senate meetings. “We found out when we started talking that this idea had been kicked around for a number of years, going back twenty and thirty years, but it had never been followed through,” English professor David Mazella
Students take safety advice
Officials seeking tips about TSU student's death
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Issue 017, Volume 76
Follow the white-paged road
tudents curiously walked passed scattered napkins on Tuesday, formed in a perfect line to look like torn out book pages, in front the Fine Arts building. The path ended at a stack of books. No note or sign explained the display, a true definition of "let the art speak for itself." | Kendra Berglund/The Daily Cougar
From now until October, Bob Bowden, the UHDPS Fire Marshal, is working to increase the knowledge of fire safety and exit strategies within UH. This campaign is a part of ‘Have An Exit Strategy’, a statewide program to inform the public about the importance of knowing where exits are located in case of an emergency. “The State of Texas Fire Marshal’s Office HAES program was developed from a study of the Rhode Island Night Club Fire that occurred in 2003. The program began as a pilot project at the University of Texas in 2006 to provide incoming freshman with a packet of fire and life safety information,” Bowden said. “The program was expanded this year due to a $565,500 FEMA grant to the State Fire Marshal’s Office.” The program has been at UH since the 2007-2008 academic year. Promotion on campus have included posters, button pins, magnets, brochures, informative CDs and even student groups such as the Student Government Association, Staff Council, Cougar First Impressions, and more have all worked together to spread the word. The Cougar First Impression tables gave out HAES promotional items to students during the first two days of class in August. While people usually use the exit staircases during a fire, those with a disability may not be able to do the same, and SAFETY continues on page 3
Team conducts renewable energy research Joachim Clarke
THE DAILY COUGAR UH, along with three other institutions, received a $4.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy for a research and
development project aimed at creating an affordable and efficient manner of transporting and storing energy. This comes in the form of a Superconducting Magnet Energy Storage device — a wire that has the capability of carrying over 200 times more energy than regular copper
wires — and was developed by Superpower Inc. of Schenectady, NY. Venkat Selvamanickam, M. D. Anderson Chair Professor of mechanical engineering and director of the Applied Research Hub of ENERGY continues on page 3