Immunizations no trifling matter
Afleck can't quite save 'The Town'
t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4
THE DAILY COUGAR » Breaking news, blogs, discussion and more: thedailycougar.com
Issue 020, Volume 76
Monday ®
September 20, 2010
Season over for Keenum
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Author Amy Tan reading in Houston tonight Amy Tan, author of the 1989 novel "The Joy Luck Club," comes to downtown Houston at 7:30 p.m. in the Cullen Theater at the Wortham Center. Part of Inprint's 30th season of its "Brown Reading Series," the evening with Tan will consist of a reading, on-stage interview, and book sale and signing.
Second-string quarterback Cotton Turner also lost for remainder of season in 31-13 loss to UCLA
Tickets are on sale for $5 at www.inprinthouston. org. — Sara Nichols/The Daily Cougar
John Brannen
Lane closure on Cullen boulevard The right-hand northbound lane of Cullen boulevard is scheduled to be closed between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. today for scheduled road work. The closure will begin south of UH Entrance 11. A minor pedestrian detour is also scheduled for the area.
HTML session scheduled today A free class sponsored by Technology Support Services for the UH community is being offered from 1-3 p.m. in room 110-L of the Social Work Building. Registration is required to reserve a seat in the class.
Quarterback Case Keenum was carted off before half time, and has likely played his last game as a Cougar. | Courtesy of Maya Sugarman/The Daily Bruin
Author reading series begins
Course descriptions and online registration can be found at www.uh.edu/ittraining. Michelle Reed
THE DAILY COUGAR Got an item for Newsline? Let us know! E-mail newsline@thedailycougar.com
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ON CAMPUS IT Training on Web Development A free class introducing students and faculty to HTML II will be held in the Social Work Building in room 110-L. You must register at www.uh.edu/ittraining beforehand. The class will be held from 1 to 3 p.m.
AROUND TOWN Mike Posner, Far East Movement, Stephen Jerzak, 2AM Club, Bad Rabbits House of Blues will host some of your favorite top hits artists tonight at 7 p.m. Make sure to get tickets before they sell out! Visit livenation.com for ticket info. Find more campus and local events or add your own at thedailycougar.com/calendar
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For 30 years the Margarett Root Brown Reading Series, sponsored by Inprint, Houston’s only non-profit literary organization, has cultivated and inspired readers and writers by offering live on-stage readings from popular authors, and the series only has room to grow. “It feels fantastic and humbling to know that the series is celebrating its 30th anniversary season,” said Inprint's marketing and outreach director Krupa Parikh. “Inprint is very proud of this achievement and is committed to maintaining the Series’ quality and accessibility.” The Margaret Root Brown reading series is presented in a downtown theater with on-stage interviews and book signings following the show. Tickets for a single reading are only $5. Despite new technology like Amazon’s Kindle, which makes literature available through e-books, Parikh says that the series has remained popular because it continues to hold a mystique that literary audiences are not used to. “Attending a reading is a social and intellectually stimulating experience. The act of reading, whether it be via an actual book or via an e-book is a WRITERS continues on page 3
The Case Keenum era at UH came to an abrupt end after the quarterback tore his ACL while attempting to make a tackle after
throwing an interception. Backup quarterback Cotton Turner also suffered a season-ending shoulder injury, fracturing his clavicle. Keenum will finish his career as the school leader in passing yards, KEENUM continues on page 3
Art professor was truly loved Jose Aguilar
THE DAILY COUGAR The life of David Hickman — as an artist, professor, colleague, neighbor, father and husband — was memorialized in a ceremony on Sunday. Over 125 people filled Dudley Recital Hall in the Fine Arts Building, many of them honoring Hickman by donning clothes and accessories in his favorite color — purple. Sara Hickman, one of his two daughters, wore purple attire but also highlighted strips of her hair in her father’s favorite shade. She shared with the audience “A letter to my dad who I believe is here,” a seven-page letter she wrote for her father. “I knew you liked people, and I know people loved you. Your passing has created a whole new sense of community,” Hickman said. Hickman also thanked her father for giving her the “hilarious gift” of laughter. “I hope heaven is making you laugh, because I can still hear you laughing,” she said.
David Hickman | Coutesy of Brad Young
Roberta Harris, a former student who later became one of Hickman’s colleagues, also pictured him enjoying the afterlife. “I would like to imagine that David is in a really fabulous place where he can have ongoing HICKMAN continues on page 3
Process frustrates riders Students raise concerns over shuttle data collection, time Danielle Upshaw
THE DAILY COUGAR Cougar Line shuttles around campus require students to swipe their red Cougar Cards upon entry, causing many students to question its effectiveness and efficiency. Business marketing sophomore Tia Paige has issues with the process. “I’ve had to wait for the bus for a certain amount of time, and I’m already concerned about being late to class, and then I have to find my card. I think it’s causing a problem, and there has to be a better way to get an idea of how many students ride the shuttle,” Paige said. “Maybe they could do a survey or something, because this is not working.” The card readers were installed toward the
end of the Spring 2010 semester in an effort to collect data on the number of students using each shuttle. “Requiring students to swipe their Cougar Cards is a way that we can measure bus ridership,” said assistant vice president for University Services Emily Messa. “With good data we can improve the Cougar Line routes and number of buses that we need to support the growing campus,” Messa said. Although collecting data is important for future improvements to the system, students are frustrated by problems caused by the requirement. “I dislike having to swipe my student ID to get on the campus shuttle,” biology senior CharLissa Foster said. “It is time consuming and such a hassle.” Foster lives on campus and uses the shuttles daily to get to classes. “One time, I was at the bus stop for 30 SHUTTLES continues on page 3