Issue 22, Volume 76

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New Halo game doesn't disappoint

Cleveland tackles receiving role


t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4

THE DAILY COUGAR » Breaking news, blogs, discussion and more:



School of Communication construction officially begins Monday marked the beginning of the renovation and expansion project to the Jack J. Valenti School of Communication, which is scheduled to be completed by May 2011.

Katie Rowald


The new and improved Lance T. Funston Communication Center will boast new staff and faculty offices, classrooms and a media studio. The temporary School of Communication offices are located in trailer No. 3 next to the Law Center. — Sara Nichols/The Daily Cougar

Economy parking lots, like lot 9C at Wheeler and Cullen (shown above), tend to be empty early in the morning when some students arrive to secure a parking spot. | Katie Rowald/The Daily Cougar

A day long oil symposium focusing on environmental and regulatory repercussions regarding the BP-Deep Water Horizon disaster will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday at the UH Hilton Hotel in room 247. The discussion is sponsored by the UH Center for Public History and the UH Energy Management and Policy Group and will be led by two UH professors and a panel of experts. The event is free, but people interested in attending should register at


September 22, 2010

Parking issue still prevalent

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Panel to discuss BP oil spill aftermath




Issue 022, Volume 76

UH services and groups continuously attempt to find students a solution for the recurring parking issue. Students spend anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour or more searching for open spaces, occasionally opting to park illegally rather than arriving late for class

or missing it altogether. “It takes me 30 to 40 minutes to park on Tuesdays and Thursdays,” advertising student Christopher Boutte said. “I try to park as close as I can.” Many students like Boutte prefer to park as close as possible, rather than utilizing economy lots and walking or riding the campus shuttle. Most economy lots have PARKING continues on page 3

UH takes part in national celebration Students on campus weigh in on annual Constitution Day event

— Sara Nichols/The Daily Cougar Paulina Lam


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ON CAMPUS Birth: The Naked Truth About Childbirth The Women’s Resource Center is sponsoring a free play which details the story of eight women and their experiences with childbirth. The play will be held at the UC Pacific Room at 7 p.m.

AROUND TOWN Kings of Leon with The Black Keys and The Whigs Tennessee rock band Kings of Leon are in town tonight at the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion at 7:30 p.m. with bands The Black Keys and The Whigs. Tickets can be found at

As the U.S. Constitution becomes a year older since its ratification more than 200 years ago, the division of Student Affairs and Academic Affairs are collaborating to celebrate Constitution Day this week. The annual observation of this historic day will focus on informing students about the importance of this living document and its role in the U.S. government. “I’m hoping that students will understand the meaning and importance of the Constitution, while learning fascinating facts about our Founding Fathers,” said assistant to the vice president for Student Affairs Juanita Jackson. The celebration will run from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, CONSTITUTION continues on page 6

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UH student Simon Palacio and his team of skydiving athletes for Skydive Houston practice for competition in an indoor wind tunnel, shown above in Colorado. | Courtesy of Simon Palacio

Student skydiver dives into contest Sarah Raslan

THE DAILY COUGAR Electrical engineering senior Simon Palacio, along with his team, competed in the vertical formation skydiving event at the annual U.S. Parachute Association National Skydiving Championships last week in Chicago. Over 500 aerial athletes competed at the event. Palacio’s event in the competition — vertical formation skydiving — involves a team of four competitors building a series

COMPETITION continues on page 3

Center remembers Mexican Revolution Diane Sanchez


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of formations in upright and upside-down vertical body positions. The skydivers are assigned three to four vertically-oriented formations per round. The goal is to build the formations as many times as possible from the time the team exits the aircraft to 35 seconds into the dive. The competition consists of eight rounds. “Skydiving makes me feel liberated and free,” Palacio said. “It has changed my life and brought me so many opportunities that

The UH Center for Mexican American Studies will host a conference commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Mexican

Revolution. The conference, entitled “War Along the Border: The Mexican Revolution and its impact on Tejano Communities” will take place Sept. 23-24 at the M.D. Anderson Memorial Library-Rockwell Pavilion. The two day event will include guest

scholars from around the state presenting essays written for the event. Topics range from immigrant's experiences, discrimination of Mexicans by the Texas Rangers to the Mexican Revolution in an African-American REVOLUTION continues on page 6

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