Issue 23, Volume 76

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Don't give up on your Cougars just yet

Simply music


t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4

THE DAILY COUGAR » Breaking news, blogs, discussion and more:



Fraternity holds law event in Honors college Pre-law students can attend Phi Alpha Delta’s Pre-Law meeting at 5:30 p.m. Sept. 23 in the Honors College Commons to learn about personal statements, internships and to find out information on how to join. At Thursday’s meeting, students can hear Helen Godfrey from Career Services discuss ways to get started with their personal statement. She also has many tips about things to avoid and will talk about how to start finding internships in the law field. Phi Alpha Delta is a pre-law organization open to all students interested in law. Members learn about how to apply to apply and the different career choices in law. Prospective members can find out more information by visiting


September 23, 2010

Khator's annual checkup Second Fall address a progress report on flagship status, shows how far we've come Jack Wehman

THE DAILY COUGAR President Renu Khator gave her second annual Fall Address in front of a packed Moores Opera House Wednesday. She spoke with grace, delivering facts and figures on the University’s progress toward flagship status.

Khator focused on the positive steps the University has taken toward achieving flagship status, touching on everything from the six-year graduation rate to the success of the Fresh Food Company. “It was clear that we were headed in the wrong direction, or headed in a very slow direction. We had to systematically and intentionally break this pattern (in graduation rates), and we did so by launching a ninepoint student success plan,” Khator said. “In just one year, the results are spectacular. In KHATOR continues on page 3

2010 election lacks debate

Business school hosts Fall 2010 career fair The C.T. Bauer College of Business is holding a Business Career Fair from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Sept. 24 at the UH Hilton on the second floor.

Incumbent refuses to debate, while opponent feels pressure

Companies participating in the Bauer Business Career Fair are seeking a variety of students and alumni for positions in their companies and/or organizations. All are welcome to attend. Professional dress is required.

Jimaniece Ware


For more information visit Career/calendar_details.asp?id=1665&dte=9/24/2010.

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Constitution Day Celebrate Constitution Day by picking up a copy of the U.S. Constitution and registering to vote! Visit the Cougar Village lobby, UC North and South entrances and the UC Satellite from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Thursday Concert Series: Texas Tornados Discovery Green will be hosting a free concert tonight at 7 p.m. Tejano and rock/country fusion band Texas Tornados will be gracing the stage this evening. Find more campus and local events or add your own at


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Renu Khator spoke frankly about the state of the University and all the steps we have taken so far. | Courtesy of


— Cristi Guerra/The Daily Cougar




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Issue 023, Volume 76

Four Lies, two guys


lumni Michael Galbreth and Jack Massing, known as The Art Guys, unveiled their new project, The Statue of Four Lies, the newest addition to the University's Public Art Collection at Noon on Wednesday in the North side of Cougar Village. | Jack Wehman/The Daily Cougar

The 2010 elections are less than two months away, and the constituents of Texas have yet to see a gubernatorial debate. The current news surrounding Texas politics seems to be the assumption that Texas gubernatorial candidates, former mayor Bill White and incumbent Gov. Rick Perry have been avoiding a public debate. Political science professor Kent L. Tedin said he feels that a public debate between the two candidates will not make much of a difference with regards to the polls anyway. “Perry has little to gain and a lot to lose. I don’t think he’s got any upside to debating White. He’s ahead in the polls,” he said. Tedin also expressed his thoughts about what changes could possibly come about within UH after the November elections. “Perry has appointed every single one of the Board of Regents at UH, of course they are all Republicans, and, might I add, I think they have done a very good job,” Tedin said. “If White is elected, of course, he will appoint all Democrats, and they might take a somewhat different approach to what UH should stand for and should be, so I think it would determine who is appointed to the Regents.” DEBATE continues on page 3

Social networking for college students again Naheeda Sayeed

THE DAILY COUGAR Many people are unaware that long before Facebook became a worldwide phenomenon, it was a small social networking site for college students only. For that reason, longtime users complained when

they had to adjust to the change. Three University of Massachusetts Amherst students took advantage of this opportunity and decided to build a brand new social networking platform for college students. launched in 2008 as a student resource website with local

restaurant listings and reviews, weather updates, links to campus resources such as e-mail and more. A new format was recently implemented for the live feed feature to reach out to other students in a network. Jesse Morgan, marketing director for WEBSITE continues on page 3

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