Head coach is thinking forward
Galifianakis shows softer side
t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4
THE DAILY COUGAR » Breaking news, blogs, discussion and more:
Issue 024, Volume 76
Friday ®
September 24, 2010
Annual events collaborate
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Group hosts scholarship opportunity event The UH chapter of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars will host its Route 66 Tour from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Oct. 12 at the Rockwell Pavilion on the second floor of the M.D. Anderson Memorial Library.
UH Police combine two campus activities to encourage student participation, ensure safety
Route 66 Tour seeks to help and encourage students to become leaders on campus and in their communities to better prepare them for the professional world following their college career. Additionally, four $250 scholarships and one $1000 scholarship will be given away at Route 66 Tour for students who submit a 100-word essay and attend the event. The application deadline for the essay is Sept. 27. The event is free and open to the public, but interested students can receive their tickets by going to — Karisha Lucero/The Daily Cougar
Local bookstore hosts reading from former UH professor Former UH journalism professor Michael Berryhill will read from his new book of poetry at 4 p.m. on Oct. 3 at Brazos Books. "Everything Changes," Berryhill’s new collection of sonnets, is published by Inleaf Press, with an illustration by Lynn Randolph. He will also be signing copies of the book after the reading. Brazos Books is located at 2421 Bissonnet; the event is free and open to the public.
Joshua Siegel
Students and the UH Police Department walked around campus at last year's Walk in the Dark event and checked if all the security poles were functioning properly. | The Daily Cougar archive
The UH Department of Public Safety will be combining two of its annual programs next month in an effort to make the UH community feel safe and comfortable on
campus. The department will host its National Night Out event as planned, but will make an even greater effort to make the program a success by combining it with another annual program, Walk in SECURITY continues on page 3
Sorority pays tribute to lost sister Memorial service held for deceased grad student
— Sara Nichols/The Daily Cougar By Michelle Reed
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ON CAMPUS Center for Mexican American Studies A conference commemorating the 100th anniversary of Mexican Revolution “War along the Border: The Mexican Revolution and its impact Upon Tejano Communities” will be held at the Rockwell Pavilion inside M.D. Anderson Library from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cougar Ally Training Cougar Ally Training will show faculty, staff and students how to increase their awareness of issues that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people face. Visit room 341 inside the McElhinney Building from 1 to 4 p.m. The session is free. Find more campus and local events or add your own at
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While most students were battling the back-to-school jitters, graduate student Princess Chinwendu Eke was going through three months of chemotherapy. A sufferer of sickle-cell disease, Eke had lived with the disease her entire life while maintaining a positive attitude. “She would always give us motivation. Whenever we would argue she would say, ‘Now, everyone try and calm down and enjoy life,’” said philosophy senior and Zeta Phi Beta Epsilon Chapter member Stephanie Velasquez. “She was very kindhearted and easy to talk to. She was a humble person. She was not only my sister, but a really good friend.” The three months of chemotherapy was said to have been intense for Eke, Zeta Phi Beta President Jordan Hill said. “She did lose her hair, she did take medication, and she lost a lot of weight,” Hill said. “She didn’t look like the Princess that we know, because she had always been very athletic.” As a student of the Health and Human Performance Department, Eke was studying sports management and kinesiology. She was always seen walking MEMORIAL continues on page 3
Students like finance sophomore Michael Nelson, shown at the UC Satellite, use their laptops so they can utilize the fastest way to get the latest news on campus. | Hiba Adi/The Daily Cougar
College students prefer print By Charne Graham
THE DAILY COUGAR The majority of today’s college students are technology dependent, but some still find their school’s daily print newspaper very resourceful. With the abundant amount of homework, emails and Facebook notifications to check on a daily basis, picking up a copy of the paper just seems easier than going on the newspaper’s website. According to an Alloy media and marketing study, over 53 percent of students claim to read their school's print newspaper while on campus. The research also claims that the average student will spend a little over 13 minutes with each print issue of the paper, and only 18 percent of the student body will spend no more than 10 minutes reading the online version. UH alumni preferred reading The Daily Cougar in print rather than online when they were students. “Reading the newspaper in print was
always easier than checking my phone, when I couldn’t get any service in the school’s library,” marketing alumni Dionne Moore said. Most students that don't usually read newspapers admit that they take advantage of the paper that’s distributed throughout campus because it's free. They also like it for local advertisements. Some students feel that the online version of the newspaper is more convenient, though. “Everyone that wants to stay current may not be on campus that day, so without the paper online they would miss out,” broadcast journalism senior Morgahn Miller said. Alumni appreciate the online version of the paper because it's an easy way for them to keep up with UH. Staying up-to-date with a daily newspaper may be difficult for a full-time student, but undoubtedly the accessibility of news being in both print and online is most convenient.