Soccer team continues on strong season
Ahoy, economy
t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4
THE DAILY COUGAR » Breaking news, blogs, discussion and more: thedailycougar.com
Deadline to apply for graduation approaching The deadline for applying for Fall 2010 graduation without a late fee is Oct. 29. After Friday, the cost of applying for graduation will increase to $50 from $25, and these students will not be named in the commencement program. To apply online in PeopleSoft, click on the “degree progress/graduation” tab in the menu. The application status will be pending until grades are posted after the semester ends. Additionally, the UH Bookstore is holding a graduation fair for December graduates from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 28 through Oct. 1 at the bookstore in the UC. — Sara Nichols/The Daily Cougar
Former Secretary of Labor to speak at Rice University Robert Reich, the 22nd U.S. Secretary of Labor, will speak to promote his new book from 5 to 7 p.m. on Oct. 12 at Rice University’s James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy. Reich worked for the Clinton Administration from 1993 until 1997, and his new book, “Aftershock: The Economy and America’s Future,” challenges the current economic structure and welcomes reform. UH will cosponsor the event, and UH students can attend for free with pre-registration at www.class. uh.edu/econ/Reich. Regular admission is $28 for reserved tickets and includes an autographed copy of Reich’s book. — Jimaniece Ware/The Daily Cougar Got an item for Newsline? Let us know! E-mail newsline@thedailycougar.com
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IT Training on Web Development A free class for students and faculty over cascading style sheets will be held in the Social Work Building in room 110-L. You must register at www.uh.edu/ittraining beforehand. The class will be held from 2 to 4 p.m.
Amy Grant: Pieces of Our Lives Tour Amy Grant is a Grammy-award winning singer-songwriter. She will host an evening of art and music to benefit Compassion International. Grant will follow the exhibition up with a personal concert at The Hobby Center at 7 p.m.
September 28, 2010
Weekend robbery suspect sought Campus and Houston police both investigating Joshua Siegel
THE DAILY COUGAR Investigators have a significant lead in their search for a suspect in the Friday aggravated robbery of three UH students. Officials, however, could not comment on what specifically that information was, due to the sensitivity of the case. “We received some information that we think will be quite helpful,” UH Police Lt. Brett Collier said. “So our investigators will be working with HPD.” Normally, the Houston Police Department handles off-campus issues, but in this case campus police will be working in conjunction with HPD because they responded to the call and initially handled the situation. The incident occurred on Friday night around 11:30 p.m. at the 5000 block of Calhoun. The students were crossing the street from Cougar Village to the Bayou Oaks apartments. A male passenger in a white Chevrolet Tahoe stopped them. The suspect exited the vehicle, displayed a semi-automatic pistol and told the complainants to drop their purses ROBBERY continues on page 8
Mayor Annise Parker, along with members of the UH System Board of Regents, celebrated the national recognition UH”s entrepreneurship program received last week . | Photos courtesy of Chase Pedigo
Bauer program tops rankings Entrepreneurship named on annual list; UH and city officials celebrate announcement Jessel Parra
THE DAILY COUGAR The Cyvia and Melvin Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship program in the C.T. Bauer College of Business made its way to the top of national rankings for the second time in four years. Mayor Annise Parker, Bauer Dean Arthur Warga and many others gathered at City Hall to celebrate the recognition the program received from the Princeton Review’s annual list of programs for Entrepreneur magazine. “We are proud to be part of the Wolff Center, the number one program of entrepreneurship in the nation,” students said in a video played at the event. The program has produced many alumni since it was founded in 1993, many of whom
Event planned for next month to feature CLASS departments and programs
Senators from the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences are asking the Student Government Association to help sponsor an inaugural event designed to improve the college’s visibility. CLASS senator Mike Nguyen worked with CLASS students Ryan Johnson and Julian Jimenez to organize the Instant
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BAUER continues on page 8
Senators seek co-sponsor Jourdan Vian
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expressed their personal feelings about the program. “It’s given me a great network and has helped me launch out,” said Paul Herndon, a 2008 graduate of the program. “When you go out there, you have to make the dream into reality.” Herndon took what he learned from the program and started Intex Flooring, his own company. The announcement is perfect timing for him and his company, he said. “(The announcement) is a huge wave, and we get to ride the wave of entrepreneurship,” he said. Bill Sherrill, founder and co- chairman of the program, said that all of this is possible not because of him, but as “a result of many, many people.” The announcement gives recognition to the work the administration does for the program, but also for the students within the program.
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Issue 026, Volume 76
CLASSic, which aims to unite the various schools and bring students together to support the college. “The Instant CLASSic shall improve the visibility, image, and reputation of (CLASS) through advertising and promotion,” the proposed SGA resolution reads. Plans for the event are still being worked out but, as of Friday, 22 different departments and programs within CLASS have signed up to participate in the fair. Each department or program is expected to add something different to the event to showcase its particular part of CLASS. Jimenez, a creative writing and print journalism senior, said he originally thought the project was too big, but later
was convinced of its merits. “I reluctantly joined them in a meeting with the dean to introduce the idea, expecting it to get shut down,” Jimenez said. “But when Dean ( John) Roberts offered his wholehearted support, I realized that not only was this feasible, but something that the school desperately needed.” CLASS is the largest college at UH and all students are required to take 27 credits of classes that fall inside CLASS as part of their general education courses. In spite of this, it is one of the only colleges on campus that does not have a special event to energize its students and CLASS continues on page 8