Issue 32, Volume 76

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Zombies are back! Time to fight

Another Cougar out for the weekend


t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4

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Established actors to meet students at event Student Video Network is hosting an outdoor screening of the new FX comedy “Terriers” at 6 p.m. Thursday in Lynn Eusan Park, located next to Cougar Village. Attendees will get a chance to watch an episode of the much-hyped series and can stick around to meet its starring actors, Donal Logue and Michael RaymondJames. Logue and Raymond-James will sign autographs, introduce the episode and hold a post-show questions and answers session. For more information visit Contact for any questions, comments or concerns.


Issue 032, Volume 76

Wednesday ®

October 6, 2010

Dept appoints diplomat Political science office fills yearlong vacant seat with Foreign Service member Jimaniece Ware

THE DAILY COUGAR Newly appointed UH Diplomat in Residence Donna Blair, a career member of the Department of State Senior Foreign Service, has plans to help students interested in foreign policy and affairs reach their goals and inform them of international and domestic opportunities for internships and careers that are available. “I have had a very fortunate and long career in a sense that I have not limited

myself by geography or by fear, and I have never let that stop me,” she said. “At the end of the day, believe it or not, all people all over the world basically want the same thing and I have the same needs and desires, to take care of family and have a livelihood, to live in peace and prosperity.” Before arriving Sept. 9, Blair served as the Principal Officer and head of the US Mission in Lagos, Nigeria. Prior to that she served as the Head of the US Consulate General in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico and is currently serving under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She is originally from New Orleans, where she remembers being exposed to a lot of different cultures and religions and

Parents get an opportunity to visit UH campus

said that Foreign Service was a natural fit. She had dreamed of a career in foreign affairs since she was in the third grade. “I tell people you have to remember a couple of things,” she said. “Always put yourself in someone else’s shoes.” Blair’s first international post was in Hong Kong, where she served as a consulate officer. She took the initiative to attend The University of Hong Kong and study the Chinese culture. While there, Blair issued actor Jackie Chan his first US visa. “The potential and the possibilities to make an impact on the world, to serve overseas, interact with different people and cultures and to meet your own American DIPLOMAT continues on page 3

Group takes part in green initiative

UH Family Weekend 2010 will take place Friday and Saturday. Parents will get the opportunity to experience all that UH has to offer. It’s an opportunity to visit with their students, attend his or her classes, meet faculty and staff members, enjoy student performances and experience a UH football game.

Public educated about sustainable living, solar energy at campus event

Parents are required to register and pay a fee for the various activities. For more information visit

Sara Nichols

THE DAILY COUGAR Got an item for Newsline? Let us know! E-mail


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Internship Career Fair University Career Services will host a career fair today from 1 to 4 p.m. at the UC Houston Room. The fair will cater to students of all majors seeking internship opportunities. Visit for more information.


Carrie Underwood Country singer and winner of five Grammy Awards Carrie Underwood will be at the Toyota Center tonight at 7:30 p.m. Be sure to catch this American Idol winner in town! Find more campus and local events or add your own at


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Synchronized singing


he Kesha Rogers, Democrats for Congress, team was on the UH campus Tuesday as part of their campaign efforts. The group caught students attention by going around different buildings on campus, shown above at the UC Satellite, singing the national anthem and melody’s from “Alleluia” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with their own political lyrics. They were advertising for the Rebuilding America Conference that will take place at the Nasa Hampton Inn on Friday through Sunday. | Kendra Berglund/The Daily Cougar

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Living green takes an attitude change and a collective effort, and the daylong Solar Tour and Social held at UH was intended to inspire people to go green. The American Solar Energy Society’s National Houston Solar Tour and Social on Saturday was held at the Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and featured two events designed to encourage Houstonians to give solar energy and other sustainable options a try. “We are an energy capital of the world, so solar energy should be a part of that,” Solar Tour Director and five-year veteran Kathleen Reardon said. The Solar Social spotlighted a five-part series of 20-minute lectures about sustainable living, solar energy and the green initiative at UH. Additionally, booths were set up for green companies, non-profits and research teams to inform people interested in sustainability. The self-guided Houston Solar Tour of residences and businesses utilizing solar energy offered participants a unique opportunity to see solar systems in action. Since its launch in 2004, the tour has grown to include 17 Houstonarea sites, all of which were open to the public and serviced by a free Metro bus. “It shows how much the solar energy industry has been growing in Houston,” Reardon said. “There is no better experience than to talk to a homeowner that has a solar system on their house, so they can find out how it works.” The event paid particular attention to green movements at colleges and universities across the nation. “(Green UH) is laying the groundwork and planting the seeds in students’ minds that ‘hey, this is the way we need to start living,’” Reardon said. The first stop of the Solar Tour sits outside the architecture building as a permanent reminder of the University’s commitment to environmental responsibility. GREEN continues on page 3

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