Robertson's winning streak on the line
To skip, or not to skip
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THE DAILY COUGAR » Breaking news, blogs, discussion and more:
CLASS departments, programs to raise funds, provide information The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences is hosting the first ever Instant CLASSic event from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today. The event will take place in the Cullen Family Plaza. CLASS departments will be promoting their schools, as well as raising funds for their programs by selling food or other items. — Jourdan Vian/The Daily Cougar
Cougar pride promoted at event The UH Marketing Department is helping all Cougars show their UH pride through its “t-shirt trade-up” event from 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. tonight at the athletics pep rally outside the Cougar Village Residence Hall. Bring a used t-shirt representing another college or university, trade it for a UH t-shirt and wear it proudly to support UH. — Sara Nichols/The Daily Cougar
Student Video Network hosts outdoor screening tonight The new FX comedy series Terriers will be screened at 6 p.m. at Lynn Eusan Park next to Cougar Village. Actors Donal Logue and Michael Raymond-James will be at the event to sign autographs and answer questions from students. For more information, go to — Sara Nichols/The Daily Cougar
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October 7, 2010
$100m mark surpassed High alumni support noted in latest UH milestone; last record set ten years ago Ashley Anderson
THE DAILY COUGAR Despite economic woes, UH surpassed the $100 million mark in donations for the first time in the University’s history. Private funds of over $102 million came in during fiscal year 2010 from over 25,000 donors, which include alumni and others in the Houston community who
are supporting the University’s efforts to achieve Tier One status. This milestone also boasts the largest amount of alumni support for the University. “We are deeply grateful for the overwhelming display of generosity of all of our donors and the Houston community, whose gifts are responsible for this record-breaking year,” President Renu Khator said in a news release. Funds will be directed towards institutional and college priorities, with decisions on how the funds will be used being made by the president, provosts, and the dean of each school. Destinations for the funds include Tier
One scholarships, student success and experience, hiring, and support in energy, health, and the arts. Donors give to one or more of the priorities of their choice. “Private support is given by donors to fund scholarships, libraries, research, faculty, academic programs, facilities, athletics and community outreach,” UH spokesperson Richard Bonnin said. Every donation makes a difference, Bonnin said, and may affect many facets of the university, including the number of fellowships awarded, the chance for a student to study abroad or the possibility of DONATIONS continues on page 3
Members discover university workings Human Resources program aims to build networks, educate Sara Nichols
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Fall Lecture Series: Emilio Said Artist Emilio Said will showcase his work “Unreal Cities: Informal Architecture Zone” and lecture about about his creation. The exhibition will run from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the architecture building in room 150. Admission is free.
Adam Carolla Comedian Adam Carolla will be at the Houston Improv from today until Oct. 9 at 8 p.m. Carolla was the long time host of “The Man Show” and is now the host of the podcasted show “The Adam Carolla Show.” Find more campus and local events or add your own at
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Issue 033, Volume 76
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A five-week series of presentations designed for UH staff to better understand the internal structure of the University wraps up Friday. “Discover UH – the Vision, the Culture, the Pride” aims to educate new employees, administrators, managers and supervisors on the decision-making process and internal relationships within a large and complex institution like UH. “I think the mission of Discover UH is to help all of our community own the University,” Human Resources Director Sandy Coltharp said. “I think every single person on this campus plays a role, and if helping them understand the mission helps them own the University, then that is my goal.” Discover UH, which has 27 participant s this fall, stemmed from a session four years ago called the Management Institute. Over the past year, Coltharp and her team developed Discover UH before it made its debut Sept. 10. The series offers UH employees the chance to dive deeper into the workings of UH by exploring various aspects such as finances, transportation, and DISCOVER continues on page 3
Renovations being made to the Science Research 1 building, above, have brought research programs and ongoing doctoral dissertations to a halt. | Katie Rowland/The Daily Cougar
Overhaul draws researchers’ ire Suspension of projects, short preparation time among complaints cited by faculty Katie Rowald
THE DAILY COUGAR Work to bring Science Research 1 up to current safety standards, including the installation of a fire sprinkler system, the replacement of the current fire alarm system and the modernization of the building’s elevators, began this month, much to the dismay of researchers and doctoral students who work in the building. “It was a surprise, because it was going to happen immediately,” physics professor Edward Hungerford said. “It really impacts the people who are doing research because everybody’s got to shut down their research program. That not only delays their research, but it also means that students don’t get their degrees. People
are trying to finish up doctoral dissertations, and now all those things are postponed.” While most in the building agree that the modifications both needed and vital to maintaining one of the largest research facilities on the UH campus, physics professor Roy Weinstein said that it was the lack of warning that had many upset and scrambling as the fall semester began. “The first I heard was Aug. 13,” Weinstein said. “(The plans) began almost a year before the renovation, and not a single member of the faculty was told.” According to Weinstein, talk of the renovations began in 2004, but the faculty was never given a definite start date. Hungerford concurred. “Most people had heard about the fact that there was going to be a building renovation, but it’s sort of like crying wolf,” Hungerford said. “We all knew that something was coming, but we never knew when it was.” Provost John Antel told the Houston RESEARCHERS continues on page 3