A look into the life of a UH musician
Cougars lose another player to injury
t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4
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Event to educate attendees on current technology The 2010 Tech Conference will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today in the University Center, Houston Room. Power2Learn 2010 is the University’s venue for demonstrating the technology used on campus for student education. A Cougar Card is needed for registration, and the admission cost to participate is free. Tour exhibits are intended to connect participants with tech companies so students can get a chance to use some of the latest technology. For more information contact Linda Grant at 832-8424617 or e-mail
UH GLOBAL hosts Rainbow Prom on campus The UH Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender organization will host its 2nd Annual Rainbow Prom from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. Saturday in the Cougar Den. GLOBAL will provide food and drinks to prom attendees, along with accepting any music requests. GLOBAL’s weekly meetings are Thursday at 6:00 p.m. This semester, all meetings are held in the Mediterranean Room. To learn more about GLOBAL, visit global. For more information concerning the Rainbow Prom, e-mail . — Sara Nichols/The Daily Cougar
Issue 042, Volume 76
Wednesday ®
October 13, 2010
Research takes spotlight Undergraduates present their field of study projects at annual celebration Paulina Lam
THE DAILY COUGAR Time and effort will prove to be worthwhile as undergraduate researchers will have the opportunity to present their research from the past year this Thursday. The sixth annual Undergraduate Research Day will begin at 4 p.m. Oct. 14 at the Rockwell Pavilion in the M.D. Anderson Memorial Library. “We have over 109 undergraduate researchers to present over a wide variety
of subjects including architecture, business, hotel & restaurant management to CLASS, pharmacy and many more,” program director for the Office of Undergraduate Research Karen Weber said. The annual event will celebrate the projects that students had embarked on in their field of study while working independently with a faculty mentor. Undergraduates who participated in the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, Provost’s Undergraduate Research Scholarship Program and the Student Training and Research Program are among the many participants to display their work. The celebration will open with the display and viewing of student research posters. Welcoming remarks will be given by
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs John Antel and Associate Dean of Undergraduate Research and the Honors College Stuart Long. A selected group of students and faculty mentors will be honored with awards at the event. Research at the University has given many students the opportunity to achieve their aspirations early on in their academic careers. Over the past year, undergraduate researchers such as Erica Fletcher and Matthew Reichl let research help them thrive. Fletcher had raised awareness after she produced her documentary titled “Marianismo,” which focuses on the lives of Latina women affected with HIV/AIDS. Reichl RESEARCH continues on page 3
Network creates feature for jobs Website makes career opportunities easier Cristi Guerra
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ON CAMPUS Tech Conference 2010 Hosted by UIT, Power2Learn 2010 is the University’s venue for demonstrating the technology used on campus for student education. Bring your Cougar card to the UC Houston Room from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free breast exams The UH Health Center will administer free breast exams from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to all students and faculty members with a photo ID. Fall Exhibitions The Blaffer Art Museum will continue to host works of Gabriel Kuri and Amy Patton from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is always free! Find more campus and local events or add your own at
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LinkedIn and PwC launched a tool last week to help students map their careers, find related job openings and network with professionals following similar career paths. “Career Explorer is an online tool and resource that allows students to map several career tracks available to them,” US recruiting leader for PwC Holly Paul said. “They can look to see what sorts of tracks other people have taken as well.” Students will have the same information available to them that LinkedIn already offers, but by using Career Explorer they will have a personalized path with specific job titles and salaries. “The challenge for liberal arts students is that they like so many things, that it is really hard for them to focus,” UH career counselor Helen Godfrey said. “Managing their expectations about how long it might take to get from their undergraduate degree to where they want to go eventually is helpful.” Godfrey said she would recommend the program without hesitation because having all of those choices available is very powerful. “Once you have that foundation it NETWORK continues on page 10
Last year, UH participated in the annual RecycleMania event, and plans for the 2011 tournament are being finalized for some time next semester. | Daily Cougar File Photo
UH official takes on new task Messa named to Houston’s clean city commission Karisha Lucero
THE DAILY COUGAR Recycling is in full effect, and while red was the new black, green is the new way to go. Emily Messa, who was appointed to the City of Houston Clean City Commission on Sept. 29, is focused on putting this into full effect. “I look forward to learning more about the city and the efforts by the city to promote recycling and litter prevention,” Messa said. “I’m also looking forward to understanding all of the resources available, and how Houstonians can make a difference in keeping Houston a beautiful place to live.”
Messa, a UH alumna, oversees Green UH and serves as chair of the Sustainability Task Force. She said she is looking forward to new achievements made while being a member of the Commission, particularly in educating people. “I’m a big believer in education, and how education can have a positive impact on people, their life and their health,” Messa said. “When you’re educating people about the environment and their own impact on it, you have the opportunity to change someone’s life.” Going green, along with recycling, has made an impact and started a popular trend on campus as well. More students are doing their part in keeping the campus clean, as well as taking advantage of the ability and growing availability of recycling opportunities. “The biggest success I’ve seen is that RECYCLE continues on page 10