Koski keeps Cougars contented
Art in the Village
t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4
THE DAILY COUGAR » Breaking news, blogs, discussion and more:
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The second annual University of Houston Green Building Components Expo will be open from 5 to 7 p.m. on Oct. 21 in the UH Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture’s atrium. The UHGBC Expo runs through Dec. 1. The faculty will showcase new sustainability-focused projects and products from Galveston Green Build, Nexus Power Cart and many others. At 6 p.m., George Beylerian, founder and CEO of Material Connexion, will deliver a short lecture. For more information, visit php.
Sarah Raslan
THE DAILY COUGAR The UH Honors Commons was filled with verses of leading Arab poet, Adonis, in a unique public appearance hosted by the UH English department. “Today’s guest Adonis is considered the most important living Arabic language poet, and one of the Arab world’s most significant philosophers,” said associate professor Hosam Aboul-Ela at the Oct. 18 event. “It is in no way an exaggeration to call him a leading international thinker and one of the most watched poets in the world.”
Adonis, whose birth name is Ali Ahmad Said, was born in 1930 in Qassabin, a small village in Syria. He studied literature and philosophy at Damascus University shortly after Syria became an independent postcolonial state — after being a French protectorate. As a student, he became interested in radical politics and joined the Syrian National Socialist Party. Adonis was among Syrian and Arab activists who felt that liberation from colonialism should mean societal liberation. This ideology put him at odds with authorities and eventually led to his exile to Beirut, POET continues on page 3
Katie Rowald
You must be at least 21 years old to attend. A photo ID is required. RSVP at For more information visit cnhc/ShowNewsArticle.asp?c=17163.
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In the Tuesday issue, an article titled “Bullying issue at center of suicides” misattributed an interviewee. Dr. Brent Lane was not interviewed in the article. Dr. Christine Henry, however, was. In the Oct. 13 issue, an article titled “UH official takes on new task” mistakenly states that Emily Messa is a UH alumna. She is not a graduate of UH, but is currently enrolled in a UH graduate program in the College of Education.
Flag down violence
he Women’s Resource Center has launched its Red Flag Campaign to put a stop on dating violence in part of October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Bundles of red flags were distributed and placed throughout campus, as shown above, in front of the UC-Satellite. | Hiba Adi/The Daily Cougar
Slime in the ice machine. It’s more than likely that every Houstonian has heard of it; but what news anchor Marvin Zindler — who was known for reporting on this issue — didn’t know was that the slime in the ice machine could walk. In the Oct. 1 issue of the journal Science, UH assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering Jacinta Conrad and a team of researchers announced they had translated microscopy footage of bacteria into databases of bacterial behavior, and found that bacteria can stand and walk along hard surfaces. “What we found was that instead of crawling with their long axis, parallel to the surface, they could walk with their long axis perpendicular to the surface,” Conrad said. “And they could move in all directions this way and cover surprisingly large distances.” This movement, supported by pilli — tiny hook-like tentacles on the surface of the bacteria — allows the organisms to more efficiently explore the surfaces they encounter to determine their suitability for forming a biofilm, Conrad said. “They’re probably looking for food. They’re probably looking for a good place to settle down,” Conrad said. “Why do people move? They (the bacteria) are looking for a good place to live, looking for a good place to start forming a family or a biofilm. And once they find a place that might be suitable, they want to move there as quickly BACTERIA continues on page 3
Students speak on technology effects By Lauren Mathis
Recycle this paper: Share it with a friend!
Arab poet Ali Ahmad Said, known as Adonis, read verses and shared his life journey with attendees at a UH event. | Courtesy of UH
Team of researchers discover slime ‘crawls’ in ice machines
The tasting will be from 6 to 8 p.m. on Oct. 27, in the Conrad N. Hilton Ballroom at the Conrad N. Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management. The guest speaker is William J. Whiting, wine education director for Banfi Vintners.
2 to 4 p.m.
October 20, 2010
Profs conduct bacteria study
The Fred Parks Lecture Series is hosting a wine expert from Banfi Vintners of Old Brookville, N.Y., and is presenting its sixth event, “Titillating Tuscany: In the Land of Wine.”
IT Training on Desktop Publishing A free class for students and faculty introducing Microsoft Publisher 2007 will be held in the Social Work Building in room 110-L. You must register at ittraining beforehand. The class will be held from
Arab poet makes rare visit
Wine tasting series takes a tour to Tuscany
Architecture faculty to showcase Green projects
Issue 042, Volume 76
A majority of college students have demanding work and school schedules, but regardless, staying up-to-date with news is a priority. As the age of technology quickly soars,
students consider using computers or television to obtain their daily news. UH student Treveon Roseberry said that being informed about worldwide and local news is as important as his next exam. “I watch the news as much as I can,” Roseberry said. “I am always current with things that are going on in the world
financially, domestically and abroad.” Roseberry receives the majority of his news from television stations such as CNN, CSPAN and local channels because of the convenience. “The main source of my news is mostly TECH continues on page 3