Cougars now have one shot, one opportunity
Gorillaz prove to be real band
t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4
THE DAILY COUGAR » Breaking news, blogs, discussion and more:
Students wear pink in support of cancer awareness The UH Collegiate Cancer Council Chapter is asking Cougars to wear pink in support of the Well Women Extravaganza 2010, which will take place from 3 to 7 p.m. today in the UC Houston Room. The Extravaganza is an HPV and cervical cancer awareness event for both female and male students, and nine UH organizations are participating this year. For more information, call the Cancer Council President Hannah Kim at 281-978-1493 or go to http:// — Sara Nichols/The Daily Cougar
National Chemistry Week closes with an explosion
October 21, 2010
Budget cuts forthcoming Jack Wehman
THE DAILY COUGAR Texas is facing a budget shortfall of up to $24 billion in the next legislative session, and the Faculty Senate is preparing for a 10 percent reduction in state funds. The budget cut is expected to be officially announced when the Texas Legislature resumes next year, but the Senate is already planning for the worst. “Ten percent of our general funds — and this is just the money we’re subtracting from the total revenue we get from the state — comes out to be about 3 percent of our total budget,” Provost John Antel said. “So that’s
at least a little bit of good news — but it’s still 13.7 million dollars, which is an awful lot of money.” The Senate is looking into many different ways to try and combat this loss of funding any way it can — including looking into cutting some programs, Antel said. “What we’re going to do in the interim in the next few months — it might take a year or two years — we’re going to get together and really try and come down and do program evaluations,” Antel said. No matter what the outcome of the budget cuts may be, the Senate remains focused on the University’s short and longterm future. While there are some cuts being made, the organization is also ensuring that
As part of National Chemistry Week, students are encouraged to vote for their colleagues’ “favorite mole creation” as part of Mole Day, which runs all day Friday at Fleming Hall. For more information, go to http://www.chem.
Jesus Acevedo
— Sara Nichols/The Daily Cougar
In the past year, the Student Government Association and the Faculty Senate have passed resolutions for the transgender student population on campus, but the administration at UH has yet to act on them. A resolution to add the phrase “gender identity and expression” to the non-discrimination statement from UH has been passed, but it remains to be finalized with the Board of Regents. “Overall, it’s been in the chancellor’s office since 2006,” Graduate Social Work Senator for SGA Josephine Tittsworth said. “Then in 2008 and 2009, a new legislation was passed by SGA to include the phrase ‘gender identity and expression,’ and that has been with the current chancellor’s office since then.”
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AROUND TOWN Jason Moran Discovery Green will host acclaimed jazz musician and HSPVA alumnus Jason Moran at 7 p.m. as he takes to the stage a solo concert. This is made possible by a grant from Andrea and Bill White in honor of Nancy G. Kinder. The event is free. Find more campus and local events or add your own at
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Group seeks equal opportunity
The event will feature fire special effects like those seen in movies, as well as safety demonstrations including stunt actors.
Pizza with Parking Pizza with Parking will be a chance for the campus to learn about their transportation options. The information session is designed to provide transportation solutions to students. Free pizza and drinks will be available! Drop by the UC from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
UH stays on the right track, and it’s looking as far ahead as 10 years. “We have to think about where we want to be in ten years as an institution, and we have to think about our current priorities — our high level priorities,” Antel said. Although it wasn’t the most light-hearted discussion, President Renu Khator made sure to emphasize that UH students will always be the first priority, no matter what. “I want our students to feel that they are not poor cousins to anybody,” Khator said. “We value them, we believe in them, they are special to us, and we want them to be successful and graduate.”
In celebration of National Chemistry Week, the UH American Chemical Society is hosting a fire and explosives demonstration from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. today at Lynn Eusan Park outside Cougar Village.
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Issue 043, Volume 76
EQUALITY continues on page 3
Rock n’ lunch on campus he Student Program Board continued to showcase local bands with its Fall Concert Series 2010 at the UC-Satellite. The Band Foster performed from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday while students enjoyed the music in the patio area. For more information on SPB events, visit |
Brianna Leigh Morrison/ The Daily Cougar
Officials reconsider drunk driving fines Charne Graham
THE DAILY COUGAR Texas residents may want to think twice before getting behind the wheel after a beer or two in the future. Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo is proposing that the state’s driving under the influence law be changed. The new DWAI law on the agenda — that is, driving while ability impaired — states that if the driver’s blood alcohol content is 0.05-0.07, they can be charged. For ALCOHOL continues on page 3