Issue 77, Volume 76

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H-Town showdown at Hofheinz

Heroes in the Satellites


t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4



Issue 77, Volume 76

Thursday ®

February 10, 2011

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Weather updates will be made available throughout the day The National Weather Service (NWS) issued a hard freeze warning Wednesday afternoon, effective until 10 a.m. Thursday. Afternoon classes on Wednesday were not canceled, but officials continue to monitor weather conditions. The UH Department of Public Safety recommends that students and staff should exercise caution and make a personal decision about traveling safely to campus. The UH campus will continue to be informed of updates through the PIER emergency communication system throughout the day. To receive text message updates, update your information within PeopleSoft. Get more winter safety tips at: and monitor road conditions at:

Streets off-limits for UH Neighborhood off Wheeler moves to make area parking private, requires city permit Daniel Renfrow

THE DAILY COUGAR Many UH community members forego the battlefield caused by limited campus parking spaces by parking in residential neighborhoods surrounding the campus. Beginning Feb. 15 one of those neighborhoods will become a private parking zone. The community of University Oaks, located off Wheeler Street and Cullen

Boulevard, has certified with the City of Houston as a Residential Permit Parking neighborhood, according to a UH news release. Any vehicle parked along streets within the neighborhood will require a parking permit. UH alum and President of the University Oaks Civic Club Alex Cabrera said the city began placing signs at the end of January. “It’s been an issue since I lived there in 2001,” Cabrera said, noting that the parking issue has been worse since UH started several construction projects. To get the word out about the new parking policy, leaflets have been distributed on cars, warning tickets have been issued

by the HPD, and a press release has been released on the University’s parking and transportation website. Supply chain and logistics technology senior Stephany Marcucci lives in the University Oaks neighborhood. Marcucci said that she recognizes that parking is an issue at the University, but it causes a lot of problems for people who live in the neighborhood. “I pay a lot to live here,” Marcucci said. “Sometimes I have to park three streets away because of the students.” Marcucci said that sometimes residents of the neighborhood call the police on UH PARKING continues on page


Tough job market prompts college to hold career seminary

UH Dining aims to keep students fed

The Honors College will be hosting the first of three Career Fridays at noon on Feb. 11 in the Honors Commons. The event was originally set for Feb. 2 but was rescheduled due to poor weather conditions. “We recognize that our students are facing a tough job market,” said Christine LeVeaux-Haley, associate dean of the Honors College, in a news release. “We have created Career Fridays to ensure that our students have every advantage as they compete against fellow job candidates.”

Jorge Porras


This Friday’s event will focus on resume writing with representatives from Shell Oil. Donna M. Blair, UH’s diplomat in residence, will also present on Foreign Service. All UH students are welcome to attend but must RSVP online at


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I... I can’t feel my legs... where has the sun gone?


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EVENTS Elizabeth Rockwell Celebration of Life The University of Houston is celebrating the life of Elizabeth Dennis Rockwell from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the second floor of the M.D. Anderson Library. Breast Cancer Screening Breast cancer screening will be available for UH students, staff and faculty. Screening will be offered from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the UH Health Center. Contact your insurance provider to see if you qualify.


Love is in the air


H’s Student Program Board provided students with 300 bear parts and stuffing at the University Center’s Matters of the Heart Gift Mart. Other campus organizations took the opportunity to raise funds by selling hot chocolate, cupcakes, cards and other items. | Josh Mireles/The Daily Cougar

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There are all kinds of scholarships that help students pay for books, classes and school supplies, but now there is a scholarship that provides students with an entire semester’s worth of meals. UH Dining Services is offering the scholarship that provides 21 meals per week and an extra $100 in Cougar Cash — a value of over $1,500. “I think it is amazing,” former scholarship recipient Ashley Coates said. “It will be so nice to get through so many exams and assignments on a full stomach.” An average UH student who regularly eats and shops for supplies on campus can spend as much as $90 a week, resulting in over $300 a month. With this scholarship, a student could save that money every month for an entire semester totaling up to over $1,200. Unlike most scholarships, the meal plan scholarship does not require a mountain of paper work and essays to apply. “It was extremely easy to apply for this scholarship,” Coates said. “I have applied for many scholarships during my studies here and there is usually a hefty amount of information that you need to include, and it is usually an exhausting process.” The scholarship was first offered to students by Dining Services in an effort to help out full-time students. Dining Services donates the funds for the scholarship each semester. Ten students have received the scholarship during Fall 2010 and Spring Semester of 2011, with two students winning twice in a row. Students with at least a 3.0 average and a minimum of 12 hours are encouraged to apply. The deadline for the Spring semester has already passed, but students who are interested in applying should check in with the Financial Aid office or visit room 31 in the E. Cullen building for more information.

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