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Men's track team takes home another one
t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4
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Officials release name and photo of sexual assault suspect A man unaffiliated with the University has been named as the suspect in a recent on-campus sexual assault case.
A warrant for Clark’s arrest has been issued. Officials ask members of the UH and the surrounding community to immediately call police should they come into contact with Clark. If you have any information about this incident please call UHDPS at (713) 743-3333. For more information on this incident, please visit www.
SGA presidential debate winner announced, Harding The audience chose Michael Harding as the winner of last week’s presidential debate. Harding debated against his opponents, Jared Gogets and Michael McHugh. The debate is avaiiable at Voting begins today. Presidential candidate profiles will run in tomorrow’s issue.
CORRECTIONS Report errors to Corrections will appear in this space as needed.
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Last day of February will be nice outside!
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Facebook used to encourage voting, update students THE DAILY COUGAR
A resident of Moody Towers reported waking up in her room and finding someone fondling her around 4:45 a.m. on Thursday. The complainant was not injured in any other way.
February 28, 2011 Read. Recycle. Repeat daily.
SGA finds ways to inform Ashley Anderson
No details were released as to how officials came to identify the suspect.
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UH Department of Public Safety investigators identified Astin Chavers Clark, 22, as a suspect in the case on Friday afternoon.
Issue 103, Volume 76
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EVENTS Free Instructor-Led, Hands-On Computer Training Computer classes are being offered to students, alumni, faculty and staff. A class introducing Advanced Excel 2010 will be held from 10 a.m. to noon in room 110-6 of the Social Work Building. Percussion Ensembles The Moores School of Music is presenting Percussion Ensembles at 7:30 p.m. General admission is $10, $15 for students and seniors.
The Student Government Association election commission is encouraging students to vote in elections for the next administration that begin today and end Friday. This election year may prove important considering the issues facing the University such as the looming budget cuts to state funding. “It’s really important for students to voice their opinions on campus,” said Mila Clarke,
SGA’s director of public relations. “SGA represents every single student on campus.” “Just by voting, you’re picking the person that will represent you among administration in meetings, across the state when we work with other SGAs and law makers who pass laws that benefit education,” Clarke said. Candidates running for the position of SGA president are Jared Gogets, Michael Harding and Michael McHugh. At-large positions and representatives for each college and department are also on the ballot. The undergraduate and graduate atlarge members deal with university-wide issues such as parking and tuition. College
representatives handle issues with in their respective colleges. Students are able to cast one vote in an online ballot using their student identification number. The online ballot allows students the ability to vote from anywhere. If a run off occurs, students may vote again that next week when runoffs are held. To encourage more students to vote, SGA Elections Commissioner Katie Kornahrens said they are trying a more hands-on approach. “We have several plans as far as marketing,” Kornahrens said. “We’re doing a very ELECTIONS continues on page 3
S. Africa, novel at center of discourse Moniqua Sexton
THE DAILY COUGAR A visiting scholar of humanities delivered a lecture on an essay that discussed the changing politics and identities of South Africa. Nirvana Tanoukhi presented her essay of criticism, “A Matter of Setting: Fate and Geography in Coetzee,” about the novel “Disgrace,” by J. M. Coetzee Thursday evening in room 110 of the Roy G. Cullen building. Tanoukhi, a Sheila Biddle Ford Foundation Fellow at the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute at Harvard University, visited UH on Thursday as part of the Martha Gano Houstoun Distinguished Visiting Scholar series. Tanoukhi chose this novel because of its impact on her students, as well as its beauty. “This is the kind of novel that is as beautiful as it is disturbing,” Tanoukhi said. “Also, it has a generative effect on my students. It generates them to think and ask questions. That’s a good sign as it gives a teaching of belonging.” “Disgrace” is about the changing politics of South Africa and how they are starting over as the characters are starting their lives over in the novel. The novel is widely read in South Africa, Tanoukhi said. Her take on the novel is about the development of the characters and LECTURE continues on page 3
Kinesiology sophomore Manuel Martinez painted three shirts at last week’s Flag Day in the University Center while wearing a traditional Mexican hat, a sombrero. | Tap Nguyen/The Daily Cougar
Diversity group hosts Flag Day Organization provides free paints and shirts for Flag Day Tap Nguyen
THE DAILY COUGAR Students displayed their diverse cultures by painting flags on shirts Thursday. The Council of Ethnic Organizations hosted Flag Day at the University Center’s North Tables and provided free shirts, paints and designs. “All students love free items. So, the Flag Day event is a chance for students to show their cultures, or learn about other cultures,” said Anna Vuong, director of CEO. The event started at 11:30 a.m., but students had been waiting for long before. “My friend told me about the event today. I have never joined any event like this. I’m so curious,” said Nakyung Chun, a Korean psychology freshman.
Students from countries from around the world including Hispanic, African, Asian and American students joined the event. Attendees learned about the event via e-mail and from the CEO website. However, some students stopped by unintentionally. “It is awesome. Very fun,” said Jesse Soto, a transfer student from Texas Southern University. “Everybody represents their countries, so amazing.” Manuel Martinez, a Mexican Kinesiology sophomore wearing a traditional Mexican sombrero, was excited about painting the shirts. He painted three shirts. “It was a great opportunity for students to realize that everyone comes from a different place and carries a part of that culture around with them,” Martinez said. “The t-shirts will be worn around school to display the students’ art.” This was the first time CEO hosted the Flag Day event and students kept coming FLAG DAY continues on page 3