Issue 107, Volume 76

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Helms is hilarious in 'Cedar Rapids'

C-USA dominance in sight for Cougars


t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4



Issue 107, Volume 76

Friday ®

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March 4, 2011 Read. Recycle. Repeat daily.



Taking on the Legislature

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Lecture to focus on evolution, challenges of modern medicine The UH Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering will be holding the Alkiviades C. Payatakesa Memorial Lecture at 2 p.m. today in lecture hall L2-D2 of the Cullen College of Engineering. The featured guest speaker will be Nicholas A. Peppas, a University of Texas professor widely renowned for his extensive work with molecular and cellular biology combined with engineering. The lecture will detail the challenges and innovations associated with the successful targeted delivery of pharmaceutical drugs, with a discussion of its evolution in modern medicine and the future developments in the field. For more information, visit the department’s website at chbe. — Julian Jimenez/The Daily Cougar

Optometry insights focus of weekend on-campus expo The UH Eye Institute will be hosting the Houston Area Insight Expo from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday at the UH College of Optometry. The event will feature keynote speaker Franklin I. Porter from the Lighthouse of Houston. “Faculty from the center will give presentations on the role of vision rehabilitation and highlight specific programs relating to bioptic telescopic spectacles for driving and assistive technology,” said Stan Woo, director of the Center for Sight Enhancement in a press release. The event is $5, which includes a raffle ticket for door prizes and lunch. To register, visit — Julian Jimenez/The Daily Cougar

Anna Gallegos


UH students attended the Walk for Choice on Saturday in Montrose, and also held a petition drive on campus to educate students on pro-choice matters. | Courtesy of the Student Feminist Organization

The Student Feminist Organization is taking on national efforts to cut funding for abortions and Planned Parenthood through education on campus and throughout the city. The organization attended the Walk for Choice at Cherryhurst Park

in Montrose on Saturday. “It was very successful and a great political event,” said Amanda Williams, president of SFO. “There were about 150 people there — a mix of men and women. We just all got together and encouraged each other; it was empowering.” The Walk for Choice rally was part RALLY continues on page 3


Review enters top echelon of journals Publication aims to foster intellectual discourse Ayesha Mohiuddin



In the opinion story “UH beats Rice in all-around value” that ran Thursday, we gave pricing statistics for both UH and Rice tuition. Both figures included the cost of on-campus housing.

78 LO 62



Saturday rain, Sunday sun....


69/46 69 9 /46 6


69/48 6 / 8


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78/64 78 8/64 64

EVENTS Symphonic Band Works The Moores School of Music is presenting Symphonic Winds Symphonic Band Works by Sousa, Grainger, Mackey and more. The event will be from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. General admission is $10, $5 for seniors and students. Steve Miller Band The School of Theatre & Dance is sponsoring the show, which is from 8 to 10:30 p.m. in the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center. Tickets are $10.


The Houston Law Review has been ranked number 39 by the Washington & Lee rankings, placing it in the top 3 percent of all legal scholarship journals worldwide. The Houston Law Review is a scholarly journal written by University of Houston Law Center students. The publication publishes legal studies and research. Editor-in-chief Michelle Gray,said the journal is in its 48th volume of publication. “Each year, the Review publishes five issues containing a varied body of legal scholarship dedicated to fostering intellectual discourse among the professional and academic community,” Gray said. “The primary ranking for law journals is done by Washington and Lee Law School every year.” The Houston Law Review helps improve the writing and analytical skills of its members, teach leadership and prepare students for legal practice. “This is just one indicator of why the Law Center maintains such a strong reputation among other REVIEW continues on page 3

Founding dean of UH’s Honors College Ted Estess read from his new book “The Cream Pitcher: Mississippi Stories” on Wednesday in the Honors College Commons. | Nine Nguyen/The Daily Cougar


Talking Mississippi, family Founding dean of Honors College entrances audience with latest familial stories Anna Gallegos

THE DAILY COUGAR Ted Estess likened himself to John Updike — not because they are great writers, but because they both wore ties during their book readings at the Honors College. “What kind of self-respecting writer wears a tie?” Estess asked. An audience of about 70 attended the reading for his new book, “The Cream Pitcher: Mississippi Stories,” in the Honors Commons Wednesday evening. Estess had a soft, lilting Southern accent as he read the story “Cream, Clabber and Whey” from his book. “There was never one day in my life where I said, ‘I’m going to write stories,’” Estess said

before the reading. “Like many good things in my life, it just happened. I guess I take credit for them, but in some sense they were an accident.” The stories that fill his book are about his family, which starts with his grandfather George Washington Estess, and their life in a farmhouse in Southern Mississippi. Estess said that he discovered the family stories when he traveled home during breaks from Syracuse University as a “recess from academics.” Even if Estess did not say this, it would have been revealed as his reading intertwined both the present day with lives of his eight aunts and uncles during the early 20th century. “No one can read a Mississippi story with the cadence and comic timing of Ted Estess,” Honors College Dean Bill Monroe said. “His stories are evidence that it is not enough just to live, you also need to tell about it.” As his story ambled along, Estess read in READING continues on page 3

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