Cowboys grab Cougars by their paws
Get smart this spring break
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March 9, 2011 Read. Recycle. Repeat daily.
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RecycleMania event today; play games with recycled items Green UH will be holding the RecycleMania Olympics from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. today in Butler Plaza. Students can play a variety of games including horseshoes, skee ball and tug-of-war for prizes and candy. “We want to show the UH community how fun recycling can be by bringing various games made of recycled and salvaged materials out for them to enjoy,” said Billy Garner, marketing coordinator for university services. “We would also like to encourage everyone to participate in the RecycleMania competition going on through April 5.” For more information about this and future RecycleMania events, go to — Taylor McGilvray/The Daily Cougar
Moores performance Thursday featuring orchestra under Krager
Suit up for women’s charity Local organization provides dress clothes for interviews Daniel Renfrow
THE DAILY COUGAR The Women’s Resource Center began its second annual “Send One Suit” clothing drive this Monday until Friday to collect gently used professional clothing for the local branch of “Dress for Success,” a national organization that collects and distributes professional style interview and work clothing for underprivileged women. Professional suits and blouses on hangers, handbags and close-toed shoes can be dropped off this week at the Women’s Resource Center in room 279A in the University Center or at the University Career Services Center in Student Services Building 1, room 106. Beverly McPhail, the director of the Women’s Resource Center, said that the center is targeting UH staff and faculty members.
“I find that our staff and faculty are very generous about contributing and wanting to help,” McPhail said. “Women are really happy to put their suits to good use and to know that they might benefit someone else.” The Dress for Success program is very particular about the clothing they accept because they want the women they help to look nice, McPhail said. “They really want gently worn suits — clean and on hanger, gently worn close toed shoes, blouses and nice handbags,” McPhail said. “They want everything that would be appropriate for an interview and work type situation.” The organization works to make it seem as though the women are shopping at a store. “Walking into Dress for Success is like walking into a retail store,” McPhail said. “The suits are all clean and on hangers.” According to McPhail, the organization SUITS continues on page 3
Huy Truon, a business freshman, helps collect donated suits for interviews. | Cristi Guerra/The Daily Cougar
The Moores School of Music faculty will be performing “An Evening of Grand Opera” at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Moores Opera House, featuring the Symphony Orchestra under the conduction of Franz Krager.
Senior friends fed by IABC
The performance will include soprano Cynthia Clayton, soprano Lynda M cKnight, mezzo-soprano Melanie Sonnenberg, tenor Joseph Evans, baritone Hector Vasquez and bass-baritone Timothy Jones. Ticket prices are $15 general admission and $10 for student and faculty. For tickets call the Moores School Ticket Office at 713-7433313 — Emily Holley/The Daily Cougar
Issue 110, Volume 76
Dog and cat food collected for older citizens
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Misti Mynhier
76 LO 45
More than 100 universities and colleges from 35 states participated by donating clothing and hangers. “About six organizations and some individuals participated. We’re happy we have this campaign,” said Kate Gaviola, student government director of external affairs. “It’s the first time we’ve had it here
The International Association of Business Communicators student chapter at UH is promoting a local cause on campus by hosting the aniMeals on Wheels drive, which provides donated pet food to the pet companions of Houston area senior citizens. “Our philanthropy event is a great way to show support in the community and involve students on-campus for a great cause,” said Maegan Clemens, president of UH IABC. “With the support of our members and the University, I feel we will achieve our goal.” Students can help UH IABC contribute to this local humanitarian cause by donating pet food items in March. UH IABC will be promoting this event through the entire month of March in hopes of raising 50 plus food items for aniMeals on Wheels,
SGA CLOTHING continues on page 5
PET FOOD continues on page 3
Partly cloudy....
thurs th hur us
friday fr rid iday ayy
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sun su Mark Lane, politicial science sophomore and SGA associate director of external affairs, weighs and loads the GoodWill truck for the oneShirt collegiate clothing drive. | Courtesy Kate Gaviola
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EVENTS UH Men and Women’s Basketball Both teams will be looking to make tournament runs in the Conference USA Tournament in El Paso. The men’s team is facing off against Marshall this evening at 6:30 p.m. Martina McBride The countrysinger will be headlining tonight’s show at RodeoHouston in Reliant Stadium. The show begins at 6:45 p.m., and ticket prices are ranging from $18 to $300. Parking starts at $10.
UH makes most donations in state Organization winners separated by four pounds Cristi Guerra
THE DAILY COUGAR UH donated 910 pounds of clothing to rank first in the state and seventh in the country in the oneShirt National Collegiate Clothing Drive.