A winning resume for the Sheen
Cardinals fly away from Cougars
t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4
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UH teams in national competition seek online, text votes Four UH teams will be judged by professionals when they compete in Microsoft’s National Imagine Cup contest in Seattle beginning on Friday. Teams competing in the finals are also competing in the “People’s Choice Awards” division of the contest, and the UH community has the opportunity to give the four teams the win by voting for the them at the competition’s Facebook page. To send the UH teams to the top of the social competition, visit and look for the four UH teams: “Big Impact Bear,”“STC,”“AAMP,” and “Righteous Noodle.” Votes can also be cast through text message by texting “BEAR,”“STC,”“AAMP,” OR “RNOODLE” to 23000. Voting for the “People’s Choice Award” of the Imagine Cup will close on Saturday.
Elize Najm, Daniel Renfrow and Jorge Porras
Read. Recycle. Repeat daily.
THE DAILY COUGAR Many UH students rely on financial aid to pay for at least part of their education, but with a projected budget shortfall of up to $27 billion, state officials are proposing budget cuts — a large part of which will be coming from education funding. The Texas House and Senate both aim at a 5 to 10 percent reduction in current spending. In both proposals, 38 to 41 percent of the cuts to achieve this reduction are coming from higher education. In the current Texas budget, 12 percent of allocated funds are distributed towards education. The proposals will cut an estimated $772 million from Texas colleges and universities. The House passed its version of the budget
late Sunday. “Eighty thousand kids are not going to get their scholarships and grant money because of this bill,” Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-San Antonio, was quoted saying in a Houston Chronicle article. UH Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs John Antel believes state budget cuts are difficult for all state agencies. “We are not alone,” Antel said. “However, UH has been strategically preparing for this for more than a year. Any cuts are painful, and sometimes they do change the speed in which you go, but you still go.” UH receives a portion of its funds from the state of Texas, and could lose an estimated $54 to $65 million over the next biennium — a 16 to 20 percent cut in state funds.
Budget cuts Every Thursday, The Daily Cougar has taken an in-depth look at how proposed budget cuts will affect the University and its future. Today we present our final article of the series. Feb. 17: Tier One initiative Feb 24: Staff terminations March 3: Athletics programs March 24: The role of community colleges March 31: Public vs. private debate Today: Financial aid Track this series and find expanded resources on
CUTS continues on page 100
Fraternities get graded Number of Greek members who have made the Dean’s list cited
Students can learn about Naval careers and education scholarship opportunities.
Christopher Losee
A career seminar, from noon to 1 p.m. in the UC Saltgrass Room, will expand on opportunities offered by the Navy.
Over the past few years, UH’S Interfraternity Council has strived to make improvements to ensure that Greek life at the University remains a testament to growth and commitment. However, the focus for IFC has been on academics. The IFC organization consists of 11 North-American Interfraternity Conference fraternities that have to follow certain academic standards and other rules adhering to active and prospective members. Both the NIC and IFC have placed their focus on
For more information, students can text CAREERS to 88202. — Tap Nguyen/The Daily Cougar
CORRECTIONS Report errors to Corrections will appear in this space as needed.
FRATERNITIES continues on page 3
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The “blob”
GLOBAL drag show moves to Montrose
Performances by professional, amateur entertainers scheduled for fundraiser
Clouds with breaks of sunshine....
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April 7, 2011
Cuts in funding are leading the University into an operation similar to private institutions
The U.S. Navy will host the career event where UH students will have an opportunity to learn about money-earning options, leadership opportunities and world travel, according to event promotions.
Financial aid budgets slashed
America’s Navy College Tour takes place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today at the University Center Circle Drive.
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US Navy campus visit to focus on employment, scholarship options
Issue 126, Volume 76
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EVENTS GLOBAL’s 4th Annual Drag Show Global is hosting its annual drag show at the Meteor Lounge from 8:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Donations are accepted. All the donations collected will go to benefit HATCH. All Time Low, Yellowcard, Hey Monday Part of the “Dirty Work Tour”, the bands will be headlining at the House of Blues tonight. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with the show starting at 6:30 p.m. Ticket prices start at $20.
Minimal Complexity,” a sculpture designed by Vlad Tenu, a Romanian architect from London, has taken residence in the grand foyer of the The Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture. The design was the winning entry for the Repeat Design competition, which was established “to foster the creative spirit in the burgeoning field of digital fabrication.” | Paris Jomadiao/The Daily Cougar
Tess Livingston
THE DAILY COUGAR The annual extravaganza that is GLOBAL’s Drag Show will be taken off campus this year. GLOBAL, UH’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender student group, will be hosting its 4th annual Drag Show at 8 p.m. today at Meteor, located on 2306 Genessee. In previous years, the event had been held at the UC, but group officers decided that a change of setting DRAG SHOW continues on page 3