Houston celebrates Japan
Cougars win last stand against UAB
t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4
Scholarships for all expenses available to graduate students More than 100 scholarships are available for graduate students to help pay for all tuition, books and fees. Additionally, the winner would receive a monthly stipend of over $2,000 to help pay for expenses.
Bylaw changes promote push to flagship status
“GPA is not the most important thing. Involving in social activities, or doing volunteer work is a great competitive advantage,”said Ohm Culpepper, Air Force Health Professions Representative.
Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences’ spring faculty meeting on Friday focused on how the college fits in with UH’s Tier One goal by adding a research committee. “This is really about CLASS and making sure the faculty has
For more information, please contact Ohm Culpepper at 210-3416802 or at — Tap Nguyen/The Daily Cougar
Communications workshop provides personal and career tips Valenti School of Communication professor Deborah Bridges will host a communication workshop, open to all UH students, on Tuesday from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the enclosed dining area in the Moody Towers. Bridges, with her experience teaching Fundamentals of Public Speaking, Interpersonal Communication and Intercultural Communication and Organizations, will provide students with insight into the benefits of communicating effectively. Bridges has contributed to two communication texts published by Houghton-Mifflin. “The human connection — through effective communication — has been cited by countless leaders as the key to their personal and career success,”Bridges said in a press release. To reserve a spot or questions, contact Betty Hassell at ehassell@
CORRECTIONS Report errors to Corrections will appear in this space as needed.
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Possible morning showers....
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a voice and a research policy in this college,” said John W. Roberts, CLASS dean, to an audience of 100 faculty members on April 8. “This is the first four-year university that I’ve been at that didn’t have a research committee.” As a bylaw change, the college has added a research committee in order to advocate, encourage and assist in the research of liberal arts and social sciences professors, an objective that falls in line with UH being named a Tier One university by the Carnegie Foundation.
“It’s a work in progress,” said Maria Soliño on behalf of Chris Murray of the faculty college governance and advisory committee. “It’s a first step.” According to Soliño, the purpose of the new committee is to assist faculty members to undertake new research projects and to offer support for ongoing projects. “This committee took into account how diverse our college is,” said Soliño. “They are very concerned that different sorts of research are taken into
account — whether it is a dance performance or publication of a book.” The committee also organized current bylaws to streamline the evaluation process for projects. Even with these changes, CLASS faces challenges in financing the sought after research. “It is equally important to find new sources of revenue to continue to sustain and enhance the quality of our programs, support our students and support CLASS continues on page 3
Students yell prices at outcry contest Local contestant wins first places Miguel Cortina
— Cordero Jennings/The Daily Cougar
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April 11, 2011
Research team enacted Anna Gallegos
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Graduate students who have a GPA of 2.5 or higher can apply for the scholarships. Five UH graduate students have been awarded.
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Issue 128, Volume 76
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EVENTS Instructor-Led Training Class A class introducing Project 2007 is available to faculty, staff, students and alumni. The class will be from 9 a.m. to noon in Room 110L of the Social Work Building. Registration is required to reserve a seat. Claiming Victory Over Violence Members of the UH Soka Peace Group and the UH-Clear Lake Soka Peace Group is hosting the Victory Over Violence from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the University Center Arbor.
During the The C.T. Bauer College of Business’ commodity outcry competition Saturday, where more than 20 universities from around the nation competed, a UH student won first place. Francis Dorrego and Laurentino Rangel won first and fourth place, respectively. The Finance Association trained the UH team since the start of the semester. The competition also served as a challenge for another national competition that will be held in New York City next weekend. The competition consisted of trading different commodities on an outcry marketplace. “We are given simulated market orders and it’s the contestant’s job to execute the orders in the best way possible,” said Phillip Bannon, director of research and trade of the Finance Association. “They have to monitor the price at all times, they have to understand the lingo, they have to understand the words used, and then they have to execute those orders fast.” Because more than 120 students participated, the commodities outcry was very loud since the participants OUTCRY continues on page 3
Last week students played games and won t-shirts while learning about leadership and ethics. Some also competed in an ethics case competition and analyzed an issue using legal solutions. | Marie Munoz/The Daily Cougar
Games to learn ethics, win prizes Last week students brush up on leadership skills Miguel Cortina
THE DAILY COUGAR The C.T. Bauer College of Business hosted Leadership & Ethics week, an opportunity for students to review their leadership and ethics skills to apply them in the corporate world with professionals. On Tuesday during Bauer Power, held in Melcher Hall, dozens of students participated in several games set up dealing with ethics where students collected tickets from the questions they got right to exchange them for a t-shirt. “This started out as a group project for one of my classes to throw an event to kick of the Leadership & Business Ethics week and we play games, try to promote knowledge of business ethics and try to get the students involved,” said J’Vonne Lowe, a marketing sophomore, who
was in charge of giving out the prizes. One of the games that had most of the students was “Who Wants to be Ethical,” a game based on the same format as “Who Wants to be a Millionaire.” The students who were able to answer all questions about business ethics questions would get five tickets for the t-shirt. “Where I work, I’m the office manager at a clinic, and all these questions explain the daily life situations,” said Shalini Aggarwal, a business manager junior who participated in the game. “And pretty much helps me understand what I should do next if any types of these scenarios happen. All these ethical characters and responsibilities are all true and even though you have to work on the survey, it’s a lot of fun.” On Thursday, students had the opportunity to participate in the ethics case competition. Students were charged with choosing an industry or company, analyzing a related ethical issue and proposing a solution that considers the legal, financial and practical applications. ETHICS continues on page 3