Issue 129, Volume 76

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Cougars to battle it out against Bearkats

What's indie experimental?


t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4



Issue 129, Volume 76

Tuesday ®

April 12, 2011

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Symposium celebrates African American culture in the media Sponsored by the UH African American Studies Program, this free event invites the public to celebrate the culture and images that define African Americans in media. The symposium will feature a number of America’s foremost scholars as they discuss the issues and challenges that African Americans face both in the past and present. Planned workshops include topics such as “Independent Film Production 101,”and “How To Get a Record Deal.” For a full schedule of activities and events, visit class/aas/. — Julian Jimenez/The Daily Cougar


Information sessions prepare students for upcomming issues In order to prepare for the upcoming construction of new stadium parking, Parking and Transportation Services will host an information session to help students plan their parking plans for next year. The meeting will be held on parking lot 15D on Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Construction is scheduled to begin on August 1, with an anticipated completion date of May 1, 2012. The new parking garage will hold 2,300 cars, making it the largest on campus. The university will take 1,100 parking spaces out of lot 1D starting this summer in order to facilitate the construction process. PTS encourages all students and staff who use the parking lot to attend the meeting to learn what options are available so they can develop a plan prior to purchasing a parking permit for the upcoming year.

COOG Radio makes debut Future accessibility on iPhone and Droid Lauren Mathis

THE DAILY COUGAR UH’s Internet radio station named COOG Radio will be up and running in May for the UH community. Founder and political science junior, Conner Clifton, talks about what the station will consist of and how students and others at UH can get involved.

“We are mostly going to play music, but we are not opposed to other types of programming,” Clifton said. “If you think you have an interesting idea, and that radio is a good medium for it, then suggest it. We are open to anything and everything.” All that matters to Clifton and the other founders is promoting music and art, he said. “We just want to use college radio as a way to promote art in Houston,” Clifton said. “We are going to be playing a lot of local flavor, so if you’re a

Houstonian with a band, come talk to us. We’d love to give you exposure.” COOG Radio will bring benefits to the school. “For one, it’ll give students a chance to be heard,” Clifton said. “It’ll allow them to try something they’ve never done before. As for UH, we are hoping that this will improve the community of the student body and that is always good for the University.” Students should eventually have access to the radio station through iPod and Droid.

“In addition to being a folder in the UH system, we’re working on developing an app for both iPhones and Droids that will allow you to access the station on the go,” Clifton said. Enabling students to have iPhone and Droid access to the station is a must have for COOG Radio since it is on the Internet, Clifton said. “Nowadays, people can access the internet wherever they are thanks to their RADIO continues on page 2


PBS host, physicist to star at UH lecture Youngest director of Hayden Planetarium to headline event

For more information, call PTS customer service at (713) 743-1097. — Louis Casiano/The Daily Cougar

Ashley Evans



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Clear skies with a slight breeze....





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EVENTS Claiming Victory Over Violence Members of the UH Soka Peace Group and the UH-Clear Lake Soka Peace Group are hosting the Victory Over Violence from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the University Center Arbor. Instructor Led Training Class A class introducting web design will be offered to facutly, staff, students and alumni in Room 110L of the Social Work Building from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Register online at


Renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, the man who demoted Pluto from its prior position of planetary power, will be hosted Wednesday as part of the 2011 Elizabeth D. Rockwell Lecture on Ethics and Leadership series . The lecture will be held at the Cullen Performance Hall on Wednesday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. UH alumna Elizabeth D. Rockwell created and funded the series as a way to bring distinguished speakers to the University to discuss issues regarding leadership and ethics. This year’s speaker is the youngest director ever to head the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of National History and current host of the PBS series NOVA scienceNOW. Tyson has a passion for sharing his knowledge of star formations, exploding stars, dwarf galaxies, and the structure of the Milky Way with inquiring minds. His contributions have earned him the honor of having an astroid named after him by the International Astronomical Union, PHYSICIST continues on page 8

Treats for clarifications


he Muslim Students Association provided cotton candy, popcorn and snowcones to passersby to encourage them to come by the information table Monday in the breezeway of Phillip Guthrie Hall. Ruben Ramirez, member of MSA and math sophomore, said they come out three days a week to clear up misconceptions and answer questions about Muslims and Islam among students. | Cristi Guerra/The Daily Cougar


Online portal upgrade open Changes enhance website, students respond postively Anna Gallegos

THE DAILY COUGAR UH launched the new myUH system with features made to streamline the process of enrollment for students. “March 31-April 5, 2011, the University of Houston System upgrad(ed) the current

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 8.9, Student Administration, Student and Faculty SelfService, Human Resources, software to version 9.0,” wrote Chris Cheatham, UH director of communications and marketing, in an e-mail. “Thus, ‘The NEW myUH,’ while there are no dramatic changes for student self-service in the 9.0 version, there are a few new features and enhanced functionality that students will be able to utilize after the April MYEDU continues on page 8

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