Issue 132, Volume 76

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Cougars look to conquer C-USA t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4



Issue 132, Volume 76

Friday ®

April 15, 2011

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UH, Rice collaborate to present feminist pedagogies seminar The Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies Program at UH, in collaboration with the Rice Center for Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies, is hosting “Feminist Pedagogies: Interdisciplinary, Transnational Practices & the Production of Knowledge” at 9:30 to 4:30 today in the Rockwell Pavilion of the M.D. Anderson Memorial Library. National experts from Yale and Duke universities, and the University of California’s Berkeley and Davis campuses will present at the symposium, which is cosponsored by the UH English Department’s Martha Gano Houstoun Visiting Scholars Fund, the Tenneco Lecture Series and the UH Friends of Women’s Studies.

Plans for garage revealed Louis Casiano

THE DAILY COUGAR Student parking woes are being answered in the form of a new parking garage slated to begin construction this summer. The garage will be located near Robertson Stadium in what is now parking lot 15D, and will be the largest on campus. Construction is expected to take nine months and has a completion date of May 1, 2012. While construction is going on, 1,100

spaces on lot 15D will be out of service, so students will need to plan ahead to make sure they can secure a parking space. The stadium garage will feature 2,300 parking spaces, of which more than 1,400 will be designated for students, as well as a bookstore, convenience store and a customer service counter for Parking and Transportation services. The garage will also have a designated visitors parking area. “Garages let us get a common area where we can get (visitors) out of the student lots,”

customer service manager Eric Holamon said. “And ultimately we’ll double the amount of student parking in this section (lot 15D).” Finding a parking space has been one of the biggest complaints for students who commute to campus for classes. Students have been known to sometimes search for over an hour to find a space, and the construction will make the search much more competitive. GARAGE continues on page 3

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Officer found to have drugs in system at time of death

Clinic opens up, says ‘ah’

Medical examiners from Harris County reported the detection of cocaine in the system of a UH Department of Public Safety officer killed over Christmas break. Officer Ann O’Donnell, 24, died around 1 a.m. on Dec. 24 while responding to a possible assault on Scott Street. Houston police notified UHDPS that O’Donnell’s cruiser had crashed into a tree in the 4399 block of North MacGregor Way.

Basic dental care administered on campus, now offered to students

O’Donnell died while being transported to Ben Taub General Hospital. In a statement released on Thursday, UH offials said, “It is routine practice for the University of Houston to conduct a thorough investigation after any serious incident. So, the university retained an outside consultant to review training, policy and management responses at UHDPS. That review of procedures has not been concluded.”

Misti R. Mynhier


O’Donnell, who joined the department in 2009, was the first UH officer to die while in the line of duty.


Report errors to Corrections will appear in this space as needed.

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Drink. Drive. Crash. Die.


ational Alcohol Awareness and Screening Day was observed by UH’s Cougar Peer Educators, Counseling and Psychological Services and the Department of Wellness hosted at the University Center. A wrecked car, the result of a drunk driver, was displayed. | Nine Nguyen/The Daily Cougar

UH is the first Texas university to add a dental clinic as part of its health services commitment to students. UH’s Health Center began accepting appointments for basic dental care on Monday. “A student’s health is very important to us,” said Kathy Fire, executive secretary for the Health Center Division of Student Affairs at UH. “Maintaining good dental health contributes to your overall health and wellness.” According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, studies have shown that maintaining strong wellness will enhance one’s ability to initially feel better and in turn work harder towards achieving his or her overall goals. “The first thing you notice when you meet someone is their smile, the pearly whites have become quite the fad,” said Daniel Goodwin, student in the C.T. Bauer

Cloudy morning, sunny afternoon....




DENTAL continues on page 3


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EVENTS Between the Lines Aura Contemporary Ensemble The Moores School of Music is sponsoring the event which is from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Moores Opera House. Tickets are $15, $10 for students and seniors. Now This, A World Premier, By Scott Kaiser The School of Theatre & Dance is sponsoring the premiere featuring the citizens of Purple Mountain. The show is from 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Tickets are $20, $15 for students.


Teams to kick off second UH mini world cup Lauren Mathis

THE DAILY COUGAR Soccer is taking over the weekend and UH fields in the second annual UH Mini World Cup. UH is hosting the event for both community and student soccer players and fans from noon to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday in fields located behind UH’s Wellness and Recreation Center. Jose Pablo Ramirez, a finance student and

the president of the Latin American Students Association, is one of the main organizers of the event. “We encourage everyone to come out and cheer for their teams. There is no admission charge and food will be sold at the event,” Ramirez said. Organizers are expecting over 250 people to show up and have “more than enough room” to accommodate more. “It comes about as a combined effort of three different school associations at UH to

put on a fun event for the international community at UH,” Ramirez said. Associations involved with the mini world cup include LASA, the Brazilian-Portuguese Association and the Armenian Student Association. Silva Gevorkyan, president of the Armenian Student Association, is friends with Gustavo Chamusca, president of the Brazilian-Portuguese Student Association, SOCCER continues on page 3

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