Issue 133, Volume 76

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Discover the raw power of sushi

Two out of three ain't bad

t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4




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In honor of the University’s endeavors toward becoming more environmentally friendly, UH will be holding an Earth Day Carnival from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on April 21 in Butler Plaza. The event will have plenty of games and giveaways to celebrate the sustainability efforts the campus has undertaken, like the installment of solar trash compactors and a halt on the use of Styrofoam take-home containers in the dining halls. Results from this year’s RecycleMania national competition will be revealed, and there will also be a presentation announcing the University’s partnership with the Green Mountain Energy Company, which includes a donation to UH’s first solar array and information about the new Green Mountain Energy Company Solar Internship Program. For more information, visit — Julian Jimenez/The Daily Cougar

Dodgeball event to benefit Japan The Student Program Board is hosting its “Dodgeball for Japan” charity event tonight to raise funds to help those in Japan who have lost their homes and families. The event will take place in the MAC room of the Campus Recreation and Wellness Center at 8 p.m. A series of earthquakes hit Japan with magnitudes ranging from 7.0 to 9.0 in March. A tsunami caused by the first earthquake also inflicted much damage. Food and water supplies have also been contaminated with radiation from damage done to the Fukushima Daiichi power plant. There will be free giveaways and prizes to the winning team. For more information, visit — Moniqua Sexton/The Daily Cougar

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April 18, 2011 Read. Recycle. Repeat daily.

Panel takes on female prof ratio


Carnival to celebrate Earth Day, UH’s sustainability efforts




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Issue 133, Volume 76


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EVENTS IT Training An intructor-led computer training class will be introducing Apple Workshop. The class is offered to students, alumni and facutly. The class will be from10 a.m. to noon in room 110L of the Social Work Building. Registration is required. Percussion Ensemble The Moores School of Music is presenting the Percussion Ensemble from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Moores Opera House. Tickets are $10, $5 for students.


Anna Gallegos

THE DAILY COUGAR A diverse panel of female professors gathered Thursday to speak about the role of women in academia and the minority of female professors at UH. The event was hosted by UH’s University Commission on Women inside the M.D. Anderson Memorial Library. “It has to change … if we want to grow,” said panel participant Dr. Hanadi Rifai, an engineering professor and director of the environmental engineering graduate program. Her rhetoric focused on increasing the number of female professors at UH. “We want our student body to be as

impressive as we think of them now, and looking towards the future … we have to change,” Rafai said. “We have to make that step forward.” Currently, only 16 percent of full professors at UH are women. This is less than the national average of 26.5 percent, according to the US Department of Education. For assistant and associate professors, UH follows the national statistics, as women are the minority in these positions. “I’m so incredibly impressed with the young ladies coming from Asia,” said Rafai, who is originally from Lebanon, to an audience of largely female faculty members. “They have no barriers…they are here to be the best that they can be.

“I’d like to see our females have that attitude going though college, and that they really are as focused on making education the most important thing for them.” Rifai said the main responsibility for female students is to actively seek tenure and advancement in order to help make the necessary changes. The panel focused mainly on bridging the gap between the number of female and male tenured professors at UH. “For us women, the key is finding that right balance between work and family life,” said Dr. Saleha Khumawala, a professor in the C.T. Bauer College of Business. FACULTY continues on page 3


Students flip for business lesson Miguel Cortina

THE DAILY COUGAR The Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship’s BurgerFest wasn’t just an event to sell burgers — it gave student teams the opportunity to work as a company in a real-world situation. Teams were composed of people who each held a position, ranking from CEO to COO. Team leaders were appointed as CEOs and decided how the team was going to operate its burger stand. For example, UH’s The Burger Queen Team partnered with Carl’s Jr., a California-based restaurant that has opened two branches in Houston. The team also had participation from Starbucks as they helped them distribute their new instant coffee. “We went to speak at the Carl’s Jr. location and asked to speak with the manager,” said Margarita Flores, chief financial officer of the Burger Queen Team. “Of course we had to offer something in return, and that is that BurgerFest is a great marketing aspect, and people are just finding out that Carl’s Jr. is in Houston.” The team gave small giveaways, such as a pen, a magnet or a car antenna from the restaurant. In return, people would get a dollar off their burgers. BURGERS continues on page 3

Neil deGrasse Tyson, the director of the Hayden Planetarium, packed UH’s Cullen Performance Hall as part of the 2011 Elizabeth D. Rockwell Lecture Series. | Christian Puente/The Daily Cougar


Famed astrophysicist visits UH PBS Host laments US space program, lack of advances since end of Cold War Ashley Evans

THE DAILY COUGAR The Cullen Performance Hall was packed to capacity, and a line of fans waited to gain entrance into a lecture on America and space. As the guest of honor entered through a side entrance, the crowd erupted into cheers and applause — Famed astrophysicist Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the Hayden Planetarium and host of the PBS series NOVA scienceNOW, was the guest speaker for the 2011 Elizabeth D. Rockwell Lecture Series. The night started on a somber note as the audience paid respects to the late Elizabeth D. Rockwell, founder of the lecture series and its financier up until her death earlier this year. This would be the first time in the history of

the lecture series that Rockwell would not be present. Bernard Harris, UH alumnus and the first African-American to walk in space, introduced Tyson and welcomed all the guests, including those from the international space conference. “There is no better place to talk about space than Houston,” Tyson said. “There is no better time to talk about space than during an international conference on space.” But, Tyson also warned that he was not planning on giving a lecture where he praised the space program. Noting that we are not advancing, he pointed out that America has a faulty memory of our involvement in space exploration because we think of ourselves as “pioneers of space.” After all, Tyson said, America was not the first in space — a monkey, a dog, guinea pigs, mice and Russians all flew in space before the nation did. LECTURE continues on page 3

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