The Daily Gamecock 1/29/10



President’s speech addresses conflicts between parties

Friday 53°


Saturday 41°



Faculty members evaluate Obama’s first State of Union



VOL. 103, NO. 80 ● SINCE 1908

Jonathon Battaglia



Allison Garfield, a first-year media arts student, looks at logo-adorned baseball hat at the Russell House.

Another No. 1 topples Lady Gamecocks grab a key win over No. 1 Mississippi 58-50.

USC loses logo dispute Court order aims to avoid consumer confusion

See page 9

Sara Hartley


Grammy style watch The Mix anticipates who will push the boundaries of fashion on the red carpet at the 52nd Grammys.

See page 6

Tête à Tête

Drew Marilyn Robinson Joyner First-year pre-law student

Second-year English and dance student

Is Playboy disgraceful pornography or a place to jumpstart successful careers? Two columnist battle it out in Viewpoints.

See page 5

The court said the logos could not coexist because they would appear on the same class of goods, be sold in the same type of market and could easily be confused by careless consumers. Carmen Maye, professor of media law and ethics for Carolina’s School of Journalism and Mass Communications, said she saw no way to rationalize the ruling. “I really think it had to be a matter of the judge’s interpretation,” Maye said. In the wake of that decision, one question in the minds of frustrated Gamecocks is this: how could someone confuse logos that are different colors and belong to schools on opposite sides of the country? “We actually discussed [the case] in my business law class and no one, including myself, thought that [the logos] were confusingly similar,” Abby Pierson, a second-year accounting student, said. “Not only are the color schemes for the two schools completely different, but the placement of the letters is not similar either.” Scott Edelman, an attorney representing Southern Cal, argued there is enough potential for confusion because sportswear is not limited only to school colors, the Los Angeles Times reported. According to the federal case summary, color and exact letter placement are not relevant — the logos are considered “legally identical” simply because they include the same interlocking initials. The University’s plans for dealing with this ruling are unknown at this point. Assistant baseball coach Mark Calvi said he does not yet know what will happen to the logo or any baseball merchandise. Ken Corbett, the director of Trademark and Licensing at the Carolina, also said the matter is still being discussed. According to Jones, the University has not yet decided whether to appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States. Following the court ruling, Carolina has 90 days to make that decision. The official case summary can be found at http://

A n ongoing t rademark dispute bet ween t he University of South Carolina and the University of Southern California recently ended in a decision that sided with Southern Cal, denying Carolina federal protection of the interlocking SC logo. The case involved two main issues: Carolina’s attempt to register the SC baseball logo for use on clothing merchandise and its subsequent effort to cancel Southern Cal’s registration of a similar mark. Both attempts were initially denied by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board last year. On appeal, the TTAB’s decisions were affirmed Jan. 19 by the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. The ruling is not sitting well with the Gamecocks. “The fact that we are being forbidden from using ‘SC’ is beyond infuriating,” said Brian Alberts, a thirdyear political science student who has been following the case since it began in 2008. But Neil Jones, the lawyer who represented Carolina, said the court order does not actually prohibit the University from using the logo. It only states that Carolina can’t register the trademark federally or cancel Southern Cal’s registration. “The order itself does not affect [Carolina’s] use of the baseball logo,” Jones said. “Whether we will change something hasn’t been decided.” Though Jones does not think the court’s decision will affect this baseball season, he could not comment on the risk of continuing to use the logo because this would be considered legal advice for the University. Regardless of whether the logo continues to be used without federal protection, Carolina fans are still questioning the logic of the court’s decision. “We should have exclusive rights to ‘SC’ before anyone else,” Alberts said. “For Southern Cal to say that South Carolina’s logo is causing problems for their Comments on this story? E-mail consumers is ridiculous.”

HYBRID BUS VANCOUVER-BOUND Hydrogen-powered prototype will return to SC after Olympics Cassity Brewer



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Those of you who have ever questioned the ecofriendliness of USC’s shuttle system will be happy to note the newest addition to the Gamecock bus fleet in April of this year. Courtesy of Jeffrey Ranta The hydrogen hybrid bus, a one-of-a-kind prototype Columbia is one of the three stops on the bus’s route. developed by the Proterra company in Golden, Colo., is beneficial to the environment in many ways and is Canada. While in Canada, it will also be serviced for expected to launch demonstrations promoting the bus’s cold weather operation. Once the Olympics end, the green factor upon its return to Columbia. bus will begin its trek back down South. “The bus produces zero emissions. Instead of diesel Proterra chose South Carolina and USC for the fumes and particulates the bus exhaust is pure water test site of the bus due to the state’s warm climate vapor,” said Jeff Ranta, spokesperson for the bus. and because of their prominence in fuel cell research, Ranta said the bus also reduces wear and tear on the according to roads and saves steel and iron smelting costs due to the Columbia is one of three stops along the bus’s route bus’s material. It is made of carbon fiber and fiberglass. in a three-year tour. Its next location will be announced Of course, the fact that it runs on hydrogen also before it leaves the city in December 2011. Ranta said makes it eco-friendly. they hope that the bus’s existence will help to promote “Hydrogen can be produced from a wide variety of cleaner transportation in the future. feedstocks, including completely renewable resources,” “Clearly there is a demand for more efficient, cleaner Ranta said. transportation and hopefully a successful trial of the During the bus’s year-long stay in Columbia it will bus here will open the door for more and more cleaner used in the USC shuttle service, giving students the transportation options,” he said. opportunity to take a ride. The 35-foot bus, while unique, is similar to other “The plan is for the bus to conduct daily shuttle runs prototypes that have been created. However, there are on the USC campus beginning in April which students several components of the bus that do make it stand out. can take advantage of just as if they were riding any “There are other electric hybrid buses in the world other shuttle bus,” Ranta said. but to our knowledge, the Hydrogen Hybrid Bus is the Ranta hinted that other events are being planned and only bus in the world with this type of batteries and this more information will be known when the bus returns. fuel cell to battery configuration,” Ranta said. It departed from Columbia on Monday morning for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, where it will be used to support the influx of visitors to Victoria, Comments on this story? E-mail

President Obama used his first State of the Union address to speak out against the increasingly bitter partisanship in Washington, saying the American people “can’t afford it.” Democrats and Republicans have remained divided along party lines for most of Obama’s first year in office. C h a rle s Bierbauer, dea n of t he College of Mass Communications and Informat ion St udies, said Obama’s speech ranked among the better ones he’s seen. “The president seemed very confident and very comfortable, and even engaged i n some ba nter at t i mes w it h t he members of Congress,” said Bierbauer, who was a political correspondent for CNN for 20 years. “Above all he laid out his direction and his objectives, but made it clear what his primary goals are.” Job creation, the economy and health care reform dominated Obama’s speech, but the president also touched on the rising cost of higher education. He ca l led for Cong ress to t a ke taxpayer money used for subsidies going to banks for student loans and give families a $10,000 tax credit for four years of college. Obama also asked for a bill that would require graduates to only pay 10 percent of their income on student loans. But t he i nve st ment i n h igher e d u c at io n d o e s n’t c o me w it hout stipulations, Obama said. “And by the way, it’s time for colleges and universities to get serious about cutting their own costs,” Obama said. “They, too, have a responsibility to help solve this problem.” O b a m a’s m o s t a m b i t i o u s a n d controversial proposal, health insurance reform, passed the House in November by five votes. Only one Republican, Rep. Joe Cao (R-Louisiana), voted in favor of the bill. In December, the health insurance reform bill passed the Senate by a vote of 60-40. Every Republican in the Senate opposed the bill. Polit ical science professor Mark Tompk ins, Ph.D., said he has been disappointed by united Republican opposition to the reform. “A significant part of the proposals being made are consistent with things Republicans have favored in the past,” Tompk i n s sa id. “ T here a re some market-like solutions in there that the Republicans should favor. So it’s too bad and it reflects badly on the Republicans that they haven’t supported some issues that should have been bipartisan.” A f ter narrowly passing bot h t he House and Senate, the two bills must be reconciled into one proposal before being sent to Obama’s desk to be signed into law. With the Senate no longer controlled by a Democrat ic supermajority, reform is in danger of not being passed. A stalemate on health care could mean further losses for Obama, who has dropped nearly 20 percent in popularity since his inauguration, according to Thursday’s Rasmussen public opinion poll. Despite t he d rop i n popu la r it y, Bierbauer said Americans should let Obama’s actions speak for themselves. “I wouldn’t even get caught up in worrying about an overnight swing in the president’s popularity,” Bierbauer said. “This is not about popularity, it’s about effectiveness.” As for grading Obama’s fi rst year as president, Bierbauer said it is much too early for a definitive answer. “That’s kind of like asking what your end of the semester grade is going to be in the third week of the course,” Bierbauer said. “It doesn’t matter what the grade is today, it matters what the grade is over a period of time.” Comments on this story? E-mail







What: Carolina Master

Bill lifts search restrictions

Scholars Adventure series When: 8 p.m. Where: RH Lobby Cost: Free

Officers in South Carolina would not need a warrant to search juveniles and adults on probation or parole under a bill approved Thursday by a House panel. Law enforcement and crime victim groups hope the possibility of being searched by any officer in the state will deter people on conditional release from prison from committing more crimes. “It makes logical sense, when we have a known felon on probation and/or parole, that we be able to curtail any further criminal activity,” said Laura Hudson, executive director of the S.C. Crime Victims’ Council.

What: Student Chris-

tian Fellowship bake sale When: 10:30 a.m. Where: RH Lobby Cost: Free What: Campus Ad-

vance Studies on the Word When: 1 p.m. Where: RH 203 Cost: Free


First lady open about obesity

What: Midtown Col-

lege Free Giveaway When: 1 p.m. Where: Greene Street Cost: Free What: Alpha Lambda

Delta meeting When: 3:30 p.m. Where: RH 315 Cost: Free



What: Rik-a-Sha

TV dispute results in violence

interest meeting When: 1 p.m. Where: RH 203 Cost: Free What: Hill of the Lord

worship service When: 11 a.m. Where: RH Theatre Cost: Free

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — First lady Michelle Obama framed her national campaign against childhood obesity in intensely personal terms Thursday, relating that her own daughters were starting to get off-track before the family’s pediatrician gave her a wake-up call and warned her to watch it. “In my eyes, I thought my children were perfect,” the first lady said. “I didn’t see the changes.” But the family’s pediatrician, she said, kept a close eye on trends in African-A merican children and “warned that he was concerned that something was getting off-balance.” The doctor “cautioned me that I had to take a look at my own children’s BMI,” or body mass index, the first lady said.

CAR ACAS, Venezuela — Police fired tear gas to disperse thousands of students demonstrating in Venezuela’s capital Thursday, a fifth day of protests against President Hugo Chavez for forcing a n opposition TV channel off cable and satellite. Some of the protesters threw rocks at police in riot gear when officers moved to break up the rally outside the offices of the state-run electricity company.

— The Associated Press

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Cocky makes a guest appearance in the Russell House Dining Room Wednesday, stopping for a bit in his busy schedule to greet a young fan.

Students, faculty and staff can get involved in the USC Haiti Relief efforts. Make a $10 donation or more to the American Red Cross Haiti Relief Fund and receive a “Gamecocks Helping Haiti” T-shirt. T-shirts are available at the Information Desk on the second floor of the Russell House. Cash, check and CarolinaCard accepted for donations. RH Info Desk Hours: Monday — Saturday: 8 a.m. — 11 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. — 11 p.m. Sponsored by Carolina Service Council, Residence Hall Association and the Department of Student Life.

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Pride in Playboy; many women have used magazine as jumping point for succesful careers, charitable work


AMANDA DAVIS Managing Editor


Viewpoints Editor


Assistant Copy Desk Chief


Assistant Viewpoints Editor


Assistant News Editor

Assistant Sports Editor



SEC unfairly fines University $25,000 The Gamecock men’s basketball team beat a numberone team for the fi rst time in history. An upset of massive proportions. Your heart swells with pride, your body fi lls with energy, your feet escape your control. Before you know it, you’re rushing the arena floor to embrace Devan Downey, your golden god. For this we were fined $25,000. This is our second violation of the SEC’s prohibition of rushing the playing surface at any sporting event. The f irst occurred in February 2005 after we beat Fine us another Kentucky — back when they $5,000, but don’t were only a No. 3 team. That f i ne was $5,0 0 0. The nex t condemn us for failing one will be $50,000. Based on the way USC is upsetting sports world these days, to control the almost the we need to learn to ration our excitement. uncontrollable. We u n d e r s t a n d w h y these rules are in place. It is important for students and players to be safe, and The Daily Gamecock in no way endorses rushing the field during any sporting event under any condition. But these fines are a tad extreme. Why fi ne Southern schools, which are already strapped for cash, for excelling in desperate times? Our victory over Kentucky was an elevating and inspiring occurrence that deserved jubilation. We shouldn’t have been fined 25 grand for our success. Slap us on the wrist, fine us another $5,000, but don’t condemn us for failing to control the almost uncontrollable. We beat Kentucky, we toppled a giant and we won a great victory. It wasn’t safe, but neither is trying to suppress that excitement. When we rushed onto that field, we were simply taking the field that we had already conquered. Oh, and by the way, it was worth it. Downey will refund us in full when he is in the NBA.

Tête à Tête Playboy is pornography without prestige; men who buy magazine subjugate women, foster body image issues

Playboy has been a dom i na nt actor i n worldw ide entertainment since its fi rst issue was released in December 1953. It has featured some of the most respected, recognizable and famous women in entertainment and other sectors of the public eye. These models have included Olympic gold-winning figure skater Katarina Witt, beloved actress Farrah Fawcett and singer/songwriter La Toya Jackson. Most women featured have become the object of controversy and the target of those who personally believe posing nude is offensive. This begs the question: Should women who pose in Playboy be proud of doing so? Quite frankly, yes. Ma ny of t hose who are aga i nst t he magazine and the actions of those featured in it would like you to believe Playboy models Drew are exploited and transformed into sex Robinson objects. Feminists worldwide have worried First-year and fought tirelessly to protect women, and pre-law s tudent some see Playboy and similar publications as a threat. On the contrary, a growing number of feminists, specifically those who subscribe to “sex-positive feminism,” believe sexual expression (such as posing naked) can not only be empowering to women, but can open opportunities and allow them to further themselves and achieve goals that otherwise may have been unattainable. One instance of this can be seen in Joanna Krupa. Krupa has been a frequent Playboy model, television actress and “Dancing with the Stars” contestant. She has used Playboy to further her career and her philanthropic work as an animal activist, including posing nude for three PETA advertisements. Concerning the Playboy cover, she says, “Women should never feel like they can’t do something,” and she’s right. Any type of minority or oppressed group must constantly push social limits to attain their goal of equality and to earn the respect they deserve. Juliette Frette is a UCLA graduate in women’s studies, an artist, a writer for the Women’s Issues Examiner, a soon-to-be published book author and a feminist. She is also a Playboy Bunny who wrote the text for her own pictures. What makes her so special is that she embodies not only the forefront of sex-positive feminism but the modern woman as well. She is smart, beautiful (in a variety of ways), accomplished, sexual, independent, driven and devoted to helping others. She not only made money and immersed herself into a world she wanted to specialize in, she did research vital to her upcoming book, which will analyze topics related to the work she did with Playboy. Choosing to pose for Playboy says little about someone’s morals, intelligence or ethical standards. Many of the magazine’s models have reiterated this fact, explaining that posing nude does not change who you are as a person. Critics of the magazine say it makes you shallow or disgraceful to pose nude, but I would counter that it is shallow and disgraceful to judge someone for simply showing their body as it is.

We live in a generation where people are trying to reach this idea of perfection. And where does this idea stem from? The front covers of magazines and other media outlets that portray women getting plastic surgery and make-overs. Women especially are concerned with their body image and are gearing more toward looking similar to a Barbie doll. Big boobs, smooth, tanned skin and prominent facial features are some of the characteristics women dream of having. Cosmopolitan, for example, features many articles on “sexy beauty tips” and the “diet for gorgeous skin.” Yes, some of these articles are very helpful, but the majority of them pressure and persuade women that if they do this to their bodies, then they will be beautiful. Marilyn If you flip open almost any magazine on Joyner the shelf, you are bound to find the word sex Second-year or come across an article on new sex positions English and dance student to try. It’s not just Playboy and Maxim that feature these types of articles. And it is not the men that are portrayed as sex symbols, it’s these “perfect,” Barbie doll women who are naked on the covers of magazines to bring attention to a man’s eye. So, why are men attracted to these plastic women? Well, Playboy magazine, for instance, gives off this sexual, playful portrayal of women through models posing nude and risqué articles on the side. Some may say that even though there is nudity, Playboy is still very insightful with its editorials. Yet, the only thing I see is nakedness and I object to the notion that it has any sophistication in its columns. So why is it that men veer toward Playboy and other pornographic magazines? The women in these magazines are disgusting and the only thing I see between their bronzed, glazed-over legs are sexually transmitted diseases. Women as a whole should not be portrayed like this. As tasteful as Playboy claims to be, it still puts women in this sexual light, which ultimately is a slap in the face to those women who make something of themselves. Porn stars are rare compared to the amount of women who actually have real careers and bright futures ahead. It would be sad to say that instead of a college diploma, hanging a naked picture on the wall would be counted as success. Yes, these women choose to subject themselves to critique and observation, which is completely their choice, but they should not be recognized as successful. It’s ridiculous to say that the porn business is a career and that men actually buy into this stuff. If a man has to rely on porn for pleasure, that just means he can’t get a girl in his bed. It’s pitiful that men resort to porn and see these women as being “hot.” Porn is ridiculous and inappropriate. Men should not be sinking to this level of looking at something that looks fake — and probably is fake from the waist up. So next time, you boys who want to look at porn or go to a strip club, think of that woman’s father and what he thinks of his daughter’s actions. Then imagine if your daughter did that.

Republicans respond to State of the Union Policies increase debt without providing aid On Wednesday night, President Obama made the annual State of the Union Address. The president spoke about some very important issues that are facing America today. T he economy a nd budget policies were discussed f irst. Obama defended bailing out the banks and other private sector industries, mentioned debt from the previous administration and called for more spending. The amount of taxpayer dollars that is currently being thrown around from the government slush fund is not improving the lives of the average American. The government needs to stop spending our hard-earned money on irresponsible corporations that have brought on this recession. We cannot have record-breaking

deficits like we just saw in 2009 and expect to get out of this economic mess. At the end of the 2009 fiscal year our national deficit reached $1.42 trillion, already three times the record set in 2008, according to USA Today. We cannot have China control any more of our debt; if we do, it will allow China to have too much of an interest in our domestic and foreign policy goals and will lead to a less stable America. I want to see the president actually get rid of the pork in his budget. During the campaign he said, “I will go line by line” through the budget to get rid of wasteful spending and pork-barrel projects. Unfort unately, t his president’s own stimulus package is the biggest example of wasteful spending. Millions of dollars were given to protect endangered mice in San Francisco, to study bovine flatulence in the Midwest, to add on to an dysfunctional airport in Pennsylvania and to support over

9,000 other earmarks. The U.S. cannot afford Obama’s health care bill. We cannot afford another $1.7 trillion increase in spending with a 10 percent unemployment rate. Americans overwhelmingly oppose this bill because it will increase costs, allow for too much government intervention in our health care decisions and lead to rationing of care like it has in every other socialized country. The American people saw t hat t his bill was written behind closed doors and that there were too many kickbacks to certain senators. Then we all saw that this led to a GOP victory in Massachusetts. We cannot allow a new energy tax to pass through Congress as the president wishes. This will likely affect every American by inducing higher energ y costs. Instead, we need to be exploring our bountiful resources, building nuclear energy sites and producing our own energy. This would create

year in school and area of study. We also invite student leaders and USC faculty members to submit guest c o l u m n s . C o l u m n i s t s s h o u l d ke e p submissions to about 50 0 words in length and include the author’s name and position. Guest columns are limited to three per author per semester. The editor reserves the right to edit and condense submissions for length and clarity, or not publish at all. All submissions become the property of The Daily Gamecock and must conform to the legal standards of USC Student Media.

CORRECTIONS If you find an error in today’s edition of The Daily Gamecock, let us know about it. E-mail and we will print the correction in our next issue.

Daniel Brennan Chair man USC College Republicans Third-year political science



About The Daily Gamecock

IT’S YOUR RIGHT The goal of The Daily Gamecock’s Viewpoints page is to stimulate discussion in the University of South Ca r o l i n a c o m m u n i t y. A ll p u b l i s h e d authors are expected to provide logical arguments to back their views. The Daily Gamecock encourages readers to voice opinions and offers three methods of expression: letters to the editor, guest columns and feedback on Letters and guest columns should be submitted via e-mail to gamecockeditor@ Letters must be 200 to 300 words in length and include the author’s name,

a plethora of jobs while avoiding an energy tax. As Senator-elect Scott Brown sa id, “we need to spend t a x dollars defeating terrorists, not protecting them.” The fact that the “underwear bomber” was read Miranda rights and not treated a s a ter ror ist prevented t he government from getting valuable information to stop our enemies. This is unacceptable in the post9/11 world we live in. I hope that the president starts listening to the American people, many of whom oppose his health care plan, cap-and-trade bill, fiscal irresponsibility and liberal handling of terrorists. This nation has too much at stake now and I hope the leader of our country begins to help us and not increase our debt further.


CONTACT INFORMATION Editor-in-Chief AMANDA DAVIS Managing Editor CALLI BURNETT Copy Desk Chief SAMANTHA EDWARDS Assistant Copy Desk Chief MICHAEL LAMBERT Design Director MEGAN HILBERT Assistant Design Director BRIAN DRESDOW News Editor KARA APEL Assistant News Editors JONATHAN BATTAGLIA JOSH DAWSEY Viewpoints Editor MARILYNN JOYNER Assistant Viewpoints Editor RYAN QUINN The Mix Editor JIMMY GILMORE Assistant Mix Editor KELSEY PACER Sports Editor CHRIS COX



Offices located on the third floor of the Russell House Editor: News: Viewpoints: The Mix: Sports: Online: Newsroom: 777-7726 Sports: 777-7182 Editor’s Office: 777-3914 Fax: 777-6482 The Daily Gamecock is the editorially independent student newspaper of the University of South Carolina. It is published daily during the fall and spring semesters and nine times during the summer with the exception of university holidays and exam periods. Opinions expressed in The Daily Gamecock are those of the editors or author and not those of the University of South Carolina.

The Board of Student Publications and Communications is the publisher of The Daily Gamecock. The Department of Student Media is the newspaper’s parent organization. The Daily Gamecock is supported in part by student-activity fees. One free copy per reader. Additional copies may be purchased for $1 each from the Department of Student Media.

“Don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.” — J.D. Salinger



52nd Grammy Style Watch Night’s looks will range between outrageous from Lady Gaga, classy Taylor Swift, glamorous Beyonce Kelsey Pacer


The 52nd Annual Grammy Awards will be presented on Sunday night. Hundreds of famous musicians will congregate in Los Angeles to receive their well-earned accolades. While we all love to see our favorite singers win golden gramophones, it’s even more exciting to see what they will wear at the event. While many stars play the safe route in basic dresses and suits, others push the boundaries in outrageous get-ups. These stars are sure to cause a commotion on the red carpet:

BEY ONCE Nominated for ten awards , Beyoncé will be shown many, many times during the telecast. Of course, she will have to wear something that will make a statement. She’s famous for wearing sparkly, eye-catching outifts that draw attention to her curvaceous body. Elie Saab, Versace, and Armani are three of her favorite designers. Expect B to sport something pastelcolored, curve-hugging and splattered with sequins. Serious jewels and voluminous hair will complete the look.


TAY LOR SWIF T The 20-year-old country-pop star is up for eight awards, and she will embrace her unique, natural beaut y as usual. Quite unlike all the super-tanned, platinumhaired mannequins walk ing around in mini-dresses nowadays, Swift will show off her curly hair, fair complexion, and unique features in a classier fashion. Expect a neutral, f loor-sweeping gown, simple jewelry, and an elegant updo.

Spears is only up for one award, but this event appearance is bigger than just a possible win. She has been getting a lot of cruel remarks concerning her hair, her weight and her overall lifestyle. Hopefully Spears embraces the classic gown look, instead of too-short dresses and spangly bodysuits. Online sources sat that she has turned her life around in the past few months — finding love, exercising, and getting rid of her drug and alcohol problems. Here’s to hoping Spears makes a positive statement on the red carpet, and proves all of her critics wrong.


The Necessities Seven always-trendy wardrobe items perfect for women on a tight budget Amber Rose


Tired of wasting hard-earned cash on fleeting trends? This list is all about must-have staples that withstand the constant changing of time and style, and is perfect for those girls on a tight college budget who want to invest in key pieces that translate into many different looks.


A black pencil skirt is simply chic. Paired w it h t he aforementioned white shirt, a ruffled top or a sequined tank with a cardigan over it, the pencil skirt can pull off many looks. This is perfect for going out or even working; it is sure to impress, especially in a highwaisted style. Just be sure to tuck your top into the skirt to showcase the style.

When you think of outrageous outfits, how could you not think of Lady Gaga? The songstress will perform during the opening of the show, and may also appear on stage as she’s nominated for five awards. Gaga may end up shocking viewers by actually going with a dress. Don’t count on that though — expect a lack of pants, latex, excessive eye glitter, and possibly some kind of mask.

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A pa ir of ballet flats is the essential footwear for a look that is always in style. Paired with jeans, a skirt, or even a dress for more formal occasions, t hese are a n af fordable, comfortable option for any event. They are comfor table enough for that long walk to class or a night out with friends. Designer Tory Burch is especially famous for this piece of footwear, but many different options can be found at retailers like Target for a lower price.



1 A classic black bag is functional in any occasion. It dresses up any everyday look, yet is still classy enough for a more formal outing. One famous, and expensive, example of this is the classic Chanel quilted black bag. For those on a smaller budget, there are plenty of affordable options, from a quilted Candie’s bag at Kohl’s to Deena & Ozzy’s totes at Urban Outfitters.

2 A men’s white button-down shirt exudes that effortlessly cool st yle t hat ever y fashionista desires. Whether throwing on a boyfriend’s button down or buying one virtually any where, this is the perfect piece to throw on over jeans, a black skirt or black pants.

A trench coat is a jacket that never goes out of style and can be thrown over a casual outfit or paired with a cocktail dress and heels. Neutrals like black, white, and t a n are su re to never go out of style. Look to Burberry’s ads featuring actress Emma Watson for inspiration.

5 A great pair of jeans never goes out of style and looks confident and cool when perfectly fit. A t rend right now in denim is spotted, skinny jeans, but classic jeans in a dark wash or a faded wash are a must for any girl’s collection.

The little black dress is an absolute must-have for every girl’s wardrobe. It is a completely stylish piece t h at i s s u re to flatter any body type, for any occasion. The black d re ss is t he u lt i mate staple to build a look off of. Accessories like a wide belt, statement jewelry, a bright clutch or a fierce pair of heels are great for this look. Just know when to edit t he out f it in order to showcase t h is look . Another option is to not pair any accessories with this look, especially a black dress that already has a lot of detail such as ruffling or sequins.


Hopefully this will be a check list to keep for that ultimate look. Now go out and be stylish! Comments on this story? E-mail


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The Daily Gamecock ● FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 2010


Inside the Box ◆ By Marlowe Leverette / The Daily Gamecock

The Scene USC

Whiteboard ◆ By Bobby Sutton / The Daily Gamecock

SHALLOW PALACE, MOTHER JACKSON, THE BRISBONES, DYLAN LEE 8 p.m., $5 over 21/ $7 under 21 New Brookland Tavern, 122 State St.


PhD ◆ By Jorge Chan


HALEY DREIS 7 p.m., $5 The White Mule, 1530 Main St.

STEEL INTO THE NIGHT 8:30 p.m., $10 Sterling Hall, 320 Senate St.

JOSH ROBERTS 9 p.m., $7 The White Mule, 1530 Main St.

ISABELLE’S GIFT AND WHISKEY MOUNTAIN MACHINE 9 p.m., $10 New Brookland Tavern, 122 State St.

THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS 8 p.m., $14 w/ CarolinaCard Workshop Theatre, 1136 Bull St.

ELONZO WITH THE SEA WOLF MUTINY 9 p.m., $5 over 18 The White Mule, 1530 Main St.


1234567890-= ARIES You may not LEO Unusual sources SAGIT TA RIUS have enough energy to get it all done today. Prioritize tasks and tackle them one at a time. Help comes from an unexpected source.

of information set the tone today. Sat isf y your own goals by first taking care of someone else in order to free up time.

TAURUS Expect a shakeup early in the day. You must assume a leadership position to move forward. Family members appreciate you taking the lead.

V IRGO A part ner supplies the information you need to make significant c a reer c hoic e s . A c c ept greater responsibility for group management.

GE M I N I E nerg y reserves will run low if you allow others to pile on the work. Sat isf y you r ow n needs first.

L I BR A A f avor it e person makes work much easier. You appreciate their support and ideas. Some adjustments must be made, but they’re practical, and they open new doors.

CANCER Financial informat ion reaches you now. This opens up possibilities for personal activities that you’ve had on hold. Include a friend or associate.

SCOR PIO Today offers new meaning to the phrase “chicken with its head cut off.” You’re on the run all day. Sit down for dinner. You’ll need the rest.


You see how to cha nge direction without derailing. Big or little, this change carries you toward greater financial security.

C A PR ICOR N Practice your speech before you deliver it in public. What looks good on paper may not sound so great when it comes out of your mouth.

A Q UA R I U S I n group situations, you find that ideas come together more readily. Each person alone was m issi ng a n i n g r e d i e n t . To g e t h e r, everything blends perfectly. PI S C E S You h ave your doubts about a recent career move. Not much is happening, so you have to trust that the situation will play out in your favor. It will.


Solution from 01/28/10

1 Tibetan capital 6 Winged stinger 10 Tool in a wood shop 14 Draws, as a salary 15 “At last it’s clear!” 16 Reynolds wrap 17 Kiri Te Kanawa specialties 18 “Beautiful Girls” singer Kingston 19 Pairs 20 Panhandler’s request 23 New Orleans-toDetroit dir. 24 Anacin Aspirin Free competitor 25 Parking places 27 Hit the mother lode 31 Third deg.? 34 Invitation encl. 35 Object of a doctor’s office phobia 36 Cathedral cross 38 Coll. helpers 40 Gradually disappear, with “off” 41 Demur 44 Popular gas in Vegas 47 __-Cat: winter vehicle 48 Certain tour bus 51 Oliver who directed “W.” 52 They may be tossed in an Easter contest 56 Nov. honoree 58 Easy job, in slang 60 Graph line 62 Not at all bored 63 Piglet’s creator 64 Pleasant 65 List-ending abbr. 66 Former forest near the River Avon 67 Hearty dish 68 Voluptuous 69 Gets within shouting distance of DOWN 1 Minimum

2 Shrew 3 Sans serif font 4 Catches 5 Green lights 6 Letter to Santa, e.g. 7 On a voyage 8 Medium session? 9 Umbrella-toting “Batman” villain 10 Back of the boat 11 Drawbacks 12 Utah national park 13 Alternatively 21 Julius Dithers’s wife, in “Blondie” 22 Art Deco designer 26 Witch’s concoction 28 “The Family Circus” cartoonist Bil 29 Kin group 30 Rescuer, often 31 Cajole 32 Vagabond 33 Appreciate properly 37 Borrowing consequence

Solution for 01/28/10

39 How plots are planned 42 Congeal, as blood 43 Lengths of service 45 “Sounds good!” 46 One working on columns 49 Lower the assessed electrical capability of 50 Bring back to the firm 53 Meir of Israel

54 One surrounded by the enemy, maybe 55 Old British guns 56 Boxy vehicles 57 Word with sign or strategy 59 2001 Spacey film 61 Work on a seam


Lady Gamecocks grab key win over Ole Miss Magic of Colonial Life Arena continues as Carolina knocks off another No. 1 James Kratch



Freshman Kelsey Bone grabs sophomore La’Keisha Sutton after the guard hit a crucial basket early in the first half.

Don’t expect Columbia’s tourism bureau to have an easy time convincing a first-place team in the SEC to travel to the capital city anytime soon. For the second time in three nights, a team atop the league’s standings fell on the Colonial Life Arena hardwood, albeit in not as dramatic fashion, as the Gamecocks plowed over Ole Miss 64-50. The Rebels, who entered the night tied for first in the league with No. 5 Tennessee, struggled mightily, and Carolina took advantage. Leading by as many as 18 points at one time, the Gamecocks dominated over the final 23:55 of play, en route to arguably second-year coach Dawn Staley’s biggest win to date at USC. “To be able to come back tonight, to play together and everybody who came in and stepped on the floor to have contributions to beat the team tied for first place, it feels really good,” said freshman center Kelsey Bone, who had 11 points and six rebounds. Normally a very good shooting team, the Rebels couldn’t buy a shot, shooting 38 percent from the floor — a far cry from

their usual 43.8. Their plus-5 average rebounding edge went the entire other way — USC led on the glass 35-29. All of that, plus an inability to rack up turnovers like in previous games, led to an offensive output almost 30 points below Ole Miss’ season average. “We did a really good job of pressuring them,” freshman center Kelsey Bone said. “We got Bianca Thomas in foul trouble, and I think [La’Keisha Sutton] did a really good job of just limiting her and pestering her all night long.” Thomas, who was the SEC’s leading scorer coming into the game, was hardly a factor. The senior guard finished with eight points, the first two of which didn’t even come until the 12:38 mark of the second half. Both teams went back and forth in the opening minutes before USC put together a 6-0 run right before the first media timeout, leading 11-6 with 15:39 remaining in the first half. The Rebels would pull back to an 11-11 tie briefly and keep the game within two possessions until the 3:55 mark, when the Gamecocks (11-9, 4-4) went on a 7-0 run over the remainder of the period for a 29-19 halftime lead. Two quick buckets out of the locker room bumped the lead to 14 and all but put the game on ice. The Rebels (14-6, 5-2) caught a little fire down the stretch and pulled the game back to within eight points with 3:22 remaining, 58-50, but it was too little, too late. Comments on this story? E-mail

USC looks to keep momentum rolling against UGA South Carolina takes on Bulldogs in first game after knocking off Kentucky Ryan Velasquez STAFF WRTIER

Looking at the past week of news and events in the college hoops world, it’d be tough to find a team that’s had it better than South Carolina. Hoping to avoid a letdown after a thrilling win over No. 1 Kentucky, however, the Gamecocks (12-8, 3-3) will look to get back to doing what they do well as they prepare to face the Georgia Bulldogs (9-9, 1-4) at home tomorrow night. Beating a No. 1 team for the fi rst time in its 102-year history — the winningest team in NCA A history for that matter — Carolina has been at the center of discussions across the countr y, receiving national praise and attention for the fi rst time this season. “Anytime you beat the No. 1 team

on national television, it’s covered coast to coast and gets exposure for your program,” USC coach Darrin Horn said. “We said from day one we want games like this and to be compet it ive i n t hem , ot her w ise there’s no reason to be here. It’s a good step and gives us something to talk about.” The man receiving much of the praise and attention has been A llSEC point guard Devan Downey. Outdueling arguably the best player i n t he cou nt r y i n U K f resh ma n phenomenon John Wall, the 5-foot-9 senior showed once again that size isn’t everything in this game. “His greatest quality is his heart. The k id has a tremendous heart,” Horn said. “You couple that with tremendous shot making ability and you get what you saw t he last six minutes of that game.” R e a c h i n g t h e 30 - p o i nt m a r k for the fourth time in the last six games, Downey is averaging 31.3 points per game in conference play and 22.4 points per game for t he season, the fi fth highest total in the nation. Hoping to will his team to

their fourth SEC win of the season, Downey will look to continue playing w it h t he sa me conf idence t hat’s helped make him the player he is today. “I always think I’m the best player in the country. When I was in middle school I thought I was the best player in the countr y,” Downey said. “If you play this game, you should think you’re the best player in the country.” With the memories of Tuesday’s upset-win still fresh in their minds, t he G amecock s w ill look to stay focused on the present tomorrow night and hope to avoid falling victim to the Bulldogs. “We’re going to have to get right back to work and treat Tuesday like it was a loss because in league play, every game is tough,” Horn said on ESPN Radio’s The Herd. “We’ve got a Georgia team coming in here that just beat Tennessee handily and we want to make sure that we move through the fog of the win over No. 1.” Comments on this story? E-mail


USC players celebrate after beating Kentucky on Tuesday.

Tennis clubs prepare for critical weekend Women ready for ITA Tournament in Fayetteville, Ark. Mallory Cage


Tuesday was not just a big night for Gamecock basketball. The No. 17 South Carolina’s women’s tennis team opened up its season that night with an easy win over Furman, but coach A rlo Elk ins says t hat match was si mply a wa r mup for t h is weekend’s I TA Tournament in Fayetteville, Ark. “This weekend is t he national team indoors and it’s structured just like the NCAA in which we have regions and the winner of that region goes on to play at another site. The second day the t wo winners play and if you lose the t wo losers play” Elkins said. USC will start match play against No. 20 Michigan. El k i ns say s it was not Tuesday’s win that the women benefited most from, but rather the chance to play in a match. “We wanted to get a match in since we have some really tough matches coming up this weekend. It wasn’t so much the win, but really just playing the match is what is really going to

help us” Elkins said. The team’s last match was in October, so the opportunit y to play i n a compet it ive s it u at ion a g a i n s t a lower r a n ked opp onent g ave t he f resh men g irls a cha nce to see what college match play is like and refreshed the veterans before hav i ng to enter t he higher-pressure situation this weekend. Even though their season just started last week, the team is looking to advance to the fi nal stages of this tournament. If the Gamecocks win both their matches t his weekend, t hey will advance to the national team indoors in Madison, Wis. “ T h i s t o u r n a m e nt , t h i s region you want to win so you can get to the national team indoors in Madison. That’s a fi nal sixteen so the experience and the development are nice, but we’re going out there to win t he tournament too, so that’s our main goal” Elkins said. The Gamecocks are scheduled to play Friday at 11 a.m. in Dills Indoor Courts at Billingsley Tennis Center. If the women win the match they will play in the championship game Saturday at 2 p.m. Comments on this story? E- m a i l s a g c k s pt @ m a i l b ox.

Men hope to avenge first loss of season against VCU Scott Waggoner


The No. 36 USC men’s tennis team looks to rebound from their first loss of the season when they travel to Knoxville, Tenn. to face No. 46 VCU this Sunday in the ITA Kickoff Weekend. The Gamecocks (1-1), who fell to Georgia Tech 6-1 this past Sunday, are in the process of regaining their winning mentality that was lost at the end of last season, and it starts with being able to play well on the road. “It’s very important to play well on the road,” USC coach Kent DeMars said. “It so happened to work out that we have a big road schedule. I think it’s also a mentality type of thing and we try to be mentally ready to play.” Halfway through last season Carolina was ranked No. 15 in the nation. After some key injuries they limped into the NCAA tournament, finishing the season ranked No. 35. As this season has begun, USC is trying to break away from the losing mentality that caused them to fade at the end of last season. “Sometimes you get used to losing and you have to get that out of your mind,” DeMars said. “Now we have to have a whole new mindset of getting people to have winning attitudes and that’s not always easy to break in our conference.” To regain that winning attitude the Gamecocks will rely on the leadership of their three seniors Pedro Campos, Ivan Cressoni and Diego Cubas. “We have a group of good guys,” DeMars said of his senior class. “They lead by example and do the right things. They compete on the court and are interested in doing well and I think it permeates through the team.” DeMars understands though that the best tennis is yet to come for his team this season. “It’s difficult in the beginning to hit your stride,” DeMars said. “If you’re struggling a little bit you just need


Senior Diego Cubas serves against Wofford on Jan. 16. Cubas will play a key factor this weekend. to realize that tomorrow will bring a sunnier day. We need these next few matches to get ourselves sharp. It’s a matter of not getting too high when you win and too low when you lose.” The match against VCU is set to start at 9 a.m. Sunday. Comments on this story? E-mail

The Daily Gamecock ● FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 2010


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