Bill aims to engage students in Senate
Thursday 51°
Friday 47°
VOL. 102, NO. 73 ● SINCE 1908
SG votes to create House of Delegates to unite USC leaders
Saturday 34°
Josh Dawsey
The low attendance at Wednesday’s meeting left those in attendance questioning purpose.
National Signing Day
Poor attendance
Coach Spurrier pleased with the 23-signee haul for 2010 season.
Wednesday’s low showing leaves some senators in limbo
See page 9
Josh Dawsey
Super Bowl party snacks The Mix editors dish out five appetizers that can make or break your Super Bowl party.
See page 6
Do we even have enough people here to vote? It’s the question Sen. Matt Ungar asked during Wednesday night’s Senate meeting to make sure the 80-minute meeting was even necessary. An analysis of Senate attendance records by The Daily Gamecock shows the Senate is far from full most nights, and the situation isn’t improving. “The fact we only have 20 people present in this body loses credibility for ourselves,” said Ungar, a third-year public relations student. There are 50 seats available in the body, but in recent years the body has been far from full. During the upcoming election season, none of the races in any of the colleges are contested. This year, the body kicked off with 12 vacant seats. Since then, four senators have either quit or resigned; Sens. Lee Cole, Andrew Gainey, Caitlin Musgrave, Michael Irby and Herb Dew have missed at least four meetings this year. Sens. Mark James, Michael Pulfer, Chloe’ Greene and Kevin Burke have missed at least three meetings. Senators are only allowed four unexcused absences before they are removed from the body. These absences aren’t counting missed
committee meetings, which count as one-half of a Senate absence, according to the codes. Senators are allowed to miss meetings, provided they send the body an absence form. “99 percent of the absences we see, we approve,” said Ungar, chairman of the Rules Committee. Some of the above absences have been approved, Senate Clerk Zach Lamb said. But most senators haven’t been completing this requirement, racking up unexcused absences and on the verge of being removed from the body. Ungar said he plans to send out an e-mail reminding senators to fill out the forms. But kicking people out of Senate is a tricky issue for a body that isn’t anywhere near full. Sure, dedication is important, leaders say. But getting people involved at all is better than not at all, others argue. “It’s a busy time of year for senators,” Student Body President Meredith Ross said. “But they need to remember they agreed to commit for an entire year and not just the fall. I have faith they’ll come back and we’ll get work done.” There’s no easy solution, leaders say. But Alex Stroman, a third-year political science student, said he had a suggestion to improve attendance. “Maybe if we didn’t bicker so much more people would want to come,” Stroman said. Comments on this story? E-mail sagcknew@mailbox.sc.edu
A House of Delegates will hopefully bring hundreds of student organization leaders into frequent contact with members of USC’s student senate for what senators hope will become a “giant suggestion box of ideas.” S e n . B e n B u l l o c k ’s leg islat ion to create t he body for a trial period of one year passed 18-5 during Wednesday night’s student senate meeting. But some a rg ued it was poi nt less, s a y i n g s e n at o r s s h o u ld already be spending time with organizations and this would only diminish t he work of the organization. “No bad thing can happen from t his bill,” said Sen. Megan Ananian, a third-year business student. “We’re just creating an opportunity to talk to more students about
how we can help them.” The body’s intended goal is to convene delegates from every student organization to propose legislation to the student senate. Senators will also answer questions and listen to concerns from the delegates. S e n . M at t Un g a r a nd ot hers said t he House of Delegates was pointless. “How ca n we ex pec t people to come to t hese meetings if we don’t come to our own meetings?” Ungar, a third-year public relations st udent , asked t he ha lfempty body. “We are doing our job of talking to people. I don’t want to create more work for ourselves if we don’t need more work.” After one year, the body will decide whether or not to make the House of Delegates a permanent committee. The rest of the legislation taken up by the body was passed unanimously. Senators agreed to change student organization funding c o d e s s o o r g a n i z at io n s Bill ● 4
Sen. Matt Ungar addresses Senate at Wednesday’s meeting.
Economically Speaking
USC recognizes new way to help
Obama’s plan has potential to improve the No Child Left Behind Act from the Peter Bush Era.
Two students aim to continue one Haitian’s education in U.S.
See page 5
Third-year economics student
Sara Leary
English and religious studies that focus on Jewish culture and history. By the end of the year, Dubinsky hopes the program will have a more developed curriculum. There are currently permanent faculty in the departments of English, history, and religious studies in addition to 12 consulting or affiliate faculty. To expand the program, Dubinsky hopes to add faculty in the areas of philosophy; political science, with a possible focus on Israel; language; literature; and culture with classes in Hebrew, Yiddish and German. Jewish studies will be offered as a minor or graduate certificate when it is officially added to the curriculum in the fall. “We are following the model for women’s and
Two students have joined together to raise $25,000 to allow a Haitian student to continue his or her education at USC. The devastation from the 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti grabbed the attention of our nat ion week s ago. The severely damaged count r y is in need of outside help and donations in order to redevelop into what it once was. In addition to entire communities and local businesses, several H a it ia n u n iver sit ie s were completely destroyed during the earthquake halting all college education. This is where second-year international business student Alex Ott and third-year polit ical science st udent K at ie Parham come in. These students realized that they could actually do something to help. Ott and Parham came up with the idea to offer a scholarship to one Haitian student allowing him or her to continue with an education at USC. “We came up w it h t he proposal and everyone seemed to like it,” Ott said. “We’ve been speaking mainly with the Student Life Office and International Student Affairs to make sure this really happens.” Don’t be fooled, this unique scholarship isn’t just a free ticket out of disaster and to the wonderful USC. It’s an effort that will ultimately benefit Haiti in the long run and repair the broken country. “It is important for students to understand
Jewish ● 4
Haiti ● 4
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Linguistics professor Stanley Dubinsky is taking on the challenge of creating a new Jewish studies focus.
Jewish studies program expands The Daily Gamecock encourages its readers to recycle their copies of the newspaper after reading.
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Professor works to enlarge curriculum, number of faculty while building role on campus Kristyn Winch
Stanley Dubinsky, a professor of linguistic theory in the Department of English Language and Literature, is the leader of a team that has been working to make a Jewish studies program at the University of South Carolina. Dubinsky has been involved in this process for almost three years and the program is finally gaining entry in the course catalog. Currently, there are courses offered in history,
CALENDAR What: Garnet Circle
Official Carolina Ring Week When: 9 a.m. Where: Russell House Lobby What: Kappa Kappa
Gamma Jean Sale
When: 11 a.m. Where: Kappa Kappa
Gamma House, GV
What: Carolina Debate
Union debate
When: 6 p.m. Where: RH, Room
What: CRU When: 6 p.m. Where: Nursing 231 What: FACSS meeting When: 7 p.m.
RH, Room 203
What: VOX meeting When: 7 p.m. Where: RH, Room 348
SPORTS SCHEDULE WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Today vs. Auburn Auburn, Ala. 7 p.m.
TRACK February 5 New Balance Invite New York City, N.Y. 7:30 p.m.
MEN’S BASKETBALL vs. Tennessee @ Knoxville 6 p.m.
Helmets mandatory by law South Carolina’s highest court is hearing arguments Wednesday over whether a city can require motorcycle riders to wear helmets, despite the lack of a state law requiring the practice. State law doesn’t require riders 21 years and older to wear helmets. But, in an effort to get rid of two bike rallies held there each year, officials in Myrtle Beach have approved a passel of laws including a requirement that all motorcycle riders wear helmets. Since the vote, attorneys have been preparing for legal challenges.
Billions set to tighten border PHOENIX — A $6.7 billion government project to secure nearly the entire Mexican border with a “virtual fence” of cameras, ground sensors and radar is in jeopardy after a string of technical glitches and delays. Washington has ordered a reassessment. The outlook became gloomier when President Barack Obama proposed cutting $189 million from the venture. The project could be scaled back, w it h t he government installing virtual fences along a few segments of the nation’s 2,000-mile southern boundary but dropping plans for any further expansion, officials said.
John Mayer’s road crew packs up the stage, lights and all the sound equipment after days of practicing for his world tour and a surprise concert at the Coliseum.
Baptist’s Haiti mission halted CALLEBAS, Haiti — Parents in this struggling village above Haiti’s capital said Wednesday they w i l l i ngly ha nded t hei r ch i ld ren to A mer ic a n missionaries who showed up in a bus promising to give them a better life — contradicting claims by the Baptist group’s leader that the children came from orphanages and distant relatives. The 10 Baptists, most from Idaho, were arrested last week trying to take 33 Haitian children across the border into the Dominican Republic without the required documents, according to outraged Haitian officials, who have called them child traffickers.
USC Health Services has a limited supply of the seasonal flu vaccine and both injectable and intranasal H1N1 vaccines that will be offered today. These vaccines are available to all faculty, staff and students at the following location: Today from 2 to 4 p.m. in the second floor lounge at the Russell House There is no charge for the H1N1 vaccine.
— The Associated Press
Get involved in the USC Haiti Relief efforts. Make a donation of at least $10 to the American Red Cross Haiti Relief Fund and receive a “Gamecocks Helping Haiti” T-shirt. T-shirts are now available at the information desk on the second floor of the Russell House. Cash, check and Carolina Card accepted for donations. RH Info Desk Hours: Monday — Saturday: 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. This is sponsored by the Carolina Service Council, the Residence Hall Association and the Department of Student Life.
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The Daily Gamecock ● THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2010
PAGE 4 Jewish ● Continued from 1 gender studies,” Dubinsky said. “They started out with offering a minor and a graduate certificate.” He believes that a minor would allow students across majors to enhance their education in Jewish studies. Dubinsky estimates that there are about 300-400 Jewish students on campus, which makes up about 2 percent of the population. “The number of Jewish students on campus is likely to increase with the addition of the Jewish studies program,” Dubinsky said. “It happened at the College of Charleston.” The College of Charleston has had a Jewish studies program as part of their curriculum for at least 25 years. “Their program has attracted students from all over the east coast,” Dubinsky said. “About 10 percent of the students there are Jewish.” A manda Osofsk y, a fourth-year art education student, is the president of USC’s chapter of Hillel, a Jewish student organization. “Hillel provided Jewish students a place to come and meet other Jewish students,” Osofsky said. “While it may seem trivial,
for many, Judaism is far more than just a religion. There is a whole culture, and for students who came from a place with a large Jewish population, being at Carolina can be really difficult. Hillel attempts to provide that environment to students.” Dubinksy said Hillel has really come alive recently and the new Jewish fraternity on campus, Alpha Epsilon Pi, has experienced growth in the past year and a half. Osofsky feels that the addition of a Jewish studies program will be beneficial to many students, even for those who are not Jewish. “Providing students with the option to learn about other people, cultures and religions is something I think every college and university should provide,” Osofsky said. “Further, providing Jewish students with the opportunity to learn more about their own history and culture is so great.” Dubinsky mentioned that the Jewish studies program might get endowments to establish scholarships for study abroad, which will “generate more interest.”
Comments on this story? E-mail sagcknew@mailbox.sc.edu
Bill ● Continued from 1 can ask for money within months of being for med. They also made t he Su m mer Committee a permanent body. Last year, Senate enacted the committee for one year to advise the student body president on budget issues and other matters. It holds no voting power. Sens. Megan Ananian and Ben Bullock withdrew their bill to create a tiered parking system af ter meet ing w it h Un iversit y Haiti ● Continued from 1 t hat t he i n it ia l goa l, of c ou r s e , i s t o h a ve t h i s student complete his or her education,” Parham said. “But after they graduate, they will go back to Haiti to do developmental work. The student will work to redevelop the country and assist other Haitians.” Ott and Parham plan to have the Haitian student join USC in the 2011-2012 school year. The selection of this student will be done t h rough a n appl ic at ion process that is still in the works. However, their goal can not be achieved w it hout the help of USC’s student
of f icials. They learned upperclassmen already are able to get spots first since they register before incoming freshmen. Ananian also talked with business school officials last week and said personal fi nance classes will likely be open to all students during the Fall 2010 term. Currently, only business students can sign up for the courses. Comments on this story? E-mail sagcknew@mailbox.sc.edu
body. T he biggest road block these students seem to be facing is the ultimate c h a l lenge: f u nd r a i s i ng. In order to allow for the Haitian student to attend USC, at least $25,000 must be raised. Ot t said t hey will start fundraising this Friday at the Haiti Relief Concert and w ill have a table set up where students can donate. The main way Ott and Pa rha m pla n on ra isi ng enough money is through donations from the student body and t he USC area. They also plan on asking local businesses and surrounding organizations to help them out. No sig n of doubt was
in t he air when Ott and Parham spoke about their fundraising goal; however, bot h of t hem seemed to have complete fait h t hat they will raise the complete amount. “USC is 27,000 students st rong. I f each st udent donated just one dollar, we would have more than enough money to succeed,” Parham said. St udent s ca n help out mostly through fundraising a nd donat ions. Ot t a nd Parham welcome any help t hat is of fered. Ot t a nd Pa rha m c a n be reached at ot t j@em a i l.sc.edu or parhamk@email.sc.edu.
Comments on this story? E- m a i l s a g c k n ew @m a i l b ox. sc.edu
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January’s Fraternity & Sorority
The Greek Community congratulates the following groups as Fraternity and Sorority of the Month
Fraternity of the Month:
...it’s never too late to join.
Sigma Nu
• The chapter met their quota of new members during spring fraternity recruitment. • Members will be working with Eastminister Presbyterian Church in the coming weeks to build a new playground for their youth program. • They are continuing the Gameball Run Campaign which benefits the MS Society. • Excellent chapter involvement already this semester.
Fall 2009 Chapter Facts Members: 117
Service Hours: 672
Charity: $26,920
Chapter GPA: 2.97
Sorority of the Month: Chi Omega • • • •
The chapter initiated 79 new members and affiliated 2 new sisters. They had 39 members receive a 4.0 GPA last semester. Donated over $500 in clothing and gifts to Sistercare. Several members modeled in a fashion show to help raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and other organizations. • A group of sisters participated in a kickball tournament in Charleston to raise money for a former sister who lost her child to cancer last year.
Fall 2009 Chapter Facts Members: 251
Charity: $5,235
Service Hours: 1,791
Chapter GPA: 3.43
Spring 2010 New Member Initiation and Probate th
Christine Scarpelli Chr Pro Producer of “Talk of the Town” for SGTV Been with Student Media for 3 1/2 years
Building the Premier Greek Community in North America Scholarship, Leadership, Service, Friendship
Love’s true meaning lost on students
AMANDA DAVIS Managing Editor
CALLI BURNETT Viewpoints Editor
JIMMY GILMORE Design Director
Term of endearment should only be used when really meant
Assistant Copy Desk Chief
MICHAEL LAMBERT Assistant Viewpoints Editor
RYAN QUINN Assistant Sports Editor
JAMES KRATCH Photography Editor
Lattimore promises future USC success Welcome to Carolina, Mr. Lattimore. After much persuasion from Steve Spurrier, Marcus Lattimore picked on Tuesday to play football for the Gamecocks over Auburn. Everyone thought Lattimore would choose Auburn, but surprisingly he came to his senses and knew that home is where the heart is. It’s about time we got the best football player in the state to play for us. Currently playing for Byrnes High and known as Mr. Football for the state of South Carolina, Lattimore’s success will hopef u l ly move ou r tea m It’s about time ahead next season. He was we got the best a l so n a me d t he Nat ion a l Junior Player of the Year in football player in 2008, voted by EA SPORTS. Lattimore obviously has a lot under his belt the state to play andofwillsuccess be a great asset to the Gamecocks. It’s great we are for us. still building up our team and scoping out the best. All this hardcore recruiting must have paid off because not only did we get Lattimore, we recruited several other players, including some who currently play with Lattimore. We should applaud our football staff for doing such a great job. Our football team is getting better and better each year, and that is because of efficient planning and recruiting. So, when the Fall rolls around and football season starts back up, look for the new recruits on the field. Spurrier claims they will probably get some playing time as freshmen, so keep an eye out and cheer them on as they hopefully bring us some wins.
No Child Left Behind has hope Obama administration wise to implement state incentive program When most people hear the phrase “No Child Left Behind,” a few choice words come to mind. Failure. Joke. Embarrassment. It may be surprising to many that President Obama plans to urge reauthorization of the controversial act. Rather than renew it wholesale, however, Obama is proposing several positive changes to turn around the beleaguered NCLB Act. The original goal of NCLB was to have all public school students proficient in math and reading by 2014. As of now, less than 35 percent of eighth graders are at least proficient in math. Our chances of making it to full proficiency by 2014? They lie somewhere bet ween t he odds of S.C. basketball winning an NCAA championship without Devan Dow ney a nd Tim Tebow winning a Super Bowl. Don’t hold your breath. Peter The Obama administration Schaeffing is add ressi ng t he lack of Third-year prog re s s agg re s sively. It economics student has already developed the competitive “Race to the Top” program through which states compete for extra funding, and it looks to continue its competitive grant focus through the restructuring of NCLB. Some will argue that such incentives will be no more effective than the blown
incentives for individual schools to meet Adequate Yearly Progress or get choked off from federal funding. The key difference, however, is that while AYP functioned on the individual school level, these grants will be operated on the state level. If the state fails to meet the incentive or fails to win a grant, it can ease the pain over the entire budget. Under AYP, the entire burden of the loss was borne by individual schools, condemning them and their students to continuous futility. Obama is smart to stick with incentives and even smarter to change how they are structured. Even if this approach is successful, there will still be considerable progress to be made. Obama should look to the states for ideas. And not just the successful states. South Carolina may be part of the problem, but it can also be part of the solution. Why do South Carolina’s schools struggle so much? What is it about our approach that is coming up short? Why do the successful schools thrive while their neighbors fail? The answers to these questions could point to a broadly applicable solution. Education is in sad shape in America. Other countries have raced past us in math and reading, let alone — dare I say it — foreign language learning. Only serious innovation will get us back on the right path. Holding on to NCLB might not seem like a step in the right direction, but it can be. The Obama administration holds promise, and with continued work, NCLB could become a key to our entire public education system making adequate progress.
American aid to Haiti emphasizes old problems Missionaries illegally trafficking children raises issues country dealt with prior to earthquake From local church fundraisers to star-studded benefit concerts, American aid to Haiti grows by the day — by the hour, even. I can’t remember, in my short lifetime, a cause so adamantly publicized; running the risk of sounding cold, one could say it’s become another American “fad.” I remember clearly words my aunt once told me: “When they start making T-shirts about something, you know they’ve quit taking it seriously.” I can honestly say I am proud of the American response to this crisis. Our own troubles have not siphoned the activism from us; on every social level you can see those who are willing to donate money, time and service to nearly three million ailing people. Yet I am worried we are not staring the Haiti problem straight in the face. The truth of the matter is that Haiti’s earthquake did not create new troubles for its people: it merely amplified them, to the point that we finally paid attention. The detainment of American missionaries made
headlines recently, as the group was allegedly illegally transporting 33 Haitian children to the Dominican Republic. While I would ask these missionaries to be released immediately to American authorities — again, at the risk of sounding cold, one does not bite the hand that feeds you — I can’t help wondering if these missionaries are at all surprised. They believed they were acting in the right; why should the Haitians be so sensitive? What we need to realize is that child trafficking has been a problem in Haiti long before this earthquake. According to an NPR report, some 2,000 children a year were trafficked; now, due to the desperation of many families, that number will continue to rise. These missionaries may have Michael thought themselves humanitarians, Lambert First-year offering mothers better lives for their comparative sons and daughters. But they failed to literature recognize they were just a few among student a number of smiling faces, spilling the same promises, but leading these children into a dark, harrowing life. In more terms, the issue of food continually haunts t he countr y, as well as t hose aiding
About The Daily Gamecock
IT’S YOUR RIGHT The goal of The Daily Gamecock’s Viewpoints page is to stimulate discussion in the University of South Ca r o l i n a c o m m u n i t y. A ll p u b l i s h e d authors are expected to provide logical arguments to back their views. The Daily Gamecock encourages readers to voice opinions and offers three methods of expression: letters to the editor, guest columns and feedback on dailygamecock.com. Letters and guest columns should be submitted via e-mail to gamecockeditor@ sc.edu. Letters must be 200 to 300 words in length and include the author’s name,
year in school and area of study. We also invite student leaders and USC faculty members to submit guest c o l u m n s . C o l u m n i s t s s h o u l d ke e p submissions to about 50 0 words in length and include the author’s name and position. Guest columns are limited to three per author per semester. The editor reserves the right to edit and condense submissions for length and clarity, or not publish at all. All submissions become the property of The Daily Gamecock and must conform to the legal standards of USC Student Media.
CORRECTIONS If you find an error in today’s edition of The Daily Gamecock, let us know about it. E-mail sagckvew@mailbox.sc.edu and we will print the correction in our next issue.
it. Emergency food supplies abound, but food production must return. According to a Voice of America report, “Haiti had serious problems with food security before the earthquake. More than half the population was undernourished.” Can Americans really grasp the scope of that? Can we truly understand this may be a commitment that does not resolve itself overnight? Or will we merely restore Haiti to its past levels of deprivation — levels we can safely and comfortably ignore, as we did before? We are so quick to conquer, to save, to be champions without actually knowing what these words entail. Our will gives out long before our ability, and our creativity long before our will. We can no longer go about throwing money or food at this disaster, or seek to offer escape from it to our already engorged borders. We must recognize that this earthquake brought down more than homes and businesses; it brought down the whole weight of a country’s woes on our heads. If we are ready to deal with that, then we must press on. If not — if we are willing to go no further than a T-shirt and a self-congratulatory smile — then Haiti’s future really is on uncertain ground.
When I was a kid trying to figure out what made a husband and a wife st ick together forever, I did what a ny prepube scent r u nt would do: I asked my mom. She told me plainly t hat being married meant t wo people had fallen in love and pledged their allegiance to each other for life. That was my first experience in learning what the word love meant. I feel, though, the word love, and the feelings that come with it, have become watered down amoung my peers. S o of t e n I hear talk about how much people love something or someone, a nd so of ten Michael I f ind myself Wunderlich doubting those Third-year statement s. broadcast I feel we journalism misunderstand student what love shou ld mea n, a nd we’ve twisted the meaning of love to be something less than what it deserves to be. I’ve heard many people say how much they love their significant others, how they could never be complete without them. I truly doubt at this age that we are capable of even comprehending such a powerful emotion. The most overused and hollow phrase I hear on a day-to-day basis is, “I love you.” This isn’t to say it’s not meant in some cases, but I’m willing to bet most of the time it doesn’t carry true sincerity. I have only uttered the phrase to my relatives and my best friend.This isn’t becau se I’m some bit ter person incapable of showing af fect ion for ot hers, but because I feel that no matter what, I will stand beside those people for all time. I feel t hat ’s what love should be, a vow never to turn your back on people, to grow with them and to share your life with them. Take an honest look at the things you say you love, and ask yourself whether it’s really love or if you’re ju st t r y i ng to reach for something that sounds nice. In most cases, we don’t love anything like we say we do. Love is something more serious and intense than we probably are ready for at the moment, and it’s something we shouldn’t callously say just to make things sound nice.
CONTACT INFORMATION Editor-in-Chief AMANDA DAVIS Managing Editor CALLI BURNETT Copy Desk Chief SAMANTHA EDWARDS Assistant Copy Desk Chief MICHAEL LAMBERT Design Director MEGAN HILBERT Assistant Design Director BRIAN DRESDOW News Editor KARA APEL Assistant News Editors JONATHAN BATTAGLIA JOSH DAWSEY Viewpoints Editor MARILYNN JOYNER Assistant Viewpoints Editor RYAN QUINN The Mix Editor JIMMY GILMORE Assistant Mix Editor KELSEY PACER Sports Editor CHRIS COX
Offices located on the third floor of the Russell House Editor: gamecockeditor@sc.edu News: sagcknew@mailbox.sc.edu Viewpoints: sagckvew@mailbox.sc.edu The Mix: sagcketc@mailbox.sc.edu Sports: sagckspt@mailbox.sc.edu Online: www.dailygamecock.com Newsroom: 777-7726 Sports: 777-7182 Editor’s Office: 777-3914 Fax: 777-6482 The Daily Gamecock is the editorially independent student newspaper of the University of South Carolina. It is published daily during the fall and spring semesters and nine times during the summer with the exception of university holidays and exam periods. Opinions expressed in The Daily Gamecock are those of the editors or author and not those of the University of South Carolina.
The Board of Student Publications and Communications is the publisher of The Daily Gamecock. The Department of Student Media is the newspaper’s parent organization. The Daily Gamecock is supported in part by student-activity fees. One free copy per reader. Additional copies may be purchased for $1 each from the Department of Student Media.
“The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.” — Friedrich Nietzsche
5 Super Bowl party snacks we’re obsessing about this E P A week T X I M
Jimmy Gilmore and Kelsey Pacer
There are probably about a hundred different things you could dip a chip in during the Super Bowl— from traditional salsa, sour cream, cheese or all the way to some intense seven-layer brew of all the above. Everyone has their personal favorite complement to the ever-diverse tortilla chip. For us at The Mix, it’s guacamole this year. Sure, it can sit on a table next to an assortment of other flavors, but putting the guac by itself adds that undeniably unique flavor to the proceedings. But as good as it can be, make sure you add another dip if you’re having a larger party — in our experience g uacamole is a love it /hate it snack.
Loaded baked potato bites
Frenc h f r ie s a re a lway s delicious, but how about a twist on the old standby? Scrape the potato part out of baked potato skins, and mix it with cheese and bacon bits. Drop the potato mixture back into the sk ins, and bake them in the oven until they’re all gooey and melted. Let cool until able to touch, cut into small pieces, and enjoy! Depending on how much you want to deck out your potato bites, these go great as a main feature or a great side at any Super Bowl party.
The Saints are coming! In honor of the New Orleans franchise’s trip to the big game get a little adventurous with your part y planning and delve into the Big Easy’s unique culinary treats. If you’re hosting a smaller party, try crafting some Muffaletta sandwiches. Grab a loaf of Muffaletta bread (or Italian bread) and some olive mix for a spread, pile on some sliced ham, mortadella and salami, and couple that with sliced provolone and mozzarella. Serve as sandwiches in whatever size that goes best for your party. It adds great flavor and culture for anyone looking for a food centerpiece to t he occasion.
Ever yone loves chicken, especially bite-size pieces that don’t distract you from the game. Make your own by slicing and cook ing small st rips of chicken, or stop by the grocery store to pick up a pre-cooked box. But what’s one thing that’s even better than chicken wings? The sauce t hat goes on t hem. From hone y mu st a rd to barbecue, or from tame to extra hot, wings have taken off as one of the most varied go-to party snacks. In that spirit, prepare a few varieties to match anyone’s taste.
Chex Party Mix
W h i le y o u m a y b e looking for a nice entrée for your party guests, we at The Mix think sometimes the best food is the simple snacks. Chex Mix should be anyone’s go-to for a terrific partypleaser, not just because it’s a tried and true favorite, but because of all the variety. Sure, it’s obligatory to start w it h Chex cereal, but from t here t he sk y’s t he limit. Toss in peanuts, cashews, M&Ms, bagel chips, mini pretzels, raisins or anything else aimlessly lying around the kitchen. Your guests can always pick around the parts they don’t want. The seemingly endless diversity to what constitutes a good party mix means it’ll be a hit even to the stingiest snack critics.
4 2
Comments on this story? E-mail sagcketc@mailbox.sc.edu
Mel Gibson’s career teeters on ‘Edge’ Star’s attempted ‘comeback’ in action genre proves detrimental Neal Hughes
Edge of Darkness NOW IN THEATERS ★ ★ out of ✩✩✩✩✩
Director: Martin Campbell Starring: Mel Gibson Run Time: 117 minutes Rating: R for strong bloody violence and language.
“Edge of Dark ness” does not h i ng spect ac u lar or memorable, it just provides a generic plotline and thrills. This being the case, it is hard to fi nd anything positive or negative about the fi lm itself. It can just be categorized as existing, and nothing else. In fact, the only point worth mentioning is that it marks Mel Gibson’s “comeback” as an action film star. Just a suggestion to Gibson’s PR rep — he should probably aim for removing the social stigma first before he tries to become the lovable hero. As “Edge of Darkness” unfolds, it drifts away from heart–pounding action and becomes a tour of ruins, where
Courtesy of MCT Campus
Detective Thomas Craven (Gibson) seeks revenge for his daughter Melissa’s unexpected and devastating murder. Gibson is the proverbial Parthenon of macho-leads and the audience is a tour group that whimsically envisions what was and pities what is. Gibson plays Thomas Craven , a deadbeat (not exactly a reach) Boston detective, who opens the film spending a quiet evening with his daughter Melissa (Catherina Scorsone). The hallmark moment turns sour when Melissa begins to vomit blood and becomes in dire need of medical attention. W hile rushing to the local hospital, Melissa is shot with what seems to be the world’s most powerful shotgun, because she is flung at least 10 feet back. Boston PD writes the murder off as a botched attempt on Detective Craven by an old enemy, but Craven knows better because he has that “cop-instinct” that Gibson has acquired from the
plethora of cop movies in which he has acted. Craven decides to perform his own investigation and begins to search for the truth, but as he overturns each stone he fi nds that his daughter’s death might be tangled up in a controversy that is much deeper, and of greater magnitude than he could have ever imagined (no surprise there). “Edge of Darkness” places Gibson directly in his element. The film requires of little acting ability beyond grunts and grumbled one-liners, yet he seems rusty and awkward when it comes to providing sparse emotion or insight into the mind of his character. It seems like Gibson’s preparing for another movie, and this movie is merely a warm-up for a larger and more difficult project. Outside of Gibson’s performance, the movie is duller than a sword from a Medieval Times theme-theater. Each character is there so they either can die violently or provide a break in Gibson’s dialogue. The plot is used up and dry, but one could say that means it’s tried and true. Either way, each plot-twist seems familiar. The biggest disappointment was that the setup could have been very entertaining, yet the director, Martin Campbell (“Casino Royale”), eliminates all the fun from the film and does not add any depth. If “Edge of Darkness” does anything right, it’s killing people off. Most of the deaths incurred by cast members are not only over the top but very startling as well, which will provide a hearty laugh for the more sadistic viewers. Most Gibson fans will likely enjoy the fi lm due to the fact that he is getting publicity for his acting and not for his personal beliefs. Otherwise, viewers will leave the theater discussing how the mighty have fallen. Comments on this story? E-mail sagcketc@mailbox.sc.edu
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The Daily Gamecock ● THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2010
Inside the Box ● By Marlowe Leverette / The Daily Gamecock
The Scene USC
Whiteboard ● By Bobby Sutton / The Daily Gamecock RINGLING BROS. & BARNUM AND BAILEY: ZING ZANG ZOOM 7 p.m., $13-$72 Colonial Life Arena, 801 Lincoln St.
Spurned ● By Jarad Greene / The Daily Gamecock
SPINNING INTO BUTTER 8 p.m., $5 USC Lab Theater
AN EDUCATION 3, 6 and 8 p.m., $6.50 Nickelodeon Theatre, 937 Main St.
WICKED TIM, CASSANGLES, BOY MEETS HERMAPHRODITE, ROOMDANCE 8 p.m., $5 over 21/ $8 under 21 New Brookland Tavern, 122 State St.
LAST WORDS AND THE BLUES 6 p.m., Free Gallery 80808, 808 Lady St.
NEW YORK, I LOVE YOU 5:30 and 8 p.m., $6.50 Nickelodeon Theatre, 937 Main St.
CLEOPATRA 7:30 p.m., $12-45 Koger Center for the Arts, 1051 Greene St.
1234567890-= A RIES
Use your imagination to help group members. Because you’re more flexible, you get your own work done and still have time. A dream may provide the clue you were looking for.
Yo u g e t exactly what you want, and you deserve it all. Imagination is the only restriction on your accomplishments, so dream on.
GEMINI Eat breakfast w it h y ou r s ou l m at e or partner. Then take on the day using your imagination to create solutions, even where none seem possible.
C A NCER Create a loving and vibrant atmosphere around you. Draw love into your life by sending it out to brighten all your relationships. You’ll get a surprise.
LEO Your partner or close associate supports your main thesis. Work out details as the two of you move forward. Take the project home with you.
VIRGO Daily activities flow more smoothly. You work backstage on a transformation that will rock your world. Choose dramatic colors. LIBR A Attend a social event in style, with costume and accessories planned well i n adva nce. Tu r n up t he elegance.
SCORPIO You wake up with creative ideas for household projects. Make a list of what you need and pick it up on the way home. Test a new recipe today.
independent thinking, writing and vision. An associate listens and critiques in a most helpful way. Speculate wildly.
C A PR ICORN Imagine yourself stronger than Hercules, wiser than Athena. No need to dwell on the negative. Use your imagination to envision a perfect outcome.
AQUARIUS Choose your vehicle for practical style and durability. You have a long trip ahead, and you’ll need more than one means of locomotion. PISCES A coworker feels isolated today. If work demands, this person can close the door and plow through the piles. Bring a cup of tea and a smile.
S AGI T T A R I U S Most of your energy goes into
Solution from 02/03/10
ACROSS 1 Hedged reply 11 Gawain and Kay, e.g. 15 Hustlers 16 Slicing, dicing, etc. 17 How preordained events are written? 18 Start to till? 19 Fr. company 20 Frazier rival 21 Altercation 22 Impart 24 Warning 25 Zipping through 26 Looking up to 28 Where it’s at 29 Saturate with 30 Gulped with gusto 32 Cherished 33 __-ha: stink 34 Gathering with much rapping 38 __ Observatory, site of the larger Hale Telescope 42 Asteroids game company 43 Alarming 45 Metz mothers 46 “Carmina Burana” composer 47 Part of Q.E.D. 48 I.Q. test pioneer 49 “__ Mir Bist Du Schoen”: Andrews Sisters hit 50 Taxonomic suffix 51 Allencompassing phrase 52 Locks out of a store? 56 Herbert sci-fi classic 57 Antique diamond shape 58 Phone abbr. 59 Sliders at home,
perhaps DOWN 1 Cold fish, so to speak 2 Skinny to the max 3 Political agreement 4 “Well, __-di-dah” 5 Wrath 6 They travel a great distance to get here 7 Daily supplement 8 Big Sur retreat 9 Philharmonic section 10 WWII hush-hush gp. 11 Flying boat built by Hughes Aircraft 12 Household drudgery 13 Following 14 Cleaned (off), as a counter 21 Ristorante fare 23 Long-term storage
Solution for 02/03/10
solution 24 Forgets about 27 Modern pentathlon competitor, at times 31 Landing site 34 Long legging attached to a saddle 35 Had the time of one’s life 36 Without exception 37 Blue pool target
38 Image adjusters 39 Casablanca locale 40 Pro’s opposite 41 Checks again 44 Golden Crinkles maker 52 Monopolize 53 Magnum et al.: Abbr. 54 Unaffiliated: Abbr. 55 Want-ad abbr.
Page 9
Lady Gamecocks travel to Auburn
HBC pleased with ‘10 class
Women’s basketball looks for season sweep against AU
Spurrier happy with 23-signee haul after Carolina’s poor showing at Papajohns.com Bowl in Birmingham
Paulina Berkovich
Ryan Velasquez STAFF WRITER
Between the end of the season and the start of Spring practice, there’s only one event that can steal the media spotlight back to college football as if it’s any regular Fall Saturday. That event is National Signing Day, a day that has been good to South Carolina fans since the dawn of the Steve Spurrier era, and it was once again gracious in 2010. With a group consisting of one five-star recruit and five four-star recruits, the Gamecocks finished the day with the No. 25 recruiting class in the country, according to Rivals.com. It was just the kind of news coach Steve Spurrier wanted to receive with the memory of Carolina’s 20-7 loss in the Papajohns.com Bowl still lingering in his mind. “It was a bad day in Birmingham. I compliment our coaches for overcoming it in recruiting,” Spurrier said. “Our coaches did a super job of getting out there and spreading the word of what we hope to do here in the next four or five years.” Highlighting the incoming class is Byrnes running back Marcus Lattimore, who fi nally committed to the Gamecocks Tuesday night after being recruited for over a year. Considered by many to be the No. 1 incoming running back in the country, Lattimore is expected to make an immediate impact for the Carolina offense. “We tried to emphasize the running game a bit last year. Our running game was hurt a lot by sacks and a snap over the quarterback’s head,” Spurrier said. “But we know we’ve got to run the ball more and we know that Marcus Lattimore is going to get an opportunity to run it.” In addition to landing a highly-touted player, Carolina showed its ability to recruit the top in-state players for the second year in a row, having managed to sign standouts such as Stephon Gilmore and Alshon Jeffery last season. “I think we’ve done a really good job of emphasizing to in-state players that we can win big here. After that last game that wasn’t the easiest thing to do,” Spurrier said. “We didn’t have a lot of good games last year, but with these new players coming in I really believe we’ve got a chance to be a lot better than we’ve ever been here.”
File Photo
USC coach Steve Spurrier addresses the media at a press conference in this file photo. The Gamecocks also made great strides toward improving an offensive line that struggled much of last season by recruiting six players to join new offensive line coach Shawn Elliott’s unit. Bamberg-Ehrhardt lineman A.J. Cann is one signee expected to compete immediately for a starting position. “We’ve got some freshmen here that we think are big enough and strong enough to play next year,” Spurrier said. “They’ll come in here and compete with the guys we have now, and we’ll see if they can become better players than what we’ve had.” Two junior college transfers also made the decision to join Carolina, including linebacker Toquavius Gilchrist who enrolled at the beginning of the semester. “Gilchrist is a linebacker that Ellis Johnson evaluated and was really high on,” special teams coordinator and spurs and safeties coach Shane Beamer said. “We didn’t know what exactly was going to happen with our linebacker situation after the season, and Gilchrist was a guy we felt like we needed to get in here.” As the Gamecocks look to move forward with this recruiting class, they continue to hope their best games are ahead of them. “It’s a good solid group and several of them will have a good chance to play this year,” Spurrier said. “They should be able to contribute in the near future.”
Comments on this story? E-mail sagckspt@mailbox.sc.edu
After a close loss to the No. 5 Te n ne s s e e L ad y Volunteers on Sunday, the Lady Gamecocks hope to get back on track tonight against an Auburn team they have already defeated once t his season, by a 63-49 score last month in Columbia. “We played a really good, focused game. We executed for 37 minutes and t hen the last three minutes, you know, the ball didn’t go in the right people’s hands,” coach Dawn Staley said. “We played as tough as we could play.” Although the Gamecocks (11-10, 4-5) have already exceeded t heir win total f rom last season, Staley expects her team to be able to finish off games more effectively. “We’re used to winning ... It ’s ver y f r u st rat i ng, but I do see growth; I do see progression. I see us being right there with one or two possessions where, w it h u s m a k i n g b e t t e r decisions and taking care of the basketball, we win those games,” Staley said. “We’re moving in the right d i rec t ion, but you have to put a complete ga me together to be good.” Sophomore guard La’Keisha Sutton led South Carolina in scoring against Te n ne s s e e , t a l l y i n g 19 points, and Staley is happy with the role Sutton has developed for herself on the team. “ L a’ K e i s h a’s b e e n Keisha,” St a ley sa id. “I think she’s trying to find her way with this basketball team ... she t hought she had to take a backseat to Val and Kelsey when she just had to do Keisha, play
Keisha.” Sen ior center KeKe Carrier and junior guard A l l i Sm a l le y have been leaders on both ends of the f loor for Auburn (12-10, 3-6) this season. Against the Gamecocks on Jan. 17, Carrier led the Tigers with 14 points and five blocks, and Smalley contributed 12 points. Stopping these two players will be critical to South Carolina’s defense. “We certainly have to do a job on their point guard and their post play,” Staley said. “Of course, they do have Alli Smalley, who does a tremendous job at lighting up the stat sheet, but at the same time, if we get to the point g uard and disr upt their offense, and from that standpoint, I think it’ll pay big dividends.” Sout h Ca rol i na’s lead scorer s ag a i n st Aubu r n were junior guard Valerie Na i n i m a a nd f re sh m a n center Kelsey Bone. Nainima scored 20 points and made six of nine shots f rom t hree-point range. Staley expects her to be a dominant force not only against Auburn but for the rest of the season. “The ball’s going to be in [Nainima’s] hands a lot,” St aley sa id. “ Val does a good job at making good decisions with the ball. I t h in k somet imes she’s a little bit too selfless. She’s got to t a ke more shot s. W hen she’s got it going, when she’s hitting shots, she’s got to take a lot more shot s, but I k now she’s t r y ing to get ever ybody involved, Kelsey involved, La’K ei sha i nvolved, because it’s not for t hat particular game. It’s for the rest of the season.” Tipof f at Auburn is at 7 p.m. at Bea rd s-E ave s Memorial Coliseum.
Comments on this story? E-mail sagckspt@mailbox.sc.edu
Signees capable of instant impact Of fensive lineman A.J. Cann, who committed to USC last summer out of Bamberg-Ehrhardt, is one of the bigger names of the six linemen who committed to Carolina. The line is without a doubt the biggest “need” area for USC at the moment, and Spurrier said that Cann is “physically ready to play,” along with others, such as Buford (Ga.) prospect Du’Von Millsap, Jacksonville, Fla. prospect Tramell Williams and Cocoa, Fla. native Ronald Patrick. O n t he d e f e n s i v e s id e , l i ne b a c k e r Toquavius Gilchrist, who graduated from Abbeville High, is already enrolled and should get a chance to play immediately. “Gilchrist was a g uy we felt like we needed to get in here,” USC recruiting coordinator Shane Beamer said. “He has some size, has some maturity.” T he ot her j u n ior c ol le g e t r a n s f er, defensive tackle Byron Jerideau, has flown under the radar of the media and recruiting analysts, but not the USC coaching staff. “There may be a misconception out there Photo Courtesy of Rivals.com that we just came into the offi ce Monday morning and decided to go sign a defensive Defensive back Ace Sanders lineman and picked Byron out,” Beamer said. “That couldn’t be further from the truth.” Jerideau, listed at 6’0” and 310 pounds, was on USC’s radar when he was in high school at Colleton Count y but was not offered because, according to Beamer, the quality of his game film — not his play, but t he act ual tape — was too poor to make an offer. He then went to Fort Scott Community College and recently posted his highlight package on YouTube, which was seen by the USC coaches, who then decided to offer. “ He’s a n ac t i ve g u y. He h ad s ome offers, but his dream is to play football at Carolina,” Beamer said. “He’s a guy that Photo Courtesy of Rivals.com can give us some size inside.” Tackle Kelcy Quarles Ot her g uy s who cou ld have i nst a nt
Several recruits could play crucial on-field roles for Gamecocks in 2010 James Kratch
Signing Day has come and gone. The countdown to Spring practice has begun. With 23 new members to the program, the focus now turns to which new players can contribute immediately and help the 2010 edition of South Carolina football. The obvious name is Byrnes running b a c k M a r c u s L at t i mo r e . T he mo s t h e r a l d e d m e m b e r o f U S C ’s c l a s s , Lat t imore w ill most certainly have a chance to contribute this Fall. USC coach Steve Spurrier said at Wednesday’s press conference that the Gamecocks are hoping to emphasize the running game more next season, and Lattimore, who is physically ready to play in the SEC, would fit right into those plans. “We k now we’ve got to run the ball more,” Spurrier said. “Marcus Lattimore is going to get an opportunity to run it. He’ll have an opportunity to even start.” Another offensive guy who could play a big role is wide receiver Ace Sanders. The 5’9” Sanders has good hands and is elusive once he gets the ball in the open field. Spurrier compares him to ex-Gamecock Kenny McKinley. “Real quick wide receiver, kick returntype guy. His highlight tape is impressive. He can juke around, make guys miss,” Spurrier said. “We’re looking forward to having [Ace] come in here.”
Courtesy of Rivals.com
South Carolina 2010 signee Marcus Lattimore, former Byrnes running back, in the huddle during pregame at Williams-Brice Stadium. impacts on the defensive side of the ball are defensive tackle Kelcy Quarles and defensive back Victor Hampton, who was originally committed to Florida.. Comments on this story? E-mail sagckspt@mailbox.sc.edu
The Daily Gamecock ● THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2010
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