Martin suspended for yelling at player A t h let ic s Di rec tor Ray Tanner announced Thursday t hat he suspended South Ca rol i na men’s basketball coach Frank Mart in for one game because of his actions during Tuesday’s game against Florida. “The one-game suspension is a result of inappropriate verbal com mu n ic at ion a s it relates to the well-being of our student-athletes,” Ta n n e r s a i d i n a statement. The suspension comes after Martin laid into freshman Duane Notice on national television during the Gamecocks’ 72- 4 6 lo s s t o No. 1 Florida. Martin will not travel with the team when they take on Mississippi State i n it s reg u la r-season finale Saturday. Instead, associate head coach Matt Figger will lead S out h Ca rol i n a against the Bulldogs in Starkville, Miss. Earlier t his season, Mart in apologized to senior g uard Brenton Williams for a t irade directed at him in the f irst half of Sout h Carolina’s loss to Ole M is s on Ja n. 18. He also apologized to fans around the bench who heard him. Martin did not appear on his weekly Carolina Calls segment Thursday, and assistant coach Perry Clark fielded questions instead. The show did not take questions about the suspension. Athletics spokesman Steve Fink would not say if Martin had spoken to Notice since the incident or if his pay would be affected, saying he had nothing to add to the press release. — Compiled by David Roberts, Assistant Sports Editor
VOL. 114, NO. 35 • SINCE 1908
Photos by Brian Almond / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
Taylor Dietrich said this year was a roller coaster of emotions, as she will graduate in May, but she looks forward to the organization’s future.
USCDM overall director will graduate after
all night for the kids. But the day before her first Dance Marathon, organization’s most successful year Dietrich was admitted to the children’s hospital herself. It was there that she saw firsthand what the money raised by USCDM went to. Hannah Jeffrey “I got to see the tremendous care there,” she said. NEWS@DAILYGAMECOCK.COM “Being able to give back to that and rally behind the fact that we’re ensuring these kids have the best care locally is something that’s really wonderful.” Dietrich, a fifth-year public health student, aylor Dietrich’s face lights up when she talks immersed herself in the world of Dance Marathon and climbed the ranks over the years, eventually about the kids. W h e t h e r i t ’s 11- y e a r - o l d K e l d o n becoming overall director last year. But before she assumed the organization’s top Hemingway or little Lila Monzinga, she beams when she brings them up. And for good spot, Dietrich tried her hand at just about every aspect of Dance Marathon, from the morale team to reason. The kids she talks about are Miracle Children, the executive board. La st ye a r, she kept da ncer s p a t i e n t s a t Pa l m e t t o H e a lt h mot ivated for 24 hours as head Children’s Hospital. They’re the morale captain, alongside Student same k ids whose treatments are “There’s something about Body President Chase M izzell, part ially f u nded by t he money but this year, she did not don a raised by USC Dance Marathon. this that I just cannot let go.” microphone or lead the 13-minute “They’ve been dealt a really bad hand,” she said. “Out of anyone, line dance. — Taylor Dietrich those kids do not deserve it.” “This year jumping from t he So as overall director of USCDM, morale side to planning the entire Dietrich made it her mission to do event, you plan for the whole thing, whatever she can to stack the deck in the kids’ favor. you get there and it’s really just your time to take it in,” she said. “I prepared all year, and it came HOOKED ON MIRACLES down to those 24 hours, and I was like, ‘What am I supposed to be doing?’” Dietrich stumbled upon USC Dance Marathon in the same place many students find their homes away SUCCESS MERITS SUPPORT from home at USC: on Greene Street. She wa s a lway s big on ph i la nt h ropy a nd Before the big day, Dietrich met with members community service, so once she saw the words of the university’s faculty, staff and administration “miracle” and “for the k ids” on a table at the to get a feel for how well they understood the organization fair, she was hooked. organization and talk about ways to get involved. But She registered as a dancer with a group of friends from her dorm and got excited to dance all day and DIETRICH • 2
Jeffrey Davis / THE DAILY
Frank Martin was suspended for one game.
Brothertiger rocked New Brookland Courtesy of Lauren Carpenter
For her final collegiate Dance Marathon, Dietrich raised $8,700, which surpassed her initial goal of $5,000.