The Daily Gamecock 3/28/14


FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2014

VOL. 114, NO. 45 • SINCE 1908

Bridge crash ruled intentional Investigators have determined that the January crash from the Blossom Street bridge into the Congaree River was a murder-suicide. According to the Columbia Police Department, Denzel Whyatt Jr. was driving with Shannon Y. Mickens as a passenger when the 1999 Ford Explorer crashed through the side railing of the bridge and fell into the Congaree River. Richland County Coroner Gary Watts said W hyatt had a bloodalcohol content of .127 percent and that there were traces of marijuana in bot h W hyat t’s and M ickens’ systems. The police report said Mickens had told her sister before the incident that Whyatt said he was going to drive off the Blossom Street bridge. — Sarah Martin, Assistant News Editor

Hannah Cleaveland / THE DAILY GAMECOCK

Four different bands take turns playing sets during a free concert for students held outside of Russell House on Thursday.

Music festival takes over Greene Carolina Productions sponsors concert series

SC writers give advice on careers Authors come together to share stories, lessons learned

Sarah Martin


Getting together at 7 a.m. to prepare for the day ahead of them, Connor Baade and Adam Mayer had a breakfast for champions — biscuits and gravy, or as Baade called it, “the only way to start the day.” Spearheading and manag ing t he Sperry Vacationland College Tour’s stop at USC on Thursday, Baade and Mayer would be spending the rest of their day continuing to promote the concert series, handing out promotional items and communicating with band members. “We’ve been going since early this morning, but it’s been an absolute blast,” Baade said. “Time has flown by.” The four bands headlining the series — Manchester Orchestra, MisterWives, The Mowgli’s and Vacationer — will be traveling to three other colleges in the Southeast to play free concerts. Mayer, a third-year exercise science st udent and president of Carolina Productions, said that Sperry Top-Sider reached out to CP to coordinate the series, and that the event came at no cost for the university. This series is the second for Sperry, and the fi rst time it has come to colleges on the east coast. “They paid for everything, and we worked more on the student side, doing PR work and getting the word out about the event,” Mayer said. By t he end of t he event , Mayer estimated that almost 1,500 students came to Vacationland, whether they played games and won prizes during the CONCERT • 3

Anthony Decoro


A collective of South Carolina native writers came together in the Coliseum on Thursday to speak to students and faculty about their experiences writing “State of the Heart: South Carolina Writers on the Places They Love,” and their careers as writers. A ïd a Rog e r s , w ho s e r v e d a s editor, said that she conceived the project and selected the different writers who were involved, including Kendall Bell, Claire DeLune, Sandra Johnson,Dianne Johnson and Vennie Deas Moore. The book docu ment s t he sentiments of the writers regarding their hometowns and where they ca me f rom. P ubl ished by t he University of South Carolina Press, it has been received very well in the community, with a second volume currently in the works. The authors answered questions from students and faculty concerning t heir careers and experiences as WRITERS • 2

Jeremy Marshall Harkness / THE DAILY GAMECOCK

Sperry Top-Sider gave away prizes and offered students different activities and games to play on Davis Field before the concert series on Greene Street.

NASCAR president talks progress Helton predicts bright future for motor sport Davis Klabo


T he 2014 T hom a s H . Reg a n Executive Lect ure Series k icked into high gear on Thursday as Mike Helton, President of NA SC A R, spoke at the Belk Auditorium. The lecture came as the featured event of the second annual HRSM Week, during which the College of Hospitalit y, Retail and Sport Management hosted events t ied

to each of the college’s four main academic programs according to their website. Helton spoke about NA SCA R bu si ne s s st r ateg y a nd h i s ow n personal experiences from his time working in the sport. NASCAR is hailed as the most popular motor sport in America. In recent years, however, it has seen its popularity, revenues and sponsorships plummet, according to NPR news. NASCAR can have a reputation for bei ng a pr imar ily Sout her n s p o r t , w it h it s d e m o g r a p h i c s p r i m a r i l y c o m p o s e d o f o ld e r, Southern white males. As a result,

a common question asked of Helton by the audience was surrounding NASCAR’s attempts at continued relevance into the 21st century. Helton, i n h is i n it ia l speech, mentioned the lessons to be learned from such companies as Kodak, wh ich once cont rolled up to 89 percent of photographic fi lm sales in the United States but filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in January 2012. Helton also ment ioned efforts that NASCAR has made in recent years to reinvigorate the fan base NASCAR • 2

Courtesy of MCT Campus

Women prepare for battle SEE PAGE 8

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