The Daily Gamecock 4/4/14


Police unsure if assaults connected

VOL. 114, NO. 49 • SINCE 1908


Double take

2 attacks logged in 2 hours at apartments Thad Moore


Police are investigating a pair of weekend aggravated assaults at the Woodlands and Copper Beech that hurt two people within two hours. The first incident early Sunday morning involved a group of three or four assailants, a police report said. In the second, three people were attacked by a group of 15. Capt. Chris Cowan, spokesman for the Richland County Sheriff ’s Department, said in an email that investigators don’t know if the two are connected. Just af ter m id n ight Su nday, a security guard at Copper Beech found a 19-year-old man sitting alone in the parking lot with no shoes on. He said he’d been attacked by three or four men who took his shoes; he suffered a few scratches, a police report said. About two hours later, just before 2 a.m., three people were in a parking lot at the Woodlands when someone threw a red cup at their car. They got out of the car to see what hit it, a police report said, and they were “jumped by several unknown” people — about 15. The assailants went ASSAULTS • 3

New students less concerned with same-sex housing Renovations, not gender, draw applicants to dorms Andrew Lee


Housing has always been limited at USC, especially with over 30,000 students and just 6,098 available spaces. Freshmen and other students who are lucky enough to get a spot on campus have to choose what kind of housing they want: apartment-style, suite-style, co-ed or same-sex, among others. On ly 38 of t he 1,870 women who applied for housing in the fall listed same-sex housing as a top priority. USC students value the coed housing option for a variety of reasons. “What we are finding is that samesex housing might not be as large of an issue as we once thought it was. The general consensus is that many women prefer the same-sex option available to them (in Patterson Hall) simply because it is brand new,” said Joe Fortune, director of administration in Housing. “In fact, most of the women that do require same-sex housing often confess that it was their parents that ultimately made t hat decision on t heir application. Most of them would have preferred a co-ed option.” Pat t er s on H a l l re c ei ve d 9 81 appl ic at ion s f or t he Fa l l 2013 semester, in part because it is a new on-campus living option. Kathryn Ginn, who lives in Capstone House, was one of them. “When I first applied to Carolina I really wanted to be in Columbia Hall, because that’s where my mom lived when she attended Carolina,” said Ginn, a first-year education student. “I did consider living in same-sex housing, though. I had applied to Patterson Hall, not because ... I really wanted to live in same-sex housing, but because it was a nice, new housing HOUSING • 3


“Mirror twins” Peggy and Julie Smith have the same major, always match and take almost all the same classes.

Peggy, Julie Smith mirror each other in looks, plans Natalie Pita



SC is home to 18 sets of twins in the freshman class alone. Some of them may blend into the crowd, but Pegg y and Julie Smith definitely stand out. T he t wo t w i n s a re “m i r r or twins,” and they only exhibit minor differences. Julie is right-handed, but Peggy is left-handed. Julie is an inch taller than Peggy. When they were younger, they had overbites on opposite sides of their mouthes. Peggy learned to walk first, but Julie learned to talk fi rst. Julie’s favorite color is pink, while Peggy prefers blue. Peggy is four minutes older. And occasionally, they like different foods. Other than that, they’re just about the same. Peggy and Julie, both first-year chemical engineering students, said the best part about being a twin is always having a “best friend” that

she asked us, ‘What would you like they can trust. “You get to go through everything to do?’ And ever since then, we’ve together,” Peggy said. “And it’s a dressed the same, and it’s just been unique experience because a lot of really fun.” “Most of the time we take turns if people have siblings, but not very many people have the opportunity to the person wants to wear this this day, do it together so close, so we’re very we say, ‘Well okay, the weather seems more good to wear fortunate.” that,’” Peggy started. One of the first “ We k i n d o f things that people compromise, too, if notice about Julie “I feel like we’re we want to go dressy and Peggy is that one day then another they always match. definitely stronger d a y w e d o n’t ,” T he y h ave t he Julie added. “A nd same shirt, jacket, as twins.” somet i me s — we jeans, backpack don’t do it often — and even the same when we’re shopping, hairstyle. — Peggy Smith if we see a shirt, and W hen they it looks really good, w e r e y o u n g e r, but they only have t hey remember in like two different family members debating how their mother should colors, we may get it in different colors but the same style.” dress them. The two girls even take a lot of the “When we were little our mom found us crying in our room, and same classes. Their core classes are she said, ‘What’s the matter?’ And the same, and the only difference is we were just upset that people were that they take different liberal arts or telling us we should dress alike or we elective courses. They generally find should dress different,” Julie said. “So TWINS • 2

Fashion finale showcases diversity Icon from ‘America’s Next Top Model’ hosts event Khadijah Dennis


Lights, cameras and fashion galore represented the finale for USC Fashion Board’s week of festivities. The event, hosted by A merica’s Next Top Model icon Yoanna House, welcomed students, community members and vendors, who each played a role in fostering the event’s success. “The best part about having an event like this is seeing it all come together,” said Brittany Terr y, president of Fashion Board and a third-year fashion merchandising student. “From start to finish, it took seven months to [put together], and we had a full day of nothing but decorating.” From pa stel d raper ies to beaded l ight s, 701 W ha ley closely resembled t he l ikes of ot her fashion weeks held throughout the year. “We all work so hard to make


The finale of Fashion Week, hosted by the Fashion Board, ended with a showcase of trends from retail vendors including Vestique, Steel Garden, Ivy and Leo and Just the Thing.

Read more and see a full slideshow online at

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