VOL. 115, NO. 08 l SINCE 1908
USC professor shares insight on Gaza Former peace negotiator offers personal perspective on events Kelley Kennedy
Jeremy Marshall Harkness / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
Basketball players enjoyed the opportunity to give back to the community and to see the children smile.
Players inspire young readers Student-athletes attend Cocky’s Reading Express for “8k in 8 Days” campaign Kelley Kennedy
When players from the USC men’s basketball team joined C o c k y ’s R e a d i n g E x p r e s s T h u r s d a y, t h e e l e m e n t a r y school ch ild ren gat hered i n the auditorium of the Richland County Public Library were in for a special treat. More than 100 kids listened with rapt attention as sophomore f o r w a r d R e g g i e T h e u s Jr, junior forward Brian Steele and senior guard Tyrone Johnson performed lively readings of children’s books. To the delight of the young audience, Cocky later joined the team members to act out the stories and high-
fi ve visitors. The participating st udents also received player autographs and a free book. The basketball players’ p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n C o c k y ’s Read i ng E x press was a pa r t of the team’s “8K in 8 Days” campaign, an initiative designed to begin raising the number of season ticketholders through an 8-day community relations tour. “It was another opportunity to give back to the community and to see t hese k ids smile,” Johnson said. The campaign also brought basketball players to a Special Olympics event, the Richland Count y Sherif f Fut ure Stars C a mp , t he For t Ja c k s o n k id’s clinic and the Palmetto Healt h Ch ildren’s Hospit al. Team officials and universit y ad m i n ist rators hope t hat i n addition to contributing to good causes, the initiative will build com mu n it y suppor t for t he
team, helping to enhance the culture around men’s basketball. “We always ask our fans to come to us. Well, we’ve got to fi nd time to go to our fans. And I think this is a great way to show t hat to ou r players, there’s a bigger dut y that we all accept with being an athlete here ... than just showing up and playing the games on the schedule,” coach Frank Martin said. Players said that participating in Cock y’s Reading Ex press not on ly allowed t hem to encourage kids to read, but also helped deepen the team’s bond and proved to be a personally rewarding experience. “W hen you get a chance to read to k ids t hat look up to you, that want to be a part of something that you may be a part of now, is the best feeling in the world,” Johnson said. DG
Grad students present campaign proposal for Family Promise Project suggests marketing strategy for nonprofit Arthur Braswell
Gradu ate st udent s at the School of Journalism and Mass Communications met w it h a nat ional nonprofit organization on Monday to present ideas for a press campaign. Fa m i ly Prom ise, t he orga n izat ion, a ims to “improve the lives of fa m i l ies l iv i ng i n poverty.” Senior Instructor Lisa Sisk taught t he class of t h i r teen st udent s in her summer class, JOUR 725: Integrated Communications Ca mpa ig ns. These students are studying for deg ree s i n M a s s Communications. “This is a culmination of five months work,” Sisk said. “Each team conducted its own audit.” Dividing the class into four teams provided the different angles at which mass com mu n icat ion ca n be scr ut i n ized. The teams of internal communications, e x t e r n a l communications, media relations and corporate part nersh ips were synthesized into an hour long presentation.
Much of the presentat ion focused on t he d iscrepa ncies between Family Promise as a national organization and its many affiliates. Problems mentioned by the presenting students regarded use of st yle, font and headings, many of which were out of date or not compliant with what the national organization is seeking. The Director of a f f i l i at e s e r v ic e s at Family Promise, Claas Eh lers, received t he presentat ion w it h questions and feedback throughout. “Our ethos is adapt locally,” Eh lers said. That ethos reflects the perfect balance Family Promise seeks between allow ing local t inges on their affiliates while upholding their values. Dean of the School of Jou r na l ism a nd Mass Communications Charles Bierbauer also at tended t he presentation. He felt satisfied with what he saw from the graduate students. “ T h i s i s wh at you want a course like this to accomplish, to give practical application to what we are teaching the students,” Bierbauer said. “W hen you can move the theory to the practical side, students
Jeremy Marshall Harkness / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
Graduate students geard their presentation on the discrepancies between Family Promise and affiliates. recognize the value of what they’re doing.” Such value is honed in a classroom setting that combines interact ion w it h teachers a nd organizations. The cross between the university a nd t he professiona l world allows that theoryto-practice application. “W hen you put the idea person here, toget her w it h t he instructor and the client, t he n you’ve c r e at e d somet hing where, over this span of time, st udent s have been able to analyze, think through the process and say ‘oh I think I could do this, this, and this’,” Bierbauer said. Although the ultimate decisions on t his campaign will be made by Family Promise, they have been given quality consultation from these
graduate students. “They don’t have to accept everything that’s in there,” Bierbauer said. “T hey don’t have to change their logo, their website. But t hey’ve been given a substantial number of possibilities wh ich t he y c a n now select and see which are most applicable to their needs.” Monday’s presentation was mostly about the “how” of Family Promise going forward. However, at the conclusion of the pre sent at ion, Eh ler s was qu ick to rem i nd everyone the real goal in all of this. “More children who are experiencing homelessness w ill be helped,” Ehlers said.
Due to the complexity of the cultural and political issues at work in the confl ict in Gaza, it can be difficult for Americans to piece together a holistic understanding of the situation there. It is therefore important to examine the many perspectives on the confl ict closely. Few members of the Carolina community have a deeper connection to Israeli politics than Josef Olmert. The professor of political science formerly ser ved as a peace negotiator. His experiences serving in multiple senior positions in the Israeli government, Olmert said, give him a unique insight into t he connect ion between political issues and confl icting cultural values in the Middle East. “It’s the psychological-cultural divide which leads to political differences, not the other way around,” Olmert said. “There are a lot of mental, cultural differences that we have to understand and that we have to analyze before we come to conclusions.” Tracing the conf lict requires a contextual understanding of the relationship between Gaza and Israel, Olmert said. In 2005, Israeli t roop s w it hd rew f rom G az a a nd I sr ael i settlements in the territory were disbanded. In 2006, Hamas came to power in Gaza after winning local elections. Hamas is a Palestinian Sunni Islamic organization, which is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood and is considered a terrorist organizat ion by many nat ions, including t he United States. Hamas t hen unseated Fatah, an opposing political party, and, in 2007, seized control of Gaza from the Palestinian Authority. According to the Patriot News, after the Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown from the Egyptian government in 2013, Hamas lacked allies. Egypt closed down trade routes with Gaza, and the territory experienced extreme economic distress. According to the Patriot News, in June, Israel began to expand its settlements in the West Bank, a territory to the East of Israel which is governed by the Palestinian Authority. On Ju ne 12, t hree Israeli teenagers were kidnapped and killed in the West Bank. The Palestinian Authorit y responded by aiding Israel in combating Hamas in the West Bank. The killings led to the revenge murder of a Palestinian teenager; Hamas fi red hundreds of rockets into Israel in response. Israel retaliated with military force. The military conf lict is ongoing. International reactions to the confl ict have varied greatly. Some reporters and political leaders have criticized Israeli actions, noting the disparity in the casualties between Israel and Gaza — according to TIME, the U.N. reported that there have been 1,065 casualties in Gaza and over 50 in Israel. One reason for that disparit y, Olmert said, is Israel’s Iron Dome, a defense system that destroys enemy rockets. The density of Gaza’s population also increases the deadliness of attacks. The reason for the particularly high toll on civilians is even more grim, according to Olmert. “The leaders of Hamas are sheltered under the hospitals there and schools, and ordinary people are the ones who suffer, and they suffer a lot.” Due to the high level of casualties in Gaza, many leaders and media outlets have accused Israel of leveling a disproportionate response to the Hamas attacks. Olmert, however, defended Israel’s approach to the confl ict, saying that the nation had a right to respond to enemy attacks and an obligation to prevent future threats. “It’s a legitimate question to ask. What is the accepted international norm of proportionate or disproportionate response? ... What is the answer to 12,000 rockets?” Olmert said. “One of the most basic notions of liberal people is that might can’t be right ... Might was used in the past to put down all kinds of evil countries and movements, so when do people decide when might is right or not right? They go by their political opinions.” Olmert also highlighted Israel’s efforts to protect Palestinian civilians during attacks. Israeli forces have preceded several attacks with warning shots, text messages and phone calls warning civilians of impending threats. W hen look ing for ultimate solutions for the confl ict, “while it would be important to militarily defeat Hamas, it would also be as important to show to the Palestinians in Gaza and defi nitely in the West Bank, that it is not a war against the Palestinian people, it’s a war against those bad people that put in danger their own people and the Israelis,” Olmert said. “Israelis are trying to reduce the level of civilian casualties in Gaza, and they do as GAZA l 3