The Daily Gamecock 9/11/14

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11 VOL. 116, NO. 15 • SINCE 1908 2014

Marvel at your own inner hero Marvel creative director Bill Rosemann talks comics Belvin Olasov


There’s something heartwarming about hearing a crowd of students chant “Kal-el” in unison. That’s Superman’s Kryptonian name, the first stop in Bill Rosemann’s walk through comics history. Rosemann , the creative director for Marvel Comics, came to USC Wednesday night, courtesy of Carolina Productions, to talk about being your own hero and drawing inspiration from your favorite superheroes. A s he said of comic book s: “simple images, powerful messages.” After the show, Rosemann sat down with SGTV and The Daily Gamecock to discuss the future of the Marvel cinematic universe, Marvel versus DC Comics, and what a black Captain America will mean for the comic industry.


Hannah Cleaveland / THE DAILY GAMECOCK

Bill Rosemann, Marvel Comics creative director, was inspired by superheroes like Superman and Captain America.

Native traditions thriving McKissick Museum highlights contemporary Native American art Davis Klabo


Traditions never really die. A nd “ Tr ad it io n s , C h a n g e & C elebr at ion: Nat ive A r t i st s of the Southeast” at the McK issick Museum seeks to prove it. The collection of contemporary examples of traditional art forms focuses on the concept of carrying native cultural heritage into the 21st century. Through the 145 objects made b y 74 d i f f e r e nt c o nt e mp o r a r y artists, 28 Native American tribes are represented f rom across t he southeastern United States. The exhibit marks the second use of the Diverse Voices exhibition space, which was re-branded last year to preser ve the cultural heritage of the southeast through folk art and storytelling, according to Edward Puchner, curator of exhibitions for McKissick Museum. “Ever y yea r we foc u s on one particular community within the southeast region,” Puchner said. “This year we’re focusing on Native Americans.” Each of the exhibition’s pieces was created by contemporary artists work ing w it h eit her t radit ional m e d i a f o r m s o r t h e i r t r i b e ’s traditions of art-making, Puchner s a id. T here’s e ver y t h i ng f rom aquaculture, quilting and textiles, dolls, basketry and pottery to more t radit ional regalia among more modern media like videos and sound recordings. The contemporary spins applied t o e ac h pie c e eit her i nvol ve a t radit ional met hod pract iced to create modern implements or adjust native methods to fit contemporary advances. This involves customs l i k e n at i v e f i n g e r -w e a v i n g t o make purses or using a kiln, a tool unavailable to native artists, to make traditionally designed pottery. “[The artists] create things like masks or regalia with traditional processes, but at t he same t ime,

Senate passes first allocations 7 student organizations receive $8,882 in funds for this semester Davis Klabo


Courtesy of Ja-Nae Epps

McKissick’s latest exhibit focuses on cultural heritages unique to the southeast. t hey ’re t r y i ng to cha nge t hose traditions to ref lect contemporary society — new techniques that help evolve the traditions in a new form,” Puchner said. T he idea for a contempora r y native exhibition came from artists involved in last year’s Diverse Voices collection, according to Puchner. “The Diverse Voices exhibition space started last year as a survey

of folk heritage award winners and national endowment for the arts winners that were in the McKissick c ol le c t ion ,” P uc h ner s a id. “ I n developing that show, we acquired a number of objects by a traditional maker, Dr. Will Moreau Goins. We got talk ing wit h him about how rich the possibilities are for putting TRADITION • 2

The st udent senate allocated $8,882 to seven st udent organ izat ions in t wo bills Wednesday, using its new rolling allocation method for funding. The largest sum of funds to the Student Christian Fellowship. The allocated $4,500 will pay for two large scale concerts for students, accord i ng to St udent Body Treasurer Ryan Harman. “One of the things we liked about [the Student Christian Fellowship’s funding request] was that they gave us a quote for how much it cost, what they would need and who they were buying from,” Harman said. “We really prefer to give money when we k now t he people a nd products involved.” The second largest allocation went to t he Fly ing G amecock s Sk ydiving Club, which will use t he g ra nted $2,977 to at tend a national conference, where they’ve previously received recognition, a nd a publ ic sk yd iv i ng e vent , according to Ian Shannon, head of the senate fi nance committee. In sum, seven student organizations requested $12,661, t hough mu lt iple request s were denied for not meeting SG funding protocol. “ We ac t ua l ly went on a t r ip called the SEC exchange where the whole weekend was spent talking with other student governments about their programs,” Harman sa id. “ W hat we fou nd was t he USC has the strictest protocol and SENATE • 3

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