VOL. 116, NO. 38 • SINCE 1908
Biden rallies for new day Current Vice President speaks to college students about voter turnout Natalie Pita
Students can now check out umbrellas during rainy days in Thomas Cooper Library for free.
New umbrella checkout available SG provides students with free umbrella checkouts during rainy days Lauren Shirley
Biden visited Allen University to talk to the students to encourage them to vote in the upcoming election. Democrats are hoping that Nov. 5 will be a new day for South Carolinians. V ic e P r e s id e nt Jo e B id e n came to Columbia on Tuesday to speak at a voter rally in the Allen University auditorium to promote voter turnout among college students.
The building fi lled to capacity as 1,100 people came out to listen to what U.S. Rep. James Clyburn called “t he beg in n ing of t he mobilization for a new day in South Carolina.” T he g et- out-t o -vot e r a l l y re volved la rgely a rou nd t he upcoming gubernatorial election
among incumbent Republican Nikki Haley, Democrat Vincent She he e n , I nde p e nde nt Tom Ervin, Libertarian Steve French a n d Un it e d C it i z e n s Pa r t y candidate Morgan Bruce Reeves. “This is an important election, to state the obvious,” Biden said. BIDEN • 2
Greek life dances under the big top Greeks partner to compete in annual dancing competition Michael Smalley @THEGAMECOCK
As early as 6 p.m., eager students began to line up outside hoping for a chance to get a seat in the ballroom which was soon packed to capacity. And, after an hour and a half, the women of Chi Omega and men of Beta Theta Pi took home the trophy for best dance number at the Spurs and Struts dance competition Tuesday night. The competition included choreographed dance routines from USC fraternities and sororities who were competing in pairs. The routines combined pieces from multiple songs and lasted around five minutes each. Each performing group was comprised of an equal number of members from one fraternity and one sorority who created a choreographed dance number to be performed on stage. The event was supposed to have been held on Greene Street in front of Russell House but an 80 percent chance of rain and a tornado watch forced the event into the Russell House Ballroom. The event became exclusive when an event organizer using a megaphone announced at the doors that the Ballroom had reached its 900-person capacity and that everyone else would have to wait outside or leave.
Students who get caught on campus during a rainstorm now have an option other than walking around soaking wet. An Umbrella Loan program was started at Thomas Cooper Library to provide students with a way to check out umbrellas. It is a joint-effort between the university’s Student Government and the library staff. According to Tucky Taylor, the head of the Circulation Department at Thomas Cooper, there are high hopes for this unique program even though the library was just able to get it wit hin t he last t wo weeks. “This is just y st udents another great areUniversit now able to borrow and creative umbrellas free of charge f rom t he c i rc u lat ion service to at the library from help improve desk 7:30 a.m. until 2 a.m. the lives of daily. These rentals last for a 24 -hou r per iod University and must be returned of South to the circulation desk Carolina the day following their check-out. students.” St udent s need only to present a val id CarolinaCard in order to rent one of the 15 umbrellas the library has to offer. “It’s not really a traditional library service,” Taylor said. “But we’re very good at checking things out so we’re going to give umbrellas a go to see if it works as good as it does with books.” Failure to return the checked-out umbrella to the circulation desk will result in the student being charged for the replacement. “This is just anot her great and creat ive service to help improve the lives of University of South Carolina students,” Press Secretary of Student Government Kaleigh Thomas said in a press release. The program is in full-swing at Thomas Cooper and Taylor is looking forward to having students try it out. “It’ll be interesting to see where it goes because nobody knows about it yet,” Taylor said. “It’s one of the great unknown secrets of the university.”
Chi Omega and Beta Theta Pi joined forces to bring home this year’s trophy for best dance number.
Homecoming Week 2014 October 11th-18th THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 Homecoming Tailgate with SAPE and SG
Cocky’s Creations
Parade: The Grand Entry
10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Greene Street
3 p.m. USC Campus (RH, Greene St., Horseshoe)
The Main Event: Royalty Crowning
Step Show
7 p.m. Colonial Life Arena
7 p.m.
Colonial Life Arena
10 a.m.
Gamecock Village
USC vs. Furman Noon Williams-Brice Stadium
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