The Daily Gamecock 3/19/10

Page 1 FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2010


VOL. 103, NO. 110 ● SINCE 1908

Friday 76°


Saturday 77°


Engineering students custom-build cycle for young amputee

Sunday 42°


Josh Dawsey


I n t he back yard of her family’s Forest Acres home, 8-year-old Bablee bolts from sw i ng set to sl ide i n her glittery sandals and pink shirt, favoring a prosthetic leg that spans from her thigh to her toe. But she doesn’t let it stop her from petting her dogs, running to the mailbox and jumping with her 5-year-old sister Sara. Bablee, wh ich mea ns bubbly, is a common Indian nickname. It’s what Bablee said her mother called her before they were in a train wreck that killed her mother and caused her leg to be amputated. Her A mer ica n na me is Rachel Crawford and her adopted parents aren’t sure exactly how hold she is. When and where she was born is a mystery too. But Rachel’s life in America seems perfectly normal. She’s a first-grader at Jewish Day School who likes to dress up and her glittery sandals give away her personality. “She wants to be a Disney pr i nce s s,” her dad M a rk Crawford said with a chuckle. And she’ll be getting a new bicycle soon, courtesy of a group of USC students. She’s never ridden a bicycle before.

2010 Baseball Preview Coming off a seven game winning streak, the Gamecocks look to take on the Tennessee Volunteers this weekend.

See page 9

Runway Hair Stylings Amber Rose explores the six trendiest runway hairstyles for spring.


See page 6


Bablee Crawford has a prosthetic left leg after she was injured in a train wreck in India.

Tête à Tête

Drew Marilynn Robinson Joyner First-year pre-law student

Fourth-year English and dance student

Two Viewpoints wriers debate Israel’s response to pressure from Obama.

See page 5

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The Crawfords adopted Bablee, 8, (left) and Sara, 5, after having two children biologically.


WUSC rocks Greene Street

Bablee was about 3 years old when her mother was killed in a Mumbai train wreck. It almost killed her, too. Her A mer ic a n pa rent s have asked her about t he train wreck, but she doesn’t remember the details, and records in India don’t give away much either. “She was in the hospital for a while with very bad leg injuries,” Mark Crawford said. “They weren’t sure what was going to happen to her.” Doctors in India attempted to fix her medical problems, but she was incredibly bowlegged in her right leg, leaving her unable to walk on it. Her left leg was broken also. She recovered and landed in a “very nice orphanage” in India where a group of nuns took good care of Bablee, her mom Pam Crawford said.

Term-limited governor could face criminal charges

Rebecca Kneisley



Bablee Slideshow Look into 8-year-old Bablee Crawford’s life in our online multimedia section.

Online @

The Crawfords

Book shelves line t he Crawfords’ one-story brick home in Forest Acres. Two dogs roam the house freely, and toys litter the ground. Pam Crawford is a forensic psychiatrist for t he state. Mark Crawford stays at home and takes care of the family. The couple had two children biologically, 13-year-old Abby a nd 15-year-old Ben a nd decided a few years ago they wanted more. “It was my wife,” Mark Crawford said with a laugh. “She pushed this through, but I support it too.” So the couple adopted Sara, now a 5-year-old, and about t wo years ago, the couple decided they wanted more. They got in touch with an adoption agency, saw a picture of Bablee online and Pam Crawford read a short biography. She knew Bablee had to be theirs. A l l t he paper work a nd bureaucracy was expedited qu ick ly. The fam ily sent Bablee a scrapbook of her f ut u re home a nd f ut u re family. “ T h at ’s me ,” s he s a id excitedly as she carried the book around their house one recent afternoon. “And that’s my grandparents. And that’s my home.” Getting her to their home was a challenge because, the Crawfords said, Indian of f icia ls of ten don’t l i ke A merican families to take children out of their home c u lt u res. But for specia l circumstances like Bablee’s, it sometimes works. It did for the Crawfords and Ben and Mark Crawford went to the orphanage in India to take Bablee home. “The nuns weren’t too sure about two men taking her,” Mark Crawford said. “But it worked out and they let us.”

Bablee in America

The first order of business for the family was making sure Bablee was medically OK. They also wanted to figure out her age. The Shriners’ Hospital in Greenville took on her case, giving her free medical treatment. She saw a bevy of doctors and was fitted with a new p r o s t he t ic le g. D o c t o r s Bike ● 2

Sanford to pay steep fine for state ethics violations

Student station holds fundraiser for equipment, concert shows

The W USC-FM radio station hosted a “Moolah for Music ” spring fundraiser on Greene Street Thursday, entertaining passing students with lively music, food and activities such as a dunk tank and hula-hooping contest. The fundraiser also promoted the studentrun radio station’s “Spring Break Mix Tape,” in which, until March 25, the station’s deejays will fill their two-hour time slots with a mix of music to describe their spring breaks, according to a press release. “Our deejays will show off their unique tastes and have some f un,” said W USC Station Manager Marcy Bozek. “Our audience will hopefully learn something, enjoy the programming and donate to support WUSC so we can continue to offer this original programming.”

But when she turned 18, she’d be out on the streets w it hout a ny help. T he Crawfords couldn’t allow that.

WUSC-FM deejays promote “Spring Break Mix Tape” and raise money Thursday on Greene Street. The station aimed to raise $4,000. W USC must earn $13,000 per year to run the station, relying totally on listener donations. The goal of the “Moolah for Music” fundraiser was to earn $4,000 for buying backup equipment like CD players and hosting more concerts in Columbia, said Bozek, a fourth-year accounting student. “Our shows with Nite Jewel and the Choir Quit this semester were very successful, and we would like to do more like them,” Bozek said. “Without listener donations, WUSC can’t operate at the high standard that we’ve set for WUSC ● 2

Meg Kinnard The Associated Press

Gov. Mark Sanford has a g r e e d t o p a y $74,0 0 0 in fines to resolve dozens of charges that he violated state ethics laws with his campaig n spending and travel, including a taxpayerf unded rendezvous wit h his Argentine mistress, the State Ethics Commission said Thursday. The commission brought the 37 civil charges against the Republican last year. S a n f ord , w ho i s t e r mlimited and will leave office in January, still could face

criminal charges. Scr ut i ny of Sa nford’s t r avel st a r ted over t he summer, when the thenmarried governor vanished for five days after telling some staff he was going hiking on the Appalachian Trail. He was actually in Argentina, and he returned to tearf ully confess a yearlong affair with a woman he later told The Associated Press was his soul mate. Sanford was considered a potential 2012 presidential candidate unt il t he bombshells about t he affair, which also cost him his marriage. Ensuing AP investigations questioned his use of state, commercial and private airplanes and bruised h i s i m a g e a s a p e n nySanford ● 2

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