The Daily Gamecock 8/16/19



VOL. 113, NO. 1 l SINCE 1908



Read about USC’s tumultuous presidential search and its aftermath. NEWS 5-8


Hear from international students as they reflect on their time at USC. ARTS & CULTURE 6


Team looks to another competitive year in the SEC. SPORTS 4


Columnist discusses minority bubbles on campus. OPinion 19



EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Genna Contino MANAGING EDITORS Rita Naidu, Taylor Washington DESIGN DIRECTORS Taylor Sharkey, Erin Slowey COPY DESK CHIEFS Makayla Hansen, Anna Mock SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR Stephanie Justice PHOTO EDITORS Zachary McKinley, Hannah Wade NEWS EDITOR Joseph Leonard ARTS & CULTURE EDITOR Nick Sullivan ARTS & CULTURE ASSISTANT EDITOR Iggy Shuler OPINION EDITOR Clara Bergeson SPORTS EDITOR Joe McLean ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR Silvia Ramirez

FACULTY ADVISOR Michelle LaRoche STUDENT MEDIA DIRECTOR Sarah Scarborough ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF STUDENT MEDIA Sydney Patterson ADVERTISING MANAGER Patrick DiDomenico CREATIVE DIRECTOR Edgar Santana CREATIVE SERVICES Molly Collins, Julia Linthicum, Abby Meyer, Emily Schoonover, Meagen Sigmon ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Barron Coleman, Brittany Harrelson, Glenn Johnson, Ariel Whitmire




The Daily Gamecock is the editorially independent












student newspaper of the University of South Carolina.


It is published once a week during the fall and spring semesters with the exception of university holidays and exam periods. Opinions expressed in The Gamecock are those of editors or author and not those of the University of South Carolina. The Board of Student Publications and Communications is the publisher of The Gamecock. The Department of Student Media is the newspaper’s parent organization. The Gamecock is supported in


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I’m stressed. I was looking at letters from my predecessors for inspiration because I had no idea what I was going to write about. Most of them focused on new beginnings, new changes and excitement for a new semester. But when I was reading them all, I realized I didn’t feel this way. Starting this year, I’ll be working full time in the journalism school’s newsroom as editor-inchief of The Daily Gamecock and finding some time in there to work at a restaurant for some extra money. Oh, and maybe make some time to hang out with friends. I know I’m not the only one who’s stressed. Some reading this are incoming first-year students, worried about getting to know new roommates and finding classes on the first day. Some of you are somewhere in t he middle, juggling new internships and difficult classes or even wondering if you’ve picked the right major. Some of you are fourth-year students, like me, with graduation looming and the prospect of finding a future career haunting you. So here I am being real and honest about it. But the point of this letter isn’t (just) for me to vent and complain about my stress. I want everyone reading this to know that it’s OK to be a little more stressed than excited. I’ve felt this way a lot while at USC. But I’ve found rewarding moments that always make up for it.

AND THROUGH YOUR UPS AND DOWNS, DURING YOUR TIME AT USC and well after, THE DAILY GAMECOCK will do All it Can to serve you. These rewarding moments come in different forms: Jumping on my couch after a long day of classes to watch “Queer Eye” on Netflix with my roommate. Enjoying a slice of red velvet cake at Kaminsky’s with friends. Seeing a new Daily Gamecock staf f member pick up a paper on campus. I’ll get through this semester the same way I have all of the rest: By leaning on my support system. I know my friends, family and staff will always be there. I’ll remember moments such as these have made me a better student, journalist and person.

The story will get published. I will graduate. I will get a job. All of this hard work will pay off. The same thing will happen for you, too, if you let this USC community support you. And through your ups and downs, during your time at USC and well after, The Daily Gamecock will do all it can to serve you. A s a news organizat ion, we’ve seen many changes over the past few years. A real push to digital news and a huge increase of traffic on social media are among the biggest. Regardless of these changes, student media remains vital. We will always do our best to provide you with information, various viewpoints and serve as a watchdog. Whether that’s letting you know what’s happening on campus tomorrow, telling you where your tuition money’s going or giving you football scores, we’ll be here. If there’s anything we can do to better serve you, please let us know. Send a news tip online. Reach out on Twitter (@thegamecock) if you think there’s anything we can be doing better. Send us a letter to the editor ( if you want your voice directly heard. We’re here and we want to hear your voice. Looking forward to a stress-filled yet rewarding semester, Genna Contino Editor-in-chief, The Daily Gamecock


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tudents and faculty dispersed in May expecting to return to campus alongside an interim president and a plan to resume the sea rch for a perma nent replacement to President Harris Pastides, who retired after 11 years at the helm. But, i n Ju ly, Gov. Hen r y McMaster unexpectedly made phone calls to members of the board of trustees asking them to hold a meeting to vote on one


ough shoes to fill “H is ent hu siasm is i nfec t iou s, h is v ision br ight a nd bold, h is passion and energ y t ransformat ive and h is hea r t as big as t he horseshoe,” McMaster said about Pastides. Past ides was t he A r nold School of Public Health dean and the vice president for research and health sciences prior to his presidency, so many students and faculty were familiar with him. “He’s very charismatic, good at public speaking, does his best to connect with students when he’s on campus,” secondyear f inance real estate st udent Sean Maher said. Students have memories of him giving out doughnuts in the library during exam week or taking selfies with students. Many facult y believe Pastides was a good fit for USC due to his strong research background. Knowing he has big shoes to fill and no extensive research experience like Pastides, Caslen said the first thing he wants to do is listen. “The fact that I don’t have a terminal degree is going to force me to listen,” Caslen said at his first press conference as president. He’s a lso c reated h is ow n spi n on Pastides’ selfies and snacks — CrossFit and coins. B a s e d o n t h e m i l it a r y c h a l le n g e coin tradition, Caslen is creating USC president’s coins that will function as a reward for students who “demonstrate excellence,” and there will be various ways to earn one, including doing weekly CrossFit workouts with the president. Caslen said he would make himself accessible by walking around campus and attending student meetings and events. He also said he’d like to visit Five Points at night to experience it from a student’s perspective and drink a beer with students. What about the women? Six months after Pastides announced his ret irement, t he board of t r ustees a n nou nced it s fou r f i na l ist s for h is replacement: all males. Some students and facult y protested the all-male slate of finalists, questioning a process that failed to produce finalists embody ing t he t y pe of diversit y t hey expected. “It’s not that we were lacking women who can fill these roles,” Emily Fisher,


presidential candidate. In doing so, he awakened a sleepy campus. At that July meeting, amid ongoing protests by faculty, staff and students, the board appointed Gen. Robert Caslen the 29th president of USC. This is how the events unfolded — from Pastides’s reitrement announcement to the promise of CrossFit workouts on the Horseshoe.

a fourth-year English and psycholog y st udent, said. “We just haven’t found them.” The other three candidates were John Applegate of Indiana University, William F. Tat e of Wa s h i n g t o n Un i v e r s it y in St. Lou is a nd Joseph T. Walsh of Northwestern University. Many protesting the lack of diversity in t he candidates also said t hey were concerned with the lack of diversity in the board of trustees. Nineteen of the 22 members are white males. A mong t he fou r f inalist s, st udent s favored Tate according to comments sent to the board by students following the finalists’ public forums Ly ric Sw inton, a fourt h-year sport and entertainment management student, attended the forums and said she was impressed with Tate’s background and how he answered questions. “I feel like a lot of times candidates can be qualified, but that special something is whether or not you’re connecting with people,” Swinton said. Fo l l o w i n g C a s l e n ’s f o r u m , o n e particular comment sparked controversy among students. “ We wa nt to t a ke out some of t he contributing measures towards sexual assault, particularly the alcohol,” Caslen said. “We spent a lot of time a lot of energy training and educating our students on the impact.” Soon after the forums, it became known that Caslen was the front runner for board members. St udents and facult y said they were c o n c e r n e d a b o u t h o w h i s m i l it a r y background would translate at a Research 1 (R1) university like USC where grants, contracts and gifts make up over 23% of the revenue, according to the 2018-2019 USC budget document. As one of only 131 R1 institutions in the country, and the only one in South Carolina, USC engages in some of the highest levels of research in the U.S. Because of t he importance of grant funding to R1 universities such as USC, many professors said publicly they find Ca slen’s i nex per ience w it h re sea rch particularly concerning. Caslen was the only one of the four finalists without a terminal degree. “Just as someone who is the president of a universit y would not be qualified to lead troops into a battle sit uat ion,


“He was superintendent of West Point. You don’t put a fool in that job.” Chairman of the board of trustees, John C. von Lehe Jr.

“Not a soul on this board has given me a damn good reason why we gotta do this vote today.” Trustee Charles H. Williams

someone who qualified to le Barker, anthrop professor, said. Decision tim The protes diversity weren Students an Alumni Cente was set to take “Th is is re Magnuson, a t and geograph going to dete university.” It w a s w it h backdrop that on April 26 to four president emerged from newly named with the name Brendan Kell Upstate. Kell president, the b was put on hold The same d son made a co on Twitter. Je realized that p wrong at Star purpose, they’ a captain in th graduate like h Mc M a ster campus After a relat campus follow an interim pres when McMaste during the su faculty were aw Jawau n M geography stud the news he tho “We always South Carolin after hearing a feel limited,” M McMaster, b ex officio mem “This thing s Charles H. Wi I n a let ter professor and a said he was fru and t hreatene suppor t f rom president.


is very good at that is not ead a university,” Drucilla pology and women’s studies . me ... delayed ts due to lack of f inalist n’t the last on campus. nd facult y marched to the er where the original vote place. eal, t h is mat ters,” Et ha n third-year political science hy st udent, said. “This is ermine t he f ut ure of t he

h t he s e prot e s t s a s t he the board of trustees met o consider and vote on the tial candidates. The board m that meeting not with a successor to Pastides, but e of an interim president: y, the chancellor of USC ly would ser ve as interim board said, while the search d. day of t he vote, Caslen’s omment about USC alumni eff Caslen tweeted, “I just people who spell your name rbucks aren’t doing it on ’re @UofSC alumni.” He is he Army and a West Point his father. t u r n s up t he heat on

tively quiet few months on wing the announcement of sident, many were surprised er called for a board meeting ummer when students and way. cCla m, a fou r t h-yea r dent, said when he first read hought, “This can’t be real.” s said at the University of na we have no limits, but about this, it just feels like, I McClam said. because he is governor, is an mber of the board. stinks with politics,” trustee illiams said of the search. to t he ed itor, St a nford alumnus Hakeem Jefferson ustrated with the situation ed to wit hdraw f inancial m USC if Caslen became


—timeline by Erin Slowey and photos by The Gamecock

Alumna Darla Moore has donated more t han $75 million to USC and sent an email to board chairman John von Lehe expressing concern about the selection process according to The State, which obtained the email. “As the largest donor to the university and the namesake of one of the largest schools with a broad national reputation, I’m making a final appeal to the board to reject the rank political inf luence in select ing t he nex t president,” Moore wrote. McMaster’s intervention also potentially compromised the validity of the search. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS), the university’s accrediting body, contacted the university on July 16 with a letter addressed to Pastides requesting a report to confirm the presidential search adhered to its guidelines. The president’s office submitted a report on Aug. 10, but has yet to hear back. After the meeting to vote on Caslen’s candidacy was pushed back a week because of a temporary court injunction, the board was set to vote yes or no on Caslen. In the days leading up to the vote, the facult y senate passed t wo resolut ions in opposition of Caslen’s candidacy as president of t he universit y. The f irst criticized the state of the search and the second was a vote of no confidence against Caslen as a candidate for the presidency. Protesters filed into the Alumni Center hold i ng sig ns. Some read “Boa rd of distrustees” and “We fight back Henry Mac!” One single Caslen supporter held a sign reading “Restore order, elect Robert Caslen president of USC, thank you Gov. McMaster.” Ultimately, Caslen was confirmed as the 29th president of the University of South Carolina after the board voted in his favor 11-8-1. A s people bega n to f ile out of t he b o a rd ro om , t he prot e s t er s c h a nt e d “shame” repeatedly. Moving forward Up next, faculty senate representatives said they’re focusing efforts on finding USC’s next provost, a posit ion which became vacant when Joan Gabel left to become president of the Universit y of Minnesota. Follow ing Caslen’s appoint ment as president, he met with faculty and students to listen to comments and concerns.

Student Body President Luke Rankin was one of the first to meet Caslen and said he feels the student body must come together and move forward. “I think it’s shown incredible, incredible character and monument to who he is for his f irst step to be meet w it h st udent s , a nd to wa nt t h at to be a process t hat ’s cont i nued throughout everything, not just the beginning,” Rankin said. Von Lehe was also optimistic about the presidency, despite t he widespread protests and nearly even vote. “Everybody likes [Caslen], so I don’t think the board is going to have any problem what soever i n suppor t i ng him,” von Lehe said. However, many facult y and st udents remain s k e p t i c a l o f C a s l e n’s qualifications. W h i le von L ehe s a id he felt st udent s, fac u lt y a nd donor s were f a i rl y represented by the board, professors Drucilla Barker a nd Bet ha ny Bel l felt differently. “[ The board] fa iled to safeg ua rd t he wel l-bei ng of the University of South Carolina,” Barker said. B el l , c h a i r of t he f ac u lt y welfare committee, said it will be difficult for faculty members to view Caslen as a leader. “Here, he’s never even been an instructor, let alone a professor. He’s never earned tenure, and so we can’t look up to him, because he’s never even done what we’ve done,” she said. C a slen s a id h i s big g e s t re a s on for stay ing at USC, even af ter t he cont roversy of his appoint ment as president, is because he wants to help bring the campus back together. “I wanted to be a part of fixing and healing it, because I was the lightning rod that caused the conf lict,” Caslen said. “This is an opportunity to build a team that can make the University of South Carolina the preeminent higher education institution in America.”




Faculty react to Bob Caslen becoming the university’s next president after the afternoon vote.

Students hold signs reading “Principle, People, Prosperity, Process” before the board’s vote Faculty and staff gather at the Gamecocks 4 on Bob Caslen. Integrity rally on Russell House patio on July 17.

Protestors march from Russell House to the Alumni Center.

Fourth-year sport and entertainment management student Lyric Swinton speaks to press after the vote.

Second-year psychology student Deanna Smith reacts to Bob Caslen being appointed the 29th USC president at the Alumni Center on July 19.

Protesters gather at the Alumni Center to voice their opinions about the board vote.

P rotestor reacts to Bob Caslen becoming the next president after the board of trustees’ 11-8-1 vote.

Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin speaks at the faculty-led Gamecocks 4 Integrity rally on July 17.



Campus Village dorms set to replace south side dorms by 2022 JOSEPH LEONARD News Editor

plans. With Campus Village, the university is aiming to reduce traffic from 4,200 car trips per day to 1,360 trips by B a t e s , B a t e s We s t a n d C l i f f offering an “enhanced shuttle service Apartments will be no more with and excellent bike and pedestrian Campus Village set to replace them. access to the main areas of campus.” Campus V illage w ill i nclude a USC hopes this will guide traffic away Starbucks, a convenience store and from surrounding neighborhoods, a 26,000-square-foot student dining which has been a major complaint hall. Phase one of construction is from local residents according to Jeff set to begin towards the end of 2020 Stensland, director of public relations. and is estimated to cost $240 million. T he pr oje c t w i l l a l s o of f er a The project w il l beg i n w it h t he 200-space parking lot as a temporary construction of four buildings and a lot for st udents to do t hings like parking area, according to building unload groceries. “The university has worked closely with them to develop a plan that addresses the concerns of residents while still serving the needs of future students,” Stensland said. Campus Village aims to provide shuttle services, biking lanes and an enhanced Wheat Street pedestrian wa l k i ng br idge , reduce on- site parking spots and pull traffic away from the Pickens Street corridor and the surrounding neighborhoods, according to building plans. The transportation hub will encourage traffic to flow through Sumter Street and onto campus. Stensland said the dorms located on the south side of campus are in need of renovat ion, and t hrough USC’s growth over the years it has not been able to fill the demands for high-qualit y student housing. However, as one the largest projects in school history at nearly a quarter of a billion dollars, USC hopes it will finally deliver high-quality options, Stensland said. “Campus Village will deliver those options to future students while also adding new vibrancy to the area,” he said. T he fou r re sidence ha l ls w i l l include at least 1,800 beds and will Source: University of South Carolina be five or six stories tall with a secure GRAPHIC BY ALEX FINGER // THE GAMECOCK

lobby, laundry room and bike storage among other multi-purpose rooms on level one. The higher levels will host students along with kitchens, study rooms, lounges and Resident Life Coordinator suites. Molley Jenkins, a second-year social work student, lived in Bates West last year and said she enjoyed her first-year experience in the dorm. However, she said there was mold present which got her roommates sick at times, things were constantly breaking and there were limited parking spots. Jenkins said the building was quite outdated when she lived there and the construction of Campus Village was well needed. Jenkins also said she

often felt bad living in Bates West, especially when her air conditioning broke, knowing that there were nicer dorms just down the street from hers. “I definitely think having the space to live in will greatly improve your time as a first-time college student,” Jenkins said. Campus Village will be financed with revenue bonds from USC and will also be supported by housing fees from students, the report reads. The project will be developed and maintained by Charleston-based company Greystar because of its consistency in delivering project s on t ime a nd on budget, Stensland said.


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Fellow Gamecocks give insight to first-year students on preparation for college life LEE WARDLAW Contributor In an ideal world, the first year of college sounds great. No parents, no rules, no problems, right? You’ve graduated high school, waited all summer and finally arrived on campus, e ager to m a ke ne w f r iend s a nd experience your new world. But don’t make any moves just yet — first take a look at what advice upperclassmen with campus experience have for first-year college students. Pi l la rs for Ca rol i na’s f ive-day summer program is designed for firstyear students. USC’s website says the initiative allows participants to “learn about campus, the ins and outs of Columbia, and themselves,” as well as learning “about yourself, your values, and finding your place at Carolina.” Rachel Jordan, a fourth-year athletic training student, is the co-director of Pillars for Carolina. Jordan said her biggest piece of advice for freshmen is to realize that no matter where a new student is from, “everyone is in the same boat as you in terms of coming to a new school [and a] new campus.” Not being afraid to approach a stranger and say hello will bring a “whole world of relief” and could lead to a friendship that may not have occurred otherwise, HANNHAH WADE//THE GAMECOCK Jordan said. Orientation leaders Kennedy Caskey and Hannah Pond speak to freshmen near The Horseshoe. Jordan said she feels the program especially resonates for students not st udent, said “t he most essent ial Before getting to really acclimate from the Palmetto State. As a native item I brought for freshman living to your four-year home in Columbia, of the Atlanta area, she can personally were shower shoes.” Also, a vaccum, though, you will need to know how to relate to their struggles. cleaning supplies and a speaker come in navigate the first day of classes, Audrey When living on campus freshman handy, she said. Cleaning supplies are Chen, a second-year accounting and year, Jordan said to not worry about important because “college dorms are finance student and summer orientation bringing household supplies such as small and can get dirty fast,” Simkins leader, said. groceries and toiletries, because most said. Chen said Columbia’s famously hot Columbia-area stores should carry Perhaps even more important than weather is a consideration that must them. Above all, “bring something purchasing the right items is setting be taken for the first day of classes. from home that reminds you of home,” ground rules, assuring compatibility Chen recommended wearing a pair of she said. with roommates and having similar sunglasses, lathering up with sunscreen Morgan Simkins, a third-year risk goals, Nicholas Dorrian, a fourth-year and coming with a great attitude. management insurance and finance chemistry student, said. Chen’s colleague, Avion Mahoney,

Welcome New Students

a second-year account and finance student, also gave a recommendation on what to wear for the first day of classes. “For your first day of classes, I would recommend wearing some comfortable shoes and a sassy outfit, so you can be the f lyest one on campus. Just make sure you strap up them sneakers because you’re going to be doing a lot of walking,” Mahoney said. The majority of upperclassmen agree on how to handle buying textbooks for classes. Jordan said she bought her textbooks before classes started as a freshman, a mistake she would end up learning from. According to Jordan, there’s many re a s on s f re s h m a n s hou ld avoid buying books early: Syllabuses are often outdated or professors switch material. Jordan said employees of the Barnes & Noble store on campus and upperclassmen who have previously taken classes can lead you in the right direction. As for social life, Simkins had two crucial pointers. First, talk to fellow hall and dorm residents. “These people can become friends for the rest of your college career,” Simkins said. Next, don’t stress about rushing a fraternity or sorority. “I would advise not rushing into Greek life if you aren’t sure about it,” Simkins said. “There are plenty of other ways to make friends!” Tahsin Tabassum, a t hird-year p s y c h o l o g y s t u d e nt , r e m i n d e d freshmen to remember why they are here at Carolina in the first place: academics. “Be consistent, be punctual, finish work, finish tasks on time and get enough sleep and rest,” Tabassum said.


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Fourth-year art studio student Alden Favile works at the library.

USC student employees talk convenience of working on campus JOSEPH LEONARD News Editor

While many students with jobs leave campus to punch in their hours, some students don’t have to take a step off campus to do their work. More than 80% of part-time undergraduate students in the United States participate in the workforce and a little less than half of full-time students participate in the workforce. Chloe Holowczenko, third-year public relations student, works part-time as a student assistant in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications. Holowczenko said she spends her days on campus by attending classes and then heading to work without leaving campus. On a daily basis, Holowczenko said she makes appointments for students with their advisers and guides them through their advising experience, where students select future classes with their adviser. In addition, she said she serves as emotional support for students who come out of meetings overwhelmed or who are just having a bad day. On top of this, she performs clerical duties around the office, too. Holowczenko said helping with administrative work is therapeutic for her, but she also enjoys helpi ng st udent s w it h adv isi ng becau se she understands how stressful and overwhelming it can be. She said her perspective as a student assistant is helpful because she can understand issues as both an employee in the advising department and as a

student. “I’ve really found a second family within the student services department at the [journalism] school,” Holowczenko said. Another positive about being a student employee, Holowczenko said, is simply net work ing and making friends with advisers, professors and other students who work in the office. She said she would recommend that any freshman looking for a job look into working on-campus. “I would tell them that it’s the easiest way to get your foot in the door within your college or within something that you’re interested in,” Holowczenko said. Nicole Weirich, a recent USC graduate who served as a peer adviser in the study abroad office on campus, advises students who are contemplating going abroad to study. Weirich said some of her tasks include visiting University 101 classes, giving presentations on the study abroad programs and holding a weekly workshop to aid interested students in researching which country they want to study abroad in, how to apply and how to finance their transfer. Weirich said her favorite part of her job is giving presentations to first-year students and seeing their excitement when they find out about the many study abroad opportunities offered. Weirich said the most interesting thing she’s learned while working on campus is how connected all of the offices on campus are, as she worked closely with the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships and the Undergraduate Research Office.

Weirich also said the convenience of having a job on-campus versus off-campus is a reason in itself to apply. “You already have to be there anyway, so I would think if you could get a job on-campus, it’s usually a lot better paying and more convenient than something off-campus,” Weirich said. Megan Mellerson, third-year public relations student, prepares the student newsletters each week for the College of Information and Communications. She said she enjoys keeping the school and the college up to date on the happenings in her college. Another big part of having an on-campus job is the convenience in comparison to working off-campus. “There isn’t a question about whether or not your school schedule would be an issue because it is on campus,” Mellerson said. Mellerson said she’s worked off-campus jobs in the past and had trouble requesting days off because of her school work. The flexibility of her USC job allows her weekends off so she can get involved with student organizations. Additionally, Mellerson said she doesn’t have set hours and is allowed to do her job at her own pace. She said her favorite thing about her job is she’s able to apply what she’s learning in classes to it. “It’s just really great to be able to be in a position where you actually feel like you’re learning and you actually feel like you’re doing something that’s important,” Mellerson said.

Tuition raised by lowest amount since 1998 JOSEPH LEONARD News Editor The board of trustees approved an annual $76 dollar increase for undergraduate in-state tuition over the summer. This increase is the smallest since 1998, when tuition was decreased by $4. W it h t he le s s t ha n 1% r a ise on i n- st ate undergraduate tuition, the annual cost is now $12,738, which is about $2,500 less than Clemson Un iversit y a nd $20 0 more t ha n College of Charleston. A 2.5% increase in housing costs and a 2.9% increase in the cost of meal plans were also approved over the summer. South Carolina lawmakers increased funding towards higher education by $36 million in May to promote a freeze in tuition cost in public colleges and universities within the state. A tuition freeze means that tuition won’t increase except by the amount needed to cover state-mandated health insurance and pension costs. University spokesman Jeff Stensland said the investment into higher education that passed in the South Carolina House and Senate was crucial for USC. “I mean that, that’s what really made all the difference in the world,” Stensland said of working with lawmakers. Stensland said President Bob Caslen has shown an interest in addressing the topic as tuition costs and student loans become a national conversation. “I f ully anticipate that he will be eager to engage with lawmakers on what else can be done and how we can try to make sustainable funding for higher education a state priority,” Stensland

Source: University of South Carolina GRAPHIC BY: ALEX FINGER // THE GAMECOCK

said. Stensland said the state’s freeze on tuition is not only important for USC, but also for the surrounding areas and the state economy. The higher tuition is raised, the less likely families are able to send their children to college, which Stensland said is important for t heir f ut ure success. “The more students that we can have at South Carolina that have those advanced degrees, the

better it is for the entire state and for the economy moving forward,” Stensland said. USC hopes to not only freeze tuition costs for the 2019-2020 academic year, but to continue to freeze tuition in the years to follow as well. “We’re extremely pleased we were able to keep tuition low this year, and hopefully we’re gonna make this a consistent year over year thing,” Stensland said.





ht to you g u b ro






FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 2019 A letter to my fellow Gamecocks, On behalf of the University of South Carolina Student Government, I am ecstatic to welcome everyone to campus to start another year of new heights, old traditions and, of course, no limits. I am beyond thrilled that you have chosen the University of South Carolina to be your home, and I could not be more excited to be a part of your journey here at Carolina. First, thank you for giving me the opportunity of a lifetime to serve as your student body president. Already, it has brought me great honors, provided challenging obstacles and given me unforgettable memories. I cannot wait to see what is yet to come! I commit to work tirelessly with and for you to lead and continue to pave new paths for our great university. It is my mission to lead towards a more inclusive environment where everyone can achieve their dreams and goals. My dedication, coupled with your passion, will lead us to greatness with no limits here at Carolina. UofSC has allowed me to grow as a leader and a follower, for I a m su r rou nded by independent, driven, change-enacting i nd iv idua ls. A nd I k n o w Uo f S C w i l l pu sh you to brea k ceilings of knowledge, i nvolvement a nd leadership, just as it did for me. I challenge you to surprise yourself as you grow beyond your expectations. As your student body president, I look forward to working with each of you by empowering you to grip your own reins on your personal college experience. I pledge to work on issues that matter to you. After all, we the students are the most important piece of this great university. As the future of South Carolina, and the world, for that matter, we must work to ensure that this is a place where possibility comes to fruition, where you can represent yourself and achieve greatness. Freshmen, transfer students and those new to the Columbia campus, thank you for allowing me to guide you in your first year. You might have noticed that you are not the only new face to Carolina. Our new university president, Robert Caslen, will also be starting off alongside you and I challenge you, along with our existing students, to learn, to grow and to dare our universit y to keep pushing the bar to new heights. Additionally, I challenge you to hold me


accountable as I work to represent all of you. We have a lot to look forward to this year as we continue to plan for a new student union and campus village, attend classes that allow us to grow as individuals and experience the opportunit y of a lifetime by attending the greatest university in the world. As your student body president, it is my wish for you to never question my commitment to you, my fellow Gamecocks. I know this year will bring both obstacles and successes, but may our passion for UofSC and my passion for you, the students, be unwavering. Through open communication, s uc c e s s f u l en g ag ement a nd i nt ent ion a l collaboration, this year will be one that we will not forget. Finally, I would like to leave you all with this: Make this a year to remember. Explore campus, join a club, get involved, tell a staff member thank you, attend a football game with over 80,000 of our closest friends and dance to Sandstorm while cheering on our team. No college experience is alike, but I encourage you to leave y ou r m a rk o n t his u niversit y as it leaves it s mark on you. To g e t h e r, w e can make a w id e a r r a y o f accomplishments t h at s howc a s e how g reat ou r home truly is. With that, I look forward to working with you and understanding how we can work together to create everlasting change for this university that we love so much. I encourage you to stop by the Student Government office in room 227 in the Russell House Student Union, or email me at and express your thoughts, concerns or ideas with me. I aim for transparency and, with your help, we can accomplish that. Feel free to follow Student Government on social media @UofSCSG on Twitter and Instagram, to follow our progress, f ind new opport unities and perhaps see a familiar face! I cannot think of a better way to spend my last year at this beloved university than by working with and for you. Thank you for believing in me and giving me this opportunity. I know this year will be one to remember. Forever to thee, Luke Rankin





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How to prepare, be safe during inclement weather


HAYDEN BLAKENEY Contributor Freshmen who are new to Columbia are quick to notice one of its most defining characteristics: the weather. August in South Carolina is usually plag ued w it h hu m idit y a nd h igh temperatures that hover in the mid’90s. Things do tend to cool off as the semester goes on, but there is another factor to consider when planning for the weather. Columbia has a knack for attracting ex t reme weat her du r i ng t he fa l l semester. For the past four years, USC’s campus has temporarily closed down due to serious weather. Although Columbia is far enough inland to avoid the full force of a hurricane or tropical storm passing though, any major weather system off the coast will disrupt the weather here, which could have negative consequences for campus life. D ue to Hu r r ic a ne Joaqu i n i n October 2015, Columbia encountered a 1,0 0 0 -year f lood, mean ing t he amount of rainfall experienced in

Richland Count y has a 1-in-1,000 chance of happening in any given year. Over 20 inches were dumped in the Midlands, a third of the state’s annual rainfall, in only four days, threatening the area’s critical infrastructure and dest roy ing homes. A water main breakage put most of Columbia under a water boil advisory for over a week, shutting down most businesses and leaving thousands of undergraduates without adequate access to drinking water. The event cost over $1 billion in damages and has its own Wikipedia page due to its significance. Because of t he sever it y of t he weather, Richland County government made the decision to close, shutting down all unnecessar y operations, such as local schools and government offices. As a public institution, USC also closed for that duration, canceling classes and sending students home for almost a week. A s e r ie s of s i m i l a r, a lt hou g h significantly less dramatic, events would go on to repeat themselves for the next three years. I n 2016, t he ca mpus closed i n preparation for Hurricane Matthew.

Hurricane Irma brief ly cancelled classes in September 2017 and tropical weather would again cancel classes the next year. If this record is anything to go by, a similar closure could affect USC this year sometime in late September or early October. Extreme weather such as hurricanes might seem terrif ying to any new st udent on c a mpu s who haven’t experienced one prior. The prospect of bei ng far f rom home w it hout electricit y or running water could worry any undergraduate. Although this force of nature is unavoidable, there are a few steps anyone can take to possibly ensure their safety in the event of a natural disaster. First, make sure to pay attention to any and all notifications from the National Weather Service. The best defense against extreme weather is knowing when it will hit and how to stay safe. USC employs a Carolina Alert system that sends notifications to your phone and email in case of an emergency. If there is a warning for extreme weather, try to make sure your phone

a nd ot her elect ron ic dev ices are charged and in good condition. That way, if classes are cancelled, you can keep in touch with your parents and stay informed about road conditions and other important information. It’s a good idea to keep a charged portable charger handy in case Columbia is without power so your phone can weather the storm. Another way to stay safe in extreme weat her is simply to stay inside. Weather that shuts down a county can certainly ruin your day, be it through lightning strikes, strong wind that can down trees or f lash f looding. Columbia is infamously prone to flooding, especially in low-lying areas such as Five Points. Never attempt to drive a vehicle through rushing water, as it only takes a few feet of water to set your car afloat. Rushing water can also obscure sinkholes or other road damage that could threaten your vehicle. A lt hough t he weat her in Sout h Carolina might seem scary, the best way to avoid harm is to stay informed, stay safe and know what to expect.

Five Points continues to evolve, faces more bar closures SAVANNAH KENNEDY News Writer Multiple Five Points bars have either been shut down or will not renew their liquor license due to a continuing legal battle with neighborhood residents. Cover 3, Horseshoe and Saloon are the latest to close their doors, but more litigation could cause others to follow their lead soon. Sout h Carol i na Sen. Dick Har poot l ia n is representing a group of Five Points residents who want to change the night life culture in the shopping district and its surrounding areas. They believe certain bars facilitate underage drinking and overconsumption and their customers are reckless and cause property damage. Group Therapy’s liquor license is currently being challenged by Harpootlian and is facing possible closure in the fall. Former USC quarterback Steve Taneyhill has owned it since 2016, but it has been a staple in Five Points since 1978. Many students attend the bar’s popular event Fridays After Class, People waiting outside Cotton Gin in Five Points on Feb. 17, 2018. also known as “FAC,” each week. “What we’re doing is, we’ve targeted the people Christopher Kenney is helping Harpootlian who are making money off this and exploiting represent the neighborhood clients, and he said underage kids for their own pecuniary gain.” they are not the only ones who have a problem In order to obtain a liquor license, the South with the atmosphere these college bars create. Carolina Constitution requires that a business “W hat the Five Points situation is doing, is must be “engaged primarily and substantially in it’s putting a huge number of young people, on the preparation and serving of meals or furnishing any given night, 2,000, 3,000 young people, on of lodging.” Although the constitution doesn’t list the streets of Columbia, highly intoxicated, late a specific requirement for food to alcohol sales, at night, and the taxpayers are paying to provide Kenney said it’s clear these bars aren’t following police services,” Kenney said. “Our concern is you the law. can’t have this concentration, and you can’t have “If you go into t hese bars, t here’s nobody this level of lawlessness down in Five Points and selling any food,” Kenney said. “You’ve got people expect neighbors and the police and the university dancing on tables. You’ve got them drinking from to tolerate it.” pitchers.” Kenney also said controlling underage drinking On July 8, former USC President Harris Pastides is not his team’s only concern, and many of these joined Harpootlian and other officials at a press bars are operating through illegal business models. conference to discuss the changes taking place. “I think there’s this misperception here that “We want exact ly t he same t hing t hat t he what my clients are doing is somehow targeting the neighborhood does,” Pastides said. “Let it be university and university students,” Kenney said.


known that the university will not suffer, will not fail, if Five Points is returned to the family atmosphere that everybody wants.” Five Points A ssociat ion execut ive director Kelsey Desender thinks welcoming different types of businesses will help strengthen the legacy of Five Points. “Five Points has always had a rich history, with a healthy mix of retail, service and entertainment, and I think the transition is a testament to finding that balance again,” Desender said in an email interview. Desender is optimistic that the bar closures will be beneficial in the long run. “We hope to continue growth to welcome more retail, new restaurants, and wider sidewalks, bike lanes, outdoor seating,” Desender said. “There is a lot to be excited about for Five Points and this eclectic neighborhood village, unlike any other, begs to be explored!”



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Caslen should learn from Pastides’ presidency R e c e nt l y, U S C ’s n e w president Bob Caslen said, “If you’re going to be an effective leader, you have to have the humility to listen and to understand across the entire spectrum of thought,” a nd w it h h i s ne w f ou nd position at the university, Clara Bergeson Second-year I hope he truly does have public relations humility. student The University of South Carolina just lost one of its most beloved presidents — Harris Pastides — after 11 years of service to the university. Not only was he respected and adored by his students and faculty, but his whole family was. Caslen is a different story. There has been a lot of outrage about Caslen’s election, and he and his family are entering the Carolina family on very thin ice. However, if he listens to his students and faculty, he may have the chance to repair his relationship with the Gamecocks. Pastides left with hope that the new president would be “an able leader who has all t he right stuff to take the reigns and hopefully to accelerate our progress,” but to be able to correctly continue the university’s growth,

Caslen will have to understand and accept certain traditions and programs that Pastides put in place. Pastides and his wife often hosted students in their home to connect with them, and they always went out of their way to have conversations with the people at their university. Not only did it affect the campus environment, but it facilitated a conversation bet ween leadership and the students, making it easier for students to voice their concerns about the university. However, students didn’t just trust Pastides because of his k nack for communicat ion. From his election in 2008 to his retirement in 2019, our former president promoted inclusion while “aiming to combat racism and bigotry.” I nclusion and equit y were a huge part of Pastides’ presidency and pushed campus culture in a positive direction. The Universit y of South Carolina is full of many different communities, and with the help of Pastides and his initiatives to promote diversity and dialogue, the university has been able to quickly respond to racial issues. Almeera Lateef, a third-year biochemistry student and president of the Muslim Students Association, said, “I think he’s not afraid to take a stand when something does go wrong.” Caslen will have to understand that he cannot

just be an idle bystander to the private workings of his campus. He will have to work to stand up for all groups of students, and understand that the University of South Carolina is used to a very personal relationship with the president and his family. Part of what made Pastides’ presidency so groundbreaking was his wife. Patricia MoorePastides was USC’s first lady for 11 years, and she has always been someone students adore. She taught a cooking class to students and always made an effort to attend campus events. Just like her husband, she cared deeply for her students and faculty, and even created the first lactation rooms for women returning from maternity leave. Sure, it’s important for our president to be actively present for our campus’ matters, but the first lady is just as important. Under Pastides and his family, st udents and faculty felt loved and cared for by their president, even if there were some tough spots. Caslen will have a hard time facilitating the same relationship our former president had with his campus, but maybe, if he truly has humility, Caslen may be able to eventually hold a match to the flame Pastides had.

Racial groups stay divided at USC There are two t ypes of segregation: de jure and de facto. De ju re seg regat ion is an enforced separation of groups in a society Darian O’Neil by law, wh ile de Second-year mass facto segregation communications refers to an student unspoken division of g roups ba sed largely on the common ideologies and cultural similarities of the respective groups — as it is at USC. The infamous case of Brown v. Board of Education officially marked the end

of de jure segregation in the United States’ school system in 1954. The decision of this case deemed “separate but equal” educational facilities to be unconstitutional, as facilities for minorities were far from “equal” to those of their white counterparts. From that point forward, white students and students of color were legally allowed to attend the same institutions. Although de jure segregation ended over 60 years ago, de facto segregation is something that still persists to this day. The moment you step foot on USC’s campus (particularly Russell House), you are likely to see white students hanging with white students, black students hanging with black students,

Asian students hanging with Asian students, etc. This is natural human behavior — studies have shown the phenomenon of subconscious racial bias begins during infant years. People in herent ly feel more comfor table around and tend to surround themselves with people that look like them. Last year, I had two white roommates. They would often burst into the room and loudly recall the happenings of their day. This made me realize that all of the names, events and organizations they mentioned were completely foreign to me. At the same time, I knew they would have no idea what I was talking about if I brought up my experiences. It was as if we were living in the same

space but attending two totally different schools. The racial divide at USC is, for the most part, swept under the rug and generally accepted as the norm. Moving past just a social standpoint, many extracurricular programs and organizat ions (clubs, f raternit ies/ sororities, etc.) are dominated by mainly one race. While USC is billed as a diverse university, intermingling between races is rare to see despite what the pictures on the website and brochures might show. SEE RACIAL GROUPS PAGE 22



MAJOR MOODS An interpretation of the aesthetics of different areas of study on campus




Understand campus culture ZACHARY MCKINLEY // THE GAMECOCK

As a new semester of classes begins and a fresh group of students embark on their college careers, it is important to recognize and celebrate the unique culture of USC. From Five Points to football games, understanding the intricacies of USC life can take a bit of time. Stephanie Allen First and foremost, with all the party Second-year culture that surrounds the university, English and art take care of your academics. Don’t let studio student a bad GPA from freshman year follow you for the remainder of your college career. If you don’t understand an assignment, ask. And do not underestimate the power of going to office hours. Professors genuinely appreciate students who show effort — if they offer to review a paper or assignment before the due date, let them. USC offers so many resources (that I’m sure were mentioned more than a few times by orientation leaders and U101 instructors), so use them to your advantage. I’ve been to the writing center and the library more than a few times. Trust me. They really do help. So sure, you should prioritize academics, but do not forgo the things that will truly define your college experience. You will have few other chances to shout “‘Cocks” in a socially acceptable manner. Embrace the oddity of our mascot. You’ll have so much more fun if you do. Game days are amazing, but there’s a reason they’re called game days. If you think you’re going to fit much studying in on Saturdays, you’re probably wrong. Do an assignment ahead of time, or set aside Sunday to do homework so you can enjoy your game days without feeling guilty about not doing work. Besides going to football games, partying of some nature is a common USC extracurricular. Don’t feel like you have to go to Five Points or fraternity parties to make friends. I can guarantee it is much more likely for you to find a friend

across the hall than at any party. Whether you drink or not, nobody really cares what you do as long as you maintain respect for yourself and other people. However, if you do want to feel out USC’s party culture, be aware that it’s a bit odd. Fraternity parties are often just a dark, crowded backyard with a few coolers of beer and a couple gallons of party juice, better known as PJ. It’ll be too loud to really talk, but no one will be dancing either. They can be a good time, but they’re not the epitome of entertainment either. Also, for your own sake, please avoid the PJ, especially if you’re an inexperienced drinker. The deceptively tropical flavor makes it hard to tell how strong it is, so just opt for a beer instead. If you’d rather go somewhere that isn’t a random backyard and where people actually dance, Five Points might appeal to you. Just like frat parties, going downtown can be pretty fun, but it won’t necessarily be the time of your life. The added responsibility of having your ID, paying for drinks and keeping track of your friends as you bounce from bar to bar can make going downtown more difficult than going to a frat party or simply hanging out with your friends. Remember that Five Points isn’t the safest area, so whatever you choose to do, always make sure you surround yourself with people you trust and never let a friend go home alone. Also, don’t be that freshman that lets your grades slip because you go to Monday night Pavs every week. Save your fun for the weekend, and don’t do anything that might land you on Barstool Sports. USC is unique in so many ways, and is comprised of a student body that not only knows how to tailgate, but how to unite over critical issues. Over the past year, USC students have faced loss and great change with the highly disputed election of Bob Caslen. Do not let your years at USC simply be defined by the amount of time you spend in Five Points. As you now become a USC student, know you are part of a group of deeply passionate and driven students who can make you proud to say “Forever to thee.”

Get to know South Carolina laws Sout h Ca rol i na is one of the only states that still does not allow t he promot ion of homosexuality in a classroom set t ing, and while t hat isn’t somet h i ng t h at is st rongly enforced, it is def i n itely something I wish I knew about Clara Bergeson before coming to USC. Second-year St udents coming from out public relations of st ate to S out h Ca rol i n a student a re v u l nerable to laws t hat change across state borders. It’s important that students are aware of these laws before attending USC. There are South Carolina-specific rules and regulations that have to do with human rights, underage drinking, marijuana and more, and the punishment for certain crimes change with them. For almost all of the U.S., staying silent when faced with a crime is completely and legally protected. However, under the use of alcohol crimes there is an “implied consent law.” This dictates refusing to take an alcohol test will result in an automatic six-month suspension of a driver’s license on top of the other charges you could get. While alcohol comes with

the party culture that surrounds USC, if you’re underage or plan on driving, the penalties can be life altering, so stay away. R e c e nt l y t her e w a s a bi l l i nt r o duc e d t o decriminalize the possession of one ounce or less of marijuana or 10 grams or less of hashish, but as of right now it is still highly illegal. While it has been legalized in some of the states students may be coming from, South Carolina still follows the federal laws when it comes to marijuana, so the possession, sale or trafficking of even small amounts is a punishable offense. Human rights laws change across states as well. Specifically, the lack of LGBTQ+ and race specific laws. There are no laws saying landlords and employers cannot discriminate based on sexuality and gender expression. On top of that, there are no policies for hate crimes or bullying based on LGBTQ+ identity, and the “state has no restrictions on so-called ‘conversion therapy.’” Not only that, but as of July 2019, the third transgender black woman has been killed in the state of South Carolina since 2018. This promptly reminded everyone that SC is one of only five states that does not have hate crime laws. This means that our university’s state does not support housing, employment, public

accommodations and education laws that do not allow hate crime bias. On top of the laws that are or are not already in place in South Carolina, more bills are being introduced that could impact students greatly. This year, state lawmakers introduced a bill “that requires colleges to not interfere with students’ freedom of speech.” The bill, mainly endorsed by conservatives, would allow for hate speech to basically be unpunishable in the eyes of the law and the university. On top of that, similar to Alabama and Georgia’s most recent abortion bill, a fetal heartbeat bill has been introduced in the state legislation. While a lot of these laws could not affect everyone and may not even be in place yet, many of them change the way campus life operates. They’re not always at the forefront of everyone’s mind, but they are something that everyone should at least be aware of. Laws are changing and evolving everyday, but knowing and understanding some of the laws in the state you live in should make it easier to stay on the good side of the law, or at least make sure you know what you are getting yourself into.


FRIDAY, AUGUST 16 , 2019

Making friends on campus can be difficult


For a l it t le wh i le af ter I first came to USC, I felt very alone. Even t hough I had a roommate and so many others surrounding me, it still felt like I didn’t have anyone to talk to. It can be hard to form friendships in your first year of Chrissy Roffe college, especially if you have Fourth-year moved far away from home. English student Now that I am going into my senior year, I can safely say that it might seem hard, but it is actually quite easy to find people who you can relate to and build strong friendships with. The first people you are introduced to when you come to USC are your roommates and those nearby in your residence hall. Dorms are filled with people just like you. They’re going through similar experiences and are ready to make friends. Often, dorms will hold regular events in order to give you a chance to meet those who are living around you. You’ll be surprised to see other students are feeling the exact same as you, missing home and their friends, and that is something

relatable which gives you a chance to get to know each other better. I still regularly talk to a few people I met in my freshman dorm, and they remain some of my closest friends. Joining clubs and organizations can increase your chances of finding people who enjoy the same things as you. This can make it easier to start friendships, as you will already have some common ground. You can look into clubs, groups, sports teams and volunteer opportunities without too much difficulty. It does not have to be limited to clubs, you can join whatever you please, and if you cannot find anything, you can also start your own club. If joining organizations seems to be putting too much on your plate, getting to know those in your classes is vital. While in your first year, you will most likely have large classes with hundreds of students, but those few smaller classes can make it easy to talk to those sitting near you. I met a lot of people in my freshman English courses, as there were usually no more than 30 students. Being on a large campus can seem daunting and make you feel like just another face in the crowd. The best thing to do is find areas with fewer

people, which will give you the chance to grab the attention of those around you. This can include the gym, the hall before class begins or even an on-campus job. You can easily strike up a conversation with others before class or even during discussions in class. You can ask about the homework, about the class in general, other students’ majors and more. I would often bring up my interests randomly in conversation with classmates, slipping in my interests, such as “Doctor Who,” “Star Wars” and gaming. You would be surprised how many people enjoyed the same things I did. If others don’t know about the things you enjoy, it also gives you the chance to expose them to new things, and they can do the same for you. The best t h i ng to remember is t hat t r ue friendships will often happen organically, so don’t worr y too much about f inding friends immediately. You will find people eventually, even if it takes longer than you would like. Making sure you get involved and meet people who have similar interests to you will help greatly and these friendships will be real, allowing you to form strong connections.


Because of this, upcoming students might be compelled to follow suit and stick only with members of their own race. However, I strongly suggest expanding your horizons and making an attempt to interact with people whose cultures are different from your own. By choosing to only interact with students who look like you, it’s easy to miss out on a connection with someone who could help you advance your future career or even become a new genuine friend. I also suggest, specif ically to minorities, to not only get involved with racially oriented organizations, but organizations where you believe more diversity is needed (i.e. Student Government). Visibility is important, and joining these organizations allows the minority presence to be seen and acknowledged. At a school where the population is 77% white, the minority voice is often either silenced or ignored. The recent election of Bob Calsen — in spite of objections from a large portion of the minority population — is proof of this. While it might be intimidating to join organizations or committees wit h little to no minority representation, securing the, albeit few, seats that are open at the table is the first step in getting our voices heard. Obviously, we won’t all be able to hold hands and sing “Kumbaya.” That’s never how things have been, and they will probably never be that way. Nonetheless, I believe we all can take baby steps towards making USC feel like one big university instead of a bunch of different subsections.

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Fi nd a peacef u l spot to t h i n k a nd process recent changes. Wait for developments before leaping to assumptions. Listen to your intuition. Some worries are well founded.

Manage finances with a shared venture. Pay bills, and issue invoices. Monitor accounts, and keep f i les updated. Confirm your intuition with hard data.



Friends are especially helpful. Get other views on current events, and note publ ic opi n ion. Another’s ideas lead to t he per fec t solut ion. Te a m w o r k w i n s t h e prize.


Today is an 8 -- Work t a k e s pr ior it y. Ta k e charge with a challenge. Adapt to a recent change. Verif y int uit ion w it h data. Follow an older person’s advice. Invest in success.


Check out an interesting suggest ion along t he road for a plea sa nt surprise. Adapt to news. Tr a f f ic delay s cou ld tempt you to ex plore where you are.


Consult your partner. Share t he load for g reater ease. Real ize common goals by coordinat ing act ions. Avoid big surprises. Stay out of a controversy. Pull together.


Slow the pace to adapt to cha ng i ng ter r a i n. Phy s ic a l ac t ion g et s resu lt s. Priorit ize health and wellness. Set realistic goals to fulfill your promises.


Relax and enjoy. Don’t waste money on a r o m a nt ic w h i m . Pa y at tent ion to someone sweet. Have fun outside. Cook up somet h ing delicious together.



Get into a household project. Make repairs, upgrades and improvement s. Fi x s ome t h i n g b e f or e it breaks. Patiently persist.

Monitor the news for updates. Cha ng i ng circumstances require adapt at ion. Pat ient ly stay in communication despite chaos or delay s. K eep sec ret s and confidences. Keep detailed notes.


Keep generating positive cash flow. Save for a cushion to cover unexpected expenses. Budget for equipment and ot her business upgrades. Balance finances patiently.


Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis


Ta ke c h a rge for t he results you want. A nticipate some resistance, and melt it w it h hu mor. You get more with honey than with vinegar.



1 2 3 4

Solutions to today’s puzzle

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LISTEN ONLINE at ACROSS 1 Paris eateries 6 Abyss 11 Birthday count 14 Rack flavoring 15 Hang in midair 16 Easter beginning? 17 Data-intensive branch of engineering 19 “Positively Entertaining” TV network 20 After-tax amount 21 Unveiling word 22 Iraq War worries, for short 23 God, in Judaism 25 Red-handed 28 Burning crime 30 “__ luego” 31 “Oh dear!” 34 Choir voice 36 Judge on “The People v. O.J. Simpson” 38 Camaraderie 41 Avant-garde music genre 43 Annoying kid 44 Greetings from Fido 46 Aired with sharper resolution 47 De-creases? 49 Lariat 52 Winter hike footwear item 54 Insect-sized superhero 58 Surfer’s ride 59 Makeover result 61 Self-image 62 Approx. landing time 63 “Best thing” bakery metaphor ... and a hint to each row of circles 66 Fish in Japanese unadon 67 Aspect 68 Montana Tech city 69 NFL scoring stat 70 Slanted columns 71 Thumbs-ups

DOWN 1 CBS forensic spin-off starring Gary Sinise 2 Sleep concern 3 Elegant Manhattan avenue 4 Environmental prefix 5 Diner employee 6 Spiced tea 7 Emergency phone link 8 Birdlike 9 Jiff 10 Doubtfire’s title 11 Pixar specialty 12 “Glad you spotted that error” 13 Surrealist Max 18 Mineral hardness scale 22 Director Anderson 24 Stinging flier 26 Norse god with a hammer 27 Kevin of “Central Intelligence” 29 “The Simpsons” bus driver 31 MLB’s Diamondbacks, on scoreboards

32 Covered with plastic, as an ID card 33 Yeses from bosses 35 Space-research org. 37 Gave the green light, briefly 39 Dominates totally 40 __ Hashanah: Jewish New Year 42 Tear gas situation 45 Bilked 48 Be in debt

50 DUI-fighting org. 51 Stuck-up 52 1974 hit “__ Home Alabama” 53 Chilling in a cooler 55 Track competitions 56 Playing marble 57 Connection points 60 Moistens 63 “City by the Bay” airport code 64 Once around the track 65 Lament












Columbia’s Arts & Culture Scene








N. M



















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ith students returning from their summer breaks and the new semester kicking into high gear, Columbia is as vibrant as ever. Whether you’re a longtime resident looking for something new or an incoming freshman setting foot in Carolina for

THE KOGER CENTER Located on USC’s campus, the Koger Center is a great place to get an arts and culture fix while staying close to home. Both the Columbia City Ballet, which is known for more eclectic and quirky performances, and the Columbia Classical Ballet, which performs more traditional ballets, host their performances here. In addition, the South Carolina Philharmonic and USC’s Wind Ensemble perform here, and students can get into some events for free or at a discounted rate with their CarolinaCard.

NEW BROOKLAND TAVERN If listening to short sets from several

different bands is your ideal way of trying out new music, then New Brookland Tavern is the spot for you. Showcasing up-and-coming bands from the Columbia area and beyond, the tavern also serves drinks, hosts happy hours and has open mic nights for those feeling bold and adventurous. Be sure to check the age requirement before making a trip – New Brookland has some events that are 18+ and some that are 21+.



the first time, there are plenty of places to go to experience arts and culture around Columbia. Here’s a list of just some of the unique places arts lovers can take advantage of around the city.

PAPA JAZZ RECORD SHOPPE Papa Jazz, a cornerstone of t he Five

Points scene, is the perfect place to head for those hoping to expand their CD or record collections, but it’s also a cool spot to just hang out and browse aisles and aisles of interesting music. Although jazz is part of its image, Papa Jazz also boasts an eclectic mix of any genre you could possibly be interested in — they have everything from rhythm and blues to spoken word to classic rock to indie to classical. It won’t take too much searching to find old favorites on vinyl.

NICKELODEON THEATRE Nickelodeon Theatre is a movie theater on Main Street that shows a mix of movies you can’t find at a Regal or AMC theater. The Nick also hosts the Indie Grits Film Festival, named one of the “20 Coolest Film Festivals in the World� by Moviemaker Magazine, every year, and hosts series of movies centered around a specific theme such as foreign f ilms, black and white films and LGBTQ+ films. If you enjoy independent films, or if you’re tired of seeing remakes/sequels/other blockbuster flops, then check out this vintage theater for some alternatives.

TRUSTUS THEATRE Located at the end of the Vista, Trustus Theatre is now in its 34th season of bringing theater to Columbia. Although most of the season has already passed, theatergoers still have time to catch “Montgomer y� from August 23 to 31. Its next season debuts in September with “Company,� a 1971 Tony Award-winning musical. The classic Pulitzer Prize-winning “A Streetcar Named Desire� is another one of the many upcoming plays to look for ward to next season. W hile visitors can buy tickets for individual shows, flex passes are also available for purchase, al low i ng t heater lovers to choose a ny eight tickets throughout the season at one discounted price.

This is by no means a comprehensive list of places to experience arts and culture in Columbia. There’s always The White Mule, The Senate, Colonial Life Arena (where Ariana Grande is making a stop in December, so keep an eye out for that) and Tapp’s to name a few. Columbia has so much to do and see, so be sure to experience the city outside of campus and do something new as an excuse to stop hitting the books (or the bars, we won’t judge) so hard.

—compiled by Elizabeth Stiles



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Carolina Productions preps for new school year NICK SULLIVAN Arts and Culture Editor

students expecting hip-hop or rap artists. The lineup Students at USC never know what consisted they might run into on their way to of Daya a nd class. Last year, Carolina Productions, Iyaz. the student organization responsible “This was f or e nt er t a i n me nt at USC , put on ly t he t h ird together escape rooms, petting zoos Cockstock and Shrek Fest. t hat we’ve According to Raegan Brizek, a thirdhad, and year broadcast journalism student and so in our president of Carolina Productions, minds there the organization welcomes any and all wa sn’t a event requests. preexisting “I always tell people our emails tradition are always open, and we love when t h at it h ad students come to us and say, ‘Hey, like, to be h ipI’d love to see this event on campus,’” hop, and we Brizek said. really wanted The organization strives to bring to bring a st udent s t he enter t a i n ment t hey dif ferent st yle want, and somet imes t hat means art ist,” Brizek reevaluating its events in order to finesaid. “But tune them for following years. obviously Last year’s Cockstock, the annual it had not a fall concert that takes place during great reaction, and it definitely was Homecom i ng, wa s c r it ic iz ed by something that caught us off guard, but at the same time I’m, in a sense, happy that it did happen because, in UPCOMING EVENTS: return, I think this year’s Cockstock 8.19 Let’s Glow is really going to be something that students are looking forward to.” 8.26 Battle of the Bands The negative feedback prompted a 9.4 Fresh Faces of Comedy series of surveys and focus groups in 9.17 Skates and Shakes order to pinpoint exactly what kind of 10.2 Fresh Faces of Comedy music most students want to see. “What we found is that students 10.16 National Boss’s Day want hip-hop, and that was a hill they with Leslie David Baker were willing to die on, and so there’s 10.29 Cockstock ft. A$AP Ferg no issue in that,” Brizek said. “We 11.6 Fresh Faces of Comedy want to give students what they want.” As a result, hip-hop artist Bryce 12.6 “Rocket Man” with Vine was booked for SpringFest, dueling pianos drawing the highest attendance of

maybe e v e n a foam party. Seasonal activities will also return, including the ILLUSTRATION BY: ALEX FINGER //THE GAMECOCK Halloween pumpkin carvings, haunted houses and scary movies. any USC concert, and A$A P Ferg However, Brizek said she likes to add was booked as this year’s Cockstock twists to old events in order to keep headliner. students from losing interest. Instead Due to Ferg’s high profile, Carolina of rehashing past headphone discos Productions was unable to book him and dance parties, this semester will within its budget, so ticketing will be feature skates and shakes: a night of different from years past. Instead of roller blading, music and milkshakes. free admission, tickets will be available C a r ol i n a P r o d u c t io n s i s a l s o to students for $10, and each student branching out from its typical comedy will be able to bring up to four guests acts in order to bring influencers and at $20 each. television actors to campus, such as Concerts aside, students can expect Leslie David Baker. to see many returning favorites this year, according to Brizek, such as SEE CAROLINA PRODUCTIONS Battle of the Bands at The Senate, dogs PAGE 11 on Davis Field, outdoor movies and





8 –11 pm Russell House & Strom

11 am – 2 pm Greene St.

8 – 11 pm The Senate

11 am – 2 pm Greene St.



BUSTLE AT THE RUSSELL 9 pm – 12 am Russell House






11 am – 2 pm Greene St.

1 – 4 pm Russell House Ballroom 8 – 11 pm Russell House Ballroom

1 – 3 pm Greene St.



8:30 am Davis Field

7:30 – 10 pm The Horseshoe & Greene St.


DISCOVER COLUMBIA FAIR 11 am – 2 pm Greene St.

TAD: #RECFLIXnCHILL 9 pm – 12 am Strom




10 pm – 12 am Target on Garner’s Ferry Rd.

MONDAY, AUG. 26 GET REC’D FAIR 11 am – 2 pm Greene St.


5 – 8 pm Russell House Ballroom


11 pm – 2 am Village Idiot, Five Points


10:30 am – 1:30 pm Thomas Cooper Library





CAROLINA KICKOFF 11 am – 2 pm Greene St.


3:30 pm Russell House Ballroom



A savvy student’s guide to campus arts organizations

IGGY SHULER Assistant Arts and Culture Editor

Upon arriving at USC, you’ll be bombarded with invitations to join just about ever y organization under t he su n. W ho k new one school could have so many Bible st ud ie s? W hen do these people find time to stand out on Greene Street and pull unsuspecting new students into their improv groups? Am I actually going to join any of these clubs, or am I just going to take these tablers’ free pizza and never see them again? It might be so o v e r w he l m i n g y o u’r e tempted to dine and dash, just toss t hat ha ndf u l of pamphlets and calendars in the garbage and hope you find another way to make friends. But not to worry: This guide will give you the concise jump-start you need to f ig u re out what clubs might interest an arts-savvy Carolina student. We’ll arm you with info before you’re thrown into the fray and show off some highlights so you don’t have to spend hou rs sc rol l i ng t h rough Garnet Gate. Off-Off-Broadway This organization is the perfect way for theater kids (or aspiring t heater k ids) to find community at USC or get their feet wet in the world of musical t heater. P r o d u c i n g at le a s t o n e musical a semester, Of fOf f-Broadway is a g reat

way for non-theater majors to satiate their passion for the spotlight. Even if you don’t want to join up right away, the shows make for an exciting evening at the t heater suppor t i ng local art. The best part? All the shows are free. Art History Club A rt H istor y Club is exactly what it sounds like: an organization of students passionate about art history. It’s a g reat way to lear n more about t he f ield and meet other arts enthusiasts, whether you’re pursuing it as a scholar or a hobbyist. The organization also seeks to coordinate arts-oriented event s, such as g uest speakers and museum visits. I n k ! Un d e r g r a d u a t e English Association Ink! is an active community with something f or e ver yone w ho love s a r t a nd l iter at u re. T h is group is organized around events such as open mics, movie and game nights and professional opportunities. T h e y a l s o h o s t U S C ’s literary conference, creating a s p ac e f or s t ude nt s t o present their research and see what their peers have been working on. Carolina Film and Television Club T h is club is a g reat , low-com m it ment way to meet others interested in f i l m med ia. It ser ve s to facilitate a discussion-based communit y and provide a space for screenings and social events.


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International students navigate culture differences at USC KENNA COE Arts and Culture Writer

Aug. 23, 2018 is still fresh i n Iu l i i a K h a m idu l l i n a’s mind. On that day — the first day of classes — she stood near t he fou ntain out side Thomas Cooper Library. “ It wa s [a n] i nc red ible moment for me because my MFA program should start a nd my A mer ic a n d rea m comes true,” Khamidullina said. W h ile K ha m idu l l i na, a second-year Master of Fine Arts acting student, is about 5,000 miles away from her ho me i n St . Pe t e r sb u r g, Russia. She said she feels she is in the right place with the right people. Can Yasar, a second-year Master of Fine Arts acting s t u d e n t f r o m Tu r k e y , received a bachelor’s degree in New York City and is at USC for one more year. He said his time in the United States has revealed prejudices that are a part of the culture. “They just look at you, just by because of your color they assume certain things or because of your name,” Yasar said. His first name is Mu hammed. However, he said he goes by his middle name to avoid people forming preconceived notions about him. He said his perception of A mer ica was a la nd of the free, but he has realized not everyone is accepted or understood. “I think what’s surprising was that what you see from the movies and everything,

that’s not the America. There is a huge ot her par t of it where most of us won’t be really actually welcomed,” Yasar said. Ch r is Reid, assist a nt director for retent ion and i nt e g r at io n s e r v i c e s f o r USC’s International Student Services, focuses on domestic suppor t for i nter nat iona l st udent s a nd help s t hem i nt eg r at e i nt o A mer ic a n culture. “If you are reluctant to talk with people or not inclined to see the value of clubs, then you are not going to integrate very well,” Reid said. He said it’s difficult to spot those who are not involved on c a mpu s a nd t here a re marginalized international students that go unnoticed. Timothy Li, fourth-year finance student from Hong Kong, said he experienced isolation the first semester of college. “I closed myself in a dorm room. I spent most of my time being online with friends back home,” Li said. “I limited my social circle to those familiar groups.” A f ter his f irst semester, he got involved with clubs on campus that he said gave him a sense of belonging. He mostly became friends with American students. “I’m not saying there’s no cultural differences between my cult ure and A merican culture, but it’s easy for me to cling to locals instead of international students,” Li said. “So, it’s the opposite of what international students usually do.”

Reid sa id i nter nat iona l s t u d e nt s o f t e n s e e k o u t f r iend s f rom t hei r home cou nt r y bec au se of t he c om for t a nd f a m i l ia r it y. The term “Chinese bubble” i s u s e d t o d e s c r ib e t h i s occurrence since Chinese students make up the largest percentage of international st udents nat ionally and at USC, Reid said. O ut of t he u n iver sit y ’s 1,891 international students, 708 are Chinese, according to t he 2018 demog raph ic report f rom I nternat ional Student Services. Long Ling, fou rt h-year management st udent from Ch ina, said it’s easier for her to make Chinese friends because she is shy. “I will feel more confident to voice my opinions with Chinese friends,” Ling said.


“A merican people are so independent.” She said she’ll bef riend A merican st udent s in her classes, but t hey’ll ignore her when she waves to them outside of class. Reid said the concept of friendship doesn’t translate easily across cult ures and A mer ica ns a re l i kely to excha nge n icet ies w it h st r a nger s but of tent i me s don’t take the next step to becoming friends, whereas international students do. Lang uage is anot her factor t hat can make integration diff icult. Reid said international students are often reluctant to speak E n g l i s h b e c au s e t he y ’r e afraid they will be judged by their accent or inabilit y to speak perfect English. There is a wide range of

language proficiency among i nter nat iona l st udent s. Trad it iona l i nter nat iona l st udent s who a re f u l ly enrolled have high language prof ic ienc y. T hen , t here are students in the English Programs for Internationals, which is a program for nonde g r e e s e e k i n g s t ude nt s t hat foc uses on la ng uage development. This means some international students on campus are f luent while o t h e r s s p e a k v e r y l it t l e English. “Language, it’s a challenge, but I can figure out it. It’s not the hardest thing actually,” Khamidullina said. SEE INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS PAGE 11



Soda City sampler: A brief guide to the music of Columbia

ZACHARY MCKINLEY//THE GAMECOCK Toro y Moi performed at The Senate in Columbia, South Carolina on Nov. 17, 2018.

COUTRESY OF TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE Hootie and the Blowfish performed at Merriweather Post Pavillion in Columbia, Maryland on Aug. 8.

IGGY SHULER Assistant Arts and Culture Editor

clean sound evokes pop punk of days gone by, with strong lead vocals backed by energetic instrumentation. But it also has a dash of twang, a little local flair, that sets them apart from mere pop punk. It’s vaguely country rock with a lot of gusto; it’s indie pop with a punch. Whatever you call them, Barnwell is anything but boring. King Vulture King Vulture is a versatile, lyrically involved indie staple of the local music scene. The band’s live performances are frequent and engaging with full, sat isf y i ng i n st r u ment at ion. Fol k influences flavor the music with a unique, inviting sound, and striking vocals draw the listener in closer, literally and emotionally. Hootie and the Blowfish If you haven’t heard of Hootie by now, you definitely will. This band, probably best known for “Let Her Cry,” one of several Hootie singles that charted nationally in the mid ‘90s, is a point

Columbia might be best known for football, Five Points and frat lots, but a lot of newcomers might not realize the city is also home to a diverse and growing music scene. From blues and indie to chillwave and swamp pu nk , established and underground, new and old, Columbia boasts an impressive collect ion of bands. This list was created to give music-minded freshmen (and interested returning students) a taste of the musical acts you can see around town and the city’s history in the national music scene. Acts you can see around town Boo Hag Boo Hag is a striking local band with a totally novel sound. Their distorted g uitar, dark aest het ic and vag uely hy pnotic vocals create a haunting, unmistakably rock ‘n’ roll trance. The

band’s unique sound might best be described as Southern gothic psych-rock or, as it says on Bandcamp, “Primitive Swamp Punk.” If t his piques your interest, don’t hesitate to see Boo Hag live, as the local performances never fail to deliver an exciting, atmospheric experience. Thunderbite A favorite with younger audiences, Thunderbite is a Cola-based band that offers up a lo-fi, chill punk, surf rock repertoire. The songs are capable of carr y ing a lot, wit h heav ier ly rics ac c omp a n ie d b y l ight , s u m mer y instrumentation sprinkled with clear punk and lo-fi influences. This band is perfect for anyone looking for a fun, laid-back show or something to listen to on a late night drive. Barnwell It would be an oversimplification to call Columbia’s Barnwell an indie pop band and a grave injustice to toss them in with nu-country. The band’s unique,

of pride for many Carolinians. Lead singer Darius Rucker has gone on to gain acclaim as a solo country artist in his own right, but Hootie and the Blowfish continues touring as a group. The blues influences create a unique, soulful sound and, best of all, the band returns frequently to Columbia, where they got their start. Toro y Moi Toro y Moi is a musician, record producer and graphic designer who graduated from our very own USC in 2009. His music is hard to confine to a single genre, but he’s best known, probably, as a chillwave artist. But his sophisticated instrumentation, diverse sound and wide range of inf luences defy genre in many ways. Complex, somewhat hypnotic rhythms carry his songs, without compromising a relaxed, lounge kind of vibe, probably owing to his smooth, melodic vocals.

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9/5/18 3:18 PM



The Nick, Indie Grits house Columbia’s arts scene NICK SULLIVAN Arts and Culture Editor

g iven it s reg u la r op en hou se communit y events in which all are invited to stop by for adult workshops or artist exhibitions. I nd ie G r it s Lab s h a s t h ree Those new to the area might be pr ima r y foc uses: com mu n it ysurprised to learn there’s more to based art projects, media literacy Columbia than college game days education and running the Indie a nd Five Poi nt s ba rs. Gra nted, Grits Festival, which is an annual both might be proud staples of this spring event that celebrates art southern hotspot, but Columbia is of all forms, with an emphasis on also home to a thriving arts scene. film. Theaters, museums and music venues “For four days, our goal is to are scattered all about the city, with turn Columbia into that place that t wo orga n izat ions i n par t ic u lar we really wish we were living,” serving as the community’s creative Gadsden said of the Indie Grits center. Festival. “Live music everywhere O ne a v i nt age t heater i n t he every night; good, young, creative hea r t of t he cit y a nd t he ot her cult ure with good discussions; an unassuming house that blends have f i l m ma ker s ever y where; i n w it h a qu iet su r rou nd i ng c r e at i v e p e o p le e v e r y w he r e ; neighborhood, Nickelodeon Theatre doi ng cool t h i ng s where you and Indie Grits Labs are two partner can’t not find yourself in a good orga n izat ions t hat ma ke up t he conversation.” nonprofit Columbia Film Society. T he f e s t i v a l c o m b i ne s t he Refer red to a s t he Nic k , t he best of the Nick and Indie Grits theater’s mission is to bring quality i n one massive c u lt u ra l event cinema ⁠— from around the world feat u r i ng mu sic , g a m i ng a nd a n d l o c a l l y ⁠ — t o C o l u m b i a’s more. Anybody can submit their bu s t l i n g M a i n St r e et , ho s t i n g films to be featured at Indie Grits dialogues about the films’ central Festival, regardless of experience, themes. Many of the films that make and students also have the option their way onto the Nick’s big screens to submit their work at a cheaper are unique to the location; unlikely price. to be fou nd at a ny of t he area’s While the Indie Grits Festival other theaters. There is no specific might be a ways away, t here is niche the theater caters to, either, still plent y of programming to so visitors can find content ranging look forward to in the fall. The anywhere from experimental films Nick w ill host a m in i fest ival to foreign films to familiar classics. celebr at i ng 30 yea r s of pr ide Due to its diverse film selection, i n Sout h Ca rol i na w it h t h ree the theater draws in people of all queer films exemplif ying queer different backgrounds. According blockbusters of the decade, and to ma rket i ng a nd membersh ips in October it will host its regular m a n a g e r A m a nd a W i nd s or, Halloween series, which brings many patrons are self-proclaimed ETHAN LAM//THE GAMECOCK both famous and lesser-k nown cinephiles who make an effort to horror movies alike back to the big see ever y f ilm t he Nick of fers, Local band performs live set at Indie Grits Film Festival on April 14, 2018. screen. while others are couples looking cinema art house — the only of its Film Society, Indie Grits Labs, is a Indie Grits Labs will continue to try something new for date night. kind in South Carolina — all the one-of-a-kind gallery in the area, h o s t i n g w o r k s h o p s f o r t h o s e “They tend to gravitate towards us money earned at the Nick goes back according to director of Indie Grits i n t e r e s t e d i n a c t i v i t i e s s u c h and kind of find a home sometimes,” into programming, and since it is a Labs Seth Gadsden, and sits in a a s f i l m m a k i n g , b o o k m a k i n g , Windsor said of the creatives who local business, the money spent stays historic part of town that people woodblock printing and more, and frequent the Nick. in Columbia. might not ot her w ise v isit. I ndie later this fall it will be launching its Given its stat us as a nonprof it T he second a r m of Colu mbia Grits’ location in a house is fitting, brand new radio station.

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NICK SULLIVAN Arts and Culture Editor

A l it t l e u n d e r h a l f o f U S C ’s undergraduate population is traveling away from home states and countries, perhaps for the first time. Trading the familiarity of home for this new landscape can be overwhelming, but it should also be exciting. I lived in the Midwest my whole life before venturing down to South Carolina, and let me tell you, the Ohio River has nothing on the Atlantic Ocean. As you settle into your dorm and give your parents that final hug to last through Thanksgiving — or at least Family Weekend — try not to let the fear of the unknown get you down. Instead, take it from a Northerner that you will be fine and your time in Columbia will provide you with many opportunities to explore new landmarks,

restaurants and towns that have never been so accessible. Even if you’re a returning student, try to branch out this year and go someplace new. First and foremost, go to Charleston. Travel + Leisure magazine named it the best U.S. cit y for the seventh consecutive year and, fortunately for us, this quaint southern hot spot is less than a two-hour drive from campus. Charleston captures the vibe of a small town despite hosting the state’s largest population. In the heart of the city, visitors can find horses trotting down cobblestone streets illuminated by gas lanterns. Around every corner lies a landmark with some sort of historical releva nce. Bet ween ghost tou r s, military forts, beaches and a city market spanning four blocks, there really is something for everyone. SEE NORTHERN GUIDE PAGE 10

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A lesser known gem just a little over two hours from Columbia, Beaufort is another must-visit. Think Charleston minus the chaotic crowds, plus “Forrest Gump.” Several of the movie’s iconic scenes were filmed in Beaufort, and Gump’s box of chocolates was actually m ade at T he C ho c ol at e Tre e , a local shop whose delicious offerings would warrant a visit even without its Hollywood connection. After taking some time to stroll down Bay Street and Waterfront Park, head to Hunting Island State Park for South Carolina’s only publicly accessible lighthouse and a beach whose twisted-root tree line provides some great photo ops. On the drive to either Charleston or Beaufort, hop off exit 159 toward Bowman to experience, dare I say, the most pleasantly strange attraction in all of the Carolinas: The U FO Welcome Center. Though built for extraterrestrials, it has no shortage of earthly visitors. Do yourself a favor and avoid Googling pictures in advance. It’ll make your first glimpse that much more memorable. On a similarly bizarre note, head about 50 minutes northeast to Bishopville, located exactly in the middle of nowhere. What it lacks in touristy small-town charm, it more than makes up for in its slew of off-the-beaten-path attractions, such as the Button King Museum and Pearl Fryar’s topiary garden. Most notably, the area is home to the Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp. A llegedly f irst encou ntered when attacking a 17-year-old’s car in 1988, Lizard Man sightings have continued to pop up ever since. While no conclusive evidence has been offered in favor of the creature’s existence, the beast’s supposed footprint can be found on display inside the South Carolina Cotton Museum. Charlotte, Asheville and Hilton Head are also within a few hours’ drive, so Columbia is the prime spot for exploring the mountains, ocean and everything in between. Of course, not everybody has a means of transportation to make a weekend or day trip, but there’s plenty of southern culture to experience in Columbia, too. Palmetto Outdoors offers tubing or kayaking trips down the Congaree River. Yes, that majestically rocky river just outside of campus can be safely traveled

at a reasonable price. A trip down the river is a great way to make friends and immerse yourself, quite literally, in the Carolina landscape. For those not looking to spend money, Bicentennial Park has you covered. Sure, one could head down the road for a more scenic and well-constructed park experience at Riverfront, which has walking and biking paths, but there’s just something about Bicentennial that draws you in. Be it the confusing boardwalk layout, wood planks inexplicably bolted to concrete or riverside signs warning of hazardous black sludge, this park’s got character. Finally — and t his is a big one — there’s a rite of passage that all Northerners must go through: a latenight meal at Cook Out. The fast food joint is known for its extensive milkshake menu and its cheap meals where side options include corn dogs and chicken nuggets. It’s beautiful in a greasy, arteryclogging kind of way, but beautiful nonetheless. Like it or not, you’re about to become a full-fledged Carolinian. “Y’all” will naturally flow off your tongue. You’ll be called out on your pronunciation of the word “bag” or the way you say sneakers instead of tennis shoes. Your friends will try to make you eat some concerning goop called grits. Embrace all of the firsts with arms wide open, but don’t forget your roots. Remember that you have some things worth sharing, too, so crack open a can of Skyline chili or whip up some Philly cheesesteaks. Above all else, call your mom.

COURTESY OF LESLIE MCKELLAR The first drawing of the Lizard Man, as depicted by first witness Christopher Davis.


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ARTS & CULTURE 11 Fall 2019’s anticipated releases



HANNAH HARPER Arts and Culture Writer


s the new semester approaches, so do the back-to-school jitters that we are all too familiar with. But don’t despair, because directors and musicians alike have the perfect solution to take our minds off all that stress — new movies and albums to look forward to. So, instead of worrying about making new friends, paying rent, ordering textbooks or anything boring like that, start Instagram stalking Taylor Swift for hints about her upcoming album or furiously Googling “It Chapter Two presale tickets.” “47 Meters Down: Uncaged’ (directed by Johannes Roberts) — Aug. 16, 2019 Summer would not feel complete without a shark-themed movie to tide us over. The sequel to the 2017 summer flick “47 Meters Down” introduces a group of teens exploring underwater ancient ruins when they realize that they are not alone. A fearsome shark is determined to not let these kids get away — at least not without a fight. This modern-day “Jaws” film is the perfect way to accept fall’s coming, as you’ll probably welcome a break from the beach after this thriller. “The Goldf inch” (directed by John

Crowley) — Sept. 13, 2019 Based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of the same name, “The Goldfinch” begins with thirteen-year-old Theodore Decker, who witnesses a tragic event that takes his mother’s life. The story follows how Theodore’s life is impacted afterwards, and how he battles grief in different ways. The film’s notable cast includes Nicole Kidman, Ansel Elgort, Sarah Paulson, Finn Wolfhard and more. “It Chapter Two” (directed by Andy Muschietti) — Sept. 5, 2019 The long-awaited sequel has finally arrived, along with Pennywise himself. The ragtag group of kids known as the Losers Club have returned to Derry, where they are met with a not-so-warm welcome from the demon who tormented them when they were younger. Bill Skarsgård reprised his role as It, but the characters we knew as kids have grown up by the time this movie takes place, meaning the rest of the cast is totally revamped. Notable names assume the familiar roles, with Jessica Chastain as Beverly, James McAvoy as Bill and Bill Hader as Richie. “Lover” (recorded by Taylor Swift under Republic Records) — Aug. 23, 2019 Taylor Swift fans were surprised by the sudden release of “ME!” back in April, but she’s not done with surprises yet: This highly anticipated album is set to release the day

after classes start, so you can be sure to have something to blast while you adjust to Columbia traffic. “ i,i” (recorded by Bon Iver u nder Jagjaguwar) — Aug. 30, 2019 Bon Iver’s fourth album will reportedly be autumn-themed, completing the band’s four seasons album series. We’ll be listening to it right on the cusp of fall, so it should make those breezy walks across campus that much more magical. According to their website, the band members feel “confident, comfortable, and completely free of distraction” with regard to the album’s recording, so cross your fingers for another indie masterpiece from this consistently striking band. “The Owl” (recorded by Zac Brown Band under BMG Rights Management) — Sept. 20, 2019 Zac Brown Band has never failed to remind someone that he or she would like to dip his or her toes in the water — especially a bunch of college dudes tailgating in the hot summer sun. This album is guaranteed to bring us another round of Southern fried jams perfect for cracking open a cold one with the boys (provided, of course, that you’re of age). The band is currently on tour to support the album’s release.



Even with a high level of proficiency, international students have to learn legal terms, healt hcare terms and other cultural nuances that aren’t taught in the classroom. Ling plans on going to graduate school in America but will most likely go back to China after that.

“ It is more a nd more difficult to stay here, so I gave up,” Ling said. Post-graduat ion h o ld s a d i f f e r e nt t y p e of uncertaint y for i nter n at ion a l st udent s . Many t imes, t he opt ion is to either go to graduate school or go back home. “For us, stakes are very high here … because then at t he end of it, you are required to go back home,” Yasar said.

Yasar said he will try to get an artist visa, but also said those are difficult to get. He said jokingly that means he has two years to win an Oscar or Tony. Li is in the process of becom i ng a n A mer ic a n citizen so he can work in t he Un ited St ates af ter college. Ref lecting on the past year, Khamidullina said the opport unities she’s been given as an international

st udent have pushed her outside of her comfort zone and caused her to grow up qu ick ly. W h ile she said she is Russian in her soul, living in America has given her more confidence and strength as a woman. “A s a n i nter n at ion a l, you have to have big motivation,” Khamidullina said. “That makes you keep going every day and attract what you want.”

K nown for his role as Stanley Hudson on “The Office,” Baker will perform a standup comedy show in Russell House Ballroom on Oct. 16 – National Bosses Day. Office olympics-style games will be held throughout the day in preparation of the comedian’s performance. T he org a n i z at ion it s el f h a s u ndergone cha nge, too. A f ter sharing an office for a year, Carolina Productions, Homecoming, Dance Marathon and Thursday After Dark rebranded over the summer as sister organizations under a new group known as Gamecock Entertainment. W h i le t he org a n i z at ion s w i l l continue to host individual events, they will also have collaborative events as Gamecock Entertainment. “ I f you e ver s e e G a me c o c k Entertainment stuff on campus, just know that it’s all of us; it’s all of our faces, all of our organizations,” Brizek said. “It’s still called the C a r ol i n a P r o d u c t io n s of f ic e , and maybe in the future I do see that changing to say Gamecock Entertainment, but you can find all of those organizations in our office.” The season unoff icially k icks off on the first night of move-in, Aug. 19, with Let’s Glow. Geared especially toward incom ing freshmen, free arcade-st yle and glow-in-the-dark games will be scattered around Greene Street and the Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center.



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ETHAN LAM // THE GAMECOCK Junior Paul Jubb swings at the ball during a match on Feb. 15 against the Clemson Tigers at the Carolina Tennis Center. Jubb won his match 6-2, 6-2, while the Gamecocks defeated the Tigers 4-3.

Gamecocks compete over the summer SILVIA RAMIREZ Assistant Sports Editor The end of the spring semester t y pic a l l y m a rk s t he b eg i n n i ng of vacation, but for some student at h letes, compet it ion cont i nues throughout the summer. For those who weren’t around campus for the summer, here’s a recap of summer matches and championships. Men’s Tennis Gamecock men’s tennis finished the season on May 4 with an overall record of 18 -10 (5-7 SEC ), but this did not mark the end of play

for ju n ior Pau l Jubb, who made program history for South Carolina. From May 20 to May 25, Jubb participated in the NCA A Singles Championship in Orlando, Florida. In t he f irst match, Jubb won a close set and dominated the second set to advance to the second round of the championship. He continued to rack up wins, defeating No. 45 Dan Little of Utah in a 6-4, 7-6 (7) victory to move into the round of 16. In Jubb’s next match, he became the second-ever Gamecock to reach the NCA A Men’s Tennis Singles Championship quarterfinals after

defeating No. 39 Benjamin Sigouin 6-1, 6-4. Jubb we nt on t o b e c ome t he first South Carolina men’s tennis player to adva nce to t he NC A A Singles Championsh ip f inal match, defeating No. 7 Aleksander Kovacevic of Illinois 4-6, 6-4 and 6-2. The postseason came to an end when Jubb gave Sout h Carol i na its first national championship in men’s tennis history. Jubb faced and defeated Nuno Borges, the No. 1 ranked player in the nation, with a final score of 6-3, 7-6 (2). A f ter Jubb became t he NC A A si ngles cha mpion, he had t he opportunity to play at Wimbledon, one of t he most prest ig ious professional tennis tournaments in the world. He lost in the first match, but is the only Gamecock who has ever played in the tournament. Women’s Tennis South Carolina’s women’s tennis team ended its season on May 17 with a record of 23-4 (12-1 SEC) and just like the men’s team, finished with its first SEC tournament win in program history after defeating No. 1 Georgia 4-3 on April 21. O n M a y 20 , t he G a m e c o c k s played in the NCA A Singles and Doubles Cha mpionsh ips, where South Carolina junior Mia Horvit won the Gamecocks’ first round of the championship 4-0 and advanced the Gamecocks to the second round of the competition. This was the third-straight year t he tea m made it to t he NC A A championship Sweet 16 after senior Paige Cline gave the Gamecocks a three-set victory with a win over Virginia, 4-1. Sout h Ca rol i na t hen defeated Southern California 4-0 for a play in the quarterfinals. However, the team could not keep the winning streak alive and was defeated by Duke, 4-1. Baseball South Carolina’s baseball team’s season officially began on Feb. 21 and resulted in an overall record of 28-28 (8-22 SEC) with the first summer match on May 3 against Vanderbilt. South Carolina lost the Vanderbilt series opener 22-11 and again in a double header to close out t he series. In the Gamecocks’ next match on May 8, Furman won 7-4. A f t e r s t a r t i n g t he m o nt h of May 0-4, South Carolina defeated Kentucky 5-4, opening the series w it h a w i n. T he G a mecock s defeated Kentucky again the next day by a score of 11-3, clinching their only series win of the year. However, in the final game of the ser ies, Kent uck y lef t Colu mbia w it h a 6 -2 w i n, closi ng out t he home conference schedule for the Gamecocks. T he f i na l home g a me wa s on M a y 14 a g a i n s t US C Up s t at e , where freshman pitch runner Jacob English gave the Gamecocks a 1-0

win. On May 16, the Gamecocks went on the road to Starkville, Mississippi for their next series. They lost both the first and second games to No. 5 Mississippi State with scores of 24-7 and 11-2, respect ively. However, the Gamecocks qualif ied for the SEC Tournament in the last game ag a i nst t he Bu l ldog s, defeat i ng them 10-8. The baseball season came to a close in the first game of the SEC Tournament in Hoover, A labama after losing to LSU, 8-6. Softball Sout h Carolina’s sof tball team had an overall season of 38-19 (914 SEC), during which they broke school a school record for home runs in a match against Missouri by hitting multiple home runs for the 20th time this season. However, the Gamecocks went on to lose the series opener against the Tigers 4-3 and fell 7-6 in the second game of the series. In the final game, South Carolina defeated M issou r i 5-2 a nd headed to t he SEC Tou r nament as t he No. 11 seed. However, they dropped the first game against Florida, 6-5. A f ter t he tou r na ment , t he Gamecocks played in the Tallahassee Regional on May 17, but lost 3-2 against South Florida in the opening contest. South Carolina proceeded to play loser’s bracket, defeating Bethune-Cookman 10-0 to advance to the regional finals. In their last game, the Gamecocks lost to Florida State 7-6 to close out the season. Men’s Golf No. 17 South Carolina men’s golf team was tied for sixth after round one of the NCAA Regionals, along with UCLA, Florida and Purdue head i ng i nto rou nd t wo of t he tournament. I n rou nd t wo, Scot t Ste ven s , tied for fifth, led the Gamecocks t o s e v e nt h p l a c e o n t h e t e a m leaderboard. Stevens secured the fifth spot in the NCA A regional playoffs after defeat ing Colorado State in t he tournament. Women’s Golf South Carolina freshman golfer E m i ly Pr ice wa s c r uc ia l to t he team in her first NCA A regional appearance. She put up a 72 round by using 16 pars, a birdie a nd a boogey and tied for 21st, helping secure 12th place for the team in the first round of the 2019 NCA A Cle Elum Regional. No. 9 ra n ked Sout h Ca rol i na finished the second round of the regional in a tie for 10th place, but the team had confidence going into the next round. H o w e v e r, t h e w o m e n’s g o l f team saw t heir season end when they placed 10th at the Cle Elum Regional. SEE SUMMER SPORTS PAGE 8






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Gamecock football looks to improve with new stars and schedule KATELYN SMITH Sports Writer

Coach Will Muschamp will begin his fourth season at the helm of the Gamecocks, and he might have his best team since starting his South Carolina coaching career. However, the question is whether it will show an improved record given the tough schedule the Gamecocks face this season. The quarterback position is settled by threeyear starter Jake Bentley, returning for his senior year. Despite being one of the most experienced players on the team and in the SEC, there is one stat from 2018 that looms large — interceptions. I n 2018 , B e nt le y t h r e w a c a r e e r -h i g h 14 interceptions out of his 12 starts. If the Gamecocks intend to go to the pro bowl this season, it will be crucial for Bentley to limit his interceptions. SEC Network analyst Greg McElroy believes that if he does, it will pay off for the Gamecocks this year. “We saw him at his best against Clemson and if he can reach those heights on a more regular basis this year then who knows what that offense could look like,” McElroy told The State. In the loss again Clemson last year, Bentley

threw for a record-setting 510 yards, the most yards any SEC quarterback has ever thrown against a top five team in college football. Bent le y w i l l be cha l lenged by f re sh men Dakereon Joyner and Ryan Hilinski. Joyner saw minimal game time last year, while Hilinsk i graduated high school a semester early and has yet to play at the collegiate level. The r u n ning game is also ex pected to be dif ferent. Tav ien Feaster, a recent graduate transfer from Clemson, adds depth to a running back room led by Rico Dowdle and A.J. Turner. Tu r ner was recent ly na med for t he Pau l Hornung Award watch list. This award goes to the most versatile player in college football, and Turner’s positions in offense and defense make him a good candidate. Adding to the offensive side of the ball, the wide receiver position also looks to improve, despite losing Deebo Samuel. The wide receivers are led by Bryan Edwards and Shi Smith. Edwards, a senior, was added to the Bilentnikoff Award watch list and the All-SEC third-team. He currently holds 163 receptions and 2,229 receiving yards with 37 career game starts. Smith, a junior, holds 74 receptions and 1,082 yards with 16 career game starts. Defensively, there must be an improvement if

the Gamecocks want to improve off of 2018’s 7-6 record. They return with D.J. Wonnum, Javon Kinlaw and T.J. Brunson. All three of those players were injured at some point during the 2018 season. It will be key for the defense to limit injuries and be more consistent in 2019. Brunson is confident that 2019 will not be a repeat of 2018 with their mentality. “I feel like last year we weren’t as consistent and confident in mak ing plays and finishing plays. That wasn’t what we did well last year,” Brunson said. “Going into this season, they’ll be a huge improvement in that because of the way we prepare and just the experience.” That said, the schedule certainly won’t be easy. The Gamecocks open the season on Aug. 31 in Charlotte against North Carolina. Mack Brown, who coached in Chapel Hill from 19881997, returns to the Tar Heels’ sideline. The Gamecocks are also set to face SEC foes Alabama, Georgia, Florida and Texas A&M, who all won at least nine games in 2018. In addition, the Gamecocks face Clemson, who won the national championship in 2018. With the combination of talent and a difficult schedule, 2019 appears to be an intriguing year for Gamecock coaches, players and fans.




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Women’s soccer set to begin 2019 season MATTHEW EDWARDS Sports Writer

South Carolina women’s soccer is two years r e m o v e d f r o m it s Wo m e n’s C ol le g e C u p appearance in 2017 and coming off of a 14-6-1 season in 2018 after losing to Penn State in the second round of the NCAA Tournament. A busy offseason South Carolina added junior transfer defender A nna Patten to its roster over the offseason. Patten is an England nat ive and was part of t he 2018 Flor ida St ate Sem i noles Nat ional Championship team. “We are t hrilled to welcome A nna to our program,” South Carolina head coach Shelley Smith told Gamecocks Online. “She brings a

wealth of experience as a player and a maturity that will immediately enhance the leadership among our team.” Sout h Ca rol i na f resh men R ia ne Coma n, Eveleen Hahn and Sami Meredith competed in the Clash of the Carolinas all-star soccer game featuring the top recently graduated high school players from the Carolinas. The three freshmen started team workouts over the summer. “ We’re doi ng ou r workout s now, a nd we push a nd encou rage each ot her,” Mered it h told Gamecocks Online. “I’m most excited to be playing with the team and to get into real practices with the coaches and everybody else. I know it’s going to be really physical playing in the SEC. I just love the coaches and the atmosphere they’ve created here.”

Looking ahead to the 2019 season The Gamecocks return 29 players in 2019, including seven who scored multiple goals in 2018. The schedule features 18 matches, nine being at Stone Stadium. Seven of those 18 opponents participated in the 2018 NCA A Tournament, while one-third of the opponents finished in the top 50 of the rating percentage index. The Gamecocks will also play on the road against rival Clemson, marking the end of the non-conference schedule on Sept. 15. The team is looking to tie its longest winning streak against the Tigers after winning the rivalry the last three seasons. South Carolina will begin its regular season at home against NC State on Thursday, Aug. 22 at 7 p.m.

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SPORTS 7 Men’s soccer set to begin its 42nd season of play FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 2019

CAM ADAMS Sports Writer

The South Carolina men’s soccer team will begin its 2019 reg ular season on Aug. 30 when they travel upstate to face Palmetto State foe Clemson at 7 p.m. The Gamecocks’ schedule will also include six 2018 NCAA Tournament teams, such as Southern Conference champ Furman on Sept. 18, Sweet 16 participant NC State on Oct. 15 and Elite Eight participant Kentucky on Oct. 27. After a 7-10 record in 2018, South Carolina looks to join these teams in making the NCAA Tournament for t he f irst t ime since 2016. To accomplish this, head coach Mark Berson will bring back 2018 veterans in his 42nd season, such as second tea m A l l- C -USA member Luc a Mayr. The sen ior m idf ielder led t he G a mecock s la st sea son w it h 11 goals and three assists, in numerous matches. Among those matches was a game-winning goal by Mayr in extra time at No. 19 Virginia Tech and the lone goal in a win against conference opponent Georgia State. Another key player returning to South Carolina is junior midfielder Mitchell Myers, who led last year’s team in with five assists and nine goals and earned third team All-CUSA honors last season.


A lso returning to play at Stone Stadium is senior forward Tucker Monheimer, who tallied for nine goals and also succeeded in critical moments last season, as he came up with the game-winning goal against Lipscomb for the Gamecocks’ first win of the 2018 campaign. The Gamecocks will also welcome 12 freshmen onto the team, three of which earned TopDrawerSoccer AllA merican honors: forward Logan Frost, defender Mark Roby a nd

defender Ethan Rose. Frost was also team captain of A labama FC of t he Birmingham United Soccer Association and was a Gatorade Player of the Year nominee in high school. Roby was named to the Dallas Morning News AllMetro Team and Rose was named the DiVarsity Class 6A Player of the Year. With returning and new talent c om i n g t o t he t e a m f or S out h Carolina, Gamecock nation will be

able to catch its f irst and second glimpses of the team in a pair of exhibition matches. On Aug. 17, the Gamecocks will take on Duke at 5 p.m. at Koskinen Stadiu m in Nor t h Carolina and Wofford at Stone Stadium on Aug. 21 at 5 p.m. After their trip to Clemson, the Gamecocks will have their regular season home opener against t he Gardner-Webb Bulldogs on Sept. 3 at 7 p.m. at Stone Stadium.


Gamecock volleyball hopes to build off historic season with returning seniors JOE MCLEAN Sports Editor In 2018, the South Carolina volleyball program made school history. Under f irst-year head coach Tom Mendoza, the Gamecocks posted a 20-10 regular season record, propelling them to the NCAA tournament. There, they defeated Colorado in the first round to advance to their fifth-ever second round appearance, where they lost to No. 2 Minnesota by a score of 3-0. In addition, it was the biggest single season turnaround for the Gamecocks in the modern era of South Carolina volleyball. The Gamecocks won eight more games in 2018, including seven more SEC victories. The seven-game improvement in the SEC was also the team’s biggest conference improvement in school history. To a d d t o a n a l r e a d y l o n g l i s t of ac compl i sh ment s , it wa s S out h Carolina’s 17th season with 20 or more wins, and the team surpassed 800 alltime wins as a program.

Now that the 2018 season is in the books, the Gamecocks and their seniors look to build off of last year’s successes. Heading into 2019, three seniors who had a remarkable season look to once again prove themselves on the court for the Gamecocks. Mikayla Shields Mikayla Shields, a right side opposite from Orlando, Florida, was one of the team’s stars in 2018. As a junior, she cont inued to rew rite t he prog ram’s record book on the court. Shields has more than 1,000 career kills at South Carolina, earned back-to-back All-SEC honors and is the ninth Gamecock to hold that distinction. She also made t he A mer ic a n Vol le yba l l C oache s’ Association (ACVA) All-Region team and the AVCA Honorable Mention AllAmerican list. Courtney Koehler Courtney Koehler, the setter from A shev ille, Nor t h Carolina, has her name written throughout the Gamecock record book after the 2018 season. Last year, Koehler had 1,121 assists, which

puts her in fourth place for most assists in a season during the rally-scoring era. She also is one of the SEC’s best, averaging 10 assists per set, which is fifth in the entire conference. Brittany McLean Brittany McLean, a left side outside hitter from Rosemount, Minnesota, was key to South Carolina’s 20 wins and NC A A tou rnament appearance in 2018. She played in all 30 matches last season and recorded 301 total kills, which was the second most on the entire South Carolina squad. McLean also had 16 matches with double-digit kills, including seven of the last nine matches of the season. The Gamecocks will return to the court on Aug. 17 with a scrimmage at the Carolina Volleyball Center before going on the road for their first six matches of the season, starting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for the Panther Challenge. The home opener will take place on Sept. 10 when t he Gamecocks take on t he Charlotte 49ers.




Track and Field The track and field team’s postseason st a r ted i n M ay w it h t he 2019 SEC O u t d o o r C h a m p i o n s h ip s k i c k o f f . Sophomore Heather Stone was a key athelte, making South Carolina’s first SEC scor i ng ef for t i n t he women’s 1,000-meter since 2000. As the SEC championships continued, the Gamecocks had two student-athletes on the podium: Eric Favors, who placed third in the men’s shot put, and Yann Randrianasolo, who placed third in the men’s long jump. At t he last meet of t he 2019 SEC O utdoor Cha mpionsh ips, Sout h Carolina’s Qu inc y Hall became t he champion of the men’s 400-meter. Hall became the first Gamecock in history to win the SEC men’s 400-meter title both indoors and outdoors in the same season. S o u t h C a r o l i n a s e n i o r Ya n n Randrianasolo advanced to nationals to compete in the men’s long jump along w it h A l iya h A bra ms, Q u i nc y Ha l l, Wadeline Jonat has, Ot is Jones, Eric Favors and Isaiah Moore. The Gamecocks traveled to Austin, Te x a s f o r t h e N C A A O u t d o o r Cha mpionsh ips. T he f i rst t h ree G a mecock s to compete were Ya n n Randrianasolo, Ot is Jones and Eric Favors. Randrianasolo placed third in the men’s long jump. Jones and Favors did not make it to the podium, with finishes in 15th and 18th, respectively. S out h C a r ol i n a k ept mov i n g up in the championship, as Abrams and Jonathas each won individual 400-meter semifinal races. As the tournament continued, Hall won t he 4 0 0 -meter hu rd les t it le at the 2019 NCA A Outdoor Track and Field Championship. This was South Carolina’s first NCAA men’s event title since 2010. Ending South Carolina’s postseason, Jonathas closed the NCA A Outdoor Cha mpionsh ips by w i n n i ng t he 400-meter and led the women’s team to the best NCAA outdoor finish since 2006.

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Assistant director of sports programs shares how intramurals can benefit USC students SILVIA RAMIREZ Assistant Sports Editor For many st udents, it can be diff icult to balance their social life and f it ness life du ring t he school year. Intramural sports at the University of South Carolina give students an opportunit y to accompl ish b ot h t h rough one organization. Don M ills, assistant director of s p or t s pr og r a m s , over s e e s intramural sports and sports clubs and said he believes that intramural sports are good for students. “Not everybody is going to want to play intramurals. We try to offer something for everybody,” Mills said. “You can play corn hole with us, all the way up to you can play indoor soccer.” Intramurals are a good way to get your foot in the door to try something new, or to continue a passion you’ve always had. This semester, the intramural program aiming to eliminate the barriers between students and sports. “One of the barriers that we’ve had in the past is you have to really know a group of friends or have a team in order to play,” Mills said. For the first time, there is now an alternate system to participate. Mills said the new system will only be used with popular sports this coming semester, including flag football and indoor soccer. “For f lag football, and indoor

SHREYAS SABOO // THE GAMECOCK Two USC students compete in a co-ed intramural soccer game at the Strom Thurmond Center fields on campus. The school offers 14 different intramural sports to students during the semester.

soccer actually, we are offering a free agent system where you can sign up individually in the intramural office, and we match make teams for people,” Mills said. Mills said he doesn’t want students to feel intimidated and invites them regardless of their experience in their sport of interest. “We take people of all skill levels, all abilities, so that’s not something to have a barrier,” Mills said.

In addition, Mills said he strives to make the intramural program the best it can possibly be, giving each student a chance to have fun and stay healthy. USC offers a total of 14 intramural sports in the fall: 10v10 Softball The u niversit y of fers an intramural softball team of 10v10. They offer corec (male and female teams), fraternity and men’s teams.

The registration period to join is the same for each team, starting on Aug. 22 at 10 a.m. and ending on Sept. 10 at midnight. The season runs Sept. 15 through Oct. 27. 3v3 Basketball A fast-paced intramural offered in the fall is 3v3 basketball, open to corec, men and women. Registration starts on Aug. 22 at 10 a.m. and lasts until Sept. 24 at midnight. The season runs from Sept. 29 until Oct. 24. 5v5 Indoor Soccer O ne of t he l a r g e s t s e le c t io n of teams is intramural 5v5 indoor soccer, soccer is open to corec, f rater n it ies, men, sororit ies a nd women. The reg ist rat ion period opens Aug. 22 at 10 a.m. and ends Sep. 17 at midnight. All seasons start on Sept. 20 and end on Oct. 31. Kickball The university only offers a corec tea m for k ick ba l l. Reg ist r at ion begins on Aug. 22 at 10 a.m. and ends Sept. 10 at midnight. The kickball season starts Sept. 16 and ends on Oct. 21. Table Tennis Only open singles is offered for table tennis. Registration for table tennis is from Aug. 22 at 10 a.m. until Sept. 10 at midnight. The table tennis season officially starts on Sept. 15 and lasts until Oct. 20. For a complete list of sports and more information, visit and search campus recreation.

Club sports allow students to get involved SILVIA RAMIREZ Assistant Sports Editor

There are plenty of ways to get involved at the University of South Carolina, especially for those who enjoy playing sports. The university offers 56 different club sports, so there are various options for any student looking for something to be a part of. Below are a few club sports the university has to offer. Lacrosse The University of South Carolina’s lacrosse club team is the reigning 2019 Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse Association. The men’s lacrosse team traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah to defeat the No. 1 Cal. These student athletes play in the Sout heaster n Lacrosse Conference (SELC) against teams in the SEC and across the country. Soccer Open to men and women, club soccer is a good way to meet friends and play soccer at a competitive level while still having fun. Both club teams travel throughout the Southern region of the United States and play home games. Volleyball Club beach volleyball is open to male and female competitors that play in doubles. In the 2016-17 season, men’s volleyball joined the Eastern Collegiate Volleyball Association (ECVA), which is the nation’s largest conference

for men’s collegiate club volleyball. The men’s club volleyball team is always looking to grow and is interested in any skill level. Women’s club volleyball is a competitive, fun and exhilarating sport for any female looking to compete. Rugby Club rugby is open to men and women, no ex per ience needed. G a mes are held on t he weekend s i n C olu mbia or t h roughout t he southeast region. Rugby is an extremely physical sport that resembles American football without the pads. Football T he s e me n p l a y 11- o n -11 f u l l c o nt a c t . Club football is in the NCFA South Atlantic Conference. The team plays various home and away games during the school year. Baseball Form lifetime friends playing America’s favorite pastime sport. Club baseball is a competitive sport in the National Club Baseball Association. Feedback from students Fourt h-year st udent A lex is K ahl has been involved in club gymnastics since spring of 2018. Gy m nast ics is one of t he club spor t s t he university offers that includes traveling. Many of the club sports have competitions at various universities. “Gymnastics has impacted me in many ways. It has given me friends that I can always count on.

Its taught me discipline and time management,” Kahl said in an email. Kelly Ann Krueger recently graduated from USC, where she played club rugby for three years. Krueger said rugby has given her a family. “We really were like sisters, we could fight at practice but have an amazing time right after,” Krueger said in an email. However, one issue Krueger says she has with club sports is that they are underfunded. “Dues a re craz y a nd some people a re discouraged to participate because of the dues,” Krueger said. Although Krueger said dues were expensive, she stayed in club rugby and believes that club sports are a good extra curricular activity regardless. “Practice was a time to unwind when I didn’t have to think about school,” Krueger said. Michael Olson, a fourth-year student, also played rugby at the university for three years. He credits club sports with helping him broaden his horizons. “I decided to play rugby because it is something completely new to me a nd I wa nted to t r y something different. I had heard of rugby before but really didn’t know anything about it until my first practice. Once I went out, I really enjoyed it and have stuck with it ever since,” Olson said. For a list of all club sports and information, visit

Club hockey, who plays at Plex HiWire Family Fun & Sports Center in Irmo, is one of the 56 club sports sponsored at the University of South Carolina.



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Jennifer McGrath joins the equestrian team’s coaching staff


SILVIA RAMIREZ Assistant Sports Editor

Following a 4-11 Western season, the Gamecock equestrian program looks to improve on its 2018-19 record with the help of new assistant coach for the Western Squad, Jennifer McGrath. McGrath, who has over 30 years of experience in the equine industry, said she feels helping coach a college team is right where she needs to be right now — especially one that has had national success like South Carolina, which has won three national championships. “I am honored and excited to coach

for the University of South Carolina,” McGrath said. “Coaching a NCEA Equestrian Team has been a long-term goal of mine. Thank you to all those who supported me in this journey. I can’t wait to get started.” Head coach Boo Major said she is excited for McGrath to be joining the coaching staff as the Gamecocks look to to the 2019-20 equestrian season. “She is an excellent hire for this position,” Major said. “Jennifer has a solid all-around background and is work ing toward completing her [American Quarter Horses Association] judges license in the near future.” Since 2008, McGrath has run her

ow n busi ness, Jen n ifer McGrat h Performance Horses, in addition to being involved with the Tennessee Quarter Horse Association and the Texas Quarter Horse Association. McGrath has equestrian experience at Middle Tennessee State University, where she helped lead the Blue Raiders to mult iple regional and nat ional competitions. She also was a rider at Northwest College in Powell, Wyoming. In 2017, McGrath was the AQHA Youth World Champion in Western and also had an AQHA National Year End High Point — Youth Western title. McGrath is still very involved in the equine industry outside of her title as the

new assistant coach at South Carolina. In addition to running her business, she is a judge at the National Snaffle Bit Association World Championship Show and a volunteer at various shows. M c G r at h a nd t he r e s t of t he Gamecock equestrian team look to improve on last season and work to claim its first SEC title since 2014. T he G a m e c o c k s w i l l ho s t a n exhibition event on Sept. 13 at their home venue in Blythewood, One Hill Farm. Their first regular season contest will take place at 2 p.m., Sept. 20 against Fresno State at home.


Student Organizational Renewal

All student organizations are required to complete the renewal process through the Leadership and Service Center in order to maintain status as a recognized student organization. To begin the renewal process visit:

Deadline is Sept. 13, 2019 at 5 p.m.



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