The Daily Gamecock 3/4/19

Page 1 MONDAY, MARCH 4, 2019


SINCE 1908

VOL. 112, NO. 8

Sophie Davish moves from chief of staff to new vice president



Dance Marathon staff members flip the final total to show students participating how much they raised.

Dance Marathon raised $1,038,156 on Saturday at its Main Event. All donations will go to Prisma Health Children’s Hospital. SEE DANCE MARATHON


Students cheer for Miracle kids at Dance Marathon as they share their stories.

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As the Student Government elect ions came to a close Wednesday evening, the elections commission announced the next student body treasurer and vice president. Sophie Davish, a thirdyear finance student, is set to serve as USC’s next student body vice president with 4,207 votes, or 58.37 percent of the total votes. After the announcement, the FUSE campaign staff erupted in applause as Lyric Swinton, Davish’s presidential running mate on the FUSE ticket, and others crowded around Davish to embrace her. Davish says she could not have won the race without the help of those closest to her. “I never thought in a million years when I was a freshman here just kind of figuring out my space that I would have all these people b eh i nd me s upp or t i ng me ,”

Davish said. “I’m so thankful for the road that brought me here and the people who have lifted me up along the way.” Davish says there has been little sleep for her campaign staff leading up to t he days of t he election as they have all worked together to prepare for the voting period. Additionally, Davish says that having a supportive team helped her secure the win. “I think in regards to campaigning, it was just having this incredible team behind us that believed and k new that I was the right person for the job,” Davish said. In terms of experience, Davish says that working with current St udent Body Vice President Mills Hayes as her chief of staff has prepared her to take on the same role w it h no t ra nsit ion period. SEE DAVISH PAGE 3

Kate Lewis elected as next student body treasurer BRIAN ROSENZWEIG @briandrosie

The Rankin-Lewis campaign staff cheered and congratulated Kate Lewis Wednesday night after she became the treasurer-elect for USC Student Government. Lewis won the treasurer position with 4,702 votes, or 64.7 percent of the voting population. She ran for treasurer alongside presidential candidate Luke Rank in. W hile her part ner is in a runoff election for president, Lewis

and the campaign staff are celebrating. “Literally none of this would be possible without all of my friends and family and our campaign staff that helped put this together,” Lewis said. “It’s really not even about me at this point at all, it’s just about everybody that put so much time and energy into this campaign, and I couldn’t be more thankful for them.” Lewis had various experiences in governing bodies, first serving as a member of R H A in her f resh ma n year and then moving onto the Senate Finance Committee her sophomore

‘We Wear the Mask’ shares experiences through art



St ude nt s a nd organizat ions came toget her to share t heir identities and experiences through the third annual “ We We a r t he M a s k ” event. The event, hosted in Russell House Ballroom T hu r sday n ight , wa s a joi nt ef for t bet ween BlackSpace, Individuals R e s p e c t i n g Ide nt it ie s and Sex ualit ies ( IR IS), Collegiate Curls, Student Health Services and the A ssociat ion of A f rica n A merican St udents (AAAS). T h e “ We We a r t he Mask ” event get s it s name f rom a Pau l Laurence Dunbar poem.





Taylor Wright congratulates Kate Lewis on her win.

the Breakdown

Jacob Thompson


Casey Hamlin

Patrick Ellis

Runoff between Luke Rankin and Lyric Swinton Other candidates:

Luke Rankin 35.08%

Patrick Ellis (17.26%) Casey Hamlin (7.37%) Jacob Thompson (5.83%)

Lyric Swinton 33.47%

Approx. 2 in 10 USC students voted 7,659 voted out of 34,731 students 22.05% voter participation

Vice President

Sophie Davish will be the new student body vice president Other candidates:

A. Abate

Kamryn Phlegar

Kamryn Phlegar (29.32%) Anthony Abate (10.98%)

Adger Drummond II

Sophie Davish 58.37%


Kate Lewis 64.72%

Kate Lewis will be the new student body treasurer Other candidate:

Adger Drummond II (34.08%)

Speaker of the Senate Runoff between Nick Hooks and Davis Latham Other candidate:

Source: Student Government Elections Commission

Nick Hooks 44.33%

Davis Latham 32.94% Taryn Moyer

Taryn Moyer (21.41%)



Sarah-Jane Long won the Student Designer Showcase with a denim design. Page 6


Student Gov. Elections:

It’s a poetry workshop and open-mic night that seeks to help students take their experiences with certain ident it ies and translate them into poetry or other art forms. Jessica Terrell, a thirdyea r exercise science st udent and A A A S president, spoke about the purpose of the event. “I t hink t his really g ives people a not her outlet to kind of handle t heir emot ions and t he different issues that we face ever y day and just kind of gives them a fun way to take that negative energ y a nd put it i nto s o m e t h i n g p o s i t i v e ,” Terrell said. SEE MASK

year. However, Lewis said that it was after she applied for and began working as the director of operations on Emerson Odagis’ treasurer staff that she began considering running for the position herself. “After Emerson won, I was like, ‘maybe this is something I really wanna do,’ because I didn’t wanna leave the off ice,” Lewis said. “I was like, ‘how can I continue to be involved?’”


SPORTS Horvit and Gamarra Martins doubles pair ranked No. 2 in the nation. SARA YANG // THE GAMECOCK


Craft Axe Throwing combines axes and craft beer for a unique experience. WILL ROBERTSON // THE GAMECOCK

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