The Daily Gamecock 2/11/19

Page 1 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2019




SINCE 1908

VOL. 112, NO. 5

Community celebrates recovery at NEDA walk HANNAH DEAR @TDG_dailynews

The a n nua l Nat iona l Eat i ng Disorder Association (NEDA) walk on Saturday brought more than 240 students and members of the community together to raise awareness for eating disorders. “I think today is really important,” said Student Body Vice President Mills Hayes. “This is a chance for our entire community — the Columbia community — to really highlight and make eating disorders more aware in our community and to talk about it.” The N EDA walk was the f inal event in Carolina BeYOUtiful Week, a collaboration between Student Government and Student Health Services. The Student Government NEDA team raised $375 of the total $9,875 raised for research. Hayes shared her story of recovery from bulimia at the NEDA walk and hopes to start a conversation both on and off campus. “I think talking about it openly and talking about how sick and tired we are of trying to live up to this ideal beauty standard that changes every freaking century,” Hayes said. “I think it’s really cool for everyone to come together, not just USC students.” SEE NEDA PAGE 2

VICTORIA RICHMAN // THE GAMECOCK Some students choose to JUUL because it’s more discreet, but JUULs still produce visible smoke as shown in this portrait.



ou’re in class taking notes when you notice your classmate in front of you has

something sticking out of their laptop. It’s rectangular and has a blinking light. You think to yourself, who still uses flash drives in 2019? However, when


your classmate removes the “flash drive” and blows a puff of smoke into the air, it finally dawns on

ZACH MCKINLEY // THE GAMECOCK Using one JUULpod is the equivalent to smoking an entire pack of cigarettes.

you that what your classmate has in their hands was never a flash drive. Your classmate was

Multimedia Package

actually charging their JUUL.




South Carolina opens the Cyndi and Kenneth Long Family Football Operations Center. PG 9

Arts & Culture

This Valentine’s Day, we take on the dating apps that pervade campus culture. PG 6


In order to understand how different people feel love, we must understand the science. PG 14

Special needs prom gives people of all ages a Night to Shine

Hear what USC students say about JUULing at

Inside Get an inside look into JUUL culture on campus. PG 4-5

University considers moving student union HANNAH DEAR @TDG_dailynews

A s t he u n iversit y mo v e s f or w a rd w it h a feasibil it y st udy to f ind the best location f or t he ne w s t ude nt union, the community considers moving west — specif ically, to t he Carolina Coliseum. “Where we’re looking now is by t he end of summer to have a vision of where and what the new student union could look like,” said Student Body President Taylor Wright. Universit y architect Derek Gruner said the Carolina Coliseum is still

being considered for the new student union despite the mathematics department and office of d i s abi l it ie s b ei n g moved to the Coliseum while LeConte College undergoes renovations. The university has plans t o e x p a nd we s t w a r d


t ow a rd s YOUn ion a nd 650 Li ncol n apartment complexes, wh ich wou ld ma ke the Coliseum the new center of campus. SEE UNION PAGE 2

Under dangling lights, in front of flashing cameras down a red carpet and on a dance floor filled with music, 182 guests experienced a prom of their own on Friday: Night to Shine. Night to Shine is an event centered around giving people with special needs a prom night, and is sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation. This year’s event was hosted by more than 650 churches with more than 100,000 guests and 200,000 volunteers across all 50 states, including Shandon Baptist Church in Columbia. Each person with special needs was paired with a “buddy” for the evening’s activities, which included a makeover before walking the red carpet, dancing and eating. One guest in particular was able to soak in all the clapping and pictures as he walked down the carpet with all eyes on him. Joseph Castelli, 22, linked arms with his buddy, and his mother Faith Smith watched on as her child was given the chance to feel accepted. “This is the first time I’ve taken Joseph to the Night to Shine, The Tim Tebow Foundation, and it’s fabulous,” Smith said. “The red carpet was really cool for them — that they clap and you know, they really feel very special for the evening. It’s not easy for them to feel special in a way that is positive.” Castelli sometimes catches people staring at him and receives negative attention for his behavior, but this time was different. Smith removed herself from the scene as she watched her son through a glass room on the dance floor. “It’s wild to me that I always think, you know, ‘It’s nice he’s dancing with the tall blonde ... how many times as a typical boy would he have had that opportunity already? Maybe a thousand times.’ So, it’s kinda nice that he gets it now,” Smith said. SEE SHINE PAGE 13


SENIOR COPY EDITOR Katie Smith COPY EDITORS Meredith Edwards, Makayla Hansen, Hannah Harper, Anna Mock, Kaylen Tomlin FACULTY ADVISOR Doug Fisher STUDENT MEDIA DIRECTOR Sarah Scarborough ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF STUDENT MEDIA Sydney Patterson


What is your favorite thing about yourself?

Following Carolina BeYOUtiful Week and the National Eating Disorder Association walk, students were asked to say their favorite thing about themselves. Maddie Brotherton First-year visual communications student

“I like my eyes. I like them because I’ve been told they look like rocks at the bottom of the ocean ... and I agree. I think that they look like that, and I think it’s cool how you can use that, as in like what that means for people.” Omar Holmes First-year international business and marketing student

ADVERTISING MANAGER Patrick DiDomenico CREATIVE DIRECTOR Edgar Santana CREATIVE SERVICES Calista Berner, Emily Schoonover, Meagen Sigmon, Grace Steptoe ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Tommy Aiken, Vincent Arceo, Jon Butto, Barron Coleman, Cal Dean, Evan Johnston, Cathryn Thompson

“My favorite thing about myself is just how easy it is for me to talk to people and just make friends with everybody, because not everybody can do that these days since we’re so focused on technology.” Ashley Marler Fourth-year biology student

The Daily Gamecock is the editorially independent student newspaper of the University of South Carolina. It is published once a week during the fall and spring semesters with the exception of university holidays and exam periods. Opinions expressed in The Gamecock are those of editors or author and not those of the University of South Carolina. The Board of Student Publications and Communications is the publisher of The Gamecock. The Department of Student Media is the newspaper’s parent organization. The Gamecock is supported in part by student activity fees.

“My favorite thing about myself is my smile ... I think your smile is your window to your emotion. When you show a really bright smile it really radiates and shows to other people that you’re happy.”

One free copy per reader. Additional copies may be purchased for $1 each from the Department of Student Media.

Sydney Bryson Fourth-year biology student

CONTACT INFORMATION Offices located on the third floor of Russell House EDITOR NEWS OPINION NEWSROOM: 777-7726


“I would say my smile, just because even if I’m having a bad day or something like that, you can always smile and it makes it better.”


— compiled by Zahida Ashroff





During Carolina BeYOUtiful Week, Hayes created a sorority challenge that allowed sororities to earn points towards the prize of a free private barre class. The sororities competed to attend events and raise money for NEDA. Haley Bain, second-year advertising st udent, at tended as t he Pan hellen ic delegate of Alpha Xi Delta and wanted to support the cause. “I think it’s important to support girls who are going through this and tell them that they aren’t alone because it happens to a lot of people,” Bain said. St udent s repre sent i ng Delt a Z et a also came out to the NEDA walk after hearing Hayes’ story. “I’m ju st rea l ly exc ited to see t he turnout because the more people that are here, the more people that are aware of what eating disorders look like and how they can help their loved ones who may su f fer f rom t hem,” sa id A nsley Hagenburger, t hird-year social work student. The NEDA walk gave participants an outlet to share their stories of struggle and victory in an effort to destigmatize eating disorders. McKayla O’Sullivan was hospitalized after struggling with an eating disorder and ot her mental healt h issues going into high school. Now, the second-year nursing student has made a full recovery a nd w a nt s t o s up p or t ot he r s g o i n g through the same struggles. “I realized if I don’t eat I’m not going to make it, and I didn’t want to see the people around me hurt,” O’Sullivan said. “That was my main concern was hurting t he people a rou nd me. T hat k i nd of helped me realize the importance of just eating.” Representat ives f rom organizat ions such as Ver it as Col laborat ive, A loha Center, Eating Recovery Center of the Carol i nas, Project Hea l a nd St udent Health Ser vices educated participants throughout the day. Amy Helms from Project Heal hopes to provide better access to recovery for t hose suf fering w it h eat ing disorders after she experienced the struggle first hand. “I’m recovered from an eating disorder, and I f irsthand saw how hard it is for insurance to get coverage and the many barriers you run into,” Helms said. “It’s important for me to be able to give back and bring the same to other people that

SOPHIE WINNICK // THE GAMECOCK Participants rally to “Sandstorm” during the National Eating Disorder Association walk. Members of the community raised awareness for eating disorders by participating in the event.

need the help and support.” Helms was not t he only part icipant inspired by her overcoming her eating disorder. Kelly Toney from the A loha Center wants to where her daughter will never struggle with body image like she did. “ I k now t h at i f we c re ate a world that doesn’t have diet culture in it and has enough money to research eat ing disorders, [my daughter’s] a lot less likely to get that,” Toney said. Laura Grace Culberson, Amy Helms’ d au g ht e r, w a s o ne of t he y o u n g e s t participants. However, the 9-year-old was eager to share her support NEDA. “I think it’s important because if you were in the situation of an eating disorder then what would you want?” Culberson said. “You would want people to help you, right? Well, that’s what this whole walk does.”

The new student union may become a combination of two buildings that are geared toward two different groups of students. Russell House is at the center of most residence halls while the Coliseum is more convenient for students in Greek Village and nearby student apartments, Gruner said. “The Coliseum was seen actually as a student union that could have some amount of focus to our upperclassmen whereas our Russell House continues to really be the primary place for freshmen, underclassmen and the oncampus residents,” Gruner said. Talks around the new student union previously centered around renovating the Coliseum, the previous home to the College of Hospitality, Retail and Sports Management before its move to the Close-Hipp building. It is unknown what purpose LeConte will serve following the renovations and relocations voted upon by the Board of Trustees. Wright disagrees with the short-term prospects of the Coliseum being the center of campus and an effective student union. “Fifty years from now, possibly, that’s a great option,” Wright said. “We bought land out there that is already being used by the golf team, will be eventually used as student recreation and things like that, but that’s still years out of the way from being developed. So Russell House and the Horseshoe is the middle of campus to me.” Russell House has housed the student union without adding space since 1976. However, the student enrollment has grown every year. Some students think that Russell House is overcrowded at times. “The third level’s probably the least crowded part; that’s why I come here when I’m trying to get work done,” said Darien Killebrew, first-year sports and entertainment management student. “But it’s very crowded if you need space to do something.” For some students, the location of a new student union brings concerns about the distance from central campus. Sean Hoppenhauer, first-year exercise science student, is concerned about how far away the Coliseum is from the center of campus. “I just feel like here it’s right in the center, so that’s pretty convenient for I guess most students, considering the area and the dorms where they’re located,” Hoppenhauer said. Killebrew is unsure of whether he would use a student union far away from center campus, but he is looking forward to the possibility of a new student union. “You need different spaces to study and work kind of different than the library. I kind of spend my time up here instead of the library because it’s a different environment,” Killebrew said. “So having another student space where we can be comfortable and get our work done would be nice.” The results of the feasibility study should be ready by the end of summer 2019, but there is currently no timeline for the new student union. “This is not something we just want to rush into,” Gruner said. “But I would hope that as we get the study, in the months that follow that we can get a clear direction on what we want to do.”



mental health,” Cohen said. The podcast also informs students about Student Health Services’ resources for physical and mental health needs. When Gettis discussed the need for quiet alone time to decompress, Cohen notified listeners about the C.A.L.M Oasis, an open space at the Center for Health and Well-Being designed for prayer, mindfulness and meditation. “I’ve gone literally in the middle of the day,” Cohen said. “I was just feeling really terrible and I wanted to kind of just be by myself in the quiet and it’s hard on campus, so I went to the C.A.L.M. Oasis, and it was really a good time to just be by myself and decompress.” Darbi Horne, a fourth-year broadcast journalism student who co-hosts the show alongside Cohen, said she thought the podcast was important for discussing issues of mental health that are often overlooked. “It shou ld be somet h i ng t hat’s

d isc u ssed becau se ever yone goes through it,” Horne said. “It’s a real issue and there are a lot of people that believe that it’s not. But it’s nothing that we should be ashamed about, and talking it out and talking it through, it’s a gateway to healing.” Gettis also spoke about the importance of the podcast and of having discussions about mental health as a whole. She hopes lives will be changed and more people will seek help because people are transparently discussing mental health. “Maybe it’s that one person that they interview that makes that next person come and get the help they need, or just have that platform that they need to share their story to save the next person,” Gettis said. The “Hea r Me O ut” podcast is available to listen to for free on Soundcloud, Apple Music and Google Play. New episodes are added every week.

BRIAN ROSENZWEIG// THE GAMECOCK Destiny Gettis tells her story on new Student Health Services’ podcast “Hear Me Out.” The podcast is recorded weekly by co-hosts Katie Cohen and Darbi Horne with a different special guest.

Podcast tells stories of resilience, recovery BRIAN ROSENZWEIG @briandrosie

Destiny Gettis dealt with insecurity and isolation when she became a mother at 21, but now she is sharing her story through a podcast started by Student Health Services. “It really, really messed with me, and it was hard to get through it because I fou nd my self seepi ng i nto t h is depression,” said Gettis, fourth-year broadcast journalism student. “There was a lot of lonely nights that I cried, and I did a lot of praying, and I did a lot of just talking to my mom.” “Hear Me Out,” a weekly podcast, discusses various topics in mental health with an emphasis on recovery and resilience. The podcast records in the Center for Health and Well-Being and consists of two co-hosts and a new student special guest in each episode. Gettis was a special guest in episode 16. When she realized she was pregnant,

G et t is sa id she felt asha med a nd overwhelmed, feeling the need to hide it from people. Now, after overcoming her struggles, she wants to share her story to help women in similar situations. “Everything works itself out, and you are a lot stronger than you think. It’s when you get thrown these curveballs in life that you kind of just figure it out, and you really just learn and you develop that strength that you really never could imagine you having,” Gettis said. “It’s going to be okay, you’ll get through it, it’s not the end of the world. You have so much more support out there than you think, and you’re not the only one that’s going through it.” K at ie Cohen, fourt h-year experimental psychology student and co-host for the podcast, wanted to share the stories of students coming from all backgrounds to shed light on mental health. “Sharing stories, to me, is so powerful because it brings to light the reality of


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VICTORIA RICHMAN // THE GAMECOCK For some students, smoking JUULs is a leisure activity that relieves stress as illustrated in this portrait. Others are social smokers and typically smoke when friends are around.

You’ve seen it all: Tiny smoke clouds that magically rise from the seats below you in large lectures, the person in front of you on Greene Street frantically inhaling and puffing while rushing to class, and the empty, trampled-on JUULpods that litter the campus and Five Points sidewalks. USC boasts a tobacco-free campus. If a student is caught with tobacco products, including JUULs, on campus, there are typically consequences: A meeting with the conduct office and a mandatory tobacco treatment program. Regardless, students are frequently seen smoking JUULs outdoors on campus, in class and in residence halls. JUULs are small and easy to conceal, which is one reason smoking them is so prevalent despite the risks, according to Jackie Knight Wilt, assistant director of Healthy Carolina Initiatives and Student Health Services. “They’re addicted,” Knight Wilt said. “So nicotine ... its addiction is pretty comparable to cocaine.” But the addiction, which comes for free with JUUL’s $49.99 Starter Kit, is often disregarded by consumers because of the starter kit’s features. For example, JUULs made by the company of the same name have

a “party mode” setting where they flash in different colored lights, and they come with four f lavors of JUULpods: Virginia Tobacco, Mint, Creme and Mango. The flavors JUUL offers aren’t users’ only options. Other companies have created JUUL-compatible pods. The BP on Rosewood Drive offers a variety of off-brand flavor pods for JUUL consumers, including sour apple and White Russian. The JUULpods each contain 5 percent nicotine strength. Knight Wilt said that’s about two times more than other e-cigarettes and is equivalent to a pack of regular cigarettes, causing the addiction risk to be higher in JUULs. O ne t h i ng t h at wor r ie s K n ight W i lt ab out JUULpods is the empty ones that are found all over campus, discarded on the ground by students to fill their device with the next flavored JUULpod. “So you also start to wonder, too, about t he connection of particular risk behaviors connected with folks who introduce these kind of substances into their body. Like, is there a lack of care?” Knight Wilt said. “I mean you’re literally just littering and not even thinking about it and [the] impact that has on the environment as well as the others around you.”

so nicotine... its addiction is pretty comparable to cocaine.

The appeal of the JUUL

Jackie knight wilt, assistant director of Healthy carolina initiatives and student health services

who’s juuling? Due to lack of government regulation, more marketing materials are allowed and photo IDs aren’t necessar y, according to Knight Wilt. Because of this, middle to early high school-aged kids are able to give into the JUULing peer pressure, lie about their age on and order a JUUL of their own. But t he most releva nt JU U L users on USC’s campus are the students. According to AlcoholEdu, in Fall 2018, 22 percent of incoming students used e-cigarettes. This is a jump from 15 percent in 2017 and 5 percent in 2016. JUUL says on its website it developed the product as an “alternative to cigarettes” with a mission to eliminate cigarettes. Derek Etzrodt, a third-year supply chain management and f inance st udent, uses a JUUL and still smokes cigarettes. He said he’s probably addicted to nicotine. “I have the JUUL for when I’m at home. I don’t really feel like a cigarette. I smoke cigs when I drink. That’s pretty much it,” Etzrodt said. Ben n F lagg, fou r t h-yea r f i n a nce a nd economics student, said he started JUULing a year ago. “It’s like cigs but it doesn’t smell,” he said. “We’re getting addicted to the next cigarettes.” GRAPHIC BY: ALEX FINGER // THE GAMECOCK

GENNA CONTINO // THE GAMECOCK Empty JUULpods are often found discarded around campus and Five Points.




what are the potential risks? The brain is not finished developing until a person is around 25 years old, Knight Wilt said. As a result, people who start JUULing at a younger age are more sensitive to nicotine and more susceptible to addiction, she said. T h e r e’s a l s o a p o t e nt i a l f o r n i c o t i n e poison ing, especially for f irst-t ime users. K night Wilt explained that many first-time users aren’t aware of how many “hits” they can handle, and can end up taking too many. Nicotine poisoning causes nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tremors and sweating, according to Poison Control’s website. B e c au s e J U U L i n g i s a r e l at i v e l y ne w phenomenon, Knight Wilt said, most people don’t know its long-term effects yet. “Unfor t u nately, just l ike cigaret tes a nd other tobacco products, it’s gonna take decades

to actually understand what are the long-term harmful effects of these,” she said, “and that’s what I think a lot of students don’t understand, is it’s the cool thing to do now.” K night Wilt said that t wo of the biggest misconceptions students have about JUULing is that it’s a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes, and smok ing e-cigarettes could help wean them from their nicotine addiction. “You’re just addicted to anot her t hing,” Knight Wilt said. The Center for Healt h a nd Well-Bei ng used to sell nicotine gum and other nicotine cessation products, but stopped because of low sales. However, t he center does of fer free cessat ion programs for t hose who are struggling with addiction.

ZACH MCKINLEY // THE GAMECOCK JUUL offers a variety of flavors for its pods, some of which have been taken off the shelves in gas stations. Flavors like mango and creme can only be purchased online or in vape shops.

the future of juul Ji m T h ra sher is a profe s sor i n t he Department of Health Promotion, Education and Behavior in the Arnold School of Public Health and has been researching the effects of tobacco policies for almost 20 years. Like K night Wilt, Thrasher said it will take decades to understand the long-term effects of JUULing. W h i le he sa id recent re sea rch ha s c onc lude d e - c ig a ret t e s a re a he a lt h ier alternative to regular cigarettes, “it is not yet known whether JUULs are more or less harmful than other kinds of e-cigarettes,” said Thrasher who was interviewed by email. “The FDA has the very difficult job trying

“I know i’m

definitely addicted to this.

ben flagg, fourth-year finance and economics student

to figure out the best way to regulate JUUL, recognizing its potential to move smokers to less harmf ul products t han cigaret tes w h i le a l s o t r y i n g t o k e e p y out h f r o m starting to use them. It is taking measures to consolidate the e-cigarette market so that it will be easier to regulate going forward,” Thrasher said. A s a resu lt , J U U L decided to remove once-popular f lavors such as mango and creme from gas stations and convenience stores. T hese f lavors a re now on ly sold online or in vape shops. Thrasher also expressed his concern over “Big Tobacco” taking stock in JUUL. A lt r ia, t he pa rent compa ny of Ph il l ip Mor r is I nter nat iona l, wh ich ma kes Marlboro cigarettes, took a 35 percent stake in JUUL in December. “With this purchase, A ltria pledged to g ive JU U L even g reater prom i nence i n t he places where Marlboro is sold. This would likely expose more youth to positive a d v e r t i s i n g m e s s a g e s a b o u t J U U L ,” Thrasher said. “On the other hand, these promotions may also encourage more adult smokers to t r y and switch completely to JUUL, which seems much less harmful than cigarettes.” South Carolina lawmakers are currently debat ing a new ta x on tobacco products as a prevent at ive measu re to stop teens from using them. If passed, lawmakers say revenue from the tax will be used to increase teacher salaries. Thrasher said he supports the proposed tobacco tax bill and said it could be one of the lowest tobacco taxes in the country. “ Ta xe s a re t he most ef fec t ive way to reduce smoking among adults and to keep kids from starting to smoke,” Thrasher said. Still, Thrasher said he believes JUUL use on campus isn’t going away anytime soon. “Since most university students are over 18, I expect that we will start seeing more JU U L use on campuses as A lt ria / Philip Morris helps to distribute and promote it,” Thrasher said.


6 ARTS & CULTURE Head to Head: Online dating


Swipe left on Tinder: The case against online dating

Love me Tinderly: In defense of dating apps

She was a high-strung st udent who wa nted to f ind that Mr. Perfect. He wa s a jo c k hoping to score a late-night booty call. Each NICK SULLIVAN t hought t he Assistant arts and ot her looked culture editor at t ract ive enough to possibly satisf y their given needs. Love at first swipe? Not exactly. W h ile online dat ing may be a good idea in theor y, it leaves much to be desired in practice. T i nd e r i nt r o d u c e s t o o m a n y concerning variables that cannot help but make you wonder whether it would be better to go back to good, old-fashioned, face-to-face connections. In an age of Twitter feeds filled w it h i mpor t a nt d isc ussions of depression and an x iet y, an app like Tinder just feels cou nterproduc t ive. A f ter a l l, t he app is fou nded on t he principle of judg i ng people ba sed on f i r st

Ti nder : T he easily lampooned, wildly popular, swipe-based v i r t u a l d at i n g app. The vehicle that carried ou r generat ion i n t o t h e 21 s t IGGY SHULER cent u r y dat i ng Assistant arts and phenomenon that culture editor is online dating and hook-up culture. The app is easy to criticize — it represents all of the evil things about today’s young people. We move too fast, we don’t stop to experience the real world, we don’t appreciate true human connection. The meaning of hard work eludes us. We’re hasty, impolite, our phones being vital organs unto themselves. We wouldn’t know how to do anything if it wasn’t for Google, and we’ll all die young of obesity because we never go outside, right? Everyone under 25 has confronted these allegations, concerns so obviously ridiculous to those who grew up in the internet age, yet massively real and unsettling to our elders. Sure, we

impressions, specifically looks, and either assigning or withholding value accordingly. In this way, the app encourages rather shallow interactions among its users. In fact, 40 percent of its users admit to using Tinder as a means of hooking up as opposed to finding lasting relationships, according to Business of Apps. This statistic is not the biggest issue with the app, however. Foremost of a l l t he Ti nderrelated concerns is safety. Though one would like to assume that the individual they have swiped right is indeed the person he or she claims to be, nobody can be quite sure. Herein lies an inherent danger of online dating. Who exactly is the person on the other side of the screen? A 40-year-old looking to catfish some unsuspecting college st udents? A conv icted felon? A per vert? A finger sniffer? W ho knows? Certainly not you. This introduces another valid SEE SWIPE PAGE 8

realize that these criticisms may hold some kernel of truth, but we accept that the internet, like the telephone and the automobile, brought a brave new world of social nuance that didn’t exist for previous generations. And for the most part, we’re cool with that. W hat critics of our generation don’t realize is that technology only reflects the way humans already are. Take any cultural phenomenon that exists offline, and it’s got a virtual counterpart. Shut-ins existed long before the internet, they just read ye olde dime novels and sipped glass upon glass of fine black teas instead of dunking on haters in gaming forums and shotgunning Mountain Dew. If Amazon groceries had existed on the frontier, no pioneer housewife would have sojourned to the market at dawn, fearing mutilation by wolves and mockery by the local riffraff. Hell, if Uber was around way back then, maybe your grandparents wouldn’t have had to slog uphill both ways to get to the schoolhouse. SEE TINDER PAGE 8




A student guide to Valentine’s Day TAYLOR WASHINGTON @_taydelrey Valentine’s Day is right around corner, so we saved you some time by composing a list of date night ideas that are organized by price. Whether you’re broke, balling on a budget, or a trust fund kid, you’ll thank us later. Broke $ We get it. You’re a st r uggling college student who has to tackle rent, student loans and work an extra job to stay afloat. We commend you because it’s a lot to handle, but you do it with stride. Take a look and see what campus has to offer. Use a meal swipe at Preston’s at Noon Compared to other restaurants on campus, Preston’s at Noon is considered fine dining. The food is served buffet style and is a cut above the other buffets campus has to offer. For non-Preston residents, dinner begins at 7 p.m. Be prepared to shell out a little extra cash for you and your date because the price is just a few dollars over what a meal swipe will cover. This will be a welcomed change of pace for the both you and your date because everyone needs a break from Chick-fil-A every once in a while. Have an indoor movie night Let’s face it — going to the movie theater costs an arm and leg. Not only do you have to worry about paying for an almost $15 movie ticket for you and your date, you will also have to account for overpriced snacks. Why pay for an overpriced bag of large popcorn and two sodas for you and your date when you can just pop a bag of popcorn in the microwave and watch Netflix movies at home instead? If you’re like most of us, you still use a family Netflix password or borrow one from a friend anyway. Take a romant ic st roll on t he Horseshoe Before movie night, take a stroll on the majestic Horseshoe and enjoy the uncharacteristically warm February

weather (yay, global warming). But don’t walk too fast, make sure your date doesn’t trip on any bricks. Balling on a Budget $$ So, you’ve been picking up some extra shifts at work and missed a few nights out with your friends to save some extra cash. Because of your careful budgeting, you can afford to splurge a little. Village Idiot Pizza Grams Send your valentine an $18 “Pizzagram” package from Village Idiot Pizza. These personalized pizzas come with toppings in the shape of a heart, candy and a retro Valentine’s Day card. Dessert at Kaminsky’s Dessert Bar If your date has a sweet tooth, they will definitely enjoy dessert at Kaminsky’s Dessert Bar. Kaminsky’s special izes i n ca kes, cof fee a nd milkshakes. The slices of cake are huge, so you’ll probably have some to take home. But be on time — Kaminsky’s doesn’t take reservations, so it’s first come, first serve. See a movie at Harbison If you’re feeling a little crazy, take a 20-minute drive to Harbison and enjoy a movie at Regal Columbiana Grande Stadium 14. W hile I did complain about movie theater prices earlier, at least with this theater you get what you pay for. In addition to a fancy concession stand, this theater comes with reclining seats that have seat warmers. That special someone is sure to notice you went above and beyond. Your Parents Pay Your Rent $$$ Yo u r p a r e n t s s t i l l h e l p o u t financially. A lot. On top of paying your tuition, they also pay your rent, still include you on the family phone plan and send you care packages every now and again. To show your thanks, include their names on your significant other’s Valentine’s Day card too. SEE GUIDE PAGE 8

This week in

SHREYAS SABOO // THE GAMECOCK From sending a “Pizza-gram” to having game night at Dave and Buster’s, Columbia has variety of options for love birds on Valentine’s Day.

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Send an edible arrangement Send i ng someone a n ed ible arrangement is quite possibly third base, so make sure this girl or guy is the one. Edible arrangements are the cute “flower” bouquets that are actually made of fruits. While they are yummy, they can be a little bit on the pricier side depending on the arrangement you choose, so change your filters to “low to high” once you start looking. Better yet, save time by going to the nearest store in Five Points instead of ordering online. Dave and Buster’s Unlike Frankie’s Fun Park, a trip to Dave and Buster’s involves a sitdown dinner too. It’s no Saluda’s in Five Points, but the dinner and the arcade games compliment each other in price, so you might as well kill two birds with one stone. Trust Fund Kid $$$$

Your family owns five vacation homes on both coasts, you guys travel out of the country for every holiday, you’ve been spotted with an authentic $950 Gucci belt on multiple occasions and you take laps around Five Points in your Italian race car for sport. Weird flex, but OK. Di ne at Saluda’s or Cowboy Brazilian Steakhouse Since the rest of us won’t ever get a chance to go, we’ll just read your Yelp reviews and just take your word for it. Borrow your dad’s Maserati for a day trip It’s not like he’ll notice anyway, he has 10 more parked in the garage. Borrow your dad’s yacht Take a spin on one of your dad’s three yachts on Lake Murray.

point: People put their best foot for ward online. They love hiking, animals, caring for grandma and long wa l k s on t he beach. Their photos portray them as bronzed beaut ies who h it t he g y m t wice a day and f ind joy in t he lit t le things, as expressed by their prof ile pict ures in which t hey are inexplicably laughing

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2019 while standing amidst a field of freshly sprung daisies. W hat their bios do not share, t hough, i s t h at t he y s p ent a significant amount of t ime g room ing t heir photos with edits and filters, and they threw out a l l photos t a ken from their “bad side.” Su re, t hey may love grandma, but they also have terrible road rage and persistent cof fee breath. A nd that love for hiking? It’s more of


S er iou sl y t hou gh , f rom fo o d deliver y sites to online polit ical for ums to ridesharing apps, our generation is great at finding online solutions to real world needs. Tinder is no exception. Yes, Tinder may promote hookup cult ure on college campuses. Before dating apps were invented, college st udent s were pr imar ily k no w n a s c e l ib at e s c hol a r s of purity, traditionally waiting until marriage to kiss and never speaking to the opposite gender outside of the family. Additionally, before Tinder, nobody ever made a judgement of interest in a potential partner based on appearance. In fact, most people who have never engaged in online dat ing haven’t ref ined an abilit y to evaluate others based on looks alone at all. Studies show that, prior to Tinder’s release in 2012, racism didn’t exist and clothing typically r e f le c t e d no t h i n g ab o u t o ne’s identity. T h e p o i nt i s , t h e r e a r e b a d

a once-a-year type deal. I n short, Tinder e n c o u r a g e s exaggerat ion and s u p e r f i c i a l i t y. T h e app i s one big s a le s campa ig n, a nd you are the willing object. Thus, we arrive back to the original argument: I n a generat ion t hat decr ies u n rea l ist ic body imagery, Tinder ser ves as an ent icing roadblock that places image front and center.

things about Tinder. It facilitates meaningless hookups, it can be a d a n g er ou s ave nue f or me et i n g strangers and it can make users’ evaluations of potential part ners more superficial. The same is true of a w i ld pa r t y, but t hose have been around pretty much since the beginning of time, and society hasn’t crumbled. If we want to solve issues of the commodification of the female body or steer away from hook-up culture, we have to change how we think, not how we date. At the end of the day, Tinder users aren’t any worse off than the rest of society. App users engage with the same issues virtually t hat t hey wou ld a lso encou nter offline. The most heartening news for the luckless and lovelorn this Valentine’s Day may be this: About half of the relationships that spring from dating apps end up long term, and around 14 percent end up married. So hey, if you swipe past enough white guys named Josh proudly dangling a fish in front of the camera and ignore enough messages asking if you want to “smoke ‘n chill,” you might just find a match.


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Gamecock football recruits top players for 2019 roster MATT EDWARDS @Matt_Edwards32

SARA YANG // THE GAMECOCK On the first floor of the Cyndi and Kenneth Long Family Football Operations Center, helmets of NFL teams with former South Carolina football players line the wall. When a helmet is touched, former Gamecock players on the selected team are shown on an adjacent screen.

Gamecocks open new operations facility, look to the program’s future

SARA YANG // THE GAMECOCK All possible football uniform combinations are displayed at the Cyndi and Kenneth Long Family Football Operations Center, in addition to other South Carolina apparel.


Muschamp said. The main entrance into the building opens into a two-story lobby with a “Block C” logo featured on the wall along with a display of George Rogers’ Heisman fter a nearly two-year construction period Trophy. that ended last month, media members were The lobby also features a 12- by 27-foot screen inv ited to tou r t he Cy ndi and Ken net h displaying highlights of games and videos of fans. Long Family Football Operations Center on Former Gamecock Stephon Gilmore is shown every few Monday afternoon. slides as a newly crowned Super Bowl champion of the The building’s construction started in New England Patriots. March 2017 and cost $50 million with an overall square The “Build Your Legacy” corridor on the first floor footage of 110,000 square feet. It sits adjacent to the connects the player entry space to the locker room, indoor practice facility and outdoor practice training room and weight room. The corridor fields and overlooks Williams-Brice Stadium also displays retired jerseys, record holders, and Gamecock Park. conference and national award winners and The building is a huge change from the old academic award winners. set-up. In the past, the weight room, coaches’ T he player ent r y a rea i nclude s a n offices and player areas were all located in NFL display that shows past and current Williams-Brice Stadium, but in different Gamecocks in the NFL. areas, so everything was very spread out. In The most notable feature is the two-story addition, the practice fields were across Bluff weight room that is 20,000 square feet of the Road. This meant that the team would have to total square footage. Players will be able to stop traffic just to get to practice. use custom weight racks, cardio equipment, Now that all of the football operations are a variety of strength and training equipment in one place, those issues are a thing of the and a nutrition station for post-workout. past. “It speaks volumes when you walk in our Before media tours of the facility began, weight room on a Saturday morning when at h let ics director R ay Ta n ner a nd head they don’t have to be here, and there’s 38, 40 football coach Will Muschamp spoke in the guys in there lifting on their own,” Muschamp defensive team meeting room. said. “That says a lot about wanting to be in “Ever y t hing in t his place is fantast ic,” the building.” Tanner said. “There’s energy when you walk There are also three pools near the training into the [weight] room. We’ve got a great area, and both are easily accessible from the staff, and that’s where development starts … I outdoor practice fields. There is a large pool like what that space has to offer to our student cold tub, hot tub and an underwater treadmill. athletes.” “The administration has done a phenomenal The building has been a major recruiting job giving back to the athletes and investing pitch for Muschamp in his three years at in them,” strength and conditioning coach South Carolina. During construction, he was Jeff Dillman said. “It’s got the wow factor.” very involved in the blueprints of the facility The player lounge is located in the locker and making sure that it would be one of the room and includes a variety of TVs and video best facilities in the country. game stations, a movie theater, an arcade RAY TANNER “I’ve been to Texas A&M, I’ve been to room and a Darius Rucker recording studio. A labama ... multiple facilities. There was A barbershop named Spur-cuts is also in the really a need in the process of saying ‘okay, locker room. this worked here, this didn’t work here,’” The second floor of the building consists of Muschamp said. “And really over probably I would say coach and staff offices, 11 team and position meeting two and a half to three years ago, about two straight rooms and a dining area for the entire football team and days of sitting through and looking at a number of coaching staff. drawings of ideas.” “W hen a you ng ma n or a you ng woma n v isit s While Muschamp was very involved, he was excited your campus as a st udent at hlete, you can’t hide to see that the architects were able to make the building commitment,” Tanner said. “You can speak about it, special for the South Carolina football program. but you can’t hide it. You’ve got to show it.” “They did a fantastic job ... of kind of relaying our message, our history, our tradition in the things that we felt like was very important to have in our building,”


YOU CAN SPEAK ABOUT IT, BUT YOU Can’t hide it. you’ve got to show it.

S out h C a rol i n a c a me aw ay from National Signing Day last week w it h a couple of h igh ly touted players to its 2019 football recr u it i ng class, i nclud i ng defensive tackle Jaquaze Sorrells a nd defensive back Ja m m ie Robinson. A long w it h Sor rells a nd Robinson, the Gamecocks also added offensive lineman William Rogers and defensive back Shilo Sanders on Wednesday. “If you had told me in December, ‘you could sign all these four guys,’ I’d have taken it,” head football coach Will Muschamp said. “All four can make a difference in our program.” According to 247Sports, South Carolina’s class is ranked 18t h in the country and eighth in the SEC. Sorrells, the 14th-ranked defensive tackle, and Robinson, t he 32nd-ranked safet y, join a class that already has four recruits nationally ranked in the top 150. Below are the other top recruits that lead the Gamecocks’ 2019 class along wit h t heir nat ional positional rankings according to 247Sports. Zacch Pickens: (1) Defensive Tackle P ic ken s , a 6’5”, 285 p ou nd defensive tackle, represents the highest ranked recruit in South Carolina’s 2019 class and the third highest recruit the program has ever had. The only t wo Sout h Carolina football players to have a h igher r at i ng on 247Spor t s than Zacch Pickens are Jadeveon Clowney and Marcus Lattimore. Pickens, who played high school footba l l for T.L . H a n na, ha s already enrolled at South Carolina and will look to become a mainstay on the Gamecocks’ defensive line as soon as next season. SEE SIGNING DAY PAGE 10

Baseball begins road to Omaha CAM ADAMS @cam_adams823

The South Carolina baseball team will begin its road to Omaha on Friday afternoon against the Libert y Flames to k ick off the 2019 season. The Gamecocks are coming off a 37-26 record in head coach Mark K ingston’s f irst season. In addit ion, t he team went on a n N C A A To u r n a m e n t r u n that included advancing to the Super Regionals before losing two games to one to the eventual College World Series runner-ups, the Arkansas Razorbacks. One of the challenges South Carolina faces is the loss of ten players to the 2018 MLB Draft, including former inf ielder LT Tolbert and former pitcher Cody Morris. “From a personnel standpoint, it feels like we’re starting back at square one for sure,” K ingston said. “Because we’ve got to figure out a lot of different positions and what’s the best combinations of lineups.” SEE BASEBALL PAGE 12


Ryan Hilinksi: (4) Quarterback More t h a n t en mont h s h ave gone by since Hilinksi joined the G amecock prog ram a nd sig ned h is let ter of i ntent on A pr il 4, 2018. The countr y’s second best pro-st yle quar terback w ill joi n South Carolina’s QB depth chart already consisting of Jake Bentley and Dakereon Joyner. Hilinski has already began the transition from Orange, California, to Columbia. A long with Pickens, he’s already arrived on campus and enrolled in classes at the University of South Carolina. Joseph Anderson: (8) Defensive End Anderson, who signed to play for South Carolina on June 1, 2018, is the third highest rated recruit i n Sout h Carol i na’s 2019 class. The 6’4”, 268 pound defensive end


will call Williams Brice Stadium home this upcoming season after prev iously play ing for Oak land H igh S c ho ol i n Mu r f e e sb oro, Tennessee. C a mer o n S m it h : (19) Cornerback Smit h is an in-state defensive bac k f rom Bly t he wo o d , S out h Carolina, and the nation’s 150th overall recruit in 2019, according to 247Sports. The 6’1”, 168 pound cornerback is part of a seven-way tie for fourth highest recruit in South Carolina’s class. Smith, along with fellow defensive back commit Shilo Sanders, will look to earn playing time for South Carolina’s secondary in 2019. South Carolina’s 2019 recruiting class consists of one quarterback, one running back, one wide receiver, t wo t ight end s , f i ve of fen s i ve linemen, six defensive linemen, two linebackers, four defensive backs and two special teams contributors.

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However, K ingston does believe the team is a step ahead based on last season’s experience. “In terms of having been now through the SEC, having seen what our crowds are like, having seen what the media’s like, all those things, it does feel like it’s year two and you kind of have a better feel for what is expected and how to handle things,” Kingston said. Players returning this season for the G amecock s include sen ior out f ielder TJ Hopkins, who posted a .345 batting average last season, and senior Jacob Olsen, who accounted for 36 RBIs and a .985 fielding percentage. The Flames also had a fairly successful 2018 season, as they finished with a 3226 record. However, they were unable to qualif y for the NCA A Tournament after losing the Big South Conference Tournament championship game against the Campbell Camels. Ret urning for t he Flames is senior infielder Tyler Galazin who posted a .286 batting average and sophomore outfielder Brandon Rohrer who finished the season with a .978 fielding percentage. The Gamecocks and Flames have not met since the 2017 season when South C a r o l i n a d e f e at e d L i b e r t y 10 -7 at Founders Park. South Carolina and Liberty will begin t hei r seasons at 4 p.m. on Fr iday at Founders Park and can be seen on SEC Network+. VICTORIA RICHMAN // THE GAMECOCK Sophomore right-handed pitcher Logan Chapman throws from the pitcher’s mound during a game at Founders Park last season. In 2018, Chapman made 16 game apperances, while starting in 14 games.


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Q&A: Students tackle the impact of sports

ZACH MCKINLEY // THE GAMECOCK From left to right: JD Locke, Jasmine Kearse and Alex St. Pierre.

Sports writer Paige Davoren asked South Carolina students about the impact sports have made on them. Here are their responses: did you begin watching Q: Q: orWhen/why playing sports?



“My f irst sport t hat I played was hockey. I’m from Boston, so that was just commonplace for everyone to do. I honestly think while I was learning how to to walk, I was learning how to skate, as soon as I could stand,” fourth-year accounting student Alex St. Pierre said.


“I started playing soccer around [age] four, but I didn’t start watching it until high school, but then I also played basketball and watched that since I was a child, football too. I didn’t play it, but I just liked watching it,” firstyear mechanical engineering student Lawrence Fernandez said.



Growing up, Smith was able to live out the “typical” teenage life and leave the house when she became aggravated, but for Castelli, it isn’t that easy. Smith said that one day Castelli got mad at her, went out the back door and she almost wanted to cheer. In that moment, Castelli realized that he had control over his life. “This is a big event of those little events, but when I saw that with him just going out the back door, that was huge in my life,” Smith said. “So something like this is really amazing.” Night to Shine hopes to give Castelli and ot hers a chance to have experiences they may not have access to in their lives. For Castelli, this meant being able to enjoy the atmosphere instead of focusing on his limitations. Smith appreciated that the 385 volunteers were able to see how much the special needs community has to offer to others. “I always say it’s like a doubleedged sword,” Smith said. “There are things that hurt so much, but then the other side is that you love so much, so it’s kind of heartbreaking, but then it also feels wonderful and rewarding when you have a situation

What do sports mean to you? “That’s what I did growing up. I was the sports guy in high school. Thought I was going to be playing in college, thought I was going to be play ing college football,” t h ird-year i nter nat iona l bu si ne s s a nd finance student JD Locke said.


Why should people watch or play sports?


“It’s f u n, it’s good exercise. Even if it’s not super competitive, you’re still out doing something and staying active, which is always important,” Locke said.


“I think it teaches you how to cope with failure. I think a lot of times in life, your first exposure to losing and failure is through sports and I think without that, some people don’t know how to handle the devastation of not succeeding,” St. Pierre said.

“ I t h i n k it br i ng s people together,” first-year psychology student Jasmine Kearse said.

like this.” Castelli has Williams syndrome, a genetic condition that can cause medical problems like cardiovascular disease and developmental delays. But Smith said she wouldn’t take away any part of his disability. She said that is how God made her son, and more people should feel blessed. “You have to be thankful for what you have,” Smith said. “Whether it’s abundant or limited. You have to be thankful.” Former N FL quarterback and current professional player Tim Tebow has organized Night to Shine for the past four years. On each Night to Shine night, every guest is crowned either a king or a queen by their buddy. “I think God really found an angel on earth in Tim Tebow because he does have the ability to do good things — to reach out and not be selfish — and there are people like him,” Smith said. “But not everyone is him, and that’s okay.” Through Night to Shine, Castelli was crowned a king for the night, along with all of the 181 guests that were able to feel bright and important, perhaps for the first time. “Archaic thinking is still there,” Smith said. “It’s still around, until someone opens their eyes and sees that there’s so much value to these lives.”


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The Daily Gamecock



Love is so much more than three little words


Spend Valentine’s Day with friends Oh , Va lent i ne’s Day, t he day where everyone that has a significant other celebrates, and those that don’t spend the night watching Netf lix and eat ing Ben and Jerr y’s. We say that Valentine’s Day is a day for love, but we seem to ignore one of the most important types of love we Meredith Edwards have: friendship. First-year Friendship is a steadier kind of mass communications love. When we choose significant student others, we go for the ones that make our hearts flutter, but the best friends we can make are those that steady us and are there for us through the roller coaster of life. We make true friendships with people who accept us for who we are, but also want to help us become the best we can be. Most of the time, we take our friends for granted. These are the people that are there for us when we fail an exam and when we meet a cute person on Tinder. They help us make decisions, and we trust their judgement on the issues that are important to us. They often try their best to keep us from crashing and burning, and also share our joy when we succeed. Love between romantic partners is often more volatile than platonic relationships. A major part of college culture today is relationship drama and falling in and out of love with people. The people you can

really trust to stick around, however, are good friends. With people that are this important to our lives, we should take time this Valentine’s Day to show our friends, not just our crushes, that we love them. As a society, we put so much stock into our romantic relationships. We brag about who we are going out with, we itemize each other and compare our partners to those of others. That is why it’s so refreshing to find people we can be honest with, rather than only showing the best parts of ourselves. The ideal friend is the one that can bring you back to yourself. They can build you up when you need it, but also aren’t afraid to humble you. One “Parks and Recreation” episode decided to celebrate friendship back in 2010 by creating Galentine’s Day. The show’s main character, Leslie K nope, recog nizes t he holiday by get t ing her girlfriends together for brunch to celebrate their relationships. The made-up holiday has persisted outside of the show to celebrate the friends that will un-ironically share alcohol and waffles with you. Its rise in popularity has also brought about quite a bit of merchandise as more ladies buy into the holiday. Because it’s so centered on lovers, Valentine’s Day always has a tumultuous undercurrent of angst as imperfect people try to impress each other, all while trying to make romantic comedy dreams a reality. So instead of getting too wrapped up in Valentine’s Day anxiety, make some time to be with the friends that care about you.

Some people take public displays of affection for granted In the strange, cynical world we live in, it is easy to get lost in the angst surrounding Valentine’s Day. However, even if it is just a holiday made to exploit human relationships for corporate gain, it also can be prett y beautif ul, and people really want to share with the world how b e aut i f u l t hei r Clara Bergeson relationships are. First-year public relations The concept of public displays student of affection (PDA) can range from innocent to raunchy in the form of a couple holding hands on the sidewalk to some random kids swapping saliva in a dark corner of a club. However, while there are obviously more acceptable forms of physical intimacy seen from the general public, it becomes a lot more difficult when you move past t he heteronormat ive and conventionally beautiful couples. It seems like for years the idea of “what if love was illegal” has plagued terrible teenage dystopian novels and horribly written fan fiction, but for a lot of people their love has — or still is, in certain countries — been illegal. From homosexuality being criminalized until 1961 to interracial couples not being able to get married in Alabama until 2000 and certain people with disabilities still having laws that make them unable to tie the knot, a large group of people still face criticism for their relationships. Being a white girl who grew up in the suburbs, I have seen others’ disapproval of these relationships up close and personal. I remember walking home

with one of my friends in sixth grade. We were talking about couples and love, and I heard, for what I believe was the first time, that some kinds of love are just “disgusting.” She told me about how seeing a black and a white person in a relationship made her uncomfortable and that gay couples holding hands on the side of the road made her gag. However, they weren’t doing anything different than all the straight couples that surrounded our rich, white neighborhood. There are so many forms of PDA that are taken for granted by people not in these groups. In many cases, just holding hands with your significant other can feel like a test of bravery, and — even though many people are accepting — it is easy to get discouraged by those who are not. Every time I am out with my girlfriend, I become hyperaware of people looking at us. I am always scared of comments and slurs that could be thrown at us at any moment, and it’s draining trying to hold a romantic conversation while building a wall of protection around us at the same time. For many people, the mere mention of PDA is met with an eye roll and a huff of annoyance, but when it reaches past what our society believes to be a traditional relationship, those responses can move from cynical to hateful in seconds. Valentine’s Day is a beautiful day to show your adoration towards your significant other, but it can also be a test of how socially acceptable your relationship is. I would love to say, “Screw it, show everyone your love,” but sometimes it can be dangerous, so this year stay safe and stay in love.

With Valentine’s Day r ight a rou nd the corner, there’s a lo t of p r e s s u r e to make plans and f o c u s o n “ l o v e .” However, I see love as such an obscure concept. We say “I Laurryn Thomas love you” to friends Third-year a nd f a m i l y e v e r y journalism student day, but suddenly it me a n s somet h i ng completely dif ferent when said to a significant other. In the movies, there is this point when the character is so overcome with emotion that the three little words just slip out. Media makes it look so easy to find love, like it is right around every corner. Yet, on a college campus, you look around and see relationships broken or filled with drama and scandal. How can somet hing so seem ingly beaut if ul bring on such t umult uous feel i ng s? I bel ieve love is not ju st something you feel one day like a strike of lightning, but a decision made between two people to carry out acts of love for each other which eventually develops into an overwhelming chemical emotion. I n a T E D Ta l k , biolog i st Daw n Maslar t al k s about t he chem ical neurot ransm it ters in t he brain t hat can cause someone to feel amorous and obsessive. She describes her thinking as a shift away from the idea that love is complete biochemistry and toward an idea given to her by her grandmother. Maslar’s grandma asserted that women can have sex and fall in love, but men do not fall in love that way. Maslar goes on to explore the idea that men are in love when they make the decision to commit and backs it through studies showing t he effects of t he neurotransmitters vasopressin, testosterone and oxytocin in men and women. Ox ytocin, the neurotransmitter in charge of bonding, skyrockets for women after having sex and can create the feeling of being in love. In men, testosterone and oxytocin have an unbalanced relationship, allowing testosterone to offset the effects of ox y tocin. Several st udies showed t hat si ngle men have much h igher levels of testosterone than both men in relationships and married men. Lower testosterone equals higher oxytocin and feelings of a bond of love. This all goes to show that commitment can be the tipping point for men and not for women. Even though Maslar says women may feel bonded and even obsessed after sex, I do not consider this true love without actions. Love is a commitment. Even when it doesn’t concern sex or dating, we choose who we want to love. I show my love for my roommates by washing the dishes and taking out the trash when I see it’s full. If I didn’t love them, I wouldn’t care about making their lives easier and choosing to be there for them. When you believe someone loves you because they say they feel love for you without any evidence, it is not really love. If you cheat on someone, you don’t love them. Love fails all the time, and it is because people choose to act in love for the things they want and not out of love for others. The concept of love can also be tainted by the amount of times we say the words “I love you.” It is common to say this when someone does something nice, says something f unny or gives you a compliment. We don’t really mean that we love this person even though we may be fond of them. Our ideas of love become so skewed if we hear “I love you” all the time — it loses significance. Our culture finds people seeking love in the wrong ways. We were obviously meant to love, evident by the physical c h e m i c a l s i n o u r b o d ie s t h at a r e specifically tailored to create euphoric feelings. Sadly, heartbreak seems to be more common than love because we are chasing feelings rather than actions. On Valentine’s Day, it is in your best interest to give love to those around you but not fall into the trap of “loving” someone because of physical intimacy or pure desire for a relationship.



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You’re earning your pay. A balanced bank accou nt is on ly pa r t o f t h e s t o r y. M a k e an important and p otent ia l ly luc r at ive con nect ion. A dream seems within reach.


Yo u ’r e l o o k i n g especially good. Your status is rising; the good work you’ve been doing is get t i ng at tent ion. Meditate on what you’d like to create.


I n quiet moments, inspiration hits. Create plans and visions. The artistry is in the details. Craf t you r steps a nd s equenc e s . G et help from kindred spirits.


Win through teamwork. Listen with your heart. Make sure ever yone’s needs get met . Mon it or s o c i a l media and local news. A r ra nge con nect ions ahead of time.



A professiona l test or challenge has your at tent ion. Someone’s saying nice things about your work. Collaborate with an expert for best results. Learn from the competition.


Grow through higher educat ion, t ravel and research. Explore and discover. Pursue a dream or possibilit y. Pick up t he pace a nd move. Follow a passion.


Us e w h at y o u’r e learning to cut costs and reduce waste. There’s growt h potent ial for sha red accou nt s. Collaborate for common g a i n. G r ab a golden opportunity.


Wo r k c lo s e l y w it h your partner. Exchange promises and monitor progress. A nother appreciates your skills. Express your own appreciations. Collaborate for a shared win.


P i c k u p t h e p a c e! Ph y s i c a l a c t i o n c a n move at a higher velocity. Prioritize your own health and vitality. Exercise feeds you r heart, mind, body and spirit.


Go for love. Enjoy the compa ny of someone you admire and respect. Creativity blooms with arts, games and romance. Indulge a passion. Practice random kindness.


Home seduces you i nto coz y comfor t. Conserve resources. Cook simple fare with family a nd f r iends. Beaut if y your environment with candles, f lowers or soft lighting.




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ACROSS 1 Org. whose product is measured in barrels 5 Pillar of Islam involving travel 9 School near Windsor Castle 13 Hugs-and-kisses symbols 14 Pacific island host of two “Survivor” seasons 15 Medical image 16 Analogy words 17 Modern John Hancock 19 Epithet never actually used by Jimmy Cagney 21 Angsty music genre 22 LAX posting 23 Elect (to) 24 Dressed down 28 Songwriter Porter 30 Frightening 31 Red wine choice 33 Fairy tale baddie 34 Be victorious 35 Was in debt to 36 WWII naval threat 38 Picnic invaders 39 Grass roll 40 Shopping complex 41 Go by, as time 43 They’re planted in snow while skiing 45 Civil rights icon Parks 46 Largest living bird 47 Emails a dupe to 48 Couture initials 51 Tapped-off cigar remnant 52 Hours for cuppas 54 Cord cutters’ reception aids 58 Air filter acronym 59 __ hop: gym dance 60 Infatuation

61 “I’ll take care of that” 62 Log splitters 63 Spade of handbags 64 Education support gps. DOWN 1 Nitrous __ 2 Theorize 3 *Grade-boosting option 4 Crotchety oldster 5 Attacks 6 Got off a horse 7 XKE, for short 8 *Singer’s spouse who co-wrote “Ring of Fire” 9 Raves about 10 Play about Capote 11 Rowing tool 12 TV scientist whose show has won 19 Emmys 14 *Chess situation that forces a draw 18 Love, to Luigi 20 “Carpe diem” initials 24 Game Gear creator

25 Typical mortgage requirement, and what ends each answer to a starred clue 26 Gives off 27 Closely packed 29 Out-of-date 30 Deceives 31 Meno __: not as fast, in music 32 Furry C-3PO worshipers 37 “Eww!” 38 Small batteries 40 Somewhat wet 42 Nowhere to be found 44 Practical jokes

47 __ and desist 49 Vintage photo tone 50 Exams for aspiring judges, briefly 52 Item listed above “u-bolt” in a hardware glossary? 53 Blue-roofed eatery 54 Airport safety org. 55 __ populi: popular opinion 56 Blackjack half 57 Gun lobby org.





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