The Daily Gamecock 12/2/19


Campus sustainability leaders consider success of efforts NICK SULLIVAN Arts & Culture Editor

VOL. 113, NO. 15


SINCE 1908



USC’s Office of Sustainability director Larry Cook spends much of his time going to meetings, reading up on sustainability and communicat ing wit h off ices across campus. At the end of the day, he said he sometimes wonders if anything is actually being done because it is hard to measure his impact. “There aren’t necessarily clear boxes to check,” Cook said. In 2018, the university sent about 4,000 tons of material to the landfill. That same year, USC came in 27th out of 31 schools in the GameDay Recycling Challenge’s diversion category, a nationwide initiative measuring the diversion rate of waste from landfills at home football games, losing to first place by a margin of about 71%. The university’s most recent Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) report from 2016, which tracked campus sustainability efforts in a range of areas, placed USC at 15% in the food and dining category, below average for similar schools. B y t h e s e m e a s u r e m e n t s , U S C ’s sustainability has room for improvement. SEE SUSTAINABILITY PAGE 12

Capstone residents concerned about mold


Following Barstool Gamecocks’ Instagram video of a mushroom growing on a ceiling tile on Capstone’s 15th floor surfacing, residents of the building said there has been a continued mold problem in the residence hall. In an email addressed to a set of concerned parents following the mushroom video, a university housing employee assured the mold problem had been dealt with and conditions in Capstone were tested and determined insusceptible for mold to grow. “There is no mold in Capstone or any of our other buildings on campus,” the email said. Students such as first-year business student and Capstone resident Sam Chierici, however, say the conditions are just right for mold to grow, as there is always a lot of condensation and they cannot control temperature with the thermostat. “If the conditions are there for mold to grow, mold’s gonna grow,” said Skylar Deichmann, a first-year sport and entertainment management student and Capstone resident. “If it’s humid, like, you k now, you take a shower in the bathroom, and then the whole suite gets super muggy.” Some students have also reported sickness they say is due to the mold. A second-year student, who lived in the Capstone House her first year and has asked to remain anonymous, said she got sick from the mold all over the 15th floor of the building. “I was somewhat sick the first semester, but I just thought it was a cold, and I went home and I got better,” she said. “I came back in January and within the first two weeks, I believe, I got pneumonia and bronchitis at the same time.” When she got bronchitis again this year, she went to the USC Health Center. She said the doctor told her it was probably because of the mold in Capstone and that many students came in with the same issues. She said she now must take an inhaler to help her breathe. Deichmann said she is fairly certain she has a mold allergy, and every time she gets into the shower, where the mold is, she starts to sneeze. SEE MOLD PAGE 2


Three girls walk down Harden Street on a Thursday night in Five Points. Despite the cold weather, people still dressed up for a night out.



on calzones. Sometimes both.

ike all ecosystems, Columbia’s

Although some believe this is typical

F i ve Po i nt s s ho p p i n g a nd

college nightlife behavior, members of

enter t a i n ment d ist r ic t is

the surrounding neighborhood have


voiced various concerns in recent years.

During the day, it functions as a family-

The Daily Gamecock and SGTV sent

friendly neighborhood village. At night,

31 reporters and photographers into Five

it turns into a place where many college

Points to see exactly what a typical night

students and Columbia residents can be

was like from a variety of perspectives.

found dancing in bars or dropping $100

Here’s a snapshot of what we saw.

Multimedia Package See SGTV’s coverage on how the district’s culture affects the community.

Inside Follow our night, from booze to burgers. PG 4-5

Recent alumnus completes Appalachian Trail LAURRYN THOMAS News Writer Recent USC g raduate Br ice “Keys” Janvrin completed his hike from Maine to Georgia on Nov. 1, walking more than 2,000 miles in four and a half months on the Appalachian Trail. Pa r t of t h i s t r a i l i n c lu d e d crossing four states in 24 hours. Janvrin completed the “four-state challenge” in an effort to raise money for his alma mater, Richland Northeast High School. “I wanted to do something that could actually allow me to give to others,” Janvrin said. “We actually came up with this idea of raising money as a scholarship fund for Richland Northeast.” Janvrin kept in close contact with his mom during the hike, who acted as his social media manager. Gina Janvrin kept track of fundraising totals and helped Brice Janvrin surpass his goal by raising about $2,600. “He thought he’d raised maybe

$1,000 and it would go [to] one scholarship, but now he’s thinking he might do, like, three smaller scholarships. You gotta have a lot of perseverance to do what he did, to hike 42.9 miles in 24 hours in four states, and it was pouring down rain during part of it,” Gina Janvrin said. Brice Janvrin graduated in May with his bachelor’s in international studies and environmental studies. He thought he had a job set up in Washington, D.C. after graduation, but when that fell through, Janvrin decided to pursue a dream he’d long had. “I didn’t act ually have much doubt that I was able to do it, it was just a matter of, you know, as long as I don’t get injured and stuff,” Janvrin said. “I figured I’d pretty much make it all the way to the end.” Not only did Janvrin make it to the end, but he finished a month and a half sooner than many other hikers who take on the challenge. Though he started the trail on his own, he ended up hiking with many different people, walking about 20


Brice Janvrin poses on a mountain on the trail.

miles a day. “He was traveling with a bunch of other Southbound hikers who I’d met before, and we all started hanging together as like a trail family or a ‘tramily,’ which we called it,” trailmate Clio “Happy” Walton said. Walton and Janvrin hiked the last half of the trail mostly together, though Walton did not take on the four-state challenge. SEE APPALACHIAN PAGE 12



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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR: premature nostalgia sets in It’s 2 a.m. Sat urday and South Carolina plays Clemson in 10 hours. Of course, my last game as a student would be a noon game. I should be getting plenty of sleep to prepare for a morning of tailgating, but here I am writing this letter from the editor. I procrastinated writing it, like I did many other stories and assignments this year. No one teaches you how to write these things in jou rnalism classes. Honest ly, par t of t he reason I’m writing it is to fill space in our 16-page paper. Like my first and only other letter from the editor where I just complained about being stressed out, I guess I’ll just be brutally honest about how I’m feeling about my upcoming graduation. There’s only one week left of classes and I’m actually... sad about it? In one week, I will no longer be a student at the University of South Carolina. Over these past four years, when my family would ask me, “How’s college going?” I’d reply with something along the lines of “I’m miserable,” “I’m drowning in work” or with the exact number of days until I graduated. A s of Monday, t hat number is only 14. OK, OK, my responses to my family might have been just a little dramatic. I was doing extremely

fulfilling work and making memor ie s w it h t hose around me while doing it. I started college with barely any friends and I’m leaving with a newsroom full of them. Sophomore year, I joined The Daily Gamecock as an arts and culture writer. I covered weekly events a nd event u a l ly had a solid amount of work to grow into various editor positions. Though my resu me is now f u l l of what I accomplished with student media, what I’ll remember most fondly can’t fit into bullet points on one page. I’ll remember the fun stories we published, like CarolinaCard hand chip boy, or head-to -head columns on which style of barbecue is best. I’ll remember sending 27 reporters into Five Points to cover the nightlife scene from voices that aren’t always heard. I’ll remember the times I was stretched as a leader. Our newsroom covered sensitive topics, which took a toll on everyone’s mental health, including mine. I’ll remember receiving pushback on several stories


published, and standing by our decision to publish them. I’ll remember getting t he oppor t u n it y to remember the life of a st udent who died. I’ll remember telling stories that made a difference for the USC community. W hat I m ight m iss the most is getting to create these stories with a dedicated staff late Sunday nights in the newsroom ordering Hibachi House and listening to “You Make My Dreams” by Hall & Oates on repeat. The friends I have made here are irreplaceable, and The Daily G amecock newsroom became my second home. I have been anxiously waiting for my graduation countdown to hit zero, but as the number slowly dwindles, I’m filled with premature nostalgia. I’m so t ha n k f u l for everything I’ve learned from this newspaper and this university. Forever to thee, Genna Contino Editor-in-Chief The Daily Gamecock


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“We’ve all been sick for months,” Ju l ia A siel lo, a f i r st-yea r v is u a l communications student and Capstone resident, said. “One kid I know is really, really sick. Some people have really bad mold allergies; everyone can’t stop coughing.” Other students, such as Chierici, said it could either be mold or just the “freshman plague” making everyone sick. University spokesperson Jeff Stensland said while mold sensitivities might play a part in student sickness, this part of the semester is traditionally tough on students, which makes it easier for them to get sick. “That’s not to discount concerns, only to say we are in the season when people tend to get sick regardless,” Stensland said. Deichmann said she thinks ventilation is a large contributor to the mold and that Capstone “needs a new ventilation system,” as mold has grown on her window and in the ceiling around her shower. To prevent mold from growing in residence hall rooms, Stensland said to circulate air, shut the windows when it is wet or humid outside and not store damp clothing or towels in the room. Chierici said he and his roommate found a large amount of mold when they moved a dresser and bed from the wall. They reached out to FIXX, and though FIXX cleaned the mold, Chierici said his room now smells “like straight bleach,” and he was unable to sleep in his own room after FIXX cleaned it. Some students have reached out to FIXX to address the mold situation in Capstone. Asiello said when the FIXX employee came to her room, they confirmed there was mold.


Mold grows on a ceiling tile at Capstone House.

“We had black mold in our room, growing on our window and around our sink and in our bathroom,” Asiello said. FIXX sealed Asiello’s window, got her a new sink and caulked it, scrubbed down her walls with an antimicrobial cleaner and replaced her bathroom ceiling tiles. Asiello said college students don’t know much about mold, and she said she believes university housing should make residents “more aware” the mold will grow if they do not pay attention to it. She also said a lot of people don’t know calling FIXX is an option. “Any time actual mold is detected, we treat with an antimicrobial cleaner and check the room temperature and humidity to deter future growth and see if there may be water leakage, which encourages mold growth,” Stensland said. “[Students] should immediately contact the FIXX line when they suspect that mold may be in their rooms.” W hile FI X X is able to help the students who reach out, some Capstone residents said university housing has not contacted them about potential mold problems. Many parents have heard of the conditions in their children’s rooms, and some have taken to Facebook to voice concerns, including Richard Day, father of Liam Day, a first-year undeclared student living in Capstone, who posted on the 2023 USC parents’ Facebook page. “Really what’s more startling is the comments from parents,” Richard Day said. “Somebody said, ‘Yeah, Capstone is known as the tower of terror,’ and then another mom said, ‘Yeah, my daughter has what is known as the ‘Capstone cough.’’’



USC Formula One car building club to compete next summer JOSEPH LEONARD Senior News Writer Third-year electrical engineering student Jack Hannum has a photo of Elon Musk unveiling a Tesla Roadster as the background on his laptop. Inspired by Musk and Tesla’s ability to commercialize electric vehicles, Hannum said he eventually wants to work for Tesla and has applied for several positions. Hannum also dreams of unveiling an electric car just like when Musk first presented the Tesla Roadster to the world. As a result, he created a Formula One-style car building club earlier this year. Hannum and his team plan to echo the unveiling of the Roadster when they attend the Formula SAE Lincoln, a nationwide contest of Formula One cars designed and operated by college students, in June. Formula One cars are single-seat, open-cockpit racing cars. “I’d love to one day have a moment like you have seen Elon Musk doing on my background, unveiling a Tesla Roadster and really any product on stage,” Hannum said. “That would be the dream.” USC’s Society of Automotive Engineers has now been building a Formula One car for several months and intends to compete for the first time at the Formula SAE Lincoln. The competition, held in Nebraska, includes track events such as acceleration, cone splitting and endurance. There is no head-to-head racing for these cars, but rather all of the scoring points will be won in multiple tests of the cars, and the winner will take home around $2,000. “I’m a big car nerd and I love racing; I’m a big Formula One fan,” Mason Salb said. “Stuff like this is ultimately what I want to do for my career.” Salb, a member of the club and second-year mechanical engineering student, is in charge of ensuring the power generated from the motor translates into the turning of the wheels. The club as a whole has a “great energy” around it, according to Salb, with all members passionate about their jobs and wanting to prove themselves. “Being a first-year team, you know, everybody, we


Third-year electrical engineering student Jack Hannum holds an electronic battery for the Formula One car at 300 Main St.

want to go out there and we want to show them what we can do,” Salb said. Hannum is the president of USC’s Societ y of Automotive Engineers club and said the focus of the club this year is efficiency, because it is one of the keys to winning the endurance test. Moreover, Hannum said the club is focused on building a reliable car because the most important and rewarding competition is the endurance test, a 25-kilometer route — roughly 15.5 miles — which serves as the true test of the car. This test’s distance also determines the size of the batteries needed for the car, a critical design component. “If you don’t compete in that, you’re not going to win the event. Period,” Hannum said. Hannum said the club’s Tesla-inspired electronic batteries are also found in Tesla’s Model S and Model X electric cars. The batteries will be placed in a bookshelflike structure, with racks against the firewall, which separates the battery-operated engine and the driver’s seat. While the club hasn’t begun constructing the car or its components, they are in the beginning stages of buying materials and building the parts. The club aims to have the car completed and ready for testing by Feb. 1. Jacob Hodges, a member of the club and third-year mechanical engineering student, said the most difficult part of building the car is making each part fit. Hodges said it’s easy to make them fit in their computer-aided design software, but translating that into the physical car is also a part of the preparation for the summer competition. Hodges said he initially joined the club because of his passion for welding, but his focus has shifted to making sure the club endures at USC. “My main focus has just been making something

sustainable for the university because this has been a program that they’ve tried a few times, and they weren’t ever able to make it sustainable,” Hodges said. Hodges said he tries to make team meetings lighthearted and allows members to goof off while remaining professional. Some of the members may not be fully immersed in the automotive industry, but they have found a place to tap into their passions and work on real-life engineering, Hodges said. “A lot of us just really like cars, even if we don’t know some of the nitty gritty details, like one of our other team leads, it’s still just a cool thing to be a part of,” Hodges said. While many on the team are focused on the mechanics of building a car, others are focused on the business aspect of car building. Rachel Nelson, a third-year accounting student and fundraising team leader, said as a member of the club, she’s practicing money management skills from real world companies. Nelson said the club has a few sponsors but is “still struggling a little bit, trying to get our name out there.” However, Nelson said the focus on efficiency should make the project less costly, which makes her fundraising job less stressful, in turn. Nelson said it’s been hard for her to keep up with the engineering jargon as a business-minded student. Similarly, she said she’s found it difficult to get business students to join the club because they see only the engineering aspects. It’s unfortunate, she said, because she’s enjoyed working with the team. W it h tea ms foc used on a d if ferent m ission contributing to the construction of a car that must meet specific requirements, the club’s work is best described by Hannum as “productive chaos.”

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4 SPECIAL SECTION While some stay out through all hours of the night in Five Points to eat, drink and dance, other students and Columbia residents are there, by their sides, for work instead of play. The bouncers of Five Points are the gatekeepers who allow those 21 and over into bars — or those under 21 with good enough IDs to sneak their way in for a night of fun. “There are some times where I see people’s IDs, and they’re real IDs, and they just look f—d up. It’s a judgement call, but at a certain point



‘Making my way downtown’

... I mean, no,” Lucky’s bouncer Isaiah Harris said. Moosehead f loor manager Jay Jones said the bar has a card reader that determines if an ID is fake or not. “We do our best. I’m always Googling, just about every week, different ways to spot a fake,” Jones said. “We like to see what cards are getting rejected [from the card reader]; if they’re coming from the same state or something like that. So, then, we’ll just be on the lookout for that state if the card reader dies or something like that and we’re just left to our own devices.”

he’s about to be ejected. A convincing fake ID isn’t the only thing that can get someone into a Five Points bar. Sometimes it’s cash bribes. One bouncer, who requested to remain anonymous, said some people will give him $10 to $50 on

a typical night to get into the bar. He said he made “roughly $3,000” the weekend of the South Carolina versus Alabama football game. J o n e s s a i d d u r i n g Fa m i l y Weekend, someone gave him $100 to skip the line. “That’s something to split with my guys. We’re out here working hard,” Jones said. “I’m not going to decline. ... That’s like a tip.” Dontee Pat ter son h a s b een working at Breakers Bar & Grill for five years and said there’s two things he’s certain he’ll see every night: a fake ID and a girl crying. “[Bargoers] have to feel protected,

but they have to feel afraid at the same time,” Patterson said. Patterson said the job can often get physical, and he’s grown accustomed to violent, drunken antics. “[A Breakers patron] didn’t want to leave, so I picked him up — I got behind him and I picked him up — and I walked him out of there. ... When I let him go … he actually reached in and grabbed my hair and pulled a few strands out,” Patterson said. “I had to really get physical … I think I broke a couple of his ribs … I dropped my full body weight on him.”

The late night menu

ROBBIE GREENWALD // THE GAMECOCK Columbia Police Department patrols the streets of Five Points.

When a long night of drinking and dancing comes to an end, most students find themselves migrating to the few restaurants open after hours. For many students, the go-to spot is Cook Out. The fast food chain holds a special place in the hearts of college students across the Southeast due to its inexpensive food and late hours. Khari Haynes, a Benedict College student who does JROTC at USC, has been working at Cook Out for four months. During his short tenure, he said he’s discovered the typical Cook Out crowd is composed of three important elements. “The crowd is literally split up into sections, so there’s always a drunk part — a really, really drunk, drunk part — and there’s like a mellow part … and there’s one sober friend that has no control of the crowd,” Haynes said. On busy nights, Haynes said there will usually be 13 people on staff, and the restaurant gets so busy that he and his coworkers are trained to do multiple jobs. Even stationed police officers lend a helping hand behind the counters to help with crowd control on the weekends. Still, Haynes and fourth-year political science student Kathleen Sowder said Cook Out has its fair share of fun. “We had one time, we were sitting outside, and there was like a group of us after RUF that were just sitting out there, and two guys came up that wanted to audition their new rap album, and they played it for us and asked us to vote on it and follow their Instagram page,” Sowder said. “That was pretty cool.” Another popular late food spot is Eddie’s Calzones, a restaurant that offers fresh food. Travis Cleveland has been the general manager at Eddie’s Calzones since it first opened in 2014. He said he enjoys the energy students bring to the restaurant. “It’s very, very live in here. It’s a lot of energy going around, and you have a lot of people cracking jokes and just a lot of positive energy coming around,” Cleveland said. Still, Cleveland has his share of crazy stories about student customers. “I’ve seen a dude fall asleep standing up, honestly,” Cleveland said. “I’ve seen a girl come out of the bathroom with her shorts up, but her underwear around her ankles. I’m still trying to figure that out, and I can’t.”

My man on chicken on stick whippin that s— up.

A freshman’s worst nightmare


ROBBIE GREENWALD // THE GAMECOCK A bouncer checks a student’s ID outside Rooftop Bar. Everyone entering the bars in Five Points are required to show ID at the door. Bounceres often use scanners or lights to check the validity of IDs.


WILL ROBERTSON // THE GAMECOCK A student gets into his rideshare in Five Points.

Community calls for increased police presence

T he d r u n ken a nt ic s a nd u nder age drinking are what some bouncers think is the reason for increased police presence. “When I first started here, it was more of a younger crowd, but now, it’s like the crowd has gotten even younger,” Patterson said. “I’ve seen high school kids out here. That’s why the cops be out here the way they do.” In addition to the emergence of a less than ideal younger crowd, rising crime in the area has become another concern for the community. The community was shaken in 2013 when then-first-year student Martha Childress was paralyzed from the waist down after she was hit by a stray bullet on a crowded sidewalk in Five Points. The shooting marked a turning point, and the lack of safety measures in Five Points was scrutinized by Columbia residents. As a result, Five Points experienced an increase in police presence and the university worked with the city to upgrade its Five Points

We chose to highlight quotes overheard by our reporters in Five Points. All quotes are anonymous.

shuttle system. Still, Five Points has remained a hub for criminal activity through the years. Most recently, Five Points experienced yet another tragedy when fourth-year political science student Samantha Josephson was murdered after mistakenly getting into a vehicle she believed was her Uber in March. Josephson’s murder marked yet another turning point for both USC and Five Points, and it prompted further safety measures. Uber and former USC president Harris Pastides launched the “What’s my name?” campaign, which encouraged students to request their name from their Uber driver and to check their license plate before getting into the vehicle. In an interview with SGTV, USCPD Capt. Eric Grabski said it was important for the community to embrace the new safety measures. “Samantha’s family has said this: They want something good to happen out of this unspeakable tragedy, and what they is want is, they want us to come together to form some habits to be safe in the future,” Grabski said.

They also urged students to use a Five Points pickup spot, so everyone had to go to the same area to be picked up by Uber or Lyft. However, reporters noticed several students not using the designated Uber pickup spot, who were instead picked up or dropped off at the doors of various bars and restaurants. Some students feel the Uber campaign was not enough. “Like, a heavier police presence downtown would help the general consensus of safety because, I mean, I’ve seen fights break out on the street and stuff, and there’s not a cop in sight,” fourth-year retail management student Taylor Faile said. USCPD Sgt. Nick Peters said one of the police force’s biggest priorities is looking for individuals who could cause trouble. “I know college kids are going to drink. We all know that. I’m trying to look for people that are causing fights,” Peters said. “I normally try to look for the ones that are possibly harming themselves or others.”

OLIVIA MCLUCAS // THE GAMECOCK T-shirts hang in Eddie’s Calzones restaurant, a popular late-night spot for students in Five Points.

Students always return for experience

ROBBIE GREENWALD // THE GAMECOCK Students stop by the chicken on a stick stand in Five Points next to Thirsty Parrot on Harden Street.

we should just smoke weed.

as long as we don’t get arrested.

Though many late-night restaurant employees say they see crazy things each night, Chicken on a Stick employee Sing Tam says it’s all pretty normal. He’s been selling the renowned chicken on weekends outside of what used to be The Horseshoe Bar for eight years and said he keeps coming back for his customers. Even with the drunkenness, tears and fights, to some, nights in Five Points are just a normal part of college drinking culture. “You can get, like, a million vibes here,” Jones said. “That’s one of the good things about Five Points that I’ve always liked.” However, Five Points’ future might be in jeopardy and could face bar closures in the future. South Carolina Sen. Dick Harpootlian represents a group of Five Points residents who believe certain bars facilitate underage drinking and overconsumption, which results in property damage. Despite the pushback, Five Points continues to offer a unique experience that keeps college-aged students coming back for vodka sodas and Cook Out trays. “No other place like Five Points,” fourth-year biology student Zach Smith said.

Reporting: Sekani Adebimpe, Christine Bartruff, Genna Contino, Kailey Cota, Sarah Cronin, Sarah Eissmann, Hannah Harper, Rita Naidu, Lily Shahida, Erin Slowey, Nick Sullivan, Taylor Washington Photo: Robbie Greenwald, Kailee Kokes, Ethan Lam, Olivia McLucas, James Motter, Vanessa Purpura, Alyssa Rasp, Shreyas Saboo, Haley Salvador Video: Amy Grace Aarturn, Marsharia Adams, Connor Bettge, Spencer Buckler, Finn Carlin, Jack Heeke, Ward Jolles, Nathanael Lemmens, Kaylee Olivas, Rachel Smith Video editing: Spencer Buckler Story: Genna Contino and Taylor Washington



Column: South Carolina is underachieving despite revenue ELI BRAND Contributor

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In John Steinbeck’s novel “Of Mice and Men,” one of the central characters is Lennie, a loveable oaf who all too often finds himself in difficult and disappointing situations because he doesn’t understand his own strength and potential. If t here is a Len n ie in college athletics, it’s South Carolina, and if the Gamecocks want to avoid the same fate as Steinbeck’s protagonist, it’s high time they realize their potential. Regardless of how you feel about it, the best way to get ahead in this country is to have more money than the next guy. This is true in politics, the auction house, college admissions a nd mu lt iple ot her i nst it ut ions, including college athletics. Well, unless you’re the University of South Carolina. The 20 athletic departments with the highest revenue in 2018 account for 527 NCAA national championships combined, wh ile Sout h Carolina accounts for just four. Among these top-20 institutions, the only other university with similar numbers is Louisville at t wo, but both of those titles are in a revenue sport (men’s basketball), while South Carolina has no t itles in revenue sports. Generally in college athletics, baseball and women’s basketball do not operate in the black. The program that best represents the ineptitude of the South Carolina at h let ics depar t ment in w in n ing championships is the one many fans care most about: football. According to Forbes, South Carolina is the 16th most valuable football program in the country in 2019, tied with Arkansas. This elite revenue has made the program one of the best in the country in multiple categories. Stadium capacity, attendance, facilities a nd recr u it i ng have been t h i ngs Gamecock fans can brag about. One thing they can’t boast about is the embarrassing lack of success the team has historically had.

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Cocky hypes up fans at the football game against Florida at Williams-Brice Stadium on Oct. 19.

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In 127 years of Sout h Carolina football, the team boasts a paltr y zero national championships, one c o n f e r e n c e c h a m p i o n s h ip , o n e Heisman Trophy winner and four all-Americans. Compare this to the 25th most valuable football program, in-state rival Clemson, which has three national championships, 24 conference championships and 28 all-Americans, and you can really see how inexcusably poor USC has performed. I n ter m s of a prog ra m t hat is most comparable to South Carolina in athletic department and football program value, t he Universit y of Georgia gives us the best view as to what the Gamecocks should be. Both the Gamecocks and Bulldogs compete in t he Sout heastern Conference, sit next to one another on t he m ap a nd, a s of t he 2018 Forbes rankings, sat at 15th and 16th, respectively, in football program value. Despite t hese sim ilar it ies, t he Bulldogs tower over South Carolina in terms of accomplishments. UGA has over 40 national titles, with two of t hose being in football. They also boast 14 conference titles on the gridiron. Despite these honestly mediocre numbers, when compared to their peers at the top of the sport, Georgia expects excellence from its team. In fact, when the two old rivals in UGA and South Carolina take jabs at one another, one of the most common ba rbs G a mecock fa ns g ive t hei r Bulldog counterparts is that they have the expectations of an all-time great program and the history of an average one at best. If a Georgia fan ever hears this from a South Carolina fan in the future, the only insult they need say in return is that South Carolina has the expectations of South Carolina and the history of South Carolina. If consistent high-level success is ever going to come to Columbia, the department as a whole is going to have to understand what they are and what they can become. Otherwise, just like Lennie in “Of Mice and Men,” South Carolina will always be dreaming of what could be instead of actually becoming what it could be.


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Column: The current state of SC football Gamecock football head coach Will Muschamp stands on the Williams-Brice sidelines during the game against Clemson University on Nov. 30.

JOE MCLEAN Contributor

The University of South Carolina and football always have and always will be synonymous with electric game days and supportive fans. However, after a 38-3 loss to Clemson, it doesn’t feel like that right now. In Saturday’s loss to the Tigers, it was the sixthstraight loss to Clemson in — and stop me if you’ve heard this before — a putrid offensive performance. It ended the season with a 4-8 record, the worst football record since the 2015 season, when the Gamecocks posted a 3-9 record. The Gamecocks did have a goal-line stop on Clemson’s first drive. However, South Carolina soon threw an interception, which set up a Clemson score, and it never looked back. For the sixth year in a row, the Tigers beat the Gamecocks in an uncompetitive game. The Gamecocks were never really in the game, and to make matters worse, there was almost as much orange as there was garnet in the upper deck in the east stands of Williams-Brice Stadium. Regardless of the record, that’s unacceptable. That begs the question: Now what? At some point, something has to change. Muschamp claimed this was his best team yet before the season.

But his “best team” posted a 4-8 record and completely missed a bowl game, which should be a minimum expectation for the Gamecocks. His best team did beat No. 3 Georgia on the road, but they followed that performance with losses to Florida and Tennessee. Also, his best team lost a de facto home game against North Carolina after leading 20-9 to start the year. That surely doesn’t sound like progress to me, something which has been a point of emphasis. Many have called for a new offensive coordinator and a new strength coach. These wishes were granted Sunday, as reports surfaced that South Carolina had fired strength coach Jeff Dillman and demoted offensive coordinator Bryan McClendon. McClendon is expected to remain on staff in a role not yet confirmed. In addition, quarterbacks coach Dan Werner was fired Sunday. The Gamecocks have not scored more than 27 points against FBS teams this year, relying upon an extremely predictable playbook. They have also averaged 22.4 points per game in 2019. It might be easy to blame the players on the field, but I ask you to find a time that players such as Ryan Hilinski or Bryan Edwards didn’t put it all on the line for their university. Athletics director Ray Tanner could fire Muschamp,

but with a buyout of over $19 million, it would be an expensive firing, and the program would be hitting the reset button again. But at some point, it’s worth asking: When is mediocrity no longer going to be accepted? With a 26-25 record, Muschamp has been nothing but mediocre since 2016. Fans will have different opinions on who is and is not worthy of a job. And right now, there is no right or wrong answer. But regardless, students, fans and alumni, who invest a lot of time and money into supporting their team, deserve to see changes. South Carolina fans are some of the most loyal in the country, even in the toughest of times. South Carolina has all the resources to succeed in football, and it’s time to show it on the field. No one likes to see anyone lose a job, but the future of South Carolina football is in limbo. There is no excuse for that. The program finally has the necessary facilities, thanks to the new Long Family Football Operations Center. Add that with a passionate fan base and being in a prime recruiting area, the pieces are in place. But at this point, actions are louder than words. Editor’s note: This column has been updated following South Carolina’s game against Clemson.

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Women’s basketball wins Reef Division in Paradise Jam tournament MICHAEL SAULS Sports Writer


Senior guard Tyasha Harris dribbles the ball against USC Upstate at Colonial Life Arena on Nov. 21.

The Gamecock women’s basketball team played in the Paradise Jam, an invitational tournament in the U.S. Virgin Islands, over Thanksgiving break and added two wins and one loss to its record, defeating Washington State and Baylor despite an early loss to Indiana. The win over Baylor Saturday night earned South Carolina the title of Paradise Jam Reef Division Champs. The Gamecocks’ first game was against the University of Indiana Thanksgiving night. Indiana came into the game ranked No. 17 with a 4-0 record and pulled an upset win, defeating South Carolina 71-57. The Gamecocks were down 38-31 going into halftime after scoring only 9 points in the second quarter, a season low.

Overall, South Carolina was called for 23 fouls. Senior Tyasha Harris and freshman Aliyah Boston both fouled out early in the fourth quarter. Harris finished with 5 points and Boston finished with 10. “We got ourselves in some foul trouble and were not able to play who we needed to play, who’s played for us all season long,” head coach Dawn Staley told the Associated Press. Senior Mikiah Herbert Harrigan led t he G a mecock s i n scor i ng throughout the game with 13 points. The second game, against t he Washington State Cougars, provided a bounce-back win for the Gamecocks. South Carolina led from the beginning Friday, defeating Washington State 68-53. Herbert Harrigan scored 20 points. The Gamecocks shot 47.5% against t he Washington State Cougars, compared to 36.9% against t he

Indiana Hoosiers. South Carolina forced Washington State to turn the ball over 21 times a nd scored 23 point s of f t hose turnovers. Staley and the Gamecocks finished their time in the Virgin Islands with a 74-59 win over No. 2 Baylor. South Carolina was led by the offensive power of Boston and Harris, who both scored 20 points. The Gamecocks improved their shooting percentage during the tournament by shooting 52.8% from the field, while the Bears shot 34.8%. Boston’s performance landed her Paradise Jam MV P, and Herbert Harrigan earned an all-tournament team nod. South Carolina’s next game is in Philadelphia against Temple Dec. 7 at 3 p.m. The Gamecocks will be back home Dec. 15 against Purdue at 2 p.m.

Top five SC basketball games to watch in spring semester JACK VELTRI Sports Writer Over the last couple of years, t he Sout h C a r o l i n a m e n’s a n d w o m e n’s b a s k e t b a l l programs have played in some of the biggest games in college basketball. The same can be said about t he 2019-20 season, as they will be playing against some of the best teams in t he cou nt r y. Here are the top-five games to watch as the season progresses. 5) No. 5 South Carolina WBB vs. No. 6 Texas A&M, March 1, noon EST on ESPN 2 These top-10 teams will face off in the final g a me of t he reg u l a r season at Colon ial Life Arena. This m at c hu p c o u ld v e r y we l l de t e r m i ne w ho w ill f inish as t he top seed heading into the SEC Tournament. Since joi n i ng t he SEC i n 2012, the Aggies are 3-6 against South Carolina and will be looking for their first win since Jan. 16, 2014. 4) Sout h Carolina MBB vs. No. 9 K e nt u c k y, Ja n . 15, 6:30 p.m. EST on SEC Network Since head coach

John Calipari was hired by Kent uck y in 2009, he has focused all of his ef for t s on bu ilding a winning program each year. This season, that trend will continue as t he W i ldcat s w i l l be searching for its f irst national championship since 2012. However, S out h C a rol i n a w i l l have a n oppor t u n it y to make a massive statement if it can pull a victory against the top team in the SEC. 3) N o . 5 S o u t h Carolina WBB vs. No. 10 Mississippi State, Jan. 20, 7 p.m. EST on ESPN 2 I n recent years, S o ut h C a r ol i n a a nd Mississippi State have been t wo of t he most dom i na nt tea ms i n t h e S E C . I n 2 0 17, t hey faced of f i n t he national championship of the NCA A Division I Women’s Basketball To u r n a m e n t . T h e Gamecocks defeated the Bulldogs by a score of 67-55 to win their first national championship in school history. This should be an intriguing matchup to watch a s bot h teams are listed as t wo of t he top -10 scoring offenses in the country. 2) Sout h Carolina MBB @ No. 7

Virg inia, Dec. 22, 3 p.m. EST on ABC The Gamecocks will t r a v e l t o Jo h n Pa u l Jones Arena where they will face the defending n at ion a l c h a mpion s . Last season, No. 5 Virginia came to Columbia and defeated South Carolina 69-52. That said, the team will be look ing to avenge t he defeat a nd shock the college basketball world on nat ional television. It will take a g reat p er for m a nce from the Gamecocks to upend the top scoring defensive team in the country. 1) N o . 5 S o u t h Carolina WBB vs. No. 4 Connecticut, Feb. 10 , 7 p. m . E S T o n ESPN 2 It i s no se c ret t he UConn Husk ies have been the most successful w o m e n’s b a s k e t b a l l program since it won its first championship in 1995. Last season, South Carolina fell to the Huskies on the road 97-79. The Gamecocks w ill look to break t hrough and beat t he Husk ies in Febr uar y, as t he series bet ween UCon n a nd Sout h Carolina continues. The teams could also meet a g a i n i n t he NC A A Tournament.

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Senior setter Courtney Koehler serves against University of North Carolina at Charlotte on Sept. 10.

Gamecock Volleyball receives NCAA tournament bid FAITH WORRELL Sports Writer

South Carolina volleyball is heading to the NCA A Tournament for the second year in a row. It received a bid in the No. 8 seeded Washington regional and will play Colorado State in Seattle in the first round Friday at 8 p.m. The team also wrapped up its 2019 regular season this week. Here is a look into what happened. Under second-year coach Tom Mendoza, the Gamecocks finished their season with an overall record of 19-11, conference record of 11-7 and a 10-3 record at home. Seniors Seniors this year included middle blocker Claire Edwards, defensive spec ia l ist Add ie Br ya nt , set ter Courtney Koehler, right side Mikayla Shields and outsider hitters Brittany McLean and Alicia Starr. Throughout the season it was the seniors who combined for 58% of the team’s kills, 78% of team assists and 75% of team aces. Edwards had a career-high season this year. Her average points per set were 2.41 and her hitting percentage was .315. Another success of Edward’s senior season was her 17 aces and 97 blocks. Season start The Gamecock s opened t heir season with the Panther Challenge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and the UCF Challenge in Orlando, Florida. After those two tournaments, the team was 3-3 and traveled back to Columbia to host UNC-Charlotte in the first home match. Despite t he slow st ar t i n t he tournaments, the Gamecocks swept

the 49ers at home in front of 1,721 fans. Key match One of the most exciting matches of the season for the Gamecocks was their second season match against Clevela nd State in t he Pa nt her Challenge. After coming off a seasonopening loss to Cincinnati the day before, South Carolina rallied to claim its first win of the season the following day. The Gamecocks had to overcome a 2-1 set deficit against the Vikings, and that comeback was aided by junior Jess Vastine, who had a double-double with 16 digs and 16 kills, and Shields, who had 17 kills for the night. Season as a whole The overall season had a lot of highs, including 12 sweeps. The longest win streak was five, which included wins over Tennessee, Alabama, LSU, Mississippi State and Ole Miss. The Gamecocks proved to perform under pressure after winning five out of six five-set-matches, only losing to Georgia 2-3 midway through the season. It was the leadership of the team’s six seniors that helped the Gamecocks achieve a 19-11 season record. A lso a id i ng Sout h Ca rol i na’s winning record this season were j u n i o r s Va s t i n e a n d M i k a y l a Robinson. W hen South Carolina wins, the two of them are performing highly in aces, kills and blocks. Looking ahead to the postseason South Carolina will now turn its attention to Colorado State Friday in the Seattle, Washington regional. The Gamecocks will take on the Rams at 8 p.m. The winner will take on the winner of Washington and Winthrop in the second round.




CULTURE MOVIE OF THE WEEK: “Frozen II” With the release of “Frozen II” last week, the film racked up the biggest opening weekend of an animated movie ever. The sequel following the blockbuster hit “Frozen” had a lot to live up to, and it delivers. With a new adventure awaiting Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven follow their quest as it leads them far, far away. Featuring the talents of Idina Menzel, K risten Bell and Josh Gad, “Frozen II” offers powerful ballads like “Into the Unknown” and “Show Yourself” to stack up against “Let it Go.”

ALBUM OF THE WEEK: “Everyday Life” by Coldplay After a four-year hiatus, Coldplay ret u r ns w it h it s new a lbu m “Everyday Life.” The album feels like a bare bones acoustic version of the Coldplay audiences are used to. Songs do not have techno beats or synth chords. Instead, most songs are accompanied by guitars, drums, a few pieces from the brass section and clapping. Standouts from the album include “BrokEn,” a song that sounds like it came straight from a Sunday church ser v ice t hat feat ures a choir echoing Chris Martin’s singing, “A rabesque,” a jazzy-cowboy ballad and “Orphans,” which feels like a return to 2011 Coldplay.

SONG OF THE WEEK: “demons” by Hayley Kiyoko

Santas tell all

The men behind the beards: NICK SULLIVAN AND KENNA COE Arts & Culture Editor and Assistant Editor


ou better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I’m telling you why: There could be more than 160 Santas in South Carolina. Santa Dale Parris and his wife, Trish “Mrs. Claus” Parris, never intended to become the Clauses. The two met in 1978 during their t ime as Marines and married t wo years later. Their first time dressing as Mr. and Mrs. Claus was in 1995 at breakfast with Santa for their daughter’s elementary school. According to Santa Dale, many Santas get their start this way. “It’s almost addictive, because once you do it a couple times and you see how happy people are, you want to do more of it,” Mrs. Claus said. “It’s one of those few characters

in life that always brings a smile to a face, no matter where you are. People are never mad at Santa.” South Carolina houses two major Santa social groups, both of which Santa Dale is a part of: The International Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santas and Palmetto Santas. True to its name, IBRBS is open to strictly real bearded Santas and Mrs. Clauses from across the country, whereas Palmetto Santas accepts Clauses of all kinds, bearded or not, within the state of South Carolina. Santa Dale keeps the list, and checks it t wice, for Palmetto Santas, meaning he keeps track of group members and facilitates contact between them. He also serves as the IBRBS point of contact in South Carolina, despite only attending his first networking event in 2006. SEE SANTAS PAGE 10

Hayley Kiyoko’s song “demons” starts off with a beat that will remind you of something straight off the radio during the ‘90s. The song then dives into K iyoko’s internal struggle to get rid of her “demons.” Kiyoko sings, “Please forgive me, I’ve got demons in my head / Tryna eat me, tryna feed me / Lies until I’m dead.” These lines sound like an eternal struggle with anxiety and/or depression, something K iyoko is familiar with.

TWEET OF THE WEEK: “one time i shut myself in my room and listened to linkin park while crying because a girl told me she wouldn’t be able to go to with me to the 2005 nickelodeon’s kids choice awards if i were to hypothetically win tickets in a sweepstakes i saw in a commercial but never entered” —@Dustinkcouch


Colonial Life Arena Dec. 3 at 8 p.m.

Snowball Festival 2019 Icehouse Amphitheater Dec. 5 at 4 p.m.

Lights Before Christmas Riverbanks Zoo Dec. 6 at 5 p.m..

—compiled by Savannah Tranter

‘Nutcracker’ to promote tradition, community LILY SHAHIDA Arts & Culture Writer

For the 59th year, Columbia City Ballet will be presenting the holiday classic “Nutcracker.” In anticipation of the holidays, the Columbia can see performances at the Koger Center for the Arts from Dec. 14 to 15 and Dec. 21

to 22. T h i s y e a r, “ N u t c r a c k e r,” d i re c t e d b y a r t i s t ic d i re c tor William Starrett of Columbia C it y Ba l let , w i l l enc ap s u late the Christmas spirit for which it is known while incorporating updates to casting and characters. Performances will feature special g uests on stage and a t wist to character casting. Unlike previous

produc t ion s, t he L ead Cadet will play t he roles of bot h t he Nutcracker and the Sugar Plum Cavalier. Small changes such as t hese keep audiences on t heir toes, especially if they attend this ballet every year. SEE NUTCRACKER PAGE 11


Dance students to choreograph original works

ASHLEE GAINEY Arts & Culture Writer

USC da nce st udent s w il l highlight the art of choreography and dancing, with original pieces to be choreographed and performed by USC students Dec. 3 to 6. “They get to choose t heir own music, their dancers, their costumes, etc.,” said Cynthia Flach, the concert director and adjunct professor. Though the showcase is run by students, Flach is helping along the way. This is Flach’s 15th year work i ng as concer t d irector, a role in which she helps put on two showcases per academic year. “[The dancers and choreographers] are 200% devoted to their creation,” Flach said. Flach said every year the dancers’ techniques advance, and there is no exception for this year. For this showcase, all of t he dances are contemporary with the exception of two pieces, which gives dancers a chance to explore more than just what they study in the classroom. M a g g ie L a mpl i s a s e c o ndyear da nce per for ma nce a nd c hor e og r aphy s t ude nt w ho i s dancing and choreographing in this semester’s showcase. As both a dancer and choreographer, Lampl said she has had to find a balance between being a leader and a good follower while rehearsing and switching between roles. She said she believes being a dancer has taught her how to be somewhat of a “clay” to fit what her choreographer needs. Lampl said her choreography, “I am not,” is a piece that represents the “expectations of oneself and how toxic expectations can, sort of, drag you down.”


Dancers perform “Naked”by former dance student John L. Green II at the fall 2017 Choreography Showcase.

Lampl said she feels “sensitive” to this piece because she sometimes feels as t hough she expects too much from herself. “ T h is piece is me t r y i ng to explore those feelings and learn to let them go a little bit,” Lampl said. Third-year dance performance a nd choreog raphy a nd French student Bekah Larose is another da ncer a nd choreog rapher. On a plane ride home, Larose came across a sunset that inspired her. She said she believes the imagery inf luenced her, and she is now incorporat ing t he idea into her performance. “Art inspires other art,” Larose said. Larose said she finds it important to bring other media, including v isual art such as su nsets, into dance. “I am so uplif ted by t he commitment and the passion of each dancer to the art of dance,” Flach said. Performances w ill be held in Drayton Hall from Dec. 3 through 6 at 7:30 p.m each night. Tickets can be purchased at the Longstreet Theatre box off ice or by phone at 803-777-2551. Concert tickets are $15 for students, $20 for USC fac u lt y a nd st af f, m il it ar y a nd seniors and $22 for the general public.


“ We d rove out t o Branson, Missouri, and walked in not knowing anyone, and it was like a big family reunion. You know, ‘Hi, Santa. How are you? Where you from?’” Santa Dale said. “It was a big family reunion, and everybody k n e w e v e r y b o d y, because you were either Santa or Mrs. Claus.” Santa Claude O’Donovan, an 81-yearold member of IBRBS f rom A i ken , don ned the red and white for t he f i r s t t i me t h re e years ago and has done photoshoots with over 5,000 children since. “I never t hought I would start a whole new career so late in my life. I’m having a lot of fun with it,” Santa Claude said. One Santa, who wished to remain anonymous to maintain “t he s t e w a r d s h ip of the Santa image,” said he had a very different introduction to the role. For t y yea rs ago t h is Christ mas eve, Santa Patrick under went an emergency surgery he said he was not supposed to survive. He missed Christmas. W hen he was well enough to receive visitors a month later, he said his family “saved” t he hol id ay f or h i m by bringing a tree and presents to the hospital. “I just told myself, if I get a chance to see another Christmas, I’m going to make the most of it,” Santa Patrick said. “Four years later, I put on the suit for the first


time, and it’s been a strong focus for me ever since then.” Fo r m a n y S a n t a s , t he s e he a r t w a r m i n g holiday experiences lie at the center of what they do. Santa Dale and Mrs. Claus have worked an event at a Virginia shopping mall for years, and every year they see a girl in her 20s, nonverbal and wheelchair bound, waiting first in line. “As soon as she sees him, her whole face just lights up like a candle. And every year we go, we really hope and pray that she’s gonna be the f irst person we see,” Mrs. Claus said. “She’s just always so excited. She can’t say a word, but her face does it all.” T he role of Sa nt a, though, is much more than cookies and photo ops. According to Santa Claude, it’s a common misconception that they buy cheap costumes and fake beards when, in fact, their professional Santa costumes can cost upwards of $2,000. Santa Patrick said he spends hours grooming his beard, and his costumes are handmade rather than off the rack. Much like any other job, Mrs. Claus said, being Santa takes t ime and practice. T he r ole of S a nt a isn’t always holly jolly, eit her. Sa nt a Claude sa id some ch ild ren are terrified of Santa, though the ones that cry always provide a funny photo opportunity. The s t e r e ot y p e of b e a r d pulling is also a very real concern for some Santas. “If the beard’s real,

they won’t pull it. If you got a fake beard, they’ll pull it,” Santa Claude said. Santas also have to be prepared to respond to any u nex pected comments a child might say to them. According to Santa Dale, children will tell Santa t hings t hey won’t tel l t hei r parents. They’ve asked him for g uns and grenades, to bring back decea sed loved one s and to keep parents out of their beds. He said social groups such as IBRBS allow Santas to swap stories so others can formulate responses should similar situations arise. It ’s i n s er iou s moments, though, that some Santas have the greatest impact. Santa Dale and Mrs. Claus also visit older believers with dementia or Alzheimer’s. T ho u g h t he y m i g ht “forget everything else,” Mrs. Claus said, they all recognize Santa when he comes to visit. Sa nta Pat rick is trained for hospice care and has visited an elderly patient with depression for the last few years. He also gets calls from pa rent s wa nt i ng to make their terminally ill child’s last Christmas special. For those who work as Santa at a “more serious level,” he said, these are the moments that they do it for. “It’s not always the limelight and that type of thing,” Santa Patrick said. “We have qu iet Sa nt a moment s t h at we’re also ver y proud of.”



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Tripping on Bricks to perform debut album

SARAH CRONIN Arts & Culture Writer

Ridge DeVuono is the lead singer and manager of Tripping on Bricks, a band founded by a group of USC students in 2016. Almost four years later, the band of mostly USC alumni released its first album, “Colorblind,” Nov. 22. As the songwriter, DeVuono said “Colorblind” is a homage to his experience in college. It touches on subjects such as dealing with losing someone special, mental health and not doing what one believes they are supposed to do. “A lot of the stuff that I write could be upbeat and happy, like, melodically, but the lyrics I have been writing are relatively dark,” DeVuono said. David Bowie, Nirvana, Kings of Leon and The Doors are on the list of artists Tripping on Bricks has pulled inspiration from. DeVuono credits the fact that each band member has such a wide range of musical tastes to what sets them apart as a band. The idea of st ar t i ng a ba nd bega n du r i ng DeVuono’s second year of college, when he won USC’s Got Talent by playing Darius Rucker’s “Wagon W heel.” He caught t he at tent ion of student drummer Evan Harper, who approached him about possibly playing together. DeVuono didn’t take Harper up on his offer until a year later, when he started playing casually with the original lead guitarist Jonathan Bruney, who asked if he knew of a drummer. “[I] went over there and jammed with him a little bit,” DeVuono said. “We just like gelled i m med iately, a nd he sa id, ‘Do you k now a drummer?’ and I said, ‘Matter of fact, I just bumped into one.’” From there, Harper mentioned he knew a bassist, Evan Tyler, and the band was formed. Tripping on Bricks began playing covers at campus events, such as Relay for Life, or sorority and fraternit y events at local bars. DeVuono introduced his own music to the band, which opened up new opportunities, such as gigs at New Brookland Tavern. After graduation, Bruney took a job in North Carolina, so Nick Auch, who was t he sou nd technician at Breakers Live, became lead guitarist. He added a rhythmic style to the band, according to DeVuono. When it came to recording their debut album, the band members enjoyed the studio environment, but producing and funding the project themselves was a difficult task.


Tripping on Bricks played during this year’s First Night Carolina on the Russell House Patio Aug. 21. The Columbia rock band recently released its first full-length album, “Colorblind,” written by lead singer Ridge DeVuono to reflect on his college experience.

“We did what we could with what we had, and we knew it wasn’t going to be a lot, but it was, you know, it was going to be raw and it was going to be us and I thought that was pretty fitting for the way that the lyrics and music are,” DeVuono said. Auch is t he only member of t he band who didn’t attend USC, and also the only one who went to school to study music, specifically sound engineering. The rest of the members were selftaught. Since they produced the album themselves, they had to learn the recording process, which turned into a lot of question-asking and “learning things on the fly,” DeVuono said. DeVuono graduated with a business degree and said a lot of what he learned has been useful while managing the band, especially money management. While recording “Colorblind,” DeVuono would often book gigs the day before they were supposed to go into the studio in order to pay for their time.


The Nutcracker leads Clara into the magical kingdom of the Mouse King in Columbia City Ballet’s production of the classic ballet. FROM NUTCRACKER PAGE 9

Principal dancer Bo Busby, who has performed in Columbia Cit y Ballet’s production of “Nutcracker” for four seasons, performs the lead role of t he Nutcracker, meaning he will also perform as the Lead Cadet a nd Sugar Plu m Caval ier and dance the sugar plum pas de deux — or dance of two — at the end of the show. This might seem like a daunting responsibility, but according to Busby, it is a privilege. “The ‘Nutcracker’ is magic for some ch i ld ren. I mea n, for me, especially. I speak on behalf of lots of other dancers that that was your first experience with dance,” Busby said. W hen a cla s sic show s uc h a s “ Nut c r ac k er ” h a s b e e n put on a n nua l ly by nea rly ever y ba l let company and has been seen by so many people, it is important that each company makes its production stand out. For the Columbia City Ballet, the secret to its success is a focus on community. They recruit volunteers, perform all over the state and put notable effort into involving audiences. To accompany the performances, the Koger Center will also host a series of lavish tea parties. For those who choose to attend, the tea parties are a way for audiences to interact with the dancers, who put on their costumes and join audience members for an afternoon of entertainment, food and, of course, tea.

Crafts and stories are also offered as a way for the ballet to serve the community by furthering education. These parties are planned with great detail and are a way to share the traditions of Southern hospitality with the community. “The tea party is a quintessential part of gracious sout hern liv ing and we want to make sure that we pass this tradition on to our youth,” Jamie White, development director at the Columbia City Ballet, said in an email. Just as audiences look forward to “Nutcracker” every holiday season, so do the dancers. A lthough they perform “Nutcracker” every year, rehearsing from October until the end of November, the dancers at Columbia Cit y Ballet do not let go of the feeling that comes with performing a truly beloved, seasonal tradition. For Busby, who has known and loved “Nutcracker” since he was 3 years old, this is especially true. “ Yo u w a n t t o s t a r t h a v i n g traditions with your children, and then they have traditions with their c h i ld ren , a nd t he ‘ Nutc r ac ker ’ becomes part of everybody’s holiday tradition,” Busby said. For those who already embrace this tradition, and for those who would like to start, tickets for this year’s performances of “Nutcracker” can be purchased online, over the phone or in person at the Koger Center box office, and tickets for tea parties can be purchased by calling the ballet office at 803-799-7605.

They took to GoFundMe once, which, with the help of their fans, allowed them to afford an extra day in the studio. T here were a lot of ups a nd dow ns wh i le recording, but DeVuono said once they handed him the master version of the CD it all came together for him. “I was just overrun with emotion. I didn’t think that I would feel that way but it was like a weird like burden had been lifted off,” DeVuono said. “They handed me the CD and I was like, ‘Wow on this disk is the last four years of my life, in writing.’” Tripping on Bricks will debut the album live at its release party Dec. 6 at The White Mule, and at different locations around Columbia the following two days. The band’s goal is to eventually take this album on the road and play it to as many people as it can.

Ever yone has the right to marry. Not ever yone has basic rights. In 31 states, it’s legal to discriminate against LGBT Americans.





“It was a really crazy physical challenge and definitely also mental — just to have to keep hiking for that long, especially because he did it alone, but that was really awesome,” Walton said. Janvrin said the hardest parts of the trail were both the physical aspects of “destroying” his feet, and the tendons in his legs creaking, as well as the mental aspects. “You wake up everyday dirty or wet or whatever from the day before, and you get up and walk the

same way that you walked the day before and the day before that,” Janvrin said. “Even though it is kind of an adventure, it does in a way become monotonous in some portions of the trail.” However, Janvrin and Walton both attest that anyone could complete the Appalachian Trail if they set their minds to it. They were both led to discover the trail from the book “A Walk in the Woods” by Bill Bryson. As for what’s next for Janvrin, he said: “Well, next, I need to find a job.”

Recycling comes last in the reduce, reuse, recycle order of importance, but Cook said it is the most tangible measurement for sustainability efforts and is the element the office has the most control over. The university’s recycling practices, then, can function as a lens to observe the success of its holistic sustainability efforts. Awareness In The Daily Gamecock’s anony mous sur vey of 101 USC st udents and facult y members, 55.3% of respondents said they know the difference between recyclable and nonrecyclable materials on campus, but 74.5% recycle plastic eco cups, 55.3% recycle plastic utensils and 58.1% recycle coffee cups, none of which are recyclable. However, 90.4% said they recycle while on campus, and 71.3% said they are willing to go out of their way to recycle. The data suggest people are not only uneducated on recycling guidelines, but also want to recycle and believe they are recycling properly. Melissa Shugart, a second-year chemistry and Spanish student and the communit y outreach manager for EcoReps, said a lack of proper recycling knowledge is one of the biggest issues facing campus sustainability. For example, people assume the eco plastic cups are recyclable. “It kind of breaks my heart to see it,” Shugart said. “I’ll see the recycling bins, and it’ll just look like landfill waste, and I’m like, ‘Well, there goes that.’” The university’s facilities department has a crew of four employees who sort all of the university’s recycling by hand. When nonrecyclable materials are tossed into recycling bins, Shugart said this contaminates the entire batch and makes the sorters’ jobs more difficult, sometimes causing otherwise recyclable items to get tossed. Scott Warner, sustainability manager for Carolina Food Co., said he tries to combat misinformation through posters in campus dining halls. He said by telling stories through signage, he hopes students will understand the downstream effects for people processing waste. Dameon Hopkins, the waste management and recycling manager for the facilities department, said physical paper is not enough to improve recycling and sustainability education. People are not likely to take the time to read through postings on physical paper. SEE SUSTAINABILITY PAGE 13



“Social media is the mainstream,� Hopkins said. “The black and white paper is, just, ‘I’mma glance at it, whatever, that’s a container for me to put stuff in.’� Communication According to Emma Sylves-Berry, a second-year political and environmental sc ience st udent a nd sec ret a r y of env iron ment a l af fa irs i n St udent Government, campus sustainability organizations all come up with “great� initiatives, but “nobody concentrates their ideas.� As a result, they are not always on the same page. “Communication amongst sustainability organizations on campus c ou ld b e muc h b et t er,� H a n n a h Pribanic, a second-year political science and Spanish student and the EcoReps president, said in an email interview. “A lot of us have the same goals and intentions, but we do not work with one another.� As indicated by the survey, plastic eco cups are a major source of confusion among USC students. The cups are industrially compostable, but there are no industrial composts on campus. Campus sustainability organizations had differing responses on the ideal disposal method for these non-recyclable items. Ian Bain, the farmers market and sales coordinator for Sustainable Carolina’s garden team, said it is best to throw these items in the trash. Non-recyclable items should never be thrown into the recycling, the third-year chemistry and math student said. P r ib a n ic s a id s he ag re e d . She said t hough t he cups say t hey are compostable, they cannot be composted on campus and should be thrown away. These cups can be collected on campus for proper composting, though. Warner and Sylves-Berry said the dish return on the second floor of Russell collects these cups and sends them to the proper facility for composting. “A lot of our material says compostable, but we’re just throwing it out,� SylvesBerry said. “It’s not compostable unless you compost it, otherwise it’s trash. It’s not enough just to buy the compostable material if you’re not actually going to be composting it.� Limitations According to Cook, many barriers to increasing sustainability on campus are due to larger policies. Take, for example, the plastic cups in Russell House. The cups have the widely recognized chasing arrow logo on their bottoms, but they aren’t recyclable. Cook said from a sustainability professional standpoint, this is a major cause of frustration.

“W hen they were first designing [the logo], it was never to indicate recyclability,� Cook said. Cook said the problem lies in the resin identification number, or the number in the middle of the logo. Recycling managers typically want plastics with “1� and “2� resin identification codes, which signify products that are made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE), respectively. Carolina Food Co.’s cups have a “7� etched into them, which is not accepted by managers. “Seven is like the Wild West category, because it is just ‘other,’� Cook said. According to Warner, it is cheaper to produce new plastic than recycle used plastic, so many oil-based plastic cups won’t be recycled by waste companies. Such is the case in South Carolina, which has no buyers for recyclable plastic. Warner said the most sustainable option, then, is to purchase bio-based plastics that can at least be composted. Another issue is how quickly recycling policies can change. Shugart said certain items may be accepted one month but not the next, making it difficult for students to educate themselves and stay on top of what can and cannot be recycled. Additionally, Warner said national brands – such as Panera and Chick-fil-A – operating within Russell House abide by their own service models and are not subject to any modifications that might increase sustainability here on campus. Solutions Since coming to campus in 2017, Warner has installed a computer system called “LeadPath� to track and analyze food waste patterns in busy kitchens and reduce waste. USC’s STARS food and dining rating is expected to double this year, putting it above average for similar schools. Despite t he losses to la ndf il ls, Hopkins said the facilities department capt ured more t han 1,500 tons of recycling for reuse last year. Without the department’s hand sorting, Bain said most of this would likely have ended up in the landfill. On Sustainable Carolina’s garden team, students can volunteer to help cultivate organic foods to sell at local farmers markets to reduce USC’s carbon footprint. Surplus is donated to local food pantries to fight hunger and reduce waste. Students can opt for the dine-in option at Tavolino’s, Southern Kitchen, Congaree River Smokehouse and Spice and ask for dishes rather than the default to-go single-use containers. At Starbucks, people can bring their own reusable containers for discounted prices on coffee and other drinks. Above all, Shugart said it is important


for each student to realize the impact they can have on sustainability practices just by making simple lifestyle changes, and that “recycling isn’t the end-all, be-all of sustainability because it still uses resources.� “If you swap your water bottle and a plastic bag for a reusable [bottle] and a reusable bag, over 50 years, one plastic bottle, one plastic bag a day, that’s over 500 pounds of plastic that you, yourself, can prevent from producing, from ending up in landfills,� Shugart said. “That’s what one person can do, making one change, once a day.� Shugart said increasing sustainability literacy could be as simple as requiring incoming freshmen to receive this type of information at orientation or in U101, a sentiment echoed by Sylves-Berry and Bain. The Office of New Student Orientation did not respond to three requests for comment. For Cook, the solution to creating a more sustainable USC lies in education a nd cont inued awareness of what students can do to help his office, the

campus and the larger community. “Expanding on the three R’s – reduce, reuse, recycle – I would really like to hit home the idea of when you are recycling, to know what’s really accepted,� Cook said. Sylves-Berry said the status of the upcoming new student union is still relatively up in the air. Should students show interest, the student union could be built to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification standards, meaning sustainability would be at the forefront of its construction. Unless administration hears students a re i ntere sted a nd pa s sion ate i n sustainability efforts, she said, nothing will change. “Students being aware that money has to go places, and so, where do you want your money to go?� Sylves-Berry said. “Students just have to get vocal about this.� News writer Maddox McKibben-Greene contributed to the reporting of this story.

This Week in

Gamecock Entertainment

e l g n i J Jam


Acapella Show Russell House Ballroom




Lettuce and kale grow in Sustainable Carolina located behind Green Quad. The garden grows the produce sold at the Healthy Carolina farmer’s market.

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Brazilian Wax by Andreia December 6 Dinner & a Movie Russell House Theatre





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Explore USC resources this finals season


Cook Out is best late-night food

Students fill the seats of Cook Out just before midnight Nov. 14. The late-night restaurant is known for its burgers, milkshakes and Cook Out trays.

You ca n not attend the Un iversit y of South Carolina without having heard of Cook Out. This particular fastfood cha i n is Audrey Elsberry First-year beloved by the journalism USC st udent student body for it s comfort food menu, late-night hours and, most importantly, its college student-friendly prices. C o ok O ut ’s p opu l a r it y i s no secret — driving past t he establishment shows a line out t he door almost ever y n ight and booths packed full of happy customers. Of ten, Colu mbia Police Department will station of f icers outside t he doors of Cook Out due to the number of intoxicated students who make their way through the restaurant on a regular basis. Ch ick-f il-A in Five Point s followed in Cook Out’s footsteps by extending its hours into the early morning to accommodate hungry bar-goers, keeping its doors open just Friday nights

from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m Saturday. W hile t he Chick-f il-A menu does not provide the amount of variet y as its more successf ul neighb or, it s fol low i ng h a s remained avid, especially in the South. W hile chicken nuggets and f ries seem to be t he favorite drunk food in Five Points, much praise has been given to local calzone joint Eddie’s Calzones. Conveniently located right next to the popular Breakers Bar & Grill, Eddie’s deser ves more credit as a hub for late-night dining. Eddie’s remains popular with ou r st udent body because it made the wise decision to stay open until 4 a.m. You can get a burger or chicken sandwich and fries at either of the previously n a me d e s t ab l i s h me nt s , b ut indulging on a mac and cheese calzone is an experience I can never receive from Chick-fil-A or even ou r beloved Cook Out. Eddie’s provides a unique menu that remains appealing to the customer. The only thing stopping t he v isitors of Five Points from descending on the

threshold of Eddie’s Calzones is the budget-busting prices. Cook Out does not have an item on its menu over $5 — this is the key to its success. Five dollars can get you a burger, chicken nuggets and fries. At Chick-fil-A, $5 can almost get you a chicken wrap and fries. The prices of these two chains, while Cook Out remains cheaper, are comparable. A calzone from E dd ie’s C a l z one s , howe ver, will cost you more than double what you pay at Chick-fil-A or Cook Out. A classic calzone from Eddie’s is a whopping $11, a budget-break ing pu rchase, especially after spending money around the town all night. T here a re t h ree e s sent ia l factors to being a successful latenight food joint in Five Points: prices below $5, comfort food and extra late hours. Cook Out reigns as the campus favorite midnight food hub, but Eddie’s and Chick-fil-A have immense potent ial. Each restaurant is missing one key factor of the perfect late-night food joint, which results in their eclipsing by the infamous Cook Out.

College lifestyle is detrimental W hy is it that college has become a game of “who has it worse?” From n ight ly pizz a rol ls to all-nighters, the idealism of what college health is will forever be one of t he most detrimental parts of college. Clara Bergeson In school, specifically college, Second-year public students are expected — almost relations student required — to put their mental and physical health on the back burner. With the push for more and more on a resume and the increasingly competitive job market, to stay comparable to your peers it seems as if you have to be enrolled full time, keep at least a 3.0 GPA and have at least one job on the side. On top of that, all of our energy is expected to come from ramen noodles and black coffee. Why do we let that happen? We go to class and argue about who has had the least amount of sleep, who has had the least amount to eat and who has had the worst exams or homework for the week. My friends and I have had a running gag of the semester of who has gone the longest without getting groceries. For the past few months, I have been working two jobs, having a full course load, maintaining my 4.0 GPA and, when I have the time, keeping myself alive. There is absolutely no point I should feel like I have to do this in order to feel proud of myself.

We shouldn’t feel like it is normal to live off hot pockets and Monster Energy. We shouldn’t feel like we have to pull all-nighters at T. Coop just to be able to finish a paper we should have started a week and a half ago. Specifically for USC, we shouldn’t feel like it’s OK for part of our student body frequent Five Points night after night. We have to realize that college students need to take better care of themselves. Not even that, but you need to realize that you need to take better care of yourself. There is little to no good that can come from an average of three hours of sleep per night, and you are the only one that can change that. Now, I know that some of us are not able to change the current situation we are in. People are putting themselves through college and have to work two jobs just to live — which also shouldn’t be something that is normal, but it is very unlikely I can fix any of that in this short column. But, even then, you deserve to take care of yourself. I can’t offer any solutions. I would love to sit here and tell you to quit your jobs and care a little bit less about your grades, but it’s so much easier to say that than for anything to actually happen. The main thing is that what we are doing now is horrible for our health, and we deserve better. There is nothing that should come before our own well being, but we have been tricked into thinking school, jobs and money are more important than actually functioning. I promise you, it’s not.

It’s that time of year again, that odd limbo between Thanksgiving and winter break otherwise known as finals season. Freshmen, you’ve almost made it! You are hopefully acclimated to life as a USC student and are now facing your first set of finals as college students. Stephanie Allen Much ink has already been spilled Second-year on having enough sleep, taking English and art time to exercise and scheduling studio student study time during finals. A quick Google search for finals study tips will provide you with columns by everyone from Teen Vogue to The Princeton Review reiterating similar themes: Make a study plan, take care of yourself and remain focused. USC has a variet y of resources to implement these well-known study habits to help ensure this upcoming finals week is successful. Creating a study plan can be overwhelming; finishing up the last few assignments while preparing for upcoming exams can make the week before finals just as stressful as exam week itself. Thankfully, on Dec. 4, the Changing Carolina Peer Leaders host a De-Stress Fest at the Russell House patio from 2 to 5 p.m to coach students through studying and preparing for the week ahead. If your classes require final papers instead of exams, fear not! The Peer Writing and Communications Lab in Sims at Women’s Quad will host a “Portfolio PopUp” for English 101 and 102 students on Thursday, Dec. 5 from 4 to 9 p.m. Free pizza is provided. Very few things can make finals week better. Free food is one of those things. The Writing Center is also open for students to make appointments until Dec. 6. Although it is not an editing service, the center aims to help students at any point in their writing process, discussing themes, theses and ideas with students to organize their papers. Throughout finals week, the Student Success Center sponsors “Finals Frenz[ies]” in Russell House, open study sessions for a variety of classes, from philosophy to physics. These sessions are open to all sections of the classes and have the potential to be a good supplement to studying on your own. To view specific classes, go to the university calendar online. If organizing your own study groups is more appealing to you, don’t forget that you can reserve a room in the library to ensure you have a private space to work. Go to and search “reserve a room.” The library can fill up during finals week, so saving a spot can be a smart move. Even though much of your time will be spent studying, don’t be afraid to find a change of scenery. Relocating can improve retention while giving you an excuse to get out of the library. Make studying fun in as many small ways as you can. Find a way to productively treat yourself by exploring local coffee shops — continue to work hard with the comfort of your favorite hot beverage of choice. When you do find time for a break, consider using some of USC’s resources to stay active. Strom and Blatt’s hours fit even busy schedules, and Group X classes will be free for anyone with a CarolinaCard. Overall, this finals season, take a breath and be aware of all of the great resources available to you. Above all, prioritize your mental health. Remember the health center is open to walk-ins for anyone in crisis. Take time to find peace during this stressful time, whether that means going to a free yoga class, treating yourself to one of Starbucks’ holiday blends or simply finding a few moments to spend with friends. Best of luck, students. We’ve almost made it. Editor’s note: Stephanie Allen, the author, works for UofSC campus recreation.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR REQUIREMENTS Letters to the editor must not exceed 300 words. Students must include their full name, major and year. Faculty and staff must include their full name, position and department. Community members must include their full name and applicable job title. Verifiable statements of fact must include at least one source; if we cannot verify a statement of fact, your letter will not be published until the writer implements necessary changes or provides reputable sources for any facts in question. Letters are edited for clarity, style and grammar. Email submissions to or mail them to The Daily Gamecock 1400 Greene Street Columbia, SC 29225




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Advance specif ic career goals as Jupiter enters Capr icor n for t he ne x t y e a r. Lu c k propels you to the next professional level. When oppor t u n it y k nock s, open the door.


Educational discovery b e c k o n s . Fol low a yea r n i ng to see new places and st udy new things now that Jupiter transits into Capricorn for a year. Explore.


Good fortune shines on your shared accounts this year with Jupiter e nt er i n g C apr ic or n . For about the next year, responsible f i na ncial le ader sh ip p ay s r ic h rewards.


Step into new levels of pa r t nersh ip t h is ye a r w it h Jupit er i n Capricorn. Good for t u ne ble sse s you r c ol l ab or at ion . R a i s e the romance factor and savor the results.



Jupiter, herald of good fort u ne, blesses your health, fitness and labor for a year in Capricorn. Di sc ipl i ned pr ac t ice prepares you for a lucky break.


Fa m i l y joy r i s e s w it h Jupiter enter i ng Capr icor n for a year. Fall in love again. Play favorite games, sports and fun hobbies together. Expand artistic creativity.


Jupiter’s benefits this year shift toward domestic expansion, renewal and beautification. Home and family f lower. Nurture your garden with love. R e nov at ion pr ov ide s lasting gain.


Communicat ion i s y o u r g o l d e n k e y. R e s e a r c h , w r it e a n d document your story with Jupiter in Capricorn for a year. Share your heart, network and connect.


Yo u r f i n a n c i a l luck takes a posit ive turn. Practical efforts reap cash rewards with Jupiter entering Capricorn for a year. Ta k e a d v a n t a g e t o squirrel nuts away.


Experience a persona l rena issa nce for a year with Jupiter i n C apr ic or n . G r ow and develop your skills, strengths and talents. Enjoy a flowering phase.


Benefit from private introspection, planning and organizat ion. Consider long-term goals and visions with Jupiter in Capricorn this year. Create dreams and goals for the next decade.


Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis



Luck f lows through friendship and personal connection. Community action gets satisf y ing results this year with Jupiter in Capricorn. Teamwork raises the fun factor.


1 2 3 4

Solutions to today’s puzzle

© 2019 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All rights reserved.

ACROSS 1 Peruvian home 5 German philosopher who wrote “The Phenomenology of Spirit” 10 Microsoft Surface competitor 14 Chopped down 15 Amazon assistant 16 Italia’s capital 17 Imperfection 18 *Lucrative business 20 Mai __: cocktail 22 Hard to erase, as markers 23 *Medieval entertainer 26 Ave. and tpk. 27 Hard to believe 28 Word with York or Jersey 30 In shape 31 Forgetful moment 35 First part of a play 39 Doing as told, in the military ... or what the starts of the answers to starred clues can literally have? 43 Mario Kart console, initially 44 “__, but no cigar” 45 Pencil eraser, e.g. 46 Christen, as a knight 49 Hurry up 51 ISP option 54 *Hostel audience? 58 How chops or ribs are served 60 That girl 61 *Comedian’s suppliers 63 Modern in-flight amenity 66 Earl __ tea 67 Etsy’s biz, e.g. 68 Supply-anddemand sci. 69 Cravings 70 With a long face 71 Stink

DOWN 1 Campus eatery, for short 2 Guns N’ Roses frontman Rose 3 Slow-moving coastal critter 4 Bothersome browser apps 5 __ and eggs 6 Slip out to tie the knot 7 Heredity units 8 Apply, as pressure 9 Joes who aren’t pros 10 Persia, now 11 Rod for stirring a fire 12 Change for the better 13 Pub game 19 Former filly 21 Prefix for Venice’s country 23 Perp’s restraints 24 Bagel flavoring 25 “The Hunger Games” star, to fans 29 Roll of bills 32 Insta upload 33 NBC late-night weekend staple, familiarly 34 Freudian focus 36 Heart of the rink

37 More faithful 38 13-digit pub. codes 40 ‘60s hallucinogen 41 Org. providing workplace safety posters 42 Attain 47 Lyft competitor 48 Bottle-fed tykes 50 Backyard chef’s stick 51 Pooch, to a tyke 52 Drum type 53 Three-star mil. officer 55 Panna __: Italian dessert 56 Work with dough 57 Danger

59 “I-” rds., e.g. 62 Crafty 64 Hardly a friend 65 Confident crossword solver’s choice





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