The Daily Gamecock 8/26/19

Page 1 MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 2019


Off-campus housing in questionable condition

VOL. 113, NO. 2

SINCE 1908


Th is past move-in week , some returning students who moved into their new homes for the year were greeted with mold, stains and dust. Pat t i Bate s Hor ne, mot her of second-year criminolog y st udent Aust in Horne, experienced some troubles with her son’s move-in at Cayce Cove and took to a parent Fac eb o ok g roup to e x pre s s her concern and warn ot hers. I n her post, she said others in the group should not “expect the apartment to be clean, especially if there is an existing tenant!!” Horne, who has had her fair share of mov ing children into housing at other universities — including F u r m a n U n i v e r s i t y, A r i z o n a State Universit y and Wake Forest University — said while Cayce Cove is incredibly affordable and includes many amenities, her son’s move-in experience was less than ideal. W hen Horne and her son f irst arrived at the apartment, she said she was taken aback by its condition.

—courtesy of the Office of Communications and Public Affairs and the Office of Undergraduate Admissions

First-year students begin adjusting to campus INFORGRAPHIC BY: TAYLOR SHARKEY // THE GAMECOCK



raf f ic cones, welcome tent s a nd a hydration station lining Greene Street last week marked a new beginning for the 6,250 students who moved onto campus from 30 countries for their first year at USC. Christian Kolowich, a first-year criminology and criminal justice student from Georgia, moved into


Capstone on Monday with the help of his parents. Since then, he has been out and about around campus meeting other students. “There’s been a real sense of community among not just the people I’ve been talking to but everyone on campus it feels like,” Kolowich said. “Everyone is totally open and OK to just talk to or randomly meet up with.” SEE FRESHMEN PAGE 5

Muschamp Former women’s basketball and Brown player curates alcohol ice cream continue friendship on opposing sidelines TAYLOR WASHINGTON Managing Editor


Aug. 31 will be an opport unit y for South Carolina football to earn another season-opening win at Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte. Once on the same staff, now on opposing sidelines A familiar face for head coach Will Muschamp will be on the opposing sideline. Nor t h Ca rol i na footba l l head coach Mack Brown has returned to the sidelines five years after retiring at Texas in 2013. Muschamp was an assistant under Brown at Texas from 2008 to 2010. Texas won a national championship three years prior to hiring Muschamp. While Muschamp and Brown were each at Texas, the Longhorns went 12-1 in 2008 and appeared in the BCS National Championship game in 2009. “I t h ink Mack was a master at m a n ag i ng t he org a n i z at ion ,” Muschamp told The State. “I really learned a lot from him and certainly has helped me and my career, and I’m very appreciative of that.” SEE MUSCHAMP PAGE 12

In the early ‘90s, Jennifer RandallCollins found a sense of belonging on the basketball court alongside the USC women’s basketball team. Today, she’s a member of a different kind of team, one where she’s captain. Randall-Collins is the co-founder and CEO at Liquorem Holdings, and her company creates PROOF (stylized as Pr%f) alcoholic ice cream. PROOF combines what RandallCollins considers two of life’s greatest indulgences. “We have two highly-regulated areas in the food industry, one being the dairy industry and one being the alcohol industry, and we have ETHAN LAM // THE GAMECOCK found a solution to combine those Jennifer Randall-Collins opens a container of her alcohol ice cream for PROOF’s showcase at Lowes two industries with this product,” Foods on Aug. 21. Randall-Collins said. returned to Kentucky where she got For Randall-Collins, not only was PROOF also combines two places married, had children and became this a chance to harness an innovative Randall-Collins considers home. a stay-at-home mom who worked idea, but it was a chance to invest in a Randall-Collins was raised in from home. However, after meeting business that would pay dividends for Kentucky and said her family grew an individual who was tr ying to her family down the road. up “pretty poor.” If it weren’t for a commercialize an old family recipe, basketball scholarship from USC, she she decided to chase a dream she never SEE PROOF might not have even gotten the chance knew she had. to further her education at all. PAGE 6 “I ended up becoming While she’d rather forget about i nvolved because running laps up and down the Bull I t hought t he Street hill, she fondly remembers the product was surrogate family she found in the team prett y decent,” during a difficult time in her life. Randall-Collins “My mom died unexpectedly my said. “And then I freshman year in college of pancreatic also thought there cancer,” Randall-Collins said. “And was an opportunity if I didn’t have my coaches and my to build strategic teammates to surround me and lift me intellectual up, and the whole athletic department, prop er t y a rou nd I don’t know that I’d be sitting here the product, so I’d with this opportunity today.” k ind of jumped in After graduating with a business with both feet quite degree in 1995, Randall-Collins frankly.”






Once on the same coaching staff at Texas, Muschamp and Brown are facing off in the Belk Kickoff.

Swift’s seventh studio album is a magnificent parade of glitter and vulnerability.

Page 12


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Panhellenic recruitment ended on Sunday with about 1,500 women running home to their new sorority sisters. Page 4

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