18 0 2 7 1 20 YEAR L SCHOO
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2 Saturday, August 5, 2017
The Globe
Table of Contents
PAGE 3 - Harris - Lake Park Schools PAGE 4 - Sibley - Ocheyedan Schools PAGE 6 - Worthington Schools PAGE 9 - Heron Lake - Okabena Schools PAGE 10 - Windom Schools PAGE 11 - Jackson County Central Schools PAGE 13 - Adrian Schools PAGE 14 - Ellsworth Schools
PAGE 15 - Fulda Schools PAGE 16 - Luverne Schools PAGE 17 - Murray County Central Schools PAGE 19 - Edgerton - Southwest MN Christian PAGE 20 - Edgerton Schools PAGE 21 - Westbrook - Walnut Grove Schools PAGE 22 - Pipestone Area Schools
Thank you to all of the advertisers who have supported this publication and all the local students!
The Globe
Harris-Lake Park
Saturday, August 5, 2017 3
Harris-Lake Park schools are happy to introduce their new superintendent. Andy Irwin. He has declared that the district would “continue to provide a quality education.”
HARRIS-LAKE PARK SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST Elementary student will need an extra pair of inexpensive canvas tennis shoes they can leave in their lockers for gym or days they forget their shoes. The elementary gym floor will be refinished this summer, so we are requesting students have clean shoes on the gym floor. PRESCHOOL Backpack Large box of Kleenex Green cholox wipes Paint shirt (a size too big and labeled) Headphones (labeled) Extra set of clothes in Ziploc bag label bag Last name start with A-N bring Glue bottle Pack of 4 fine tip dry erase markers 24 pk of crayons 1 pk multi color construction paper Last name start with O-Z bring Pack of 4 glue sticks (Elmer’s purple glue sticks) 1 pack of 8 washable markers 1-2 sheets of stickers for art center play 1 water color paint tray KINDERGARTEN 1 bath towel Box of 8 Crayola twistable crayons Set of 8 Crayola markers 1 container of Clorox wipes School bag Box of Kleenex 4 #2 pencils 1 dry erase marker 8 Elmer’s glue sticks 1 cloth or soft vinyl pencil/ crayon case Last name starts with A-N bring 1 box sandwich size Ziploc bags Last name starts with O-Z bring 1 box gallon size Ziploc bags Please label all items FIRST GRADE 1 & ½’’ binder Set of 8 binder tab dividers 1 wide ruled spiral notebook 3 ring clear binder pencil pouch 3 glue sticks
1 Elmer’s glue #2 pencils 3 larger erasers 24 Crayola crayons Set of 8 markers Colored pencils 4 dry erase markers 3 large boxes of Kleenex 3 containers of Clorox wipes Book bag- no trapper keepers or mini pencil sharpeners- scissors will be provided 2ND GRADE 4 glue sticks #2 pencils Large eraser 2 bullet tip dry erase markers Crayons Set of 8 markers 1 gal size Ziploc bags Small supply box Scissors Ruler (inches and centimeters) Book bag 2 spiral notebooks 3 folders Kleenex Clorox wipes 3RD GRADE Book bag Art box 1 glue stick 20 #2 pencils Large eraser Markers Crayons Colored pencils 2 dry erase markers 2 red checking pens 1 black sharpie marker Scissors Ruler (inches & centimeters) 9 folders 6 spiral notebooks wide lined 1 packet loose leaf notebook paper
wide lined 2 containers Clorox wipes 3 boxes Kleenex Please label each item 4TH GRADE 2 glue sticks 6 #2 pencils 1 large eraser Crayons Colored pencils 1 box 8-10 thick Crayola markers Scissors Ruler Book bag 2 boxes Kleenex 5 folders 3 spiral notebooks wide lined 8 dry erase markers 2 containers of Clorox wipes Please label each item 5TH GRADE 4 notebooks 6 folders 10 #2 pencils 1 large pink eraser 1 box crayons 1 box colored pencils 1 box 8-10 wide markers 2 thin permanent Sharpi markers 1 ruler 1 protractor 2 container Clorox wipes 1 glue stick 2 checking pens (not black) 2 boxes Kleenex 1 scissor Book bag 8 dry erase markers 2 thin permanent markers for art class 1 black Sharpie 6TH GRADE Trapper or notebook to carry from and to all classes Individual folders and notebooks
for each class total of 7 #2 pencils 20-24 to start Checking pens (any color except black or blue) 2 packages of 4 dry erase markers Highlighters 3 packages of 3x5 index cards Calculator Earbuds 2 glue sticks 7TH GRADE & 8TH GRADE 3 ring binder/ trapper or notebook to carry from and to all classes 7 individual folders 7 individual notebooks Loose leaf paper 3 packages of 3x5 index cards Adequate supply of pens and pencils 20-24 #2 pencils Pens for checking (any color but black or blue) Highlighters Crayons Markers or colored pencils 2 assorted packages of 4 dry erase markers Ruler Basic calculator 1 eraser 8th grade English students- additional 3 ring binder and 25 plastic sleeves for class project High school: general school supplies such as folders/ notebooks for individual classes are recommended: trapper/ binder, adequate supply of pencils/ pens: specific supplies will vary based on class electives taken. HS Math Classes: Scientific Calculator (should have sin, cos, tan, square root, A b/c button
Have a great year!
Market Street Tire Co.
Randy Johnson, Owner HARRIS, IOWA • 712.349.2114 SPIRIT LAKE, IOWA • 712.336.3800 220 Market Street • Lake Park, Iowa 712-832-9563 001611814r1
4 Saturday, August 5, 2017
The Globe
Sibley-Ocheyedan The Sibley-Ocheyedan Community School District has new goals in mind to help improve students’ educational experiences. • The district has established five literacy goals that the Sibley-Ocheyedan Board of Education intends to keep in place for the next three to five years.
• Seven new staff members have been hired. These include teachers for pre-K through fourth grade, two MS SpEd instructors and a secondary vocal teacher.
KINDERGARTEN 1 Book Bag 1 Box Tissues (200 count) 2 Boxes Crackers 1 School Supplies Box no larger than 6” X 9”
1 Zippered Pencil Bag 1 Large Pink Eraser 3 (boxes of 24) Crayons (good quality) 6 Jumbo-size Glue Sticks 2 Spiral Notebooks WIDE Lines (70 p) 4 Folders w/ Pockets 1 Cont. Clorox Wipes 1 Sm Bag Cough Drops 1 Box Large Markers 10 Classic Colors 1 Set Colored Pencils 1 Dry Erase Marker (any color) 10 Yellow Pencils with Erasers #2 Lead No Designs 1 Set Headphones/No Ear Bud Girls: 1 Box Baggies/ Sandwich Size Boys: Gallon Size 1 Set of (8) Water color Paints 1 Small Pair Scissors FIRST GRADE 1 Book Bag 2 Boxes Tissues (200 count) 2 Boxes Crackers 1 School Box for supplies no larger than 6” X 9” 3 (boxes of 24) Crayons (Good quality) 4 Elmer’s Glue (4 oz bottles)
Gaarder Insurance
Scott Gaarder, Stacy Reinke & Tomas Hamsmann 712-754-3654 or 1-800-756-6611 001609517r1
Sibley, IA
30 pencils with erasers (#2 lead) 1 Spiral Notebook WIDE Lines 1 Zippered Pencil Bag 1 Sm Bag Cough Drops 2 Large Pink Erasers 1 Set Colored Pencils 6-8 Dry Erase Markers Girls 1 Box Quart Size Zip Lock Bags Boys – Gallon Size 1 Box 1 Set Headphones 1 Set of (8) Water Color Paints 1 Cont. Clorox Wipes SECOND GRADE 1 Book Bag 2 Box Tissues (200 count) 2 Boxes of Snacks 1 School Box for supplies no larger than 6” X 9” 2 (box of 24) Crayons (Good quality) 2 Elmer’s Glue (4 oz bottles) 20 pencils #2 /erasers 1 Sm Bag Cough Drops 3 Spiral Notebooks WIDE Lines (70 p) 4 Folders w/ Pockets 1/2 inch White Binder with Front Sleeve 1 Box 8 or 10 Wide Felt-Tip Markers 1 Set Colored Pencils 1 Set of 4-Dry Erase Markers
PRESCHOOL AND PRE KINDERGARTEN Book Bag or Back pack 2 Boxes of Snack Items 2 Boxes of Kleenex Photo/Snapshot of Family Only (1) Photo One change of underwear, pants & socks in large Ziploc bag 1Box of 16 Crayons Please choose 3 of the following consumable items to be used in the classroom by all students. Small Paper Plates Large Paper Plates Can of Shaving Cream Baking Soda Vinegar Food Coloring Salt 5 lbs Flour Small Dixie Cups Popsicle Sticks Masking Tape Small Plastic Storage Baskets or Containers Corn Starch
1 Small Box (Gallon) Zip-Lock Freezer Bags 2 Water Color Paint Sets 1 Set Headphones 1 Cont. Clorox Wipes 1 Pair Scissors 1 Large Pink Eraser THIRD GRADE 1 Book Bag 2 Boxes Tissues (200 count) No Snacks 1 Zippered Pencil BagNO Box 2 (boxes of 24) Crayons (Good quality) 2 Elmer’s Glue (4 oz bottles) 20+ pencils with erasers (#2 lead) 4 Spiral Notebooks WIDE Lines (70 p) 2 Folders w/ Pockets 1 Sm Bag Cough Drops 2 Set Colored Pencils 1 Dry Erase Marker (any color) 2 Large Pink Erasers 1 Covered Pencil Sharpener 1 Composition Notebook 1 Pair Scissors 1 Ruler 1 Round Container of Disinfecting Wipes 24+
120 11th Ave. NE Sibley, IA 51249 Phone: (712) 754-2533 www.thegenerals.org
The Globe
1 Set Headphones
5 Spiral Notebooks WIDE Lines 4 Folders w/ Pockets 1 Sm Bag Cough Drops 1 Box 8-10 Wide Felt-tip Markers 1 Pair Scissors 2 Sets of 4-Dry Erase Markers (WIDE)
FOURTH GRADE 1 Book Bag 2 Box Tissues (200 count) 1 Large Pink Eraser 1 Zippered Large Supply Bag
(not box) bigger than pencil bag. 1 (box of 24) Crayons or Colored Pencils (good quality) 2 Composition Notebooks 8 Pencils with Erasers (#2 lead)
Saturday, August 5, 2017 5 1 Pkg Loose Leaf Notebook Paper (WIDE Lines) 1 Set Headphones/Ear Buds 4 Small Elmer’s Glue Sticks 1 Stick Body Deodorant
Sibley Veterinary Clinic Office Hours:
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1654 NW Blvd. Sibley, IA 51249
712-754-2549 001609504r1
24 Hour Emergency Service
6 Saturday, August 5, 2017
The Globe
Worthington The Worthington School District brings on 40 new teachers for the fall, and is still hoping to fill more positions. • Designs are underway for building a new ALC and Gymnastics Center. • Ninth- and 10th-grade students will receive iPads this school year.
• Academic course work is in the process of being revised for future years. • Desire to expand the speech program at the Worthington Middle School is a topic of discussion.
Prairie Elementary
“Non-marking tennis shoes are required for participation of all elementary students in physical education activities.” ECSE 1 regular size book bag (mark your child’s name on it) 3 large boxes of Kleenex 1 change of clothing – mark with your child’s name diapers (if needed) and large box of diaper wipes 1 box of 8 large Crayola crayons 1 box of classic washable Crayola Markers 1 bottle Elmer’s glue KINDERGARTEN
3 boxes of 24 Crayola crayons (must be Crayola brand) 1 box Classic Crayola markers (no fine point) 4 jumbo Elmer’s glue sticks (no small or mini glue sticks) 1 large book bag (no wheels) 1 single subject wide-lined spiral notebook 2 Expo dry erase black markers– low odor 1 highlighter 1 PaperMate pink pearl eraser 2 large boxes of Kleenex tissues
1 box of quart size Ziploc bags 1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags (girls bring) 1 12 oz. bottle of hand sanitizer (boys bring) 1 snack to share with approximately 24 students (must be prepackaged and unopened crackers or cookies) 1 large bath towel with child’s name on it for rest time (no mats) 1 complete change of clothing (pants, shirt, socks, underwear -
mark with your child’s name) FIRST GRADE 2 boxes 24 crayons 2 boxes (12 or more) #2 Ticonderoga plain pencils – not decorated 1 box Classic Crayola Markers 4 LARGE glue sticks (or 12 small) 2 large erasers
Check out our Fall Catalog!
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The Globe
2 wide-lined spiral-bound notebook 2 pocket folders 1 Child’s Fiskar scissors 1 regular sized plastic pencil box 3 Large Boxes of Kleenex tissues 1 12 oz. bottle of hand sanitizer 2 Expo Dry Erase Markers – Black only 1 medium size book bag – no wheels
THIRD GRADE 4 wide-lined spiral notebooks (red, blue, green, yellow) 8 plain pocket folders (2 blue, 2 red, 2 green, 2 choice) 1 box of 24 crayons 1 box 24 pack Crayola colored pencils 1 box of Classic Crayola markers – broad tip 1 jumbo glue stick 1 bottle Elmer’s white glue 1 Fiskar pointed scissors 2 Large box of Kleenex tissue 2 package (12 or more) #2 pencils –Ticonderoga or Papermate 1 plastic pencil box – 4 1⁄2” x 8” 2 Fine Point Black Sharpie 1 Highlighter 1 book bag or backpack 1 bottle of hand sanitizer -12 oz. (Girls Only) 1 package of 5 ounce Dixie cups (Boys Only) NO TRAPPER KEEPERS FOURTH GRADE 1 book bag or backpack (large – no bags with wheels) 1 box crayons 1 box Crayola markers 1 box colored pencils 1 - 4 oz glue bottle
2 jumbo glue sticks 2 Large Boxes of Kleenex tissues 48 - #2 Ticonderoga pencils (NO MECHANICAL PENCILS) 1 pkg. of big erasers 6 pocket folders (1 each-red, blue, yellow, green, purple, black) 6 wide-ruled spiral notebooks (1 each-red, blue, yellow, green, purple, black) 2 folders – your choice of color 1 package of wide-ruled loose leaf paper 1 scissors 2 black Sharpie Markers
4 Expo Markers (thick) 1 small personal pencil sharpener 1 pencil case 1 bottle of hand sanitizer (Boys Only) 1 box of Ziploc Bags (Girls Only) Optional: Stylus for iPads **Note: Students may reuse some of their school supplies from their previous years. (Ex. Scissors, pencil box, etc.)
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SECOND GRADE 4 wide-lined spiral notebooks (red, blue, green, and purple) 4 pocket folders (red, blue, green and purple) 1 choice pocket folder 2 boxes of 24 crayons 1 set of 4 dry erase markers 1 box of Broad Tip Classic Crayola markers 1 bottle of Elmer’s white glue (optional) 4 Jumbo glue sticks 1 Fiskar pointed scissors 1 large pink eraser 2 Large Box of Kleenex tissues 1 Enclosed Pencil Sharpener 3 package (24 or more) #2 pencils –Ticonderoga or Papermate 1 pkg. of 24 crayola colored pencils 1 pencil box or pencil bag 1 book bag or backpack
1 bottle of hand sanitizer (optional)
Saturday, August 5, 2017 7
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8 Saturday, August 5, 2017
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR ALL 5TH GRADE STUDENTS 1 book bag or backpack (large – no bags with wheels) 7 separate wide-ruled spiral notebooks 1 box crayons 5 colored pocket folders 1 box of markers (not permanent) tissues – 1 box 1 box colored pencils 1 scissors 1 4 oz. glue bottle #2 pencils for the year 1 jumbo glue stick Ear buds – compatible with iPad 1 package paper (wide-ruled, loose leaf) $20.00 iPad self-insurance fee $10.00 transportation fee (Please bring a check or correct change) OPTIONAL: Clorox wet wipes
THE GLOBE BACK TO SCHOOL 2017 Worthington Middle School OPTIONAL: 1 zipper pencil case HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR ALL 6TH GRADE STUDENTS 1 book bag or backpack (large – no wheels) pens – blue, black and red 3-ring binder (2 ½ -3 inch) or trapper keeper binder 1-2 highlighters 6 single-subject notebooks (replace as needed) eraser tops for pencils or flat erasers $10.00 transportation fee (Please bring a check or correct change) 6 folders with pockets #2 pencils for the year (replace as needed) Ear buds – compatible with iPad 1 large box of tissues (to be shared in Advisory class) $20.00 iPad self-insurance fee
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR ALL 7TH AND 8THGRADE STUDENTS Choose One of these options ● 5 subject notebook with tabbed dividers OR ● 5 different colored singlesubject notebooks and separate folders
The Globe
#2 pencils eraser tops for pencils or flat erasers 5 different colored highlighters 1 box of colored pencils 1 jumbo glue stick Ear buds – compatible with iPad $10.00 transportation fee (Please bring a check or correct change) $20.00 iPad self-insurance fee
Along with: 1 book bag or backpack (large – no wheels)
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Make an appointment with Dr. Hoffman to make sure they are ready for the new school year.
The Globe
Saturday, August 5, 2017 9
Heron Lake-Okabena The Heron Lake-Okabena School District celebrates a portion of its district turning 100 years old. • T-shirts were made in honor of this occasion, and some are still available in the high school office. There was also a special open house on July 4. • On Sept. 11, there will be a welcome back to school
event from 5 to 7p.m. before volleyball team faces off against Windom. A meal will be provided by Marsden Building Maintenance LLC. Freewill donations will go toward H-LO athletics.
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: SEPT. 5 HERON LAKE-OKABENA SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST All grades: headphones (available from school in the fall for $8.00) if needed Physical Education – All students are required to participate in their Physical Education class and in order to participate they will be required to wear a pair of tennis shoes. Please make sure that their shoes are properly secured to the foot and worn appropriately for their safety. We highly recommend a separate pair for the gym. PRESCHOOL Backpack large enough for folder & books 3 pocket folders (if plastic kind, only 2) 3 glue sticks 3 ring binder with plastic slot cover 1 box slider zipper bags, gallon size (PM class boys only) 1 roll of paper towels (PM class girls only) KINDERGARTEN Large book bag Large towel or plastic mat 3 pocket folders with sturdy pockets Crayons 8 count Crayons 24 count 10 + #2 pencils Glue bottle Glue sticks 1 box Kleenex Index cards 2 large pink erasers Pencil box FIRST GRADE 2 large boxes Kleenex Crayons 24 count 3 Dry erase markers Highlighter
Folders (1 red, 1 yellow) Scissors Glue bottle 6 Glue sticks 2 big pink erasers 20-24 #2 pencils 1 pkg notecards Spiral notebook 1 pen 8-12 pk washable markers Box of Ziploc bags Sandwich size- girls Gallon size- boys 2 black Sharpie markers 1 plastic folder with prongs Clorox wipes SECOND GRADE Scissors Crayons School glue bottle Glue stick 3 pkgs #2 pencils Pencil box Spiral notebook wide ruled 2 big erasers 3 large boxes Kleenex Pocket folders (plastic last all year) 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 purple Washable markers (optional) Colored pencils (optional)
Black Sharpie marker Girls: 1 box gallon slider bags Boys: 1 box quart slider bags Clorox wipes THIRD GRADE Scissors Glue sticks Glue bottle #2 pencils Crayons Extra erasers 4 wide ruled spiral notebooks 2 large boxes of Kleenex 1 blue folder 1 fun folder of choice Black Sharpies Highlighters Notecards (3 packs) Colored pencils Dry erase markers Clorox wipes FOURTH GRADE Highlighters (3) Pencils Erasers Red pen Crayons Glue sticks Expo markers (5) Adult scissors
Ruler 3 notebooks 2 boxes Kleenex Black Sharpie Clorox wipes 2 folders FIFTH & SIXTH GRADE Highlighters (pink, yellow, orange & green) #2 pencils (12+) Eraser 24 count crayons Colored pencils (12) Ruler Glue bottle Glue stick 6 Expo markers; Expo eraser Adult scissors 3 notebooks Index cards (100) 2 lg boxes Kleenex Wide tip markers (8) Pencil keeper or supply box 2 binders 2 pkgs binder index dividers 4 folders 2 black Sharpies 3 pkgs Post it notes Book bag Clorox wipes
Worthington Branch 229 Tenth Street, Worthington 507-372-2933
Brewster Branch 224 Tenth Street, Brewster 507-842-5933 001612189r1
10 Saturday, August 5, 2017
The Globe
The Windom School District is working on exciting opportunities for students this year.
• There have been activity fee changes that include no fees for seventh- through ninth-graders, and $10 per activity for 10th- through 12th-graders. • Windom students, kindergarten through 12th grade, now have free admission to athletic events.
• The schools now have an Agriculture Hydroponic Grow Lab, as well as a zSpace Virtual Lab, which will provide a 3D Virtual Lab Experience for students. • A new website has been created and now includes an online fee management system.
KINDERGARTEN (1) 24 Pkg. #2 Pencils (plain yellow) (2) Wide Lined Spiral Notebooks (4) Boxes of 24 Crayons (1) Pocket Folder (1) Plastic Pencil Box (1) Pkg. 100 Index Cards (12) Glue Sticks (4) Black Dry Erase Markers (1) Pink Eraser (1) Pair Gym Shoes (non-marking soles) (1) Highlighter (1) Book Bag or Back Pack (1) 1” 3-ring binder (no trapper keepers) (1) Container Clorox Wipes (1) Box of Kleenex (1) Beach Towel (1) Head Phones (no earbuds) (1) Ziploc bag with change of clothes (1) Pkg. Ziplock bags/paper towels: Low (sandwich) Sherman (quart) Huska (gallon) Green (roll of paper towels) $5.00 = party money $5.00 = binder fee
GRADE ONE (1) Clean old white sock for dry erase boards (8) Wide-tip Expo Dry Erase markers (odor free) (red, blue, green or black) (1) Pack of Post-it Notes (2) Boxes of 24 Crayons (2) Large erasers 12 pack of # 2 pencils (per quarter) (1) Pencil box (1) Large box “Kleenex” brand facial tissue (1) Pkg. slide-lock bags – quart size (4) 2-pocket folders (1) Highlighter (4) Jumbo glue sticks (1) Red pen (1) 4 oz. Bottle White Elmer’s Glue
(1) Child’s pointed scissors 5” (Fiskars) (1) Wide lined spiral notebook for journal writing (1) Container disinfecting wipes School bag Gym Tennis Shoes Headphones (for computer lab/NO EARBUDS) $5.00 - binder fee $5.00 - party money GRADE TWO (5) Large packs of #2 pencils (6) Pencil erasers (2) Large Pink Pearl erasers (2) Box of 24 crayons (1) Box Crayola markers (1) Box colored pencils (1) Yellow Highlighter (1) Pointed Scissors (Fiskars) (1) 4oz bottle Elmer’s White Glue (4) LARGE Glue Sticks (2) LARGE box of Kleenex (1) Plastic two-pocket folder (for homework) (2) Spiral notebook (4) Expo odor free dry erase markers (red, blue, green or black) (1) Dry Erase eraser or sock (1) Pkg. Ziplock bags: (A-I sandwich size) (J-Z gallon size) (1) Clipboard (1) Post-It Sticky Notes (1) Large container disinfecting wipes (1) Coffee Filters (for snacks) Gym Shoes School Book Bag Earbuds/Headphones For Math: 6 quarters, 10 dimes, 10 nickels, 25 pennies Party Money - $6.00 Binder Money- $4.00 NO TRAPPER KEEPERS GRADE THREE 1 Clipboard 6 Low Odor Dry-Erase Markers
1 24-pack #2 pencils (collected & shared with the class) 2 Pink Pearl Erasers 3 wide-lined spiral notebook 1 plastic 2-pocket folder (for homework) 3 plain colored pocket folders 1 box of 24 crayons (No More than 24) 1 box of colored pencils (24 count) 1 box of crayola washable markers 2 Highlighters 1 5” Fiskars/Durasharp pointed scissors 1 large glue stick 1 small bottle white school glue 1 set of headphones - no earbuds (will need to replace throughout the year) 1 pencil pouch/box 1 Large box of Kleenex 2 containers disinfecting wipes large size $10.00 to purchase a Day Planner from School, Party Money, and Binder 2 packs post-it notes 1 pack lined (wide ruled) loose leaf paper NO PENCIL SHARPENERS NO TRAPPER KEEPERS PLEASE GRADE 4 1 Pair of Tennis Shoes for PE NO TRAPPER KEEPERS (1) Box of Colored Pencils (1) Box of 24 Crayons (4) Pens - 2 Red (3) Boxes of Pencils (1) Scissors (3) Pink Pearl Erasers (8) Glue Sticks (5) Pocket Folders (4) 70 Page Spiral Wide-Lined Notebooks (1) Pencil Box or Pouch (2) 1” 3-Ring Binder Headphones / Earbuds (Required) Party Money - $5.00 (2) Kleenex Boxes (Puffs) to share
A-IGallon size baggies J-QGallon size hand sanitizer R-ZSnack size baggies GRADE 5 2- 24 count Boxes of #2 pencilsresupply as needed. Note: The Ticonderoga brand of pencil sharpens well and lasts longer. (Also, donations of packages of pencils are appreciated for classroom use.) *Several erasers (large and pencil topper size) -resupply every quarter (1) Pencil Sharpeners with Cover (1) Box of 24 Crayola Colored Pencils (4) Wide Ruled Spiral Notebooks or 1-3 Subject Notebook (2) Pocket Folders (1) Box of 8 Crayola Markers (1) Bottle of School White Glue (1) 12 Inch Ruler (2) 250 Count of Kleenex or Puffs (1) Fiskars Scissors (Large Size) (8) Low Odor Dry Erase MarkersResupply Monthly (1) Clipboard (1) Pencil Box (2)Glue Sticks (2) Highlighters (5) Set of Colored Pens (2) Container of Disinfecting Wipes (1) Headphone/Earbuds Required (Replace as needed) (1) Party Money- $5 GRADE 6 Required items: (1) pack of 150 note cards Pens Box of Kleenex 6 to 8 Folders 6 to 8 Notebooks Colored Pencils Ear Buds/Head Phones (Please Label) Disinfecting Wipes Pencils (continual supply) Erasers(continual supply) BasicCalculator (Science Class) No Trapper Keepers
The Globe
Saturday, August 5, 2017 11
Jackson County Central The Jackson County Central School District is working on projects this summer to get ready for an exciting school year. • Pleasantview Elementary is having new windows put in for a fresh new look and great natural lighting. • Jackson County Central High School is in the process of replacing its roof. It will be done before students arrive for the first day of school. • New staff are being brought on, including Pleasantview Elementary’s new Principal Tammy Timko. She is also
the new curriculum and assessment director. • Ninth- and 10th-graders will receive Chromebooks this year as a part of a two-year process to give ninththrough 12th-graders Chromebooks. This will give students more experience on different types of devices having had iPads from kindergarten through eighth grade.
Pleasantview Elementary
KINDERGARTEN School bag Phy Ed Tennis shoes velcro or tie 1 box of 200 count Kleenex 24 count crayons 2 boxes 6 #2 pencils 8 glue sticks Small pencil box Blunt nose scissors such as Fiskars 1 pocket folder 1 box Ziploc snack sized bags (boys) 1 box Ziploc quart bags (girls) Clorox wipes Girls: paper plates Boys: Ziploc sandwich bags FIRST GRADE Kleenex Phy Ed Tennis shoes velcro or tie 16 count box crayons 2 boxes 24 #2 pencils 2 regular erasers 8 pencil top erasers Small pencil box 4” child size scissors such as Fiskars
1 pocket folder 6 glue sticks 4 dry erase markers Dry erase eraser School bag Notebook 1 3 ring binder pencil pouch Colored pencils SECOND GRADE Kleenex Phy Ed Tennis shoes velcro or tie Box of 24 crayons 24 #2 pencils 2 erasers 8 glue sticks 4 dry erase markers Dry erase eraser Small school box for pencils 4” child size scissors such as Fiskars 2 pocket folders Box of colored pencils Box of 8 washable markers 1” binder Boys: 1 box Ziploc sandwich bags & package or paper plates Girls: 1 box Ziploc gallon bags &
Clorox wipes THIRD GRADE Phy Ed Tennis shoes velcro or tie 1 box pencil to erasers 2 200 count Kleenex 24 #2 pencils Crayons 24 or more Markers nonpermanent 4” child size scissors such as Fiskars 4 oz school glue 4 glue sticks 4 dry erase markers 2 highlighters Small pencil box 4 pocket folders 4 spiral notebooks metric / inch ruler 1 ½” or 2” 3 ring binder Clorox wipes FOURTH GRADE Kleenex Phy Ed Tennis shoes velcro or tie 24 #2 black Dixon Ticonderoga pencils (no mechanical) 1 box pencil top erasers
2 spiral wide lined notebooks 1” or ½” 3 ring binder 1 pack of filler paper wide lined200 sheets 5 pocket folders Box of colored pencils 24 or less 4 dry Expo brand markers 4” child size scissors such as Fiskars 4 glue sticks (no color) 4 oz School glue (no paste, gel or colored) Clorox wipes 2 highlighters metric/ Inch ruler Small pencil box FIFTH GRADE 2 kleenex Phy Ed Tennis shoes 24 #2 black Dixon Ticonderoga pencils (no mechanical) 5 spiral notebooks wide lined 2 erasers 4 glue sticks 2 Clorox wipes
CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 001459515r1
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JACKSON 825 3rd Street 847-3285
12 Saturday, August 5, 2017
THE GLOBE BACK TO SCHOOL 2017 Pleasantview Elementary Cont. 4 dry erase markers, black, blue, red or Green “White board markers” 46 oz Hi C can Pencil sharpener Intermediate size baby food jars Ruler 1 sheet of sand paper (80 or
4” child size scissors such as Fiskars 5 pocket folders Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, & Orange Box of colored pencils Pack of 10 red checking pens 1 pack filler paper wide ruled150 sheets
100) Art 3RD-5TH GRADE Sketchbook perferably unlined plain paper Suggested donations Disinfectant wipes
The Globe
Baby wipes Dry erase markers Cardboard cereal box NURSES’ OFFICE Donation of kleenex and Clorox wipes
Jackson County Central Middle School All students should have the following supplies for 2017-2018 school year:
6TH GRADE: $10 Class Dues HEADPHONES (Earphones/ Earbuds) for iPad 5 Folders 30 Pencils 1 correcting pen 1 box of Kleenexes 1 container of Clorox wipes 1 Standard Calculator 4 glue sticks or bottles of white glue 8 white board markers 3 composition notebooks (journals)
2 regular notebook(college rule) 1 trapper keeper 1 pencil box or bag Phy Ed Shoes and Clothes appropriate for the weather Choir – 1 dry erase marker and 1 highlighter 7TH GRADE $10 Class Dues HEADPHONES (Earphones/Earbuds) for iPad 4 or more folders 1 Notebook 30 Pencils 1 Box of Kleenex
1 container of Clorox wipes Phy Ed Shoes and Clothes appropriate for the weather Standard Calculator 1 yard material (to make a pillowcase for rotating Life Knowledge class) Choir – 1 dry erase marker and 1 highlighter 8TH GRADE $10 Class Dues HEADPHONES (Earphones/Earbuds) for iPad 4 or more folders 1 Notebook
30 Pencils 1 Box of Kleenex 1 container of Clorox wipes Phy Ed Shoes and Clothes appropriate for the weather Standard Calculator 8th Grade English – 1 Journal, 1 pkg 3x5 index cards, 8th Grade Science - 1 pencil box/bag, 3 Notebooks, Color pencils/markers Choir – 1 dry erase marker and 1 highlighter
Jackson County Central High School
** ALL CLASSES require a folder, notebook, pencils, and pens** With the transition to iPads, we are asking all High School students to have a set of Headphones with them every day.
AGRICULTURE CLASSES: FFA fees & dues: $65.00 ($45.00 activity fee & $20.00 dues) Do It Yourself class: $30.00 Lab fee Foods and Advanced Foods class: $30.00 Lab fee Floral Design class: $35.00 Lab Fee Metal Tech 1 $35.00 Lab fee ART CLASSES Art classes: $20.00 Lab Fee, set of colored pencils, ruler, #2 pencils Screen Printing Class: $10.00 Graphic Design: 1 box of
Kleenex Creative Drawing: 1 box of Kleenex Studio Painting: $10.00 Lab fee & 1 canister of wet wipes MRS. HAKES’ CLASSES: 1 box of Kleenex MATH CLASSES: Mr. Hanson’s classes: TI 83+ or higher Graphing Calculator, pencils, graph paper, notebook Mrs. Benson’s classes: TI 83+ or higher Graphing Calculator, graph paper, notebook,
pencils Ms. Schmidt’s classes: TI 83+ or higher Graphing Calculator, 3-subject notebook, pencils PE 9 & 10: Shorts/sweatpants, t-shirt/sweatshirt to change into for class, swim suit for swimming days, tennis shoes PLATO CLASSES: Folders, note cards, pencils SCIENCE CLASSES: 9th Grade Science class: Folder, notebook
Anatomy class: Notebook, set of colored pencils Chemistry/Physics class: Scientific calculator Chemistry in Our World class: Scientific calculator SOCIAL CLASSES: 9th Grade Social class: 1 folder, notebook, colored pencils, pens, pencils SPANISH CLASSES: 1 folder, 1 notebook, pens, pencils
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The Globe
Saturday, August 5, 2017 13
Staff at Adrian Public Schools are already preparing for this coming school year.
• The Middle/High School welcomes Cate Keohne as its new principal. She previously
was one of Adrian’s special education teachers. • Five new staff have been hired for the fall.
ADRIAN SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST KINDERGARTEN Boxes of Kleenex (2) Black Expo dry erase marker (1) Inexpensive Computer headphones with a 3.5 mm audio jack (2) boxes of 24 regular size crayons (2) boxes of 10 wide washable markers in basic colors (2) #2 sharpened pencils- (regular size) 8”x5” pencil box for supplies Highlighter pink/ green block eraser (2) pocket folders (2) wide ruled notebooks 4 oz Elmer’s washable School glue (no gel) (6) Large Glue sticks Fiskars metal tipped scissors Kindermat Velcro fastened non-marking sole gym shoes $20 Snack Fee Please Label all items for Kindergarten 1ST GRADE Boxes of Kleenex (2) Black Expo dry erase marker (5) Inexpensive computer headphones with a 3.5 mm audio jack (2) boxes of 24 regular size crayons Box of sharpened colored pencils (1) Box of 8 wide washable markers in basic colors (1) Box of skinny markers (1) 24 sharpened pencils 8”x5” pencil box for supplies Highlighters (2) Large eraser (2) Plastic sheet protectors with holes (50) Wide lined spiral notebooks (2) Elmer’s washable school glue (no gel) Glue sticks (8) Fiskars metal tipped scissors Red vinyl folders (2) Blue vinyl folders (2) Green vinyl folders (2) 8 water color paints 1 ½” three ring binder Box of crackers Used or new non-marking sole gym shoes Please label all items for First Grade with first and last initials 2ND GRADE
Box of Kleenex Black Expo dry erase markers (2) Inexpensive computer headphones with a 3.5mm audio jack (2) Boxes of crayons Box of 12 Crayola colored pencils Box of 8 wide washable markers in basic colors Highlighter (1) 24 sharpened pencils (no mechanical) 8”x5” school pencil box Large pink/green eraser Wide ruled spiral notebooks (nonperforated) (3) 0.21 oz glue sticks (12) Scissors 12 inch ruler (showing centimeters and inches) Red folders with pockets (2) Blue folders with pockets (2) Yellow folders with pockets (2) 8 color watercolor paints Red pens (2) Money: 4 quarters, 10 dimes, 5 nickels, 20 pennies 1 pair clean/ used athletic sock Please label all items for Second Grade with name or first and last initials 3RD GRADE Box of Kleenex (large) Black expo dry erase markers (8) Inexpensive computer headphones with a 3.5 mm audio jack put in Ziploc bag Box of 24 crayons Box of sharpened colored pencils Box of Crayola markers in basic colors 20 #2 yellow sharpened pencils Zippered pencil pouch 8”x5” school pencil box Highlighter (1) Large pink eraser (2) Red wide ruled spiral notebook (1) Yellow wide ruled spiral notebook (1) Blue wide ruled spiral notebook (1) Green wide ruled spiral notebook (1) Elmer’s glue (1) Glue sticks (3) scissors 12 inch ruler (showing centimeters and inches) Red folder with pockets (1) Blue folder with pockets (1) Yellow folder with pockets (1) Green folder with pockets (1)
Purple folder with pockets (1) Folder of your choice (1) 1 pair clean/ used athletic sock 4TH GRADE 2 boxes of Kleenex Black expo dry erase markers (4) Inexpensive computer headphones with a 3.5mm audio jack Box of sharpened colored pencils Box of markers in basic colors 24 sharpened pencils Disinfecting wipes Yellow highlighter (1) Large pink eraser Red spiral wide ruled notebook (1) Blue spiral wide ruled notebook (1) Green spiral wide ruled notebook (1) Yellow spiral wide ruled notebook (1) Graph paper notebook (perforated, ¼”) Medium glue bottle Large glue stick Scissors 12 inch ruler (showing centimeters and inches) Red folder with pockets (1) Blue folder with pockets (1) Green folder with pockets (1) Folder of your choice (1) Red pen (medium) Clipboard 1 pair clean/ used athletic sock 5TH GRADE 2 boxes of Kleenex Inexpensive computer headphones with a 3.5mm audio jack Box of 24 crayons (1) Box of 12 Crayola colored pencils (1) Box of markers in basic colors 18 #2 pencils with erasers Calculator Highlighter 8”x5” school pencil box Red wide ruled notebook (2) Blue wide ruled notebook (2) Yellow wide ruled notebook (1) Glue sticks (2) 12 inch ruler (showing centimeters and inches) Red folder with 2 pockets (2) Blue folder with 2 pockets (1) Yellow folder with 2 pockets (1) Folder of your choce with 2 pockets 6TH GRADE 2 boxes of Kleenex
Calculator (preferably scientific) 3 subject notebook (2) 1 subject notbook (3) 1” 3-ring BLUE binder (For Science) (1) 2 pocket folder (one needs to be blue for Science) (3) Loose leaf paper Pens (blue or black ink) Pencils Colored pencils 1” black binder with pockets- Band students only (1) 10 clear sheet protectors- Band students only 1 box reeds for reed players- Band students only 7TH GRADE 2 boxes of Kleenex Calculator (preferably scientific) 3 subject notebook (2) 1 subject notbook (3) 1” 3-ring BLUE binder (For Science) (1) 2 pocket folder (one needs to be blue for Science) (3) Loose leaf paper Pens (blue or black ink) Pencils Colored pencils 1” black binder with pockets- Band students only (1) 10 clear sheet protectors- Band students only 1 box reeds for reed players- Band students only 8TH GRADE 2 boxes of Kleenex Calculator (preferably scientific) 3 subject notebook (2) 1 subject notbook (3) 1” 3-ring BLUE binder (For Science) (1) 2 pocket folder (one needs to be blue for Science) (4) Loose leaf paper Pens (blue or black ink) Pencils Colored pencils 1” black binder with pockets- Band students only (1) 10 clear sheet protectors- Band students only 1 box reeds for reed players- Band students only
Back• To•School Something for everyone!
New fall consignments arriving daily Let us be your headquarters for Dragon apparel with new styles this fall. 200 Maine Ave., Adrian
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14 Saturday, August 5, 2017
The Globe
Remodeling of Ellsworth school has gotten the whole community buzzing.
• There is a newly renovated office and FACS room, as well as a new science room. • Classrooms and hallways have been painted, and new carpets and wood floors have been put in. • The schools have replaced the fluorescent lights with new LED lights intent on becoming more energy efficient. • A new roof has been installed.
• The Community Club made generous donations for the building project. • Community members, families and students have been a large help volunteering their time to help get classrooms ready. • There is a new updated curriculum for science, preschool, and fifth and sixth grade.
PRESCHOOL (Monday/Wednesday) Pencil box 2-3 pencils 2 purple glue sticks Box crayons 24 count Blue folder (1) Old sock (for dry erase board) Please label everything with childs name
Small fiskars scissors Velcro gym shoes Box of Kleenex (1) Box of snacks Last name A-G 1 box gallon size Ziploc bags Last name H-Z 1 bottle hand sanitizer Please label everything with childs name
PRESCHOOL (Tuesday/ Thursday) Pencil box 2-3 pencils 2 purple glue sticks Box crayons 24 count Red folder (1) Old sock (for dry erase board) Please label everything with childs name Kindergarten Any health, immunization or registration forms that have not been turned in Backpack Plastic rest mat Tap n glue cap Standard size pencil box Boxes of 24 crayons (4) #2 pencils Glue sticks (10-12) Bottle of glue 4oz (1) Hard plastic folders (2) labeled with name Fine tip dry erase markers (5) black, blue or red
FIRST GRADE #2 pencils (10-12) Large pink erasers (2) Box 24 crayons (1) Small bottle of glue Large box of Kleenex (2) Scissors Last name A-L 1 box of gallon Ziploc bags Last name M-Z 1 box sandwich Ziploc bags Jumbo glue sticks (4) Pencil box Folders labeled with childs name (5) Gym shoes with velcro SECOND GRADE #2 pencils (12) Box of 24 crayons (1) Small bottle of glue Glue sticks (4) Scissors Colored pencils 24 pack Big erasers (2) Pencil box
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Large box of Kleenex (1) Red pens (2) THIRD GRADE #2 pencils (12) no mechanical Good erasers (2) Ink pens (2) 1 black and 1 orange, purple, blue or green Yellow highlighter Pencil box Crayola crayons (1 box) Colored pencils (1 box of 12) Scissors Dry erase markers (4) Pocket folders of different colors (7) Notebooks wide rule of different colors (5) Ruler with metric Glue sticks (2) Gym shoes Large box of Kleenex (2) Paint brush small pack Paint shirt Small pair of headphones-optional FOURTH GRADE #2 pencils (4) Ink pens (2) Yellow highlighter Notebook wide ruled (5) Folders (7) Eraser Scissors Pencil box Crayons
Markers Ruler with metric Glue stick or small bottle of glue Large box Kleenex (3) Paint shirt Gym shoes FIFTH GRADE #2 pencils (10) Crayons Small bottle of glue Wine lined paper Large box Kleenex (3) Notebooks (5) Colored pencils Ruler Scissors Assignment book Index cards 3x5 (2-3 pack) SIXTH GRADE #2 pencils (15-20) Markers Crayons Notebooks (5) wide lined Pens (3) Ruler Scissors Highlighter Folder (6) Assignment book 1 big eraser Large box Kleenex (3)
Locally owned and operated by Jim Witzel
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The Globe
Saturday, August 5, 2017 15
Fulda Fulda Public Schools is excited to start this school year off by welcoming new staff. • Superintendent Ann Wendorff and High School Principal Tyson Walker have already started in their new positions this summer. • Special Ed teacher Shannon Henning and
KINDERGARTEN Large box of tissues Book bag 2 boxes of regular size crayons no twist ups 3 packs of 3x3 sticky notes 10 wide washable markers in classic color 2 two pocket folders 1 3 prong folder 2 wide ruled notebooks 1 composition notebook- cover black/white Elmer’s glue 4oz 6 large glue sticks Pencil box (8”x5”) Highlighter Big block eraser 2 black dry erase markers Fiskars brand round tipped scissors 2 #2 pencils sharpened Towel for rest Set of headphones (no earbuds) $15 snack fee Gym shoes FIRST GRADE 2 boxes of tissues Book bag 24 #2 pencils Big eraser Cap erasers 8-10 count washable markers 24 crayons 3 packs of 3x3 sticky notes Plastic pencil box 3 pocket folders 2 composition notebooks 2 boxes of snack crackers 9 glue sticks 2 spiral notebooks Elmer’s glue Scissors 1 box of colored pencils 4 dry erase markers SECOND GRADE Large box of tissues Book bag
third-grade teacher Abby Hayenga have also been brought on. • Fulda School District is currently in the process of looking for a new athletic director.
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: SEPT. 5 FULDA SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST 12 #2 pencils sharpened Eraser Plastic supply box Pencil box 2 heavy pocket folders 2 boxes snack crackers Large glue stick Elmer’s glue Scissors Yellow highlighter 24 crayons 12 colored pencils 2 black dry erase markers Headphones Gym shoes THIRD GRADE Large box of tissues Book bag 24 #2 pencils with erasers 2 erasers 12 colored pencils 5 spiral notebooks 5 colored folders Scissors 24 crayons Large glue stick Elmer’s glue 10-20 dry erase markers Yellow highlighter Ziploc bags (quart/gallon) Old sock Headphones Gym shoes 1 white 1” 3 ring binder with pockets 1 #2 pencils FOURTH GRADE Large box of tissues Book bag 12 #2 pencils Eraser 4 2 pocket folders in assorted colors Large glue stick 2 spiral notebooks 2 packages loose leaf paper Elmer’s glue Scissors
Headphones 24 crayons 24 Colored pencils 3 red ballpoint pen- no markers 3 black dry erase markers Yellow highlighter 12” ruler (metric & inches) 1 1” 3 ring binder Gym shoes 1 green 1” 3 ring binder with pockets 2 #2 pencils FIFTH GRADE Large box of tissues Book bag 12 #2 pencils with erasers Eraser 3 2 pocket folders in assorted colors 6 spiral notebooks Elmer’s glue Scissors Yellow highlighter 24 crayons 24 colored pencils 10 black dry erase markers Blue ballpoint pen- no markers 12” ruler (metric & inches) Scientific calculator- TI-30X IIB or IIS
Headphones Gym shoes 1 red 1” 3 ring binder with pockets 2 #2 Pencils SIXTH GRADE Large box of tissues Book bag 12 #2 pencils Eraser 6 2 pocket folders in assorted colors 6 spiral notebooks Elmer’s glue/ glue stick Highlighter 24 crayons/ 24 colored pencils Ped ballpoint pen Blue ballpoint pen 2 black dry erase markers 12” ruler (metric & inches) Scientific calculator-TI-30X IIB or IIS Scissors Headphones Gym shoes 1 black 1” 3 ring binder 2 #2 pencils
Educating Todays Youth For Tomorrow 410 N. College Ave. Fulda, MN 56131 Ph: 507.425.2514 Fax: 507.425.2001 www.fps.mntm.org 001455860r1
16 Saturday, August 5, 2017
The Globe
Luverne Public Schools have many exciting opportunities available this school year.
• Four new staff have been brought on in the middle/high school, and three new staff are welcomed at the elementary school this year. • The high school is collaborating with Minnesota West, along with Adrian and Pipestone schools, to allow for a health careers course
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: SEPT. 5 for high-schoolers to earn college credit. • The schools have updated the science curriculum for this year. • The project to install a new secure entrance in the elementary school continues. • The elementary school plans to install more
Smart IQ Touch Screen Interactive Boards for this coming year. • A two-question bond referendum is asking voters to consider a $16 million remodel and construction project for the campus, and a $7 million Performing Arts Center project.
LUVERNE SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST Please write your name on ALL items including gym shoes, coat, snow pants and boots PRESCHOOL - MS. RUNNOE’S ROOM School Bag (large) Kleenex (1 large box) KINDERGARTEN Crayola Crayons (1 box of 16 or 24 count) Elmer’s Glue-All (4 oz. container - white) Glue Sticks (2 small) #2 Pencils (2) Scissors (Fiskars – child size, metal with pointed tip) Spiral Notebook – wide line (1) Hard Plastic Pencil Box Kleenex Tissues (1 large box) or Clorox Wipes Headphones in Ziploc bag w/ Name Bath Towel (No rest mats) Backpack (Large size) Gym Shoes (velcro or elastic) GRADE ONE Crayola Crayons (24 count) Yellow #2 Pencils (12) Eraser (large) Elmer’s Glue-All (3 – 4 oz. white) Scissors (Fiskars) Washable Markers Glue stick (2 large) Highlighter (1) School Box (small plastic) Spiral Notebook – wide line (1) Expo Dry Erase Markers (8) Kleenex (2 large boxes) Headphones in Ziploc bag w/ Name School Bag (Large size) Gym Shoes * NO LOCKER DECORATIONS*
GRADE TWO Pencils (12 - # 2) Crayola Crayons
Erasers EXPO Dry Erase Markers (8) Highlighters (2) Markers (Wide, washable: 8-10 Count) Colored Pencils (10-12 set) 8-Color Watercolor Paint Set (1) Elmer’s Glue Sticks (2 – large) Glue Bottle (1) Scissors Spiral Notebooks (1 - wide line) 4 Plastic 2-Pocket Folders w/ 3-hole punched (blue, red, green, yellow) School Box (small plastic box) Zippered Pencil Pouch Headphones in Ziploc bag w/ Name Kleenex (2 large boxes) (1) Pair of Old Socks School Bag Gym Shoes
Gym Shoes
GRADE THREE Ticonderoga Brand #2 Pencils (12) Pencil Top Erasers (1 pack) Crayons Large Eraser (2) Dry Erase Markers (4) Highlighter (1) Colored Markers Elmer’s Glue-All Glue Sticks (white) Spiral Notebooks (3) Scissors Zippered pencil pouch (cloth) for 3-Ring Binder School Box 2-Pocket Plastic Folders (6–1 of each – green, blue, red, yellow, purple, orange) Kleenex (2 large boxes) Headphones in Ziploc bag w/ Name School Bag
GRADE FIVE Pencils Pens (2) Colored pencils Black Sharpie Marker (1) White Board Markers (6-8) Glue Stick (3) Scissors Spiral Notebooks (5) 1” 3-Ring Binder (Health) 1 Pocket Folder (solid color for music) Multi-Pocket Expanding File Headphones in Ziploc bag w/ Name Kleenex (2 large boxes) Book Bag / Backpack Gym Shoes
GRADE FOUR #2 Pencils (24) Pens (2) Highlighter (4 different colors) Markers Colored Pencils Sharpie Black Marker Scotch Tape (1 roll) EXPO Dry Erase Markers (4) Eraser Scissors Elmer’s Glue (2 bottles) & Glue Sticks (2) Pencil Pouch Pocket Folders (3) Spiral Notebooks (wide line) (3) Composition Notebook (1) 1 ½ “ 3-Ring Binder (1) Kleenex (1 large box) Headphones in Ziploc bag w/ Name School Bag Gym Shoes
6TH GRADE General Supplies: Highlighters Colored Pencils
Pencils Calculator (Basic, needs % sign- for science and math) 2 boxes Kleenex (to homeroom 1st day of school) English: 1 Yellow Folder 1 - 1” 3 ring binder Notebook Paper Math: 1 Red Folder 1 - Single Subject notebook 1” - 3 ring binder Science: 1 Green Folder 1 Green Pen for correcting Social Studies: 1 Blue Folder 1 Single Subject Notebook Phy. Ed: 1 Purple Folder P.E. Clothes (tennis shoes, shorts, shirt, sweats) Combination Lock for P.E. locker (No Key Locks) 7TH GRADE General Supplies: Highlighters Colored Pencils Pens Pencils Erasers Glue sticks 2 White Board Markers Black Sharpie Marker Scissors 2 boxes Kleenex (to homeroom on 1st day of school) Pencil Bag/Box to hold supplies English: 1 ½” - 3 ring binder Loose leaf paper 12 sheet protectors Math: 1” binder and/or folder Science:
1 ½” - 3 ring binder Loose leaf paper 12 sheet protectors History: 1 ½ ‘-3 ring binder Phy. Ed: P.E. clothes (tennis shoes, shorts, shirt, sweats) Combination Lock for P.E. locker (No Key Locks) Health: Notebook Folder Top Teens: Folder
8TH GRADE General Supplies: Pencils Pens (any color) 2 Glue sticks 2 Dry Erase Markers Colored Pencils 2 boxes Kleenex (to homeroom 1st day of school) Pencil Bag/Box English: 1 ½” - 3 ring binders 1” - 3 ring binder 20 sheet protectors Loose leaf lined paper for binder Math: Composition Notebook 1 ½” 3 ring binder 15 sheet protectors Folder Science: Notebook Folder Geography: 1 ½” - 3 ring binder 1- Single Subject Notebook Phy. Ed: P.E. clothes (tennis shoes, shorts, shirt, sweats) Combination lock for P.E. locker (no key locks) Folder
Hills 507-962-3250 Ellsworth 507-967-2570 Luverne 507-449-6000 Member FDIC
Hwy 75 Hwy & Warren MNStreet | 507-283-9549 75St.&| Luverne, Warren
Luverne, MN
507-283-9549 001612670r1
The Globe
Saturday, August 5, 2017 17
Murray County Central Murray County Central Schools are focusing on upgrading their technology, finishing projects and adding new staff.
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: SEPT. 5 • Each department in the high school now has 28 Chromebook mobile lab carts. • The school is now fully Google. • Phase 2 has begun of the remodeling of the boys and
girls locker rooms, and updating the water system. • Four new teachers were hired including two Special Ed teachers, one elementary third-grade teacher and one high school choir teacher.
PRESCHOOL Bookbag Crayons - box of 16 or 24 (Crayola brand preferred) Headphones (Provide a plastic bag) Folder - 2 pocket Glue stick - 2 Large Page Protectors - 20 Tissues - large box View Binder - one inch, 3 ring Watercolor markers, 8 pack primary colors (Crayola preferred) Watercolor paints (Crayola brand preferred) Wipes, Hand/Face (Wet Wipes brand preferred) - 2
KINDERGARTEN Binder - one inch, 3 ring Bookbag Crayons - box of 16 or 24 (Crayola brand preferred) Headphones (Provide a plastic bag) Eraser - large size Folder - 2 pocket - 3 Glue, Elmer’s white 4 oz. bottle (not glitter glue) - 2 Glue stick - 8 Small Highlighter marker - any color Marker - dry erase, fine point, (low odor preferred) - 4 Notebook - wide line - 2 Paint shirt - old heavy shirt to
wear backwards Pencils - colored 12 pack Pencils, wooden #2 non-mechanical only (please sharpen) - 8 Pencil box with hard sides Rug, mat or towel to lay on for rest time Scissors - safety (Fiskars brand preferred) Tissues - large box Watercolor markers, 8 pack primary colors (Crayola preferred) Watercolor paints (Crayola brand preferred) Wipes, Disinfectant (unscented preferred) FIRST GRADE Binder - one inch, 3 ring Bookbag Crayons - box of 16 or 24 (Crayola brand preferred) Headphones (Provide a plastic bag) Eraser - large size Erasers (pack of pencil top erasers) Folder - 2 pocket (4th grade requests plain colors without design) - 2 Glue, Elmer’s white 4 oz. bottle (not glitter glue) - 3 Glue stick - 4 Large Highlighter marker - any color facebook.com/ Marker - dry erase, fine point,
Caring For Your Life Murray County Medical Center 507-836-6111 Murray County Clinic Slayton 507-836-6153 Murray County Clinic Fulda 507-425-2300 2042 Juniper Avenue • Slayton, MN • www.murraycountymed.org
(low odor preferred) - 2 Marker - black permanent, fine point (Sharpie brand preferred) Notebook - wide line - 2 Paint shirt - old heavy shirt to wear backwards Pencils - colored 12 pack Pencils, wooden #2 non-mechanical only (please sharpen) - 24 Pencil box with hard sides Scissors - safety (Fiskars brand preferred) Tissues - large box - 2 Watercolor markers, 8 pack primary colors (Crayola preferred) Watercolor paints (Crayola brand preferred) Wipes, Hand/Face (Wet Wipes brand preferred) - 2 SECOND GRADE Bookbag Crayons - box of 16 or 24 (Crayola brand preferred) Headphones (Provide a plastic bag) Eraser - large size - 2 Folder - 2 pocket (4th grade requests plain colors without design) - 4 Glue, Elmer’s white 4 oz. bottle (not glitter glue) - 2 Glue stick - 4 Large Marker - dry erase, fine point, (low odor preferred) - 2
Notebook - wide line - 2 Pencils - colored 12 pack Pencils, wooden #2 non-mechanical only (please sharpen) - 24 Pencil box with hard sides Ruler 12” - with inches & centimeters, not foldable or bendable Scissors - pointed tip (Fiskars brand preferred) Tissues - large box - 2 Watercolor markers, 8 pack primary colors (Crayola preferred) Watercolor paints (Crayola brand preferred) Wipes, Disinfectant (unscented preferred) THIRD GRADE Bookbag Crayons - box of 16 or 24 (Crayola brand preferred) Headphones (Provide a plastic bag) Eraser - large size - 2 Folder - 2 pocket (4th grade requests plain colors without design) - 6 Glue, Elmer’s white 4 oz. bottle (not glitter glue) - 2 Highlighter marker - any color
P.O. Box 155 • Avoca, Minnesota 56114 Tom J. Ackerman | Marshall (Bud) Kooiman Mike Frank | Missy Biren
507-335-7815 | 1-800-622-5611
18 Saturday, August 5, 2017 Marker - dry erase, fine point, (low odor preferred) - 2 Notebook - wide line - 2 Pen - blue or black ink - 2 Pencils - colored 12 pack Pencils, wooden #2 non-mechanical only (please sharpen) - 8 Pencil case with zipper Pencil sharpener - hand held with shavings catcher Post it Notes 3x3 - 3 Ruler 12” - with inches & centimeters, not foldable or bendable Scissors - pointed tip (Fiskars brand preferred) Tissues - large box - 2 Watercolor paints (Crayola brand preferred) Wipes, Disinfectant (unscented preferred)
FOURTH GRADE Bookbag EarBuds (Provide a small plastic container) Eraser - large size - 2 Folder - 2 pocket (4th grade requests plain colors without design) - 5
THE GLOBE BACK TO SCHOOL 2017 Glue, Elmer’s white 4 oz. bottle (not glitter glue) - 2 Highlighter marker - any color Marker - dry erase, fine point, (low odor preferred) - 4 Notebook - wide line - 3 Pen - blue or black ink Pencils - colored 12 pack Pencils, wooden #2 non-mechanical only (please sharpen) - 12 Pencil case with zipper Post it Notes 3x3 Ruler 12” - with inches & centimeters, not foldable or bendable Scissors - pointed tip (Fiskars brand preferred) Tissues - large box - 2 Watercolor markers, 8 pack primary colors (Crayola preferred) Wipes, Disinfectant (unscented preferred) FIFTH GRADE Bookbag Composition journal - hard cover EarBuds (Provide a small plastic container) Folder - 2 pocket (4th grade
requests plain colors without design) - 4 Glue, Elmer’s white 4 oz. bottle (not glitter glue) Glue stick - 1 Large Highlighter marker - any color Marker - dry erase, fine point, (low odor preferred) - 4 Marker - black permanent, fine point (Sharpie brand preferred) Notebook - wide line - 2 Pen - blue or black ink Pencils - colored 12 pack Pencils, wooden #2 non-mechanical only (please sharpen) - 12 Pencil case with zipper Pencil sharpener - hand held with shavings catcher Ruler 12” - with inches & centimeters, not foldable or bendable Scissors - pointed tip (Fiskars brand preferred) Tissues - large box - 2 Watercolor markers, 8 pack primary colors (Crayola preferred) Wipes, Disinfectant (unscented preferred)
The Globe
SIXTH GRADE Binder - one inch, 3 ring Bookbag Composition journal - hard cover EarBuds or Headphones (Provide a plastic bag for H and small plastic container for EB) Folder - 2 pocket (4th grade requests plain colors without design) - 7 Glue stick - 1 Large Highlighter marker - yellow Marker - dry erase, fine point, (low odor preferred) - 4 Marker - black permanent, fine point (Sharpie brand preferred) -2 Notebook - wide line - 2 Paper, package of loose leaf Pen - blue or black ink - 2 Pencils, wooden #2 non-mechanical only (please sharpen) - 8 Pencil case with zipper Scissors - pointed tip (Fiskars brand preferred) Tissues - large box - 2 Watercolor paints (Crayola brand preferred) Wipes, Disinfectant (unscented preferred)
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The Globe
Saturday, August 5, 2017 19
Edgerton-Southwest MN Christian Southwest Minnesota Christian High School will have a shared administration structure with the elementary this year. This change will make for many adjustments in the administrative department.
FIRST GRADE Boots 2 Crayons (24 or less) 6 Fine Tip Dry Erase Marker (Black) 1 Eraser (BIG) 1 Glue Bottle - 4 oz. 4 Glue Stick (Large) 1 primary colors only Markers (8-10 washable) 1 Old Sock (large enough to fit over hand) 1 Paint Shirt 1 Pencil Box (large enough to hold supplies) 20 Pencils (sharpened) 2 Pocket Folder 1 Scissors (Pointed, Fiskar’s style) 2 Tissues (large box) SECOND GRADE Boots 1 Colored Pencils (set) - Optional 1 Crayons (24 or less) 6 Fine Tip Dry Erase Marker (Black) 2 Eraser (BIG) 1 Glue Bottle - 4 oz. 3 Glue Stick (Large) 1 primary colors only Markers (8-10 washable) 2 Notebook (wide ruled) 1 Old Sock (large enough to fit over hand) 1 Pencil Box (small - approx 8x5 inches) 20 Pencils (sharpened) 3 Pocket Folder 1 Ruler (wooden with centimeters) 1 Scissors (Pointed, Fiskar’s style) 1 Tissues (large box) 1 Wet Wipes (Box) THIRD GRADE Bible (NIV - Textbook Edition) Available in Office 2 Black Fine Point Markers Boots 1 Crayons (64 or less) 3 Fine Tip Dry Erase Marker (Black) 1 Eraser (BIG) 1 Glue Bottle - 4 oz. 4 Glue Stick (Large) 1 Primary colors only Markers (8-10 washable) 2 Notebook (wide ruled) 1 Old Sock (large enough to fit over hand)
10 Pencils (sharpened) 3 Pocket Folder 1 Zipper pouch or spacesaver for pencils 1 Prang watercolor paint - Available in Office 1 Ruler (wooden with centimeters) 1 Scissors (Pointed, Fiskar’s style) 1 Stenobook 1 Tissues (large box) FOURTH GRADE Bible (NIV - Textbook Edition) Available in Office 2 Black Fine Point Markers Boots 1 Colored Pencils (set) 1 Crayons (24 or less) 4 Fine Tip Dry Erase Marker (Black) 1 Eraser (BIG) 1 Glue Bottle - 4 oz. 4 Glue Stick (Large) 1 Index Cards (Pkg of 3x5 Lined) 1 Pkg. of Loose Leaf Paper (wide ruled) 1 primary colors only Markers (8-10 washable) 1 Pencil Box (large enough to hold supplies) 5 Pencils (sharpened) 5 Pocket Folder - 1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow, 2 of any other color/ design 1 Ruler (wooden with centimeters) 1 Scissors (Pointed, Fiskar’s style) 1 Small Notepad (for word of the day) 1 Tissues (large box) 1 Wet Wipes (Box) FIFTH GRADE Assignment Notebook - Available in Office Bible (NIV - Textbook Edition) Available in Office 5 Black Fine Point Markers Boots 1 Colored Pencils (set) 1 Crayons (24 or less) 4 Fine Tip Dry Erase Marker (Black) 1 Eraser (BIG) 1 Glue Bottle - 4 oz. 2 Glue Stick (Large) 1 Pkg. of Loose Leaf Paper (wide ruled) 1 Markers (8-10 washable) 2 Notebook (wide ruled) 1 Pencil Box (large enough to hold supplies) 10 Pencils (sharpened) 2 Pocket Folder 1 Protractor - Available in Office 1 Ruler (metric & standard) 1/16” or 1/32” 1 Scissors (Pointed, Fiskar’s style) 2 Tissues (large box) SIXTH GRADE Trapper Keeper - optional Assignment Notebook - Available in Office
Bible (NIV - Textbook Edition) Available in Office Calculator (Casio FX-260) Available in Office Compass (can buy from ECES $2) Available in Office 1 Crayons (24 or less) 1 Fine Tip Dry Erase Marker (Black) 1 Eraser (BIG) 1 Glue Bottle - 4 oz. 2 Glue Stick (Large) 2 Pkg. of Loose Leaf Paper (wide ruled) 1 Markers (8-10 washable) 1 Art Sketch Pad (put name on it) 2 Notebook (wide ruled) 1 Box (large enough to hold art supplies) 12 Pencils (sharpened) 3 Pocket Folder 1 Zipper pouch or spacesaver for pencils 1 Protractor - Available in Office 1 Ruler (metric & standard) 1/16” or 1/32” 1 Scissors (Pointed, Fiskar’s style) 2 Tissues (large box) SEVENTH GRADE Trapper Keeper - optional Assignment Notebook - Available in Office - optional Bible (NIV - Textbook Edition) Available in Office 1 3-Ring Binder Calculator (Casio FX-260) Available in Office Compass (can buy from ECES $2) Available in Office 1 Crayons (24 or less) 1 Fine Tip Dry Erase Marker (Black) 1 Eraser (BIG) 1 Glue Bottle - 4 oz. 2 Glue Stick (Large) 1 Pkg. of Loose Leaf Paper (wide ruled) 1 Markers (8-10 washable) 1 Art Sketch Pad (put name on it) 2 Notebook (wide ruled)
Page Protectors (Science) - optional 1 Box (large enough to hold art supplies) 12 Pencils (sharpened) 3 Pocket Folder 1 Zipper pouch or spacesaver for pencils 1 Prang watercolor paint - Available in Office 1 Protractor - Available in Office 1 Ruler (metric & standard) 1/16” or 1/32” 1 Scissors (Pointed, Fiskar’s style) 2 Tissues (large box) EIGHTH GRADE Trapper Keeper - optional Assignment Notebook - Available in Office - optional Bible (NIV - Textbook Edition) Available in Office 1 Calculator (Casio FX-260) Available in Office 1 Crayons (24 or less) 1 Fine Tip Dry Erase Marker (Black) 1 Eraser (BIG) 1 Glue Bottle - 4 oz. 2 Glue Stick (Large) 1 Pkg. of Loose Leaf Paper (wide ruled) 1 Markers (8-10 washable) 2 Notebook (wide ruled) 1 Box (large enough to hold art supplies) 12 Pencils (sharpened) 3 Pocket Folder 1 Zipper pouch or spacesaver for pencils 1 Prang watercolor paint - Available in Office 1 Ruler (metric & standard) 1/16” or 1/32” 1 Scissors (Pointed, Fiskar’s style) 2 Tissues (large box)
Have a
Safe School Year!
Witzel Bus Service
203 Hwy 59 N• Fulda, MN
KINDERGARTEN Boots 2 Crayons (24 or less) 1 Eraser (BIG) 2 Markers (8-10 washable) 2 Pocket Folder 1 Tissues (large box) 1 Set of extra clothes in a plastic bag 1 Beach towel or bath towel $15 Supply Fee - send with registration
20 Saturday, August 5, 2017
The Edgerton Public School District continues to enhance students’ education.
• Ag classes have rotated to allow for students to have a variety of options, including a new class that has four days on-site experience a week. • The high school is working diligently toward having
PRE-SCHOOL 8 or 10 oz bottle of hand sanitizer Book bag Large glue sticks (2) Markers- washable (Classic Colors)- Crayola Binder- empty 3 ring Triangle Crayola crayons 200 count Kleenex (1) napkins KINDERGARTEN 3 ring binder (1) Box 24 count crayons (1) Expo dry erase markers (6) 12 #2 pencils markers - washable (Classic Colors)- Crayola Gym shoes (non- marking soles, Kdg: Velcro or elastic) Book bag Large glue sticks (5) Box 200 count Kleenex (2) Little fiskars scissors Spiral wide ruled notebook (3) Pair personal headphones FIRST GRADE Pair old sock or old washcloth (1) 3 ring binder (1) Containers of disinfecting wipes (2) Eraser (regular size) (2) Expo dry erase markers (6) Paper folder Large glue sticks (4) 200 count box of Kleenex (3) Wide ruled spiral notebook (2) #2 pencils sharpened (12) 1 pair personal headphones 8 or 10 oz bottle hand sanitizer Crayons 16-24 count Package eraser caps (1) Flexible plastic folders (2) Bottle of school glue (1) Gym shoes (non marking soles) Markers- washable (Classic Colors) School box (Cigar Size) Little fiskars scissors SECOND GRADE Pair old socks or old washcloth (1) Book bag Container disinfecting wipes (1) Paper folders (3) Large glue sticks (3) 200 count box of Kleenex (3) Wide ruled spiral notebook (1) Little fiskars scissors Wide ruled composition notebook Personal pencil sharpener with shavings collector 3 ring binder (1) Crayons 16-24 count Eraser- regular Expo dry erase markers (6) Bottle of school glue Gym shoes (non marking soles) markers - washable (Classic Colors) School box (Cigar size)
The Globe
one device per child. • Edgerton Schools plans on building up the John Baylor Prep program. This program is used to help students prepare for the ACT.
EDGERTON SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST #2 pencils sharpened (24) Pair personal headphones
Scissors- sharp Pair personal headphones
Note cards 3x5 lined #2 pencils sharpened (12)
THIRD GRADE Pair old socks or old washcloth (1) 3 ring binder (1) Crayons 16-24 count Package eraser caps (1) Paper folders (4) Large glue sticks (3) Markers washable (Classic Colors) #2 pencils sharpened (24) 1 pair personal headphones Ball point pen (black ink) Book bag Eraser- regular Expo dry erase markers (8) Bottle of school glue Gym shoes (non marking soles) School box (Cigar size) Scissors- sharp
SIXTH GRADE Ball point pen (black ink) 3 ring binder (1) Calculator- scientific is required Eraser caps- (1 package) Large glue sticks (1) 200 count box Kleenex (2) Loose leaf paper for binder (100 pages 2 packages) #2 pencils sharpened (36) Ball point pen (blue) Trapper keeper Container of disinfecting wipes Flexible plastic folders (3) Gym shoes (non marking soles) Note cards 3x5 lined College ruled spiral notebooks (5) XL book covers (6)
FRESHMEN Ball point pen (black & blue ink) 3 ring binder (2) 200 count box Kleenex (1) Note cards 3x5 lined XL book covers (6) Scientific calculator is required (a TI-84 graphing calculator is preferred) Gym shoes (non marking soles) Loose leaf paper for binder (100) #2 pencils sharpened (12)
FOURTH GRADE Pair old socks or old washcloth (1) Ball point pen (blue ink) Colored pencils (Classic Colors) Eraser- regular Expo black dry erase markers (6) Bottle of school glue Gym shoes(non marking soles) Markers- washable (Classic Colors) #2 pencils sharpened (24) School box- cigar sized Personal pencil sharpener with shavings collector 8 or 10 oz bottle of hand sanitizer Book bag Crayons 16-24 count Package eraser caps (1) Paper folders (4) Large glue sticks (2) 200 count Kleenex (2) Spiral wide ruled notebook (4) Ruler (plastic, regular & metric) Scissors- sharp Pair personal headphones FIFTH GRADE Pair old socks or old washcloth (1) 3 ring binder (1) Crayons 16-24 count Package eraser caps (1) Paper folders (4) Large glue sticks (2) 200 count box Kleenex (2) Note cards 3x5 lined Ruler (plastic, regular & metric) #2 pencils sharpened (24) Personal pencil sharpener with shavings collector Ball point pen (blue ink) Book bag Eraser regular Expo black dry erase markers (6) Bottle of school glue Gym shoes (non marking soles) Markers- washable (Classic Colors) Wide ruled spiral notebooks (3) School box (Cigar Size)
SEVENTH GRADE Ball point pen (black ink) 3 ring binder (1) Gym shoes (non marking soles) 200 count Kleenex (1) Note cards 3x5 lined XL book covers (6) Ball point pen (blue ink) Trapper keeper Calculator- scientific is required Loose leaf paper for binder (100 pages) #2 pencils sharpened (12) EIGHTH GRADE Ball point pen (black ink) 3 ring binder (1) Colored pencils- Classic Colors Gym shoes (non marking soles) Loose leaf paper for binder (100 1 package) College ruled spiral notebook (2) XL book covers (6) Ball point pen (blue ink) Calculator- scientific is required Paper folder (1) 200 count box Kleenex (2)
SOPHOMORES Ball point pen (black & blue ink) 3 ring binder (1) Loose leaf paper for binder (100) XL book covers (6) Composition notebook- 100 sheets/ 200 pages- college ruled Scientific calculator is required (a TI-84 graphing calculator is preferred) Gym shoes (non marking soles) #2 pencils sharpened (12) JUNIORS Ball point pen (black & blue ink) 3 ring binder (1) XL book cover (6) Scientific calculator is required (a TI-84 graphing calculator is preferred) Loose leaf paper for binder (100) #2 pencils sharpened (12) SENIORS Ball point pen (black & blue) Scientific calculator is required (a TI-84 graphing calculator is preferred) Note cards 3x5 lined #2 pencils (12)
C ommunity EOE/AA
Just like you 507-442-5000 760 Main Street, Edgerton, MN www.firststatebanksw.com
The Globe
Saturday, August 5, 2017 21
Westbrook-Walnut Grove Westbrook-Walnut Grove has increased staff and added new technology in preparation for the upcoming school year. • A new band director has been hired. • Another set of Chromebooks will be added this year
Westbrook Walnut Grove Elementary
KINDERGARTEN School bag Pencil box Paint shirt 8 Glue sticks and 1 bottle of glue 2 boxes of 24 Crayons 1 set of washable markers 1 container of Clorox wipes Separate pair or gym shoes Scissors Large box of Kleenex 10 Pencils/erasers (1 large) Rest mat (rug, towel, mat) 1 pr headphones Extra set of clothes for locker
FIRST GRADE School bag Pencil box 4 glue sticks Crayons 1 box of 24 Gym shoes Scissors 1 Deck of playing cards 2 Large boxes of Kleenex 10 Pencils/erasers (1 large) Washable markers Thin tip dry erase markers
SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADE Scissors 20 pencils and 1 large eraser 1 pkg eraser caps 7-8 notebooks US metric inch ruler Colored pencils (bx of 8) Pens (blue or black) TI-30X Calculator 3 - 2” thick 3 ring binder
4----2 Pocket folders 1 pr of headphones 1 container of Clorox wipes SECOND GRADE School bag Pencil box Crayons 1 box of 24 Gym shoes Scissors 2 Large boxes of Kleenex 20 Pencils/erasers (2 large) Watercolor paint Washable markers 1 WIDE RULED Notebook 4 Glue sticks & 1 bottle of glue 1 pr of headphones 1 container of Clorox wipes THIRD GRADE School bag Pencil box Elmers glue/glue sticks Crayons 1 box of 16 or 24 Gym shoes Scissors 2 Large boxes of Kleenex 10 Pencils/erasers (1 large)
Washable markers 4-5 WIDE RULED Notebooks US metric/inch ruler Colored pencils 1 box of 8 1 Pen (blue or black) 4 Pocket folders 1 Highlighter 1 container of Clorox wipes 1 pr of headphones FOURTH GRADE School bag Pencil box 2 Glue sticks Crayons 1 box of 16 or 24 Gym shoes Scissors Large box of Kleenex 10 Pencils/erasers (1 large) 4-5 Notebooks US metic/inch ruler Colored pencils box of 8 5 Pocket folders 1 pr of ear buds & small bag 1 container Clorox wipes FIFTH GRADE Elmers glue/glue sticks
Scissors Crayons Gym shoes Large box of Kleenex 24 Pencils/erasers Washable markers 4-5 Notebooks US metric/inch ruler Colored pencils / 1 box of 8 1 Highlighter Calculator Trapper Keeper 4-5 Pocket folders 1 pr of ear buds & small bag SIXTH GRADE Trapper Keeper 3-ring binder 1 Folders 7 Notebooks Gym shoes Large box of Kleenex 10 Pencils/erasers 1 pr of ear buds & small bag Options: glue sticks and colored pencils (box of 8)
Westbrook Walnut Grove High School Divider tabs for binder Loose-leaf notebook paper 6 3-holed pocket folders Glue sticks and Elmers glue Highlighters 3 x 5 Lined note cards Assignment notebook 3-4 Fabric book covers For Gym class: Running shoes T-shirts & shorts or sweats
Supportive under garments Deodorant/shower accessories GRADE 9-12 Pencils and Pens 2-4 notebooks 2-4 pocket folders 3-4 Fabric book covers Trapper Keeper Highlighters TI-30X Calculator
For Gym class: Running shoes T-shirts & shorts or sweats Supportive under garments Deodorant/shower accessoriesOptions: glue sticks and colored pencils (box of 8)
22 Saturday, August 5, 2017
The Globe
Pipestone Area New tennis courts are being built for the Pipestone Area School. In addition, the district is adding staff and improving its available technology. • Staff positions are still available; more than 10 roles are already filled for this coming fall. • The school has brought on a new curriculum director and tech integrationist. • Pipestone Schools are now fully 1:1 with one electronic device per child.
• Ninth- through 12th-grade students will have the opportunity to check their tablets out and bring them home if needed. • The high school will be collaborating with Minnesota West and the Pipestone City Economic Development Authority on a carpentry class.
SECOND GRADE WEBER: 2 boxes #2 pencils 2 2-pocket folders 2 -pocket folder (1 for music class ft 1 for technology) 1 Crayons - 24 count 2 Disinfectant wipes (large container) 1 Elmers glue (white only) 2 large Erasers 2 Glue sticks 1 yellow and 1 pink High lighter 1 Kleenex (200ct or more) Mechanical Pencils - optional Pencil Pouch 1 Scissors Tennis shoes for Phy Ed 1 3-ring binder 1-inch with pockets 1 Watercolor paints 2 Wide-lined spiral tablet Ziploc freezer bags (box) Girls - Gallon Boys - quart Ear buds or small headphones 2 plain white t-shirts
J EVANS: 1 boxe #2 pencils 1 2-pocket folders 2 -pocket folder (1 for music class ft 1 for technology) 1 Disinfectant wipes (large container) 1 Elmers glue (white only) 2 large Erasers 2 Glue sticks 1 High lighter Pencil Pouch Tennis shoes for Phy Ed 1 3-ring binder 1-inch with pockets 1 Watercolor paints 2 Wide-lined spiral tablet 1 Ziploc snack bags (box) Ear buds or small headphones 2 plain white t-shirts REINHARD:
2 boxes #2 pencils 2 2-pocket folders 2 -pocket folder (1 for music class ft 1 for technology) 1 set Colored pencils 1 Crayons - 24 count 2 Clorox Disinfectant wipes (large container) 1 Elmers glue (white only) 2 large Erasers 2 Glue sticks 1 yellow and 1 pink High lighter 1 Kleenex (200ct or more) Mechanical Pencils - optional Pencil Pouch 1 Scissors Tennis shoes for Phy Ed 1 3-ring binder 1-inch with pockets 2 Wide-lined spiral tablet Ziploc freezer bags (box) Girls - snack Boys - quart Ear buds or small headphones 2 plain white t-shirts WEINEKE: 2 boxes #2 pencils 2 2-pocket folders 2 -pocket folder (1 for music class ft 1 for technology) 1 set Colored pencils - Optional 1 Crayons - 24 count 2 Disinfectant wipes (large container) 1 Elmers glue (white only) 2 large Erasers 1 High lighter 1 Kleenex (200ct or more) Markers - 8ct - Optional Mechanical Pencils - optional Pencil Pouch 1 Scissors Tennis shoes for Phy Ed 1 Watercolor paints 3 Wide-lined spiral tablet Ziploc freezer bags (box) Girls - Gallon Boys - quart Ear buds or small headphones
2 plain white t-shirts THIRD GRADE L EVANS: 10 #2 pencils 4 2-pocket folders 2 -pocket folder (1 for music class ft 1 for technology) 2 any color Ballpoint pens 1 Crayons - 24 count 1 Disinfectant wipes (large container) 1 Elmers glue (white only) 2 large Erasers 1 High lighter 1 Kleenex (200ct or more) Pencil Pouch 1 Scissors Tennis shoes for Phy Ed 1 3-ring binder 1-inch with pockets 4 Wide-lined spiral tablet Ziploc freezer bags (box) Girls - Gallon Boys - quart Ear buds or small headphones GOPLEN: 10 #2 pencils 4 2-pocket folders 2 -pocket folder (1 for music
class ft 1 for technology) 2 any color Ballpoint pens 1 Colored pencils - Optional 1 Crayons - 24 count 1 Disinfectant wipes (large container) 1 Elmers glue (white only) 2 large Erasers 1 High lighter 1 Kleenex (200ct or more) Markers - 8ct - Optional Pencil Pouch 1 Scissors Tennis shoes for Phy Ed 1 3-ring binder 1-inch with pockets 4 Wide-lined spiral tablet Ziploc freezer bags (box) Girls - Gallon Boys - quart Ear buds or small headphones HARRIS: 10 #2 pencils 4 2-pocket folders 2 -pocket folder (1 for music class ft 1 for technology)
C ommunity EOE/AA
Minded.™ Just like you
202 8th Avenue SE, Pipestone, MN
The Globe
2 any color Ballpoint pens 1 Colored pencils - Optional 1 Crayons - 24 count 1 Disinfectant wipes (large container) 1 Elmers glue (white only) 2 large Erasers 1 High lighter 1 Kleenex (200ct or more) Markers - 8ct - Optional Pencil Pouch 1 Scissors Tennis shoes for Phy Ed 1 3-ring binder 1-inch with pockets 4 Wide-lined spiral tablet Ziploc freezer bags (box) Girls - Gallon Boys - quart Ear buds or small headphones TAUBERT: 10 #2 pencils 4 2-pocket folders 2 -pocket folder (1 for music class ft 1 for technology) 2 any color Ballpoint pens 1 Colored pencils - Optional 1 Crayons - 24 count 1 Disinfectant wipes (large container) 1 Elmers glue (white only) 2 large Erasers 1 High lighter 1 Kleenex (200ct or more) Markers - 8ct - Optional Pencil Pouch
1 Scissors Tennis shoes for Phy Ed 1 3-ring binder 1-inch with pockets 4 Wide-lined spiral tablet Ziploc freezer bags (box) Girls - Gallon Boys - quart Ear buds or small headphones FOURTH GRADE WELGRAVEN: 6 #2 pencils 6 2-pocket folders 2 -pocket folder (1 for music class ft 1 for technology) 2 Ballpoint pens - red 1 Colored pencils - Optional 1 Crayons - 24 count 1 Clorox Disinfectant wipes (large container) 1 Elmers glue (white only) 1 Erasers 1 Hand held pencil sharpener w/catch cup 1 High lighter 1 Kleenex (200ct or more) Markers - 8ct - Broad Pencil Pouch 1 Scissors Tennis shoes for Phy Ed 4 Wide-lined spiral tablet Ziploc freezer bags (box) Girls - Gallon Boys - quart Ear buds or small headphones 1 plain white t-shirts
SIEBENAHLER: 12 #2 pencils 5 2-pocket folders 2 -pocket folder (1 for music class ft 1 for technology) 2 Ballpoint pens - blue/black 1 Colored pencils - Optional 1 Crayons - 24 count 1 Disinfectant wipes (large container) 1 Erasers 1 High lighter 1 Kleenex (200ct or more) 1 Markers - 8ct Mechanical Pencils - optional Pencil Pouch 1 Scissors - optional Tennis shoes for Phy Ed 4 Wide-lined spiral tablet Ear buds or small headphones 1 plain white t-shirts 1 Stylus WINTER: 12 #2 pencils 4 2-pocket folders 2 -pocket folder (1 for music class ft 1 for technology) 2 Ballpoint pens - red 1 Colored pencils - Optional 1 Crayons - 24 count 1 Disinfectant wipes (large container) 1 Elmers glue (white only) 1 Erasers 1 High lighter
Saturday, August 5, 2017 23 1 Kleenex (200ct or more) 1 Markers - 8ct Mechanical Pencils Pencil Pouch 1 Scissors Tennis shoes for Phy Ed 1 3-ring binder 1-inch with pockets 3 Wide-lined spiral tablet Ziploc freezer bags (box) - quart Ear buds or small headphones 1 plain white t-shirts 1 Stylus NANGLE: 6 #2 pencils 4 2-pocket folders 2 -pocket folder (1 for music class ft 1 for technology) 2 Ballpoint pens - any color 1 Crayons - 24 count 1 Clorox Disinfectant wipes (large container) 1 Erasers 2 Large Glue sticks 1 High lighter 2 Kleenex (200ct or more) 1 Markers - 8ct Mechanical Pencils Pencil Pouch 1 Scissors Tennis shoes for Phy Ed 1 Watercolor paints 3 Wide-lined spiral tablet Ear buds or small headphones 1 plain white t-shirts
Have a Safe and Happy School Year! Pepsi Cola Bottling Company of Pipestone, MN 507-825-4207
24 Saturday, August 5, 2017
The Globe