Today’s Farm
Julie Buntjer / The Globe
Richard and Kerri Knips, along with children Sydney and Cole, are shown on their family’s century farm on June 2, 2021.
Knips family a fixture on rural Lismore farm since 1902 By Julie Buntjer jbuntjer@dglobe.com LISMORE — While it may not be the highest point in Nobles County, the view from the front windows of Richard and Kerri Knips’ rural Lismore home is a spectacular one that showcases rows of growing corn and soybeans, as well as rotating wind turbines in the distance. “If there’s one thing we do appreciate, it’s our view,” said Richard.
Of course, there’s much more to appreciate about living where they do — on land that has been in the Knips family since 1902. Richard and his wife, Kerri, purchased the 13-acre acreage in 2014, and purchased the remaining farmland in early January from his father’s estate. Applying for Century Farm status was one of the first steps they took after gaining ownership.
“We waited a long time to get out here — to gain ownership,” Richard said. “To continue this farm with my wife and children is huge for me.” While they are new owners of the farmland, Richard has farmed the land solely since June 1992 when, at age 23 he lost his dad, Earl, to cancer. Prior to that, starting from the time he was an infant, Richard seemed groomed to be a farmer.
He told of how his dad bolted an infant car seat inside the cab of the 4020 John Deere so that the youngest of his four children could ride along during field work. “I was the child that was extremely active at a very young age with my dad,” Richard said. “Anything he would let me do, I did — and some things he didn’t let me do.”
KNIPS: Page 10
Special to The Globe
Left: Gerhardt Knips purchased the land that is now a century farm in 1902. Right: Robert Knips was the second generation owner of the family farm in rural Lismore.