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Condo craze By Julie Buntjer The Globe WORTHINGTON — One year after KJSM Investments began building the Cherrywood Addition directly south of Olson Park, three of the two-unit condominiums have already been sold, and a fourth two-unit condo is now under construction. The investment group, which includes Kyle, Jason, Steve and Mike Johnson of Johnson Builders & Realty, will eventually construct six two-unit condos and one single family home on the site, with two condo associations — one for those on the north side of the cul-de-sac, and one for the homes on the south side, according to Kyle Johnson. There is an existing single-family home that connects in with the cul-de-sac, and Johnson said the lot for the second single-family home is sold. “I’ve always been a little surprised by the number of condos in town and the continued demand for them,” Johnson shared. “There’s a lot of people in town — or moving to town — that a condo is a good fit for them. “It’s really a good fit
for people who don’t want to worry about lawn care, snow removal or maintenance,” he added. “It’s a more convenient way of living — there’s no steps; it’s a lot more user friendly.” The Johnsons had purchased the land a decade ago, eying future development within the city of Worthington. The location appealed to them because of the mature trees in Olson Park, and the views of Lake Okabena, more apt to be seen during the winter months when the trees have lost their leaves. “We thought it was a great side of town, and it’s also a touch out of the hustle and bustle,” Johnson said of the site. And, with a cul-de-sac, there’s not likely to be much traffic for the residents who will call Cherrywood home. “I think that Cherrywood is a great location,” he added. “I spent a lot of time as a little kid in Olson Park, so that area is a little special to me. When I ride my bike around town, that’s always an area that I’m going through. To see some development in that area — especially condos — I just think
Demand for condominium living continues in Worthington they’re appropriate for that space.” The first four units completed in the Cherrywood Addition became occupied this summer. Since those units were sold prior to construction, the new owners were able to choose many of the interior features of their condo, such as tweaking the floor plan, creating wider hallways, and choosing kitchen cabinets, countertops, flooring, trim, paint and other features. Some chose to add a sunroom, fireplace or walk-in shower. “The amount of things you can do with condos — to make them really your own and have the features you want — those are relevant when these things are presold,” Johnson said. “We try to keep the outside looking the same — the shingles, siding, windows and garage doors.” The third two-unit condo, which is closest to Crailsheim Drive, should be completed in late November. Those units were also pre-sold. Johnson said each condo features two bedrooms and two baths, with one bathroom off of the master bedroom. A laundry room is also
near the master bedroom. The mechanical rooms are all located off of the garage. “There’s no steps — they’re on a crawl space so we can run ductwork and plumbing underneath,” Johnson said. “We try to put the windows in strategic areas for good views.” The Johnsons just started construction on the fourth two-unit condo, with framing to start in the next couple of weeks. Plans are to get the concrete in this fall, with the building taking shape late this fall or early winter. Neither of those units has been sold, Johnson shared. “When you develop anything, you take a leap of faith,” Johnson said. “It’s the leap of faith that’s necessary to make something happen in that area.”
So far, their leap of faith has paid off. Johnson said if they find buyers for the fourth unit, they will likely move forward with building the last two condos on the site before the end of 2022. All of the condos in the development have taken advantage of the Nobles Home Initiative’s fiveyear tax abatement program on new construction. Johnson said the program is another tool they have to encourage people to consider building new. “There’s a lot of perks to a new building — you can build it the way you want it … and everything is new,” he said. During the last year and a half with the COVID-19 global pandemic, the Johnsons have — like everyone else who works in construction — experienced
delays in getting materials. That has to get factored into any new project. “You’re always checking on material availability,” Johnson said. “Some materials have shot up in price, and for some, the lead times have shot up. It depends on the type of materials.” Despite some of the challenges, Johnson said they’ve been blessed to have a lot of work to keep them busy. Between renovations at the Armory for the Nobles County Historical Society and renovations at Hotel Thompson, their construction crews have quite a workload. “There’s still a lot of stuff to get done this fall,” he said. “We’re very, very blessed to stay busy and work for a lot of people we’ve worked for time and time again.”
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Making home modifications for independence BRANDPOINT — Being safe and comfortable at home is a large part of living well. Home modifications and repairs can help everyone prevent accidents and maintain an independent lifestyle, especially older adults and people with disabilities.
Many older adults prefer to live in their own home for as long as possible, but too often don’t think about whether a home can adapt to their needs as they age. Making improvements before they are needed is a good way to ensure that a home
is ready for aging in place. Forward-thinking improvements can also prevent falls, which often result in the need for long-term care. Changes can be made to improve both the accessibility and adaptability of a home. Accessibility improvements
involve tasks like widening doorways and lowering countertop heights for someone who uses a wheelchair. Adaptability changes, such as adding grab bars in bathrooms, are improvements made to assist people for whom strength and balance
may have become a challenge. These changes usually can be made without a major redesign or full-blown renovation. Start making your home ready for long-term living by conducting a top-to-bottom assessment.
Quick DIY bathroom updates that make a big difference BRANDPOINT — Whether you’re keeping up with ever-changing trends or your space simply needs a refresh, updating your bathroom can be time consuming and expensive — but it doesn’t have to be. With just a few minor tweaks, you can add style and function to your space without a total overhaul. So if you don’t have the budget or the time for a bathroom renovation, don’t give up hope. It’s completely possible to refresh the look of your space with minimal effort. Simply use what you already have and start embellishing. Here are a few quick and easy ideas you can do in less than a weekend’s time: Upgrade your shower
Take your shower from standard to luxurious. Switching your shower head is an easy upgrade that doesn’t require any plumbing. Newer shower head options have multiple functions that adjust to work for everyone — from little ones to pets. Change your toilet seat Simply swapping out the smaller features in your bathroom can make all the difference. You can have fun with your choices and add a lot of personality to the space. “Changing your toilet seat is an easy way to upgrade the feel of your bathroom,” said Jill Seidner, owner of Jill Seidner Interior Design in Los Angeles. “Benton seats are easy to install, making for
a simple weekend DIY project that gives your bathroom a fresh look.” Mixing metals can help add interest, and the matte black hinges of the seat act as an anchor to balance brighter finish tones like gold or silver and complement brushed nickel. Designate a plant shelf In a small, humid space like a bathroom, many houseplants can thrive. Try potting aloe, azaleas or ferns to create your own mini arboretum. The greenery adds a natural pop of color and contributes a relaxing ambiance to your space. Change the mood with wall color Never underestimate the power of a fresh coat of paint. For a spa-
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like space, try a light neutral shade, or go for bold style with a bright accent wall. Look for an anti-mildew paint for less maintenance over time and use a low sheen to keep imperfection at a minimum. If you’re feeling even more adventurous, opt for a bold printed wallpaper for an upscale look at an affordable
price. Try temporary peel-and-stick wallpaper and you’ll be able to easily switch out your walls over time. Accessorize with style A bathroom refresh doesn’t have to require tools and labor. Simply adding new window treatments, refreshing linens, rugs and shower curtains will bright-
en the space. Spruce up your shelves with candles, decorative books, cute knickknacks and more. Upgrading your bathroom space doesn’t have to be an all-ornothing endeavor. Try any of these quick DIY projects to suit your style and increase the wow factor in your bathroom space.
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Low interest rate means it’s a good time to consider buying a home By Kari Lucin The Globe WORTHINGTON — With interest rates still very low, it might be a good time to get a loan to buy a house — and it might also be a good time to get a loan to build or improve a home. “With good interest rates and money available, it’s a big benefit to do it now,” said Kristine Correll, vice president/mortgage loan officer at Worthington Federal Savings Bank. Those low interest rates are most typically in the 2% to 3% range, said Correll, in her 25th year with the bank. Another benefit of
borrowing money to purchase a home now is that grant money has become available again for first time home buyers in the area, provided they qualify. Typically, a home loan requires a minimum of 5% of the home’s price as money down. The grant money, however, can be used for part of that down payment or to pay closing costs, Correll said. Currently, finding a house can be a competitive process, not just in Worthington but also in the smaller communities in the region, where people often live so they can drive to Worthington for work. “A home mortgage is
one of the largest and most important financial obligations you may ever assume,” states Worthington Federal’s website. Even so, Correll and her team can take someone through the process in 30 to 45 days, depending on the volume of work at the time. As a portfolio lender, Worthington Federal doesn’t sell its loans on the secondary market, meaning that any loans made there stay there. “We have a super friendly staff,” she said, noting that between herself, Darcy Vis, vice president/compliance, and Julie Meier, loan assistant, the team has
110 years of experience. “We work one-on-one with our customers. Everybody’s different.” Worthington Federal also offers home improvement loans, and recently, clients have been putting on new roofs, replacing siding, remodeling kitchens and building garages. “One of our specialties is new construction,” Correll said. For construction of a new home, Worthington Federal can provide just one loan, streamlining the process with just one set of closing costs from the beginning to the end of the project. That’s a major advantage, because
Kari Lucin / The Globe
.ULVWLQH &RUUHOO YLFH SUHVLGHQW PRUWJDJH ORDQ RႈFHU at Worthington Federal Savings Bank, stands in IURQW RI WKH HQWUDQFH WR WKH EDQN ZKLFK RႇHUV ORDQV for purchasing homes as well as for building or improving them. more typically those projects would begin with a construction loan, which would then have to be refinanced,
meaning closing costs would have to be paid twice, and the rate from the initial loan wouldn’t be locked in, either.
Weekend DIY project ideas to breathe new life into your home BRANDPOINT — Virtual birthday parties. Online family game nights. Digital dinners with friends. You’ve done your part to stay connected yet socially distanced, however, as fall arrives, you’re preparing to host friends and family in your home again. “The problem is after working, studying and playing at home, many people’s houses are looking a bit drab,” says Jennifer Meska, director of merchandising and design at LL Flooring. “If you want to refresh spaces for future entertaining, start with the floor and work your way up to add fashion and function to your home.” Meska shares some top DIY projects that can be completed in as little as a weekend so you’re ready to welcome
back guests:
“These floors deliver quality, beauty, waterproof funcUpdate flooring tionality and are easy to When you think about install,” Meska said. “What’s visual real estate in a home, great about these floors is the flooring is the founda- they work well in any room.” tion of the aesthetic. Consider updating flooring with mod- Rethink furniture ern options that add style, Once the floor is updated, but are also durable enough think about how you use your to handle guests and everyday furniture and how it might demands. best serve you when enterA good option is Rigid Vinyl taining. Consider rearranging Plank (RVP) that provides the furniture to breathe fresh life look of hardwood but is water- into a space and encourage proof and scratch-resistant. guests to mingle comfortably. Lake Geneva Oak CoreLuxe Prioritize grouping furniture RVP is a good option, with to facilitate conversation and its innovative rigid core that interaction while keeping clicks together with ease for a common traffic areas open simple DIY project. CoreLuxe for ease of movement. stands up to heavy traffic, In addition to rearranging busy families and plentiful furniture, now is the time entertaining, making it ideal to address functionality of for bathrooms, kitchens and pieces and swap in multiuse living rooms. options when appropriate. For
example, an ottoman is great for kicking up your feet or as additional seating for guests, especially young children. Select an ottoman designed with a top that opens, providing storage space for blankets, toys or other clutter. You can even add a serving tray to the top when closed and you have a coffee table or small buffet space for snacks.
Create a statement wall
Once you decide on an arrangement of furniture, try transforming a focal wall to give the space an elevated interior design. One easy way to do this is to paint one wall different than the others in an accent color, like a blue or yellow. DIY-friendly peel-and-stick wallpaper is growing in popularity and is another fun option if you
want to add a pattern on an accent wall. Another way to create a noteworthy accent wall is to design a gallery wall with a collection of treasured items hung in a group. Framed photography is common for creating gallery walls and serves as a wonderful conversation starter when guests arrive. In addition to photographs, you can add other framed items such as typography, children’s artwork, travel keepsakes, mirrors and more. “Now is the ideal time to prepare for the revival of entertaining at home,” Meska said. “Start with the floor, think beyond the conventional and make updates that you’ll enjoy whether you’re hosting guests or spending time at home with family.”
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