Holiday Catalog 2021

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Sip n’ Shop

Worthington Christian School, 1770 Eleanor St., Worthington, will host its 7th annual Sip n’ Shop from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 13.

Join local small business owners and artisans for theannual Festi-Fall Craft & Vendor Show. Sip wine, beer or sodawhile shopping! Free entry.

2 | WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2021 1131 Oxford Street, Worthington, MN • 507.376.4555 • HOURS: MON-FRI 7:30 A.M. TILL 8:00 P.M. • SAT 7:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. • SUN 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. SCHWALBACH HARDWARE 1131 Check Out Our Expanded Home Decor Section! ACH Shop Ace this Holiday Season! Worthington Federal Savings Bank, f.s.b. Established 1935 Member FDIC HOME OFFICE: 418 Eleventh St. Worthington, MN 56187 507-372-2131 • 1-800-914-6023 Fax: 507-372-7286 BRANCH OFFICE: 313 Main Street Lakefield, MN 56150 Fax:507-662-6680507-662-5402 Worthington Federal appreciates their customers by offering this service to them. Let Worthington Federal...Let Federal... ... nan e the er e te hri t a gi t or o r a il Sip on apple cider while shopping from more than 35 crafters and vendors. Fresh cinnamon rolls, homemade soup and sandwiches will be available throughout the event. Admission is free! Vendors include Lavender & Lamb, Tupperware, Sewing New Futures, Up C Daisy by Lang, Mary Kay, Refurbished furniture by Virgil Veen, Howie’s Floral, Strawberry Lemonade Boutique, Dianna Groenwold, Bev’s Doll Clothes, Norwex, Scroll Saw Woodwork, Needles and Nails, Boards-n-Boys, Scentsy, Pampered Chef, Two Gypsy’s and a Trailer, Color Street, Lee Boots Jellies and Jams, Laura Shefte, Thirty-One Gifts,Treats by Lisa, Zyia, Southern Small Town Boutique, Sassy Snappin’ Jewelry, Finishing Touch Design, Linda Reasonover Creations, Carol Elaine Cupcakes and Creations, Tupperware, Epicure, Avon, Tastefully Simple, Seed & Stem, Emerald Grace Boutique and more.

Vendors include Boutique on the Farm, Tastefully Simple- Tam French, Color Street - Sheri Schwalbach, Bev’s DollClothes, Wayfarer Candle Company, Good Gifts of Okoboji,Buncha Special Shyt Spices, Thirty One - Christi Hubner,Beljoy Haitian Products, Rebecca’s Reflections, PamperedChef - Jerilyn Marra, Found & Fancied, Hers and MineBoutique, Olivia Lane Earrings, Sawdust Homemade Creations,Okobojinize, Mary Kay - Melanie Becker, Jewelz’s UniqueGems, Sassy Snappin Jewelry, G6 Custom Woodworking LLC,Herb Gypsy, Usborne Books and More - Kayla Reck, SimplyNatural, Southern Small Town Boutique and Denice Lingen

Festi-Fall Craft and Vendor Show

11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 7, Round Lake Vineyards & Winery

Our brand new promotion, Santa’s Stash, kicks off during Holiday Open House. Pick up a card at any participating location, and get your card punched for every $20 spent. You could win a weekly prize and a grand prize of $500 in Worthington Chamber Checks!

Start making your plans now to enter the Tinsel and Tidings on Tenth Holiday Parade scheduled for 6 p.m. Nov. 12. This year’s parade is being coordinated by the Community Image Committee of the Worthington Area Chamber of Commerce. Businesses, congregations and neighborhoods are invited to decorate a float and enter the parade. There is a float competition for all homemade floats wishing to enter. The first place winner will receive: $100 in chamber checks plus a trophy; second place will receive $75 in chamber checks plus a trophy; and third place will receive $50 in chamber checks plus a trophy.

Santa’s Stash

Holiday Parade: Tinsel & Tidings on Tenth WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2021 | 3 Only 500 games made • $35 + tax While supplies last Give the gift Worthington-Opoly!of Call: 507-376-9711 or email: to order


Holiday Open House

The Worthington Liquor Store will host its annual Holiday Open House & Sampling from 5 to 7 p.m. Nov. 18.

Santa plans to stop by TheStag Clothiers in downtownWorthington from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.on the following dates: Nov. 13, Nov. 27, Dec. 4, Dec. 11 & Dec. 18

Santa Sightings


Holiday treats, sales and more at participating Worthington businesses on Nov. 12-13. Shop Worthington this holiday season and support our local businesses and economy.

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Host a family game night with this limited edition game of Worthington-Opoly The Globe Check out our winter decorSchwalbach Ace Hardware Check out these gift ideas from area businesses! Get them before they’re gone! ill gameme night witth this llimitted out our winter decS Stock up on high quality vitamins to keep your family healthy this season Daily Apple v Let us help you make all your Christmas wishes come true Worthington Federal Savings Bank f.s.b. ou make all your y We have a wide selection of diamond choices Johnson Jewelry H iday tock up on high qualit


We’ve got something for everyone on your list Lampert Lumber See our new selection of Trojan school spirit gear The Stag Clothiers Check out our big selection ofSmartwool & other warm socksBrown’s Shoe Fit Look for our seasonal Ugly Sweater Bud Light Seltzer pack Worthington Liquor Store our U l S l tionof Ch We’ve got fofr WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2021 | 5 Check out our selection of premium tiresGraham Tire

Worthington Wonderland Shop Small Saturday Worthington’s Holiday Lighting Contest December 4th - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.D 6 | WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2021 1999 Oxford Street Worthington, MN 56187 • 507-372-5454 GET UP TO $200 BACK on a set of 4 select tires when you use the Goodyear credit card GOOD THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2021 849 10th Street,507-372-7384Worthington Store Hours: Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm CHECK OUT OUR LAMPERT LUMBER GIFT GUIDE MAGAZINE! WE HAVE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST!

Various holiday-themed events will be happening at businesses and organizations around Worthington. Activities, treats and spirited fun will be found wherever you look. Call the Worthington Area Chamber of Commerce at 372-2919 or email for more information. Visit downtown retail shops throughout the region on Nov. 27 for Shop Small Saturday. Sponsored by American Express as a way to encourage consumers to use their local shops for holiday shopping, Shop Small Saturday, taking place annually on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, has become a nationally recognized event. This event has helped to make the day one of the best shopping days of the year for businesses across the nation. Many businesses throughout Worthington are participating in Shop Small Saturday this year, making Worthington “Neighborhood Champions” of the Shop Small event. Check with your favorite businesses for their Shop Small promotional specials.

Winners will receive:

The Community Image Committee of the Worthington Area Chamber of Commerce, Worthington Public Utilities and RE/MAX Premier Realty are co-sponsoring this year’s Holiday Lighting Contest. Worthington residents who wish to be included must have lights up and on by Nov. 29. The committee will be driving around Worthington between Nov. 29 and Dec. 10 to take pictures of the top decorated homes throughout the community. The following criteria for judging includes: best use of color, most original, best composition, most spectacular or best expression of Christmas.Thephotos will then be posted on the Chamber’s Facebook page and put to a public vote. People must “like” the original post photo to cast a vote. First, second and third place prizes will be awarded to the photos with the most votes. Winners will be announced Dec. 20. Be sure to like and follow the Worthington Area Chamber of Commerce Facebook page to keep up to date on the contest.

First Place: $100 credit on December utility bill and $100 in chamber checks Second Place: $75 credit on December utility bill and $75 in chamber checks Third Place: $50 credit on December utility bill and $50 in chamber checks The Community Image Committee, Worthington Public Utilities and RE/ MAX Premier Realty thank the residents of Worthington for their participation and for doing such a great job decorating this holiday season!

Nov. 5: Worthington High School and Worthington Middle School bands present a Marching Band Indoor Concert, 7 p.m., Worthington High School gym. Nov. 15: Worthington High School and Worthington Middle School Orchestra Festival, 7 p.m., Worthington High School gym.

Dec. 8: PES Celebration Chorus and Fourth Grade Strings Concert, 8:45 a.m., 10:15 a.m. and 1:45 p.m.

Dec. 20: Worthington Middle School Festival of Music Holiday Concert, 7 p.m., Worthington High School gym. For events requiring a ticket, visit to purchase. Tickets may also be purchased at the box office, 714 13th St., from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., or by calling 376-9101.

Nov. 23: OrchestraAreaWorthingtonSymphony Dec. 9: 7:30 ChristmasSchoolWorthingtonp.m.,HighPlay:ACarol Dec. 10: 7:30 ChristmasSchoolWorthingtonp.m.,HighPlay:ACarol Dec. 18: The Dance Academy: NutcrackerThe Dec. 31: New Year’s Eve Party with Dan Mahar

Memorial Auditorium Holiday Events District 518 Holiday Events

The display will be open from 5 to 9 p.m. Dec. 1-4 at Olson Park, 951 Crailsheim Road, Worthington. Entry is a freewill donation, with all proceeds going to Love INC. The registration deadline to host a display is Nov. 26, and can be done at, or by calling (507) 727-7291. Businesses or organizations are asked to provide a decorated light display. There is no registration fee. Each participant will be assigned one campsite with full electric hookups. For businesses that would like to include a monetary donation, please indicate that on the online registration form or when you call Love INC.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2021 | 7 507.372.7127 • 207 10th St. • Worthington, MN Follow dailyapple1 on Instagram | Friday, Nov. 12, 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 13, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Register for Door Prizesf Free GiftFree Gift PackagingPackaging Vitamins somemayexclusionsapply Stock up on high quality vitamins to keep your family healthy this season! Vitaminss 15% OFF 507 372 7127 •2207 10thSt Worthington MN Register forDoor Pririzz Join Amanda for a Self-Care for the Holidays Make & Take at 10 a.m. Saturday esPri e Holiday Roller& Bath Salt MAKE onlyTAKES&$5During Open Housewhile supplies last Nov. 13, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Holid 15% OFF Clothing & Jewelry Self-Care 1 OpenOpen HouseHouse 324 10th Street, Worthington, MN 507-376-4160 • Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 9am-6pm • Sat.: 9am-4pm SweatersSeveralWalletsPurses&Socksdesignstopickfrom!Forthosespecial someones in your life! Christmas giftChristmas giving ideas! specs SeveralCupsstylestopickfrom! Men’s, Women’s andshoesyouth a

Love INC Drive Thru Light Display

Nov. 13: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Toy Drive for Toys for Tots, sponsored by Pulver Towing of Worthington. People will be able to deliver their donations of new, unwrapped toys, register to win a Green Mountain Grill donated by Steve Henderscheidt Trucking of Worthington, take a photo with Santa, and visit with Nobles County Toys for Tots staff, Memorial Auditorium staff and the Buffalo Ridge Young Marines. Sugar cookies and hot chocolate will be served.

Nov. 15: 7:30 p.m. The Worthington Concern Association brings the Vieness Piano Duet to the Memorial Auditorium Performing Arts Center for the next performance in its concert series. Eva Schaumkell is a German pianist who has toured the world as a solo artist. Vijay Venkatesh is from California and is an amazing pianist as well. They have won multiple solo awards. Samples of their songs are Sonata in C Major (Mozart), Souvenirs (Barber) and a Gershwin Medley.

8 | WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2021 Stock up for the Holidays Holiday Savings Savings BudSeltzersLightAllFlavors12pkCans $1399 or12pkMoonBlueBottles15ozCans $1399 Menage A WinesTrois750ML Some varieties not included $799 New AmsterdamVodkaAllFlavors1.75L $1599 KeystoneLight24pkCans $1499 AvaAllWinesGrace750MLvarieties $599 Two Chicks Pre Mixed Cocktails All4pkFlavorsCans $1099 Prices valid through November 14, 2021 | 1190 Ryan’s Rd, Worthington, MN 56187 • 372-8620 Mon-Thurs 10am-8pm, Fri & Sat 10am-9pm, Sun Noon-5pm | We reserve the right to limit quantities Known for Fine Diamonds 1009 4th Ave. | Worthington, MN | 507-376-4313 Known For Fine Diamonds Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5:30pm • Saturday 9am-2pm 10%TrojanWorthingtonAppareloff Downtown Worthington • 507-376-5920 Mon-Thurs: 9:30am-5:30pm, Sat: 9:30am-3:00pm PERSONAL SHOPPING BY APPOINTMENT Good through Nov 17, 2021 507 376 5920t Celebrations Around the World

Corner, a collaboration

Minnesota West and the Nobles County Integration Collaborative, this event celebrates traditions

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Thursday, Dec. 16, from 5 to 7:30 p.m., Minnesota West Community and Technical College, Worthington campus The Culture between and special events the world over. Not limited to Christmas, the evening includes traditional ceremonies, crafts, clothing, foods and cultural celebrations presented by members of Worthington’s diverse community. This is a wonderful way to get a little taste of celebrations throughout the world. A suggested donation of $10 goes to support the Minnesota West Foundation, offering scholarships for students of diversity. Kids 14 and younger are free.

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