International Festival 2021

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Immigrant Conversations Fire Hall - 830 2nd Ave. 6:30 pm Ethnic food samples; Art and photo display 7:00 pm Drama: “Hospitality” // Pandemic care 7:15 pm Historical Society - Vision of Immigrant Stories 7:25 pm Practicing depolarizing conversations 7:50 pm African, Asian, & Hispanic essential worker stories Audience dialogue: Our Interdependence 8:40 pm Next Steps in creating a healthy diverse community

FRIDAY, JULY 9 5:30 pm

6:15-7:10 pm 7:10-7:15 pm 7:15-9:00 pm

Opening Ceremony Greeting Flags of the world National Anthem Song by Rosine Recognition of Essential Workers Native Fashion Show Thank you helpers reading Youth performance Tou Ger Xiong performance


10:00 am Parade 10:45 am Greeting 11:00-11:05 am Isabella Kouame, Youth Performance 11:05-11:20 am Karen Dance performers 11:30-12:25 pm Duniya African drumming and dance 12:30-1:00 pm Call of the Loon Bagpipers, dancer 1:05-2:00 pm Rev. Robert Jones 2:05-3:00 pm Los Alegres Bailadores 3:05-4:00 pm Jarrelle Barton 4:00-4:05 pm Grace Holmbeck, Youth Performance 4:05-4:10 pm Emma Holmbeck, Youth Performance 4:10-4:25 pm Zumba from YMCA 4:30-5:25 pm Native American Drum and Dance 5:30-5:55 pm Lao Dancers 6:00-6:15 pm Oromo Community 6:20-6:25 pm Elliot Beman, Youth Performance 6:40-6:45 pm Kay Prunty’s Dance Academy, Youth Performance 6:45-6:50 pm Juan Coronado, Youth Performance 7:00-9:00 pm Malamanya *Schedule subject to change

FOOD VENDORS Tacos Jalisco Lao Temple Long Branch Mama Watzz West Texas BBQ SDSU Ice Cream Debbie’s Caribbean Cuisine Sandra Mendoza KC BBQ

ETHNIC/ARTISAN BOOTHS Sharing the Dream (Guatemala) Blanca Palma Eritrean Ethnic Booth Love Po (Karen) Rafael’s Art (Guatemala)

Tony Souvenirs Oromo Ethnic Booth Maria D Mena Alicia’s Silver Telly Mon Gif

CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES Friday, July 9, 2021 6:00-8:00 pm - Games and Crafts with the Nobles County Integration Collaborative 6:00-8:00 pm - Creative Healing Space, Inc. Saturday, July 10, 2021 10:00-2:00 pm - Designing planters w/ the Artmobile 11:30-3:00 pm - The Baron of Bubbles 1:00-4:00 pm - Creative Healing Space, Inc. 3:00-5:00 pm - Mr. Twister 4:00-6:00 pm - Basketball w/ the Worthington Police Department, YMCA


WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 | 3

Plethora of performers on program Duniya Drum & Dance, Los Alegres Bailadores among high points BY JANE TURPIN MOORE The Globe

WORTHINGTON — A wealth of high quality multicultural performances is scheduled for the coming weekend’s International Festival. With a mix of hometown youth talent, regional entertainers

and Twin Cities-based professional groups, attendees shouldn’t miss a beat of the offerings. “Music has a way of bringing us all together,” said Leann Enninga, vice-chair of the International Festival planning committee.


Special to The Globe

The Duniya Drum & Dance ensemble will be one of the featured performers during Worthington’s 2021 International Festival. The group will perform from 11:30 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. Saturday.


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This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through grants from the Minnesota State Arts Board and the Southwest Minnesota Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

4 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021


The show will go on 27th Worthington International Festival is ready to launch BY JANE TURPIN MOORE The Globe

WORTHINGTON — All systems are “go” for the 27th Worthington International Festival, scheduled for Friday and Saturday, July 9-10. If the weather cooperates, the canceled COVID year of 2020 will be a dim memory as residents of Worthington and the surrounding area gather at the annual outdoor festival on the grounds of the Nobles County Government Center to eat, enjoy and absorb the benefits of local diversity. “I’ve heard from a lot of people, ‘Oh, I’m really looking forward to it,’” said Chansouk Duangapai, chair of the International Festival committee. “We were so bummed we couldn’t have it last year, but because we had gone ahead and planned, even though we weren’t able to have it in 2020, we already had things in place and knew exactly what we needed to do for this year.” Duangapai and his committee vice-chair,

purpose: for everyone to come together and interact.” Duangapai, who has been involved as a festival Leann Enninga, believe organizer for at least the the International Festival past four years, fondly is just the ticket for remembers it from his getting people outside youth in Worthington. and interacting with each “When I was younger I other once again. went to the festival and “This is something we had such a great time,” need,” said Duangapai. said Duangapai. “We encourage people to Now he concerns himself go, celebrate, meet other with making sure other people again, talk.” local kids will attend and Added Enninga, “Our find entertaining things whole theme is about emphasizing and honoring to do, such as make things at the ArtMobile or with those people who have Creative Healing Space. helped us all get through “We have a wide the pandemic. range of different kids’ “Everybody has done activities,” said Enninga, their part, and we’re mentioning that, in coming back.” addition to the above Speaking of tickets, organizations, other the Worthington groups offering activities International Festival is for the younger set the rare event for which include the Nobles County nobody needs one. Integration Collaborative, “We [the committee] Head Start, Love INC and are really intentional Kivu Law. that we want this festival “All the kids’ activities to be accessible — and are free,” stressed that means the location, Duangapai. “And the entertainment and Baron of Bubble, from the activities all come at Twin Cities, will be here no monetary cost to attendees,” said Duangapai. for the first time, making bubbles with kids from Assured Enninga, “We about 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. also make certain this is on Saturday. a family festival, where “We’re also really an entire family can thankful that the participate without an Worthington Police admission fee. Department will be around “That’s the festival’s

Photo by Brian Korthals

Natalia Vargasa carries the flag of Bhutan during opening ceremonies of the 2014 International Festival in Worthington. The festival, back this year for the 27th time, will host its opening ceremony Friday night on the grounds of -- as usual -- the Nobles County Government Center.

to play sports with kids.” The traditional opening ceremony, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Friday, features the procession of flags representing all the different countries of the world from which Worthington residents hail — about 80 — as well as the National Anthem, a greeting from Mayor

Mike Kuhle that will be interpreted in Spanish, Karen and Amharic, and an original song from Rosine Hermanson Olson. “We want to celebrate all the diversity we have in the Worthington area and promote who we are as a community,” said Enninga. Echoed Duangapai, “The International Festival has

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a long history of building a sense of community among our diverse populations, and I’m proud of that. “I hope people come and enjoy the festival with us this year, and as long as they have a good time and maybe try to get to know at least one new person, it will be a success.”


WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 | 5


McClusky and Bangoura, among other Duniya members, teach From Page 3 dance both at Carleton “People come to College in Northfield witness a wide variety and at the St. Paul of entertainment from Conservatory High School different parts of the world. for the Performing Arts. They enjoy themselves and For several years, happen to learn something Duniya has given popat the same time; I love that up performances in the part of it.” Minnesota State Fair’s Malamanya, the West End Market, and Saturday evening headline they’re looking forward act, originates in the Twin Cities and is billed to returning to that gig as a band that shares (from Sept. 1-3) after the traditional rhythms missing last year due to and melodies of Cuban the pandemic shutdown. music. They’ve earned In addition, Bangoura rave reviews from critics is an in-demand drum and audiences alike, with teacher, both nationally past gigs to their credit at and internationally. venues such as the Dakota “We also teach a Photo by Tony Nelson Jazz Club, Icehouse, the community dance and Hook and Ladder Theater, Minnesota Orchestra’s 2019 International Day of Music at Orchestra Hall on July 13, 2019 in Minneapolis featured Los Alegres drum class on Saturdays,” the Cedar Cultural Center Bailadores, which will perform from 2:05 to 3 p.m. Saturday during Worthington’s International Festival. said McClusky. and the “Bands on the and dance styles while to McClusky. McClusky. “And Fodé’s “We’re a multicultural, Duniya, whose Boulevard” series at the promoting cross-cultural “I’ve studied in Guinea brother and oldest son are multi-generational Minnesota History Center. understanding, according several times,” said PERFORM: Page 6 also in Duniya. company.” Malamanya is scheduled to appear locally from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday. Review the International Festival’s full schedule for a listing of all performances. Here are short profiles of two other Twin Cities arts ensembles — both making their Worthington debuts — among the noted professional acts that are “can’t miss” for southwestern Minnesota audiences this weekend:

Stay.Dine.Play. Welcome to

Duniya Drum & Dance 11:30 a.m. – 12:25 p.m. Saturday This West African drum and dance troupe channels the sounds and movements of Guinea. Fodé Bangoura, Duniya’s director and drummer, is a native of Guinea and shares artistic director duties with Whitney McClusky, who grew up in New York. The company formed in 2008 with the goals of familiarizing people with West African drum

We proudly support the 2021 International Festival

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Worthington Convention & Visitors Bureau 1121 Third Avenue Worthington MN 56187 507-372-2919

6 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021

PERFORM From Page 5

performances strive for audience interaction (think “call and response” moments and encouragement of movement in rhythm with the dancers and drums), regularly appears at other festivals across the region. School workshops and artistic residencies are mainstays of their annual calendar, too. “We display very rhythmic, dynamic choreography and have culturally authentic costuming that’s visually engaging,” said McClusky. “There are always some educational aspects that we incorporate, like explaining the various instruments, the rhythms, the dances and their significance.” McClusky herself says she, as a professional dancer, is “addicted” to Duniya’s dance form. “The African style of dance is for everyone — it’s a real communal experience — and in Africa, everyone participates because it’s not something you age out of like you might with ballet,” said McClusky. “It’s a unifying force because it brings people together for celebrations, at harvest time, to mark successful fishing expeditions, initiations— there’s a rhythm and a


dance for everything.” Duniya’s seven company members — plus one very special and outgoing 5-yearold, McClusky’s son — are looking forward to their Worthington appearance. “Our performances are very high-energy,” McClusky promised. “And we really hope you’ll stand up where you are and do a couple of steps with us.”

Los Alegres Bailadores 2:05 - 3 p.m. Saturday Although the energetic and engaging Rebecca Moran Cusick has taken her celebrated ensemble, to the likes of Orchestra Hall, the Ordway Center, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, the Minnesota History Center, the St. Paul Winter Carnival and even the Target Center, where they danced as halftime entertainment, Los Alegres Bailadores will make its Worthington premiere on Saturday. “My parents were born in Mexico,” said Cusick. “And I grew up in West St. Paul.” In 1977, Cusick, then an ambitious and visionary 17-year-old, founded Los Alegres Bailadores. “My family comes from a very musical background,” laughed Cusick. “I have multiple aunts and uncles who are founders of orchestras or dancers or singers, and my mother and father instilled a love of dance in me. “I fell in love with it.”

Special to The Globe

Rebecca Moran Cusick is the founding director of Los Alegres Bailadores.

Cusick’s aunt, in fact, formed Ballet Folklorico in Minneapolis. Cusick was similarly inspired and, at 17, studied Mexican folk dance in Mexico City. “I returned almost every year to study under a teacher by the name of Tizoc Fuentes Yaco,” said Cusick. “He passed away a few years ago, but now I study with his son.” Cusick anticipates bringing about 20 dancers to Worthington’s International Festival, though she teaches over 100 students in her program at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church on St. Paul’s west side. “I always try and deliver a well-rounded performance to give a

taste of what is very popular, what most people would look at and say, ‘Oh yeah, that’s Mexican dance,’” said Cusick. “But some costumes and dance are not as obvious because they represent different geographic areas of Mexico depending on where a particular type of dance originated.” Cusick, who says vehicles fill up quickly when loaded with stunning and colorful Mexican costumes, accessories, shoes and dancers, has nevertheless traveled with her troupe to parades and festivals from Crookston to Gaylord, and throughout the Twin Cities suburbs, over the years. “At busy times, we

average four appearances a month, but of course last year we didn’t perform anything, due to COVID,” said Cusick. Cusick has taught multiple generations in her 41 years as a dancer and instructor with Los Alegres Bailadores and explains the group’s name reflects her youth and optimism at the time she formed the company. “It translates to ‘The Happy Dancers,’” laughed the good-natured Cusick. “We were going to perform for a carnival in a yard [in 1977] and my parents said I needed a name. In hindsight, I didn’t know I’d still be using the name 40 years later, but it was established, it stuck and

everyone on St. Paul’s west side knows us as a Mexican dance group.” Cusick is modest; her group’s fame extends well beyond West St. Paul. In fact, Cusick received the prestigious Sally Award from the Ordway Center in October 2016. At that time, she was congratulated for having the “vision to prepare and promote the art form,” among other aspects of the prominent recognition. “I have a passion for this,” Cusick confirmed. “It’s been there for all of these years, and I believe my dancers — especially the master dancers — have that same passion. “We make it fun, interesting and try to educate a little.”

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 | 7

NCIC is the 2021 ‘Friend of the Festival’ Longtime festival collaborator honored for its involvement BY JANE TURPIN MOORE

get-together. “The International Festival is a celebration of The Globe diversity and that’s what we WORTHINGTON — at the NCIC are about,” said The 2021 “Friend of the Festival” honor goes to the NCIC coordinator Soom Nobles County Integration Chandaswang, speaking on behalf of the organization. Collaborative (NCIC). “Part of our mission A supporter of the International Festival is to bring cultural from its earliest days, the awareness to our Tim Middagh / The Globe NCIC has been unwavering community and into our Soom Chandaswang (red shirt, center right) operates a Taste of Laos stand while getting assistance from others during the in its involvement with 2017 International Festival. Chandaswang is the coordinator of the Nobles County Integration Collaborative, which is being recognized this year by the International Festival committee as the 2021 “Friend of the Festival.” FESTIVAL: Page 8 the annual community


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8 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021


Eats from around the globe BY JANE TURPIN MOORE

International Festival offering plenty of incredible edibles

returning ones,” said Leann Enninga, vice-chair of the International Festival’s planning committee. “I always love the eggrolls and papusas, but I like the chance to walk around and get a little bit of everything — and how fun is that?” It isn’t every week in Worthington that a person can grab a little Liberian snack one hour, some West Texas barbecue another, a Caribbean rice dish later on and top it all off with ice cream or a sno cone. But this weekend happens to be THAT TIME, and adventurous eaters can take their

pleasure with a few Alexander Hamilton greenbacks in tow. Elaine Watson, a longtime International Festival proprietor who will be present again this year with her Mama Wattz West Texas Ribs & Barbecue — plus assorted flavors of elephant ears for good measure — coordinated the 2021 food vendors. “We’re happy to have all the vendors, and the variety they represent,” said Enninga. Whether your tastes trend towards Mexican, Asian, barbecue or just plain cold, creamy and refreshing, the

International Festival food court should have what it takes to please your palate. Scheduled 2021 food vendors include: Ź The Long Branch Ź KC BBQ Ź SDSU Ice Cream Ź The Lao Temple Ź Tacos Jalisco Ź Mama Watzz West Texas Ribs & BBQ Ź Caribbean Kitchen & Grill Ź Tetest (Liberian food from Elaine Knuckles) Ź Las Olivias Ź Frutissimo Ź Sandra Pineda Ź Sibley’s Tropical Sno

A customer tries a cup of coffee from the Tsehaytu Aire Cafe and Restaurant at the 26th Annual Worthington International Festival.

regulations, but the NCIC continues to support the International Festival each From Page 7 schools, and to learn from year in other ways,” said and with one another, and Chandaswang, mentioning the International Festival the NCIC’s practice of providing volunteers and promotes those goals. offering a schedule of lively “It really offers a way to children’s activities during acknowledge and celebrate each festival weekend. our neighbors.” “And the [seven] NCIC Chandaswang, an NCIC staff members all plan to staff member for 11 years, attend the festival and do as said she was surprised much for it as we can outside but happy to receive the of our jobs,” she added. news that NCIC would be This year, the NCIC will honored as the “Friend of again sponsor activities the Festival” this weekend. for children during the “We’ve had to cut back Friday evening program. on some things in recent Their booth will include years, due to the state a ring toss game, face painting and a few other legislature’s funding

crafts, Chandaswang said. “We recruit high school students to volunteer and lead the activities, so they in turn serve as mentors for the younger kids,” she said. “They get to be an example to others while helping celebrate our differences.” Like the NCIC, the International Festival is a vehicle for promoting what Chandaswang believes is a true local advantage: diversity. “Overall, when the question is asked about what assets Worthington has, the answer is always our diversity,” said

Chandaswang. “The International Festival is a symbol of that and an acknowledgment that, hey, diversity is an asset to Worthington and we are going to celebrate that and use it to help attract people here.” Chandaswang, who recently achieved full U.S. citizenship, came with her family to the United States from Laos about 32 years ago. Besides the roles she has played as an NCIC employee in contributing to the International Festival, she and her family operated their popular “Taste of Laos” food booth there for five years.

“We wanted people to experience firsthand what Lao food was like, so we made everything fresh — egg rolls, riblets, sticky rice, chicken and papaya salad,” she listed. She easily rattles off the tantalizing list of various elements comprising papaya salad: shredded green papaya, tomatoes, lime, fermented fish sauce, sugar (sometimes palm sugar), Thai chile peppers, fresh garlic and optional MSG. “Those are the main ingredients,” said Chandaswang. As with people, the papaya salad’s diverse,

The Globe

WORTHINGTON — Hungry? It’s easy to satiate any and all stomach grumblings at the International Festival. With treats from several different ethnic backgrounds on tap and no admission fee to flatten your wallet upon arrival, the festival’s tempting food scene means there’s no one to blame but yourself if you walk away less than full. “There are some new vendors and several


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Tim Middagh / The Globe

even unexpected, ingredients mix together to create something refreshing, new, memorable and satisfying. “The NCIC is honored to be named the ‘Friend of the Festival,’” assured Chandaswang. “And we’re very excited because this is going to be one of our community’s first big celebrations since the pandemic. “I’m hoping for great weather, and that many people will come out to take this opportunity to get to know their neighbors while still being [COVID-] cautious in the best way we can.”

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 | 9

Photos from the 2019

Photos by Tim Middagh / The Globe

Shoppers look for interesting items in the market booths during Worthington’s 2019 International Festival.

Tamas Majoros, a Hungarian guitarist, plays a variety of ethnic songs during the 26th Annual Worthington International Festival in July 2019.

Zorongo Flamenco dancers perform during the July 2019 Worthington International Festival.

405 10th St., Worthington • 507-376-3095

A Kenyan acrobat puts seven chairs to the test during the 2019 International Festival.

New Vision Coop Service and Value Everyday. We support our community festivals!

10 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021


Photos by Tim Middagh / The Globe

A nice crowd gathers for performers during the July 2019 International Festival.

ABOVE: Lakota Baker from the Upper Sioux dancers and drummers performs a native dance during the 2019 International Festival. LEFT: Davis Moore performs songs during the 26th annual International Festival. Ethiopan dancers from the Oromia region prepare to dance during the 2019 International Festival.



Agents Jim Nickel, Tina Nickel, Trevor Nickel “Insurance Since 1921”

1709 N. Humiston, Worthington A Worthington police officer plays basketball with youths during the 2019 International Festival.


Worthington Branch 229 Tenth Street, Worthington 507-372-2933

Brewster Branch 224 Tenth Street, Brewster 507-842-5933


WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 | 11

A special thank you to all of the following contributors & sponsors. We could not do this without your support!

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through grants from the Minnesota State Arts Board and the Southwest Minnesota Arts Council, thank to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund

Ambassador Level

Diplomat Level

Envoy Level

Emissary Level

First State Bank Southwest, First State Insurance Agency Southwest, Downs Food Group, Radio Works, Nobles Cooperative Electric, Monogram Foods, Avera, Cheniqua Johnson for State House, American Bank & Trust, Kivu Immigration Law, Vast Broadband

Representative Level

Benson Funeral Home, Dingmann Funeral Home & Cremation Services, Hedeen, Hughes & Wetering, J. Briones Construction, Malters, Shepherd and Von Holtum, Newell Orthodontics, P.C., Remax/Hayenga Premier Realty, LLC, State Farm – Jason Vote Agency & Jessica Noble Agency, Worthington Federal Savings Bank, Worthington Liquor Store The Worthington International Festival Planning Committee would also like to extend a thank you to the volunteers, community members, local businesses, and other sponsors who are not listed above. Thank you again!

12 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021


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