DGLOBE.COM THE GLOBE | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 | KING TURKEY DAY 2022 | 1 KING TURKEY DAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY THESE SPONSORS SHOW YOUR KTD PRIDE HANG THIS IN YOUR WINDOW SO PAYCHECK KNOWS YOU’RE ON HIS SIDE! LET’S GO PAYCHECK! MAJOR WorthingtonNoblesTURKFORWARDWorthingtonSPONSOROptimistGRANDPARADEWorthingtonComfortSuitesTheGlobeRadioWorksOFTHETOWNAbstract&TitleJBSBedfordIndustriesSanfordHONORARYRon’sRepairFirstStateBankSWAveraMedicalGroupFederalSavings Bank Jessica Noble State Farm American Bank & Trust Sterling Pharmacy RE/MAX Premier Realty Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. WorthingtonMerckElks Lodge Smith Trucking Jason Vote State Farm Nickel & Associates Worthington Public Utilities Worthington Housing & Redevelopment Authority Duininck Legacy Financial Partners of Ameriprise Financial Johnson Builders & Realty The Daily Apple Dingmann Funeral Home Nienkerk Construction Rickers Photography Studio Cambridge Technologies Lakeside Travel Plaza Johnson Jewelry United Prairie Bank Kinser Law Office, PLLC Drealan Kvilhaug Hoefker & Co PA Rolling Hills Bank & Trust Bob & Steve’s Holiday #3801 Henderson Financial & Inc. Services, LLC Transición Salon Worthington Electric Rock Nobles Cattlemen’s Association C&B Tru-ShineWalmartSchaapOperationsCulliganTruckWashPalmaCustomsDollDistributingNoonKiwanisChampionHomes

1 p.m.: Former Race Team Trot, 1:30 p.m.: Great Gobbler Gallop, 4 to 6 p.m.: Children’s activities, Government Center Lawn

Church, Worthington.
These are just a few of them, with excerpts from the original reporting of the time.
4 p.m.: Food vendors, Third Avenue


Kennedy commented that “the world has changed immensely since I was graduated from high school.” He referred to the atomic capacity of the world to destroy itself.
Saturday, Sept. 17
Worthington Fire Hall
Sunday, Sept. 18
Nobles County Historical Society Day speaker in 1954.
Speakers chosen to address King Turkey Day crowds includes the following: 1939: No speaker. 1940: Minnesota Gov. Harold Stassen. 1941: No speaker. 1942: No speaker. 1943: No speaker. 1944: King Turkey Day cancelled due to World War II. 1945: King Turkey Day cancelled due to World War II. 1946: Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson. 1947: Minnesota Gov. Luther Youngdahl. 1948: Miss America Bebe Shopp. 1949: No speaker. 1950: Minnesota Sen. Hubert Humphrey. 1951: Minnesota Sen. Edward Thye. 1952: Alabama Sen. John Sparkman. 1953: Iowa Rep. Charles Hoeven. 1954: Vice President Richard Nixon. 1955: Minnesota Gov. Orville Freeman. 1956: Tennessee Sen. Estes Kefauver. 1957: German Counsel Dr. Hans Theusner. 1958: Secretary of the Interior Fred Seaton. 1959: Minnesota Sen. Hubert Humphrey. 1960: Texas Sen. Lyndon Johnson. 1961: Major Gen. Frank Britton. 1962: FHA Administrator Howard Bertsch. 1963: No speaker. 1964: Ambassador W. Averell Harriman. 1965: Vice President Hubert Humphrey. 1966: New York Sen. Robert Kennedy. 1967: Arkansas Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller. 1968: New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller. 1969: Postmaster General Elmer Klassen. 1970: Illinois Sen. Charles Percy. 1971: Peace Corps director Sargent Shriver. 1972: Minnesota Sen. Hubert
The Globe
Since King Turkey Day began in 1939, a number of famous and occasion ally infamous speakers have graced the city of Worthington, from Rich ard Nixon and Bobby Kennedy to Jesse Jackson and Jesse Ventura
Kennedy was highlight of very big day Globe Archives King Turkey’s pulse was returning to normal today after a four and one-half hour bout with Kennedy fever onRobertSaturday.F. Kennedy of New York poked his head from the door of his chartered North Central airliner just after noon on Turkey Day. A gust of wind immediately tosseled his sandy, whitestreaked hair. This disheveled appearance was to remain until he boarded the same plane to take off at 4:30 p.m. forButWisconsin.inthe interim between landing and taking off, an estimated 80,000 persons were exposed to the spell of the rising political star whose beloved brother was felled by a bullet inCarsDallas.were parked on both sides of the airport road between the runways and Highway 59 as an anxious, placard-waving crowd awaited Kennedy’s arrival. The uninitiated may have suspected that the site for the 26th Turkey Day observance was the airport, the way thousands of fans jammed about. Yet the prime attraction was the man in the grey suit, in whose direction “Welcome Bobby” posters were pointed and whose hand-
1972, Hubert H. Humphrey Hubert H. Humphrey also spoke at King Turkey Day in 1950, 1959, 1965 and 1975, and frequently attended the festival.
Uponintoxicating.takingthe podium, RFK said, “I’m delighted to be here, to be in Worthington.” He punned about his reticence to handle the turkey which earlier had been presented to him.

Thursday, Sept. 15
In 1956, when Kefauver accepted the customary bird, he was both scratched and soiled by the nervous turkey.
5 to 9 p.m.: King Turkey Day Mixer, downtown pavilion

shake and autograph were
8:30 to 11:30 p.m.: Music entertainment by Johnny Holm Band, downtown Pavilion, free admission

Friday, Sept. 16
Vice President Richard Nixon took the limelight of Wednesday’s King Turkey Day celebration here, claiming the Eisen hower administration has given the people “a government that is loyal, efficient and honest.”

10 a.m.: Food vendors open, Third Avenue
Richard Nixon, 1954
Center Lawn
6 to 11:59 p.m.: Music entertainment, by PM Music Beer Garden

Unrest is not limited to the United States, the senator reflected. “All over the world, there is a demand for change and for a better life.” He shared some observations made during his Latin American visit. “These people demand change just as we do, and we want to achieve it here and around the world.”
Politicians with diverse backgrounds spoke to Worthington crowns for King Turkey Day
are leaders who by experience, temperament and judgment are best qualified to meet the Communist threat and to attain an objective of “peace withoutAmericasurrender.”needs to beware of “OurSocialism.policies are based on the fundamental principle that the American system should be given a chance to work.”
5 to 9 p.m.: DJ Barry Roberts, downtown pavilion
They came, they spoke, they kissed a turkey KTD speakers through the years
Humphrey. 1973: No speaker. 1974: Attorney General Elliott Richardson. 1975: Minnesota Sen. Hubert Humphrey. 1976: No speaker. 1977: Minnesota Gov. Rudy Perpich. 1978: Illinois Rep. John Anderson. 1979: Minnesota Gov. Al Quie. 1980: Texas Sen. John Tower 1981: Minnesota State Sen. Hubert “Skip” Humphrey III. 1982: Minnesota Sen. Rudy Boschwitz. 1983: Minnesota Sen. Dave Durenberger. 1984: Minnesota Sen. Rudy Boschwitz. 1985: Texas Rep. Mac Sweeney. 1986: Presidential candidate the Rev. Jesse Jackson. 1987: Minnesota Sen. Dave Durenberger. 1988: Minnesota Lt. Gov. Marlene Johnson. 1989: Minnesota Auditor Arne Carlson. 1990: Iowa Sen. Fred Grandy. 1991: Gen. David Adamson. 1992: Minnesota Sen. Paul Wellstone. 1993: Minnesota Rep. Rod Grams. 1994: Minnesota Rep. David Minge. 1995: Minnesota Lt. Gov. Joanne Benson. 1996: Minnesota Attorney General Hubert “Skip” Humphrey and 1996 National Teacher of the Year Mary Beth Blegen. 1997: Minnesota Sen. Rod Grams. 1998: Reform Party candidate for Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura. 1999: Minnesota Commissioner of Agriculture Gene Hugoson. 2000: U.S. Senator Rod Grams; Miss Minnesota International Susan Nelson. 2001: Sen. Paul Wellstone, Minnesota Twins’ Tony Oliva and Worthington Mayor Robert J. Demuth.
Four hours later, Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey took to the local radio station to give a smokehementwandcontrols,tionissues”lengthaddress,farmhadtal”“point-by-pointstinging,rebuttoNixon’sspeech.TheVicePresidenttouchedlightlyonissuesinhislocalspeakingatonthe“fourgreatofthe1952eleccampaign—“Korea,communismcorruption.”Humphreystruckbackitha10-point“state-offacts,”whichsaid“thefogandscreenofcommunismandcorrup-tion”arehidingfromtheAmericanpeople…NixontoldthelocalaudiencethatifDem-ocrats“hadcooperat-edwithJ.EdgarHooverandtheFBI”theproblemofcommunism“couldhavebeendealtwithyearsbefore.”MainpointsinNixon’sspeechwere:Thepresentadmin-istrationis“keepingfaithwiththepeoplebykeepingyourdollarworthadollartoday.”“Wehavebroughtanewclimateofmoralityandintegritytothefed-eralgovernment.”PresidentEisenhow-erandSecretaryDulles
National prosperity depends on farm prosperity.Administration tax cuts have saved the taxpayer money.
2 | KING TURKEY DAY 2022 | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 | THE GLOBE DGLOBE.COM 1190 RYAN’S ROAD, Worthington • 372-8620 Mon-Thurs 10am-8pm | Fri & Sat 10am-9pm | Sun Noon-5pm We Reserve the right to limit quantities. WHITE CLAW SELTZERS Variety Packs No. 1, 2, & 3 12 pk Cans $1499 BUD, BUD LIGHT, MICHELOB GOLDEN DRAFT LIGHT 24pk Bottles $2099 BUSCH LIGHT APPLE 24 Pack Cans $1999 BIRD WHISKEYDOG All Flavors 750ml $1599 SKREWBALL PEANUT BUTTER750WHISKEYml $2599 CUTWATERAllCOCKTAILSPREMIXEDFlavors4pk $1099 PRAIRIE $CUCUMBERVODKA,VODKA1.75L2399 SUTTER HOME WINES All Varieties 1.5L $799 COORS ORIGINAL, COORS LIGHT, MILLER LITE, GENUINE DRAFT 24pk Bottles $2199RIGGINAL WESTERN SON $WATERMELONBLUEBERRY,VODKA1.75L1799SAVE$6.00 Happy King Turkey Day! PRICES GOOD THROUGH SEPT. 19, 2022 207 10TH STREET • WORTHINGTON, MN • 507-372-7127 facebook.com/TheDailyAppleWorthington High-Quality Vitamins & Essential Oils! Clothing, Home Decor & Jewelry!
Nixon Praises Government, Sen. Humphrey does radio talk to blast Nixon’s points

“The only way we will be effective and successful is by working together,” he suggested.
Among those challenges, “We are going to have to find the same amount of jobs and schools in the next 35 years as we have since we have been a country.”
4 to 11:59 p.m.: King Turkey Day beer garden, downtown pavilion

HHH ‘in top form’ for 1972 Turkey Day visit Globe archives Sen. Hubert Humphrey, grand-master at the Turkey Day parade, rode with local DFL candidates Francis Judge and Ben VanderKooi at the head of the parade Saturday afternoon. Stopping the parade momentarily, he posed for a picture with a young admirer, moved on to the parade’s end and assumed the position of guest of honor on the viewing stand in front of the courthouse.
FAMOUS: Page 4
11:30 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.: King Turkey Day
the country is in the midst of “immense change,” RFK continued, “we share problems” common to both rural and urban areas.
KTD boasts famous speakers

“I know there is a feeling among some of you that I didn’t get close enough to the turkey. But I heard about what happened to Estes Kefauver.”
1966 KennedyBobby
However, though Kennedy “just patted him,” he promised to take the turkey home with him and “give it to my children. They’ll play with it,” he

major address, Kennedy stressed that all cities, large and small, “are interdependent on one another.” He said that Worthington is representative of the entire United States because “you’ve taken the initiative” to create a junior college without waiting for the government to doThoughit.
Aides said he was rested from the grueling, disappointing struggle for the 1972 presidential nomination. But the apparent end to future chances for a presidential nomination have not
17 9AM - 1:30PM
Hardware parking lot 9 a.m.: YMCA 5K Walk, 5K and 10K Run,
Thanks to the vision of the Okabena Bay Area Striders and the work now of Hohensee and the YMCA, our southwest Minnesota region has been addicted to the KTD 10K race for decades.
“IfHowit.”so?there are days when you aren’t motivated or feel a bit lethargic, I tell you what, if you go and get your exercise in you’ll feel so energetic and satisfied,” Fiola said. “Running is really a pickme-upper ... Running is one of the most positive addictions you can have.”
“If you run within your limits and train gradually, it’s not uncomfortable at all,” he said.
“I don’t run as far,” he said. “I don’t run marathons or races anymore, but I still try to stay active.”Running in general, and events like the Turkey 10K specifically, have proved so beneficial for so“It’smany. helped with weight control, it’s helped with stress relief, and it’s been a great social experience,” Fiola said. “A bunch of us traveled all over for races, and it was always a social highlight. But running was also great from the standpoint of satisfaction andSomehealth.”might suggest runners are a bit, well, out there. Why submit yourself to the agony of such an endeavor?
Drealan, you see, is going to keep his streak alive.That’s right. Drealan is one of two men who have participated in all 42 King Turkey Day 10K races. The 43rd is scheduled for Sat urday, Sept. 17, in downtownDrealan,Worthington.amonga group of Worthington runners who called themselves the Okabena Bay Area Striders, said the race will forever be special in his heart. The Striders, a group that also included Stan Haas, Tom Navara, Jerry Fiola and Owen Van Essen, were behind the race’s inception in 1980 and for 35 years made sure it ran smoothly.
He still does. And that’s why Drealan, who for years traveled a few blocks to compete in the race, is now planning a trip across South Dakota to come home for Worth ington’s race of renown.
“There was a lot of sweat equity involved,” Drealan said with a chuckle. “We always tried to improve it for the run ners and make it better for the
event that also includes a 5K run-walk. The events begin at 9 a.m. Sept. 17.
The KTD 10K had 101 runners when it began in 1980 and now averages 500-600, said Hohensee. According to registration records kept by Jerry Fiola, a member of the Okabena Bay Area Striders and longtime 10K race director, a record 711 runners crossed the finish line in 1997.

On a recent Saturday morning, Fiola said he’d just finished a jog.
Fulda native Wayne Drealan was a business man in Worthington for decades and often planned his Septembers around Lake Okabena.
“It’s really a great way to start the day,” said Hohensee, who has been involved with the race since the Striders handed it Afteroff.many years with the YMCA, Hohensee now has a different job in“ButWorthington.Icouldnot walk away from this event,” she said, adding that the race is supported by state running organization Run Minnesota and the course is certified by Minnesota’s track and field organization. “It’s such a special day and such a great race.”
years ago, in 1972, along 10th Street in downtown Worthington.
Fiola said that’s a mistaken attitude.
Many are still running the good race, and that’s a great thing.

A northwest Iowa native, Wynia was an All-American and national champion distance runner at Dordt
Fiola, a 1967 graduate of Worthington High School, said he was not a standout athlete for the Trojans. But a life of running has made for a superstar feeling.
King Turkey Day 10k still winning over runners and race fans in Worthington and beyond
By Scott Mansch The Globe
“For about 45 years, it’s been a central activity in my life,” Fiola said. “I still run four or five times a week, although I do it mostly indoors now.”
Because that’s where the King Turkey Day 10K“Thewas.great course and the beautiful lake,” Drealan said. “I loved it.”
Special to The Globe Wayne Drealan (right) is shown with Steve Vlieger, both of whom have run in every King Turkey Day 10K.

Special to The Globe
University in Sioux Center, Iowa. Wynia ran a blistering 29:37 in 1983 to set a record that still stands for the 6.2-mile KTD 10K.
“I always really appreciated the event,” said Wynia, who now lives in Beresford, S.D. “It was such a nice course, looping the lake, and the people around the course and the music always stood“Havingout. the race finish along the parade route, where there were always so many people cheering you on, was just great. I ran a lot of races, and none of them compared to the community atmosphere in Worthington.”
This year’s 10K is in conjunction with the 50th King Turkey Day Great Gobbler Gallop, a popular downtown sprint between Worthington’s turkey, Paycheck, and Ruby Begonia of Cuero, Texas, a community that also hosts an annual turkey celebration.Both events are anChandlerattraction.native Steve Vlieger, who lives in
“So here I am 70 years old and looking forward to that, because I’ll have a new age group in the race,” Drealan laughed.
Of the thousands who have circled Lake Okabena for the race, no one completed it more swiftly than Jerrold Wynia.
Scott Mansch may be reached at ets@gmail.comsmansch5rock-
And, he added, the gain is worth the pain.
“Oh yes,” he said. “And there really isn’t any pain. Fatigue can be part of it, but it’s well worth
Mitchell, S.D., is the other runner who has participated in every Turkey DayDrealan10K. now lives in Belle Fourche, S.D. The 70-year-old said running keeps him young at heart. Race results are tabulated by five-year increments, starting at ages 20, 25, 30 and so on.
“I’m inviting myself back next year.”

Hallstrom, Bob Demuth. 1994: Karen Fury, Vern Behrends, Alan Oberloh, Dave Jueneman. 1995: Vern Behrends, Alan Oberloh, Marcia Anton, Pat Remme. 1996: Pam Hain, Pat Remme, Kevin

Lease, Doug Wasmund. 1997: Jeff Rotert, Doug Wasmund, Brenda Hurlbut, Kevin Lease. 1998: Beth Namanny, Brenda Hurlbut, Matt Oleske, Bryan Hagen. 1999: Steve Busch, Matt Oleske, Bryan Hagen, Lori Grafing. 2000: Mike Woll, Scott Anderson, Marshelle Jorgenson, Nancy Johnson. 2001: Pat Remme, Scott Anderson, Mick Eggers, Nancy Johnson. 2002: Kami Lease, Mick Eggers, Paul Larson, Kari Meyer. 2003: Scott Anderson, Kari Meyer, Paul Larson, Terry Eggers. 2004: Terry Eggers, Bruce Kness, Teresa Rotert, Brad Behrends. 2005: Mark Ruesch, Bruce Kness, Teresa Rotert, Jim Von Holtum. 2006: Cindy DeGroot, Jim Von Holtum, Diane Dybevick, Larry Iten. 2007: Cindy DeGroot, Larry Iten, Matt Widboom, Chad Cummings. 2008: Chad Cummings, Jim Henning, Jodi Almberg, Matt Widboom. 2009: Jodi Almberg, Tammy Anderson, Jim

The Globe 1973: Lew Hudson, Jim Hvistendal, Jim Wychor, A.J. Terrones, Dennis Van Beest. 1974: A.J. Terrones, Dennis Van Beest, Jim Wychor. 1975: Lew Hudson, Tom Koppy, A.J. Terrones. 1976: Daryl Standafer, A.J. Terrones, Dan Johnson. 1977: Wayne Freese, Dan Johnson, Claire Gerber. 1978: Claire Gerber, Rich Pederson, Neil Roberts. 1979: Lonnie Lien, Rich Pederson, Neil Roberts. 1980: Ron Heard, Jon Benson, Lonnie Lien. 1981: Diane Child, Rod Heard, Milt Jorgenson. 1982: Bob Petrich, Larry Duke, Eldon Rance. 1983: Bob Petrich, Jerry Fiola, LeRoy Merkel, Tom Anderson. 1984: Jan Dybevick, Tim Aker, Larry Haugen, Sheila Pederson. 1985: Tim Aker, Kris Westerlund, Dale Jensen, Sheila Pederson. 1986: LeRoy Merkel, Kris Westerlund, Dave Carlson, Terry Rei shus. 1987: Claire Gerber, Dave Carlson, Tom Koppy, Darlene Mack
The aide’s observations were echoed by Humphrey in the closing words of his 20-min ute speech. “I’ve had a great public life,” he said emotionally to the 300 listeners in front of the viewing stand. “No man could have had more than I have had in the

50 years of Paycheck race teams
lin. 1988: Jon Benson, Darlene Macklin, Terry Franklin, Gary Hoffmann. 1989: Bill Gerstner, Terry Franklin, Kris Tutje, Dave Jueneman. 1990: Gary Hoffmann, Andy Noll, Lee Hain, Kris
resulted in any diminishing of the senator’s frenzied activities.

A long day for Jackson Globe archives
We have today a great expression of the true spirit of our nation as I watch you stand in this street, so much joy and celebration in your faces.
service of his country; no man could have asked forThemore.”words came at the end of the 61 yearold senator’s speech on the economic problems of rural America. Long an advocate of a reorganization of the Department of Agriculture, Humphrey proposed the expansion of federal rural credit, making it available to private and public borrowers unable to get credit from commercial sources…
that nothing breaks your spirit. I suppose that’s my appeal to so many of our people who are now committing suicide in the face of the crisis. Do not let the forces of evil break our spirits.

just come here to claim my stake in this situation, trapped somewhere between Worthington and Texas — and that’s quite a trap.
Jesse Jackson’s Turkey Day speech
A Turkey Day visitor 15 times since 1948, Humphrey was, in the words of his aide, “return ing to his people after the disappointments of“IMiami.”thinkhe has realized the apex of his political career,” the aide said. “He has always been a statesman and probably will be remembered as one of the great Ameri cans of the last 20 years. I think the role of states man is where he sees himself now.”
Presidential candidate the Rev. Jesse Jackson hoists up a turkey after speaking at the 1986 King Turkey Day.

To be the leader of the free world, we must have the will to do justice and love mercy in our government and for our God. Ten percent of our society owns 70% of the wealth; 90% percent owns 30%. That’s unAmerican. That’s not economic democracy. The top 40% of our society is making 68% of the income and they get a tax cut. The bottom 40% is making 15.7% and they get a wage cut and a plant closing. That is not fair.
“We must develop policies that allow people to have a realistic choice about where they will live and work, not a choice dictated by a lack of jobs in rural areas, or by inadequate
Let me express my profound thanks to you for being good enough to invite me here to share with you on this Turkey Day festivity. Since this event began the year I was born, there must be some destiny in this occasion. Maybe I was the original turkey,

The 2022 Paycheck Race Team includes Captain Jason Johnson, Handlers Dawn Teerink and Genny McCuen and Coach Doug Tate.

1986, Jesse Jackson
Special to The Globe

medical facilities, or a lack of good schools and“Whatlibraries.”Congress does will matter very little unless the unending political war between rural and urban interests begins to cool off,” he continued, and then added optimistically: “The decision at hand is the nation’s destiny; we must make it work, we will make it work. Our destiny is in our hands: We must rejuvenate, revitalize and modernize the vast areas of rural America; it is something we must face together as Americans.”
“The exodus of people out of rural America to the cities has caused
Tutje. 1991: Bruce Viessman, Rick Duellman (sub), Pat Henkels, Lee Hain, Jerry Eykyn. 1992: Joel Krekelberg, Pat Henkels, Brian Kolander, Scott Hain. 1993: Scott Hain, Karen Fury, Winora
Globe archives
FAMOUS From Page 2 4 | KING TURKEY DAY 2022 | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 | THE GLOBE DGLOBE.COM Worthington Branch 229 Tenth 224BrewsterWorthingtonStreet,507-372-2933BranchTenthStreet,Brewster507-842-5933 rollinghillsbank.com JOHNSON JEWELRY J J 1009 4th Worthington,Ave.,MN507-376-4313 KING Happy Day! Turkey 405 10th St., Worthington • 507-376-3095 (507)Builders376-4149&Realty,Inc.1114OxfordStreet,Worthingtonwww.jbrhomes.com

Henning, Paul Larson. 2010: Tammy Anderson, Chris Heinrichs, Diane Schettler, Jesse Teerink. 2011: Diane Schettler, Vida Iten, Mike Fury, Jesse Teerink. 2012: Mike Fury, Jami Cummings, Amanda Walljasper, Pete Suby. 2013: Jami Cummings, Amanda Walljasper-Tate, Brian Almberg, Jason Vote. 2014: Jason Vote, Kevin Prins, Pete Suby, Dan Huls. 2015: Ashley Goettig, Dan Huls, Susanne Murphy, Kevin Prins. 2016: Susanne Murphy, Ashley Goettig, Diane Remakel, Kirk Feit. 2017: Kirk Feit, Diane Remakel, Mike Phillips, Wade Roesner. 2018: Wade Roesner, Mike Phillips, Chad Nixon, Jaime Salinas. 2019: Jamie Salinas, Terri Odell, Chad Nixon, Kelly Eggers. 20202021: Genny McCuen, Terri Odell, Kelly Eggers and Doug Tate. 2022: Jason Johnson, Dawn Teerink, Doug Tate and Genny McCuen.
Saturday was a long day for the Rev. Jesse Jackson, but he must have enjoyed his appearance here. His final comment on King Turkey Day came as he boarded his airplane home.
As I look at closeddown businesses, look at 112 companies that are now off the radio station because they cannot advertise any more, if you were a weaker people, if you were not a spiritual people, if you were not a God-fearing people, if you had no faith and therefore had no hope, you would give up and drown in your tears.

a national crisis; 75% of our people are now crowded into 2% of the land. Every six family farms we lose in rural Minnesota means that one small business will die. That is the reason for the empty business buildings we often see, the diminishing services and the skyrocketing property taxes in most of our rural communities.”

Somehow, you have a resolve born of our faith
“He’s in better health and more relaxed than he’s been since I started working with him when he was Vice President,” his aide said. “But he’s still going full blast with 14-hour days, a tremen dous amount of activity in the Senate and an exhaustive schedule within the state.”
1978 : First heat — Paycheck, 47 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 27 seconds. Second heat — Paycheck, 27 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 4.17 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
DGLOBE.COM THE GLOBE | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 | KING TURKEY DAY 2022 | 5 We proudly support King Turkey Day chsbrandon.com2022 IN GOD WE TRUST Family Owned and Operated since 1946 Enjoy the Regatta & Music Festival! Hiring Long Haul, Short Haul and Regional Drivers 507-376-5080 www.smithtruckinginc.com Staci Renee507-360-5197MurphyBaerenwald507-370-0950DoreenSheda507-360-7774CassidyHennings507-360-0035Let’s Paycheck!go, 800-342-7360 WWW.COOPENERGYCO.COM Jason Vote 716 Oxford Street Worthington, MN www.jasonvote.com507-372-290656187 statefarm.com® Proudly supports King Turkey Day 1999 East Oxford Street Worthington, MN 507-372-5454 • grahamtire.net

1982 : First heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 43 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 58 seconds.
Race cancelled once in 50-year history, during 2020 COVID-19 pandemic

1984: First heat — Paycheck, 1 minute, 19.85 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 49.85 seconds. Second heat — Paycheck, 1 minute, 11 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1
1980: First heat — Paycheck, 1 minute, 24.9 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 54.9 seconds. Second heat —Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 35.3 seconds; Paycheck. 1 minute, 45.4 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
Page 6
Ruby Begonia race teams through the years

Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 31.4 seconds; Paycheck, 36.5 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
The Globe
1977 : First heat — Paycheck, 42.9 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 53.4 seconds. Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 15.4 seconds; Paycheck, 25.6 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
1983 : First heat — Paycheck, 26.2 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 51.1 seconds. Second heat —
Second heat —Paycheck, 31.27 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 31.65 seconds. Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
In 48 races, Paycheck leads Ruby Begonia by 8

Calk. 1989: Butch Prause, Jack Calk, Clarence Wessels, Fred White. 1990: Butch Prause, Clarence Wessels, Fred White,

Second heat — Paycheck, 1 minute, 11 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 15 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
1973: Ken Long, Bob Perkins, Jack Harstsell. 1974: Lias Bubba Steen, Barry Wineinger, Phil Ernster. 1975: Lias Bubba Steen, Alan Kahlich, Sherre Ernster. 1976: Alan Kahlich, Captain, Lias Bubba Steen, Bill Blackwell. 1977: Bill Blackwell, Jack Calk, Mary C. Kahlich 1978: Jack Calk, Mary C. Kahlich, Bob Hesse. 1979: Bob Hesse, Jim Voelkel, Mike Milberry. 1980: Jack Calk, Mike Milberry, Jim Voelkel, Jim Conrad. 1981: Mike Milberry, Jim Conrad, C.L. Duckett, Bucky Sager. 1982: Alan Kahlich, C.L. Duckett, Bucky Sager, Ann Mary Vaughn. 1983: Burns McAlister, Ann Mary Vaughn, Davis Kain er, Jay Bramlette. 1984: Burns McAlister, Davis Kainer, Jay Bramlette, B.J. White. 1985: Davis Kainer, B.J. White, Butch Prause. 1986: Davis Kainer, Butch Prause, Robert Farris, Les Rabke. 1987: B.J. White, Les Rabke, Jan Roberts, Albert Jahnsen. 1988: C.L. Duckett, Jan Roberts, Albert Jahnsen, Jack
Nobles County Historical Society

Donald Hoy, Rick Wheeler. 1995: Brett Duckett, Donald Hoy, Leslie Voelkel, Corlis Riedesel. 1996: Brett Duckett, Leslie Voelkel, Tony Allen, Kay Lapp 1997: Rick Wheeler, Kay Lapp, Clay Pullin, Phil Grandjean. 1998: Neal Lapp, Clay Pullin, Laura Duckett, Annette Rath. 1999: Annette Rath, Laura Duckett, Tommy Isenberg, Arthur Velasquez. 2000: Cynthia Martin, Tommy Isenberg, Sandy White, Ronnie Binz. 2001: Susan Prause, Sandy White, Joe Adams, Ronnie Binz. 2002: Erwin Rath, Tony Allen, Tim Riedesel, Diana Blank. 2003: Stacy Cordes, Tim Riedesel, Ty Whitfield, Bill Hickey. 2004: Clay Pullin, Stacy Cordes, Johhny Dietze, Ty Whitfield. 2005: Jason Rogers, Erwin Rath Jr., Lloyd Copeland, Rhonda Hudson. 2006: Leslie Voelkel Campos, Lloyd Copeland, Jamie Wright, Phyllis Foulds. 2007: Jamie Wright, Debra Baros, Roxanne Hanselka, Erik McCowan. 2008: Roxanne Hanselka, Erik

1975 : First heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, .06 seconds; Goferbroke, 1 minute, 10.75 seconds. Second heat —Ruby Begonia, 28.8 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 2 seconds. Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
minute, 15 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
McCowan, Terri Warwas, Jode Zavesky. 2009: Terri Warwas, Brittany Garza, Glenn Mutchler, Jason Rogers. 2010: Jason Rogers, Cory Thamm, Dawn Draper, Bobby Phillips. 2011: Bobby Phillips, Greg Nemec, Amy Crain, Linda Nemec. 2012: Greg Nemec, Linda Nemec, Clayton Lantz, Richard Weber. 2013: Clayton Lantz, Terri Warwas, Clint Clark, Mary Beth Finney. 2014: Clint Clark, Kristie Tieken, Michael Ruschaupt, Bill Matthys. 2015: Anthony Netardus, Brenda Martin, Michael Ruschaupt, Laura Patek. 2016: Brenda Martin, Keith Goebel, Ken Klimitchek, Brittany Garza. 2017: Keith Goebel, Denise Goebel, Jimmy Martin, Angie Cuellar. 2018: Laura Patek, Kenneth Schley, Kristie Tieken, James Rath. 2019: Kennth Schley, Clayton Lantz, James Rath. 2020-2021: Tiffany Hilburn, Brady Boehl, James Rath, Angie Cuellar. 2022: Trent Kainer, Joel Hilburn, ShaNon Henson and Butch Prause.
The 2022 Cuero, Texas Race Team includes Coach Trent Kainer (from left), Captain Joel Hilburn and Handlers ShaNon Henson and Butch Prause.

Ruby Begonia, 14.39 seconds; Paycheck, 15.62 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
1985: First heat — Paycheck, 2 minutes, 8.93 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 48.04 seconds.
Before Worthington named its racing Turkey “Paycheck,” it called its speedy bird “Silverfoot,” as seen in this image from 1973.
1973 : First heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 52 seconds; Silverfoot, 5 minutes, 21 seconds. Second heat — Tomfool ery, 32.5 seconds, Ruby Begonia, 54 seconds. Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
Helen Bulgerin. 1991: Les Rabke, Helen Bulgerin, Charlotte Henry, Jim Hargrove. 1992: Charlotte Henry, Brett Duck-
1981: First heat — Ruby Begonia, 51.9 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 21.9 seconds. Second heat — Paycheck, 33.65 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 59.7 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
1974: First heat — Paycheck, 57.3 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 56.3 seconds. Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 28.3 seconds; Paycheck, 28.5 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
1986: First heat — Paycheck, 3 minutes, 18 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 44 seconds. Second heat —Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 6 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 20 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
ett, Neal Lapp, Glenn Rea. 1993: Fred White, Brett Duckett, Neal Lapp, Susan Prause. 1994: Jay Bramlette, Susan Prause,

1976 : First heat — Paycheck, 1 minute, 14.9 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 35 seconds.
1979: First heat — Ruby Begonia, 57.6 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 27 seconds. Second heat —Paycheck, 59 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 39 seconds. Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
Happy King Turkey Day!

From Page 2

Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 47.35 seconds; Paycheck, 4 minutes, 37 seconds. Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
2009: First heat — Paycheck, 35.17 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 39.6 seconds. Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 31.06 seconds; Paycheck, 36.58 seconds. Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
1989: First heat — Paycheck, 31 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 min utes, 3 seconds. Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 50 seconds; Paycheck, 52 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
2011 : First heat — Paycheck, 27.7 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 17 seconds. Second heat — Paycheck, 3 minutes, 38 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 2 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
2017: First heat — Paycheck, 1 minute, 43 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 31 seconds; Second heat — Paycheck, 3 minutes, 16 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 6 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
2005: First heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 46 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 16 seconds.

1988: First heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 16 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 55 seconds. Second heat —Paycheck, 1 minute, 20.88 sec onds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 10.88 seconds.
2003: First heat — Paycheck, 1 minute, 10.74 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 14.63 seconds. Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 27 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 38 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
ond heat — Paycheck, 4 minutes, 48.22 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 5 minutes, 18.22 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
2015: First heat — Paycheck, 1 minute, 34.97 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 36.09 seconds; Second heat — Paycheck, 1 minute, 23 seconds; Ruby Begonia 2 minutes, 36 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
2002: No speaker. 2003: St. Paul Police Chief William Finney. 2004: Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty. 2005: Former local newsmen Lew Hudson and Jim Wychor. 2006: WHS grad and 30-year Navy man Andre Kirkwood. 2007: Professional fisherman Babe Winkelman. 2008: Rep. Tim Walz and Brian Davis, candidates for 1st Congressional District seat. 2009: Major General Larry Shellito, Minnesota National Guard. 2010: Honor Flight Founder Earl Morse. 2011: WCCO news anchor Liz Collin. 2012: WHS graduate Mike Patrick. 2013: ‘Survivor’ finalist Holly Hoffman. 2014: Former local newsmen Lew Hudson and Jim Wychor. 2015: Retired Olympic gold medal wrestler Dan Gable. 2016: U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar. 2017: Sioux Falls, S.D. mayoral candidate Paul Ten Haken. 2018: Bless You founder Duane Drost. 2019: Brulé founder Paul LaRoche. 2020: King Turkey Day cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic. 2021: Minnesota Supreme Court Associate Justice Gordon Moore III. 2022: Former Minnesota Vikings running back Chuck Foreman.
1994: First heat — Paycheck, 1 minute, 21.16 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 29.97 seconds. Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 11 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 33 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
2018: First heat — Paycheck, 40.71 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 3.77 seconds; Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 17 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 10.28 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.

1995: First heat — Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 7.24 seconds; Paycheck, 4 minutes, 26.77 seconds. Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 6 minutes, 48.23 seconds; Paycheck, 9 minutes, 33.54 seconds. Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
Proud to be a part of Worthington’s community! 507-372-2121 • Highway 60 N.E. • Worthington, MN 56187
1993 : First heat — Paycheck, 3 minutes, 27 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 9 seconds.
2021: First heat — Paycheck, 1 minute, 12.36 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 26.6 seconds; Second heat — Paycheck, 2 minutes, 15 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 51.12 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.

1990: First heat — Paycheck, 2 minutes, 19.9 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 5 minutes, 30.63 seconds. Second heat — Paycheck, 1 min ute, 21.84 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 54.49 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
HISTORY From Page 5

Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 59 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 55 seconds. Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
Overall winner — Paycheck.
Overall winner — Paycheck.
minutes, 32 seconds. Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.

Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 0008 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 18 seconds.
Second heat —Paycheck, 31.59 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 46.4 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
1999: First heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 4 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 10 seconds. Second heat — Paycheck, 48.27 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 57 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
2007: First heat — Paycheck, 57.85 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 37.22 seconds. Sec-

1997: First heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 44.46 seconds; Paycheck, 5 minutes, 12.39 seconds. Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 33.03 seconds; Paycheck, 3 minutes, 45.39 seconds. Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
2010 : First heat — Paycheck, 37 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 40 seconds. Second heat — Paycheck, 29 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 50 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
2006: First heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 5 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 18 seconds.
1987: First heat — Paycheck, 54.22 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 26.68 seconds. Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 8.65 seconds; Paycheck, 3 minutes, 85 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
Nobles County Historical Society Minnesota Sen. Hubert Humphrey was the featured speaker at King Turkey Day in 1972.

2004: First heat — Paycheck, 43 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 1 second. Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 54 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 44 seconds.
1998: First heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 27.27 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes. 25.09 seconds. Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 25 seconds; Paycheck, 3 minutes. Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
1991: First heat — Paycheck, 2 minutes, 31,75 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 39.55 sec onds. Second heat — Paycheck, 1 minute, 28 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 17 seconds.
Overall winner — Paycheck.
2013 : First heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 18.12 seconds; Paycheck, 5 minutes, 56.35 seconds; Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 7 seconds; Paycheck, 7 minutes, 37 seconds. Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
1992 : First heat — Paycheck, 2 minutes, 43.52 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 49 seconds. Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 11 seconds; Paycheck, 6 minutes, 39 seconds. Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
2020: Race cancelled due to the Covid-19 global pandemic.

2001: First heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 33.8 seconds; Paycheck, 5 minutes, 21.99 seconds.
Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
2002: First heat — Paycheck, 39.9 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 15.98 seconds. Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 52 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 58 seconds.
2008: First heat — Paycheck, 37.74 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 5.9 seconds. Second heat — Ruby Begonia 1 minute, 30.5 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 33.22 seconds. Overall winner — Paycheck.
2000: First heat — Paycheck, 3 minutes, 9 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 3 minutes, 55 seconds.
2016: First heat — Paycheck, 1 minute, 11.5 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 22.8 seconds; Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 25 seconds; Paycheck 1 minutes, 36 seconds.

2012 : First heat — Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 21.20 seconds; Paycheck, 4 minutes, 2.52 seconds. Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 54.21 seconds; Paycheck, 6 minutes, 56 seconds. Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
2019: First heat — Paycheck, 1 minute, 19.5 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 10.46 seconds; Second heat — Paycheck, 1 minute, 19 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 21 seconds.

Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
1996: First heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 30.5 seconds; Paycheck, 4 minutes, 18.29 seconds. Second heat — Paycheck, 43 seconds; Ruby Begonia 45 seconds. Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.
2014 : First heat — Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 41.12 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 47.17 seconds; Second heat — Ruby Begonia 1 minute, 39.06 seconds; Paycheck, 2

Overall winner — Pay check.
Second heat — Ruby Begonia, 54 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 47 seconds. Overall winner — Ruby Begonia.