Locals can enjoy time ‘At The Barn’
After years of renovations, new event venue is almost ready for the public
By Emma McNamee The GlobeWORTHINGTON —
The property where Alan Oberloh’s new event venue sits once housed a series of unfortunate-looking buildings, but after years of tear-downs and renovations, what remains is nothing short of rustically charming.


at the International Festival 2022

The tin-sided barn, which Oberloh was granted a conditional use permit to operate as an event venue back in May, is described as both a “labor of love” and an “obsession” by Oberloh and his wife, Janice, as they show off the refurbished space.

Oberloh has tentatively dubbed the venue “At The Barn” — which had become his standard answer for where he was during the years-long renovation.
When he bought the property back in March 2018, Oberloh had plans to use it for storage —
just that feat required a lot of work. The building Oberloh renovated contained around ten inches of manure on the floor, and plenty of debris throughout.
“It took eight dumpsters until we could see the light at the end of the tunnel,” Oberloh said.

With some help, the old bleachers were removed and new floors were put in. Plans for a new door were drawn up, and slowly, the space began to take shape.
“The further we got in the project, the more people started inquiring about, ‘are you going to rent this thing? What are you going to do with it?’” Oberloh said. “And then it almost got to be too nice, just for storage, so we said, ‘we’ll make it into a place where people can have parties.’”

The Globe opens in new office

The Globe opened last week in its new location at 416 10th St., in downtown Worthington, after employees worked from home for two full months.

The editorial, advertising and front office staff moved into the new office during the final days of June, and the doors opened to the public on July 5. Located in the former Lien Electric store, the building was purchased by Al Drost and Dan Krueger and completely renovated for
the news organization.
Globe Publisher Joni Harms and the staff are pleased to be back in an office in downtown Worthington.
“When the Lien Electric building was brought to our attention, I met with Al Drost and Dan Krueger and fell in love with it immediately,” Harms said. “Their vision matched up with what we were looking for — keeping the exposed brick and creating an industrial look.”
The owners did a build-out to suit The Globe’s needs, with a fully open-concept office, including a

reception area, reporters’ desks and an advertising area in the front of the building, with offices for the publisher and editor, a conference room, break room and space at the back of the building for delivery of newspapers and added storage. There is also a full basement, which was an added bonus, Harms said.
“Our new office space has eight dedicated spaces for employees, with space for the telecommuters to come in and work as needed,” she added.
19-year-old man drowned Monday
By Julie Buntjer The GlobeWORTHINGTON — A 19-year-old Worthington man drowned in approximately 10 feet of water off the shoreline of Sailboard Beach in Lake Okabena Monday afternoon.

The Worthington Fire Department, Worthington Police and Nobles County Sheriff’s Office responded to the reported drowning at 4:24 p.m. At the scene,
they were informed a 19-year-old male was swimming and had gone under the water and not resurfaced.
At approximately 5:46 p.m., an unresponsive male was recovered from the water by the Nobles County Sheriff’s Office and Worthington Fire Department. He was pronounced dead at the scene, according to Nobles County Sheriff Ryan Kruger.
Robert Hartog Windom Thank Tim Middagh / The Globe Alan Oberloh opens a renovated sales barn for use as an event venue at Charles Ave on the southeast side of Worthington. Tim Middagh / The Globe obles County Sheri s O ce dive team members search for a drowning victim Monday afternoon at Sailboard Beach on Lake Okabena. A ag bearer representing Mexico gets her ag ready for the parade of ags Friday at the opening of the 28th annual Worthington International Festival. Photos by Tim Middagh / The Globe Above left: Kids attempt to win a refreshing soda at a booth Friday during the 28th annual Worthington International Festival. Above top right: a uel and ector Avile sing The Star Spangled Banner on Friday during the opening ceremony for the 28th annual Worthington International Festival. Above right: The Chinese ceremonial lion dance group interacts with the crowd Saturday during a performance at the International Festival.Sunrise: 5:53 a.m. Sunset: 9:02 p.m. Moonrise: 9:41 p.m. Moonset: 6:31 a.m., July 14

11:16 p.m. Saturday: 1900 block of Dover Street, female with high blood pressure and felt lightheaded, refused transport.

2:34 a.m. Sunday: 1700 block of Viking Road, unresponsive male.
2:11 p.m. Sunday: 10th Street and Eighth Avenue, intoxicated male in the park and not feeling well.
3:08 a.m. Monday: 1500 block of Airport Road, adult male, un-

4:24 p.m. Monday: Sailboard Beach area of Lake Okabena, drowning. Worthington Fire and Rescue also dispatched.

NCSO: car-deer crash, 11 p.m. Sunday, eastbound Interstate 90 in mile 45.
WPD: domestic, 4:29 p.m. Friday, Worthington.

WPD: harassing communications, 4:35 p.m. Friday, 1500 block of Hillcrest Avenue.
WPD: theft, 5:51 p.m. Friday, 1000 block of Ryan’s Road.
WPD: disturbing the peace/ loud party, 6:14 p.m. Friday, 1100 block of Sixth Avenue.

WPD: disturbing the peace/ loud music, 6:52 p.m. Friday, Diagonal Road and Clary Street.

WPD: 911 call, 7:13 p.m. Friday, 1600 block of Dover Street.
a.m. Saturday, 100 block of 12th Street.
NCSO: 911 call - suicide, 9:28 a.m. Saturday, Round Lake.
WPD: citation issued for no Minnesota driver’s license, 5:13 p.m. Saturday.

WPD: report of drugs, 6:24 p.m. Saturday, 1400 block of Prairie Drive.
WPD: warning issued for no

headlights or taillights, 10 p.m. Saturday.

p.m. Saturday, 1000 block of Third Avenue.
p.m. Saturday, 1400 block of Prairie Drive.
WPD: bike theft, 7:54 a.m. Sunday, 1200 block of Fourth Avenue.
WPD: harassing communications, 8:51 p.m. Sunday, 1700 block of Clary Street.

WPD: shoplifting, 9:10 p.m. Sunday, 1000 block of Ryan’s Road.
WPD: trespassing, 9:07 p.m. Sunday, 800 block of 10th Street.

WPD: trespassing, 9:19 p.m. Sunday, 1100 block of Burlington Avenue.
WPD: 911 call, 9:51 p.m. Sunday, 1700 block of Pauline Avenue.
WPD: harassing communications, 10:17 p.m. Sunday, 500 block of Burlington Avenue.
Sunday, 2200 block of Nobles Street.
NCSO: assault, 4:25 a.m. Monday, Broadway Street, Bigelow. Fire, rescue and ambulance dispatched.
WPD: bike theft, 9:09 a.m. Monday.
WPD: threats, 9:44 a.m. Monday, 1900 block of Dover Street.
NCSO: scam, 10:03 a.m. Monday, 400 block of Oak Street, Ellsworth.
NCSO: junk cars, 7:55 p.m. Monday, 400 block of Chestnut Street, Ellsworth.

WPD: arrested adult male for theft, 11:10 p.m. Monday, 1600 block of Oxford Street.
WPD: verbal argument, 12:33 a.m. Tuesday, 1000 block of Elmwood Avenue.
BARC to host block party, silent auction

WINDOM — The public is invited to the annual community block party, annual meeting and silent auction Monday at the Business, Arts and Recreation Center, 1012 Fifth Ave., Windom.

A picnic will be served on the east lawn from 5 to 7 p.m., with hamburgers or brats, chips, baked beans, a beverage and a cookie, for a freewill donation.
Following the supper, BARC will have its annual meeting in the auditorium, with reports on activities and finances as well as election of directors.

There will also be

a silent auction with a variety of donated items up for grabs, including gift cards, decorations, tools and sports tickets. Items can be viewed and bids recorded from noon to 5:30 p.m. in the BARC east gym, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, as well as starting at 9 a.m. Monday. Bidding will close after the annual meeting at approximately 8 p.m.
BARC is a 501(c)3 charitable organization whose operating dollars are from fundraisers, memberships, memorials, donations, rentals and grants. Memberships are available at the event or in the BARC office.

For more informa tion contact barc.ed@ windomnet.com.

While the exterior is a major improvement — including the new roof — the newly renovated interior of the barn is just as impressive. “At The Barn” houses two bath rooms, an open floor, and stairs leading up to a new loft with plenty of space for a game of cornhole, or to watch the festivities below.
“My goal on this whole project was reusing as much of what was on the property as I could.” Oberloh noted, pointing around the room. From the tin around the exte rior and decorating the inside, to the lumber four-by-fours support ing the newly-installed loft, to the trim around the interior — all of it has come from what was left on the proper ty before Oberloh purchased it.
It’s a goal he’s grateful his contractors, Greg and Zach Kempema, were so willing to accommodate.

“They were great to work with,” Oberloh said. “I’d come up with an idea…they were great about making it all happen.”
He estimates that the building can hold between 150 and 200 people, making it a great venue for parties, class reunions, weddings, and more. While there isn’t
a kitchen on site, Oberloh imagines that people will be able to have food trucks come out, hire caterers, or host a potluck once the facility is ready for renting.
“What we’re doing is providing a venue,” he explained. “What people want to do with it is entirely up to them.”
While details about

pricing and availability are still to come, Oberloh hopes to wrap up some of those last redtape matters within the next month. For now, while he waits for final approval from an architect, Oberloh has had friends and family make use of their time “At The Barn.”
While much of the work area was ready for employees, Harms said a full renovation of the building’s front exterior should be completed before the end of summer. The remaining work includes replacement of the front windows and door, and improvements to the base below the front windows.

“We’re super excited to be right smack in the middle of downtown with all of the other 10th Street businesses,” Harms said.

The new office is approximately two and a half blocks from The Globe’s former location at 300 11th Street. That building, which housed The Globe from 1956 through April 2022, was sold to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and will be renovated to suit the church’s needs.
“We listed our former building in 2019 because, through all of the changes in our industry, we do business differently,” Harms said. “One of the things is the number of people it takes to produce our paper and products.”

When COVID-19 struck in March 2020, The Globe’s employees began working from home. With the success of the hybrid work environment, Harms said her goal was to search for a smaller building for the team that would return to the office setting.
“The building we moved out of on 11th Street was built with a press in it — it housed a full production (divi-
sion),” she added. Multiple areas of the split-level building were not in use.

While it made sense to seek out a smaller building for The Globe, Harms said it was an emotional move for employees who had worked there a long time.

“I teared up because I grew up in that building,” said Harms. “As excited as we are for the new location I, personally, was really sad to leave my business home of 44 years. There were lots of memories of many, many former employees.
“It was where Joe
Rossi had his start; where the Vances, Jim Brandenburg, Owen Van Essen, Paul Gruchow, Ray Crippen, Bob Cashel, Lew Hudson — it’s where all these people and so many other great employees in our history worked,” she added.

The Globe’s graphic designers will continue to work remotely fulltime, while editorial and advertising staff have the flexibility of a hybrid work model — working from the office or from home.
The Globe’s new office hours are from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

If not you, who?
Afriend of mine is an ER nurse in southern Minnesota. I don’t know how she can do it — seeing crash victims rushed in for care, seeing people in pain … hearing people in pain.
I couldn’t do what she does, and I’ve often told her so. I’d probably faint at the sight of blood or lose my lunch, not to mention the nightmares that would prevent me from getting a decent night’s sleep.
JULIE BUNTJER The Farm BleatRedwood County. My career to that point had focused on agricultural reporting, but I was in a new job working for a community newspaper, and covering tragedies is what community newspapers do. Why?
Freedom of the press? The public’s right to know? I’m not sure I have a great answer, but I’d say it’s to present the facts — to get the information out and debunk the rumor mill.
Thanks for support of all-inclusive playground, fishing pier Letter to the Editor, Thank you to the community of Worthington and surrounding area for making the dedication of the All-Inclusive Playground at Chautauqua Park a huge success.
Without you this project would never have happened, but due to your generosity, children of the
area will have a safe place to play and exercise.
Thanks also to City of Worthington Public Works Director Todd Weitzema and Parks and Recreation Supervisor Scott Rosenberg. They went out of their way to help when we had details that needed to be clarified.
To those of you who supported the pork sandwich fundraiser for the All-Inclusive fishing dock, we do appreciate your generosity.
Your support will make it possible for anyone of any ability to enjoy Lake Okabena.
Many came together to make this dedication possible, but it would not be complete without Blaine Frisch cutting the ribbon and DJ Barry Roberts supplying the sound so all could hear. Thank you both.
Clair Williams Early Risers Kiwanis President WorthingtonThere is a time to hang on and a time to let go
Whatever she has within her isn’t within me, and I thank God for the gifts she has been given. We need people like her — more people like her in all facets of emergency services.
The Worthington Fire Department now has a banner displayed outside the fire hall, searching for new recruits to serve the community. They are not alone. Small towns across Nobles County — even across southwest Minnesota and northwest Iowa — are finding it more and more challenging to recruit volunteers for fire and rescue departments, as well as ambulance services.
As I sat before my computer screen late Monday afternoon, hearing and seeing not one, but two Nobles County Sheriff’s deputies speed past my home with lights flashing and sirens blaring, my mind raced about their calls. Car crash? Pedestrian hit?
It could have been any number of emergencies.
This time, it was a drowning in Lake Okabena.
It’s a call most people would not want to answer, but one emergency responders willingly accept. We are so grateful for their efforts, because if they didn’t step up to do the job, who would?
As journalists, we too are expected to respond — to report from the scene what is seen, what is heard, what is happening.
I will never forget the first time an editor sent me out to take pictures at a crash scene at the intersection of two gravel roads in
If we write about a child getting hit by a car, wouldn’t you want to know where it happened and the extent of the child’s injuries? Perhaps it’s a neighborhood where children are frequently present.
Wouldn’t you drive slower and be on the lookout if you took that street on your route to work?
With a vehicle crash, the public expects to know where it happened, how it happened and who was involved.
When the facts aren’t available, any number of rumors begin to spread and morph.
As reporters, we seek our information from law enforcement leaders and fire chiefs — the people who have the facts — and we don’t report anything without confirmation.
We may not get the facts out as soon as we’d like, but whether it’s a fatal crash like we had near St. Kilian last week, or a drowning reported on Monday afternoon, we know there are families in our community who are grieving, and emergency responders who answered the call, responded to the scene, witnessed and heard all of the things I’d never want to see or hear, and perhaps went home afterwards to give their family members an extra hug.
I know I needed a Chloe hug on Monday. I needed one last week too. My little pooch is pretty good at giving hugs.
So thank you, emergency responders, for all that you see and hear and do — over and over again — to help us all when tragedy strikes.
Letters to the editor are a critical part of the community dialogue, and The Globe makes every effort to publish all letters of opinion, as long as they meet our requirements.
Letters are limited to 400 words, must be the original work of the author and must be submitted exclusively to The Globe.
Letters are edited for style, space, accuracy and civility.
The Globe does not publish letters that are anonymous, libelous or attack other writers; consumer-complaint letters; or letters
Iremember when my first child was born that people would tell me to take advantage of the time as it goes so fast with your kids.
They would say, “Today they are a baby and it will seem like tomorrow they are getting ready to move out of the house”, or “The days are long but the years are short”.
If you do this like me, you have also probably experienced dropping a bag or having a bag rip out of your hands and the next thing you know, some of your groceries are on the ground.
Instead of taking smaller loads, we try to load up all the items.
could be past mistakes, past failures, past disappointments, past hurts from other people, fear from the past, and anger from the past. Things you may have experienced in your life that have become like a weight in your life.
upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
JRYAN ENDERSONTime is an interesting thing and I have learned that at times it can seem like it goes so slow and yet other aspects of life seem to go so quickly when we look back on things.
In our Sunday morning service, I spoke on “A Time To Let Go”. We find Solomon in the Bible writing a poetic message about times in life and how there are different times to do different things. He reminds us that a wise person understands the time and the place for each activity of our life and finds meaning in appropriately timed actions.
Although we cannot determine the time of our birth or the time of our death, we can make wise decisions in the life we live. In Ecclesiastes 3:6 it says, “A time to get and a time to lose; a time to keep and a time to cast away.”
In our lives there is a time to keep and hold onto things, but there is also a time to cast away or let go of things in our lives. Many times we are so accustomed to letting things come into our life but then it seems it is not so easy to let go of things. We try to carry too much at once without letting go of something.
Take something as simple as carrying the groceries. When I go to carry groceries from the car, I will try to grab as many of the bags as possible in one trip.
generated by political or special-interest campaigns, even if they’re signed by local people.
We will consider exclusive Local View columns of no more than 600 words. Authors should possess unique insights and their commentaries greater knowledge of their subject than letters.
E-mail submissions to: jbuntjer@dglobe.com Mail to: Editor, The Globe, 300 11th St., P.O. Box 642, Worthington 56187

All submissions must include a full name, address and daytime phone number. Only names and hometowns will be published.
This happens in life, and I believe unintentionally while going through life we begin to carry so much of our life and things from the past that our load gets heavy. This heaviness at times is more than we can seem to carry at once. And I venture to say, even more than we were intended to carry at once.
In Hebrews 12:1 it says “let us lay aside every weight … and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” Laying aside every weight means there are some things in our lives that become like weights to us and we are going to have to let go of, and even cast them off so we can run this race.
There may be things in your past that you still carry today. It
If you have ever tried to run while carrying weights, it becomes very difficult and at times impossible if you carry too much. These things can get a strong grip in our lives, like it seems it’s impossible to actually let them go.
When you carry something with a strong grip on it, it can actually become hard to release the grip. If you hold onto something for so long your muscles become contracted to that form or shape and it is like you literally have to pry the fingers back to remove the grip and let go of it. Things in our past can be something we have held onto for so long with a tight grip that it can become hard to let go of them.
However, God has not designed for you to carry all of those things in your life. Matthew 11:29-30, “Take my yoke
If we are willing to give our past to God and let it go, his load is light and we do not have to carry it alone. If we will trust God and release our pain, mistakes, and hurt, it will release things that are holding us back from moving forward.
If we have to tight of a grip on the past, we will not have room to grab hold of the future God has for us. God has a future filled with hope and promises. Promises full of what he wants to do in our lives, but as long as we keep holding onto the past, we will not fully grab on to the future that we are called to!
Will you trust God, lay things down that have happened from your past, and leave them there and not pick them up again? Lay down your past hurt and pain and grab hold of your future that God has for you!
In this time of uncertainty, many churches are hosting online services. Please contact each church for details

627 Clary Street, Worthington Sunday Worship 10 AM, Wednesday 7 PM www.worthingtona t.com 507-329-3740
• Pastor Ryan Enderson
AMERICAN LUTHERAN 915 Winifred, Worthington Sunday Worship 8 AM & 10:15 AM 2nd service 10 AM Memorial-Labor Day 507-376-5264 • worthingtonalc.org
AMERICAN REFORMED CHURCH 1720 N. Burlington, Worthington Sunday Worship 9:30 AM wgtnarc@gmai .com 507-376 6517
Pastor Alan Salwei
1100 First Avenue S.W., Worthington Sunday Worship 10 AM & 6 PM wgtncrc@frontiernet.net yp 507-372-2811
Chad Werkhoven, Pastor

Christian Community of Worthington 350 West Oxford Street Sunday Worship 10 AM & Espanõ 1 PM 507-372-7976
• Hector & Raquel Andrade
FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN 1200 Fourth Avenue, Worthington Sunday 9 AM • Wednesday 6 PM felcwgtn@frontiernet.net 507-376-6148
Pastor Jeanette McCormack
FIRST UNITED METHODIST 408 11th Street, Worthington Worship 10:30 AM
1stmethodistchurch@frontiernet.net 372-2939
• Rev. Dr. Daren Flinck
2011 Nobles St. Worthington Sunday Worship 10 AM Evangelical Free • info@graceonline.net 507-343-7920
• Pastor Scott Barber
GRACE LUTHERAN 78396 340th Avenue, Worthington Sunday Worship 8 AM 507-376-6148
• Pastor Jeanette McCormick
INDIAN LAKE BAPTIST 31141 Roberts Avenue, Worthington Sunday English Worsh p 10:30 AM
& Karen Worship 12 PM • 507-376-5401
Pastors Lucio Berumen & Eh Ler Plaw
JOURNEY COFFEEHOUSE CHURCH 212 10th St., Worthington MN, 56187 Sunday Worship 10 AM journey.wgtn@gmai .com • 507-407-0058
LAKESIDE CHURCH 1000 Linda Lane, Worthington Sunday Worship 10 AM info@lakesideworthington.org 507-376-9735

• Pastor Wesley Kouba
LIVING WATERS COVENANT 1645 S. Shore Dr., Worthington Sunday Worship 10 AM firstcovworthington@gmail.com 507-376-5109
• John & Kris Stewart
SOLID ROCK ASSEMBLY 1730 Diagonal Road, Worthington Sunday Worship 10 AM & 7 PM 507-376-5770
ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD 1505 Dover Street, Worthington Sunday Worship 8 AM and 10:30 AM stmattchurchoffice@gmail.com 507-376-6168
Pastor Mark Schreiber
WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN 230 Clary Street, Worthington Sunday Worship 10 AM wpcoffice@wpcwgtn.org 507-376-3138
Rev. Galen Smith
1508 N. Douglas, Worthington Thursday 7 PM
Sunday Worship 11 AM & 12:45 PM 507-376-3292
Pastor James Sickmeyer
WORTHINGTON CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1501 N. Douglas, Worthington Sunday Worship 10:15 AM www.worthingtonchristianchurch.com Youtube: Worthington Christian Church MN 507-376-3418
• Minister Doug White
507-372 5454 1999 East Oxford Street, Worthington, MN
849 10th Street, Worthington, MN Manager 507-372-7384


DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend, “Ashton,” is bisexual. After we have fights, he takes “breaks” and uses them to be with other men. He has several friends who are bisexual or transgender. He is presently in the closet about his status because he comes from a Christian family and lives in a highly conservative area.
almost broke up with him four months ago over his hanging out with Will.
he respects his female partners as much as he does his male ones? Help!
by Scott Adams
He was still maintaining contact last year with his on-again, off-again boyfriend, “Will,” even though he swore nothing was going on between them. He always rushed back to Will or kept him on the side during his other relationships as well. I
CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Deborah Cox, 48; Ken Jeong, 53; Cheech Marin, 76; Harrison Ford, 80.
Now he wants his friend “Cody,” who is a transgender male, to stay with him for several days for an upcoming concert there. I’m in the process of moving to his area, but I don’t trust him not to have sexual relations outside of ours.
My straight male friends have warned me not to trust him.
Should I break up with him because I don’t feel
will highlight your best traits. Be open, honest and reliable. Focus on reaching your objective.
DEAR FRUSTRATED: Because someone identifies as bisexual does not mean the person is incapable of being monogamous. Ashton, however, seems to use these “breaks” to consort solely with other males. He may be using you to hide his true orientation from his Christian family. None of this bodes well for your relationship. Listen to your friends. They may have more insight into Ashton’s character than you do.
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069

Happy Birthday: Watch your intake. Choose quality over quantity this year, and you’ll be happy with what unfolds. Declut ter your life. Embrace transformation and Write your story and live life your way. Walk away from temptation, gluttony and toxic con nections. Seize the moment and discover what makes you hap py. Your numbers are 8, 12, 20, 24, 31, 38, 44.
EUGENIA LAST Syndicated columnist
CANCER (June 21July 22): Don’t settle or take on too much. Eval uate your position and what others expect, and you’ll come up with a rational alternative. Set boundaries, limit your spending and keep your emotions out of the work place. Be honest with yourself and others.
it clear to anyone who interferes to SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Set your sights on what you want, and don’t stop until you are Joint ventures and shared money will require solid partnerships with no emotional strings attached. Set rules and keep communication

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Tread carefully. Not everyone will be on your side. Be aware of insincere gestures of friendli cient evidence; take a moment before taking a step forward.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): A passionate path will take you where you want to go. It’s OK to
and discover, but also know when to say no. Follow your heart’s desire.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): First, take care of money, con tracts and medical issues. Set priorities that help support your
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Distance yourself from unreliable people. Consider what you want, then look at the best way to reach your target. Doing for yourself will promote discipline and help you get the best results.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You’ll be open to suggestions and your needs. Be creative with in vestments, contracts and how you handle health concerns. A change will spark your imagination.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Make a point to study the broader view of whatever situation you face be fore narrowing things down to one common denominator. Say less and do more to avoid any potential issues. Be true to yourself.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):
Take charge before someone tries to take over. If change is required, start doing what’s necessary to get to where you want to go. Ad vocate on your behalf, and make
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Be a good listener, and you’ll know exactly how to have an impact on others. A change at home will help bring you closer to your desired lifestyle. The balance between work and play is essential if you want to excel.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Observation will reveal what’s going on around you. Bide your time, watch for signs and symbols, and make plans geared toward better health and happiness. Express your feelings and intentions to someone you love and respect.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):
same in return. Associate with people who share your concerns and you will gain ground together. Take the initiative to come up with and present a unique way to make improvements. Trust your instincts Birthday Baby: You are outspoken, entertaining and unique. You are collaborative and engaging.
Eugenia Last may be reached at 1-900-451-5571 or www. eugenialast.com.
Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.
Last Week’s Answer
JEANNE PHILLIPS Dear AbbyWorthington Senior Dining meals are served at 11:30 a.m. at the Center for Active Living, Worthington. Call 376-9718 to reserve a meal. Meal gift certificates can also be purchased online at lssmn.org/ nutrition. SNAP or EBT payment is accepted.

WORTHINGTON — The Nobles County Library, 407 12th St., Worthing ton, is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. The Adrian Branch Library, 214 Maine Ave., Adrian, is open from noon to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, noon to 5 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday.
Science Fiction/Fantasy Book Club: Join us at 6 p.m. July 13 in the library’s program room. This month’s topic is urban fantasy. We will discuss how each of our books connected to this theme and what we liked/ disliked about the books.
Summer Reading Pro-

Wednesday, July 13
Wednesday, July 13: Tuna pasta salad, tomato wedges, pears, dessert.
Thursday, July 14: Meatloaf, augratin potatoes, carrots, dessert.
Friday, July 15: Turkey and cheese sandwich, lettuce salad with dressing, peaches, dessert.
gram: The Summer Reading Program continues through early August at the library in Worthing ton. The theme is “Read beyond the beaten path.”

Tuesdays: Teen Sum mer Reading Program from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesdays: Story Time (Preschool - Kin dergarten) from 10 to 11 a.m.; Summer Reading Program (Grades 1-3) from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
Thursdays: Summer Reading Program (Grades 4-5) from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
Youths must find their own ride to and from the library. Participants earn library dollars for read ing! Every 60 minutes they read or someone reads to them, they will earn one library dollar
Worthington City Band concert: 7:30 p.m., Chautauqua Park Bandshell. intermission entertainment by Kay
Ecumen Meadows Open House: 2 to 5 p.m., 1801 College Way, Worthington. View the new community space and newly remodeled lobby, see a variety of tour and enjoy refreshments.
Thursday, July 14
Southwest Regional Development Commission: Full commission meets at 4 p.m. at the Red Baron Vast Club Room, Marshall.
Edgerton Dutch Festival: Edgerton’s fun and food in the Edgerton City Park. Bull Ride starts at 8:30 p.m.
60th annual Hot Dog Nite: Serving 12,000 free hot dogs, 5:30 p.m. until
Jae Faber, Mountain Lake, and Luke Gilbertson, Windom, graduated recently from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, Winona, with bachelor’s degrees.

Area students named to the dean’s list at Saint Mary’s University, Win ona, which required a 3.6 GPA or better, include Kasyn Kruse, Luverne; Jae Faber, Mountain Lake; Kelsey Fuerstenberg, Wilmont; and Luke Gilbertson, Windom.
Area students named to the spring 2022 high honor list at Minnesota State Mankato, which required a 4.0 GPA, include Hannah Minet, Holland; Michaella Johnson, Little Rock, Iowa; Emily Staeffler, Luverne; Timothy Jaycox, Pipestone; Brooke Engbarth, Slayton; Emma Loveall, Spirit Lake, Iowa; Paige Pigman, Windom; and Dominic Burns and Elizabeth Hayenga, Worthington.
Area students named to the spring 2022 honor list at Minnesota State Mankato, which required a 3.5 to 3.99 GPA, include Annika
Monday, July 18: Salisbury steak with gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, dinner roll with margarine, dessert
Tuesday, July 19: Baked chicken, baked potato with sour cream, peas, bread with margarine, dessert.
to spend at the Nobles County Library Store.
Youth special events in Worthington
July 13: 10:15 a.m. and 1:15 p.m., The Zoo Man Brent Mielke will intro duce his exotic animals at the Nobles County Library. Sponsored by the Friends of the Nobles County Library.
Aug. 10: 1 to 3 p.m., Summer Reading Carni val on the Nobles County Library lawn.
Youth special events in Adrian
Story time: 12:10 to 12:50 p.m. every Wednes day. Listen to stories, sing

Freeman Street, north of Main Street. Casey Muessigmann performs at 8 p.m. at Big Top Tents & Events. Beverage Gardens opens and special treats for sale.
Friday, July 15
Edgerton Dutch Festival: food stands, and fun at the Edgerton City Park from 3 p.m. to 9. The “Salute
Saturday, July 16
Edgerton Dutch Festival: EMS Run at 7:30 a.m. Contests, crafts and and Shirts and Skins in the city park.
Pork Chop Supper: serving grilled pork chop, baked potato, vegetable,
Elias, Jordyn Gyberg and Nathan Varley, Adrian; Brianna Schmitz and Riley Schmitz, Currie; Madori Scholten, Edger ton; Vanessa Dahlgren, Hadley; Sydney Cuperus, Iona; Carter Olson and Nathan Reed, Jackson; Ella Lilleberg, Lakefield; Janae Kopp, Luverne; Eleanor Bennett, Leah Bennett, Emily Hard er and Brett Willaby, Mountain Lake; McK enzie Dulas, Carter Nesvold and Cody Thompson, Pipestone; Cassidy Bruns, Rushmore; Tina
songs and learn rhymes that spark a love of read ing and learning.
Art with McKenzie will be from 1 to 2:15 p.m. Wednesdays July 20; and Aug. 3 and 17. Students will gain creative confi dence and have fun as McKenzie shares her tal ent and passion for art.
July 13: 1 to 2:15 p.m., Jewelry Making with Myra. Students will use acrylic paint skins to make jewelry.
Fun at the Library: 1 to 2:15 p.m. July 27; and Aug. 10, 24 and 31. Crafts, Bingo and board games; free to the public.
July 23: 1 p.m., musi cal artist Dennis Warner performs in downtown Adrian.

Sunday, July 17
Cheng Piano and Violin Duet: 2 p.m., taken.
Monday, July 18
Burger Night: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, July 19
Al-Anon: 7 p.m., for friends and family 212 10th St., Worthington. For more

Wednesday, July 20
Worthington City Band concert: 7:30 p.m., Chautauqua Park Bandshell. Emcee is Tammy Makram, with intermission entertainment by Hector

Have an item to add to Community Calendar? Email it to jbuntjer@dglobe.com or call 376-7330.
Haroldson, Ruthton; Mackenzie Hoffman, Slayton; Emily Alger, Ally Morreim and Jordyn Tepfer, Spirit Lake, Iowa; Makayla Ewy and Emma Wahl, Westbrook; Paige Vancura, Windom; and Tyler Linder and Eliza beth Spiegelhoff, Worthington.
Area students named to the spring 2022 dean’s list at Gustavus Adol phus, Saint Peter, which required a 3.7 GPA or higher, include Lexie Schettler and Kasie Tweet, Adrian; Cole
Nolte, Heron Lake; Toby Sengvongxay, Luverne; Nicholas Christensen and Ruby O’Hagan, Spirit Lake, Iowa; Matthew Deprez, Westbrook; Eli ana Tade, Windom; and Raul Flores, Jr., Worth ington.
Area students named to the spring 2022 pres ident’s list at Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, which required a 4.0 GPA, include Ben Jar chow, Luverne; Megan Peschong, Milford, Iowa; and Faith Norris, Spirit Lake, Iowa.
The Chamber has Moved to Our New Location NEW OFFICE

700 2nd Avenue • Worthington, MN 56187 (507) 372-2919

Our 2022 Farmer’s Market Season has begun!

Tuesday Market will be held in the downtown pavilion starting at 3pm - 6pm

Saturday Market will be held at Ace Hardware parking lot starting at 7am - 12pm

Every Tuesday and Saturday through October 2022

Farm to Table
Tuesday, July 19th

10th Street, between 2nd & 3rd Avenue
5:30 p.m. Social 6:30 p.m. Meal

Tickets $50 per person

Tickets can be purchased at the Chamber office or from any Agribusiness Committee Member. At the event, ticket holders will receive $10 in Farmer’s Market vouchers redeemable at participating vendors.

This year’s meal will be Steak, Fresh Cut French Fries and Corn on the Cob donated by the Nobles County Corn & Soybean Growers, Salad donated by farmer’s market vendors and prepared by Hickory Lodge, Dairy products donated by Nobles County Dairy Association. Beer and Wine will be available for purchase.

This annual event helps support the Ag Scholarship Fund; each year scholarships are awarded to High School Seniors that will be entering an Ag related field of study.

Ice arena management, city hall security discussed
By Emma McNamee The GlobeWORTHINGTON — The Worthington City Council
Monday evening discussed a possible agreement with the Worthington Hockey Association, which would transfer management responsibilities of the local ice arena to the city.
A volunteer organization, the Worthington Hockey Association has successfully managed the facility and hockey program for more than 30 years. However, Jason Johnson, a representative of the association, noted that finding the volunteer numbers to keep the facility running has become more of a challenge.
“From a Hockey Association standpoint, I’d love to see this happen because it would give us more opportunity to try to grow our program,” Johnson noted before the council. “And from a city of Worthington,
and really county standpoint, I see this as an opportunity to have more opportunities for ice time, events, and things like that.”
Both parties agree that with the City of Worthington’s management abilities the facility could be marketed and used for a variety of events. It is proposed that city recreation staff be utilized to manage the facility in conjunction with the new Field House facility.
While discussion is still in the early stages, the council gave the go-ahead, authorizing city staff to explore a formal agreement for the arena.
Also on Monday, the council approved a proposal from Midwest Alarm to outfit city hall with building access and video surveillance systems for improved security.
The proposal includes enhancements to the video surveillance system through the addition of 10 cameras.
Video cameras will be added at the entrances, hallways and exterior at a proposed cost of $30,317.06. Funding for the video system was budgeted in the 2021 ARPA allocation.
City staff is also exploring options to improve building access security, and that will be discussed further at a later date.
Roof leak at CAL causes damage
An agreement to perform water mitigation services at the Center for Active Living was approved during Monday night’s meeting. Portions of the walls and flooring in both racquetball courts were damaged recently by water intrusion resulting from roof leakage at the facility.
After the damage was reviewed by a claims adjuster, the proposed scope of work includes removing and disposing of all moisture-impacted
building material and using air dryers to remove moisture from the air and remaining materials. An anti-microbial spray may also be applied to wall cavities, studs and ceiling joists.
The estimated cost of repairs is $79,406.28, which is covered under the city’s insurance, subject to the deductible.
In other news, the council: Approved blocking off sidewalk for Worthington Crazy Days.
Appointed election judges and alternates for the Aug. 9
Accepted a donation from Greg Gruber for a parcel of land with development restrictions

Issued final approval of the Amelia Earhart statue, proposed by the Worthington Community Image Committee. The statue, depicting the famed aviator, will be located on Sailboard Beach, and city staff has agreed to help with
New chiropractic clinic opens downtown
By Julie Buntjer The Globe WORTHINGTON —A Worthington native and multi-sport athlete accustomed to making multiple visits to the chiropractor during the gymnastics season is now a certified chiropractor with an office of her own in downtown Worthington.

Paige Kinley graduated last December from Northwestern Health Sciences in Bloomington with her doctorate in chiropractic care and an emphasis in sports medicine. She offers everything from general chiropractic care to sports physicals and concussion baseline testing from her new business, Functional Health and Wellness, at 906 Third Avenue. The site had been a law office for many years, and was most recently occupied by Kivu Immigration Law. The chiropractic clinic opened July 1.
Kinley, a 2014 graduate of Worthington High School, was in volleyball, gymnastics, softball and dance while a student in the local schools. She earned her associate degree from Minnesota West Community & Technical College, where she played volleyball and softball, before transferring to Dakota Wesleyan University in Mitchell, South Dakota. She played three years of softball there while obtaining her bachelor’s degree in biology, with minors in psychology and business.
“When I graduated high school, I thought about becoming a physical therapist,” Kinley said. “As a junior at Dakota Wesleyan, a chiropractor came to visit us and he said a chiropractor can do a lot of what a physical therapist can do, but is more hands-on.”
It was then that Kinley decided to pursue a career in chiropractic care.
“I always knew I wanted to help people and do something in the medical field,” she said.
Her final year at Northwestern Health Sciences consisted of an internship at Northern Life Wellness in Burnsville — an office that treated more than 3,000 patients a month.
“It was a really good experience,” Kinley said. “When we were on the floor we adjusted patients. We also had time with the marketing director and accounting.”
The experience prepared her well for the
day she’d have her own chiropractic business, although many of her classmates opted to become associates with other chiropractors.
“I thought owning my own business would probably be my best option,” shared Kinley, who coaches the SWAGs gymnastics program for youths ages six to 12 and also coaches the high school gymnastics team during the off-season. She set her own work hours with flexibility around her coaching duties.
There was never a doubt about returning to her hometown of Worthington to work.
“I love the area, I love the diversity of the community,” she said.
For now, Kinley is the chiropractor, receptionist and business manager.
“Right now I don’t take insurance,” she said. “I’m a cash-based practice, but I do take HSA cards.”

As she builds her practice, she’d like to add more staff and potentially house a massage therapist and physical therapist in the same building.
Her location has room to grow, and she is currently seeking tenants to lease out two available spaces.
Functional Health and Wellness is open from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 3 to 6 p.m. on Mondays; 6:30 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesdays; 9:30 to 12:30 and 3 to 6 p.m. on Wednesdays; 3 to 6 p.m. on Thursdays and 6:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Fridays.
Clients may book an appointment via phone
at (507) 343-0602 or her website, functionalhealthandwellness.net. She also has a Facebook page
A ribbon cutting ceremony for the new business is planned at 2 p.m. July 20.
the placement of the statue. The $44,000 cost will be secured through fundraising efforts by the Community
Discussed altering the current floor-to-area ratio requirements in the city code. These requirements, specific to different zoning districts, determine the maximum floor area allowable for the building or buildings in direct ratio to the gross area of the lot.
Following a closed session, city staff was authorized to begin preparing a purchase agreement to acquire the former Lakeshore Gas Station property at a verbally agreed-upon price of $380,000.
Prior to the council meeting, the Worthington Economic Development Authority met and approved a matching grant of $66,480 for downtown business Seed & Stem as part of the city’s Facade
Farmland leasing meetings offered in August
SPIRIT LAKE, Iowa — Farmland leasing meetings for agriculture property owners, tenants, ag business representatives and lenders will be held throughout northwest Iowa in August.
Workshops will discuss current farmland value and lease rate trends; methods for determining 2023 fair ag rents; conservation practices; farmland lease communication and legalities, including how to write and terminate a lease; and other important ag topics.
Meetings are planned at: 6 p.m. Aug. 3, at the ISU Extension and Outreach Osceola

County office, 121 Ninth St., Sibley; Preregister to 712-754-3648.
9 a.m. Aug. 15: ISU Extension and Outreach Dickinson County office, 1600 15th St., Spirit Lake; Preregister to 712-336-3488.
Meetings are approximately 2.5 hours in length and all registrants receive a leasing arrangement book, as well as access to research-based resources from ISU Extension and Outreach. Specific topic depth and breadth at each meeting will vary to best suit participants’ needs and wants, but individuals need only attend one meeting.
There is a fee to attend, and registration is requested at least two days prior to the meeting.
Local markets
Julie Buntjer / The Globe Paige Kinley stands inside her new chiropractic clinic on Fourth Avenue in downtown Worthington.REGULAR SEASON CHAMPS
Pirates clinch 1st place in First Nite League
By Scott Mansch The GlobeFor the second year in a row, the Windom Pirates have earned a little rest before beginning their quest for a spot in the Minnesota amateur baseball state tournament.

The Pirates of manager Nick Kulseth knocked off Lakefield 6-1 on Sunday to clinch the regular-season championship in the First Nite League. Star righthander Collin Lovell pitched two-hit ball over eight innings and struck out 10.

Veteran Luke Gilbertson
finished up with a perfect ninth inning.

Joel O’Riordan and Noah Kloss had two hits each for Windom. Kyle Espenson contributed a two-run double.
With one week of the regular season remaining, Windom has clinched the First Nite title with a 14-3 record. The regular season winners in both the First Nite and Gopher Leagues receive first-round byes into the Region 13 tournament, from which three clubs will qualify for the state tournament.
In the Gopher League,

meanwhile, the Milroy Irish have the inside track in trying to secure a regular season championship and bye into the regional. The Irish defeated Hadley 9-6 on Sunday as Dominic Dolan and Isaac Dolan each smashed two homers. Isaac earned the save with three innings of relief work, while Dominic had three extra-base hits as the Irish improved to 15-1 in Gopher League play.
Nick Bruning hammered a three-run home run for Hadley (12-5 in Gopher), while Alex Petersen had three hits. Max Zwart, Joe Larson
Positive energy is the way for Windom’s Alex Fink

WINDOM – There are so many things that are needed in a good coach and a teammate. One important ingredient – and it’s not always in stock – is a high energy level.
That’s one thing that you’ll never have to worry about in Windom baseball, because the Eagles’ high school head coach is always on a highenergy plane. Alex Fink, who is also a key performer on the Pirates amateur baseball team, brings enthusiasm everywhere he goes. It’s clearly evident when you listen to him talk.
A native of Springfield, Fink was a three-sport high school star, playing baseball, basketball and football. Ironically, the baseball team made it to the section semifinals one year and lost there to Windom.
After graduating from Augustana University in Sioux Falls, S.D., he became a teacher in the Windom Area school district. That was five years ago. He’s still teaching
PE and health there today, and he loves it.
“One thing I pride myself in is bringing positivity into the classroom every single day, and onto whatever field we’re coaching at that time,” he said recently. “I’ve really liked it (in Windom). I didn’t know when I took the job if I’d stay for that long. And I really ended up falling in love with the community.”
The community is quite fond of him, too. This past spring, the high school baseball team enjoyed an excellent season, winning the Big South Conference championship, in fact.
and Derek Platt each had two hits for Hadley, which outhit Milroy 13-11.

The first round of the playoffs, featuring First Night vs. Gopher League, begins on Wednesday, July 20. The second-place finisher in each league will take on the seventh-place finisher in the other league. Also, the No. 3 takes on No. 6 and No. 4 meets No. 5. The winners of those first-round bestof-three series will advance to the double-elimination Region 13 tournament.
Post 5 Sr. Legion team feeling very capable
By Doug Wolter The GlobeWORTHINGTON — In the middle of the Worthington Senior Legion baseball team’s Crookston Tournament game with Bemidji last weekend, right-fielder Cooper McCoy made a spectacular diving catch to save three runs and snuff out a rally.

“Absolutely one of the web gems of the summer,” gushed Post 5 head coach Tim Gaul on Monday. It was a line drive, he said, and McCoy made a great read on it, diving sideways on his pockets.

In the 2022 summer baseball season, much has been spoken about the Worthington Legion’s hitting prowess and its many fine pitching performances. But defense wins games, too, and it’s an important reason Post 5 advanced to 15-4 by going 2-1 in Crookston. The team had a road game scheduled in Marshall Tuesday night (July 12) and travels to Fairmont Thursday for its final regular season contest before beginning the playoff season in Mankato.

“I tell you, we play like we played last weekend, we’re going to be a tough out,” said Gaul.

As impressive as McCoy’s defensive play in Crookston was the team’s hitting, which led to 28 Worthington runs in games two and three against Crookston and Bemidji. Jake Brandner, Tate Gaul and Tommy Lais all collected a pair of hits in the 16-4 win over Crookston, while Coy Turner had three and Triston Sauerbrei four. Turner and Gaul had triples, and Lais, Brandner and Mason Schutz homered. Brandner’s round-tripper was an inside-the-park job.
In the Bemidji game, won 12-6 by the southwest Minnesotans, Brandner and Gaul added two more hits (including another triple from Gaul), and Lais had three hits and his second eye-popping home run.

“He just kind of powered us through the weekend. Those monster home runs, they just intimidate people,” said Coach Gaul.
Wahpeton, N.D., defeated Post 5 8-1 in the first game of the tournament.
Alex Fink Baseball Coach Windom Area High School SPONSORED BY Tim Middagh / The Globe The umpire watches as Milroy Irish amateur baseball player Derek Smith slides into home plate while Worthington’s Eli Gaul leaps to catch the ball as he covers it Wednesday in Worthington Windom Pirates amateur baseball player Alex Fink takes a swing in the batting cage. Tim Middagh / The GlobeThe Pirates are going strong this summer, and Fink is one of the team’s best hitters. He hits for average and for power. Ironically, he says he probably only hit one home run for his Springfield high school team before graduating in 2012. It was a deep park he was hitting in, so perhaps that’s partially why. In any case, he developed his skills further at Augustana and brought them to Windom next. Alex Fink is, of course, this week’s Globe Drill subject. You can see a video of him online at www.dglobe.com. Here’s a sample of the interview: QUESTION: What are some of the most important things you’ve learned in sports?
ANSWER: “The most important thing I’ve learned about baseball over the years, whether it’s in high school, or college, or coaching – anything like that – is just how much fun it is to be in the dugout with teammates. Some of my old teammates are some of my best friends. And that’s just one thing I try to make happen on the high

From Page 10
In other action last week week involving First Nite and Gopher League ball clubs, it was:
Pipestone 10, Fairmont 6

PIPESTONE —The host A’s earned their first league victory since June 12 with a triumph over the Martins on Sunday.
Mike Friese earned the pitching victory for Pipestone.

Luverne 13, Heron Lake 3 (8)

LUVERNE —Jake Haugen and Derek Lundgren homered as the host Redbirds stayed in the hunt for the Gopher League title on Sunday with a victory over Heron Lake.
Declan Beers had two doubles and a triple for Luverne (16-2). Codie Zeutenhorst had three hits.
Luverne 11, Adrian 1 (5)

LUVERNE —Jake Haugen pitched especially well as the Redbirds defeated the A’s on Saturday. Charles Reisch had a walk-off base hit in the fifth.
Adrian 8, Ruthton 0

RUTHTON —Jake Stamer tossed a shutout as the visiting A’s defeated Ruthton on Saturday.
Adrian (6-10 in Gopher) dropped a 6-5 decision to Mountain Lake on Sunday.
“We’ve been making too many crucial mistakes,” said Adrian manager Mike Preuss. “We need to clean that up with playoffs coming right around the corner.”
Luverne 15, Marshall A’s 2 (7)

MARSHALL —Cade Wenninger pitched a two-hitter as the Redbirds earned a non-league triumph on Friday.
school team, is just to make it a fun atmosphere. And we’re lucky enough with the Pirates, too, to have a really fun dugout with a mix of ages and really good guys all the way around.”
QUESTION: So how good were the Eagles in the spring?
ANSWER: “Our high school team this year ended up winning the conference. We beat Fairmont in the conference championship. Fairmont had a really good team. They no-hit us and 10-runned us early in the year and then went on to win the state finals later in the spring. … We really had a good group of seniors and underclassmen – we had a mix of everything. … Those kids worked hard. I thought it would take a little bit longer to get some of the things I wanted to do in our system. But they kind of bought in and did a really good job and worked really, really hard.”
QUESTION: What advice would you like to share?
ANSWER: “The valuable advice I’d want to share with any athlete is just to enjoy where you’re at and enjoy the people you’re around. I’m 29 now, so I’m getting old. But I still enjoy coming to the park and playing amateur baseball.”
Declan Beers and Charles Reisch each had three hits.
Milroy Irish 14, Pipestone 4 (7)

PIPESTONE —Dominic Dolan had four hits and Moses Dolan picked up the mound triumph for the visiting Irish on Friday night.
Lakefield 9, Mountain Lake 7 LAKEFIELD — The host Horned Frogs scored seven runs in the seventh to edge Mountain Lake on Thursday in a game that was stopped by rain in the sixth inning.

Nolan Luhmann and Dustin Pronk had two hits each for the Frogs.
Earlier on Thursday, Mountain Lake took a 6-5 victory over Lakefield in the completion of a game that was suspended several weeks ago.

Milroy Irish 10, Worthington 0 (8) WORTHINGTON — Hunter Wienhoff three five shutout innings as the Irish topped the Cubs last Wednesday.
Anthony Dolan and Dominic Dolan each had two hits, and Brady Lanoue drove in four runs.
Hadley 14, Adrian 3 (7)
ADRIAN — Eric Wieneke belted a grand slam to lead the Buttermakers past Adrian last Wednesday. Alex Petersen went 4-for-4 and drove in three runs, while Nick Bruning had a double and two-run homer. Max Zwart and Trent Carlson had two hits each as the Hadley offense backed the excellent pitching of Jacob Van Dam, who fanned eight and allowed four hits in a complete-game effort.
For Adrian, Mike Preuss had two hits and an RBI. Ian Stamer had a run-scoring double.
Luverne 6, Ruthton 1 LUVERNE —Derek

Lundgren had two doubles and Ben Serie pitched eight strong innings as the Redbirds defeated the Royals last Wednesday.
Fairmont 13, Jackson 3 (7)

FAIRMONT — Tyler Tennyson and Jon Traetow homered as the host Martins defeated Jackson last Wednesday. Ryan Rasche had two RBIs for Jackson. Evan Olesen also knocked in a run for the Bulls.


First Night League—1, Windom Pirates 14-3; 2, Jackson Bulls 12-6; 3, Fairmont Martins 10-6; 4, Fox Lake Foxes 7-9; 5, Lakefield Horned Frogs 6-11; 6, Mountain Lake Lakers 5-10; 7, Heron Lake Lakers 2-15 Gopher League—1, Milroy Irish 15-1; 2, Luverne Redbirds 16-2; 3, Hadley Buttermakers 12-5; 4, Adrian A’s 6-10; 5, Ruthton Royals 5-12; 6, Pipestone A’s 4-12; 7, Worthington Cubs 2-14
SCHEDULE Wednesday— Worthington at Luverne, 7:30; Adrian at Milroy Irish, 7:30; Pipestone at Jackson, 7:30; Lakefield at Fox Lake, 7:30; Heron Lake at Fairmont, 7:30; Mountain Lake at Windom, 7:30 Thursday—Windom at Lamberton (nonleague), 7:30 Friday—Marshall at Milroy Irish (nonleague), 7:30; Pipestone at Ruthton, 7:30 Saturday—Jackson at Wells (non-league), 2:00; Adrian at Hadley, 2:00; Windom at Pipestone, 6:00 Sunday—Worthington at Fairmont, 2:00; Ruthton at Hadley, 2:00; Fox Lake at Heron Lake, 2:00; Luverne at Jackson (non-league), 2:00; Lakefield at Adrian, 2:00; Milroy Irish at Mountain Lake, 2:00; Fox Lake at Mountain Lake, 5:00

Football camp in Worthington July 25-27
WORTHINGTON — Worthington High School will host two youth football camps in late July.
A middle school youth camp for grades 7-8 will be July 25-26 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Trojan Field. There is no cost for the camp and T-shirts will be distributed to the campers with a pizza party on the final day.
A camp for grades 3-6 will be July 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. and will be offered in conjunction with the Worthington Community Education program. Cost will be $5. T-shirts will be distributed to the kids and a pizza party follows on the final day.
The goal of the camps is to help young people gain an interest in the sport of football, which will hopefully lead to involvement in other sports and activities in the community. The Worthington camps are designed to teach kids the basics of the game.

Matt O’Neil, an assistant football coach at WHS, is coordinating the camps. For more information, he can be contacted at 507-276-9463.
Baseball clinic in Slayton
SLAYTON — The Minnesota Twins will conduct a free Play Ball! Minnesota youth baseball clinic in Slayton. The clinic will be at Bicentennial Park and feature two sessions: from 9 to 10:30 a.m. or 10:30 to noon.
In the event of rain, the clinic will be relocated to Murray County Central High School in Slayton.

Presented by Great River Energy and hosted by Nobles Cooperative


From Page 10

The Worthingtonians were looking forward to a rematch with Wahpeton Sunday in the championship game, but it had rained earlier in the day and the field was considered too wet to play on. Worthington seemed to want to play it more than Wahpeton did, said Coach Gaul.
“I am confident we would have won the championship game. We were swinging super hot bats and still had Triston Sauerbrei, our most winning pitcher this summer, left to throw,” he said, adding later, “They (Wahpeton) didn’t want anything to do with us. … They were a wellcoached team, but we had a way more athletic team than they did. We were a bigger, stronger, faster, more

Electric, Play Ball! Minnesota clinics are for boys and girls ages 6-12. Participants are required to register for the clinic at www.playballmn.com.
Instructors will provide all the necessary equipment for the clinic. But players should bring their own baseball gloves.
Created in 1961 by longtime Twins scout Angelo Giuliani, the clinic program promotes baseball and softball to boys and girls. Since the beginning of the program, more than 800,000 youth have participated in a Twins youth clinic.
Luverne hosts state Legion
LUVERNE — Luverne will be the host city for the Division II Minnesota American Legion baseball state tournament.
Redbird Field will be the site for the July 29-31 tournament.
S-O falls to North Union in region softball
SWEA CITY, Iowa – In a pitcher’s duel, Sibley-Ocheyedan was nipped 2-0 by an outstanding North Union team in the Iowa Class 2A, Region 1 softball tournament Saturday.

Union’s Emily Meyer and S-O’s Alayna Wingate engaged in a good battle. In the end, the Generals were eliminated as North Union advanced to 31-3 on the summer season.
Sibley-Ocheyedan put runners on first and second base in the fourth inning after singles by Halle Block and Marissa Ackerman, but the Generals failed to score.
physical team than they were.”
Last year Wahpeton won the North Dakota state Legion title, and several players returned from that squad.
As focused and ready as the Worthington team was in games two and three of the Crookston tournament, they were unfocused and flat in the first. Blake Ahrenstorff started and took the loss on the mound, and he was later relieved by McCoy.
Sauerbrei had two of Worthington’s five hits and Tate Gaul scored the team’s lone run.
“We drove more than six hours to play an 8 p.m. game and it showed. I felt like the players had jet lag,” said Coach Gaul. “There was zero energy. Just zero.”
Afterwards, players had a good night of sleep at the hotel. They were a different team the next morning.
“They had fun in the

hotel. They got sleep. And they played with unbelievable energy. The energy level was completely different. And we hit the ball all over the diamond. We didn’t have many bad at bats,” said the coach.
Brandner got the win over Crookston — which had just five hits — accumulating nine strikeouts while walking four. In the Bemidji game, Kent Lais, Sauerbrei and Brandner combined for the win on a nine-hitter.
It may be a little early to look ahead to the playoffs, but Coach Gaul clearly believes he’s got a team that can make big waves. Post 5’s confidence level was skyhigh coming home from the weekend tournament.
“I think right now they think they can beat anybody. I think that’s their mentality,” he said.

Phyllis Packard’s tapestries, watercolors, more on display


Phyllis W. Packard weaves light.
Proof of that can be found at the fiber artist’s “Chasing Illusive Light” exhibition at the Nobles County Art Center, which is open to the public from noon to 4 p.m. on weekdays through Aug. 26.
A reception, open to the public, will be from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Friday.
Packard’s work includes tapestries of glowing sunsets, light reflecting on water and filling fields of flowers, all created from fiber — wool, silk and other materials that she often spins herself, dyes with natural materials and then weaves together using a loom. She also creates watercolor weavings, applying watercolor paints to the delicate fabrics she’s made, and lately, she’s been experimenting with needle felting.
Initially, though, she wanted to be a silversmith.
“Way back when, when I was at Syracuse University studying art, my major was silversmithing and my minor, well originally it was painting,” Packard said. “I needed another elective and I started taking weaving.”
The fiber arts scene was just starting to take off at that point, as its artists were working hard at gaining acceptance in the art world as an art rather than a craft.
“It was a rather exciting time to start learning about looms and fibers and weaving,” Packard recalled. “And then I ended up basically getting a major in weaving.”
While her work is art, she believes in the critical importance of craft, as only knowing the craft enables the artist to take it to another level where it can be considered art. And she also enjoys crafting, weaving shawls and pillows using techniques and patterns handed down by previous crafters.
“Craft in one sense deals with the technicalities and being able to work the techniques,” Packard said. “Art is taking those techniques to a statement — a message, a thought, a feeling.”
To make those statements, Packard uses a wide variety of equipment, including her five spinning wheels and multiple looms — she’s not sure whether she has five or six of them.
“I’ve been doing this since 1964,” she said, pointing out that one tends to collect supplies

and tools over time. Her largest loom allows her to create up to a sixty-inch weaving surface.

She doesn’t spin all her threads and yarns herself, as that takes a significant amount of time, around four hours for producing a single ounce.

“The landscapes that are termed watercolor weaving, those are, most of them, commercial yarn,” Packard said. “I’m using very fine linens and silks and cottons, and then some man-made fibers, and creating the landscape in the weave. And then I go back and stain it with watercolor, so it is a painting.”
The crafting element can be seen there as well, however, as Packard uses historical patterns dating from the Revolutionary War era in American history.
“In the landscapes there, if you look care-

fully, (you’ll see) a real use of pattern. But then I’m trying to use the pattern to create the illusion of space, distance, color and texture with the landscape.,” she said. “I play with the pattern until (I) have it do what I want it to do, rather than following the strict pattern.”
Many of her landscapes are also strongly rooted in the prairie and in the Midwest. She lives in a house on a bluff overlooking a river, which has served as inspiration, but she also created a piece that looks like it came from the Nobles County area after a drive to Worthington.
“I’m very aware of whatever I’ve done and seen,” Packard said.

More recently, she’s been creating new art with needle felting, which can take just hours or days as compared to the months it takes to produce one woven piece. It also allows Packard the rare opportunity to escape the horizontal-and-vertical weaving setup.
“I have been controlled since 1964 by horizontal and vertical, and trying to create horizontal and vertical threads that don’t look horizontal and vertical,” she said. “With the needle felting it’s like painting. You just put the fibers where you want them and set them there. So it’s much more expressive, lyrical, subtle.
“It’s a whole new way of playing with fiber, and I’m loving it.”
Packard is excited for the opportunity to show her work in Worthington, as she once served as an art teacher at Minnesota West Community & Technical College in the 1980s.
Smokin’ Gobbler BBQ Cook-off starts Friday
Event is KTD fundraiser; up to 48 teams will compete
By Julie Buntjer The GlobeWORTHINGTON — Up to 48 competitive meat smoking teams will be in Worthington Friday and Saturday to participate in the 11th annual Smokin’ Gobbler BBQ Cookoff at the Nobles County Fairgrounds, 1600 Stower Dr.
With competitions for best smoked ribs, chicken, pork butt and beef brisket, the teams will vye for points in the official Kansas City Barbecue Society-sanctioned event — and a whole lot of bragging rights.
John Roberts, Hy-Vee meat department manager, is coordinating the event, which is a fundraiser for King Turkey Day Inc. As of Monday afternoon, Roberts said 39 teams had registered, hailing from North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota.
“Friday night we have a rib contest and Saturday is the KCBS contest,” Roberts said, adding that meats smoked during the competition are judged on appearance, taste and texture (tenderness).
Many of the competitors travel the Midwest to earn points in the KCBS, and the judges travel as well. All judges have to complete a class before becoming eligible to follow the circuit.
“We’ll have like 40 judges coming to town,” Roberts said. “They can travel however far they want to travel.”
About a dozen teams are expected to arrive in Worthington on Thursday, with the rest coming in Friday morning to prepare for the ribs and smoked turkey contests that evening.
“The turkey smoke is a competition in the KCBS, and the National Turkey Federation is sending us turkey breasts on Friday morning,” Roberts said. “That is given free to the cooks and they can earn points on the turkey they smoke.”
While the turkey will be provided, the teams are responsible for bringing all of their own meats for the contest.
“Most of them use Smart Chicken, Compart Pork (Duroc breed) for the ribs and pork butt, and Snake River Farms Wagyu beef for the brisket,” shared Roberts. “They’ll spend a couple hundred dollars on a brisket to win $350.”
The $350 prize goes to the winning entry in each category, with a $1,500 grand prize going to the team garnering the most points. There are also super cool turkey trophies to hand out to participants.
While the food prepared for the contest cannot be sold to the public for consumption, people are welcome to go out to the fairgrounds and watch the competition. Roberts asks that people avoid the competitors between 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Saturday, when they are preparing their meats for judging.
Judges will begin judging chicken at noon, ribs at 12:30 p.m., pork butt at 1 p.m. and brisket at 1:30 p.m. Saturday. The Friday evening contest requires ribs to be ready at 7:30 p.m.
“If they do have leftovers, they may put it on top of their smoker,” Roberts said. “You can always ask (for a sample). It’s amazing barbecue — it’s too bad we can’t have everybody try it.”
The contest will wrap up around 3:30 p.m. Saturday with awards announced in each category, followed by the drawing for raffle prizes.

Raffle tickets are currently available at the Worthington Area Chamber of Commerce office and from any King Turkey Day board member. Prizes include a Green Mountain smoker, a fire pit, meat bundles, beer donated by the Worthington Liquor Store and other items.
As of Monday, the only local team registered for the contest was The Good Ol’ Boys, which is led by Scott Belz.
Never too late to go after your
JOB!Contributed photos Fiber artist Phyllis Packard works on a piece using one of her looms.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the City Council of the City of Worthington, Nobles County, Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on Monday, July 25, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. to consider a abatement request from Marco Ramos, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 469.1813 and 116J.993 through 16J.995. The request is to abate 100% of the City’s portion of real estate taxes related to single family home construction on the subject properties (one home on two lots) for a period of 5 years. The subject properties are legally described as: Lots 6 and 7 Block 3 Cecilee Addition, City of Worthington, Nobles County, Minnesota.
The public hearing will be held at the City Council Chambers, at City Hall, 303 Ninth St., Worthington, MN. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard. Those unable to attend are invited to send their written comments, prior to the hearing, to: Community Development Department, City of Worthington, P.O. Box 279, Worthington, Minnesota, 56187 or contact Matt Selof, Director of Community Development (507) 372 8640 (July 13, 2022) 81288
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the County Board of Nobles County, Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, August 02, 2022, at approx imately 9:00 a.m. to consider a tax abatement request from Marco Ramos, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 469.1813 and 116J 993 through 116J.995. The request is to abate 100% of the County’s portion of real estate taxes related to new residential home construction on the subject properties for a period of 5 years as defined in the Nobles Home Initiative guidelines. The subject property is as follows: Parcel 311068-085: LOT 6 BLOCK 3 (Cecilee Addition Worthington, MN 56187) and Parcel 31-1068 090: LOT 7 BLOCK 3 (Cecilee Addition Worthington, MN 56187).
The public hearing will be held during the regular board session meeting via Zoom or in person at the Government Center. All interested persons are in vited to attend and be heard, please contact County Administration at 507-295 5205 or administration@co.nobles.mn.us to obtain the Zoom dial in information if desired Those unable to attend are invited to send written comments prior to the hearing, to: Nobles County Board of Commissioners, P.O. Box 757, Worthington, Min nesota 56187. (July 13, 2022) 81284
Thinkinng about a new J JOB?
Start herre.
Nobles County Board Summary Minutes July 05, 2022 Regular Board Meeting The Nobles Board of Commissioners met for a Regular Board Meeting in the Board of Commissioners room at the Government Center. Commission ers Donald Linssen, Gene Metz, Bob Paplow, Justin Ahlers and Robert S. Demuth were in attendance.
• Approved agenda as presented
• Recognized Gracia Maldonado Soto, Deputy Auditor-Treasurer / Li cense Center Technician as the June excellence in performance recipient.
• Approved the consent agenda, which included proceedings from the June 14, 2022 Special Board Meeting, June 14, 2022 Board of Equalization meeting June 21, 2022 Regular Board Meeting. Travel Expenses paid July 1, 2022, Commissioners War rants totaling $488,021.30, Housing Support Agreements – Group Settings for: Habilitative Services, Ecumen Worthington (The Meadows), Pallansch Properties, Berger Agency (Prairie House). Local collaborative time study agreement with the MN Department of Human Services and Pay application #2 for JD 9.
• Heard a presentation from Luke Comeau on the Southwestern Mental Health Center.
• Heard a presentation from Sureeporn Sompamitwong on Cre ative Healing Space, Inc.
• Approved Conditional Use Permit #09-2022 for R&R Their Feedlots Inc.
• Approved Conditional Use Permit #08-2022 for Sirimingalar Dhamma Center.
• Approved Coroner pay retro to Jan uary 1, 2022 for the Chief Deputy and Sergeants.
• Approved an updated Investment Policy
• Approved a mutual aid agreement for Public Works with Murray County

• Approved a parade permit for the City of Brewster.
• Approved a speed study for CSAH 10.
• Approved allocating $1,000,000 for cities, townships and private entities located or operating in Nobles County using County surplus funds.
• No further business, the meeting ad journed at 11:06 a.m.
The above represents a summary of the County Board actions on the listed date. The full text is available for public inspection in the Nobles County Ad ministration Office and on the Nobles County Website www.co.nobles.mn.us (July 13, 2022) 81285
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That regarding the City Election, which shall be held in and for the City of Worthington, Nobles County, Minnesota, on Tuesday, the 8th day of November, 2022, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., the following offices shall be filled:
Mayor Four (4) year term Council Member - First Ward Four (4) year term Council Member - Second Ward Four (4) year term Affidavits of candidacy for the above fff


Our Customer Support team is adding a full-time remote Customer Success Representative to provide exceptional assistance to members regarding service inquiries and billing of memberships for our FCC sites and papers
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with the Clerk-Treasurer at the Rushmore School Building Community Room until 5:00 p.m. on August 9th
Dated: July 11, 2022 Coleen Gruis
City Clerk-Treasurer City of Rushmore
offices may be obtained from and filed with the City Clerk, at the City
Hall, 303 Ninth Street, beginning Tuesday, August 2, 2022 to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 16, 2022. The office of the City Clerk is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The filing fee for this office is $5.00.
Dated: July 13, 2022 Mindy Eggers, City Clerk City of Worthington, Minnesota (July 13, 2022) 80064
Administrative Services Supervisor Nobles County Community Services

Do you want to look forward to going to work in a rewarding career helping others? We need you! This position supervises and directs the work of the front office clerical staff with a heavy emphasis on outstanding customer service. The position also assists the agency Management Team in various administrative ways.
QUALIFICATIONS: Associates degree in Business Administration, Secretarial Science, with three years of experience in office administration, general office work, and/or secretarial work. Previous supervisory experience and/or experience working in a public health or social service agency preferred. Driver’s license required. Bilingual applicants
for services based upon the needs identified when working with individuals and families in the community. Bilingual applicants encouraged to apply.
APPLY TO: Nobles County Administration Office. Visit our website at www.co.nobles.mn.us for application and to views full job description and benefit sheet.
Deadline: Open until filled, first review date July 22, 2022 EEO/AA Employer.
inspection services and experience working with the public. Preference given to bi-lingual candidates.
Application, cover letter & resume to: lhenning@ci.worthington.mn.us or mail to HR Assistant, City of Worthington, PO Box 279, Worthington, MN 56187. Application deadline 5 pm, July 19, 2022p,y,

Adrian robotics team competes in Arkansas

ADRIAN — On the morning of May 18, the 4-H Nobles Coun ty Humanoids robotics team was escorted out of Adrian by Adrian police, a fire truck, and an ambulance to begin a 600-mile trip to the Razorback First Lego League Invitation al at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
This trip was made possible by many generous donations from individuals, businesses and organizations in Nobles County. We want to publicly acknowl edge the Worthington Optimists, Early Risers Kiwanis, 4-H Federa tion, Compeer Financial, Heartland Mutual Insurance, Worthington A rea Health Founda tion, Kevin Prins, Deb and Mel Kroon, Adrian Bus Company, John and Peg Faber, Adrian Senior Center, and the Rush more Central Hustlers and Grand Prairie Rockets 4-H clubs for their support. We also want to thank Adrian Elementa ry for letting our team meet at the school for our weekly meetings.
First Lego League, or FLL for short, is a global program for children ages 9-15 where students program a Lego EV3 or Mindstorms robot to complete a variety of tasks. Each year the competition has a different theme with different challenges. This year’s theme was Cargo Connect with a focus on transportation. Each team is assessed in the robot game, robot design, project, and core values rounds.
The 4-H Humanoids team started in fall 2013. The first year was a huge learning experience. Students started to learn how to program the robot and completed a simple research proj ect. They scored only a few points at the robot table.
It was the beginning of a nine-year journey that would lead to earning trophies in state com petition, culminating this January with being named overall champion in South Dakota FLL.

The Humanoids choose to compete in South Dakota as tournaments are in Sioux Falls, much closer than Min nesota locations.
As a team, we agreed to meet 90 minutes a week beginning in September as robotics is just one of many activities with which team members are involved. It is a challenge to get
everything done.

Other teams, especially those competing internationally, spend hours each week on FLL as it is their main focus. We are proud of how much we have accomplished this year with our limited time.
For the 2021-22 season, the Humanoids had five team members — Jocelyn Horn, Kaylee Taylor, Aeryal McInnis, Damon John and Kaitlyn Taylor. Josh Horn, after aging out of the program, joined the team as a youth mentor. Monica Horn was the lead coach with Sherrilyn Klaassen and Rachel Snyder helping as assistant coaches.
After an overnight stay in Joplin, Missouri, the team arrived on the University of Arkansas campus on Thursday. We met our alliance partner team from New Jersey and worked to decorate our joint pit, an eightby-eight display area.
After a coaches meeting and practice runs at the robot table, it was time for the opening ceremonies at the outdoor Chi Omega Greek Theater.
Eighty teams from around the world were ready to compete. In addition to introducing each team and judges, national anthems were played for each team’s home country.

Thirteen international teams from South Korea, Australia, Japan, Israel, Spain and Canada were in attendance. The energy and excitement were incredible and our team was honored to be included in this group.
Friday dawned and competition began at the student union. Each team was judged in four areas.
The first area was the innovative project focused on transportation of cargo. The Humanoids chose to look at danger zones around buses and how to make them safer for students. We investigated and created a

model using short range trackers. Other teams developed sophisticated plans including patents and one team was even beginning production on their invention in the next month.

We were amazed at the time and effort that went into all of these projects. It was neat meeting other teams and learning about their diverse projects in the pit areas.
When Kaylee was asked what she will remember she said, “I enjoyed meeting the other teams.”
Another area of competition was robot performance, in which judges evaluate the programs, attachments, strategy and the process each team uses for its robot.
Our robot is small and simple compared to many of the other teams. We added attachments of a robotic arm and a pusher to our robot “Bob.” We also learned how to program more efficiently and accurately using the color and touch sensor. This year we documented our engineering design process better. While this is still not our team’s strength, this is the area that we had the most growth in this season.
The team’s favorite part of competition is core values. This is not assessed in just the judging room, but throughout the competition. FLL core values include discovery, innovation, impact, inclusion, teamwork and fun.
FLL promotes Gracious Professionalism as “a way of doing things that encourages high-quality work, emphasizes the value of others, and respects individuals and the community” (firstinspires.org).

Through the season the team did weekly core values challenges and talked about how we use these values in both FLL and in daily life.
“It was fun seeing a bunch of people around the world with the same gracious professionalism and enthusiasm as us,” Aeryal stated at the competition.
The judging day concluded with three robot runs at the robot table. This is the most exciting and visible part of the competition. Teams have two minutes and 30 seconds to complete as many of the robot challenges as they can.
Even though our robot is small and has simple attachments, we were able to finish the day ranked 47 out of 80 teams. Our robot had a few hiccups, which the team troubleshooted at practice tables between robot runs.
Our best run was 325 points. The winning team had 680 points with many different attachments which they switched out during the match.

“It was fun to see just how creative all the

teams were in both the project and the robot game,” said Josh.
After a long day including an evacuation after the fire alarm sounded, which turned out to be a false alarm, Friday night ended with a carnival and talent show. It was fun interacting with the other teams. We were also thrilled to learn that the Humanoids was one of 30 teams earning a callback in the core values competition on Saturday morning.
“Even though the days were very long we all had fun,” Kaitlyn said.
Saturday began with callback judging. Team members shared how they use these values in FLL and their daily lives. The day passed quickly with two more robot runs and cheering on other teams.
The final event was a crazy alliance robot tournament where two teams share the table for 90 seconds to accom-
plish as much as they can. The energy and fun was terrific.
“Participating in all the activities, including the carnival and alliance challenge, was such a fantastic and memorable experience,” Jocelyn said.
Sunday’s closing cer emonies were outside at the amphitheater on a chilly (for Arkansas), sunny morning. All participants were given a medal and a team participation plaque.
“It was a great learn ing experience,” Damon said.

While the team was disappointed to leave without any awards, participating at the Razorback Invitational was a rewarding experience which will not be easily forgotten by team members and families.
Thanks again to all of those who supported the 4-H Nobles County Humanoids on this incredible learning journey.
Contributed photos The 4-H Nobles County Humanoids Robotics team competes at the Razorback First Lego League Invitational at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, Arkansas. The 4-H Nobles County Humanoids Robotics team competed in May at the Razorback First Lego League Invitational at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, Arkansas.Driver shortages could result in no-bus zones around District 518 schools
By Kari Lucin The GlobeWORTHINGTON — Due to a lack of drivers, District 518 may need to put a half-mile no-bus ing zone around all of its schools.
Superintendent John Landgaard warned the District 518 Board of Education’s Opera tions Committee about the driver shortage during its meeting Tuesday morning.
“It’s hard to find drivers,” he said.
Bus drivers have been in short supply in southwest Minnesota and across the nation for quite some time, due to a number of different factors, including the pandemic, driver retirements, and increased requirements for those seeking a license that would allow them to drive a bus.
District 518 contracts with Bud’s Bus Service for student transportation needs.
Currently, there are 23 morning bus routes and 24 in the evening, and though the number of buses hasn’t changed, there are more children who need rides.
“The federal government has put a whole bunch more restrictions on drivers training. There’s a cost, I believe it’s $4,000, to get your CDL bus license,” Landgaard said. “Instead of helping the situation, they hurt the situation.”
School board member Steve Schnieder said that the school would be willing to eliminate no-bus zones if they can find the drivers.
The shortage has left District 518 needing to use charter buses, which has increased costs for the school.
In other news Tuesday, the committee:

Learned that a van the school had ordered will not be arriving, as Ford has stopped making transit vans.
Received an update on the school’s efforts to establish job ratings for each position, including job descriptions and salary ranges, which will likely be up for approval by the board in August.
Discussed a plan to build
a pond on District 518 land, in conjunction with the OkabenaOcheda Watershed District, and indicated the board would likely discuss the matter and potentially approve moving forward with the project during its next meeting at 5:15 p.m. Tuesday.
Heard an update on the district’s many ongoing projects. The Intermediate School still needs some sod and irrigation installed outdoors. The Community Education building is on schedule, and one side has been sheet-rocked. The storage shed has had some adjustments made on materials and its foundation, which will save the district about $100,000. The district office has been moved to West Elementary so that its building can be renovated.
Received two bids for snow removal for district properties.
The committee expressed interest in splitting snow removal between the two bidders, which would need to be approved by the full board.
Carp to be netted, removed from Lake Okabena
An effort to estimate the number of carp in Lake Okabena and then remove as many as possible is continuing, as the rough fish will be netted and pulled out Wednesday or Thursday.
Carp Solutions, a University of Minnesota start-up company, has installed four box nets on the lake, as part of an Okabena-Ocheda Watershed District effort to decrease the number of carp in the lake. The nets were baited with cracked corn for a week in an effort to get carp to develop a habit of feeding there.
Previously, the carp were tagged in order to determine when would be best to trigger the box nets and trap the greatest number of them.
Carp Solutions is slated to do two carp removals, with the timing of the second dependent on how the initial removal goes, said Charles Egberg,

project assistant with Carp Solutions.

Teddy Bear Band to visit Jackson JACKSON — The Jackson County Library System is sponsoring the Teddy Bear Band at the Jackson Performing Arts Center in the Jackson County Central High School on July 20.
All are welcome, and registration is not required.
Performances are at 2:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Both shows are free, as the event is funded by the Robert and Helen Remick Charitable Foundation Trust. The library will provide transportation to the afternoon show from Heron Lake, Okabena and Lakefield.
The award-winning children’s band brings fun and music together in a show with audience participation. Children are encouraged to bring their teddy bears to the show.
For more information, visit jclmn.org/ summer or call the library.

Mother directs officers toward man who reportedly solicited child
By Emma McNamee The Globe WORTHINGTON —A Worthington man is charged with solicit ing a child through electronic communication to engage in sexual conduct,
a felony-level offense that carries a maximum sentence of five years imprisonment, a $10,000 fine, or both.
On July 6, dispatch received a phone call from a mother who wanted to report that an adult male was sending messages of a sexual nature to her underage child.
Law enforcement
spoke with the mother who further stated that the man — later identified as Jorge Alberto Gonzales, 23 — added the victim on Snapchat several days prior and was sending the victim messages, reportedly stating he wanted to have sex with the victim.

The mother stated Gonzalez knew the victim was underage and
still sent the messages, some of which included explicit language. The mother took the victim’s phone and was responding to Gonzalez for approximately one to two days without him knowing.

According to the criminal complaint, the age difference between the victim and Gonzalez was discussed, and

Gonzalez stated he did not care.
Arrangements were made to meet at the Worthington Walmart, where Gonzalez believed he would be meeting the victim.
The mother provided officers with Gonzalez’s location, photographs, and license plate number.
After reviewing the

messages on the vic tim’s phone, officers made contact with Gonzalez. He was arrested and transported to Nobles County Jail, where he declined to provide a statement.
Conditional bail was set at $10,000. Gonzalez is set to make his initial court appearance on July 19.

History in action

Late Laughs
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
It was a bit of a bumpy weekend for Joe Biden. He was in Delaware celebrating his 45th wedding anniversary when he had a little whoopsie-daisy [and fell of a bicycle]. ... The only thing falling faster is bitcoin. And Joe’s approval ratings.

[Lawyer John] Eastman is the one who came up with the plan to send alternate slates of fake electors to Washington from battleground states that Biden didn’t want, and one of those states was Wisconsin. The [Jan. 6] Committee revealed a damning memo pushing for alternate electors from the former president’s Wisconsin lawyer, Kenneth Chesebro. Really? A lawyer from Wisconsin named Cheese-bro? You must “brie” joking.
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Starting tomorrow, COVID vaccine shots will be available to kids 5 and under. ...

Meanwhile, Chuck E. Cheese was like, “Yeah, but I still wouldn’t touch that ball pit.”
According to a recent poll, most Americans do not want Biden or former president Trump to run again in 2024.
In two years, Americans are going to walk into the voting booth like, “Um, can we choose none of the above?” ... It’s a tough choice. People are like, “Do I want a guy who can’t ride a bike or a guy who can’t walk down a ramp?”
The Late Late Show With James Corden

Ukraine is expected to find out next week if it will be given candidate country status for European membership. It’s the next key step in a process that could take years before Ukraine is admitted as a full European Union member. Finally, Ukraine is getting what it so desperately needs right now: a bunch of government paperwork.
Disney is now offering a 24-day private jet vacation package that takes you to every Disney park and resort in the world, and it will only set you back a very reasonable $110,000 per person. ... It includes three guides, a chef and a physician, plus a therapist who will try to get to the heart of why you are so profoundly empty inside.

Jimmy Kimmel Live! with Sean Hayes

It’s great to be back on ABC. You know, I spent more than a decade at NBC on a little show, you probably never saw it, “Will and Grace”? Yeah, 75 years ago, “Will

Solution on page 7

and Grace” was ahead of its time! We were the first sitcom to point out that rich white ladies named Karen were problematic.
Here’s a tip I picked up over the years: You can save a lot on Father’s Day cards if your dad abandoned you when you were a child. Just me? Too dark? ... But I like Father’s Day. It’s fun to see people posting old pictures of their dads who all looked like hot serial killers from the ‘70s.
Today [June 21] is also known as the Summer Solstice — which is the longest day of the year. ... Out of all the days in the year, this is the one where we get the most sunlight. So, if you were still sad today, I hate to break it to you, but your seasonal depression is just regular depression.
Beyonce today [June 21] released her new single at midnight. So, if anyone was woken up by what sounded like the ecstatic scream of 10 million gay men, we’re very sorry. The song is called “Break My Soul.” I listened to it on YouTube, and it was so good I completely blacked out
and threw my wallet at my computer.
Late Night With Seth Meyers

After President Biden fell off his bike over the weekend, former president Trump said he will “never, ever ride a bicycle.” Oh, nobody thought you were going to. I mean, at least until you said you weren’t, because if this is anything like your past promises, you’ll be in the Tour de France next month.
The mayor of Moffat, Colorado, which has 70 [marijuana] dispensaries but only 120 residents, said in a new interview that she is considering changing the name of the town to Kush. Said residents: “Yeah, we know! You said the same thing, like, 20 minutes ago!”
Pence also said in the interview [this week] that he will “always be proud to have served alongside President Trump,” because, in the end, there is no bond stronger than Stockholm syndrome.

I f there’s anything the Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider, Mummy and National Treasure movie franchises have shown, it’s that historical fiction and action make a great pair. So, why not make the most of it in the world of prime-time televi sion?
That’s exactly what CBS aimed to do when it launched the first season of “Blood & Treasure” on the network in 2019. Now, after three years of halted production schedules due to restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, “Blood & Treasure” is back for Season 2, this time on Via comCBS’s streaming service, Paramount+. Don’t miss the first two episodes when they premiere Sunday, July 17.
Created by Matthew Federman and Stephen Scaia, the writer/producers behind the series “Limitless” and “Jeri cho,” “Blood & Treasure” is an action-adventure series for the historically enthusiastic travel er. When Season 1 first began, viewers were introduced to Danny McNamara (Matt Barr, “Walker”) pretty well right out of the gate. Calm, cool and well put together, Danny is an antiquities expert who is
forced to team up with an old flame in order to stop a terrorist who is funding his empire through stolen artwork and ancient artifacts.
The old flame is Lexi Vaziri (Sofia Pernas, “Jane the Virgin”), who is hardly old but is certainly full of fire. Explicitly chosen by Danny as his righthand woman because of her criminal intelligence, Lexi is a quick-on-her-feet art thief who struggles to cope with her father’s death — something she clearly blames on Danny and which haunts their already tested relationship with one another.
Over the course of the first season’s 13 episodes, Danny and Lexi try their best to put their claws away and focus on the big picture: save Danny’s cohort, Dr. Ana Castillo (Alicia Coppola, “National Treasure: Book of Secrets,” 2007), from an art-obsessed terrorist faction, wipe that threat off the face of the planet and make the world a better place in the process. That doesn’t mean, however, that the pair of exlovers don’t still have a sordid history to work out through layers of teamwork and sarcasm.
From the very beginning, audiences learn that Castillo had made a great find
prior to being attacked and presumably being taken hostage, along with her team, by Karim Farouk (Oded Fehr, “The Mummy,” 1999) and his gang of goons. Told that Castillo found the tombs of Mark Antony and Cleopatra while on location in Egypt, viewers more than likely (correctly) pieced together that the bulk of Season 1 would take place in Egypt. From undercover missions posing as arms dealers to high-octane scenes chasing bad guys through crowded markets, “Blood & Treasure” later takes audiences on a trip beyond the pyramids of Giza to Spain, Morocco, Quebec and the curious Bermuda Triangle, known for several disappearances in its environs.
Season 2, which begins July 17 with two episodes, titled “The Soul of Genghis Khan” and “Tales of the Golden Tiger,” appears to begin in the Far East, more than likely in modern-day China. While this season is also expected to run for 13 episodes, fans of the series should prepare for some of the same good old-fashioned globe-trotting that took them on a whirlwind adventure before the pandemic in 2019.

Given all the on-location filming “Blood & Treasure” has to accomplish in order to provide the best experience for viewers, it’s no wonder that Season 2 has been delayed for so long. Taking into consideration COVID-era travel restrictions and physical distancing

Need some help?
Andrew M. TitusLAW

Unscramble the letters for each word to reveal five movies and TV shows. Then, rearrange the circled letters to discover the actor who has appeared in all five.

rules alone, the fact that such an intricate show is up and running as soon as two years behind schedule is understandable to say the least.
Now that it’s back up and running, though, fans of the first season are desperate to know more about what is to come.
While not much news has been released as of writing, Season 2 is likely to begin immediately following the freshman season’s massive cliffhanger. For those who need a refresher (spoilers!), Mark Antony and Cleopatra’s sarcophagi were found once again, safe and sound, but their return now poses a brand-new set of threats; threats that may well make Danny’s job quite a bit more difficult going forward.
It seems viewers are also in store to learn more about
Danny’s personal life, including his so far fairly undiscussed time spent working as a special agent for the FBI.
Cast members expected to return alongside Barr and Pernas include Coppola as Dr. Castillo, James Callis (“Battlestar Galactica”) as Simon Hardwick, Michael James Shaw (“Limitless”) as Aiden Shaw, Mark Gagliardi (“Drunk History”) as Father Chuck, Katia Winter (“Sleepy Hollow”) as Gwen Karlsson and Fehr, rumored to be reprising his role as the villainous Farouk.
Get caught up on last season before diving into the first two episodes of “Blood & Treasure” Season 2, premiering Sunday, July 17. Season 1 is available to stream now on Paramount+, while new episodes will stream weekly on Sundays on the platform going forward.
Matt Barr and Sofia Pernas in “Blood & Treasure”Wednesday Best Bets
SYFY 3:30 p.m.
When a scientific facility on Mars is attacked by a horde of demons, a team of space Marines is sent in to wipe them out. Dwayne John son, Karl Urban and Rosamund Pike star in this film based on the iconic video game franchise created by John Romero.
Dr. Pimple Popper
TLC 7:00 p.m.
The fourth season of this medical reality series continues in back-to-back new episodes. Dr. Lee sees Jaclyn, a patient with a problematic lump on the back of her neck. Meanwhile, Shane has a growth between his eyes that could pose a danger at work.

The Challenge: USA
Former fan-favorite contestants from CBS shows including “Survivor,” “The Amazing Race,” “Big Brother” and “Love Island” come together to compete in a brand-new setting in this reality series’ first season. They battle it out for the $500,000 prize.
Need for Speed
TNT 9:30 p.m.
Two years after being imprisoned for manslaughter crimes he did not commit, a blue-collar worker joins a cross-country car race, hoping to get his revenge on those who framed him. The only prob lem is those he is after have placed a bounty on his car.
"Vagabundo"News (N) (:35) The Late Show (:35) Corden
(N)The Challenge: USA (N) S W A T "Vagabundo"News (N) (:35) The Late Show (:35) Corden
Decoded (N)Normal (N)Paranormal News (N)News (N)News (N)News (N)Extra (N)Daily
Brother (N)The Challenge: USA (N) S W A T "Vagabundo"News (N) (:35) The Late Show (:35) Corden
Strike Murdoch Mysteries Access (N)Mysteries TBA TBA DishNat. (N)Cheaters
(N)Nova (N)Expedition (N)To
(N)Nova (N)Expedition
(:35) Jimmy
(N) (:35)
"A Writer (1899-1929)"
Shark Tank Shark Tank Chicago Fire Chicago P.D. Can Dance Dakota News Now Man Last Man Modern Modern Griffith Gomer Pyle Green Acres HoganHero HoganHero C Burnett Perry Mason Twilight Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Dr. Sandra Lee is “Dr. Pimple Popper”Justice League
TNT 6:30 p.m.
DC’s greatest superheroes band together in this blockbuster. After Superman (Henry Cavill) dies, Batman (Ben Affleck) and Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) recruit Aquaman (Jason Momoa), The Flash (Ezra Miller) and Cyborg (Ray Fisher) to save the world.
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore
HBO 7:00 p.m.
While dark wizard Grindelwald (Mads Mikkelsen) grows more powerful in this latest installment from the Fantastic Beasts franchise, Dumbledore (Jude Law) and Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) work together to stop him. Dan Fogler and Alison Sudol co-star.
Generation Gap
KCAU KSFY KSTP 8:00 p.m.
Kelly Ripa hosts a new episode of this reboot of the 50-year-old game show of the same name. The series pits teams of grandparents and their grandchildren against each other as they try to answer pop-culture questions from each other’s generations.

The Shallows
SYFY 8:00 p.m.
After the death of her mother, medical student Nancy (Blake Lively) decides to pay homage to her by taking a surfing trip to her mom’s favorite beach. But once she gets to the remote location and into the water, she becomes stranded with a deadly shark.
CSI: Vegas "Legacy"News
CSI: Vegas
(N)News (N)News (N)News (N)Extra (N)Daily
CSI: Vegas "Legacy"News (N) (:35) The Late Show (:35) Corden
Access (N)Mysteries
DishNat (N)Cheaters
Brown Frankie Drake Mysteries Broadchurch Vicar Dibley Antiques Rd The Hour Flatch Man Modern Modern Swords & Plowshares Drake A Griffith A Griffith Gomer Pyle Green Acres HoganHero HoganHero C Burnett Perry Mason Twilight The Ward,Harrison Ford. Ray Ray Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Miz & Mrs Chrisley Austin Dill KellyMen in Black
TNT 3:00 p.m.
A street-wise cop (Will Smith) is recruited by a mysterious stranger (Tommy Lee Jones) to join a super-secret government team that reins in aliens secretly living on Earth in the first film of this original Barry Sonnenfeld trilogy. Its sequels air next.
Pulp Fiction
SHOW 8:00 p.m.
Directed by Quentin Tarantino, this cult classic non-linearly follows two hit men, played by John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson, as they cross paths with the likes of gangsters, boxers and petty crimi nals. Bruce Willis and Uma Thurman also star.
AMC 9:00 p.m.
Emma McDonald stars as Bella Sway, a lunar cargo pilot and smuggler 100 years in the future who becomes accused of a serious crime. A skeptic in this new-world paradise, Bella must stop an evil force that threatens to destroy their utopian civilization.

The Rehearsal
HBO 10:00 p.m.
Nathan Fielder stars as a man who has gone to extraordinary lengths to prepare himself for the uncertainties of everyday life in this premiering comedy series. With actors, sets and unlimited resources, he undergoes the world’s biggest dress rehearsal.
(:35) The
(N)News (N)Evan Smith A Griffith A Griffith Gomer Pyle Green Acres HoganHero HoganHero C Burnett Perry Mason (:35) Twilight S A "Madrugada"Magnum P I Blue Bloods "Allegiance"News (N) (:35) The Late Show (:35) Corden Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Championships Eugene, Tomb Raider (‘18)Alicia Vikander. Emma McDonald in “Moonhaven”
More laughs: The queen of comedy television will soon return to the medium in a big way.
Six-time Emmy winner Carol Burnett (“The Carol Burnett Show”) has put in a few TV ap pearances over the past few years, both in TV movies and in guest-starring roles. The most surprising of which may be her
guest appearance in the second half of “Better Caul Saul’s” final season, now airing on AMC (“I’m thrilled to be a part of my favorite show,” Burnett said of the casting).
But while the beloved entertainer has proven she’s just as adept at drama as she is with comedy, she’ll likely make us laugh with her next role — also her return as a TV series regular.
Burnett will soon star opposite Kristen Wiig (“Bridesmaids,” 2011) in the upcoming Apple TV+ series “Mrs. American Pie.”
Created by “Dead to Me” producer Abe Sylvia and based on a novel by Juliet McDaniel, the 10-episode comedy is set in the early 1970s and was ordered straight to series earlier this year. It follows Wiig’s


“Anything’s Possible” (2022)

Stay open to the possibilities when the new coming-of-age rom-com “Anything’s Possible” premieres Friday, July 22, on Prime. The film, which marks singer, actor, writer and Broadway star Billy Porter’s (“Pose”) directorial debut, is an “uplifting and delightfully modern” story that follows Kelsa (Eva Reign, “Sideways Smile”), a confident, trans high school girl navigating her way through senior year. When Kelsa’s classmate Khal (Abubakr Ali, “Katy Keene”) starts to fall for her, he musters up the courage to ask her out, regardless of the drama the match may cause. As the pair come together, they experience all the joy, tenderness, pain and excitement that young love can bring. Written for the screen by Ximena García Lecuona (“Goatsucker,” 2016), “Anything’s Possible” also stars Renee Elise Goldsberry (“Hamilton,” 2020), Simone Joy Jones (“Bel-Air”), Kelly Lamor Wilson (“Freaky,” 2020), Courtnee Carter (“Charmed”), Manu Narayan (“The Last Airbender,” 2010), Grant Reynolds (“Distortion,” 2006), Naveen Paddock (“The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers”) and new talent Caroline Travers, Noah Pacht, Ken Lutz, Shawn McClurg and Lav Raman.


“Rap Sh!t” - Season 1 Get back in the game with the

new HBO Max original comedy series “Rap Sh!t,” premiering on the streamer Thursday, July 21. From “Insecure” co-creator and star Issa Rae, this new series follows two estranged high school friends, Shawna (Aida Osman, “Group Therapy”) and Mia (hip hop artist KaMillion, “Love & Hip Hop: Miami”), as they reunite to form a rap group. Working to make their mark and find success in the music industry, the pair navigate their somewhat chaotic lives in Miami.
From Hoorae Productions and 3 Arts Entertainment, the series is directed by Sadé Clacken Joseph (“Run Carlos Run”), Lawrence Lamont (“Say Cheese,” 2012), Amy Aniobi (“Insecure”), Kevin Bray (“Walking Tall,” 2004) and Christian Nolan Jones (“Glitter Ain’t Gold,” 2022). Series writing credits are attributed to Rae, Osman, showrunner Syreeta Singleton (“Insecure”), Nina Gloster (“Star”), Rosa Handelman (“Casual”), Fran Richter (“Insecure”), Chad Sanders (“Grown-ish”), Kid Fury (“The Read With Kid Fury and Crissle West”) and new writers Elize Diop and Christopher Sanford, while the series cast is rounded out by Victoria Richards (“Hope Lives,” 2022), Jonica Booth (“XXI: O’Day,” 2016), Nijah Brenea (“Kold x Windy”), Anna Mezentseva (“Heels”), Daisy Fernandez (“Breakland,” 2021), Ralph Hughes (“The Saint of Fort Washington,” 1993), Meysam Ed die (“5 in the Afternoon,” 2017) and Amber Reign Smith (“Normal,” 2020).

Saturday Best Bets

Sleepy Hollow
SHOW 2:30 p.m.
Ichabod Crane (Johnny Depp) is sent to a small village to investigate a series of beheadings in this Academy Award-winning Tim Burton film. Crane soon hears the legend of an axe-wielding headless horseman said to be responsible for the deaths.
KTTW 6:00 p.m.
An exciting evening of MLB action kicks off with games between the Milwaukee Brewers and the San Francisco Giants and the Boston Red Socks against the New York Yankees. Later, the Arizona Diamondbacks take on the San Diego Padres from Petco Park.
Sudoku Solution

Last Night in Soho
HBO 7:00 p.m.
Eloise (Thomasin McKenzie), a young woman living in London, begins having vivid dreams that transport her to the 1960s, where she encounters a lively singer named Sandie (Anya Taylor-Joy) in this horror film’s network premiere. Matt Smith also stars.
Say Yes to the Dress
TLC 7:00 p.m.
Kayla’s overbearing family threatens to eclipse her if she doesn’t stand her ground in this new episode from the series 20th season. Elsewhere, Milan channels her many requests into a custom-made dress and Prashanthi’s last fitting hits some snags.
Vicar Randy Fenoli hosts “Say Yes to the Dress”Stars on Screen
from page 7
character, Maxine Simmons, as she attempts to secure her seat at America’s “most exclusive table”: Palm Beach high society.
According to Apple, the series “asks the same questions that still baffle us today: ‘Who gets a seat at the table? How do you get a seat at the table? What will you sacrifice to get there?’ Set during the powder

keg era of the early 1970s, ‘Mrs. American Pie’ is a testament to every outsider fighting for their chance at superficial greatness.”
CW’s new Archie: Though “Riverdale” is set to wrap after its upcoming seventh season, it seems CW isn’t quite done with the Archie Comics universe.
“Jake Chang” is reportedly in development at CW and hails
from “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” alumni Oanh Ly and Viet Nguyen. Described as a soapy teen drama with “a neon-noir esthetic,” the Asian American-led mystery centers on 16-year-old private investigator Jake Chang as he “navigates the racially and socioeconomically diverse worlds of his ever-gentrifying home of Chinatown, and the elite private high school he attends”
(according to The Hollywood Reporter).
“We are so proud and honored to be a part of this new wave of Asian American content created by and starring Asian Americans,” Ly and Nguyen said in a joint statement.
They described the world of Jake Chang as “vast, compelling and a whole lot of fun,” and pledged to flip nearly every Asian stereotype and familiar
trope on its head to “tell a unique Asian American story.”
Even if you’re an avid reader of Archie Comics, you might not know who Jake Chang is. He’s an all-new character whose existence was only revealed when a trademark application was submitted in February. He’ll be making his comic debut later this month in the Betty and Veronica “Mystery of the Missing Mermaid” story.
Mike&Molly Mike&Molly Mike&Molly Mike&Molly Mike&Molly Mike&Molly Mike&Molly Mike&Molly Austin Dill Austin Dill Austin Dill Countdown to Green (L)Auto Racing NASCAR Ambetter 301(L)Sunday Best Bets
The Purge: Anarchy
SYFY 6:05 p.m.
One night a year, when all criminal activity is sanctioned by the government as a means of controlling the growing population, five people meet up and try to survive in the heart of Los Angeles. Frank Grillo, Kiele Sanchez and Zach Gilford star.
Celebrity Family Feud

KCAU KSFY KSTP 7:00 p.m.
Rap group Salt-N-Pepa take on the “Proud Family” voice cast in this new episode of the question-and-answer game show hosted by comedian Steve Harvey. Later, the cast of “Saved by the Bell” plays the actors from the Peacock original series “Bel-Air.”
Dark Winds
AMC 8:00 p.m.
Leaphorn (Zahn McClarnon), Chee (Kiowa Gordon) and Manuelito (Jessica Matten) descend on the Buffalo Society’s hiding place in this new episode. Once there, they are confronted with decisions that could change their lives forever. Rainn Wilson also stars.
The Anarchists
HBO 9:00 p.m.
The second episode of this six-part docuseries premieres this evening. When an impulsive one-time gathering in 2015 turns into an annual event promoting anarchy in its purest form in Acapulco, Mexico, it begins drawing international interest.
Steve Harvey hosts “Celebrity Family Feud”Captain Marvel
TNT 5:30 p.m.
Brie Larson stars as Carol Danvers, a.k.a. Captain Marvel, in the first female-led film of Marvel’s sprawling cinematic universe. Caught in a war between two alien races, a Starforce operative with amnesia searches for her lost memories on planet Earth. The Bachelorette
KCAU KSFY KSTP 7:00 p.m.
After Season 26 of “The Bachelor” brought them together for a shared let down, new best friends Rachel Recchia and Gabby Windey search for love side by side in this reality show. Tonight’s new episode sees the pair whittle their dating pool down further.

Better Call Saul
AMC 8:00 p.m.
The second half of this “Breaking Bad” spinoff’s final season continues in a new episode. Bob Odenkirk stars as Jimmy McGill, a seedy criminal lawyer who practices under the name Saul Goodman in New Mexico. Rhea Seehorn and Jonathan Banks also star.
Face/ Off
SYFY 11:00 p.m.
An FBI agent undergoes a facial transplant, taking on the appearance of a convicted criminal in order to find a bomb. Unfortunately, the criminal gets the same idea. John Travolta and Nicolas Cage star in this film by influential director John Woo.
(N)News (N)News (N)News (N)Extra (N)Daily
Departed" NCIS: Hawai'i News (N) (:35) The Late Show (:35) Corden
to Fame (N)News
(N)DishNat. (N)Law
(N)Claim to Fame (N)News (:35) Jimmy Kimmel (N) (:35) Nightl
Rachel Recchia and Gabby Windey from “The Bachelorette” (N)Antiques Roadshow Hemingway "The Avatar (1929-1944)"POV (N)Pacific Heartbeat Tonight American Ninja Warrior "Semifinals 1" (N) Weakest Link News (N) A Griffith Gomer Pyle Green Acres HoganHero HoganHeroEdge of the Earth
HBO 8:00 p.m.
This docuseries follows elite action-adventure athletes on groundbreaking missions. This new episode looks at the first attempted descent onto the potentially impassable Chalupas River, located in Ecuador’s vast Llanganates National Park jungle.
Origins of Hip-Hop
A&E 9:00 p.m.

Luther Campbell rose to fame in the southern United States as Uncle Luke, a rapper and hip-hop artist who ushered in a new era. This docuseries newest episode focuses on Uncle Luke’s music and his battle for musicians’ first amendment rights in the U.S.

(N)News (N)News (N)News (N)Extra

FBI: Most Wanted
(N) (:35) The Late Show (:35)
(N)News (N)Modern Modern BigBang Creek TMZ (N)DishNat. (N)Chicago Fire

The Rookie "Hit List"News (N) (:35) Jimmy Kimmel (N) (:35) Nightl

Superman & Lois Tom Swift (N)Goldberg Goldberg Bob Burgers Bob Burgers Creek Creek
Got Talent "Auditions 7"(N)Dancing With Myself (N)News 4 (N) (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) Meyers