Graduation 2023

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Ross Bergman

Luverne High School

Future Plans: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, pre-dentistry

LUVERNE — Luverne High School

senior Ross Bergman will graduate at the top of his class on May 28, with a 3.952 grade point average. He was selected from all male nominees as a 2023 recipient of The Globe’s $500 scholarship.

“He is an excellent student because of the aptitude he possesses, consistent organization, and strong work ethic. He is well prepared for his courses, respects his instructors, provides assistance to those he’s around, and cares about learning and doing well,” wrote Luverne High School Principal Ryan Johnson in nominating Bergman for the outstanding senior male honor.

Bergman was a four-year member of the LHS football team, serving as assistant captain as a senior, and is in his second year on the tennis team. He’s also been an integral member of

the school’s Mock Trial team, which has completed multiple state competitions, accompanies the concert choir, was parliamentarian for both the FFA and Business Professionals of America chapters as a senior, and offers peer help and tutoring.

He was also elected to the Student Council as a freshman, sophomore and junior, and was a class representative as a senior.

Outside of school, Bergman plays the piano for the worship team at Living Rock Church in Luverne, teaches piano lessons at Luverne Street Music, is active in his church youth group and he will work his second summer at the Luverne City Hall as an administrative assistant. He also helps on the family crop and livestock farm.

Growing up, Bergman said it was always expected that he would be a farmer someday, but he decided on a different path for his life. He plans to attend the University of NebraskaLincoln this fall in the pre-dentistry program.

“I’ve always been interested in oral care and hygiene,” Bergman shared. “And, I tend to be a perfectionist. I just love working with people and helping people feel better.”

During high school, he completed several college courses, as well as advanced placement classes, resulting in approximately one year of college coursework completed. The pre-dentistry and dentistry programs are a combined eight years of college.

Some day, Bergman hopes to return to Luverne to work as a dentist.

“I absolutely love Luverne,” he said.

Allison Wallace Harris-Lake Park

High School

Future Plans: South Dakota State University, Animal Science

LAKE PARK, Iowa — Allison Wallace, who graduated last week from HarrisLake Park (Iowa) High School is The Globe’s Outstanding Senior scholarship recipient, selected from all female nominees from area school districts.

Wallace will receive a $500 scholarship from The Globe, to be used toward her continuing education at South Dakota State University in Brookings, South Dakota. She plans to major in animal science, with the goal of working as either a large animal nutritionist or large animal chiropractor.

“I’ve shown cattle for a large majority of my life,” said Wallace, an active member of the Silver Lakers 4-H Club since the fourth grade, and an involved member of the Harris-Lake Park FFA Chapter during grades 9-12.

In addition to exhibiting cattle for nine years, she shows pigs, sheep and

goats and enjoys working with the livestock on the family farm.

“I’ve always wanted to give back to this industry,” she said of her career goals. “Without it, I wouldn’t have a lot of the opportunities I do have.”

In nominating Wallace, the writer detailed the student’s volunteerism in National Honor Society, church youth groups, 4-H and the FFA. She has prepared and served meals at The Banquet in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, cleaned road ditches, collected canned goods for local food drives, and organized her school’s Pink-Out Night as a high school freshman — donating the funds raised to the Abben Cancer Center in Spencer, Iowa. She remained involved in Pink-Out Nights through her senior year.

Through Lake Park United Methodist Church and the Downtown Church in Milford, Wallace assisted with Christmas meals for the past five years, and collected and donated items to the humane society the past three years. She also made and delivered lunches for farmers through FFA, and helped plan an FFA golf tournament in 2021 in which the money was donated to Special Olympics and Diabetes Awareness.

Wallace has taken online classes through Iowa Lakes Community College since the second semester of her freshman year of high school, while also participating in high school athletics including basketball (9-12), softball (8-11) and volleyball (10). She was vice president of National Honor Society as a junior, president of her 4-H club for the past three years and secretary of the Dickinson County 4-H Youth Council as a sophomore. She is enrolled at SDSU for the fall semester. The globe | Wednesday, may 17, 2023 | GRADUATION 2023 | 1
— Introducing — THE
Congratulations Graduates!
Each nominee for The Globe’s Outstanding Senior Award had a remarkable high school career, and we congratulate them on their graduation and wish them luck in their next steps.
Madison Brouwer Keegan De Zeeuw SIBLEY HIGH SCHOOL Olivia Anderson Luke DeSmith WESTBROOK-WALNUT GROVE HIGH SCHOOL Elder Greyson Makenna McNamara WINDOM HIGH SCHOOL Ezra Bonnett Ivy Jenson WORTHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL Allison Wallace HARRIS-LAKE PARK HIGH SCHOOL Tyce Gunderson Amallia Ternus Brayden Metzger HILLS-BEAVER CREEK HIGH SCHOOL Elsa-Marie Landher Noah Orlikowski JACKSON COUNTY CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL Ross Bergman Averill Sehr LUVERNE HIGH SCHOOL Amanda Overgraaw Dylan Doeden MURRAY COUNTY CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL Claire Hoffmann Quentin Wolf ADRIAN HIGH SCHOOL Gabriel Wiebrand Claire Popkes ELLSWORTH HIGH SCHOOL Rylan Klein Lili-Anne Nielsen FULDA HIGH SCHOOL Savannah Schultz Aaron Veldhuizen EDGERTON HIGH SCHOOL Brooklyn Goelz Colton Pottratz PIPESTONE HIGH SCHOOL

Megan Dykstra

Joshua Enriquez

Vilma Escobar Lopez

Jonnathan Espada Flores

Kristopher Esparza

Jennifer Flores

Jesus Flores

Jose Flores

Jose Flores Castillo

Roxana Flores Lopez

Alan Flores Melendez

Syria Freimuth

Elvin Gabriel Agustin

*Oscar Galvez Mendoza

Evi Garcia

Estefani Garcia Soto

Dany Garcia Tema

Patricia Gaytan Barrera

Hlina Gebreegziabher

*Root Gebremariam

Fiyori Gebremeskel

Kasey Gerhard

Tiffany Godinez

Jorge Guillen

Tanner Gundermann

Yorleni Gutierrez Garcia

Aden Guy

*Gloria Gyi

Fikire Hayelom

*Connor Henning

Logan Holinka

Miat Htoo

Don Huynh

Vixai Inthirath

*Allison Iverson

*Tyler Jaycox

*Ivy Jenson

*Marisa Juarez Perez

Tedros Kassa

Amaiya Kleve

Mason Knouse

Anthony Linder

Clara Lopez Flores

*Adan Lopez Hinojosa

Lorena Lopez Lopez

Pricila Lopez Lopez

Johira Lopez Morales

Jose Lopez Torres

Eduardo Lopez Tovar

Nerah Lovan

Marina Luong

Gregorio Lux Velasquez

Cassidy Madison

*Guadalupe Madrigal Ordaz

*Lilly Mahlberg

Luis Manriquez Cortes

Dillon Maras

Jayden Maras

Dylan Markus

Martin Tzoc


Leslie Martinez

*Princess Martinez Barajas

*Elizabeth Martinez Castro

Kandy Martinez Solis

Gershon Matias Diaz

Britzel Mazariegos

Christopher Mazariegos Perez

*Cooper McCoy

*Grace McGaughey

Fernando Mejia Calderon

Jose Melendez

Jacqueline Menjivar Fernandez

Danuwong Meuangkhoth

*Ethan Meyer

Jacob Meyer

Francisco Monzon

Graduating Class of 2023

Graduation Date: May 26, 2023

Where: Worthington High School Large Gym

When: 6:00 p.m.

Class Colors: Black, Red, Silver

Class Flower: White Rose

Class Motto: “I know I want to always do the best I can”

— Adam Sandler

2023 Senior Class Officers

President: Oscar Galvez Mendoza

Vice President: Aisha Zeidi

Secretary: Ivania Chicas Melendez

Treasurer: Oziel Briones Flores

Edwin Morales Gonzalez

Belinda Morales Perez

*Ofbeka Morke

*Lauren Nelson

Evan Neuberger

Lillyana Newman

Anida Ngamsanga

Jaden Nickel

Riley Nickel

Mebtu Nigus

*Mia Nixon

*Brooke Nordseth

*Taylor Nordseth

Leonardo Nunez

*Taya Oberloh

Awar Okello

Omot Okony

*Abagotte Opiew

*Marenono Opiew

William Orellana Duran

Guillermo Pacas Hernandez

Edgar Padilla Garcia

Kiana Palma

Bah Paw

Jasmine Pena Ventura

Leoncio Perez Ramirez

Alejandro Perez Rodriguez

Selvin Perez Velasquez

Aaliyah Petersen

Osmin Pineda Ferrera

Jonathan Pineda Gamez

Ehnee Po

Emmanuel Rafael Mellin

Jessica Rafael Perez


Rafael Raymundo

Jaime Ramirez Lopez

Aroldo Ramirez Ramirez

Britney Ramirez Ramirez

Dennis Ramirez Ramirez

*Marco Ramos

Catalicio Ramos Lopez

Fabiola Ramos Ramos

Abigail Reetz

Victor Reyes Garcia

Daniela Reyes Reyes


David Rivera Hernandez

*Kate Robinson

Savannah Rodriguez

Aldo Rodriguez Lopez

Magdalena Rodriguez Melgoza

Cesar Rodriguez Raya

Angel Rojas

Alyssa Romero

Three Sa

Saudi Sales Morales

*Triston Sauerbrei

Nicholas Schneider

Nicholas Schroeder

Mason Schutz

Elizabeth Sheldahl

Dylon Sholes

*Presley Sieve

Abbey Siri

Elizabeth Smidt

Jazmin Smith

Paw Eh Soe

Kelsey Soleta

Gloria Sorto

Gabriel Soto Alvarez

Alexis Souphommanichanh

*Kamryn Spartz

*Tarren Spartz

Brian Stern

Kaden Teerink

Senayit Tiruneh

Leon Togba

Miguel Urquia


Valladares Herrera

Maria Valle Hernandez

*Cadence Van Ede

Joshua Vasquez Chavez

Hser Wah

Mikele Walu

Ellie Weg

*Latton Welch

Claudia Williams

*Filmon Wolday

Aisha Zeidi

Nasim Zeidi

*Denotes Honor Student

2 | GRADUATION 2023 | Wednesday, May 17, 2023 | The Globe dGlobe.coM 1009 4th Avenue, Worthington, MN • 507-376-4313 • Known For Fine Diamonds Congratulations Graduates! We Design Class Rings CONGRATULATIONS Congrats to Cooper MCCoy, Jaz Smith and to all graduating Seniors class of 2023 Lumber • Building Materials 849 10th Street, Worthington • 507-372-7384 Congratulations, Graduates You did it! Congratulations, Graduates You did it! Franklin Agustin Perez Liliana Ailon-Perez Maria Almanza Hurtado Jose Miguel Alvarez Martinez Quinn Anderson Sofia Anguiano Win Lwe Aung *Logan Barber America Barrera Marvin Batres Osvaldo Batres Victoria Beltran Kehyly Berduo Escalante *Karissa Bickett Moo Bleh *Erkinesh Bonnett *Ezra Bonnett *Anica Bos (Exchange Student) Spenser Braaksma Emilie Bradshaw *Charles Brands *Oziel Briones Flores Victory Bu Destiny Bueno *Michael Bustamante Miranda Guta Buta Jose Castillo Herrera *Leidy Chavez Martin Citlali Chavez Vega Luis Angel Chavez-Ramirez *Ivania Chicas Melendez Noelia Contreras Jonathan Carmine Cristobal *Johana Cruz Merida Julie Dinh Janai Dominguez Cervera *Bryn Donkersloot
of 2023 The globe | Wednesday, may 17, 2023 | GRADUATION 2023 | 3 MinnesotaWest WOULDLIKE TO CONGRATULATEOUR 2023 COLLEGEANDAREAHIGHSCHOOLGRADUATES! AmemberofMinnesotaState.AnAffirmativeAction EqualOpportunityEducator/Employer. 800-658-2330 FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1946 • 1451 JOOSTEN ROAD • WORTHINGTON, MN • 507-376-5080 • WWW.SMITHTRUCKINGINC.COM BarbRaymo,JasonLarsen,JenSalinas,andArianaVillalobos InsuranceAgents AUTO/ HOME/ FARM/CROP BUSINESS/ LIFE/ HEALTH 507-376-3950 InsuranceproductsareguaranteedbytheMinnesotaGuaranteedFund.Notadepositofthebank. Notguaranteedbythebank.NotFDICinsured. 1433Oxford Street,Worthington, MN 56187 INVESTMENTPLANNING FINANCIALPLANNING RETIREMENTINCOMEPLANNING CallorText 507-376-3700 AndrewJohnson&Peggy Meier FinancialConsultants SecuritiesofferedthroughCambridgeInvestment Research,Inc.,abroker-dealermember FINRA/SIPC.AdvisoryservicesthroughCambridgeInvestmentResearchAdvisors,Inc.,aRegistered InvestmentAdviser.Cambridgeand First State InvestmentServicesarenotaffiliated.Products offeredthroughCambridgeare*notinsuredbytheFDIC*notguaranteed by anybankortheir affiliates*subjectto risksincludingthepossiblelossof principalamountinvested. 1433OxfordStreet,Worthington,MN56187 CONGRATULATIONS CLASSOF2023! StartYourFinancial Futurewith us! Jason Vote, Agent 716 Oxford Street Worthington, MN 56187 Bus: 507-372-2906 Jessica Noble, Agent 1244 Oxford Street Worthington, MN 56187 Bus: 507-372-2141 As your neighborhood State Farm Agents, we’re proud to support your dedication and commitment. CONGRATULATIONS, GRADUATES! 500 9th St • Worthington 507-376-4744 WORTHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK, F.S.B. 507-372-2131 CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2023 Go be the wild animal that you are inside and be free Congratulations Graduates of 2023
4 | GRADUATION 2023 | Wednesday, May 17, 2023 | The Globe dGlobe.coM Congrats Class of 2023! (507) 372-2525 | 1628 1st Ave Worthington, MN Congrats Class of 2023! Wilmont,MN 507-926-5333•1-800-658-2558 Forallyourlocalandlongdistancelivestockhauling Wilmont, MN 507-926-5333 • 1-800-658-2558 For all your local and long distance livestock hauling Helping you maximize growth potential on your farm 44107 Okabena Road Lakefield, MN 507-662-5442 612 W Hatting Street Luverne, MN 507-449-7679 205 County Road 35 E Adrian, MN 507-483-2442 653 81st Street Pipestone, MN 507-825-2008 CONGRATS CLASS OF 2023 324 10th St. Worthington 507-376-4160 Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 9-4 @BrownsShoe FitCoWorthington Congratulations Class of 2023! Renee Baerenwald, Realtor 507-370-0950 Staci Murphy, Realtor 507-360-5197 1234 Oxford Street, Worthington, MN 507-372-2105 Agents: Jim Nickel, Tina Nickel, Trevor Nickel, Colby Nickel “Insurance Since 1921” 1709 N. Humiston, Worthington 507-376-9788 NICKEL & ASSOCIATES INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Specialists in... HEATING, AIR CONDITIONING • Residential • Commercial Complete Sales & Service Phone 376-6966 HEATING AND COOLING BTU Ask About Our Energy - Efficient Heating Systems Jays Electric Motor Co. 229 11th Street, Worthington, MN 507-376-4665 Fax: 507-376-4403 Your Automotive Super Store! 507-376-3136 • 800-658-2456 1215 Sherwood St., Worthington, MN Downtown Worthington 507-376-5920 Open Daily 11am-10pm Delivering Today Until 10pm 1300 Humiston Ave, Worthington, MN 56187 (507) 372-5646 Congrats to the class of 2023! Congratulations CLASS OF 2023! Bob & Steve’s Holiday on the BIG CORNER 1408 Oxford Street Worthington, MN 507-376-4700 1535 Oxford Street • 507-376-3924 Commercial Doors & Windows, Automotive Glass Door Closers & Automatic Operators, Custom Cut Mirrors & Glass Check out our Website! 1114 Oxford Street, Worthington (507) 376-4149 • BUILDERS & REALTY, INC. Congratulations class of 2023 1224 2nd Avenue 507.372.7222 !FELICIDADES! Clase De 2023 From 418 10th St, Downtown Worthington 918 3rd Ave, Worthington, MN (507) 727-3555 Contact: (507) 372-7131 1566 Rowe Ave Worthington, MN 56187 • Complete Auto & Light Truck Repair on all Makes & Models • All brands of tires • Free Pickup & Delivery (5 mile radius) CONTRACTOR • HOMEOWNER RENTAL • SALES • SERVICE 507-372-7669 RENTAL CENTER We look forward to the great things you will accomplish! ISD 518 GRADUATES Congratulations 224 10th St, Brewster, MN 507-842-5933 229 Tenth Street, Worthington 507-372-2933 (507) 483-2888 225 Maine Ave, Adrian, MN 56110 2023 class of Congrats Sports Page Sports Page The The Bar & Grill Bar & SportsGrillPage The Bar & Grill

2023 Graduation Information


Brandon Boltjes

*Kayla Browen

Reece Carlson

Lilianna Castaneda

*Taya Elias

Grace Farinella

Dawson Froderman

Emily Gendron

Luis Gonzalez

*Dylan Graff

Alesha Henning

Brock Henning

*Jacob Henning

Leonardo Hernandez

Bryer Hieronimus

*Mia Hieronimus

*Claire Hoffman

*Joshua Horn

Olivia Kanten

Tyson Kazemba

Jenna Kemper

*Karly Kruse

*Leah Kruse

Tavian Lange

*Ethan Langseth

*Olivia Lahnoff

Irvin Iniguez Rodriguez

Arianna Jurgensen

Edgar Lopez

Emily Marroquin Tema

Julio Martin Martin

Lorenzo Mateo Xicay

Say Moo

Cindy Niz Sorto

Bryan Pineda

Eh Tha Lay

Kee Thaw

Leon Togba

Riley Woodbury

Daymond Xaypantho

Landyn Loosbrock

Ronaldo Lopez Chilel

Kaden Loring

*Lauren Madison

Dayton Metz-Olson

Graduation Date: Friday, May 26, 2023

Where: Adrian High School Gymnasium

When: 7:00 p.m.

Class Color: Cornflower Blue (Light Blue)

Class Flower: White Rose

Class Song: Tattoos on this Town

— Jason Aldean

Class Motto:

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” — Dr. Seuss

Class Advisors:

Robert Remme & Lindsey Bonnett

Logan Neuenburg

Logan Nogosek

Makenna Olson

Andrew Rahe

Neomi Ramos

Anthony Remakel

Dayton Romans

Tannisha Runia

Phanisara Seesonkram

Isaac Semere

Brianna Sieve

Fernando Silva Falcon

Justin Umanzor-Mejia

Preston Vortherms

*Madeline Wagner

Ariana Weidert

*Cameron Weineke

*Grant Wieneke

Jamey Wieneke

Jayden Winselman

*Quentin Wolf

*Peda Zeba

Scott Zebe

*Denotes NHS Member


Juan Coronado Florencio

Carmen Coj Chingo

Estefany Escobar

Badume Eshima

James Frajord

Kevin Galeano

Milton Gomez Sis

Tiffany Godinez

Laura Hernandez

Luis Pineda Mejia

Dilan Ramirez Lopez

Analis Ramirez

Laura Roelf

Ivis Reyes Miranda

Keyri Rodriguez

William Schieck

Issac Semere

Adam Smith

Esmeralda Solis The globe | Wednesday, may 17, 2023 | GRADUATION 2023 | 5 P.O. Box 8 • Lismore, Mn 56155 • 507-472-8221 • Adrian State Bank 322 Maine Avenue, Adrian, MN 507-483-2447 MEMBER FDIC Your Full Service Bank Since 1889 Jays Electric Motor Co. 229 11th Street, Worthington, MN 507-376-4665 Fax: 507-376-4403 Lismore Coop Telephone Co. Check us out TODAY! 507.472.8748 230 S. 3rd Ave. • Lismore, MN 56155 • Top-of-the-line high-speed internet coverage throughout SW Minnesota 507-483-2486 or 507-920-7736 Soil Conservation - Site Preparation Underground Utilities Aggregate Sales Custom Aggregate Crushing Southwest Mutual Insurance Co. 216 Maine Avenue Adrian, Minnesota 507-483-2222 Serving the SW Minnesota Area Luverne 507-283-4418 • Kanaranzi 507-283-8989 Magnolia Ag 507-283-2431 • Magnolia Grain 507-283-0070 Ciara Aguero Daniel Aguilar De La cruz Katherine Barralaga Joseph Batres Brandon Boltjes Dayana Brands Martha Bravo Jose Castillo Castillo Miguel Chavez Lopez Julio Chavez
ADRIAN HIGH SCHOOL ▶ ▶ ▶ Class of 2023

Kristofer Altman

*Sarah Anderson

*Sydney Anderson

Landon Andrews

Skyler Andrews

Christian Benda

*Payten Benda

*Andria Benson

Lilian Blackmore

*Ashlyn Bohl

Emma Bond

Emma Boots

Avre Brunk

Dillon Burgy

*Logan Butzon

Jonah Carr

JC Chanthalangsy

Isaiah Cihak

Keaton Clipperton

Tyron Collins

Joshua Cook

*Paige Duncan

*Maci Farmer

*Thomas Freking

*Erin Gallagher

Lena Genard


Paige Bixby Destiny Gibbens

Cecelia Lenz

*Matilyn Mulder

Emily Munoz

*Claire Popkes

Seth Shay

Kaisin Torres

Jazlyn Vander Poel

Gabriel Wiebrand

*denotes NHS member

2023 Graduation Information

Graduation Date: Friday, May 26, 2023

Where: Ellsworth Gymnasium

When: 7:00 p.m.

Class Color: Purple

(in memory of Perri Heideman)

Class Flower: White Rose

Class Motto:

“You’re on your own.

And you know what you know.

And you’re the one who’ll decide where to go” — Dr. Seuss


2023 Graduation Information

Graduation Date: Sunday, May 28, 2023

Where: Jackson County Central High School Gymnasium

When: 2:00 p.m.

Class Color: Navy & Lavender

Class Flower: White Rose with Lavender Ribbon

Class Song: "Hall of Fame" by The Script

Class Motto: “We have followed, now we lead.”

Alvaro Gonzalez Garcia

*Matthew Haley

Chase Hamlett

*Peyton Hanson

Tyler Hendricks

Emma Hendrickson

Erik Hesebeck

*Alyssa Hilpipre

*Makayla Hotzler

Melody Janzen


Class of 2023

*Brigan McCarthy

*Helena Meium-Bratrud

*Lillian Mohning

*Joseph Mohr

Sydney More

Ahlya Moritz

Mayte Murillo

Drew Nichols

Megan Olsem

Anthony O’Neil

*Romona Ontiri

*Alexis O’Reilly

*Noah Orlikowski

*Ryne Pauling

*Braxton Pavelko

Jack Pierson

Alli Pohlman

*Morgan Preuss

*Jakob Rasmussen

Melanie Reeves

Parker Rizzi

Isaiah Rodriguez

Monique Rodriguez

Travis Rogotzke

Mackenzie Roland

Brianne Ruiz

Jessica Ruiz Olvera

Rory Schley

Liath Schmitt

Grace Schoenrock

Cameron Scholten

Lillian Sexton

Trace Shover

Kennedy Stammer

Brooklyn Stenzel

Daniel Szafryk

*Caleb Thurmer

Lily Troller

*Brittany Tufvesson

*Rachel Tusa

* Haylee Untiedt

Caleb Vancura

Madison VanMuyden

Jackson Voehl

*Shala Voehl

Wyatt Wenzel

*Dylan Withers

*Gabriel Wolff

*denotes NHS member

2023 Graduation Information

Graduation Date: Friday, May 26, 2023

Where: Edgerton Public School

When: 7:15 p.m.

Class Color: Pink and Gold

Class Flower: Rose

Class Motto:

“No matter what happens in life, be good to people.

Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind” — Taylor Swift


*Savannah Schultz

Brenalyn Smit

Madison Stephens

*Aaron Veldhuizen

Trace Voss

Isaac Westly

Isabella Wollman

*National Honor Society Members

Emma Johansson *Carter Johnson *Cole
Klassen Noah Knakmuhs Keyton
Alaina Lilleberg Mikayla Manzke Lilian Martens Jaden Mason 6 | GRADUATION 2023 | Wednesday, May 17, 2023 | The Globe dGlobe.coM 423 1st Ave West, Edgerton, MN 56128 507-442-7881 Class of 2023 507-442-4341 or 1-800-658-2395 Wed. nights til 8 p.m. & Sat. 8 a.m. - 12 Noon Open Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 805 Main St. Edgerton, Minnesota 507-442-7261 235 Industrial Street, PO Box 236 Edgerton, MN 56128 office: 507-442-4855 fax: 507-442-5110 email: Plumbing~Heating~Cooling 507-967-2464 308 S. Broadway Street, Ellsworth, MN 56129 ORV & SONS, INC. CASE IH DEALER Lane • Dean • Curt 105 N. Broadway St, Ellsworth, MN 56219 Sales 507-969-2468 • Parts 507-967-2485 Fax 507-967-2127 Carter Amundson Angel Atencio Cameron Berghorst
Bogstad Camie Bootsma
Carrera Logan Cordero Colin
Jaden Lillico
Rylaarsdam Cole
Johnson *Erin
Landherr Shjon Langford
Domeyer Brandi Fiedler *Ashlynn Gunderson Reegan Heil Kyndra Hinsch Jaden Hunter Nevaeh Leusink
ELLSWORTH HIGH SCHOOL ▶ ▶ ▶ Class of 2023
School Gymnasium
Class Motto: “Never put off till tomorrow what may be done the day after tomorrow just as well.” — Mark Twain The globe | Wednesday, May 17, 2023 | GRADUATION 2023 | 7 Educating Todays Youth For Tomorrow FULDA PUBLIC SCHOOLS CONGRATS SENIORS! 410 N. College Ave., Fulda, MN 56131 Ph: 507.425.2514 | Fax: 507.425.2001 Grothe Prosteam Cleaning, Inc. Air Duct, Carpet, Soot & Water Clean-up 1-800-499-6563 Congratulations Fulda Class of 2023! Tyler Ruesch 507-329-0047 (507) 793-2826 • Heron Lake City of Heron Lake CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2023 Brewster Lumber Yard 121 10th Street, Brewster, MN 507-842-5905 Come On In and Check Us Out! Class of Congrats2023 37806 910TH ST HERON LAKE, MN 56137 PHONE: (507) 793-2288 FAX: (507) 793-0025 EMAIL: INFO@SCHUMACHERSNURSERY.COM FULDA HIGH SCHOOL ▶ ▶ ▶ Class of 2023 2023 Graduation Information Graduation Date: Friday, May 26, 2023 Where: Fulda High School Gymnasium When: 7:00 p.m. Class Color: Black and White Class Flower: Carnation Class Song: Senior Year — Drew Baldridge Class Motto: “You can always retake a class, but you can’t relive a party.” — Author Unknown Luis Alonzo Kamryn Chapman Eli Fisher Ethan Gilman *Htoo Han Anastasia Kass Rylan Klein Aiden Lang Gunnar McNab Law Moo Colton Nelson Ethan Nielsen *Lili-Anne Nielsen Noah Perez Paw Plah *Kelli Renneke Vanessa Soto Noah Vrooman Brianne Wiener *denotes National Honor Society member Maria Avila Kaleb Baccam * Jerome Cabarus * Sara Cavicchi Sawyer Drent Anna Fest * Faith Freking * Jaquline Fuentes Mason Johnson Dean Koehn Gavin Leighty Kalen McNab * Paige McNab Alexander Miller Michael Missling Brooklyn Pavelko Logan Petersen Vanessa Pineda Argueta Elise Rostomily Luis Ruiz Perez Jordan Ruvalcaba Madelyn Schumacher * Zachary Spurlin Seth Sydnes * denotes Minnesota Honor
HIGH SCHOOL ▶ ▶ ▶ Class
2023 Graduation Information Graduation
Friday, May 26,
Where: Okabena High
When: 7:00 p.m.
Color: Blue & Black
Flower: Camellia President: Anna Fest Vice
Madelyn Schumacher Secretary: Faith Freking
of 2023
Picture taken by Lisa Fest. Back row left to right: Kaleb Baccam, Gavin Leighty, Mason Johnson, Sawyer Drent, Dean Koehn, Jordan Ruvalcaba, Seth Sydnes. Front row, left to right: Sara Cavicchi, Maria Avila, Jackie Fuentes, Elise Rostomily, Faith Freking, Brooklyn Pavelko, Vanessa Pineda Argueta, Maddie Schumacher, Anna Fest. Not pictured: Jerome Cabarus, Kalen McNab, Paige McNab, AJ Miller, Michael Missling, Logan Petersen, Luis Ruiz, Zachary Spurlin.


2023 Graduation Information

Graduation Date: Sunday, May 14, 2023

Where: Harris-Lake Park High School Gymnasium

When: 2:00 p.m.

Class Color: Silver, Gray, Light Blue

Class Flower: White Gerber Daisy

Class Motto:

“You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And you’re the one who’ll decide where to go...” — Dr. Seuss

2023 Graduation Information

Graduation Date: Friday, May 26, 2023

Where: Hills-Beaver Creek High School

When: 7:00 p.m.

Class Color: Red, White & Royal Blue

Cap and Gown: Black Cap and Gown

Tassels: Red, White and Royal Blue Tassel w/ Silver year

Stoles: Girls – Red w/ White lettering (10) Boys – Royal Blue w/ White lettering (18)

Baccalaureate Service: May 22, 2:00 PM

Hills-Beaver Creek High School


2023 Graduation Information

Graduation Date: Sunday, May 28, 2023

Where: Pipestone Area High School Gymnasium

When: 2:00 p.m.

Class Color: Sage Green, Champagne, Matte Black

Class Flower: Rose

Class Motto:

“If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can't hear them anymore.”

— Michele Ruiz

Faith Aguirre

Brianna Anderson

Kenex Asencio

Jonathan Barrios

Zaker Bashir

Braeden Bauman

*Breelee Berkenpas

Wyatt Blaisdell

*Avarie Brecher

Tayton Brinkmeyer

*Davis Budden

Mattison Carson

Natalie Colvin

Alison Currier

Mason Deruyter

*Kindra Douty

*Meredith Draper

Dakota Drietz

*Steadman Fenicle Colton Fey

Lily Foster

Brooklyn Goelz

Merrick Heidebrink

Alexander Henry

Connor Holt

Jayden Hoss

Kayla Hubbling

Kyla Hubbling

Kellen Johnson

Chaska Kinnerson

Ricky Kitto

Alandra Kontz

Aubrea Kor

Jayla Kracht

Breylon Kuiper

Callie Lingen

Megan Lingen

Santos Lopez-Ortiz

Brynn Manzey

Morgan McCormick

*Arinn McGee

Caden Miller

Kendal Niemeyer

Gavin Olson

Zaid Padilla

*Cameron Paulsen

*Colton Pottratz

*Melody Remund

*Ava Robinson

Jessica Sanchez

Phoebe Sheldon

Rogen Smidt

Zachary Smith

Nolan Stark

of 2023

*Caden Strasser

Brandon Thompson

Braxton Thompson

*Tegan Tuinstra

Caleb Velde

*Aiden Voss

Rylie Wahl

Justin Waugh

*Madelyn Wiese

*Brandon Willey

Alyssa Winter

*Toryn Woelber

Rojas Zelaya

*NHS Member

8 | GRADUATION 2023 | Wednesday, May 17, 2023 | The Globe dGlobe.coM Hills-Beaver Creek ISD #671 Home of the Patriots CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2023 Serving the SW Minnesota Area Luverne 507-283-4418 • Kanaranzi 507-283-8989 Magnolia Ag 507-283-2431 • Magnolia Grain 507-283-0070 116 MARKET ST LAKE PARK, IA 51347 • 712-832-3626 WITH LOCATIONS IN LAKE PARK & SPIRIT LAKE, IA ROUND LAKE, MN HOME•AUTO•FARM•COMMERCIAL•CROP•LIFE•HEALTH MEMBER OF 4THIRTY, INC. FARMERS INSURANCE AGENCY 119 Main Street, Harris, IA 712-349-2114 Forbes Meat All of our products are made using the best USDA Choice to Prime Iowa corn fed beef and pork. Primghar 712-957-6815 Hartley 712-928-6815 Lake Park 712-832-3030 Congrats Class of 2023! 201 Market Street, Lake Park, IA Monday through Saturday 7:30am - 8:00pm Sunday 8:00am - 7:00pm • 712-832-3620 Congrats Class 2023 Pepsi Cola Bottling Company of Pipestone, MN 507-825-4207 Carter Abels Regina Afkas *Anthony Beaner *Olivia Bork Lexi Drake **Devon Dysthe Taylor Frederickson Luke Fuerstenberg *Tyrae Goodface Brock Harnack Alex Harris Taylor Huisman *Elly Klosterbuer **Jenifer Martinyuk *Britton McKenzie **Brayden Metzger *Cody Moser Cael Noteboom Erianne Olopuy Cole Rozeboom Collin Schoneman Riley Sheppard *Aspen Shimp Eli Taubert **Amallia Ternus **Leif Tollefson *Joshua Wiersema *Honor Student ** High Honors Student
Ryan Bensley Emma Bondhus *Tyce Gunderson Carter Hibma August Jones Kiera Keiner Makayla Kuschel Jacob Lind Mikel Luinstra Kimberly Martinez Jacob Money Ali Mulder Ethan Nelson Jorden Richard-Bennett Elijah Robinson Nicholas Sage *Calleejo Sohn *Jayden SouphommanichanhMendez Keala Tait *Allison Wallace *denotes
Minnesota Honor Society


Ryan Vos

*Elizabeth Wagner

*Christina Wagner

Alexander Walgrave

Zoe Wek

Harley Wendland

Honor Society

2023 Graduation Information

Graduation Date: Sunday, May 28, 2023

Where: Luverne Public Schools

When: 2:00 p.m.

Class Color: Ruby and Pearl

Class Flower: White Rose

Class Motto:

“You’ll appreciate the view more if you let yourself enjoy the climb.” — Unknown

2023 Graduation Information

Graduation Date: Friday, May 26, 2023

Where: Windom Area High School in the Blue Gym

When: 7:00 p.m.

Class Color: Lilac and White

Class Flower: Light Purple/Lilac Dahlia

Class Motto:

“Thanks for the adventure — now go have a new one.”

— Charles Muntz

Jacob Ackerman

Carter Allen

Michael Anderson

Montgomery Bjorklund

Ryan Boltjes

Eli Bordewyk

Riley Borer

Nicholas Bottelberghe

Cooper Bramstedt

Ethan Brockman

Tyler Buss*

Taylor Caldwell

Hunter Corwin

Miranda Cory

Ahtziri Cruz

Owen Dahna*

Nathan Daly

Gracyn Dieter

Mackenzie Doorenbos*

Greyson Elder*

D-One Eliou Camryn Elness*

Emily Elston

Henry Erickson*

Brady Espenson

Elliot Espenson*

Nathan Evers

Jaylee Farley

Brooklyn Flaherty

Micheal Fleckner

Joshua Garrison Tristen Gastelo

Kasidee Glidden-Buck

Jacob Green

Abbigail Grunewald

Adamaris Gutierrez Estrada

Trystyn Hartwig

Dmitri Henderson

Madilyn Hogan*

Anna Holtz

Kaden Holtz*

Jared Hunter

Virginia Jensen

Kylee Johnson

Rebekah Johnson*

Xyla Kolander

Darrion Lewis

Moriah Lohrenz*

Catherine Luck

Bryan Macario Rios

Michael Magana

Alfredo Martinez

Autum Mcfadden

Abraham Mckibbin

Makenna Mcnamara*

Isabel Mendoza Lopez*

Roy Mogaka

Allison Negen*

Treyton Neitzel

Anakala Netsch

Jaydan Petersen

Cragen Porath

Madison Prokosch*

Naomi Purrington

Jose Rodas

Christopher Rodriguez Hernandez*

Kameron Rupp*

Wyatt Scrivens

Chloe Shamp

Soren Shem Ada Smith*

Kenia Solis Sanchez New Star

Chayton Struck

Jared Tibodeau

Angelina Trujillo

Jacob Vannorman

Nyah Visker*

Vaugn Vo-Verhage

Aviana Watson

Peyton Winters

Ethan Zafft

Abbigale Zieske

*National Honor Society The globe | Wednesday, May 17, 2023 | GRADUATION 2023 | 9 2150 Hospital Dr, Windom, MN 56101 • (507) 831-2400 You’ve come along way,andwe’reveryproud of yourachievements.Keepupthegreatwork, andwe knowyou’llgo far. Bestwishestodayandalways! HONORING TODAY’S GR ADUATES WINDOMAREAHEALTH.ORG Congratulations, class of 2023 507-831-2600 Congrats Class of 2023 Congratulations from 174 16th Street, Windom • 507-831-3333 WINDOM 192 10TH STREET OPEN 6AM - 9PM (507)831-2786 CONGRATS Luverne - MN 56156 • I-90 LUVERNE, MN 800-634-7701 • CONGRATS 2023 GRADS Serving the SW Minnesota Area Luverne 507-283-4418 • Kanaranzi 507-283-8989 Magnolia Ag 507-283-2431 • Magnolia Grain 507-283-0070 Gannon Ahrendt Justis Ahrendt Mariam Alinizi Micah Andersen Abigail Anderson Josie Anderson Anyuon Atem Gavin Baum Brock Behrend *Ross Bergman *Emma Beyer *Brady Bork *Parker Carbonneau Trenton Carson Tyson Cowell Phoebe DeBates Zachary DeBoer Lily Ehlers Ashton Eitreim Joshua Evans Marcus Feit Egypt Forrest Tyler Gebauer Emmanuel Gonzalez Yoselyn Gonzalez Quintana *Jacie Graham Andy Halverson *Lauren Hansen Lucas Hansen Nicholas Hansen Jocelyn Hart Jadyn Hart Kaleb Hein *Tori Hemme *Camden Hoven Grace Ingebretsen *Camden Janiszeski *Anja Jarchow Ashlyn Johnson Katharine Kelm Tiana Lais Isabella Lanoue Kaysie Lenz Reese Louwagie Jocelynn Mann Cole Mann Lacey Morseman Priscilla Muehr Deziree Nath *Ethan Nath Mallory Nelson Acen Olson Carly Olson *Logan Ommen Austin Ossefoort *Isabella Oye Monica Padilla Lola Peterson Siyara Reese Gavin Reisch Joseph Remme Alyia Renken Travis Schempp *Averill Sehr Krystyn Skindelien Riley Sneller Michael Soto Ryenn Stegenga Bonita Tiesler Carsen Tofteland Myles Trimble Harrison Uithoven Kamryn Van Batavia Daylin Velasquez Cedar Viessman Mallory Von Tersch Kaylee Voorhees Ava
▶ ▶
Class of 2023
▶ ▶ ▶
Class of 2023

2023 Graduation Information

Graduation Date: Friday, May 26, 2023

Where: Southwest Christian High School Gymnasium

When: 6:30 p.m.

Class Color: Navy and Cream

Class Flower: Lily of the Valley

Class Song: In Christ Alone

Class Flower: Lily of the


— Proverbs 3:5-6

MURRAY COUNTY CENTRAL ▶ ▶ ▶ Class of 2023

2023 Graduation Information

Graduation Date: Sunday, May 28, 2023

Where: Murray County Centra Gymnasium

When: 2:00 p.m.

Class Color: White

Class Flower: Silver Tipped White Rose

Class Motto: “Behind us are memories, beside us are friends, before us are dreams that will never end.”

Ackerman, Carly Bakke, Megan Barstad, Jae Len

*Benda, Carter Biren, Wyatt Boerboom, Alyssa

Braun, Slater Brown.luke Clarke, Madilyn Deacon, Jaden Degreeff, Connor Doeden, Dylan

Engelkes, Briana Giesen, Trevor Gillette, Ella Gillette, Mckade *Graphenteen, Tanner Gustaf, Heather

*Harms, Symone Haupert, Gracie Herrig, Bridgette *Hurd, Karissa Iverson, Zoey Jackels, Danika Johnson, Kyle Johnson, Parker Kalas, Ashton Kirchner, Connor Kluis, Derek Kramer, Dylan Larsen, Kahlen

*Mcnab, Mary *Meyer, Eliese Miller, Casey *Miller, Jessica *Overgaauw, Amanda *Overgaauw, Ashley Peterson, Megan Reinert, Justyne Schuur, Emma * Skoglund, Ashlyn Sturges, Jackson Swenson, Seanna Tentinger, Christian

Thony, Nyabun Thunder Hawk, Keiran Tromblay, Tate Veldhuisen, Trey *Vos, Jackie Weidert, Courteney Wendland, Mason Williams, Grace Wittrock, Drew Wynia, Ashton *MN Honor Society

10 | GRADUATION 2023 | Wednesday, May 17, 2023 | The Globe Congratulations Class of 2023 James & Carla Goedtke, MRFC®, CSA® 1 Prairie Dr. Slayton, MN 56172 507-836-8844 Securities offered through American Portfolios Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory Services through American Portfolios Advisors, Inc. an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Investors Choice Financial Services Inc. is Independent of APFS & APAI. Slayton - 507-836-1000 Dierks Trailer Sales CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES CLASS OF 2023 (507) 220-8170 | 2031 20th St. Slayton, MN 56172 Lynn A. Johnson Law Office, LLC We provide quality and efficient service LYNN A. JOHNSON Attorney at Law 2548 Broadway Ave. Slayton, MN 56172 P: 507-836-6757 F: 507-836-6773 CUSTOMBRANDED LOGOSGRAPHICS APPARELHATS ACCESSORIESSTICKERS FUNDRAISERS EMBROIDERYAND SCREENPRINTING Congrats Class of 2023 235 Industrial Street, PO Box 236 Edgerton, MN 56128 office: 507-442-4855 fax: 507-442-5110 email: 507-442-4341 or 1-800-658-2395 Wed. nights til 8 p.m. & Sat. 8 a.m. - 12 Noon Open Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 805 Main St. · Edgerton, Minnesota 507-442-7261
Kierra Binford Makenna Brands Taylor De Boer Ellie Decker Annika Dyk Skyler Feikema Lindsie Fick Madison Fick Mason Hamm Jarett Kuipers Makenna Moss Kinsie Nelson Zoe Nonginthirath Cody Post Cameron Prins Kathryn Prins Caleb Raak Dawson Rieck Luis Rodriguez Cami Rozeboom Ethan Sas Anna Suda Bennett Talsma Elizabeth Tinklenberg Jacob Uilk Quentin Van Dam Paris Van Dyke Shaylee Van Essen Kayla Vander Schaaf Cora Werkhoven SOUTHWEST CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL ▶ ▶ ▶ Class of 2023
Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”


2023 Graduation Information

Graduation Date: Sunday, May 28, 2023

Where: Westbrook Walnut Grove High School Gym

When: 2:00 p.m.

Class Color: Lavender, Royal Purple, White

Class Flower: Purple Rose

Class Motto: “Chase your dreams, but always know the road that will lead you home again.”

Back Row: Brady Lewis, Chase Knudson, Daniel Kleven*, Luke DeSmith*, Zach Knudson, Elijah Merrick*, Damien Harrington, Kole Curry, Brady Ross, Colton Carter*, Kevin Cheuvront

Front Row: Caitlin Mershon, Isabella Rentschler*, Jessica Harder, Olivia Anderson*, Adyn Vue, Goliath Yang, Amanda Sik, Makayla Ryder, Hallie Landuyt, Shelby Foster, Adamaris Mata, Sera Rasmussen, Lor Yang

Individuals are Luke DeSmith and Olivia Anderson

Congrats Class of 2023 Grads!

Congrats Class of 2023


Julissa Acevedo

Marissa Ackerman*

Garrett Atherton*

Conner Beltman*

Alejandro Bernal

James Biezunski

Isaiah Blanco

Halle Block

Rylie Boer *

Jaydee Bremer*

Tayler Bremer*

Madison Brouwer*

Samuel Chambers*

Regan Crichton

Gilberto De la Cruz

Keegan De Zeeuw*

Jahlyn DeJong*

Wendy Deleon

Doris Deleon Taleon

Samantha Dirks

Makya Dykstra*

Sufi Else

Keytin Elser*

Maverick Elser

Angel Gomez

Marlcsa Goytia-Valverde

Owen Hayenga-Johnson

Olivia Howard

Morgan Huls

Jadyn Jensen

Mark Jenson

Dylan Johnson

Brady Klaassen

Jonathan Krogman

Jared Kruger*

Emma Langstraat*

Madison Marco*

Matthew McDougall

2023 Graduation Information

Graduation Date: Sunday, May 14, 2023

Where: Sibley-Ocheyedan High School

When: 2:00 p.m.

Class color: Lavender

Class flower: White Rose

Class moto:

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou

Antony Mendez Perez

Grace Nasers

Thomas Roth*

Mackenzie Schiphoff

Diana Sufle*

Dylan Top

Angel Valverde

Jillian Van Diepen*

Kaisha Van Engen*

Jaci Van Westen

Dawson Vander Meulen

April Vargo

Jaylen Vos

Bria Wasmund*

Sofia Weber*

Alayna Wingate*

Codie Wynia

Vivian Zepeda

Avery Zylstra

*denotes honor student The globe | Wednesday, May 17, 2023 | GRADUATION 2023 | 11 COMMERCIAL AUTO•PROPERTY Scott Gaarder, Stacy Reinke & Tomas Hamsmann 712-754-3654 or 1-800-756-6611 Sibley, IA Drainage and Excavation Rocky Marco Ocheyedan, IA • 712-758-3503 Cell 712-330-1105 • FAX 712-758-3727 ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC. MEGA, INC. I 001619102r1 Rocky Marco Ocheyedan, IA • 712-758-3503 Cell 712-330-1105 FAX 712-758-3727 Drainage and Excavation Rocky Marco Ocheyedan, IA • 712-758-3503 Cell 712-330-1105 • FAX 712-758-3727 ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC. MEGA, INC. I 001619102r1 DRAINAGE AND EXCAVATION 24 hour emergency service • Boarding & Grooming Certified Laser Therapy Dr. Daniel Berkland | Dr. Loretta Berkland | Dr. Ashley Hoogland Sibley Veterinary Clinic Large and Small Animal Services 1654 Northwest Blvd | Sibley, IA 51249 | Phone: 712-754-2549 D & K Transportation Ocheyedan, Iowa 712-330-1090 808 3rd Avenue, Sibley, IA (712) 754-3212 Sibley Chamber of Commerce 803 4th Avenue, Sibley, IA 712-754-2561 or Toll Free 800-540-4772 803 4th Avenue, Sibley, IA 712-754-2561 or Toll Free 800-540-4772 803 4th Avenue, Sibley, IA 712-754-2561 or Toll Free 800-540-4772 As your neighborhood State Farm Agents, we’re proud to support your dedication and commitment. Jessica Noble, Agent 1244 Oxford Street Worthington, MN 56187 Bus: 507-372-2141 Congrats Class of 2023! 1015 2nd Avenue | Sibley, Iowa (712) 754-3540 MON - SAT 11AM - CLOSE 627 1st Avenue | Westbrook, MN 507-274-5555 Mon-Sat 8AM-8PM | Sun 9AM-6PM Congrats Class of 2023 CUSTOMBRANDED LOGOSGRAPHICS APPARELHATS ACCESSORIESSTICKERS FUNDRAISERS EMBROIDERYAND SCREENPRINTING
You did it!
12 | GRADUATION 2023 | Wednesday, May 17, 2023 | The Globe dGlobe.coM Totheclassof2023 beas ascanbe! • • Mayyour you’ve been sharpened to your full potential... ONE SOURCE. ONE SOLUTION. Life is short, so make your mark to achieve your goals with the right Just like a Pencil, after years of hard work 1235 Oxford Street Worthington, MN 507-372-7354 Wherever you go - you can always call this place home. Congratulations to all of our employees graduating this spring! Thank you for your faithful service in our community We wish you the best of luck in the next chapter of your lives! 1235 Oxford Street Worthington, MN 507-372-7354 Wherever you go - you can always call this place home. Congratulations to all of our employees graduating this spring! Thank you for your faithful service in our community We wish you the best of luck in the next chapter of your lives!
Sophia Weber Trinity Storm Guy Bryn Donkersloot
Pineda Argueta Elizabeth Sheldahl Jose Castillo Presley Sieve Ezra Bonnet Tedros Kassa Mia Nixon

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