KING TURKEY DAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY THESE SPONSORS SHOW YOUR KTD PRIDE HANG THIS IN YOUR WINDOW SO PAYCHECK KNOWS YOU’RE ON HIS SIDE! LET’S GO PAYCHECK! GRAND PARADE CVB Comfort Suites The Globe Radio Works TURK OF THE TOWN JBS Bedford Industries Blue Peak Sanford HONORARY Access Family Medical Center-Avera Med. Worthington Tax & Business Services Ameriprise Financial-Quest Wealth Management -Elwin Aggen Amer ican Bank & Trust Jason Vote State Farm Hy-Vee The Elks The Eagles Kansas City Barbeque Smith Trucking Worthington Optimist Club PAYCHECK Ron’s Repair Schaap Sanitation Worthington Federal Savings Bank Jessica Noble State Farm Merck Animal Health Minnesota Soybean Processors Minnesota Energy Resources First State Bank SW JBS Fieldhouse Worthington Electric Sterling Pharmacy Mr. Pepsi C & B Operations Buffalo Billfold Co Hub International Noble s Cooperative Electric Dingmann Funeral Home Malters, Shepherd & Von Holtum Kinser Law Office PLLC Rolling Hills Bank & Trust Bob & Steve’s Holiday The Tap Drealan Kvilhaug Hoegker & Co., P.A. Housing & Redevelopment Authority of Worthington Cambridge Technologies Worthington Noon Kiwanis Nienkerk Construction Mark’s Auto Repair of Worthington, Inc. Henderson Financial & Insurance Services, LLC. Tri State Rental Center Duininck Inc. Worthington Public Utilities Forbidden Barrell Brewing Company RE/MAX Premier Realty Johnson Builders & Realty Legacy Financial Partners Top Asian Foods Culligan of Worthington 50+ YEARS OF TURKEY RACING
Monday through Friday, Sept. 11-15
Medallion Hunt around Worthington
9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Paycheck’s Treasure Chest open, The Stag
Thursday, Sept. 14
5 to 9 p.m.: King Turkey Day Mixer, downtown pavilion, corner of Second Avenue and 10th Street.
5 to 9 p.m.: Beer garden open, with music by Chris Bertrand, downtown pavilion.
5 to 9 p.m.: Chalk the Walk, downtown pavilion
5 to 9 p.m.: Bouncy Houses, downtown pavilion
7 to 10 p.m.: Courtesy rides by Palma Customs, call (507) 370-3966
Friday, Sept. 15
4 p.m.: Food vendors open on Third Avenue
4 to 8 p.m.: Inflatables on Ninth Street
4 to 11:59 p.m.: Beer Garden open, downtown pavilion
5 to 8 p.m.: Music by Myah Holinka Schroeder, downtown pavilion
6:30 to 7 p.m.: Duck Races, Firehall Hill
8 to 11:30 p.m.: Music by The Johnny Holm Band, downtown pavilion
7 p.m. to 1 a.m.:
Courtesy rides by Palma Customs, call (507) 3703966
Saturday, Sept. 16
7 a.m. to noon: Farmers Market, Runnings parking lot
8 to 11 a.m.: Pancake
Breakfast, Worthington Fire Station, 830 Second Ave.
8:30 a.m. to noon:
Bloody Mary and Texas Orange Juice Bar at the Beer Garden, downtown pavilion
9 a.m.: 44th annual
King Turkey Day 10K Run, starting at the intersection of 10th Street and Seventh Avenue. YMCA 5K Walk and timed 5K Run start in the same location.
9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.: Paycheck’s Treasure Chest open, The Stag
10 a.m. Food vendors open on Third Avenue
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Inflatables open, Ninth Street
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Turkey sandwich meal, First United Methodist Church, 408 11th St., Worthington. Serving turkey sandwich, coleslaw, potato chips, drink and a cupcake. $10 for the meal, and $5 for an extra sandwich.
11:30 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.: Beer Garden open, downtown pavilion
1 p.m.: Featured Speaker Rick Brandl, 10th Street and Fourth Avenue.
1:30 p.m.: Great Gobbler Gallop, 10th Street, between Second and
Fourth avenues.
2 p.m.: Grand Parade, 10th Street
3:30 to 7:30 p.m.: Music by Dave Anderson, downtown pavilion
4 to 6 p.m.: Children’s activities, Nobles County Government Center lawn
4 to 8 p.m.: Inflatables on Ninth Street
4 to 8 p.m.: Turkey Day smorgasbord, Worthington Elks Lodge #2287. Serving turkey, meatballs, mashed potato and gravy, dressing, corn, cole slaw, pea salad, brownies, ice cream, milk and coffee. Cost is $15 for adults and $5 for children ages 5-9. Take-out orders available.
4 to 8 p.m.: Pork chop feed, The Eagles
6 p.m.: Raffle drawing, downtown pavilion
7 p.m. to 1 a.m.: Courtesy rides by Palma Customs, call (507) 3703966.
7:30 to 11:59 p.m.: Music by PM Music, downtown pavilion
8 p.m.: Inflatable movie, Nobles County Government Center lawn Sunday, Sept. 17
9:30 a.m.: 26th annual ecumenical country western service with Paul Summers as musician, First Lutheran Church, Worthington.
From political leaders to local legends
Speakers chosen to address King Turkey Day crowds include the following:
1939: No speak -
er. 1940: Minnesota Gov. Harold Stassen. 1941: No speaker.
1942: No speaker. 1943: No speaker. 1944: King Turkey Day cancelled due to World War II.
1945: King Turkey Day cancelled due to World War II. 1946: Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson. 1947: Minnesota Gov. Luther Youngdahl. 1948: Miss America Bebe Shopp.
1949: No speaker. 1950: Minnesota Sen. Hubert Humphrey. 1951: Minnesota Sen. Edward Thye. 1952: Alabama
Sen. John Sparkman. 1953: Iowa Rep. Charles Hoeven. 1954: Vice President Richard Nixon. 1955: Minnesota Gov. Orville Freeman.
1956: Tennessee Sen. Estes Kefauver. 1957: German Counsel Dr. Hans Theusner. 1958: Secretary of the Interior Fred Seaton. 1959: Minnesota Sen. Hubert Humphrey. 1960: Texas Sen. Lyndon Johnson. 1961: Major Gen. Frank Britton. 1962: FHA
Administrator Howard Bertsch. 1963: No speaker. 1964: Ambassador W. Averell Harri-
man. 1965: Vice President Hubert Humphrey.
1966: New York Sen. Robert Kennedy. 1967: Arkansas Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller. 1968: New York Gov. Nelson
Rockefeller. 1969: Postmaster General Elmer Klassen. 1970: Illinois
Sen. Charles Percy. 1971: Peace Corps director Sargent Shriver. 1972: Minnesota Sen. Hubert Humphrey. 1973: No speaker. 1974: Attorney General Elliott Richardson. 1975: Minnesota Sen. Hubert Humphrey.
1976: No speaker. 1977: Minnesota Gov. Rudy Perpich. 1978: Illinois
Rep. John Anderson.
1979: Minnesota Gov. Al Quie. 1980: Texas Sen. John Tower 1981: Min-
nesota State Sen. Hubert
“Skip” Humphrey III.
1982: Minnesota Sen. Rudy Boschwitz. 1983: Minnesota Sen. Dave Durenberger. 1984: Minnesota Sen. Rudy Boschwitz. 1985: Texas
Rep. Mac Sweeney. 1986: Presidential candidate the Rev. Jesse Jackson. 1987: Minnesota
Sen. Dave Durenberger. 1988: Minnesota Lt. Gov. Marlene Johnson. 1989: Minnesota Auditor Arne Carlson. 1990: Iowa Sen. Fred Grandy. 1991: Gen. David Adamson. 1992: Minnesota Sen. Paul Wellstone. 1993: Minnesota Rep. Rod Grams. 1994: Minnesota Rep. David Minge. 1995: Minnesota Lt. Gov. Joanne Benson. 1996: Minnesota Attorney General Hubert “Skip” Humphrey and 1996 National Teacher of the Year Mary Beth Blegen. 1997: Minne-
sota Sen. Rod Grams. 1998: Reform Party candidate for Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura. 1999: Minnesota Commissioner of Agriculture Gene Hugoson. 2000: U.S. Senator Rod Grams; Miss Minnesota International Susan Nelson. 2001: Sen. Paul Wellstone, Minnesota Twins’ Tony Oliva and Worthington Mayor Robert J. Demuth. 2002: No speaker. 2003: St. Paul Police Chief William Finney. 2004: Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty. 2005: Former local newsmen Lew
Hudson and Jim Wychor. 2006: WHS grad and 30-year Navy man Andre Kirkwood. 2007: Professional fisherman Babe Winkelman. 2008: Rep. Tim Walz and Brian Davis, candidates for 1st Congressional District seat. 2009: Major General Larry Shellito, Minnesota National Guard. 2010: Honor Flight Founder Earl Morse. 2011: WCCO news anchor Liz Collin. 2012: WHS graduate Mike Patrick. 2013: ‘Survivor’ finalist Holly Hoffman. 2014: Former local newsmen Lew
Hudson and Jim Wychor. 2015: Retired Olympic gold medal wrestler Dan Gable. 2016: U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar. 2017: Sioux Falls, S.D. mayoral candidate Paul Ten Haken. 2018: Bless You founder Duane Drost. 2019: Brulé founder Paul LaRoche. 2020: King Turkey Day canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic. 2021: Minnesota Supreme Court Associate Justice Gordon Moore III. 2022: Former Minnesota Vikings running back Chuck Foreman. 2023: WHS graduate Rick Brandl.
2 | KING TURKEY DAY | Wednesday, september 13, 2023 | the Globe HOURS: Monday - Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm Saturday 9:00am to 1:00pm 408 10th St Downtown Worthington • 507-372-2966 Phone: 507-343-4265 Cell: 507-360-7000 Fax: 507-343-8710 Email: OWNER 2385 Highway 60, Worthington, MN 56187 Ron Prins Jason Vote 716 Oxford Street Worthington, MN 56187 507-372-2906® Proudly supports Turkey Day! Proud supporters of Turkey Day Staci Murphy 507-360-5197 Renee Baerenwald 507-370-0950 We proudly support the 2023 Turkey Days
Rick Brandl, WHS class of 1977
They came, they spoke, they kissed a turkey
Globe reports on King Turkey Day 1973
Ruby Begonia shames strolling Silverfoot
By Lew Hudson Regional Editor
WORTHINGTON — The first heat in the Great Gobbler Gallop of 1973 went to Texas Saturday and the margin of victory was more than a country mile.
Ruby Begonia, a one-third wild and two-thirds domestic Texas speedster, tripped over the 200-yard course in one minute and 52 seconds. By contrast, the Minnesota entry, Silverfoot, ambled along through much of the first 100 yards before stopping completely in utter confusion at the nose and inward press of the people.
Time was called at five minutes and 21 seconds, after which team captain Jim Wychor picked Silverfoot up and carried her bodily the remaining distance to the finish line. In recognition of this valiant effort, the Texas captain Ken Long of Cuero offered to resume the race in Cuero Sept. 30 with the Min-
nesotans starting from five minutes and 21 seconds.
Winner in the event is to be determined by the fastest average time for the two heats.
Both birds had trouble getting started. An almost solid line of photographers stretched across the street
to capture the start and both birds hesitated to move toward them. Ruby proved far better at mastering the frustration, however, and once she had made her way around the cameramen, she started off at a brisk trot and quickly covered the remaining distance.
Silverfoot had been trained to respond to the beeping of a small bicycle horn but she didn’t respond to that, or to various other assorted noisemakers, not to mention fervent urgings in English and Spanish from her handlers.
Ruby was urged on by a paper sack partially filled with bottle caps which, when shaken, imitated the sound of a rattlesnake. Texas wild turkeys are, by nature, afraid of rattlesnakes.
If Minnesota domestic turkeys are afraid of anything it has not been discovered by the Worthington race team.
The Texans returned home Sunday by private plane with a proud Ruby aboard riding “first class.” In Minnesota, search was immediately begun for a replacement bird, one which will carry the local colors into the second heat of the competition. Jim Wychor, local team captain, said, “We finished second, which is far better than coming last, but our goal now is
to find a bird which will be more closely matched with Ruby.”
Silverfoot was chosen as Worthington’s entry on the basis of a preliminary contest which saw local 4-H members raise and train domestic turkeys. It was obvious that something more wild will be necessary if Gopher honor is to be preserved.
As a result, the search is on to find some Minnesota turkey breeder who can provide a truly wild hen or gobbler. Anyone knowing of such a bird is asked to contact the Chamber of Commerce office in Worthington. Replacement contestant is expected to be chosen by mid-week and training started.
The new bird and its handlers will leave for Cuero and resumption of the contest on Sept. 28. They will be guests of Cuero for the Turkeyfest.
“It’s obvious we are under great odds, “ Wychor said, “but who’s to say what will happen in Cuero. It’s a whole new race as far as we’re concerned.”
Tom Foolery’s motto is, ‘No tomfoolery’
Minnesota’s avenger leaves
Ruby Begonia dazed at the starting line
Lew Hudson Regional Editor
CUERO, Texas — Tom Foolery wasn’t fooling when he went south to race Sunday.
The long-legged Minnesota gobbler, raised by Glenn Peterson of the Ideal Game Farm of Heron Lake, brought shouts of approval from 10,000 partisan Cuero, Texas, citizens as he ran the 1.5- block course in the world record time of 32.5 seconds. Defending Ruby Begonia, the svelte champion from Cuero, finished in 54 seconds.
Rules of the Great Gobbler Gallop of 1973 specified that possession of the Traveling Turkey Trophy of Tumultuous Triumph goes to the city whose bird has the best average time for the two heats of the race. By virtue of her insistent performance in Worthington on Sept. 15, when she ran two blocks in 1 minute, 52 seconds, and
her effort Sunday when she finished in 54 seconds, Ruby had a combined time of 2 minutes, 46 seconds for the two races and took the title.
Tom Foolery was a substitute for Silverfoot, who ran a disappointing 5 minutes, 21 seconds race in Worthington.
Tom’s speed, though unbelievable Sunday, could not overcome the first heat deficit and the Minnesota time was 5 minutes, 53.5 seconds for the full gallop.
However, with one heat to Texas and one to Minnesota, the stage was set for a repeat race next year.
Cuero team captain Ken Long said Ruby Begonia will be retired from racing, with full honors, and will be given to a juvenile home.
Tom Foolery, by unanimous vote of the Minnesota delegation led by Mayor Ray Schisler, was presented to the Cuero High School and will become the school’s mascot. Cuero’s athletes are known as the Gobblers. With enthusiastic cheers, Cueroites welcomed the gift. Several said Tom was the most gorgeous turkey they have ever seen.
From the very beginning, it was apparent Tom Foolery had come to Texas to run. It took all three members of the Worthington team to get him out of the cage, his wings under control, and his legs in hand. As they awaited the starting signal of “Gentlemen start you turkeys,” Tom nervously twitched his legs. His bright eyes were alert to everything going on around him. When Tom was released by team captain Lew Hudson, he surged ahead with a mighty lunge and hit the street 10 feet away in full gallop.
The team of Hudson, Kennis Van Beest and Jim Hvistendahl took off in hot pursuit. They ran in full stride, with Tom Foolery keeping ahead. Team members agreed the limiting factor was the running ability of the humans.
“If we could have run faster, Tom would have too,” Hvistendahl said.
At the finish line, Cuero citizens and newsmen all gathered around for pictures and for congratulations.
Cuero Mayor Jack Edgar and the members of the Texas team of Bob Pickens, Ken Long and Jack
Hartzell were lavish in their praise of Tom, who they said in jest, “must be half ostrich.”
As was the case for
the first heat in Worthington two weeks ago, coverage by the wire services, television and radio stations, and press
was intense. Among those present were leading TV stations of Austin, Houston and San Antonio. Mayor Schisler and Mayor Edgar put their stamp of approval on plans for the renewal of the rivalry next year. They termed the Great Gobbler Gallop a complete success, both in the promotion of the two towns, and in cementing new friendships among citizens of the nation’s two turkey talking communities.
Prior to the Cuero race, the proud Texans had proclaimed Ruby Begonia the fastest turkey in the world. While they had to relinquish that title to Tom Foolery, the petite Texas beauty was assured a place in history as Texas’ finest.
A representative of the Historical Library in Austin was at the race to make an ink impression of her footprint, to be placed in the archives alongside the signatures of Sam Houston and Davy Crockett.
As for Tom Foolery, his footprint made a mark on the streets of Cuero and the affections of its citizens. The globe | Wednesday, sepTember 13, 2023 | KING TURKEY DAY | 3 1009 4th Ave., Worthington, MN 507-376-4313 Celebrate this Summer 1999 East Oxford Street Worthington, MN 507-372-5454 • Specialists in... HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING • Residential • Commercial Complete Sales & Service Phone 376-6966 HEATING AND COOLING BTU Ask About Our Energy - Efficient Heating Systems Dr. Paige Kinley 906 3rd Ave, Worthington, MN 56187 (507) 343-0602 1234 Oxford Street, Worthington, MN 507-372-2105 507-360-6579 Holly R. SieveREALTOR Go Paycheck Go! Proudly supporting the 2023 King Turkey Day festival! 50
Globe file photo
The 1973 Ruby Begonia Race Team takes the trophy after the two heats are completed in Cuero, Texas.
Globe file photo
Paycheck Race Team member Jim Wychor grins as he holds Worthington’s racing bird, Paycheck, at King Turkey Day 1973.
Fleet-footed fowl go neck and neck through history
Prideful Paycheck still leads the race
The Globe
1973: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 52 seconds; Silverfoot, 5 minutes, 21 seconds. Second heat: Tomfoolery, 32.5 seconds, Ruby Begonia, 54 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
1974: First heat: Paycheck, 57.3 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 56.3 seconds. Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 28.3 seconds; Paycheck, 28.5 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
1975: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, .06 seconds; Goferbroke, 1 minute, 10.75 seconds. Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 28.8 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 2 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
1976: First heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 14.9 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 35 seconds. Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 31.4 seconds; Paycheck, 36.5 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
1977: First heat: Paycheck, 42.9 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 53.4 seconds. Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 15.4 seconds; Paycheck, 25.6 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
1978: First heat: Paycheck, 47 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 27 seconds. Second heat: Paycheck, 27 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 4.17 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
1979: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 57.6 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 27 seconds. Second heat: Paycheck, 59 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 39 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
1980: First heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 24.9 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 54.9 seconds. Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 35.3 seconds; Paycheck. 1 minute, 45.4 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
1981: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 51.9 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 21.9 seconds. Second heat: Paycheck, 33.65 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 59.7 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
1982: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 43 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 58 seconds. Second heat: Paycheck, 31.27 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 31.65 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
1983: First heat: Paycheck, 26.2 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 51.1 seconds. Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 14.39 seconds; Paycheck, 15.62 seconds.
Overall winner: Paycheck.
1984: First heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 19.85 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 49.85 seconds.
Second heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 11 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 15 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
1985: First heat: Paycheck, 2 minutes, 8.93 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 48.04 seconds.
Second heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 11 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 15 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
1986: First heat: Paycheck, 3 minutes, 18 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 44 seconds.
Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 6 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 20 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
1987: First heat: Pay-
check, 54.22 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 26.68 seconds. Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 8.65 seconds;
Paycheck, 3 minutes, 85 seconds. Overall winner:
1988: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 16 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 55 seconds. Second heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 20.88 seconds; Ruby
Begonia, 2 minutes, 10.88 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
1989: First heat: Paycheck, 31 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 3 seconds. Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 50 seconds; Paycheck, 52 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
1990: First heat: Paycheck, 2 minutes, 19.9 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 5 minutes, 30.63 seconds.
Second heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 21.84 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 54.49 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
1991: First heat: Paycheck, 2 minutes, 31,75 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 39.55 seconds.
Second heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 28 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 17 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
1992: First heat: Paycheck, 2 minutes, 43.52 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 49 seconds.
Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 11 seconds; Paycheck, 6 minutes, 39 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
1993: First heat: Paycheck, 3 minutes, 27 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 9 seconds. Second heat: Paycheck, 31.59 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 46.4 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
1994: First heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 21.16 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 29.97 seconds.
Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 11 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 33 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
1995: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 7.24 seconds; Paycheck, 4 minutes, 26.77 seconds.
Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 6 minutes, 48.23 seconds; Paycheck, 9 minutes, 33.54 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
1996: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 30.5 seconds; Paycheck, 4 minutes, 18.29 seconds. Second heat: Paycheck, 43 seconds; Ruby Begonia 45 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
1997: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 44.46 seconds; Paycheck, 5 minutes, 12.39 seconds.
Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 33.03 seconds; Paycheck, 3 minutes, 45.39 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
1998: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 27.27 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes. 25.09 seconds.
Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 25 seconds; Paycheck, 3 minutes. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
1999: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 4 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 10 seconds. Second heat: Paycheck, 48.27 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 57 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
2000: First heat: Paycheck, 3 minutes, 9 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 3 minutes, 55 seconds. Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 59 seconds;
Paycheck, 2 minutes, 55 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
2001: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 33.8 seconds; Paycheck, 5 minutes, 21.99 seconds.
Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 47.35 seconds; Paycheck, 4 minutes, 37 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
2002: First heat: Paycheck, 39.9 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 15.98 seconds. Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 52 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 58 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
2003: First heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 10.74 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 14.63 seconds.
Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 27 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 38 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
2004: First heat: Paycheck, 43 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 1 second. Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 54 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 44 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
2005: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 46 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 16 seconds. Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 0008 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 18 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
2006: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 5 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 18 seconds. Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 54 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 47 seconds. Overall
winner: Ruby Begonia
2007: First heat: Paycheck, 57.85 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 37.22 seconds. Second heat: Paycheck, 4 minutes, 48.22 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 5 minutes, 18.22 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
2008: First heat: Paycheck, 37.74 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 5.9 seconds. Second heat: Ruby Begonia 1 minute, 30.5 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 33.22 seconds.
Overall winner: Paycheck.
2009: First heat: Paycheck, 35.17 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 39.6 seconds. Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 31.06 seconds; Paycheck, 36.58 seconds.
Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
2010: First heat: Paycheck, 37 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 40 seconds. Second heat: Paycheck, 29 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 50 seconds.
Overall winner: Paycheck.
2011: First heat: Paycheck, 27.7 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 17
seconds. Second heat: Paycheck, 3 minutes, 38 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 2 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
2012: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 2 minutes, 21.20 seconds; Paycheck, 4 minutes, 2.52 seconds. Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 54.21 seconds; Paycheck, 6 minutes, 56 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
2013: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 18.12 seconds; Paycheck, 5 minutes, 56.35 seconds; Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 7 seconds; Paycheck, 7 minutes, 37 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
2014: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 41.12 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 47.17 seconds; Second heat: Ruby Begonia 1 minute, 39.06 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 32 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
2015: First heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 34.97 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 36.09 seconds;
Second heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 23 seconds; Ruby Begonia 2 minutes, 36 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
2016: First heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 11.5 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 22.8 seconds; Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 25 seconds; Paycheck 1 minute, 36 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
2017: First heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 43 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 31 seconds; Second heat: Paycheck, 3 minutes, 16 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 6 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
2018: First heat: Paycheck, 40.71 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 4 minutes, 3.77 seconds; Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 17 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 10.28 seconds.
Overall winner: Paycheck.
2019: First heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 19.5 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 10.46 seconds; Second heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 19 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 21 seconds. Overall winner: Paycheck.
2020: Race canceled, Covid-19 global pandemic.
2021: First heat: Paycheck, 1 minute, 12.36 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 26.6 seconds; Second heat: Paycheck, 2 minutes, 15 seconds; Ruby Begonia, 51.12 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
2022: First heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 29.15 seconds; Paycheck, 1 minute, 24.15 seconds; Second heat: Ruby Begonia, 1 minute, 4 seconds; Paycheck, 2 minutes, 44.47 seconds. Overall winner: Ruby Begonia.
4 | KING TURKEY DAY | Wednesday, september 13, 2023 | the Globe Worthington Branch 229 TenthStreet, Worthington 507-372-2933 Brewster Branch 224Tenth Street, Brewster 507-842-5933 ToddHenderson 1154OxfordSt.,Worthington,MN 507-372-5595 32410thStreet, Worthington 507-376-4160 Mon-Fri9-6,Sat9-4 @BrownsShoeFitCoWorthington
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Globe file photos
Ruby Begonia (left) and her Cuero, Texas, handler join Miss America Rebecca Ann King and Paycheck’s Worthington handler Jim Wychor during King Turkey Day festivities in Worthington 50 years ago, in 1973.
Members of the Cuero, Texas race team coax their bird, Ruby Begonia, toward the finish link in the first heat of the Great Gobbler Gallop in 1973.
Ruby Begonia race teams through the years
1973: Ken Long, Bob Perkins, Jack Harstsell. 1974: Lias Bubba Steen, Barry Wineinger, Phil Ernster. 1975: Lias Bubba Steen, Alan Kahlich, Sherre Ernster.
1976: Alan Kahlich, Captain, Lias Bubba Steen, Bill Blackwell. 1977: Bill Blackwell, Jack Calk, Mary C. Kahlich 1978: Jack Calk, Mary C. Kahlich, Bob Hesse. 1979: Bob Hesse, Jim Voelkel, Mike Milberry. 1980: Jack Calk, Mike Milberry, Jim Voelkel, Jim Conrad. 1981: Mike Milberry, Jim Conrad, C.L. Duckett, Bucky Sager. 1982: Alan Kahlich, C.L. Duckett, Bucky Sager, Ann Mary Vaughn.
1983: Burns McAlister, Ann Mary Vaughn, Davis Kainer, Jay Bramlette.
1984: Burns McAlister, Davis Kainer, Jay Bramlette, B.J. White. 1985: Davis Kainer, B.J. White, Butch Prause. 1986: Davis Kainer, Butch Prause, Robert Farris, Les Rabke. 1987: B.J. White, Les Rabke, Jan Roberts, Albert Jahnsen. 1988: C.L. Duckett, Jan Rob-
erts, Albert Jahnsen, Jack Calk. 1989: Butch Prause, Jack Calk, Clarence Wessels, Fred White. 1990: Butch Prause, Clarence Wessels, Fred White, Helen Bulgerin. 1991: Les Rabke, Helen Bulgerin, Charlotte Henry, Jim Hargrove. 1992: Charlotte Henry, Brett Duckett, Neal Lapp, Glenn Rea. 1993: Fred White, Brett Duckett, Neal Lapp, Susan Prause. 1994: Jay Bramlette, Susan Prause, Donald Hoy, Rick Wheeler. 1995: Brett Duckett, Donald Hoy, Leslie Voelkel, Corlis Riedesel. 1996: Brett Duck-
ett, Leslie Voelkel, Tony
Allen, Kay Lapp 1997: Rick Wheeler, Kay Lapp, Clay Pullin, Phil Grandjean. 1998: Neal Lapp, Clay Pullin, Laura Duck-
ett, Annette Rath. 1999: Annette Rath, Laura
Duckett, Tommy Isenberg, Arthur Velasquez.
2000: Cynthia Martin, Tommy Isenberg, Sandy
White, Ronnie Binz. 2001: Susan Prause, Sandy White, Joe Adams, Ronnie Binz. 2002: Erwin Rath,
Tony Allen, Tim Riedesel, Diana Blank. 2003: Stacy Cordes, Tim Riedesel, Ty Whitfield, Bill Hickey. 2004: Clay Pullin, Stacy Cordes, Johhny Dietze, Ty Whitfield. 2005: Jason Rogers, Erwin Rath Jr., Lloyd Copeland, Rhonda Hudson. 2006: Leslie Voelkel Campos, Lloyd Copeland, Jamie Wright, Phyllis Foulds. 2007: Jamie Wright, Debra Baros, Roxanne Hanselka, Erik McCowan. 2008: Roxanne Hanselka, Erik McCowan, Terri Warwas, Jode Zavesky. 2009: Terri Warwas, Brittany Garza, Glenn Mutchler, Jason Rogers. 2010: Jason Rogers, Cory Thamm, Dawn Draper, Bobby Phillips. 2011: Bobby Phillips, Greg Nemec, Amy Crain, Linda Nemec. 2012: Greg Nemec, Linda Nemec, Clayton Lantz, Richard Weber. 2013: Clayton Lantz, Terri Warwas, Clint Clark, Mary Beth Finney. 2014: Clint Clark, Kristie Tieken, Michael Ruschaupt, Bill Matthys. 2015: Anthony Netardus, Brenda Mar-
Miss America not afraid to speak up
Iowa native came to Worthington a week after earning her crown
Globe archives WORTHINGTON
The new Miss America says her parents in Hancock, Iowa, have received critical letters as a result of her statements on abortion and marijuana.
Rebecca Ann King has said people should be allowed to make their own choice on both issues, adding “not that I feel either one is personally right for me.”
In an interview prior to her appearance Saturday as guest of hour at Worthington’s annual Turkey Day parade, Miss King said she felt a kinship with the feminist movement.
She defended the Miss America Pageant, describing it as a “financial springboard” to her own personal liberation.
“Those people who are saying we are exploited do not understand us,” she said of herself and
other pageant entries. “We chose to become involved in the Miss America program.”
Critics, she said, “don’t realize what the program stands for.”
Miss King, 23, said she believed the best route for women to use to get equal pay and treatment is to “get behind the system, get in and infiltrate.”
“I won’t be in the forefront of the movement, “ she concluded, “except in my own quiet way.”
Miss King said her farm background was very important in making her a complete person. “There are so many things I would not have been if I hadn’t been brought up on the far,: she said.
“So many kinds miss so many things by not growing up on the farm,: she added.
tin, Michael Ruschaupt, Laura Patek. 2016: Brenda Martin, Keith Goebel, Ken Klimitchek, Brittany Garza. 2017: Keith Goebel, Denise Goebel, Jimmy Martin, Angie Cuellar.
2018: Laura Patek, Kenneth Schley, Kristie Tieken, James Rath. 2019: Kennth Schley, Clayton Lantz, James Rath. 2020-
2021: Tiffany Hilburn, Brady Boehl, James Rath,
Angie Cuellar. 2022: Trent Kainer, Joel Hilburn, ShaNon Henson and Butch Prause. 2023: Joel Hilburn, ShaNon Henson, Brenda Martin and Emil Garcia Sr.
Fewer than one million crowd to chilly, wet Turkey festivities
KTD 1973 caused Texans to don winter coats
Globe archives
(Sept. 17, 1973) — Turkey Day officials were pleasantly surprised by the size and the enthusiasm of Saturday’s crowd.
More than 20,000 persons were on hand for the Gobbler Gallop and parade and all got a chance to see Miss America Rebecca Ann King. It was a cold, rainy and blustery day but a success despite the handicaps.
It dawned with rain and a sagging thermometer. Friday’s blue skies and 70 degree readings were replaced by gray clouds and 43 degrees at parade time. As a result, the people came to town late and left early. At noon, only a few people were downtown, but by 1 p.m. the Gobbler Gallop racecourse was 8- and 10 feet deep with people with a sprinkling of others throughout the parade route. By parade time, the three main 10th Street blocks were filled and a good crowd was watching down toward the beginning and over on 11th Street near the end of the route.
It was obvious the lure of the turkeys was still powerful for it was decidedly uncomfortable for parade watching. Chilly spectators, on the assumption that misery loves company, drew a measure of comfort perhaps by watching baton twirlers and the beauty queens moving through the parade without benefit of coats.
Miss America, a
lady with a mind of her own, donned a fur coat and wore it through the parade. Watchers term this a perfectly sensible defiance of that somewhat questionable tradition that beauty queens must wear formal gowns in parades regardless of the weather.
The members of the Texas team found themselves well prepared
for the race but not for the fickle Minnesota weather. They borrowed northern weight winter coats and managed to ward off the chilblains until they could repair to the country club after the parade for deicing ceremonies.
The exodus after the parade was almost immediate. There was none of that usual post
parade visiting and tours of the carnival. Officials, while disappointed with the turn in the weather, took satisfaction in noting that all events went off as scheduled and the Turkey Day weather recorded was maintained. It has been 13 years since rain has caused cancellation of any Turkey Day event. The globe | Wednesday, sepTember 13, 2023 | KING TURKEY DAY | 5 Open Daily 11am-10pm Delivering Today Until 10pm 1300 Humiston Ave, Worthington, MN 56187 (507) 372-5646 405 10th St., Worthington • 507-376-3095 • • • Wo rld-clas sm anuf acturingin WO RT HING TO N
Courtesy Cuero Record
Members of the Ruby Begonia race team from Cuero, Texas include Handler Joel Hilburn (from left), Captain ShaNon Henson, Coach Brenda Martin and Handler Emil Garcia Sr.
Globe file photo
Miss America Rebecca Ann King poses here with Paycheck in September 1973, a week after receiving her crown.
King Turkey Day attendees donned coats and scarves to watch the parade in 1973.
Globe file photo
Paycheck’s race teams go the distance
The Globe
1973: Lew Hudson, Jim Hvistendal, Jim Wychor, A.J. Terrones, Dennis Van Beest. 1974: A.J. Terrones, Dennis Van Beest, Jim Wychor. 1975: Lew Hudson, Tom Koppy, A.J. Terrones. 1976: Daryl Standafer, A.J. Terrones, Dan Johnson.
1977: Wayne Freese, Dan Johnson, Claire Gerber.
1978: Claire Gerber, Rich Pederson, Neil Roberts.
1979: Lonnie Lien, Rich Pederson, Neil Roberts.
1980: Ron Heard, Jon Benson, Lonnie Lien.
1981: Diane Child, Rod Heard, Milt Jorgen -
son. 1982: Bob Pet-
rich, Larry Duke, Eldon Rance. 1983: Bob Pet-
rich, Jerry Fiola, LeRoy
Merkel, Tom Anderson.
1984: Jan Dybevick, Tim Aker, Larry Haugen, Sheila Pederson. 1985: Tim Aker, Kris Westerlund, Dale Jensen, Sheila Pederson. 1986: LeRoy
Merkel, Kris Westerlund, Dave Carlson, Terry Rei-
shus. 1987: Claire Ger-
ber, Dave Carlson, Tom Koppy, Darlene Mack-
lin. 1988: Jon Benson, Darlene Macklin, Terry Franklin, Gary Hoff-
mann. 1989: Bill Gerstner, Terry Franklin, Kris Tutje, Dave Jueneman.
1990: Gary Hoffmann, Andy Noll, Lee Hain, Kris Tutje. 1991: Bruce Viess-
man, Rick Duellman (sub), Pat Henkels, Lee Hain, Jerry Eykyn. 1992: Joel Krekelberg, Pat Henkels, Brian Kolander, Scott Hain. 1993: Scott
Hain, Karen Fury, Winora Hallstrom, Bob Demuth.
1994: Karen Fury, Vern Behrends, Alan Oberloh, Dave Jueneman. 1995: Vern Behrends, Alan
Oberloh, Marcia Anton, Pat Remme. 1996: Pam
Hain, Pat Remme, Kevin
Lease, Doug Wasmund.
1997: Jeff Rotert, Doug
Wasmund, Brenda Hurl-
but, Kevin Lease. 1998: Beth Namanny, Brenda Hurlbut, Matt Ole-
ske, Bryan Hagen. 1999: Steve Busch, Matt Ole-
ske, Bryan Hagen, Lori
Grafing. 2000: Mike
Woll, Scott Anderson,
Marshelle Jorgenson, Nancy Johnson. 2001: Pat Remme, Scott Anderson, Mick Eggers, Nancy Johnson. 2002: Kami
Lease, Mick Eggers, Paul Larson, Kari Meyer.
2003: Scott Anderson, Kari Meyer, Paul Lar-
son, Terry Eggers. 2004: Terry Eggers, Bruce
Kness, Teresa Rotert, Brad Behrends. 2005: Mark Ruesch, Bruce
Kness, Teresa Rotert, Jim Von Holtum. 2006: Cindy DeGroot, Jim Von
Holtum, Diane Dybevick, Larry Iten. 2007: Cindy
DeGroot, Larry Iten, Matt
Widboom, Chad Cummings. 2008: Chad Cummings, Jim Henning, Jodi Almberg, Matt Widboom.
2009: Jodi Almberg, Tammy Anderson, Jim Henning, Paul Larson.
2010: Tammy Anderson, Chris Heinrichs, Diane Schettler, Jesse Teerink.
2011: Diane Schettler,
Vida Iten, Mike Fury, Jesse Teerink. 2012: Mike Fury, Jami Cummings, Amanda Walljasper, Pete Suby. 2013: Jami Cummings, Amanda Walljasper-Tate, Brian Almberg, Jason Vote. 2014: Jason Vote, Kevin Prins, Pete Suby, Dan Huls. 2015: Ashley Goettig,
Dan Huls, Susanne Murphy, Kevin Prins. 2016: Susanne Murphy, Ashley
Goettig, Diane Remakel, Kirk Feit. 2017: Kirk
Feit, Diane Remakel, Mike Phillips, Wade
Roesner. 2018: Wade
Roesner, Mike Phillips, Chad Nixon, Jaime Sali-
nas. 2019: Jamie Salinas,
Terri Odell, Chad Nixon, Kelly Eggers. 2020-2021: Genny McCuen, Terri Odell, Kelly Eggers and Doug Tate. 2022: Jason Johnson, Dawn Teerink, Doug Tate and Genny McCuen. 2023: Susanne Murphy, Darcy Poppema, Jason Johnson and Dawn Teerink.
6 | KING TURKEY DAY | Wednesday, september 13, 2023 | the Globe PepsiColaBottlingCompany ofPipestone,MN 507-825-4207 GoPaycheckGo! IN GOD WE TRUST Family Owned and Operated since 1946 Enjoy your Turkey Day! Hiring Long Haul, Short Haul and Regional Drivers 507-376-5080 Now available at Fancy That & More Gypsy Arts by Susan Middagh 511 10th St, Worthington 507.372.7533 YourSterlingPharmac 511 10th St, Worthington 507.372.7533 YourSterlingPharmac
Julie Buntjer / The Globe
Members of the King Turkey Day Race Team include Captain Jason Johnson (seated), and Handler Darcy Poppema (back, from left), Coach Susanne Murphy and Handler Dawn Teerink.